Application-based distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks – ones in which attackers send out commands to applications in an effort to make them unavailable by overloading the CPU and memory – will account for 25% of the attacks that will be launched in 2013.
Gartner has issued a new report, “Arming Financial and E-Commerce Services Against Top 2013 Cyberthreats,” which details the criminal trends for 2013, and solutions for preventing them.
“2012 witnessed a new level of sophistication in organized attacks against enterprises across the globe, and they will grow in sophistication and effectiveness in 2013,” said Avivah Litan, VP and distinguished analyst at Gartner.
“A new class of damaging DDoS attacks and devious criminal social-engineering ploys were launched against U.S. banks in the second half of 2012, and this will continue in 2013 as well-organized criminal activity takes advantage of weaknesses in people, processes and systems.”
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