Below are some of the people exploiting systems around the world and you can see how intelligent they really are just by some brief log conversations. If you are offended by fowl language than I suggest you do not continue to read on.
Provided by #voxanon#
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Logging and uploading done courtesy of X. All are welcome to grep through these logs and spread them as you please, law enforcement included. Here's to hoping that one day FedBot logs result in someone getting arrested for talking about illegal things in a public chat!
1.) Contact
2.) #AntiSec
3.) #Batcave
4.) #ChilloutLounge
5.) #OpAnonRevival
6.) #OpIsrael
7.) #YAN
8.) #anonplusradio
9.) #debate
10.) #feds
11.) #freeanons
12.) #opfuckharper
13.) #opnewblood
14.) #optyler
15.) #paranoia
16.) #voxanon
# Contact
# #AntiSec
[12/26/2012 19:32:41 UTC] Ph4x: hi
[12/26/2012 19:33:23 UTC] d3mn8_: hi
[12/26/2012 19:55:17 UTC] Ph4x: ...
[12/26/2012 19:57:06 UTC] d3mn8_: wat
[12/26/2012 19:57:41 UTC] mrod: ...
[12/26/2012 19:57:46 UTC] d3mn8_: k
[12/26/2012 19:59:10 UTC] Ph4x: :-|
[12/26/2012 20:00:41 UTC] mrod: ♥
[12/26/2012 20:01:39 UTC] Ph4x: da fuq
[12/26/2012 20:17:15 UTC] mrod: frontimage = loadimage("data/bigtroll.png") common front[] front["image"] = frontimage front["sprite"] =2 front["x"] =0 front["y"] =0 front["velocity"]=0 front["state"]="running" sprite(front["sprite"],front["x"],front["y"],front["image"])
[12/26/2012 20:20:21 UTC] Ph4x: ??
[12/26/2012 21:57:46 UTC] Ph4x: faq da system
[12/27/2012 00:15:16 UTC] Ph4x: pfff
[12/27/2012 00:15:18 UTC] Ph4x: nothing
[12/27/2012 00:29:29 UTC] Anon_Doxing_: We need DoS'ers to take down a site in the channel #AnonDoxing its a site where young guys talk to young girls hop in if you would like to help Channel: #AnonDoxing
[12/31/2012 01:29:15 UTC] lolyes: can anyone gimme a hand w smtg real quick pm me
# #Batcave
[12/27/2012 05:25:20 UTC] oddlaw: !access list
# #ChilloutLounge
[12/29/2012 05:19:14 UTC] Dingo: hoho
[12/29/2012 05:19:15 UTC] Dingo: cute
[12/30/2012 06:55:30 UTC] Dingo: no more interfering
[12/30/2012 06:55:33 UTC] Dingo: coz its crap
[12/30/2012 06:55:35 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/30/2012 06:55:37 UTC] Dingo: it causes too many problems
[12/30/2012 06:55:42 UTC] Dingo: even if you are preventing bigger problems
[12/30/2012 06:55:46 UTC] pathfinder: well for you guys it would
[12/30/2012 06:57:02 UTC] Dingo: hm
[12/30/2012 06:57:05 UTC] Dingo: pathfinder:
[12/30/2012 06:57:07 UTC] Dingo: i believe
[12/30/2012 06:57:08 UTC] Dingo: that
[12/30/2012 06:57:10 UTC] Dingo: Magic
[12/30/2012 06:57:13 UTC] Dingo: is the bot
[12/30/2012 06:57:15 UTC] Dingo: from last night
[12/30/2012 06:57:16 UTC] Dingo: :3
[12/30/2012 06:57:59 UTC] pathfinder: oh really?
[12/30/2012 06:58:02 UTC] Dingo: yep
[12/30/2012 06:58:03 UTC] pathfinder: fedbot part deux?
[12/30/2012 06:58:08 UTC] Dingo: pretty much
[12/30/2012 06:58:10 UTC] Dingo: same channels
[12/30/2012 06:58:11 UTC] Dingo: lol
[12/30/2012 06:58:45 UTC] pathfinder: it does seem that way from the whois
[12/30/2012 06:58:49 UTC] Dingo: yeh
[12/30/2012 06:58:50 UTC] pathfinder: identical
[12/30/2012 06:58:51 UTC] Dingo: welp
[12/30/2012 06:59:03 UTC] pathfinder: brb then
[12/30/2012 06:59:13 UTC] pathfinder: always leave a message for him to read though
[12/30/2012 06:59:20 UTC] pathfinder: so he has SOME logs at least
[12/31/2012 01:45:49 UTC] pathfinder: Dingo: Fed is also Fedbot
[12/31/2012 01:46:33 UTC] Dingo: i know
[12/31/2012 01:46:33 UTC] Dingo: lol
[12/31/2012 01:46:36 UTC] Dingo: its easy to spot
[12/31/2012 01:46:42 UTC] gaishan: who dat?
[12/31/2012 01:48:06 UTC] Dingo: ehh
[12/31/2012 01:48:10 UTC] Dingo: this guy has a log bot
[12/31/2012 01:48:13 UTC] Dingo: that he uses to spam ppl
[12/31/2012 01:48:16 UTC] Dingo: he named it Fedbot
[12/31/2012 01:48:17 UTC] Dingo: as a joke
[12/31/2012 01:48:31 UTC] Dingo: i think the guy who owns it is the guy named rooot
[12/31/2012 01:48:34 UTC] Dingo: who likes to paste logs
[12/31/2012 01:48:36 UTC] Dingo: coz hes anon
[12/31/2012 01:48:37 UTC] Dingo: but anti anon
[12/31/2012 01:48:38 UTC] Dingo: etc
[12/31/2012 01:48:41 UTC] Dingo: fucking nutjob
[12/31/2012 01:48:47 UTC] Dingo: who gets easily raged
[12/31/2012 01:48:53 UTC] Dingo: mr_p pissed him off pretty bad once
[12/31/2012 02:00:59 UTC] Dingo: pathfinder:
[12/31/2012 02:01:02 UTC] Dingo: o look
[12/31/2012 02:01:03 UTC] Dingo: its back
[12/31/2012 02:01:06 UTC] pathfinder: yesh
[12/31/2012 02:01:07 UTC] lolno: highly unethical amsg
# #OpAnonRevival
[12/29/2012 05:14:32 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/29/2012 05:15:27 UTC] Derpina: Your on enough channels you really *could* be a FedBot
[12/29/2012 05:15:54 UTC] Derpina: FedBot on #anondk #nippon #projectpm #help #OpIsrael #opnewblood #paranoia #anonplus #feds #OpTrapWire +#opdeclaration &#Batcave #AntiSec #freeanons #media #globalrevolution #debate #optyler #OpAnonRevival #malsec #anonet +#opfreeassange #ChilloutLounge #anonplusradio #opfuckharper #opwcit @#francophone #PLF #code
[12/29/2012 05:16:08 UTC] mos6502: its x's logging bot
[12/29/2012 05:16:10 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/29/2012 05:16:18 UTC] Derpina: logs are bad mkay?
[12/29/2012 05:16:23 UTC] mos6502: he's gonna release all the logs after awhile
[12/29/2012 05:18:10 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/29/2012 05:18:21 UTC] Derpina: at the same time, why make the feds job easier ?
[12/29/2012 05:18:30 UTC] mos6502: meh, they'll never take me alive
[12/29/2012 05:18:42 UTC] mos6502: mostly cause I am pretty near death
[12/29/2012 05:18:43 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/29/2012 05:19:58 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/29/2012 05:20:12 UTC] Derpina: * FedBot (FedBot@voxanon-l03.gd7.lsbihs.IP) Quit (Killed (Dingo (nou)))
[12/29/2012 05:20:13 UTC] Derpina: heh
[12/29/2012 05:20:18 UTC] mos6502: I won't know until I hear the code word that turns me on
[12/29/2012 05:20:48 UTC] Derpina: Code Word is Tyler
[12/29/2012 05:20:54 UTC] Derpina: :P
[12/29/2012 05:50:58 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/30/2012 06:55:51 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, Magic!
[12/30/2012 07:06:10 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, time!
[12/31/2012 01:29:10 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, Fed!
[12/31/2012 01:31:28 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, jfb112697!
[12/31/2012 02:01:07 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, lt3oMIwh!
[12/31/2012 02:01:07 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, lt3oMIwh!
# #OpIsrael
[12/26/2012 09:35:01 UTC] AnonRevolution: hi
[12/26/2012 09:37:12 UTC] AnonRevolution: /join #OccupyArabia
[12/26/2012 19:57:58 UTC] mrod: -target
[12/26/2012 19:58:01 UTC] mrod: -targets
[12/26/2012 20:01:18 UTC] mrod: -commands
[12/26/2012 20:09:56 UTC] DeadMellox: -ninjas
[12/26/2012 23:01:41 UTC] Hatmann:
[12/26/2012 23:10:48 UTC] *** lorax @loraxlive on AIR Now with the year that was Replay show with Special Guests tonight Gary Lord justice for Assange Professor Phillips from Project censored and Quin Nortin 100.1fm and now Freedom radio ***
[12/27/2012 00:32:12 UTC] Anon_Doxing_: We need DoS'ers in #AnonDoxing to DDoS a child porn site
# #YAN
[12/26/2012 05:02:56 UTC] cURL: hi Itan
[12/26/2012 05:03:10 UTC] sl33p3r: What u got for targets?
[12/26/2012 05:04:29 UTC] mos6502: GO!
[12/26/2012 05:04:34 UTC] sl33p3r: lol
[12/26/2012 05:05:10 UTC] sl33p3r: there's no place like
[12/26/2012 05:06:43 UTC] sl33p3r: I'm gonna get a doormat with that on it
[12/26/2012 05:07:19 UTC] Kohanim:
[12/26/2012 05:07:40 UTC] sl33p3r: Damn right
[12/26/2012 05:08:38 UTC] sl33p3r: maybe ill start working on a few "projects" later tonight
[12/26/2012 05:09:37 UTC] sl33p3r: ill post results
[12/26/2012 05:11:13 UTC] sl33p3r: Anyone else raiding?
[12/26/2012 05:12:07 UTC] sl33p3r: damn.
[12/26/2012 05:13:26 UTC] sl33p3r: Cu guys later. Keep each other updated. Toodles!
[12/26/2012 05:16:17 UTC] Shaggy: :)
[12/26/2012 05:17:35 UTC] MavidDudkipz: Anyone going to Occupy Steubenville?
[12/26/2012 05:17:45 UTC] mos6502: naw
[12/26/2012 05:17:51 UTC] mos6502: US is a no go zone
[12/26/2012 05:17:54 UTC] Shaggy: DHS PROB SOON
[12/26/2012 05:17:58 UTC] Shaggy: opps
[12/26/2012 05:18:04 UTC] Shaggy: Spilled teh beans
[12/26/2012 05:18:29 UTC] Shaggy: NDAA'd
[12/26/2012 05:18:31 UTC] Shaggy: Lol
[12/26/2012 05:18:39 UTC] Shaggy: Cant do shit anymore
[12/26/2012 05:18:57 UTC] Shaggy: But least people are buyung guns
[12/26/2012 05:19:14 UTC] Shaggy: Counter productive vecause dhs is tock pilling
[12/26/2012 05:19:20 UTC] Shaggy: Stock
[12/26/2012 05:19:44 UTC] Shaggy: Ohh ignore my typos
[12/26/2012 05:21:22 UTC] Shaggy: Newest head line anyone?
[12/26/2012 05:22:07 UTC] bigboi: yo my peeps
[12/26/2012 05:22:27 UTC] bigboi: lets fuck up the NWO
[12/26/2012 05:22:52 UTC] Shaggy: Lol
[12/26/2012 05:23:03 UTC] Shaggy: You like rap?
[12/26/2012 05:23:49 UTC] bigboi: may the mystic age of aquarius dawn upon the misguided children of the internet generation
[12/26/2012 05:24:05 UTC] bigboi: fuck yeah dude i listen to anti-nwo rap
[12/26/2012 05:24:18 UTC] Shaggy: LoL troll 2013
[12/26/2012 05:24:28 UTC] bigboi: hahah
[12/26/2012 05:24:57 UTC] Shaggy: We will now wear our mask's 24/7 with pride in public
[12/26/2012 05:25:19 UTC] Shaggy: Govs shall fest us. Citizens shall love us.
[12/26/2012 05:25:32 UTC] Shaggy: *fear
[12/26/2012 05:25:51 UTC] Shaggy: Ok fuck typing
[12/26/2012 05:25:59 UTC] bigboi: what rappers do you like? immortal technique?
[12/26/2012 05:26:46 UTC] Shaggy: Sure
[12/26/2012 05:26:51 UTC] Shaggy: Anything
[12/26/2012 05:27:25 UTC] bigboi: check dis out
[12/26/2012 05:27:37 UTC] bigboi:
[12/26/2012 05:27:42 UTC] bigboi: blow yo mind nigga!
[12/26/2012 05:30:03 UTC] bigboi: so what is the plan?
[12/26/2012 05:30:15 UTC] bigboi: we've been asking that question since day one
[12/26/2012 05:30:23 UTC] bigboi: create the hive mind
[12/26/2012 05:30:42 UTC] bigboi: create a true hive mind social network alert system
[12/26/2012 05:30:47 UTC] bigboi: fuck facebook and twitter
[12/26/2012 05:31:14 UTC] Shaggy: 3'rd thing still in progress
[12/26/2012 05:32:36 UTC] bigboi: we are creating the future now, we are creating our childrens future this very moment... no room for apathy
[12/26/2012 05:33:13 UTC] Shaggy: LoL tru
[12/26/2012 05:33:27 UTC] Shaggy: Start the slsughter then
[12/26/2012 05:34:02 UTC] Can_: finally no leaks
[12/26/2012 05:34:21 UTC] bigboi: i found the hive mind.... a physical group of communities who call themselves the twelve tribes.... they also call themselves the edah.... hebrew for hive mind.... find a community near you, hey are the true followers of yahshua (jesus)! they are the most genuine people you will ever meet, no doubt!
[12/26/2012 05:35:43 UTC] bigboi:
[12/26/2012 05:36:05 UTC] Can_: do Tor and Vpn work in cooperation
[12/26/2012 05:36:17 UTC] Can_: or could one be counteracting the efforts of theother
[12/26/2012 05:36:24 UTC] Can_: leaking tings
[12/26/2012 05:39:37 UTC] bigboi: the link that sent me to this site said to let other anons on any information you may have, so there you go... from one anon to another: research the twelve tribes.... thats the best advice i could give anyone who is searching for the REAL revolution... the REAL hive mind... not this pussy half ass, sit on your computer all day revolution.... anonymous is moving at a snails pace using facebook and other social networks: tools of the mystery elite
[12/26/2012 05:40:15 UTC] Can_: yep
[12/26/2012 05:40:20 UTC] bigboi: twelve tribes is the closest thing to rastafarianism you can get without the pot, rasta=anon
[12/26/2012 05:40:37 UTC] bigboi: anon=twelve tribes
[12/26/2012 05:41:10 UTC] Shaggy: LoL
[12/26/2012 05:41:29 UTC] Shaggy: So, apple = orange?
[12/26/2012 05:41:30 UTC] Can_: chacha
[12/26/2012 05:42:35 UTC] Shaggy: Because some things.the rastas believed are abdurd to meh
[12/26/2012 05:43:04 UTC] Can_: "we are all anonymous. not unanimous"
[12/26/2012 05:43:36 UTC] bigboi: no bro, i am merely explaining that there is no division, only unity between brothers who are united against evil: and evil is the rape of planet earth which is happening this very moment as we causally CHAT. we are really doing nothing AT ALL, dont meant to dis, only to WAKE UP
[12/26/2012 05:43:54 UTC] bigboi: our species is dying this very moment
[12/26/2012 05:44:16 UTC] Shaggy: Yeah I know
[12/26/2012 05:44:19 UTC] bigboi: some rasta are stupid, some anon are stupid
[12/26/2012 05:45:19 UTC] bigboi: some new age are stupid... look for the true underground spirit in these movements, not the stupid fucks who falsely claim to be them
[12/26/2012 05:45:26 UTC] Shaggy: I believe.the aliens are laughing at us
[12/26/2012 05:45:50 UTC] Kohanim: Hahahahahaha
[12/26/2012 05:45:58 UTC] Can_: i believe the aliens are fascinated by us
[12/26/2012 05:46:02 UTC] bigboi: definitely my friend... our lifestyle is laughable to the divine
[12/26/2012 05:46:18 UTC] Can_: death is a part of life
[12/26/2012 05:46:25 UTC] bigboi: i doubt they are fascinated by us, they are most likely disgusted with us
[12/26/2012 05:46:29 UTC] Can_: dude, we are the divine
[12/26/2012 05:47:00 UTC] Can_: if youre laughing youre laughing at yourself first
[12/26/2012 05:47:03 UTC] bigboi: we are divine, but there are many more who are much more divine than we are
[12/26/2012 05:47:25 UTC] Shaggy: Only.small.differeces
[12/26/2012 05:47:46 UTC] Can_: to deny our present reality is to deny 'the all', gods will, the grand architecht whatever youd like to call this phenomena
[12/26/2012 05:47:46 UTC] bigboi: true
[12/26/2012 05:47:54 UTC] Can_: its disgusting to laugh at that\
[12/26/2012 05:49:54 UTC] bigboi: @shaggy whats your qualms with the rasta?
[12/26/2012 05:49:59 UTC] Kohanim: I always laugh at myself
[12/26/2012 05:50:23 UTC] Shaggy: Qualms?
[12/26/2012 05:50:34 UTC] Can_: "we do not possess the truth, the truth possesses us"
[12/26/2012 05:50:47 UTC] bigboi: you mentioned that you dont agree with some ideas of rasta, like what?
[12/26/2012 05:50:57 UTC] Kohanim: qualms ~= issues/problems
[12/26/2012 05:53:46 UTC] Shaggy: Oh
[12/26/2012 05:53:56 UTC] Shaggy: Racial issues
[12/26/2012 05:53:58 UTC] bigboi: so @anyone share ways that you are helping to bring down the people who are killing the earth and humanity
[12/26/2012 05:54:17 UTC] Shaggy: But then, prob from cia trying to divide
[12/26/2012 05:55:11 UTC] bigboi: i@shaggy... i see...then you have been fooled by the stupid rasta, those who claim that rasta is only for blacks... rasta is for everyone... save the earth, stop babylon, bring about the new age
[12/26/2012 05:55:15 UTC] Shaggy: is already fucked
[12/26/2012 05:55:47 UTC] Shaggy: You need more killing to turn heads and open eyes
[12/26/2012 05:55:58 UTC] bigboi: i think its still worth working to save what little we have left, dont you
[12/26/2012 05:56:01 UTC] bigboi: ?
[12/26/2012 05:56:14 UTC] Shaggy: Same as its been used to start this shit
[12/26/2012 05:56:32 UTC] bigboi: you think you can just say, its fucked, and then use that to justify you not doing anything to save whats left of the earth? no disrespect
[12/26/2012 05:56:32 UTC] x: I'll be dead by the time the world would be in enough trouble to affect me
[12/26/2012 05:56:37 UTC] x: Thus, I don't care
[12/26/2012 05:57:03 UTC] pixel: so true, x
[12/26/2012 05:57:15 UTC] pixel: but the future generations are fucked
[12/26/2012 05:57:19 UTC] d3mn8_: hi
[12/26/2012 05:57:24 UTC] pixel: with that mindset
[12/26/2012 05:57:47 UTC] x: fuck the future generations, I don't need to care about them, I'll be dead
[12/26/2012 05:58:07 UTC] Shaggy: Selfish
[12/26/2012 05:58:21 UTC] d3mn8_: sounds like a typical anti-ecological capitalist baby boomer
[12/26/2012 05:58:26 UTC] d3mn8_: read: most of the US right now
[12/26/2012 05:58:29 UTC] bigboi: hahaha wow your ancestors and the tears of your ancestors will haunt you for all eternity... you sound very foolish
[12/26/2012 05:58:42 UTC] pixel: You know nothing of the survival of species. Its all about altruism. Putting yourself in danger for the group to survive
[12/26/2012 05:58:46 UTC] bigboi: the tears of your descendants.... think about the children
[12/26/2012 05:59:28 UTC] x: The survival of the species doesn't matter to me, me being able to enjoy my time on this earth is more important to me
[12/26/2012 06:00:06 UTC] Shaggy: Yesh. Someones.gotta die
[12/26/2012 06:00:10 UTC] bigboi: underground anon music channel link:
[12/26/2012 06:00:15 UTC] Shaggy: Lol
[12/26/2012 06:00:17 UTC] d3mn8_: kill yourself
[12/26/2012 06:01:31 UTC] Hexahedron: people dont realize the truth
[12/26/2012 06:01:31 UTC] pixel: Well
[12/26/2012 06:01:31 UTC] Shaggy: Sure. Not afraid to die
[12/26/2012 06:01:31 UTC] pixel: Most people enjoy their time helping others
[12/26/2012 06:01:31 UTC] Shaggy: Die for a good cause
[12/26/2012 06:01:31 UTC] Hexahedron: everyone is selfish but selflessness is they key to getting what you want it actually works in everyones favor
[12/26/2012 06:01:31 UTC] bigboi: thats fair enough.. but personally, i cant enjoy myself when i know that my lifestyle is causing the death of the planet i live on, my only home
[12/26/2012 06:01:45 UTC] pixel: Right, and its not like we can just move to a new planet. D:
[12/26/2012 06:01:59 UTC] Kohanim: You should never fear death. Just missing what may have been.
[12/26/2012 06:02:04 UTC] x: I dunno, I guess it just doesn't bother me to mess up the earth
[12/26/2012 06:02:10 UTC] Shaggy: We cant go to mars?
[12/26/2012 06:02:13 UTC] bigboi: surely you are not completely off the grid sustainable, therefore YOU are a pat of the problem, you are still connected to the babylonian/corporatocracy way of life
[12/26/2012 06:02:18 UTC] Shaggy: Were there
[12/26/2012 06:02:33 UTC] Shaggy: Been there. Prb stations there already
[12/26/2012 06:02:49 UTC] x: Mars is impractical
[12/26/2012 06:03:03 UTC] pixel: I was thinking how we aren't technologically there yet
[12/26/2012 06:03:16 UTC] pixel: Not ready for something like that.
[12/26/2012 06:03:24 UTC] Shaggy: Lol
[12/26/2012 06:03:26 UTC] bigboi: your participation, your dollar votes ar ewhat feeds the beast that keeps us all in enslavement
[12/26/2012 06:03:29 UTC] Shaggy: Dumb humans
[12/26/2012 06:03:38 UTC] x: Unless we find a method of propulsion exponentially less expensive than rocket power, Mars will probably always be impractical
[12/26/2012 06:03:52 UTC] x: To get enough things to and from Mars to be self sufficient would take ages and cost more than it'd be worth
[12/26/2012 06:04:15 UTC] pixel: Not to mention it must be cold as fuck. Won't be able to substain life
[12/26/2012 06:04:36 UTC] pixel: Earth tilts, and its too cold to grow shit. Think about how mars is gonna be lmao
[12/26/2012 06:04:48 UTC] x: Actually mars can get up to 80 degrees farenheit at the equator
[12/26/2012 06:04:48 UTC] bigboi: if you want to not be a hipocrite then you must strive o distance yourself from the machine by doing all that you can to separate yourself from the dominator/western mindset... take DMT and you'll see whats up
[12/26/2012 06:05:13 UTC] Shaggy: We need a instant solution
[12/26/2012 06:05:19 UTC] x: LOL bigboi, I don't have a problem with people using drugs but when you base your lifestyle around thoughts you had on drugs you're doing something wrong
[12/26/2012 06:05:25 UTC] Shaggy: Say, 5 yeats?
[12/26/2012 06:05:30 UTC] Shaggy: Years
[12/26/2012 06:05:54 UTC] d3mn8_: 01:18:<pixel> Not to mention it must be cold as fuck. Won't be able to substain
[12/26/2012 06:05:55 UTC] d3mn8_: life
[12/26/2012 06:06:00 UTC] d3mn8_: its comparable to the moon, really
[12/26/2012 06:06:14 UTC] x: No it's not
[12/26/2012 06:06:15 UTC] bigboi: says who x?
[12/26/2012 06:06:18 UTC] pixel: a 5 year plan would be good, but it must be followed longer to keep us moving in the right direction. Rather than further destruction.
[12/26/2012 06:06:21 UTC] bigboi: says your own littel ego
[12/26/2012 06:06:42 UTC] x: bigboi, tell me all about how drugs lead to sound decision making
[12/26/2012 06:06:44 UTC] d3mn8_: x, they are not the same, but they are very comparable
[12/26/2012 06:06:57 UTC] JAXAnonymous: ..
[12/26/2012 06:07:11 UTC] x: Mars is significantly more livable than the moon though
[12/26/2012 06:07:15 UTC] d3mn8_: temp. on the moon can get from ~100C to -180ish
[12/26/2012 06:07:24 UTC] bigboi: peace to all beings
[12/26/2012 06:07:25 UTC] d3mn8_: and a typical day on mars is like -50
[12/26/2012 06:07:31 UTC] x: Mars has some shielding against cosmic radiation because it has a (weak) atmosphere
[12/26/2012 06:07:35 UTC] bigboi: im peacing out, good talking to you fellows
[12/26/2012 06:07:39 UTC] x: Gnite bigboi
[12/26/2012 06:08:26 UTC] x: I guess if anything you won't get cancer on mars, or at least not as fast
[12/26/2012 06:08:27 UTC] d3mn8_: yes you will, but on the way there...
[12/26/2012 06:08:27 UTC] d3mn8_: it's one of the main issues of man travel TO mars, radiation
[12/26/2012 06:08:52 UTC] d3mn8_: this and bone atrophy
[12/26/2012 06:09:02 UTC] x: I wonder when a moon colony will happen. I remember reading something about China wanting to set one up by 2017
[12/26/2012 06:09:46 UTC] d3mn8_: well, I can tell you one thing. it's not going to be canadian or USA
[12/26/2012 06:09:46 UTC] d3mn8_: that's for sure
[12/26/2012 06:09:50 UTC] d3mn8_: we keep getting our budget cut...
[12/26/2012 06:10:09 UTC] Shaggy: Grrrr
[12/26/2012 06:10:25 UTC] Dedobear: fucking hell
[12/26/2012 06:10:30 UTC] Dedobear: twitter fangirls are ridiculous.
[12/26/2012 06:10:47 UTC] x: twitter fangirls of what?
[12/26/2012 06:10:56 UTC] Shaggy: JAXAnonymous.:)
[12/26/2012 06:11:15 UTC] Dedobear: i leave for a second to work on a doc for occupy steubenville and i come back to tons of em lmao
[12/26/2012 06:11:44 UTC] x: Oh hi there X_
[12/26/2012 06:11:57 UTC] X_: Hello there x.
[12/26/2012 06:12:14 UTC] X_: I see you are looking fine today.
[12/26/2012 06:12:14 UTC] JAXAnonymous: Yea, the fangirls are all over our shit.....
[12/26/2012 06:12:36 UTC] Shaggy: Lol
[12/26/2012 06:12:38 UTC] x: What Anonymous stands for is great and all but the mob mentality they bring out in people is bad mojo
[12/26/2012 06:12:39 UTC] Shaggy: Hi all
[12/26/2012 06:13:03 UTC] HTRN: hey shaggy
[12/26/2012 06:14:18 UTC] X_: Today was... interesting.
[12/26/2012 06:14:28 UTC] Dedobear: well thats why its up to us to keep in mind what this is for
[12/26/2012 06:14:42 UTC] Dedobear: it's not for fan girls, as much as a bj would be great right now, its the idea.
[12/26/2012 06:15:05 UTC] x: No, I'm not referring to that, I mean the frenzied way people go after the goals
[12/26/2012 06:15:13 UTC] x: It's a natural result of headless leadership I guess
[12/26/2012 06:15:19 UTC] X_: It's kind of hard to tell the actual updates from all the fangasms going on.
[12/26/2012 06:15:21 UTC] Shaggy: Lol deado
[12/26/2012 06:15:23 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/26/2012 06:15:31 UTC] Shaggy: So true
[12/26/2012 06:16:16 UTC] Shaggy: We need Captain Planet
[12/26/2012 06:16:39 UTC] X_: Doubt Captain Planet can do anything at this point.
[12/26/2012 06:16:41 UTC] Shaggy: Loved that show as a kid
[12/26/2012 06:16:42 UTC] Dedobear: we do need captain planet
[12/26/2012 06:16:59 UTC] HTRN: lol thanks Shaggy now i have that damn song stuck in my head
[12/26/2012 06:17:09 UTC] Shaggy: Welcome :)
[12/26/2012 06:17:32 UTC] X_: Hah
[12/26/2012 06:17:57 UTC] Dedobear:
[12/26/2012 06:18:18 UTC] X_: You have no idea how much I like that song.
[12/26/2012 06:18:49 UTC] Dedobear: i got an idea for a social network
[12/26/2012 06:18:57 UTC] Dedobear: that's anon-goal friendly.
[12/26/2012 06:19:06 UTC] Dedobear: inspired by twitter honestly
[12/26/2012 06:19:17 UTC] Shaggy: O.0
[12/26/2012 06:19:32 UTC] X_: Ooo, Do tell.
[12/26/2012 06:19:41 UTC] Dedobear: well see, the way twitter lets everyone "own" their tweets in a way
[12/26/2012 06:19:54 UTC] Dedobear: like on facebook, everything you post, is owned by FB, and can be sold at anytime
[12/26/2012 06:20:12 UTC] Dedobear: on twitter, they don't do that, you own your tweets/anything you post
[12/26/2012 06:20:32 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/26/2012 06:20:50 UTC] Shaggy: Yeah, getting there
[12/26/2012 06:20:55 UTC] X_: The amount of shit i post on Facebook is useless.
[12/26/2012 06:20:57 UTC] HTRN: thanks Dedobear at least that got rid of captain planet song. lol
[12/26/2012 06:21:10 UTC] Dedobear: so why not make a social network that does that same thing, with the same kind of...user-backed mentality.
[12/26/2012 06:21:19 UTC] Dedobear: because facebook is all about money, that much is fucking obvious
[12/26/2012 06:21:28 UTC] X_: Pretty much.
[12/26/2012 06:22:10 UTC] x: I've thought about starting an i2p social networking site
[12/26/2012 06:22:12 UTC] x: That'd be neat
[12/26/2012 06:22:14 UTC] X_: I wasn't really interested in Twitter util I found out about #YAN
[12/26/2012 06:22:35 UTC] HTRN: thats why i run timeline remover and ad blocker on facebook. i like it clean and clutter free
[12/26/2012 06:23:26 UTC] Dedobear: but i mean in general, it'd be nice to have a social network that wasn't run by a complete scumbag
[12/26/2012 06:23:31 UTC] X_: I don;t really see the point of timeline, everything is a complete mess and half the time shit you post isn't even in order.
[12/26/2012 06:23:49 UTC] x: I could start one right now
[12/26/2012 06:24:00 UTC] X_: I'd join it.
[12/26/2012 06:24:00 UTC] x: Gimme a name, I'm bored
[12/26/2012 06:24:06 UTC] x: And I need a catchy name
[12/26/2012 06:24:17 UTC] HTRN: there was a reason somewhere in marks screwed up head
[12/26/2012 06:24:18 UTC] Dedobear: I'm working on one already, got the layouts for the pages drawn and shit
[12/26/2012 06:25:08 UTC] Shaggy: AnonyBoard
[12/26/2012 06:25:10 UTC] Dedobear: just need to make it really. It just popped into my head earlier that's how it should be run
[12/26/2012 06:25:15 UTC] ChinTan: hello there
[12/26/2012 06:25:20 UTC] X_: Yo.
[12/26/2012 06:25:33 UTC] HTRN: hey chintan
[12/26/2012 06:25:43 UTC] ChinTan: get to know here from world freedom facebook :)
[12/26/2012 06:25:58 UTC] HTRN: so did i
[12/26/2012 06:26:08 UTC] ChinTan: fellow bros and sisters can add me in FB , user name ChinTan
[12/26/2012 06:26:18 UTC] Dedobear: hm
[12/26/2012 06:26:25 UTC] Dedobear: well that doesn't usually happen
[12/26/2012 06:26:47 UTC] x: Why not just use a premade script for it?
[12/26/2012 06:26:49 UTC] ChinTan: what you mean
[12/26/2012 06:26:52 UTC] Shaggy: WORLDWIDETERMINAL
[12/26/2012 06:27:19 UTC] Dedobear: premade script for what
[12/26/2012 06:27:35 UTC] x: Social networking stuff
[12/26/2012 06:27:38 UTC] ChinTan: so most of you from america?
[12/26/2012 06:27:51 UTC] x:
[12/26/2012 06:27:51 UTC] Dedobear: because that's no fun
[12/26/2012 06:28:10 UTC] HTRN: i am in america yes
[12/26/2012 06:28:20 UTC] x: Unless you're really good at web design it's going to either look like shit, be inefficient, be insecure, or some combination of all 3
[12/26/2012 06:28:20 UTC] ChinTan: ok
[12/26/2012 06:28:34 UTC] Dedobear: I'm going to school for it haha
[12/26/2012 06:28:54 UTC] Dedobear: web design now, and after next semester going into software development
[12/26/2012 06:29:20 UTC] x: Oh nice
[12/26/2012 06:30:09 UTC] ChinTan: cool so many IT expert here
[12/26/2012 06:30:19 UTC] d3mn8_: its the internet
[12/26/2012 06:30:19 UTC] Dedobear: plus if the scripts were that good/secure/worth using, we'd have 30000 different social networks by now
[12/26/2012 06:30:22 UTC] d3mn8_: everyones an expert ine verything
[12/26/2012 06:30:24 UTC] ChinTan: lol I use to study IT but only basic
[12/26/2012 06:30:42 UTC] ChinTan: now my job not related to IT more on sound and visual .
[12/26/2012 06:31:06 UTC] Dedobear: i mean ill use some premade ones just for the outline and such, but eventually fully plan on rewriting them
[12/26/2012 06:31:38 UTC] HTRN: you guys make me feel dumb. im a truck driver
[12/26/2012 06:32:02 UTC] d3mn8_: idk how to operate a clutch
[12/26/2012 06:32:08 UTC] X_: I'm a drop out... :/
[12/26/2012 06:32:23 UTC] HTRN: i have a 2 pedal automatic
[12/26/2012 06:32:42 UTC] d3mn8_: then yes you are dumb
[12/26/2012 06:32:56 UTC] d3mn8_: sry
[12/26/2012 06:32:56 UTC] d3mn8_: jk dont cry pls
[12/26/2012 06:32:56 UTC] HTRN: no worries
[12/26/2012 06:32:56 UTC] X_: I never asked for these feels.
[12/26/2012 06:33:08 UTC] ChinTan: ok bye
[12/26/2012 06:33:18 UTC] HTRN: later chintan
[12/26/2012 06:33:35 UTC] ChinTan: :) most of the time I lurking in facebook see u htrrn
[12/26/2012 06:34:11 UTC] Shaggy: Stalker
[12/26/2012 06:34:14 UTC] Shaggy: Lol
[12/26/2012 06:34:19 UTC] str3ssica: NO U
[12/26/2012 06:34:22 UTC] Dedobear: ...wat
[12/26/2012 06:34:40 UTC] Dedobear: chintan, is your chin tan?
[12/26/2012 06:35:14 UTC] ChinTan: back
[12/26/2012 06:35:26 UTC] ChinTan: chin tan as in my facebook?
[12/26/2012 06:35:39 UTC] Anonymon: No he's as I f
[12/26/2012 06:35:48 UTC] Anonymon: Asking if you chin is tanned
[12/26/2012 06:35:57 UTC] ChinTan: lol
[12/26/2012 06:36:21 UTC] ChinTan: is just a name given myself
[12/26/2012 06:36:28 UTC] ChinTan: Tan is my sir name
[12/26/2012 06:36:34 UTC] ChinTan: I from Singapore :)
[12/26/2012 06:37:08 UTC] Hexahedron: so yes
[12/26/2012 06:37:13 UTC] X_: Spotify is pretty decent.
[12/26/2012 06:37:25 UTC] X_: I just wish you could add to their archives.
[12/26/2012 06:37:27 UTC] d3mn8_: what is this canada? you dont have spotify? oh right.
[12/26/2012 06:37:31 UTC] Anonymon: I wanna create anonymous twitter acct, but wondering if good idea to tweets from phone? Pls give some input friends
[12/26/2012 06:37:40 UTC] X_: So many songs I have that they don't.
[12/26/2012 06:38:02 UTC] Dedobear: wow x
[12/26/2012 06:38:18 UTC] Dedobear: looking at that PHPfox thing, that's actualyl kinda annoying they made it that easy lmao
[12/26/2012 06:39:02 UTC] ChinTan: ok going for a smoke break peace to all
[12/26/2012 06:39:10 UTC] x: I'm setting up jcow now just to see how things go
[12/26/2012 06:39:13 UTC] HTRN: later
[12/26/2012 06:39:15 UTC] x: I'm calling the site... wait for it... i2pals :D
[12/26/2012 06:39:20 UTC] X_: Lol
[12/26/2012 06:39:33 UTC] X_: Better than anything I could come up with on short notice.
[12/26/2012 06:40:21 UTC] Shaggy: AnonPals
[12/26/2012 06:40:31 UTC] Shaggy: :)
[12/26/2012 06:40:48 UTC] Dedobear: i2pals lmfao
[12/26/2012 06:40:53 UTC] Dedobear: it's so good
[12/26/2012 06:40:55 UTC] Shaggy: 5 years
[12/26/2012 06:40:59 UTC] HTRN: i kinda like that one
[12/26/2012 06:42:13 UTC] Anonymon: I guess it's not a good idea to send anonymous tweets from mobile?
[12/26/2012 06:42:30 UTC] Anonymon: I'm a n00b. Sorry for botheration
[12/26/2012 06:42:42 UTC] X_: I really don't know myself, to be honest.
[12/26/2012 06:43:16 UTC] x: No, it's not a good idea, but that really depends on how anonymous you wanna be
[12/26/2012 06:43:39 UTC] HTRN: i dont know either. when in doubt dont do it
[12/26/2012 06:43:39 UTC] Dedobear: i don't anontweet from my phone
[12/26/2012 06:43:55 UTC] Dedobear: just because...well fuck that
[12/26/2012 06:44:09 UTC] X_: I don't really do anything anon, but I have been thinking about buying a Fawkes mask.
[12/26/2012 06:44:28 UTC] X_: Since I have a lot of free time, and seeing how fucked up the world is.
[12/26/2012 06:44:34 UTC] Dedobear: mr.chintan anonymuz leejun
[12/26/2012 06:44:35 UTC] x: It's kind of funny that the Guy Fawkes mask is in part owned by Warner Brothers (I think that's who owns it)
[12/26/2012 06:44:41 UTC] Dedobear: yeah
[12/26/2012 06:44:48 UTC] X_: Yeah it is.
[12/26/2012 06:44:53 UTC] x: And then people who oppose big business and stuff go and wear it
[12/26/2012 06:44:56 UTC] d3mn8_: fawkes mask is useless if you're home all the time
[12/26/2012 06:45:01 UTC] x: And they buy it from the company
[12/26/2012 06:45:52 UTC] Shaggy: It's an idea
[12/26/2012 06:46:00 UTC] Anonymon: Well I am in country x and want to bring awareness of injustices of government of India
[12/26/2012 06:46:19 UTC] Dedobear: hah, dude, you don't need to bring awareness
[12/26/2012 06:46:22 UTC] Dedobear: we already know
[12/26/2012 06:46:30 UTC] Anonymon: Not sure if they will hunt me down
[12/26/2012 06:46:42 UTC] Dedobear: yeah i wouldnt wanna get raped either
[12/26/2012 06:46:48 UTC] x: Well, assuming you aren't doing anything illegal in... whatever country Twitter is run in
[12/26/2012 06:46:52 UTC] Anonymon: They killed many of my fellow people in 1984
[12/26/2012 06:46:54 UTC] Anonymon: Th
[12/26/2012 06:46:55 UTC] x: Twitter won't turn over your info
[12/26/2012 06:47:04 UTC] x: But just in case, you oughta be safe
[12/26/2012 06:47:21 UTC] d3mn8_: x: they have in the past
[12/26/2012 06:47:26 UTC] Shaggy: Why we need nuber network
[12/26/2012 06:47:38 UTC] Anonymon: Yes but Indian nerd hackers might find me. And in case I ever go back to India I won't be coming back
[12/26/2012 06:47:39 UTC] Shaggy: *uber
[12/26/2012 06:47:41 UTC] x: Oh, have they? I'm not up to date on Shitter
[12/26/2012 06:47:43 UTC] x: I don't like it
[12/26/2012 06:47:50 UTC] Kohanim: Sikhs do have safer options, if moving is ever an option. There are places Indians cannot reach
[12/26/2012 06:47:52 UTC] Shaggy: !down
[12/26/2012 06:47:59 UTC] x: 160 characters is insufficient for most intelligent thoughts. :P
[12/26/2012 06:48:07 UTC] d3mn8_: yep they have plenty of time
[12/26/2012 06:48:25 UTC] X_: Unless you split up a essay into 160 character chunks.
[12/26/2012 06:49:50 UTC] Shaggy: Notepad style
[12/26/2012 06:50:11 UTC] X_: But I don't think anyone is that determined to get a point across.
[12/26/2012 06:51:03 UTC] HTRN: night guys i got a long day ahead of me. later
[12/26/2012 06:51:08 UTC] x: Gnite HTRN
[12/26/2012 06:51:13 UTC] Kohanim: Rest easy
[12/26/2012 06:51:16 UTC] X_: Later, sir.
[12/26/2012 06:51:22 UTC] Shaggy: Night
[12/26/2012 06:51:50 UTC] Anonymon_: kohanim you seem to know about subject
[12/26/2012 06:52:00 UTC] Dedobear: dude
[12/26/2012 06:52:07 UTC] Dedobear: tinychat's ridiculous
[12/26/2012 06:52:11 UTC] X_: Lol
[12/26/2012 06:52:16 UTC] X_: I was thinking of going in there.
[12/26/2012 06:52:24 UTC] X_: But then i was like naww.
[12/26/2012 06:52:32 UTC] Kohanim: I do, yes. It is rather my namesake job, to help others
[12/26/2012 06:53:00 UTC] X_: 79 live?
[12/26/2012 06:53:05 UTC] X_: Only shit.
[12/26/2012 06:53:30 UTC] Dedobear: i cant find my fawkes mask
[12/26/2012 06:53:36 UTC] Dedobear: debating using the gasmask instead
[12/26/2012 06:53:55 UTC] Anonymon_: i mainly want to cause harassment to @SrBachan - as he instigated riots in '84 which caused rapes of many young women and young girls
[12/26/2012 06:54:35 UTC] X_: I;d just put on my hat.
[12/26/2012 06:55:08 UTC] Kohanim: Amitabh Bachan ?
[12/26/2012 06:55:17 UTC] Anonymon_: Yes, kohanim
[12/26/2012 06:56:19 UTC] Kohanim: contact me if you wish at
[12/26/2012 06:57:12 UTC] X_: Sweet mask bro.
[12/26/2012 06:58:37 UTC] Dedobear: thanks mate
[12/26/2012 07:02:05 UTC] X_: Came for the silliness, stayed for the music.
[12/26/2012 07:03:17 UTC] Anonymon_: kohanim i dont know how to email you securly without revealing my personal email
[12/26/2012 07:03:22 UTC] Anonymon_: shud i create hushmail
[12/26/2012 07:03:54 UTC] x: No no no
[12/26/2012 07:04:00 UTC] x: Hushmail is known to cooperate with authorities
[12/26/2012 07:04:19 UTC] Anonymon_: u mean Shitmail :P
[12/26/2012 07:04:22 UTC] Kohanim: Any tormail type or equivalent would work. Just not an open to feds
[12/26/2012 07:06:05 UTC] Kohanim: Aaaaaaaaand the whole channel goes quiet.... #awkward
[12/26/2012 07:06:50 UTC] x: You should really never trust any email service, Tormail included
[12/26/2012 07:06:59 UTC] x: The general rule of thumb when doing things you shouldn't be online is that everybody is a cop, the operators of your network are cops, EVERYBODY is cop
[12/26/2012 07:07:19 UTC] x: The more cautious you can be the better because if shit goes down, you'll wanna be prepared
[12/26/2012 07:07:35 UTC] x: Maybe shit will go down, maybe it won't, you're prepared either way
[12/26/2012 07:07:49 UTC] Anonymon_: fuck me
[12/26/2012 07:07:51 UTC] Anonymon_: lol
[12/26/2012 07:08:18 UTC] Anonymon_: im not gonna do anything illegal anyway i just wanna be an anonymous advocate for shit that pisses me off
[12/26/2012 07:08:34 UTC] Anonymon_: u know.. it really grinds my gears (peter griffin)
[12/26/2012 07:08:51 UTC] d3mn8_: sharing information is not illegal
[12/26/2012 07:08:53 UTC] d3mn8_: why hide?
[12/26/2012 07:09:00 UTC] Kohanim: I'll pass, thanks tho. I prefer not to have long distance relationships. And honestly, I'm confident that for what I do, it's not worth the time nor effort of any agency to hunt me and deal with international law and jurisdiction
[12/26/2012 07:09:22 UTC] X_: But... I love you Kohan...
[12/26/2012 07:09:39 UTC] X_: DON'T REJECT MY LOVE ; - ;
[12/26/2012 07:09:46 UTC] Anonymon_: LOL
[12/26/2012 07:09:47 UTC] d3mn8_: finally got a desktop Shaggy ?
[12/26/2012 07:09:56 UTC] Anonymon_: why hide? b/c indian gov't is fucked dude
[12/26/2012 07:10:15 UTC] Kohanim: <3 too X
[12/26/2012 07:10:24 UTC] x: Asking "why hide" is like asking why you have curtains
[12/26/2012 07:10:40 UTC] Anonymon_: what if i ever have to go there for something and they catch wind that i made fun of them they'll f me in the A
[12/26/2012 07:10:42 UTC] x: Maybe you aren't doing anything you shouldn't be, but you still don't want to be exposed to the world
[12/26/2012 07:10:45 UTC] Kohanim: To stop my perv neighbor from snapping nudes of me in my bedroom at night
[12/26/2012 07:10:58 UTC] Kohanim: Because that shit costs money. I don't work for free
[12/26/2012 07:11:00 UTC] Anonymon_: this is true ^
[12/26/2012 07:11:02 UTC] Anonymon_: LOL
[12/26/2012 07:12:24 UTC] Desktop_: TIME TO RAGE!!
[12/26/2012 07:12:35 UTC] Desktop_: HACK THE GOVERNMENT!!
[12/26/2012 07:13:14 UTC] Desktop_: you fuckers neeed to stop trying to jack my compentes mon
[12/26/2012 07:13:25 UTC] Kohanim: Before I depart for the night, my parting gift. Good night, anons
[12/26/2012 07:13:27 UTC] Kohanim: [21:44] == Kohanim [webchat@voxanon-9cc.cg3.v45lrb.IP] has joined #YAN [21:44] == D_ [webchat@voxanon-k1m.tqu.168db6.IP] has joined #YAN [21:44] == D_ [webchat@voxanon-k1m.tqu.168db6.IP] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [21:45] == broxin [webchat@voxanon-6fi.5ba.0j7iu1.IP] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [21:45] <Hexahedron> you won an ipad [21:45] <Hexahedron> ? [21:45] <Hexahedron> dredd is a sick movie [21:45] <Hexahedron> so far [21:45] <Hexahedron> 1% s
[12/26/2012 07:14:00 UTC] d3mn8_: wat
[12/26/2012 07:15:57 UTC] Shaggy: over 9000 trojans and virus on my pc
[12/26/2012 07:15:59 UTC] Shaggy: TEH FUCK!>
[12/26/2012 07:16:08 UTC] d3mn8_: linux up
[12/26/2012 07:16:29 UTC] jm3665: linux rocks!
[12/26/2012 07:16:40 UTC] d3mn8_: idk i only have a linux computer
[12/26/2012 07:16:43 UTC] d3mn8_: im not into minerals and shit
[12/26/2012 07:16:57 UTC] d3mn8_: LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! !!!!!!!
[12/26/2012 07:19:49 UTC] Anonymon_: hahaha
[12/26/2012 07:23:00 UTC] X_: ...
[12/26/2012 07:23:21 UTC] X_: It's like a Nickleback Concert in here.
[12/26/2012 07:23:29 UTC] d3mn8_: huh?
[12/26/2012 07:23:38 UTC] X_: Just dead.
[12/26/2012 07:23:55 UTC] d3mn8_: I wasnt sure if it was a funny reference, or an unfunny joke
[12/26/2012 07:23:58 UTC] d3mn8_: UNFUNNY JOKE IT IS
[12/26/2012 07:24:06 UTC] d3mn8_: I rather have silence than faggots speaking shit about whatever
[12/26/2012 07:24:52 UTC] x: Then join a dead channel
[12/26/2012 07:24:53 UTC] X_: *shrug*
[12/26/2012 07:25:03 UTC] X_: My humor is hit or miss.
[12/26/2012 07:25:04 UTC] d3mn8_: already am in plenty of dead chans
[12/26/2012 07:26:33 UTC] X_: Yeah, I'm just killing time now since I have nothing to do at 1:40 in the morning.
[12/26/2012 07:27:15 UTC] d3mn8_: same
[12/26/2012 07:32:26 UTC] enter: hi
[12/26/2012 07:32:32 UTC] X_: Hello
[12/26/2012 07:32:36 UTC] d3mn8_: hi
[12/26/2012 07:32:48 UTC] enter: can anyone teach me >.<
[12/26/2012 07:33:00 UTC] d3mn8_: teach you ?...
[12/26/2012 07:33:06 UTC] enter: yeah
[12/26/2012 07:33:13 UTC] d3mn8_: that's a very broad question
[12/26/2012 07:33:26 UTC] d3mn8_: i'm sure I could teach you how to google stuff
[12/26/2012 07:33:53 UTC] enter: isn't that
[12/26/2012 07:34:38 UTC] enter: i want to attacking computer
[12/26/2012 07:34:41 UTC] d3mn8_: ok pls go learn english first
[12/26/2012 07:34:46 UTC] d3mn8_: then we'll talk
[12/26/2012 07:34:55 UTC] X_: Hah,
[12/26/2012 07:36:17 UTC] enter: oh i think i just can listen
[12/26/2012 07:36:21 UTC] Can_: yo demn8
[12/26/2012 07:36:36 UTC] d3mn8_: hi
[12/26/2012 07:36:39 UTC] Can_: i dunno if you rmmbr helping me out the othr day, ubt i finlly fuckin got it workin, no leaks and all
[12/26/2012 07:36:46 UTC] d3mn8_: great :)
[12/26/2012 07:36:53 UTC] Can_: lol, took me way too long
[12/26/2012 07:36:55 UTC] d3mn8_: what did you end up doing?
[12/26/2012 07:37:18 UTC] Can_: it was a problem with the config of openvnp itself
[12/26/2012 07:37:23 UTC] d3mn8_: ah yeah ok
[12/26/2012 07:37:30 UTC] d3mn8_: can only go wrong if config is fucked
[12/26/2012 07:38:03 UTC] Dedobear: someone check the YAN twitter
[12/26/2012 07:38:42 UTC] d3mn8_: the fuck is up with tiny chat
[12/26/2012 07:39:01 UTC] Can_: that was fkin weird
[12/26/2012 07:41:05 UTC] enter: whats people doing here
[12/26/2012 07:41:16 UTC] d3mn8_: discuss, mostly
[12/26/2012 07:43:13 UTC] cURL: hi guys
[12/26/2012 07:43:17 UTC] cURL: :)
[12/26/2012 07:43:18 UTC] d3mn8_: hey
[12/26/2012 07:43:19 UTC] enter: hi
[12/26/2012 07:43:45 UTC] cURL: 12
[12/26/2012 07:44:10 UTC] cURL: if (!($link=mysql_connect("localhost","daexmil_leer","leer")))
[12/26/2012 07:44:11 UTC] cURL: :3
[12/26/2012 07:44:21 UTC] d3mn8_: good stuff
[12/26/2012 07:44:32 UTC] d3mn8_: how did you find it?
[12/26/2012 07:44:57 UTC] d3mn8_: scanned?
[12/26/2012 07:45:13 UTC] enter: what is that
[12/26/2012 07:45:42 UTC] _89yoyos: Howdy y'all :D
[12/26/2012 07:45:45 UTC] d3mn8_: hey
[12/26/2012 07:45:46 UTC] M4elek: yes yes you can all rest easy now...I am here
[12/26/2012 07:45:52 UTC] d3mn8_: sup
[12/26/2012 07:46:50 UTC] _89yoyos: Merry day after Christmas er'body
[12/26/2012 07:47:02 UTC] d3mn8_: "black friday", in america
[12/26/2012 07:47:20 UTC] cURL: data access to weapons and explosives address of Venezuela.
[12/26/2012 07:47:20 UTC] _89yoyos: !"that's thanksgiving
[12/26/2012 07:47:28 UTC] M4elek: black friday is the friday after tanksgiving
[12/26/2012 07:47:37 UTC] d3mn8_: right
[12/26/2012 07:47:38 UTC] d3mn8_: boxing day
[12/26/2012 07:47:43 UTC] _89yoyos: Lol
[12/26/2012 07:47:43 UTC] d3mn8_: forgive my unamericanness
[12/26/2012 07:47:56 UTC] _89yoyos: We do not forgive
[12/26/2012 07:47:59 UTC] _89yoyos: ;P
[12/26/2012 07:48:04 UTC] M4elek: lol
[12/26/2012 07:48:12 UTC] d3mn8_: WELL FUCKIN SUE ME THEN!
[12/26/2012 07:48:32 UTC] _89yoyos: Already on it... Should get the paperwork tomorrow
[12/26/2012 07:48:42 UTC] d3mn8_: cURL: is it supposed to load only on a specified IP range? i cant connect to the server
[12/26/2012 07:48:47 UTC] enter: want to join , but i can't do anything
[12/26/2012 07:49:02 UTC] M4elek: just spread the word
[12/26/2012 07:49:47 UTC] countrcultur: whats #opnewblood
[12/26/2012 07:49:50 UTC] M4elek: its not a club with a secret handshake or initiation process
[12/26/2012 07:50:25 UTC] d3mn8_: countrcultur: you go there if you wanna get involved in stuff
[12/26/2012 07:50:43 UTC] countrcultur: go where?
[12/26/2012 07:50:45 UTC] d3mn8_: like, how to anonymize yourself and shit
[12/26/2012 07:50:46 UTC] d3mn8_: #opnewblood
[12/26/2012 07:50:57 UTC] d3mn8_: go there for beginer questions/setups and stuff
[12/26/2012 07:51:07 UTC] countrcultur: ah, just click the hashtag?
[12/26/2012 07:51:24 UTC] enter: y
[12/26/2012 07:51:27 UTC] countrcultur: ty
[12/26/2012 07:51:31 UTC] d3mn8_: no
[12/26/2012 07:51:35 UTC] d3mn8_: its a IRC channel
[12/26/2012 07:51:38 UTC] d3mn8_: type /join #opnewblood
[12/26/2012 07:51:45 UTC] d3mn8_: they are not hashtags when you're on IRC... they are channels
[12/26/2012 07:51:49 UTC] d3mn8_: fuck you twitter, ruinign everything
[12/26/2012 07:52:01 UTC] _89yoyos: Lol
[12/26/2012 07:52:13 UTC] enter: hihi
[12/26/2012 07:52:28 UTC] _89yoyos: Que pasa?
[12/26/2012 07:52:33 UTC] countrcultur: well its written as a hash tag on top of this page, that;ll take me there right
[12/26/2012 07:53:03 UTC] M4elek: *channel
[12/26/2012 07:53:07 UTC] _89yoyos: Lol
[12/26/2012 07:53:15 UTC] countrcultur: gotcha
[12/26/2012 07:53:17 UTC] enter: d3mn i think i must learn something to be like people here. but what i must learn frist?
[12/26/2012 07:53:39 UTC] _89yoyos: Programming
[12/26/2012 07:53:55 UTC] M4elek: learn how to buy bit coins first...then learn how to put them all into my bit coin wallet
[12/26/2012 07:54:11 UTC] enter: ah
[12/26/2012 07:54:12 UTC] M4elek: then learn programing
[12/26/2012 07:54:13 UTC] _89yoyos: Or my btcWallet
[12/26/2012 07:54:39 UTC] _89yoyos: I have like .5 btc right now...
[12/26/2012 07:54:39 UTC] enter: d3mn8 ?
[12/26/2012 07:54:46 UTC] M4elek: and I like swedish fish....
[12/26/2012 07:54:59 UTC] _89yoyos: Swedish fish are amazing
[12/26/2012 07:56:37 UTC] cURL: 4[ _89yoyos 4] speak spanish?
[12/26/2012 07:56:45 UTC] d3mn8_: enter: well, programming is a good hobby if you want to get involved with net security
[12/26/2012 07:57:16 UTC] cURL: <_89yoyos> Que pasa?
[12/26/2012 07:57:20 UTC] cURL: :D
[12/26/2012 07:57:33 UTC] _89yoyos: Nada mucho :P
[12/26/2012 07:57:51 UTC] M4elek: chuppa me verga
[12/26/2012 07:57:54 UTC] M4elek: =P
[12/26/2012 07:57:57 UTC] enter: yeah then what kind of programming?
[12/26/2012 07:58:04 UTC] cURL: que bien, yo si hablo ese idioma. bueno hablo 3 idiomas un poco ingles, spanish y nahuatl
[12/26/2012 07:58:05 UTC] cURL: LOL
[12/26/2012 07:58:09 UTC] enter: i already start learn java
[12/26/2012 07:58:17 UTC] cURL: sucks my dick
[12/26/2012 07:58:26 UTC] d3mn8_: java is shit
[12/26/2012 07:58:29 UTC] d3mn8_: focus on scripting
[12/26/2012 07:58:29 UTC] cURL: <M4elek>chuppa me verga <---
[12/26/2012 07:58:38 UTC] enter: scripting?
[12/26/2012 07:58:38 UTC] d3mn8_: python, perl, php, sql
[12/26/2012 07:58:49 UTC] cURL: scripting <3
[12/26/2012 07:58:50 UTC] M4elek: i know no spanish
[12/26/2012 07:59:03 UTC] enter: oke i got it
[12/26/2012 07:59:06 UTC] _89yoyos: I only *really* speak English. I understand reading Spanish, but can't speak much of it :/
[12/26/2012 07:59:20 UTC] M4elek: coolo
[12/26/2012 07:59:22 UTC] M4elek: lol
[12/26/2012 07:59:26 UTC] M4elek: maricon
[12/26/2012 07:59:40 UTC] cURL: lol maricon
[12/26/2012 07:59:47 UTC] M4elek: puta
[12/26/2012 07:59:48 UTC] _89yoyos: Arrividerci :D
[12/26/2012 08:00:15 UTC] M4elek: chingada
[12/26/2012 08:00:23 UTC] enter: thanks
[12/26/2012 08:00:25 UTC] cURL: lol
[12/26/2012 08:00:35 UTC] _89yoyos: La bambina camina
[12/26/2012 08:01:15 UTC] _89yoyos: italian for the girl is walking
[12/26/2012 08:01:35 UTC] cURL: i am mr taco
[12/26/2012 08:01:36 UTC] _89yoyos: I think... Rosetta stone was NOT much help
[12/26/2012 08:01:36 UTC] cURL: :3
[12/26/2012 08:01:37 UTC] M4elek: I had a mexican girlfriend once her dad called me gringo, she called me a coolo, her brother called me a maricon
[12/26/2012 08:01:49 UTC] Dedobear: debating taking my dick out on cam
[12/26/2012 08:01:52 UTC] Dedobear: because yolo
[12/26/2012 08:01:56 UTC] M4elek: and her mom used to say chingadaway all the time
[12/26/2012 08:02:15 UTC] cURL: haahhahahaah
[12/26/2012 08:02:38 UTC] cURL: maricon xD
[12/26/2012 08:02:42 UTC] M4elek: Dedo you going on the 29th?
[12/26/2012 08:03:14 UTC] M4elek: you can pull out your cock there !
[12/26/2012 08:03:34 UTC] M4elek: you and kyanonymous be droppin panties left and right on twitter lol
[12/26/2012 08:04:03 UTC] M4elek: and batcat
[12/26/2012 08:04:20 UTC] Dedobear: lmfaoo
[12/26/2012 08:04:24 UTC] cURL: xd
[12/26/2012 08:04:24 UTC] _89yoyos: And me :D
[12/26/2012 08:04:40 UTC] Dedobear: KY's been getting some serious fangirls on there, dk why
[12/26/2012 08:04:59 UTC] Dedobear: but good for him, obviously we're not gonna come off anon or anything, but n00dz are cool
[12/26/2012 08:05:21 UTC] M4elek: I think imma go on the 29th and be like oh yeah Im kyanonymous, just to lay some pipe
[12/26/2012 08:05:32 UTC] Dedobear: PPFFT
[12/26/2012 08:05:35 UTC] Dedobear: HAHHAHAHAHAHHAA
[12/26/2012 08:05:39 UTC] Dedobear: THATD BE HILARIOUS
[12/26/2012 08:06:58 UTC] M4elek: then when the Feds come knocin they can waste all thier resources and find nothing =P
[12/26/2012 08:07:25 UTC] Dedobear: all of the pussy
[12/26/2012 08:07:25 UTC] str3ssica: you should do that
[12/26/2012 08:07:27 UTC] _89yoyos: ..................................
[12/26/2012 08:07:27 UTC] str3ssica: LOL
[12/26/2012 08:07:29 UTC] Dedobear: none of the consequences
[12/26/2012 08:08:08 UTC] str3ssica: i would do it if i were male.
[12/26/2012 08:08:15 UTC] str3ssica: absofuckinglutely
[12/26/2012 08:08:16 UTC] str3ssica: lol
[12/26/2012 08:08:23 UTC] Dedobear: id do it if i lived closer
[12/26/2012 08:08:26 UTC] _89yoyos: Lol boobs
[12/26/2012 08:08:33 UTC] Dedobear: but I'd message Knightsec and tell him
[12/26/2012 08:08:46 UTC] Dedobear: just in case he got any weird messages
[12/26/2012 08:08:51 UTC] M4elek: yeah I was just thinking about sending him a DM about it
[12/26/2012 08:09:01 UTC] Dedobear: "hey dude is it cool if i fuck your fans?"
[12/26/2012 08:09:09 UTC] M4elek: lmao
[12/26/2012 08:09:12 UTC] str3ssica: he'd take one for teh team
[12/26/2012 08:09:15 UTC] str3ssica: seems ncie neough
[12/26/2012 08:09:50 UTC] M4elek: nah Im way too awkward with do it just to have the Feds try so hard to put me in jail lol
[12/26/2012 08:09:57 UTC] str3ssica: lol.
[12/26/2012 08:10:24 UTC] M4elek: My game with girls boils down to this.....Hey...wanna go back to my place
[12/26/2012 08:10:33 UTC] M4elek: so I usually only get the slutty chicks
[12/26/2012 08:10:40 UTC] d3mn8_: night
[12/26/2012 08:11:16 UTC] enter: night
[12/26/2012 08:11:29 UTC] Dedobear: you'd be surprised how some girls dig comp. knowledge
[12/26/2012 08:11:41 UTC] _89yoyos: Not many :/
[12/26/2012 08:12:06 UTC] Dedobear: obviously ive never straight up told a girl im seeing im a part of anon, but some of them think it's cool as fuck
[12/26/2012 08:12:20 UTC] M4elek: I think i would have to wear a kevlar vest...cause a roolredroll kickerbilly might shoot me
[12/26/2012 08:12:24 UTC] str3ssica: lol
[12/26/2012 08:12:33 UTC] Dedobear: the hacking part of it at least
[12/26/2012 08:12:40 UTC] str3ssica: girls are easy
[12/26/2012 08:12:42 UTC] Dedobear: kickerbilly?
[12/26/2012 08:12:43 UTC] Dedobear: what?
[12/26/2012 08:12:47 UTC] str3ssica: girls just like boys who do shit
[12/26/2012 08:12:49 UTC] cURL: 4[ M4elek 4] Mencionó que parte de México viene?
[12/26/2012 08:12:49 UTC] str3ssica: we dont really care what
[12/26/2012 08:13:08 UTC] cURL: She mentioned that part of Mexico comes
[12/26/2012 08:13:15 UTC] Dedobear: yeah actually that's true too
[12/26/2012 08:13:19 UTC] str3ssica: i think it goes both ways. boys are attracted to me because of their perception of my power
[12/26/2012 08:13:22 UTC] Dedobear: as long as you can do SOMETHING good, it's cool
[12/26/2012 08:13:26 UTC] str3ssica: which is none, but their idiots
[12/26/2012 08:13:30 UTC] M4elek: yeah chicks do dig that part...and I dont hack, but they think its awesome when i use aircrack-ng on thier wireless...then they call me a hacker =P
[12/26/2012 08:13:36 UTC] str3ssica: they're. whateve.r wine.
[12/26/2012 08:13:43 UTC] Dedobear: LMAO MAELEK
[12/26/2012 08:13:55 UTC] Dedobear: "omg thatz so cool howd u do that"
[12/26/2012 08:14:01 UTC] M4elek: yeah
[12/26/2012 08:14:01 UTC] Dedobear: "oh ya know, pressed a button"
[12/26/2012 08:14:02 UTC] M4elek: lmao
[12/26/2012 08:14:06 UTC] str3ssica: lol
[12/26/2012 08:14:22 UTC] M4elek: wait aircrack has a gui?
[12/26/2012 08:14:34 UTC] str3ssica: well, unfortunately, im the one fixing everyone's computers around here
[12/26/2012 08:14:46 UTC] M4elek: I cant find a computer chick
[12/26/2012 08:15:01 UTC] M4elek: all the chicks around here are...dummies
[12/26/2012 08:15:30 UTC] str3ssica: i wouldnt say im a computer chick. im capable.
[12/26/2012 08:15:42 UTC] M4elek: im not an elitist or anything....but when im at the bar and the chick is like well im going to beauty school next semester...its a turn off
[12/26/2012 08:15:59 UTC] str3ssica: haha
[12/26/2012 08:16:00 UTC] str3ssica: aw.
[12/26/2012 08:16:17 UTC] M4elek: usually my next question is....i bet you make a duckface in a self shot for facebook
[12/26/2012 08:16:39 UTC] M4elek: guess thats more of a statement
[12/26/2012 08:16:51 UTC] Dedobear: more of a fact really
[12/26/2012 08:16:56 UTC] str3ssica: haha
[12/26/2012 08:16:59 UTC] M4elek: ^
[12/26/2012 08:17:10 UTC] str3ssica: here is a theory you boys can test throughout the rest of your lives
[12/26/2012 08:17:16 UTC] str3ssica: the more selfies a girl has, the crazier she is
[12/26/2012 08:17:19 UTC] str3ssica: truestory
[12/26/2012 08:17:23 UTC] str3ssica: test that shit
[12/26/2012 08:17:34 UTC] cURL: hey guys my account on twitter is @MexicanH
[12/26/2012 08:17:39 UTC] M4elek: how many selfies do you have?
[12/26/2012 08:17:40 UTC] cURL: lol follow me
[12/26/2012 08:17:50 UTC] Dedobear: the more selfies a girl has, the more likely she is to take nudes
[12/26/2012 08:17:54 UTC] Dedobear: and nudes make the world go round
[12/26/2012 08:18:00 UTC] M4elek: yes yes they do
[12/26/2012 08:18:12 UTC] M4elek: but im tired of seeing nudes actually
[12/26/2012 08:18:31 UTC] Dedobear: i never get tired of getting sent nudes. i mean, im tired of porn sites
[12/26/2012 08:18:33 UTC] Dedobear: not tired of nudes
[12/26/2012 08:18:37 UTC] Dedobear: welcome to anonymous
[12/26/2012 08:18:40 UTC] Dedobear: srs bsns
[12/26/2012 08:18:43 UTC] str3ssica: hahaha
[12/26/2012 08:18:45 UTC] M4elek: this past week Ive been scrolling twitters and facebooks......
[12/26/2012 08:18:54 UTC] str3ssica: NAKED OR TERRORIST
[12/26/2012 08:18:55 UTC] str3ssica: pick one
[12/26/2012 08:18:57 UTC] M4elek: sick of titty pics
[12/26/2012 08:19:20 UTC] enter: terrorist
[12/26/2012 08:19:55 UTC] M4elek: the feds read over late night YAN logs and are like wtf....theres a taskforce for these clowns
[12/26/2012 08:20:07 UTC] str3ssica: hahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha
[12/26/2012 08:20:14 UTC] str3ssica: i am loling
[12/26/2012 08:20:16 UTC] str3ssica: and snorting
[12/26/2012 08:20:17 UTC] str3ssica: lol
[12/26/2012 08:20:26 UTC] M4elek: snort=nerd!
[12/26/2012 08:20:49 UTC] Dedobear: Naked terrorist
[12/26/2012 08:20:56 UTC] Dedobear: i love it when people ask me if i lift
[12/26/2012 08:21:12 UTC] Dedobear: ITT: #OPANONFIT
[12/26/2012 08:21:24 UTC] str3ssica: i snort like a mutherfucker.
[12/26/2012 08:21:28 UTC] M4elek: theres an anon fit channel?
[12/26/2012 08:21:29 UTC] str3ssica: haha
[12/26/2012 08:21:34 UTC] Dedobear: no but there should be
[12/26/2012 08:21:37 UTC] M4elek: lmao
[12/26/2012 08:21:53 UTC] M4elek: JockAnon
[12/26/2012 08:21:58 UTC] M4elek: sounds dirty
[12/26/2012 08:22:01 UTC] Dedobear: AnonFit
[12/26/2012 08:22:07 UTC] Dedobear: @AnonFit on twitter
[12/26/2012 08:22:38 UTC] str3ssica: what no way
[12/26/2012 08:22:45 UTC] Dedobear: doesn't exist
[12/26/2012 08:22:47 UTC] Dedobear: but it should
[12/26/2012 08:22:50 UTC] M4elek: and they tweet work outs to do while incarcerated!
[12/26/2012 08:23:01 UTC] str3ssica: lol.
[12/26/2012 08:23:15 UTC] str3ssica: fucking unsolidarity just ddosed me
[12/26/2012 08:23:17 UTC] str3ssica: that little fuck
[12/26/2012 08:23:20 UTC] Dedobear: 10 SQL Injects aka pushups
[12/26/2012 08:23:39 UTC] Dedobear: 15 vulnerability scans aka jumping jacks
[12/26/2012 08:23:43 UTC] M4elek: how do you know it was him the ddosed you?
[12/26/2012 08:24:25 UTC] str3ssica: he told me lol
[12/26/2012 08:24:29 UTC] M4elek: oh lol
[12/26/2012 08:25:32 UTC] M4elek: is it illeagal to scan a website?
[12/26/2012 08:25:38 UTC] Shaggy: No
[12/26/2012 08:25:52 UTC] Shaggy: Kink of the internet say's "No"
[12/26/2012 08:25:54 UTC] Shaggy: *king
[12/26/2012 08:25:59 UTC] M4elek: lol
[12/26/2012 08:28:12 UTC] Dedobear: why am i still shirtless in tc
[12/26/2012 08:28:14 UTC] Dedobear: fuck im cold
[12/26/2012 08:28:57 UTC] M4elek: when i use my neighbors wifi is there something i can do to make it where I dont show up on thier network?
[12/26/2012 08:29:02 UTC] str3ssica: HAHAH
[12/26/2012 08:30:15 UTC] Dedobear: and the femanons arent showing tits
[12/26/2012 08:30:18 UTC] Dedobear: thus breaking the rules
[12/26/2012 08:30:25 UTC] M4elek: cause right now all they have to do is go to thier router and they can see seeing as how they used WEP...and kept thier router defaults usr and pwd im sure they dont know how to look at thier router through a browser
[12/26/2012 08:30:34 UTC] str3ssica: i'm pretty sure there are no rules about tits
[12/26/2012 08:30:50 UTC] M4elek: there is!
[12/26/2012 08:31:17 UTC] Shaggy: TC?
[12/26/2012 08:32:11 UTC] Dedobear: tinychat
[12/26/2012 08:32:26 UTC] Dedobear: actually theres a big rule about tits
[12/26/2012 08:32:48 UTC] Dedobear: its just usually not enforced outside 9gag
[12/26/2012 08:33:31 UTC] Dedobear: hurrrdurrr im trollin
[12/26/2012 08:33:58 UTC] str3ssica: 9gag ?
[12/26/2012 08:34:09 UTC] Shaggy: ?
[12/26/2012 08:34:10 UTC] Dedobear: dont go there
[12/26/2012 08:34:12 UTC] Shaggy: That one?
[12/26/2012 08:34:13 UTC] Dedobear: yessir
[12/26/2012 08:34:18 UTC] Dedobear: don't go to 9gag
[12/26/2012 08:34:24 UTC] Dedobear: you're immediately not cool anymore
[12/26/2012 08:34:28 UTC] Dedobear: if you go to 9gag
[12/26/2012 08:34:37 UTC] M4elek: whats 9gag
[12/26/2012 08:34:57 UTC] Dedobear: good
[12/26/2012 08:35:06 UTC] Dedobear: if you dont know what it is, keep it that way
[12/26/2012 08:35:11 UTC] M4elek: '...
[12/26/2012 08:35:51 UTC] M4elek: you just make it that more curious
[12/26/2012 08:36:14 UTC] Dedobear: they claim they made all memes
[12/26/2012 08:36:15 UTC] M4elek: but im at Im not about to go to a site that will get me fired lol
[12/26/2012 08:36:23 UTC] Dedobear: it's not bad, just gay as fuck
[12/26/2012 08:36:30 UTC] Dedobear: im surprised you havent heard of it
[12/26/2012 08:36:38 UTC] Dedobear: but yeah, it's just dumb, that's that
[12/26/2012 08:36:40 UTC] M4elek: i despise meme
[12/26/2012 08:36:56 UTC] M4elek: well most of them
[12/26/2012 08:37:11 UTC] M4elek: i like the ones that make fun of women
[12/26/2012 08:37:44 UTC] M4elek: like the one that sayd oh look my dryer came with a dishwasher
[12/26/2012 08:37:53 UTC] M4elek: and its a chick inside of a dryer
[12/26/2012 08:37:56 UTC] M4elek: funny stuff
[12/26/2012 08:38:51 UTC] str3ssica: lol
[12/26/2012 08:43:36 UTC] M4elek: 9gag
[12/26/2012 08:43:40 UTC] M4elek: i hate you dedo
[12/26/2012 08:43:59 UTC] Dedobear: sorry
[12/26/2012 08:44:06 UTC] Dedobear: i told you it's dumb
[12/26/2012 08:48:17 UTC] str3ssica: it doesn't sounds like anything good
[12/26/2012 08:48:25 UTC] str3ssica: gag on the internet usually is a bad thing.
[12/26/2012 08:48:26 UTC] str3ssica: just sayin.
[12/26/2012 08:48:50 UTC] Dedobear: or something awesome
[12/26/2012 08:48:54 UTC] Dedobear: depending on what youre into
[12/26/2012 08:49:13 UTC] str3ssica: coming from teh dude who shut down the room with a fisting convo yesterday
[12/26/2012 08:50:19 UTC] Dedobear: hey, some people like that shit
[12/26/2012 08:50:23 UTC] Dedobear: i dont, but whatevs
[12/26/2012 08:50:28 UTC] Dedobear: this is how i get late at night
[12/26/2012 08:50:52 UTC] M4elek: lol
[12/26/2012 08:52:54 UTC] str3ssica: oh wine is gone.
[12/26/2012 08:52:54 UTC] str3ssica: sad.
[12/26/2012 08:53:01 UTC] str3ssica: no more learning this evening.
[12/26/2012 08:55:29 UTC] M4elek: what ya learning
[12/26/2012 08:56:00 UTC] M4elek: i was trying to learn SQL Injection
[12/26/2012 08:56:09 UTC] M4elek: i need to get a book though
[12/26/2012 08:56:33 UTC] M4elek: well not really learn, more like learn about
[12/26/2012 08:57:52 UTC] str3ssica: c/c++
[12/26/2012 08:59:38 UTC] M4elek: yeah not to keen on that stuff either
[12/26/2012 09:00:03 UTC] M4elek: i did take a college class on programing, but everything was i rally didnt learn anything
[12/26/2012 09:00:29 UTC] cURL: see ya
[12/26/2012 09:04:07 UTC] AnonvnOps: OpYan ?
[12/26/2012 09:04:20 UTC] AnonvnOps: What is its?
[12/26/2012 09:05:23 UTC] M4elek: OpYan?
[12/26/2012 09:05:28 UTC] AnonvnOps: Yes
[12/26/2012 09:05:29 UTC] AnonvnOps: ?
[12/26/2012 09:05:34 UTC] AnonvnOps: Info ?
[12/26/2012 09:05:37 UTC] M4elek: I dont think there is an OpYan
[12/26/2012 09:05:54 UTC] M4elek: there is a #YAN
[12/26/2012 09:06:03 UTC] M4elek: Your Anonymous News
[12/26/2012 09:06:20 UTC] AnonvnOps: yayay
[12/26/2012 09:06:37 UTC] AnonvnOps: He are troll ?
[12/26/2012 09:06:43 UTC] M4elek: ...
[12/26/2012 09:06:48 UTC] M4elek: yeah, im trolling
[12/26/2012 09:10:02 UTC] AnonvnOps: =)))
[12/26/2012 09:10:13 UTC] M4elek: not really though
[12/26/2012 09:14:22 UTC] M4elek: I think IM gonna get a cat
[12/26/2012 09:14:27 UTC] M4elek: cats are fun
[12/26/2012 09:18:17 UTC] M4elek: you guys got boring
[12/26/2012 09:22:49 UTC] Silicunt: oi!
[12/26/2012 09:23:43 UTC] Silicunt: Hey Oxymoron
[12/26/2012 09:23:46 UTC] Shaggy: wtf?
[12/26/2012 09:24:08 UTC] Shaggy: Full on war about to happen
[12/26/2012 09:24:12 UTC] Shaggy: Just a warning
[12/26/2012 09:24:24 UTC] Shaggy: Grab your tin foil!!
[12/26/2012 09:24:51 UTC] Silicunt: Shaggy: War against who? (who, who who)
[12/26/2012 09:25:12 UTC] Shaggy: idk, just saying
[12/26/2012 09:25:26 UTC] Dedobear: tinfoil's on
[12/26/2012 09:25:27 UTC] Dedobear: ready
[12/26/2012 09:25:47 UTC] M4elek: I wann aplay war
[12/26/2012 09:26:32 UTC] M4elek: go go Glitch mob
[12/26/2012 09:26:37 UTC] Silicunt: I say why not
[12/26/2012 09:26:55 UTC] str3ssica: glitch mob :D
[12/26/2012 09:27:01 UTC] str3ssica: whats goin on.
[12/26/2012 09:27:07 UTC] M4elek: <3 Glitch MOb
[12/26/2012 09:27:30 UTC] anon: hello
[12/26/2012 09:27:30 UTC] Silicunt: Snitch Mob
[12/26/2012 09:27:39 UTC] anon: doss
[12/26/2012 09:27:39 UTC] Dedobear: hello
[12/26/2012 09:27:49 UTC] anon: what the site ddos+
[12/26/2012 09:28:20 UTC] M4elek: lol
[12/26/2012 09:28:25 UTC] anon: dossiamo which site?
[12/26/2012 09:28:40 UTC] M4elek:
[12/26/2012 09:28:45 UTC] Silicunt: lol
[12/26/2012 09:29:04 UTC] anon: so
[12/26/2012 09:29:10 UTC] Silicunt: u krayZ
[12/26/2012 09:29:13 UTC] Silicunt: foo
[12/26/2012 09:29:41 UTC] anon: woow
[12/26/2012 09:29:43 UTC] str3ssica: alright kids
[12/26/2012 09:29:43 UTC] anon: ahaa
[12/26/2012 09:29:45 UTC] anon: LOL
[12/26/2012 09:29:56 UTC] str3ssica: time to go fuck with the other half of the internet
[12/26/2012 09:30:12 UTC] str3ssica: have a lovely night/day/whatever.
[12/26/2012 09:30:13 UTC] anon: yes
[12/26/2012 09:30:23 UTC] anon: I'm italian
[12/26/2012 09:30:23 UTC] Silicunt: baiii
[12/26/2012 09:30:27 UTC] anon: I'm italia
[12/26/2012 09:30:32 UTC] Silicunt: It's a meeee, mariooooo
[12/26/2012 09:30:32 UTC] M4elek: ciao
[12/26/2012 09:30:34 UTC] anon: you speack italia
[12/26/2012 09:30:37 UTC] anon: ciao
[12/26/2012 09:30:39 UTC] M4elek: lol
[12/26/2012 09:30:44 UTC] anon: dossiamo qualche sito
[12/26/2012 09:30:45 UTC] anon: insieme
[12/26/2012 09:30:50 UTC] M4elek: areviderci
[12/26/2012 09:30:56 UTC] anon: ciao milek
[12/26/2012 09:31:05 UTC] M4elek: pizza
[12/26/2012 09:31:17 UTC] Silicunt: LOL
[12/26/2012 09:31:20 UTC] Silicunt: va fanculo
[12/26/2012 09:31:24 UTC] M4elek: lmao
[12/26/2012 09:31:24 UTC] anon: fanculo tu
[12/26/2012 09:31:29 UTC] M4elek: fanculo
[12/26/2012 09:31:33 UTC] Silicunt: LUIGI
[12/26/2012 09:31:35 UTC] M4elek: whats the from?
[12/26/2012 09:31:39 UTC] M4elek: that*
[12/26/2012 09:31:47 UTC] M4elek: some ganster movie
[12/26/2012 09:31:49 UTC] anon: io sono di napoli
[12/26/2012 09:31:55 UTC] Silicunt: M4elek: idk how to spell it, but it means "go get yourself fuck in the ass"
[12/26/2012 09:32:12 UTC] anon: che cazzo facciamo
[12/26/2012 09:32:12 UTC] Silicunt: correct me if i'm wrong anon
[12/26/2012 09:32:18 UTC] Silicunt: fellatio
[12/26/2012 09:32:36 UTC] Silicunt: Mussolini!
[12/26/2012 09:32:40 UTC] Silicunt: Pavarotti
[12/26/2012 09:32:43 UTC] M4elek: lol
[12/26/2012 09:32:43 UTC] Silicunt: Niggers
[12/26/2012 09:32:44 UTC] anon: ahha
[12/26/2012 09:32:47 UTC] M4elek: Blue Foundation
[12/26/2012 09:32:54 UTC] M4elek: I like Blue Foundation
[12/26/2012 09:32:55 UTC] anon: Dossiamo
[12/26/2012 09:32:58 UTC] anon: dossamo
[12/26/2012 09:32:59 UTC] M4elek: Mossimo!
[12/26/2012 09:33:06 UTC] anon: quale ddos usate voi ???
[12/26/2012 09:33:16 UTC] Silicunt: Carla Bruni = fucking italian/french biatch
[12/26/2012 09:33:26 UTC] anon: which used ddos you
[12/26/2012 09:33:42 UTC] M4elek: OMG that chick fromt he fiat 500 comericals! fucking hot
[12/26/2012 09:33:50 UTC] Silicunt: k i'ma leave
[12/26/2012 09:33:57 UTC] Silicunt: bai ma ne g a zzzz
[12/26/2012 09:34:01 UTC] Silicunt: don't fart too much
[12/26/2012 09:34:07 UTC] Silicunt: you might die of asphyxiation
[12/26/2012 09:34:15 UTC] M4elek: lol
[12/26/2012 09:34:50 UTC] anon: XD
[12/26/2012 09:40:04 UTC] M4elek: word
[12/26/2012 10:14:01 UTC] Crypt0nymous: YAn team pls DM
[12/26/2012 10:34:40 UTC] stun: sure
[12/26/2012 10:35:18 UTC] stun: Crypt0nymous,
[12/26/2012 10:49:16 UTC] stun: morning all
[12/26/2012 10:49:19 UTC] M4elek: good morning
[12/26/2012 10:54:08 UTC] stun: wb LadyICE
[12/26/2012 10:54:41 UTC] LadyICE: thank you, hun
[12/26/2012 11:03:26 UTC] Crypt0nymous: i hate it if the irc is tancing tango
[12/26/2012 11:07:48 UTC] M4elek: Lindsey Stirling is hot
[12/26/2012 11:09:31 UTC] Thecrusader: Say what?
[12/26/2012 11:10:50 UTC] M4elek: Lindsey
[12/26/2012 11:11:05 UTC] M4elek: I dont know how to make that into another sentence
[12/26/2012 11:11:53 UTC] M4elek:
[12/26/2012 11:14:14 UTC] Crypt0nymous: M4elek there are some dubstep, they are ok
[12/26/2012 11:15:42 UTC] Thecrusader: So what has you guys up this late/early?
[12/26/2012 11:18:49 UTC] Crypt0nymous: afk
[12/26/2012 11:19:06 UTC] M4elek: getting lost in youtube
[12/26/2012 11:19:07 UTC] M4elek: ;p;
[12/26/2012 11:22:24 UTC] xdbcx: Hello?
[12/26/2012 11:22:30 UTC] M4elek: hai dere
[12/26/2012 11:22:30 UTC] Thecrusader: Yo.
[12/26/2012 11:22:55 UTC] xdbcx: I got buzzed. Is stun still active in here?
[12/26/2012 11:23:06 UTC] Thecrusader: *Shrug*
[12/26/2012 11:23:30 UTC] Thecrusader: I don't know why, but every time I visit here i change my nickname.
[12/26/2012 11:24:33 UTC] xdbcx: Keeping things fresh, I like it. Hrm. I'm fading fast. Hope she comes back soon.
[12/26/2012 11:26:41 UTC] LadyICE: stun was active about 30 mins ago, hun
[12/26/2012 11:27:44 UTC] Thecrusader: Hmm...
[12/26/2012 12:51:22 UTC] Crypt0nymous: back to tweet this
[12/26/2012 12:51:22 UTC] Crypt0nymous: #Syria military police chief defects to rebels
[12/26/2012 12:51:29 UTC] Crypt0nymous: so bye guys
[12/26/2012 13:02:20 UTC] n_: is it safe to fuck the system without a condom?
[12/26/2012 13:34:36 UTC] stun:
[12/26/2012 13:34:38 UTC] stun: wow ^
[12/26/2012 13:34:41 UTC] stun: wb asherwolf
[12/26/2012 13:34:52 UTC] asherwolf: hey stun
[12/26/2012 13:34:58 UTC] asherwolf: btw: this is kinda interesting
[12/26/2012 13:35:03 UTC] stun: how ya doing gal?!
[12/26/2012 13:35:09 UTC] stun: had a nice xmass?!
[12/26/2012 13:36:59 UTC] asherwolf: very very low-key - asian food and a trip to the beach
[12/26/2012 13:37:00 UTC] asherwolf: you?
[12/26/2012 13:37:05 UTC] asherwolf:
[12/26/2012 13:37:08 UTC] stun: wow trip to beach
[12/26/2012 13:37:10 UTC] stun: cold here
[12/26/2012 13:37:14 UTC] stun: yeah had a nice one
[12/26/2012 13:37:20 UTC] stun: drunk some
[12/26/2012 13:37:22 UTC] stun: early to bed
[12/26/2012 13:37:28 UTC] stun: cus early work
[12/26/2012 15:34:11 UTC] stun: fap
[12/26/2012 15:39:12 UTC] faust: paf
[12/26/2012 15:45:19 UTC] DeadMellox: yan's an asian chick. i called it first
[12/26/2012 16:13:26 UTC] pat: h8i
[12/26/2012 16:13:30 UTC] pat: hi
[12/26/2012 16:13:38 UTC] pat: we are anonymous
[12/26/2012 16:15:18 UTC] pat: hay alguien que me diga cuando emepzara el ataque el 31
[12/26/2012 16:31:14 UTC] octopus: hay guyz
[12/26/2012 16:35:38 UTC] d4rkprophet: Hello :3
[12/26/2012 16:46:08 UTC] sl33p3r: Hiya!
[12/26/2012 17:21:15 UTC] AnonForecast_: good morning
[12/26/2012 17:23:08 UTC] maxQ: good moooarning
[12/26/2012 17:23:25 UTC] maxQ: said in the style of Rene from Allo Allo
[12/26/2012 17:25:21 UTC] AnonForecast_: ok so this new headset has perfect mic reception, even under a fawkes mask, only pproblem is that ppl can hear me breathing under it
[12/26/2012 17:25:37 UTC] AnonForecast_: anyone seen a tutorial on "how to breathe quietly under a fawkes mask?"
[12/26/2012 17:29:16 UTC] morb: does your mic have any batting around it? orient it further away from your blowhole and try wrapping some gauze or similar material around it.
[12/26/2012 17:58:26 UTC] AnonForecast_: Early Congratulations on the Anniversary of
[12/26/2012 17:58:42 UTC] AnonForecast_: oh thanks morb, i will try that
[12/26/2012 18:02:23 UTC] morb: word
[12/26/2012 18:22:31 UTC] stun: AnonForecast_, whats that?!
[12/26/2012 18:34:18 UTC] AnonForecast_: That was the Blackout Prediction.
[12/26/2012 18:34:41 UTC] AnonForecast_: before wikipedia stole credit for AnonOpBlackout, the original founders began planning for the Final Blackout
[12/26/2012 18:35:33 UTC] AnonForecast_: We knew that Anonymous was becoming "over loaded" (and its not a coincedence) and that that "candy story" effect would destory the movement
[12/26/2012 18:36:03 UTC] AnonForecast_: thats why Anonymous Operations havent been able to succedd like before
[12/26/2012 18:36:22 UTC] AnonForecast_: except for the 2nd Blackout vs the UN ITU WCIT
[12/26/2012 18:36:47 UTC] stun: hmmmz
[12/26/2012 18:36:58 UTC] AnonForecast_: and the OpWCIT amplifation support operation: OpTrapwire (which we cannot solve but it was good PR to get the hive buzzing, so to speak)
[12/26/2012 18:37:01 UTC] stun: let me read it entirely
[12/26/2012 18:37:21 UTC] AnonForecast_: keep in mind, that was long before the Jan18 blackout
[12/26/2012 18:37:57 UTC] AnonForecast_: before jimbo wales emailed us to request insider info (we did not expect him to blatnatly steal credit tho, no one else did)
[12/26/2012 18:38:28 UTC] AnonForecast_: and that was after the Nov30 TwitterStorm that caused the "ground swell" as called it
[12/26/2012 18:39:39 UTC] AnonForecast_: by Jan3 the blackout brothers could tell that it was going to be impossible to avoid the incoming Tsunami of Anti-SOPA and NDAA PR
[12/26/2012 18:39:55 UTC] AnonForecast_: so the next question was, whats next?
[12/26/2012 18:40:06 UTC] AnonForecast_: after the blackout we need a follow up plan ya know
[12/26/2012 18:40:44 UTC] AnonForecast_: so the founders designed a "Blackout System" that is now merging with TYLER
[12/26/2012 18:41:39 UTC] AnonForecast_: or i should say, the TYLER coders have made it happen by evolving the TYLER plan. i think its being called #Code now but I am not certain
[12/26/2012 18:43:04 UTC] AnonForecast_: RepDan warned me about this "over laoding" effect that the COINTELPRO does on purpose
[12/26/2012 18:43:09 UTC] AnonForecast_: thats same thing they did to occupy
[12/26/2012 18:43:34 UTC] AnonForecast_: they do not "attack" these movements per se, but its more effective to "over load" them, or in other words, make them so big they cannot manage themselves
[12/26/2012 18:44:06 UTC] AnonForecast_: without creating some form of an Authority control system, there by solving the problem. its win-win either way
[12/26/2012 18:44:32 UTC] AnonForecast_: once i heard that i was like holy shit... that is evil, but genious from a social engineering perspective
[12/26/2012 18:44:34 UTC] CWN: :)
[12/26/2012 18:44:50 UTC] CWN: bbs stun.
[12/26/2012 18:45:25 UTC] d3mn8_: hi
[12/26/2012 18:47:36 UTC] AnonForecast_: joepie said it best -
[12/26/2012 18:49:50 UTC] AnonForecast_: this paranoia that has grown since the alleged sabu betrayl, is a symptomn of the magment deficit
[12/26/2012 18:50:46 UTC] AnonForecast_: Anonymous has become so overloaded that its been harder to function in 2012.. btw should i shut up? am i spamming uninteresting shit?
[12/26/2012 18:52:12 UTC] d3mn8_: yes
[12/26/2012 18:52:12 UTC] d3mn8_: ty
[12/26/2012 18:52:28 UTC] d3mn8_: remember doing ops in 08 and it was just as much of a clusterfuck
[12/26/2012 18:52:38 UTC] d3mn8_: retards claiming simili authority over wheover just because they were there first
[12/26/2012 18:52:42 UTC] d3mn8_: 2012 is no different
[12/26/2012 18:54:33 UTC] AnonBig:
[12/26/2012 18:54:34 UTC] AnonForecast_: but once Anonymous evolved into Protestors, the majority did not regress back into 4chan "only" trolling
[12/26/2012 18:54:53 UTC] AnonBig: The #YAN (YourAnonNews) Account is going to become an Anon Hipster Service and isn't supporting important Ops anymore, I've unfollowed.
[12/26/2012 18:54:56 UTC] d3mn8_: well theres always a bunchfuck of idiots idling IRC and talkin shit whenever
[12/26/2012 18:55:01 UTC] AnonForecast_: once Anonymous evolved into OpPayback hacktivism, the majority did not regress into protesting + trolling "only"
[12/26/2012 18:55:05 UTC] d3mn8_: I guess hanging out with "anonymis" makes them feel cool and shit
[12/26/2012 18:55:49 UTC] AnonForecast_: let me get this straight AnonBig, you logged into the #YAN channel to complain about the YAN channel
[12/26/2012 18:56:01 UTC] AnonBig: haha
[12/26/2012 18:56:07 UTC] AnonBig: Yes its pissing me off
[12/26/2012 18:56:18 UTC] d3mn8_: AnonForecast_: I share his view
[12/26/2012 18:56:19 UTC] AnonBig: Fucking with thousands of anons hard work
[12/26/2012 18:56:27 UTC] d3mn8_: there is so much BS going on on #YAN
[12/26/2012 18:56:29 UTC] d3mn8_: just yesterday night
[12/26/2012 18:56:32 UTC] AnonForecast_: ok well until stun decides to make this a No-Trolling zone, continue with your trolling sir :)
[12/26/2012 18:56:41 UTC] d3mn8_: tweets such as "im so bored", "lets go on tiniychat" and shit, what the fuck?
[12/26/2012 18:56:58 UTC] AnonForecast_: from the YAN channel?
[12/26/2012 18:57:02 UTC] stun: d3mn8_, ?!
[12/26/2012 18:57:02 UTC] AnonForecast_: bullshit, link
[12/26/2012 18:57:11 UTC] AnonBig: I am not trolling
[12/26/2012 18:57:15 UTC] AnonBig: This is serious
[12/26/2012 18:57:23 UTC] d3mn8_: let me see
[12/26/2012 18:57:26 UTC] d3mn8_: Im pretty sure I saw that
[12/26/2012 18:57:27 UTC] AnonBig: Its disinfo
[12/26/2012 18:57:31 UTC] AnonForecast_: YAN has never posted shitlike that
[12/26/2012 18:57:31 UTC] d3mn8_: was on tablet tho, maybe I didnt see right
[12/26/2012 18:57:36 UTC] AnonBig: And I am having to clean it up
[12/26/2012 18:57:38 UTC] stun: disinfo?!
[12/26/2012 18:57:47 UTC] AnonBig: its an uphill battle
[12/26/2012 18:57:49 UTC] stun: WTF you stoned?!
[12/26/2012 18:57:55 UTC] AnonBig: No I am not
[12/26/2012 18:58:03 UTC] stun: Whats you problem then?!
[12/26/2012 18:58:08 UTC] AnonForecast_: there has been a very minor and occassional NYPA kind of post but YAN has always supplied 5 star content
[12/26/2012 18:58:11 UTC] stun: because one dude had a issue as explained...
[12/26/2012 18:58:17 UTC] AnonForecast_: AnonBig is a troll
[12/26/2012 18:58:27 UTC] stun: entire YAn is disinformation?
[12/26/2012 18:58:27 UTC] AnonBig: I have thousands of anons working on this op and YAN is posting stupid shit on OPSyria channel
[12/26/2012 18:58:38 UTC] AnonForecast_: feel free to set a No-Trolling rule in topic and ban him stun
[12/26/2012 18:58:42 UTC] d3mn8_:
[12/26/2012 18:58:46 UTC] AnonForecast_: who did?
[12/26/2012 18:58:48 UTC] d3mn8_: this AnonForecast_
[12/26/2012 18:58:54 UTC] AnonForecast_: YAN has never bashed OpSyria
[12/26/2012 18:59:01 UTC] AnonForecast_: ok, checking d3mn8_
[12/26/2012 18:59:16 UTC] stun: Guys... YAN is #Anonymous. not a dude called harry
[12/26/2012 18:59:19 UTC] AnonBig: Well There is a few tweets that have fucked up OpSyria
[12/26/2012 18:59:28 UTC] AnonBig: and Syria girl is pissed
[12/26/2012 18:59:30 UTC] AnonForecast_: stun did you see that tweet?
[12/26/2012 18:59:42 UTC] d3mn8_: I see some like this once in a while
[12/26/2012 18:59:44 UTC] AnonForecast_: was Jackal comprimised after HTP got him?
[12/26/2012 18:59:52 UTC] stun: here are several stone slackers posting there... gonna blame entire network for it?! gtfo
[12/26/2012 19:00:07 UTC] stun: d3mn8_, having fun is forbidden?!
[12/26/2012 19:00:17 UTC] d3mn8_: stun, hardly my point
[12/26/2012 19:00:24 UTC] stun: So YAn is not allowed to post I;m bored wana have fun?!
[12/26/2012 19:00:26 UTC] AnonBig: Not the network who ever is posting it is really cutting down on the moral of anons
[12/26/2012 19:00:29 UTC] stun: no wtf is you point?!
[12/26/2012 19:00:30 UTC] d3mn8_: why are you so defensive?
[12/26/2012 19:00:31 UTC] AnonForecast_: only jackal has the power to critique the other YAN relays
[12/26/2012 19:01:06 UTC] AnonBig: Because I am having to listen to all the anons complain about YANs posts
[12/26/2012 19:01:32 UTC] AnonBig: And its pissing me off cause it keeps cutting in what I am having to do
[12/26/2012 19:02:18 UTC] stun: You follow me?
[12/26/2012 19:02:22 UTC] stun: not YAN
[12/26/2012 19:02:36 UTC] AnonBig: What do you mean follow you?
[12/26/2012 19:03:11 UTC] AnonForecast_: ok
[12/26/2012 19:03:38 UTC] stun: Do you follow ,e on twitter?
[12/26/2012 19:03:59 UTC] AnonBig: I am not sure whats your twitter
[12/26/2012 19:04:09 UTC] stun: @57UN
[12/26/2012 19:04:49 UTC] AnonBig: Haha troll sec
[12/26/2012 19:04:54 UTC] AnonBig: and yes I am
[12/26/2012 19:05:13 UTC] AnonBig: And your super cute I might add
[12/26/2012 19:05:44 UTC] AnonBig: doesn't help when I am a sucker for latin women
[12/26/2012 19:06:03 UTC] mos6502: You know rather than have your time taken up by ppl whining about stuff... you could ignore it...
[12/26/2012 19:06:34 UTC] AnonBig: I am the messenger I have to listen to this shit all day
[12/26/2012 19:06:43 UTC] AnonBig: now I am dealing with it
[12/26/2012 19:06:57 UTC] AnonBig: and I hate dealing with drama
[12/26/2012 19:07:04 UTC] AnonBig: frustrates the hell out of me
[12/26/2012 19:07:24 UTC] mos6502: like I said, if you ignore it it won't take up your time.
[12/26/2012 19:08:05 UTC] mos6502: cause really, bitching will nEVER stop
[12/26/2012 19:08:06 UTC] mos6502: ever
[12/26/2012 19:08:25 UTC] AnonBig: Trying to work on tyler and I am finding out Dumb Americans are RTing the hell out of youranonnews disinfo and its its another thing on my plate
[12/26/2012 19:08:28 UTC] mos6502: its futile to try to stem the flow of butthurt
[12/26/2012 19:08:42 UTC] AnonForecast_: i completely agree mos6502 but i must admit that there is enough evidence to warrant fair legitimate consideration of a reaction
[12/26/2012 19:08:56 UTC] AnonForecast_: i dont think its a huge deal
[12/26/2012 19:09:17 UTC] AnonForecast_: itsa small deal but i think it at least warrants a "patch update" kind of reaction
[12/26/2012 19:09:37 UTC] AnonForecast_: if only to prevent it from becoming a bigger deal later ya know
[12/26/2012 19:09:46 UTC] AnonBig: This is not butt hurt its 1984 propaganda that OpSyria 2.0 is trying to flush out from the public
[12/26/2012 19:11:17 UTC] AnonBig: YourAnonNews is encouraging Obama's agenda
[12/26/2012 19:12:44 UTC] CWN: speaking of obama
[12/26/2012 19:12:45 UTC] CWN:
[12/26/2012 19:14:13 UTC] AnonBig: whoa sensory overload
[12/26/2012 19:19:27 UTC] AnonForecast_: ok everyone relax, ive proposed a good solution in case its a legit problem and im collecting evidence to investigate
[12/26/2012 19:24:50 UTC] Crosspoint: Good day everyone.
[12/26/2012 19:24:57 UTC] AnonForecast_: hey~o
[12/26/2012 19:25:50 UTC] Crosspoint: Im going to tweet YAN about a response to cody saltsman
[12/26/2012 19:25:56 UTC] Crosspoint: hopefully y'all rt it
[12/26/2012 19:26:14 UTC] SinNis: Post your link to your tweet here
[12/26/2012 19:26:55 UTC] AnonForecast_: ok so far we have 1 yan tweets with at least some quality control legitimacy, any more?
[12/26/2012 19:27:06 UTC] Crosspoint:
[12/26/2012 19:27:37 UTC] Crosspoint: Also have an interview with the same place if you would be interested in RTing it.
[12/26/2012 19:28:14 UTC] AnonForecast_: oh thatsa proposed RT not a complaint
[12/26/2012 19:28:19 UTC] AnonForecast_: i was like wtf, doesnt even mention YANin it
[12/26/2012 19:28:39 UTC] Crosspoint: haha yeah it's a proposed RT
[12/26/2012 19:29:27 UTC] SinNis:
[12/26/2012 19:30:28 UTC] Crosspoint: Thank you sir.
[12/26/2012 19:30:57 UTC] SinNis: No worries.
[12/26/2012 19:31:10 UTC] Crosspoint: Here's an Interview I did.
[12/26/2012 19:31:11 UTC] Crosspoint:
[12/26/2012 19:31:44 UTC] Crosspoint: She deemed Anon as a group which I tried to let her know not to, but it's whatever.
[12/26/2012 19:32:25 UTC] AnonForecast_: ya
[12/26/2012 19:32:29 UTC] AnonForecast_: its fucknig annoying propaganda
[12/26/2012 19:32:35 UTC] AnonForecast_: its racist actually
[12/26/2012 19:32:40 UTC] AnonForecast_: typical name-calling
[12/26/2012 19:33:18 UTC] AnonForecast_: same with cyber terrorists, digital gangsters, hackers, criminals, or anything else they label us
[12/26/2012 19:33:40 UTC] Crosspoint: Exactly.
[12/26/2012 19:33:46 UTC] SinNis: CWN = Lee?
[12/26/2012 19:33:55 UTC] AnonForecast_: how ironic is that every Authroity uses name-calling to describe something that is intentionally not named?
[12/26/2012 19:33:55 UTC] stun: yes
[12/26/2012 19:33:58 UTC] stun: SinNis, yes
[12/26/2012 19:33:58 UTC] AnonForecast_: intentionally nameless
[12/26/2012 19:34:14 UTC] SinNis: Thanks stun
[12/26/2012 19:34:15 UTC] stun: !axx add CWN 5
[12/26/2012 19:34:26 UTC] Crosspoint: I'd deem myself a hacker, as it's true about me. But not everyone that supports Anon is a hacker.
[12/26/2012 19:34:27 UTC] stun: Np
[12/26/2012 19:34:40 UTC] AnonForecast_: hjacking is a skill
[12/26/2012 19:34:48 UTC] CWN: cheers
[12/26/2012 19:34:53 UTC] AnonForecast_: I have the "ability" to murder som,eone but I am not a murder
[12/26/2012 19:34:59 UTC] AnonForecast_: its just an ability
[12/26/2012 19:35:02 UTC] Crosspoint: Exactly.
[12/26/2012 19:35:07 UTC] AnonForecast_: in fact
[12/26/2012 19:35:11 UTC] AnonForecast_: they have the avilty to hack too if they want
[12/26/2012 19:35:18 UTC] spektre: lel
[12/26/2012 19:35:20 UTC] AnonForecast_: its completely worthless name-calling of a nameless idea
[12/26/2012 19:35:25 UTC] AnonForecast_: that is Irony 9000
[12/26/2012 19:36:07 UTC] SinNis: CWN how are you, mate?
[12/26/2012 19:36:27 UTC] Crosspoint: I know you didn't ask me, but I enjoyed Christmas.
[12/26/2012 19:36:32 UTC] Crosspoint: Lots of good food.
[12/26/2012 19:36:48 UTC] AnonForecast_: btw im working on a win-win quality control idea for @YourAnonNews, if youve seen any tweets that you think would be best avoided in the future, feel free to PM me here or AnonForecast at gmail, twitter, tormail etc. I will ignore troll complaints
[12/26/2012 19:37:04 UTC] stun: wb spektre
[12/26/2012 19:37:26 UTC] stun: !axx add spektre 8
[12/26/2012 19:37:28 UTC] stun: wtf
[12/26/2012 19:37:33 UTC] spektre: 8 ? D:
[12/26/2012 19:37:35 UTC] spektre: !up
[12/26/2012 19:37:50 UTC] spektre: danke danke
[12/26/2012 19:37:54 UTC] stun: Now showme the money!
[12/26/2012 19:38:28 UTC] spektre: (stun look at twitter)
[12/26/2012 19:38:38 UTC] CWN: Excellent thanks SinNis
[12/26/2012 19:42:46 UTC] str3ssica: hiya
[12/26/2012 19:42:55 UTC] str3ssica: just read your letter, crosspoint. heavy.
[12/26/2012 19:43:19 UTC] Crosspoint: Thank you.
[12/26/2012 19:43:34 UTC] Crosspoint: And from new evidence coming to light, i think he was just trying to avoid our wrath...
[12/26/2012 19:44:32 UTC] SinNis: AnonForecast_ why do people need to email you, you should just talk about it here.
[12/26/2012 19:48:30 UTC] Crosspoint: SinNis - Seems fishy...
[12/26/2012 19:51:15 UTC] str3ssica: some people don't feel comfy emailing
[12/26/2012 19:51:22 UTC] str3ssica: erm, talking publicly
[12/26/2012 20:00:50 UTC] dR: come on guys! whats up? :D it's my first time to join YAN
[12/26/2012 20:01:42 UTC] subverter313: There is access to Youtube in Pakistan for the last 100 days
[12/26/2012 20:02:01 UTC] Can: wazzzzup
[12/26/2012 20:02:06 UTC] SinNis: Yo
[12/26/2012 20:02:16 UTC] Can: #OpPMHarper!!!
[12/26/2012 20:02:22 UTC] Can: :P
[12/26/2012 20:02:23 UTC] Ice_Dragon: o/
[12/26/2012 20:02:33 UTC] octopus: look at all these fucks
[12/26/2012 20:02:41 UTC] Can: jus look at em
[12/26/2012 20:02:45 UTC] octopus: LOOK AT EM
[12/26/2012 20:02:53 UTC] Can: NO
[12/26/2012 20:02:56 UTC] octopus: DO IT
[12/26/2012 20:02:57 UTC] Can: ;p
[12/26/2012 20:03:03 UTC] Tarzan: Hai
[12/26/2012 20:03:37 UTC] dR: so what are you guys doin here? chatting and stuf? :))
[12/26/2012 20:03:45 UTC] Can: I think Anonymous needs to make it more publicly known that they are non-violent
[12/26/2012 20:04:01 UTC] Can: theyd gain a lot of support, but maybe lose some of the intimidation
[12/26/2012 20:04:07 UTC] Tarzan: @dr partying
[12/26/2012 20:04:23 UTC] octopus: i think anonymous should be much more violent
[12/26/2012 20:04:29 UTC] octopus: that way tehy can all get arrested
[12/26/2012 20:04:31 UTC] Can: gtfo
[12/26/2012 20:04:36 UTC] spektre: !up
[12/26/2012 20:04:37 UTC] Can: ;p
[12/26/2012 20:04:48 UTC] dR: @tarzan nice try. so who is our DJ? come on! :D
[12/26/2012 20:04:56 UTC] Tarzan: I agree with octopus. But just so I speeds up this whole revolution shiz
[12/26/2012 20:05:21 UTC] Can: the revolution can't be rushed
[12/26/2012 20:05:23 UTC] Tarzan: I'll dj
[12/26/2012 20:05:27 UTC] Can: that leads to compromise
[12/26/2012 20:05:32 UTC] octopus: no way Can
[12/26/2012 20:05:40 UTC] octopus: its gotta be quick
[12/26/2012 20:06:08 UTC] Tarzan: I vote for anarchy
[12/26/2012 20:06:14 UTC] Can: Indeed
[12/26/2012 20:06:16 UTC] Ice_Dragon: +h for first 50 in the chan, go go go.
[12/26/2012 20:06:16 UTC] dR: so play the song of your people to us :D
[12/26/2012 20:06:28 UTC] spektre: a vote for anarchy is a vote for...
[12/26/2012 20:06:31 UTC] spektre: bloc
[12/26/2012 20:06:34 UTC] octopus: anarchy is sick
[12/26/2012 20:06:48 UTC] Can: Anonymous is anarchy
[12/26/2012 20:06:51 UTC] octopus: i support anarchy when i steal from the mall
[12/26/2012 20:06:53 UTC] Anon: I rather have Anarchy than have my current government
[12/26/2012 20:06:56 UTC] Tarzan: Anarchy means no rulers, not no leaders.
[12/26/2012 20:07:19 UTC] Ice_Dragon: Leadership is necessary
[12/26/2012 20:07:22 UTC] spektre: mibs...
[12/26/2012 20:07:23 UTC] Tarzan: So we can have people who lead, but not tyrants
[12/26/2012 20:07:29 UTC] spektre: So. many. Mibs
[12/26/2012 20:07:31 UTC] Rumforce: Hi everyone
[12/26/2012 20:07:46 UTC] Tarzan: Hai
[12/26/2012 20:07:50 UTC] Anon: Hello
[12/26/2012 20:07:51 UTC] octopus: mibbit is a great irc client
[12/26/2012 20:07:51 UTC] Can: In the United States, the term "anarchy" typically is used to refer to a society without a publicly enforced government or violently enforced political authority.
[12/26/2012 20:07:56 UTC] Ice_Dragon: spektre: the image on the twitter ha the incorrect info for the client based.. says .com not .org
[12/26/2012 20:07:59 UTC] Can: straight from Wiki ;p
[12/26/2012 20:08:02 UTC] Ice_Dragon: So people probs just connect via mibbit
[12/26/2012 20:08:21 UTC] change: I'M PISSED - please anonymous design a new social network that does not control conversations
[12/26/2012 20:08:30 UTC] spektre: Ice_Dragon this server is not .org nor .com... its .net
[12/26/2012 20:08:33 UTC] spektre: fyi
[12/26/2012 20:08:42 UTC] octopus: change: have you ever heard of diaspora
[12/26/2012 20:08:59 UTC] spektre: nice game
[12/26/2012 20:08:59 UTC] octopus: you fckn nub
[12/26/2012 20:09:07 UTC] spektre: hard mechaniccs
[12/26/2012 20:09:07 UTC] Can: I sen #YAN looking for programmers to do just that @change
[12/26/2012 20:09:07 UTC] Tarzan: I think anarchy should mean people have absolute freedom but an honorable leader who they support by choice
[12/26/2012 20:09:07 UTC] change: no waht is diaspora
[12/26/2012 20:09:12 UTC] octopus: diaspora is a distributed social network
[12/26/2012 20:09:12 UTC] octopus: you fckn nub
[12/26/2012 20:09:35 UTC] Can: @octo not everyone has the reach you do
[12/26/2012 20:09:45 UTC] octopus:
[12/26/2012 20:09:45 UTC] octopus: ROLFFFFFF CAN
[12/26/2012 20:10:04 UTC] Can: fuckin 8legged asshole
[12/26/2012 20:10:04 UTC] Can: muahhaa ;p
[12/26/2012 20:10:10 UTC] octopus: lelz
[12/26/2012 20:10:50 UTC] PW9zz: hi
[12/26/2012 20:10:52 UTC] Can: Yo what's so great about Diaspora though?
[12/26/2012 20:10:57 UTC] Can: enlighten me
[12/26/2012 20:11:01 UTC] octopus: zomg
[12/26/2012 20:11:05 UTC] octopus: open source
[12/26/2012 20:11:06 UTC] change: I'll check it out thanks we need to advertise the hell out of a new social network and stop these corporate networks controlling conversations
[12/26/2012 20:11:09 UTC] octopus: you control your data
[12/26/2012 20:11:20 UTC] octopus: anyone can run a "pod" which is a subnetwork
[12/26/2012 20:11:31 UTC] octopus: subnetworks can connect to the whole diaspora network.........i think?
[12/26/2012 20:11:40 UTC] Anon: I use zurker instead of facebook, google plus ect
[12/26/2012 20:11:51 UTC] change: so we have the tool but the mass's don't use it because we don't know about it yet
[12/26/2012 20:11:56 UTC] Can: @change, what is fueling this desire?
[12/26/2012 20:12:07 UTC] Can: how is twitter "controlling conversations?
[12/26/2012 20:12:25 UTC] spektre: Can protip: "this isn't facebook, there is no need for -@-"
[12/26/2012 20:12:30 UTC] booger: @anon can I get an invite to zurker?
[12/26/2012 20:12:44 UTC] Anon: yes ill send one right now
[12/26/2012 20:12:48 UTC] change: my twitter account is suspended twice now last tiem for retweeting #idlenomore comments and replying to them - that is actually the excuse they used last time
[12/26/2012 20:12:53 UTC] Can: the @ sign makes it stand out in this plain hard to read txt
[12/26/2012 20:13:07 UTC] change: today I'm suspended again and I've done nothing wrong - barely re-tweet even out of fear
[12/26/2012 20:13:19 UTC] Anon:
[12/26/2012 20:13:24 UTC] Tarzan: #righttolink
[12/26/2012 20:13:40 UTC] spektre: Mibs. Sigh.
[12/26/2012 20:13:53 UTC] highnlow: who needs social networks when u can be forever alone<3
[12/26/2012 20:14:10 UTC] Anon: You should check out zurkers privacy it is the best
[12/26/2012 20:14:16 UTC] Tarzan: I prefer graffiti covered city walls
[12/26/2012 20:14:18 UTC] change: if I speak they suspend - what about freedom of an opinion? if I agree with others I'm suspended that is controlling freedom of speak, controlling the conversation
[12/26/2012 20:14:43 UTC] AnonBRiDGES: ...
[12/26/2012 20:14:47 UTC] booger: @anon thank you!
[12/26/2012 20:14:49 UTC] fly: yeee!! nice to be with YAN
[12/26/2012 20:14:50 UTC] fly: :)
[12/26/2012 20:15:01 UTC] Tarzan: ;)
[12/26/2012 20:15:02 UTC] AnonBRiDGES: indeed
[12/26/2012 20:15:14 UTC] Anon: No problem you should spread the link so more people can join
[12/26/2012 20:15:23 UTC] highnlow: is anyone from YAN twitter team in here?
[12/26/2012 20:15:24 UTC] octopus: i fucking hate people who are stupider than me
[12/26/2012 20:15:35 UTC] fly: Always happy to promote YAN
[12/26/2012 20:15:37 UTC] fly: ;)
[12/26/2012 20:15:42 UTC] Tarzan: If I did that I would hate everyone ;)
[12/26/2012 20:15:52 UTC] Tarzan: ^octopus
[12/26/2012 20:15:56 UTC] Can: @Anon, what do they mean when they say their in "Non-public beta testing"
[12/26/2012 20:15:57 UTC] octopus: lulzz
[12/26/2012 20:16:19 UTC] Tarzan: Always
[12/26/2012 20:16:27 UTC] change: with you @tarzan
[12/26/2012 20:16:33 UTC] Anon: People have to get an invidt to join zurker
[12/26/2012 20:16:42 UTC] Can: damnn
[12/26/2012 20:16:50 UTC] Can: So howd you get on?
[12/26/2012 20:16:51 UTC] AnonBRiDGES: y
[12/26/2012 20:16:59 UTC] change: we all preceive others to be less intelligent then ourselves lol
[12/26/2012 20:17:12 UTC] AnonBRiDGES: true
[12/26/2012 20:17:17 UTC] Can: thats not true.
[12/26/2012 20:17:21 UTC] Can: ;p
[12/26/2012 20:17:28 UTC] Can: ever heard of humility?
[12/26/2012 20:17:39 UTC] AnonBRiDGES: also true ;)
[12/26/2012 20:17:41 UTC] Tarzan: I think it's true... Maybe just because I'm so smart
[12/26/2012 20:17:47 UTC] Anon: If you want to join zurker click on this link
[12/26/2012 20:17:48 UTC] Can: it an be a very insecure but comforting feeling
[12/26/2012 20:17:54 UTC] Can: if tht makes sense at all
[12/26/2012 20:17:54 UTC] change: when you see really smart people hating stupidity they lack humility
[12/26/2012 20:18:05 UTC] booger: I will spread the zurk
[12/26/2012 20:18:24 UTC] fly: wow! this IRC is really active, more than any i have been to..
[12/26/2012 20:18:26 UTC] Anon: sweet
[12/26/2012 20:18:28 UTC] AnonBRiDGES: mmm spread that zurk
[12/26/2012 20:18:30 UTC] YAN_: What is YAN?
[12/26/2012 20:18:33 UTC] Tarzan: I'm the most humble and good looking person I know
[12/26/2012 20:18:39 UTC] fly: Your Anon News!
[12/26/2012 20:18:43 UTC] Can: @Anon, so this you "inviting" us?
[12/26/2012 20:18:44 UTC] fly: #YAN
[12/26/2012 20:18:45 UTC] Anon: (Your Anon News)
[12/26/2012 20:18:45 UTC] change: if one is so smart then the smart one teaches, not so smart if you don't know how to teach what you know and just hate those who don't know what you know
[12/26/2012 20:18:46 UTC] fly: :)
[12/26/2012 20:18:51 UTC] Anon: Yes
[12/26/2012 20:18:57 UTC] north_jersey: sup anons
[12/26/2012 20:19:01 UTC] Tarzan: That was deep man.
[12/26/2012 20:19:14 UTC] octopus: 8========D
[12/26/2012 20:19:20 UTC] octopus: i'm so happy
[12/26/2012 20:19:23 UTC] Tarzan: That was deeper
[12/26/2012 20:19:26 UTC] claire: is stupidity another word for clumsy
[12/26/2012 20:19:32 UTC] Anon: Anyone who click on that link can join zurker
[12/26/2012 20:19:38 UTC] north_jersey: just had a harvard interview 0_0
[12/26/2012 20:19:42 UTC] Tarzan: I was trained by ninjas
[12/26/2012 20:19:48 UTC] change: stupidity is when a genius can't admit to ever being wrong lol
[12/26/2012 20:19:50 UTC] hexahedron: 8=D :(
[12/26/2012 20:19:50 UTC] hexahedron: 8-D-------- :)
[12/26/2012 20:20:08 UTC] Tarzan: Lulz
[12/26/2012 20:20:17 UTC] change: I could be wrong about that lol
[12/26/2012 20:20:23 UTC] highnlow: u can be smart at one thing but dumb on another
[12/26/2012 20:20:23 UTC] Tarzan: What's a wrong?
[12/26/2012 20:20:28 UTC] Cymma8: Sup Everyone
[12/26/2012 20:20:38 UTC] hexahedron: waiting patiently for the leak of all leaks
[12/26/2012 20:20:53 UTC] Tarzan: :D
[12/26/2012 20:20:57 UTC] hexahedron: you'd think libor would be big enough to rattle the masses but apparently not
[12/26/2012 20:20:59 UTC] Tarzan: Excited
[12/26/2012 20:20:59 UTC] change: a wrong is like wanting something but doing everything to prevent what you want from happening - kinda wrong
[12/26/2012 20:21:27 UTC] Tarzan: Hmmm...
[12/26/2012 20:21:58 UTC] Tarzan: This whole "wrong" thing is very new to me
[12/26/2012 20:22:03 UTC] change: we want peace but all we do is fight
[12/26/2012 20:22:21 UTC] change: we want justice but support an injust system
[12/26/2012 20:22:34 UTC] Anon: This world is just filled with to much hate...
[12/26/2012 20:22:40 UTC] change: we want health so we take a pill to ignore the causes that create poor health
[12/26/2012 20:22:42 UTC] Tarzan: Peace requires sacrifice
[12/26/2012 20:22:42 UTC] Cymma8: It seems like not in days, fighting is the answer to everything
[12/26/2012 20:22:46 UTC] Cymma8: now*
[12/26/2012 20:23:04 UTC] change: why would peace require sacrifice? that doesn't make much sense to me at all
[12/26/2012 20:23:12 UTC] Cymma8: Exactly
[12/26/2012 20:23:25 UTC] Anon: thats only because government banks and corporation make money off it
[12/26/2012 20:23:28 UTC] RawbA: People willhave to sacrifice lifestyle, at least
[12/26/2012 20:23:34 UTC] Cymma8: True
[12/26/2012 20:23:40 UTC] change: humanity is getting so smart we can't realize how dumb we really are
[12/26/2012 20:23:53 UTC] Can: @Anon, you i can just leave this link open ri? not gonna timeout or anything
[12/26/2012 20:24:15 UTC] Can: nvm
[12/26/2012 20:24:17 UTC] change: maybe people need to look at their lifestyle - they want a loving life but think loving life is found through stuff that kills
[12/26/2012 20:24:19 UTC] Anon: open it in a new tab or a new window
[12/26/2012 20:24:19 UTC] Tarzan: Change- yes. Yes.
[12/26/2012 20:24:36 UTC] Ph4x: bye
[12/26/2012 20:24:51 UTC] Can: the problem with this world is materialism
[12/26/2012 20:24:51 UTC] hexahedron: whats up can did you get your vpn working
[12/26/2012 20:24:58 UTC] change: I have zero ties to stuff - don't want stuff, don't want money, I'm now repulsed with money actually
[12/26/2012 20:25:00 UTC] Can: holding material wealth over spiritual health
[12/26/2012 20:25:06 UTC] Tarzan: @can I agree
[12/26/2012 20:25:09 UTC] change: no sacrifice now that I GOT A BIT SMARTER lol
[12/26/2012 20:25:22 UTC] change: agree @tarzan
[12/26/2012 20:25:25 UTC] Cymma8: I think that's the way society thinks now in days that violence is out lifestyle..Look at the bast 3 weeks everything violent that has heppened. It's all we's how we are beginning to live.
[12/26/2012 20:25:43 UTC] Tarzan: Revolution time
[12/26/2012 20:25:52 UTC] Cymma8: ^yes
[12/26/2012 20:26:01 UTC] Tarzan: :)
[12/26/2012 20:26:04 UTC] Tarzan: Let it begin
[12/26/2012 20:26:21 UTC] change: we don't know truth yet - we haven't over come any problems yet - we've put a pill on it so we ignore all problems and their solutions
[12/26/2012 20:26:29 UTC] Anon: If everyone worn a mask and covered their body in black, would people still hate other because of their race?
[12/26/2012 20:26:32 UTC] booger: not everyone has
[12/26/2012 20:27:07 UTC] change: we hate what we don't understand - the killer is - we turn into exactly what we hate
[12/26/2012 20:27:27 UTC] Tarzan: What we need are anons on the street bringing about the revolution.
[12/26/2012 20:27:28 UTC] booger: I Don't think of violence as my life style and I don't surround myself with people who do, I avoid them.
[12/26/2012 20:27:33 UTC] Cymma8: Because that's how society has brainwashed us
[12/26/2012 20:27:51 UTC] change: we focus more on things we hate over things we love - with that much focus on hate you end up mirroring it and will never see yourself in that mirror whle judging what you hate
[12/26/2012 20:27:58 UTC] fly: Bye YAN nice time here.. see you someday soon.. :)
[12/26/2012 20:28:16 UTC] Tarzan: Internet activists are great and do a lot but ultimately it comes down to people in the streets
[12/26/2012 20:28:19 UTC] Anon: Honeslty i think by the time the people want a revolution it will already be to late
[12/26/2012 20:28:36 UTC] claire: anon's should slow down the speed of video clips when presenting a character of an article
[12/26/2012 20:28:38 UTC] Tarzan: ^agreed. It's sad really
[12/26/2012 20:28:43 UTC] RawbA: Could already be.
[12/26/2012 20:29:17 UTC] pathfinder: helloooooo channel
[12/26/2012 20:29:21 UTC] change: well we've seen the end of times way to many times lol I'm 54 the end of the world is an on going thing - it will never end just keep repeating until we get a bit smarter and stop repeating the same cycles
[12/26/2012 20:29:32 UTC] Cymma8: Yes hackers can shut down the Gov's website for 3 minutes till they get it back up but what does that prove? A bunch of geeks know how to flood a server? It's one person one time. @tarzan is right we need peoples voices
[12/26/2012 20:29:43 UTC] Tarzan: Men, possibly women... I don't really know. Anyways what we need to do is start the revolution in the streets.
[12/26/2012 20:29:43 UTC] Anon: Is YAN planing to do videos? Their are other sites like youtube but not being a bitch like youtube
[12/26/2012 20:29:52 UTC] booger: Maintaining yourself amidst the inherent chaos and not letting it brainwash you to any less of a standard than the one you know you deserve.
[12/26/2012 20:30:04 UTC] booger: CLEVERBOT will take over soon
[12/26/2012 20:30:16 UTC] pathfinder: wow, massive samefag wall of text essay spamming
[12/26/2012 20:30:19 UTC] pathfinder: thats a new one
[12/26/2012 20:30:35 UTC] Tarzan: The fact that we are all here shows we are like minded people who haven't succumbed to society
[12/26/2012 20:30:47 UTC] Cymma8: exactly
[12/26/2012 20:30:50 UTC] booger: no it doesnt
[12/26/2012 20:30:58 UTC] booger: we all can click a link
[12/26/2012 20:31:00 UTC] Tarzan: What are you doing here?
[12/26/2012 20:31:08 UTC] booger: reading and writing
[12/26/2012 20:31:11 UTC] north_jersey: its fucking snowing here
[12/26/2012 20:31:14 UTC] Tarzan: Sweet me too
[12/26/2012 20:31:15 UTC] pathfinder: Tarzan: the fact you are here is that you have moved from one group of followers, society, to another, anon l33t facebook warriors
[12/26/2012 20:31:16 UTC] change: I've examined this global problem - did a ton of research - yes we need to take this to the streets but in a way that is non violent - we also need information - all problems are nothing more then a lack of information - solutions unfold with information
[12/26/2012 20:31:17 UTC] north_jersey: thank god
[12/26/2012 20:31:42 UTC] RawbA: @pathfinder why are youhere then?
[12/26/2012 20:32:02 UTC] pathfinder: well im not even anon affiliated
[12/26/2012 20:32:21 UTC] pathfinder: im just a grouchy old overopinionated cripple who trolls anon wannabes
[12/26/2012 20:32:22 UTC] booger: @change yes please and thank you
[12/26/2012 20:32:25 UTC] north_jersey: once we take it to the streets and get millions of followers whats next
[12/26/2012 20:32:40 UTC] pathfinder: pople using @<nick> proves my point
[12/26/2012 20:32:42 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 20:32:47 UTC] Tarzan: Demand an end to this injustice
[12/26/2012 20:32:55 UTC] north_jersey: but how though
[12/26/2012 20:33:01 UTC] change: if we learned how we preceive reality - we will create a completely new reality
[12/26/2012 20:33:01 UTC] Cymma8: We make a stand That's how we fix this.
[12/26/2012 20:33:04 UTC] spektre: pathfinder thank you
[12/26/2012 20:33:05 UTC] spektre: <#
[12/26/2012 20:33:06 UTC] spektre: <3
[12/26/2012 20:33:18 UTC] north_jersey: what can we do to make the government change besides getting our own people into government positions
[12/26/2012 20:33:22 UTC] Anon: @change i agree
[12/26/2012 20:33:28 UTC] change: to change our dysfunctional justice you have to know it involves a win win system
[12/26/2012 20:33:31 UTC] Tarzan: Arab spring style. Egypt style. Possibly a little gangnam style
[12/26/2012 20:33:35 UTC] hexahedron: @samefag
[12/26/2012 20:33:36 UTC] hexahedron: lol
[12/26/2012 20:33:48 UTC] Cymma8: You can get 100,000 people together with a common interest. Its called football..But is we can get 100,000 people together with the common interest of stopping this bull crap then it would mean something
[12/26/2012 20:34:04 UTC] pathfinder: do you realise you are all one mentality of conformist hating anon conformists?
[12/26/2012 20:34:13 UTC] Anon: @North_jersey 2 way destroy the current government or seperate from it
[12/26/2012 20:34:23 UTC] pathfinder: you are one angry teenager's mind, typing through multiple manifestations
[12/26/2012 20:34:33 UTC] change: we all want good health - good health involves a planet - we need new information on how poor health can be healed
[12/26/2012 20:34:40 UTC] Tarzan: Google tnm. This is the kinda thing we need
[12/26/2012 20:34:46 UTC] hexahedron: pathfinder dont be upset these are your peoples
[12/26/2012 20:35:07 UTC] pathfinder: yeah fight the bad guys! i still will buy clothes made by taiwanese children for $1 dollar a day and eat food produced by slave owning corps but AT LEAST I DONT GO TO STARBUCKS
[12/26/2012 20:35:10 UTC] pathfinder: fight the power!
[12/26/2012 20:35:40 UTC] booger: @pathfinder I am here because I got really sick last week and couldnt go to work or leave my house in this time I discovered that intelligence wasn't dead, it was just hiding in the web. I'm not trying to be an anon, but the way I've seen it described I am one because I support them and their cause. Even if I tell someone or re tweet something important. It's simply support and believing in a good cause.
[12/26/2012 20:35:43 UTC] change: @pathfinder - to judge others is to see your own mirror - to know yourself is to understand your judgements of others - hard pill to swallow
[12/26/2012 20:35:54 UTC] Rumforce: I'm hungry
[12/26/2012 20:35:54 UTC] spektre: imma show restraint... because i'd have a rather strong opinion. im venting steam somewhere..else
[12/26/2012 20:35:56 UTC] hexahedron: pathfinder did you see the north korean concentration camp drawings
[12/26/2012 20:35:56 UTC] Tarzan: American spring? Coming soon to cities near you!
[12/26/2012 20:36:07 UTC] hexahedron: shit is still going down
[12/26/2012 20:36:14 UTC] pathfinder: people in here using @pathfinder
[12/26/2012 20:36:18 UTC] CH1V17O: Dont miss COPCHAT
[12/26/2012 20:36:19 UTC] claire: people seem to be in agreement but the meaningfulness doesn't actually Register.
[12/26/2012 20:36:21 UTC] pathfinder: my nick isnt a twitter handle
[12/26/2012 20:36:25 UTC] change: @pathfinder - you are the bad guy - you will always be yoru enemies enemy
[12/26/2012 20:36:26 UTC] booger: I am apeygirl on zurker and disapora
[12/26/2012 20:36:32 UTC] Cymma8: I'm throwing this out here since @pathfinder mentioned it. Yes I am a teenager. I'm 16 years old. But young or old, Fat or thin, 65 or 6 we all have a say in things we all have a voice in this world. At 16 I do. We're not all trolls
[12/26/2012 20:36:40 UTC] booger: see you all on another side. <3 <3
[12/26/2012 20:36:40 UTC] hexahedron: hahaha
[12/26/2012 20:37:02 UTC] pathfinder: i do love the regurgitated cliches like "when you
[12/26/2012 20:37:07 UTC] spektre: pathfinder yooo bro "- you are the bad guy - you will always be yoru enemies enemy"
[12/26/2012 20:37:10 UTC] spektre: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAa
[12/26/2012 20:37:13 UTC] pathfinder: "to judge others is to see your own mirror"
[12/26/2012 20:37:13 UTC] Tarzan: Hey I'm 16 as well. Sweetness brotha. Lets go cause trouble
[12/26/2012 20:37:17 UTC] Anon: @Cymma8 Very true can't agree with you more
[12/26/2012 20:37:27 UTC] pathfinder: "when you look into a pebble..... you will see your own face"
[12/26/2012 20:37:31 UTC] hexahedron: this is good stuff @samefag #yolo
[12/26/2012 20:37:43 UTC] pathfinder: you guys probably say "the best things in life are free" then giggle
[12/26/2012 20:37:51 UTC] pathfinder: nobody throws a party when they get cancer
[12/26/2012 20:38:09 UTC] north_jersey: ^good point
[12/26/2012 20:38:11 UTC] Tarzan: They throw a party when they beat cancer
[12/26/2012 20:38:19 UTC] Cymma8: Thanks @anon and @tarzan
[12/26/2012 20:38:20 UTC] north_jersey: beating cancer aint free though
[12/26/2012 20:38:27 UTC] mos6502: yeah it is
[12/26/2012 20:38:31 UTC] Tarzan: Exactly
[12/26/2012 20:38:32 UTC] CH1V17O: hard path
[12/26/2012 20:38:33 UTC] RawbA: ^^
[12/26/2012 20:38:33 UTC] hexahedron: cymma stop putting the fucking @ symbol everywhere its driving me nuts
[12/26/2012 20:38:35 UTC] mos6502: if you live in a decent country
[12/26/2012 20:38:37 UTC] pathfinder: nobody beats cancer, it is not an organism that understands physical pain
[12/26/2012 20:38:42 UTC] pathfinder: and it always comes back
[12/26/2012 20:38:45 UTC] Cymma8: Sorry..
[12/26/2012 20:38:52 UTC] change: the younger you are the smarter you are because you haven't been manipulated by the systems as much - you loose intelligence the more you age - I'm 54 I try to keep smart by listeing to the very young
[12/26/2012 20:38:55 UTC] Tarzan: @
[12/26/2012 20:38:55 UTC] spektre: to beat cancer is to beat one
[12/26/2012 20:38:56 UTC] north_jersey: cancers not an organism lol
[12/26/2012 20:38:57 UTC] Tarzan: :)
[12/26/2012 20:38:59 UTC] spektre: to beat cancer is to beat one's self
[12/26/2012 20:39:03 UTC] hexahedron: haha
[12/26/2012 20:39:18 UTC] north_jersey: cancer is unrestrained dangerous rapid cell growth
[12/26/2012 20:39:20 UTC] mos6502: I beat myself regular
[12/26/2012 20:39:21 UTC] pathfinder: change - coming to a preschool near you!
[12/26/2012 20:39:21 UTC] Anon: @change Thats what i tell people
[12/26/2012 20:39:24 UTC] Tarzan: Are we actually talking about cancer?
[12/26/2012 20:39:28 UTC] hexahedron: look in the mirror what do you see? cancer
[12/26/2012 20:39:33 UTC] spektre: 2pathfinder 12 ¦ change - coming to a preschool near you! <--- <3
[12/26/2012 20:39:46 UTC] hexahedron: ooo a nick completer
[12/26/2012 20:39:47 UTC] mos6502: lulz
[12/26/2012 20:39:51 UTC] hexahedron: been a while since i seen those
[12/26/2012 20:40:14 UTC] change: i never listen to angry people - they are always the dumbest in the room - even if they are young - young people are angry - hard to find a smart one
[12/26/2012 20:40:22 UTC] CH1V17O: go home pathfinder your drunk
[12/26/2012 20:40:31 UTC] Tarzan: I say we stop talking and do something. Anyone for organizing a mass demonstration somewhere out west?
[12/26/2012 20:40:40 UTC] CH1V17O: NW
[12/26/2012 20:40:41 UTC] CH1V17O: ?
[12/26/2012 20:40:47 UTC] Tarzan: We
[12/26/2012 20:40:51 UTC] Tarzan: Need
[12/26/2012 20:40:56 UTC] pathfinder: melons
[12/26/2012 20:40:58 UTC] CH1V17O: you tyoe slow
[12/26/2012 20:41:00 UTC] Tarzan: Civil disobedience
[12/26/2012 20:41:11 UTC] CH1V17O: go home pathfinder your drunk
[12/26/2012 20:41:20 UTC] Tarzan: *like
[12/26/2012 20:41:20 UTC] Medicalanon: be sure to wear a helmet
[12/26/2012 20:41:22 UTC] pathfinder: ah put on your che t-shirt and go play with the other 17 year olds, Tarzan
[12/26/2012 20:41:31 UTC] change: I"m working on a global type protest but it's on hold for a few weeks
[12/26/2012 20:41:45 UTC] pathfinder: you are just repeating what every rebellious leftist teen/student says every year
[12/26/2012 20:42:00 UTC] pathfinder: saying civil disobedience != cool
[12/26/2012 20:42:05 UTC] spektre: change ego much?
[12/26/2012 20:42:23 UTC] Tarzan: It's what we need
[12/26/2012 20:42:35 UTC] pathfinder: you need a fuller longer education
[12/26/2012 20:42:47 UTC] pathfinder: one that doesnt result in angsty cliche spweing
[12/26/2012 20:43:04 UTC] change: you sound angry pathfinder
[12/26/2012 20:43:06 UTC] pathfinder: do you even Noam Chomsky?
[12/26/2012 20:43:35 UTC] Tarzan: That's hard to get when everytime I get a paycheck over 1/3 of it is missing
[12/26/2012 20:43:35 UTC] spektre: ^
[12/26/2012 20:43:41 UTC] pathfinder: or do you run around circle jerking with other left wing beret-wearing Macbook owning, Che enthusiast?
[12/26/2012 20:43:44 UTC] Cymma8: ^^
[12/26/2012 20:44:02 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/26/2012 20:44:04 UTC] pathfinder: i go too far
[12/26/2012 20:44:12 UTC] Tarzan: Agreed
[12/26/2012 20:44:31 UTC] pathfinder: but, like my country, if a system of taxation ceases, there is no healthcare
[12/26/2012 20:44:33 UTC] Dolly: need a verb...even 'what' Noam Chomsky?
[12/26/2012 20:44:33 UTC] Tarzan: Don't worry I still love you...
[12/26/2012 20:44:37 UTC] pathfinder: there is no education system
[12/26/2012 20:44:46 UTC] pathfinder: there is no safety net for the people who really need it
[12/26/2012 20:44:54 UTC] Tarzan: Public education is now a joke
[12/26/2012 20:45:05 UTC] pathfinder: Dolly - doesnt get reference
[12/26/2012 20:45:17 UTC] pathfinder: it might be in the US where you live
[12/26/2012 20:45:31 UTC] Tarzan: That's right
[12/26/2012 20:45:45 UTC] Cymma8: I agree with Tarzan. Like I said I'm 16 so i get a nice taste of todays education and its a joke
[12/26/2012 20:45:46 UTC] pathfinder: well systems are better elsewhere you know
[12/26/2012 20:45:47 UTC] pathfinder: i mean
[12/26/2012 20:45:52 UTC] change: if we live in dysfunctional systems - we learn how to be successfully dysfunctional in our dysfunctional education - if you are rich then you are successfully dysfunctional
[12/26/2012 20:45:55 UTC] Tarzan: Dolly- google Noam Chomsky
[12/26/2012 20:46:19 UTC] spektre: armchair philosophy. dime a dozen.
[12/26/2012 20:46:21 UTC] pathfinder: if you are rich then you are successful at acquiring money
[12/26/2012 20:46:42 UTC] pathfinder: by whatever means honest or otherwise
[12/26/2012 20:46:45 UTC] pathfinder: yes spektre
[12/26/2012 20:46:51 UTC] pathfinder: armchairs everywhere
[12/26/2012 20:46:54 UTC] change: acquiring money through causing harm to others
[12/26/2012 20:47:02 UTC] pathfinder: i never said it didnt harm others
[12/26/2012 20:47:15 UTC] pathfinder: i just said successful by any means
[12/26/2012 20:47:47 UTC] change: any means = harm to others to create your own financial success
[12/26/2012 20:48:07 UTC] pathfinder: im pretty fucking left wing, but you'll find that lots of people who say they are at a younger age, and spout off this stuff, actually day to day take all the advantages of their right wing systems
[12/26/2012 20:48:51 UTC] pathfinder: the old "not left wing by 20, no heart, not right wing by 40, no brain
[12/26/2012 20:48:57 UTC] change: left or right they can't realize both are wrong - it's like watching two sides fight while saying the exact same thing
[12/26/2012 20:48:57 UTC] pathfinder: i stayed pretty left wing
[12/26/2012 20:49:19 UTC] pathfinder: but the teens running around trying to go all 'pink' in student days etc, they are dreaming
[12/26/2012 20:49:22 UTC] change: I'm not left or right I prefer out of the box completely
[12/26/2012 20:49:34 UTC] Tarzan: Yes!
[12/26/2012 20:49:44 UTC] pathfinder: i saw one protest outside the local students union espousing coke and capitalist dogma, wearing nike shoes!
[12/26/2012 20:49:49 UTC] pathfinder: doesnt know the drill
[12/26/2012 20:50:21 UTC] change: to funny - we all have contradictions we can't notice in ourselves but easy to see it in others - we are all doing it
[12/26/2012 20:50:29 UTC] Tarzan: I like to think I'm a little more aware than that
[12/26/2012 20:50:34 UTC] pathfinder: change: if you think a system of care and equality for every citizen (the idealised goal of the left) is wrong
[12/26/2012 20:50:41 UTC] pathfinder: im glad you arent in politics
[12/26/2012 20:50:53 UTC] spektre: hypocrisy. every day a staple
[12/26/2012 20:51:06 UTC] pathfinder: ^ lol
[12/26/2012 20:51:25 UTC] change: why would I want to be in politics? nothing good comes out of politics since the entire structure of politics is dysfunctional
[12/26/2012 20:51:33 UTC] pathfinder: indeed
[12/26/2012 20:51:40 UTC] pathfinder: yet they are the processes of running a country
[12/26/2012 20:51:41 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 20:51:50 UTC] pathfinder: are you even a real person here?
[12/26/2012 20:52:01 UTC] pathfinder: wants global change - doesnt want to get political
[12/26/2012 20:52:02 UTC] Medicalanon: they are the processes of human relations with one another
[12/26/2012 20:52:13 UTC] Tarzan: I'm gonna go make a snow angel. Later /b/ros
[12/26/2012 20:52:20 UTC] claire: there are some areas of consolidated power that have to be held to high standards. they have to understand why they should hold their self to a higher standard
[12/26/2012 20:52:24 UTC] Cymma8: Who would ever want to be on politics? look at all its caused? have you seen our government lately? every politic promises change but they never said whether it would be good or bad.
[12/26/2012 20:52:25 UTC] Medicalanon: can't live with other ppl without polotics
[12/26/2012 20:52:32 UTC] change: kills me to see people wanting democrazy do the math - it's always the larger group having the louder voice and the few that get harmed by what ever is agreed is always ingnored until the problem affects the larger number
[12/26/2012 20:53:08 UTC] change: how are the processes of running a country working so far lol
[12/26/2012 20:53:18 UTC] pathfinder: youre a political change version of a feminazi
[12/26/2012 20:53:23 UTC] spektre: change imma be blunt.
[12/26/2012 20:53:29 UTC] spektre: i cannot shut up any more
[12/26/2012 20:53:36 UTC] pathfinder: ALL POWER IZ WRONG, DEMOCRAZY IZ LIES
[12/26/2012 20:53:40 UTC] claire: do most viewers/observers even recognize the standards that a person hold their self to when they watch them?
[12/26/2012 20:53:46 UTC] Cymma8: amen^
[12/26/2012 20:53:47 UTC] spektre: you are a typical armchair hypocrite, waiting and talking for OTHERS to do the things you are saying
[12/26/2012 20:53:49 UTC] spektre: ... so
[12/26/2012 20:53:50 UTC] spektre: you know
[12/26/2012 20:54:00 UTC] pathfinder: ^
[12/26/2012 20:54:02 UTC] spektre: logoff and do SHIT YOUR FUCKING SELF.
[12/26/2012 20:54:05 UTC] Zebr4: Democracy is a fallacy of the imagination, nothing more.
[12/26/2012 20:54:08 UTC] spektre: and stop jabbering
[12/26/2012 20:54:09 UTC] pathfinder: mes sentiments exactement
[12/26/2012 20:54:15 UTC] spektre: its making me sick
[12/26/2012 20:54:25 UTC] pathfinder: zebr4 you are nothing better
[12/26/2012 20:54:45 UTC] Tarzan: I feel the <3
[12/26/2012 20:54:47 UTC] pathfinder: i will not take you seriously if you havent yet grown out of putting numbers in your name
[12/26/2012 20:55:06 UTC] Cymma8: Tarzan..There is so much love here!
[12/26/2012 20:55:07 UTC] Cymma8: :P
[12/26/2012 20:55:09 UTC] Zebr4: You should be more kind to an old anon come back to help
[12/26/2012 20:55:09 UTC] Tarzan: <3
[12/26/2012 20:55:14 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 20:55:25 UTC] pathfinder: well sweetheart im 47, im not exactly young
[12/26/2012 20:55:26 UTC] Cymma8: It's hard to be united as one when all people do is bicker..
[12/26/2012 20:55:42 UTC] hexahedron_: i am h3x4h3dr0n
[12/26/2012 20:56:17 UTC] change: if some people feel the need for others to log off maybe it's you who needs to do the logging off - look at your own mirror - you are what you judge others to be
[12/26/2012 20:56:17 UTC] pathfinder: and when you start spewing out page banners from misguided leftist student websites like "democracy is merely a fallacy of the mind" without backing it up with evidence ANYWHERE, you wont be taken seriusly
[12/26/2012 20:56:20 UTC] RawbA: pathfinder is the plainclothes copat the protest, with a rock in his/her hand
[12/26/2012 20:56:21 UTC] Cymma8: and I am Cymma8..nice to meet you!
[12/26/2012 20:56:47 UTC] pathfinder: RawbA, you couldnt be further from being correct if you tried lol
[12/26/2012 20:56:59 UTC] spektre: change... im starting to get sick of your jabbering faux intellectualism.
[12/26/2012 20:57:07 UTC] spektre: and... i'm not known for my patience.
[12/26/2012 20:57:14 UTC] Zebr4: It is a statement I have come to, for those who are elected never look for the best interest. They work for self gain.
[12/26/2012 20:57:33 UTC] change: so leave then spektre - use your free will and do something about the environment yoru in - LEAVE
[12/26/2012 20:57:51 UTC] pathfinder: pseudo-intellectuals UNITE against the people who are hosting an anonymous network for free speech and open discussion
[12/26/2012 20:57:56 UTC] pathfinder: retarded seriously
[12/26/2012 20:57:57 UTC] Zebr4: Tell me what you believe to be so great about the concept of choosing the leaders, tell me how well it has worked for you in the past.
[12/26/2012 20:58:14 UTC] pathfinder: i dont choose leaders
[12/26/2012 20:58:16 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 20:58:18 UTC] Zebr4: You being a reletive term for society
[12/26/2012 20:58:27 UTC] Zebr4: No, yet you defend the concept of democracy.
[12/26/2012 20:58:28 UTC] claire: according to a book on the war in iraq and some video lectures, president bush did not know what standards al qaeda held their self to nor the muslims of the country.
[12/26/2012 20:58:55 UTC] Anon: I can't name one government that is not corrupted. That is why their should be no government.
[12/26/2012 20:58:57 UTC] spektre: 12------» 12¦ 14 insanity 12[ 14webchat 12@ 14voxanon-epo.rlp.rtg298.IP 12] 14 joins (joined before as change )
[12/26/2012 20:59:00 UTC] pathfinder: well yes, one individual vote is meaningless, but one person campaigning in the local area, garnering votes for the cause tyou believe ing, well you could change 200 peoples minds
[12/26/2012 20:59:07 UTC] pathfinder: which could win a local election on a cause
[12/26/2012 20:59:11 UTC] Cymma8: Either way..choosing a leader or having one born into power both are bad ways..Look throughout history
[12/26/2012 20:59:14 UTC] insanity: bit of a control issue you've got
[12/26/2012 20:59:19 UTC] Zebr4: But will they act on said cause?
[12/26/2012 20:59:22 UTC] spektre: insanity pushing it
[12/26/2012 20:59:23 UTC] spektre: (=
[12/26/2012 20:59:28 UTC] Zebr4: Thats the question, some will, most won't.
[12/26/2012 20:59:32 UTC] insanity: bit insane if you can't leave your own room but kick others out because you can't handle truth
[12/26/2012 20:59:40 UTC] insanity: kick me out again oh insane one
[12/26/2012 20:59:46 UTC] Zebr4: Hence why I express distaste in the idea of electing those who seek the "best interest"
[12/26/2012 20:59:50 UTC] spektre: !up
[12/26/2012 20:59:52 UTC] hexahedron_: usually it goes kick ban
[12/26/2012 21:00:08 UTC] pathfinder: Zebr4, by saying democracy is shit, you need to show a relatively superior option
[12/26/2012 21:00:17 UTC] pathfinder: so which is that then?
[12/26/2012 21:00:19 UTC] pathfinder: cant just run around bleating like a child
[12/26/2012 21:00:33 UTC] hexahedron_: wiki government
[12/26/2012 21:00:37 UTC] Zebr4: There isn't one, no government system succeeds in the long term. Each are short term solutions to an unsolveable problem
[12/26/2012 21:00:38 UTC] hexahedron_: i like
[12/26/2012 21:01:00 UTC] pathfinder: Zebr3; okay, so what do you want to DO about it? instead of preaching here
[12/26/2012 21:01:01 UTC] Tribec: Then what do you propose Zebra4
[12/26/2012 21:01:03 UTC] Anon: I agree with @Zebra4
[12/26/2012 21:01:04 UTC] pathfinder: what do OYOU suggest
[12/26/2012 21:01:05 UTC] pathfinder: ?
[12/26/2012 21:01:13 UTC] Zebr4: You can be socialist, communist, libertarian. You can believe in electing leaders or appointing a king or dictator
[12/26/2012 21:01:17 UTC] Zebr4: all fall
[12/26/2012 21:01:19 UTC] pathfinder: alright
[12/26/2012 21:01:21 UTC] haha: GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR INSANITY LOL fool
[12/26/2012 21:01:24 UTC] pathfinder: so whats your suggestion then
[12/26/2012 21:01:35 UTC] Zebr4: There is no right answer, my best suggestion would be nothing.
[12/26/2012 21:01:40 UTC] Zebr4: Humans cannot be controlled
[12/26/2012 21:01:44 UTC] Zebr4: Humans are free
[12/26/2012 21:01:44 UTC] spektre: finally made him RQ
[12/26/2012 21:01:46 UTC] pathfinder: im trying to get you to leave the rhetoric and do what people like you cant, posit a decent alternative
[12/26/2012 21:01:48 UTC] Tribec: Nothing would be chaos
[12/26/2012 21:01:56 UTC] hexahedron_: so anarchy
[12/26/2012 21:01:59 UTC] Zebr4: There isn't a decent alternative, thats the issue
[12/26/2012 21:02:01 UTC] Zebr4: Ideally yes
[12/26/2012 21:02:05 UTC] Zebr4: although that even has its flaws
[12/26/2012 21:02:05 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 21:02:05 UTC] Anon: Unfortianatly humans choose to be controled
[12/26/2012 21:02:08 UTC] pathfinder: proves it
[12/26/2012 21:02:12 UTC] pathfinder: misguided student
[12/26/2012 21:02:14 UTC] pathfinder: alright
[12/26/2012 21:02:20 UTC] pathfinder: apart from one ive mentioned in here
[12/26/2012 21:02:31 UTC] pathfinder: name some real anarchist philosophers and their policies
[12/26/2012 21:02:37 UTC] pathfinder: not people burning vans in paris
[12/26/2012 21:02:53 UTC] Zebr4: I don't know of any to be honest, and as I just stated. Anarchy doesn't work either
[12/26/2012 21:03:00 UTC] pathfinder: Anon: rhetoric spewers arent taken seriously here
[12/26/2012 21:03:03 UTC] pathfinder: so dont bother
[12/26/2012 21:03:06 UTC] Zebr4: The lack of all control leads to anomie of an already broken down society
[12/26/2012 21:03:33 UTC] hexahedron_: what about plutocracy thats working out ok so far
[12/26/2012 21:03:38 UTC] claire: politic parties seem all to be under the banner of Egotism, hence why they "fight" for their "causes"
[12/26/2012 21:03:40 UTC] pathfinder: alright, so if theres nothing you can do, or indeed can be done, then you must see the logical futility in you talking about it EVER
[12/26/2012 21:03:43 UTC] pathfinder: right?
[12/26/2012 21:03:44 UTC] Anon: @Pathfinder either are governments. Governments are a joke
[12/26/2012 21:03:46 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 21:04:20 UTC] spektre: it's not the form factor, it's human error
[12/26/2012 21:04:24 UTC] pathfinder: i personally prefer N korea's Necrocracy
[12/26/2012 21:04:36 UTC] pathfinder: dead man as president
[12/26/2012 21:04:39 UTC] pathfinder: awesome
[12/26/2012 21:04:56 UTC] Zebr4: No one can do anything, there is no answer. Talking of such a concept does nothing. I saw fellow anons talking about politcal theory and offered some insight
[12/26/2012 21:05:00 UTC] pathfinder: cant get more cult and religious dictatorial than that
[12/26/2012 21:05:39 UTC] pathfinder: yeah but Zebr4, you personally have contributed nothing but a 19 year old's idealistic and yet uninformed views after reading a wikipedia page or two
[12/26/2012 21:05:49 UTC] Zebr4: Couldn't be farther from the truth
[12/26/2012 21:05:52 UTC] Zebr4: Your generalizations are broad
[12/26/2012 21:05:53 UTC] pathfinder: yes it could
[12/26/2012 21:06:01 UTC] pathfinder: what you say offers no original insight
[12/26/2012 21:06:03 UTC] pathfinder: no alternative
[12/26/2012 21:06:10 UTC] Zebr4: No alternative is possible
[12/26/2012 21:06:12 UTC] pathfinder: youve just spewed what every hippie spews out
[12/26/2012 21:06:17 UTC] Zebr4: I've stated that 3 times now
[12/26/2012 21:06:18 UTC] pathfinder: with no action, only words
[12/26/2012 21:06:20 UTC] hexahedron_: open source government is the answer zebra
[12/26/2012 21:06:36 UTC] Zebr4: You know not of my actions either, another statement, unfounded.
[12/26/2012 21:06:38 UTC] claire: at least we have the 10 commandments and the constitution.
[12/26/2012 21:06:52 UTC] Tribec: A democracy afraid of the people.
[12/26/2012 21:06:58 UTC] Zebr4: @hex, destined for failure too
[12/26/2012 21:07:07 UTC] Zebr4: Disagreements tear apart nations when everyone has a say
[12/26/2012 21:07:20 UTC] Zebr4: Self intrest is key for those trying to survive
[12/26/2012 21:07:37 UTC] Cymma8: The problem is, people can not live with the government but people can't live without it neither. The only logical thing is to force them to get their facts straight, bull their pants up, be the government they were sworn to be and do something about the crap they have caused!
[12/26/2012 21:07:42 UTC] pathfinder: Zebr4, all you have done is regurgitate anti gov stuff, the same words and pohrases countless people have said before you
[12/26/2012 21:07:46 UTC] hexahedron_: what government is there where everyone has a say
[12/26/2012 21:07:52 UTC] hexahedron_: i know of none
[12/26/2012 21:07:54 UTC] Zebr4: None
[12/26/2012 21:08:01 UTC] Zebr4: Not in modern or known history at least
[12/26/2012 21:08:12 UTC] hexahedron_: so how do you know it will tear the country apart
[12/26/2012 21:08:17 UTC] Zebr4: as for Path, Countless have said it, and the ages have proven it to be true
[12/26/2012 21:08:18 UTC] Tribec: Hex there is none but if everyone has a say what would get done?
[12/26/2012 21:08:32 UTC] Zebr4: Tri wins that one
[12/26/2012 21:08:34 UTC] Zebr4: Beat me to it
[12/26/2012 21:08:36 UTC] hexahedron_: anything that has a 2/3rd vote
[12/26/2012 21:08:37 UTC] pathfinder: yeah but Zebr4 cant you see? you have no opinions that you havent merely adopted at some point to try and be edgy
[12/26/2012 21:08:38 UTC] Tribec: Opinions of everyone differ and agreement on issues wouldn't happen
[12/26/2012 21:08:43 UTC] pathfinder: are you blind to this?
[12/26/2012 21:08:45 UTC] Zebr4: People would dissagree over everything out of self interest
[12/26/2012 21:08:47 UTC] Zebr4: getting no where
[12/26/2012 21:09:06 UTC] Zebr4: Again, another sadly unfounded generalization
[12/26/2012 21:09:15 UTC] Anon: Zebr4 has a point
[12/26/2012 21:09:24 UTC] Zebr4: You assume I am just someone spewing what they've heard, not someone providing insight due to observation
[12/26/2012 21:09:30 UTC] hexahedron_: how is enacting all laws with a 2/3rd vote getting nothing done
[12/26/2012 21:09:33 UTC] pathfinder: what interest do i have other than breaking down the ego of a clueless repetition of statements without action
[12/26/2012 21:09:48 UTC] hexahedron_: of course they would have to have a minimum amount of votes too
[12/26/2012 21:09:57 UTC] pathfinder: unfounded? you SOUND just like everyone else who jumps on the anti govt bandwagon
[12/26/2012 21:10:07 UTC] Cymma8: If everyone has a say in the government (especially in this generation) we would have little wayne as president, YOLO everywhere, the national anthem would be rap. It would be worse than it is now. Remember, Teens these days are whats going to have a say in things soon! We are humanities "hope"
[12/26/2012 21:10:07 UTC] hexahedron_: cant have a law because 2 out of 3 people voted to murder jaywalkers
[12/26/2012 21:10:15 UTC] Zebr4: And you sound like those who are on the progovernment bandwagon
[12/26/2012 21:10:16 UTC] pathfinder: the last meaningful action of protest that achieved anything was May 1968
[12/26/2012 21:10:17 UTC] Tribec: Hex a 2/3 vote is good but the. You would have 1/3 of the population bickering and angry because their voice wasn't heard
[12/26/2012 21:10:38 UTC] Anon: If voting worked in the United States the government would have made it illegal like they did with protesting
[12/26/2012 21:10:39 UTC] pathfinder: and subsewuently Rudi Dutschke's writings during the oppressive DDR
[12/26/2012 21:10:51 UTC] pathfinder: but you srent such people
[12/26/2012 21:10:52 UTC] Zebr4: 2/3s only gives people two options, to approve or to dissapprove. The legislation would be edited beyond recognition quickly
[12/26/2012 21:11:47 UTC] Zebr4: Laws would be placed into power through those with the largest following
[12/26/2012 21:11:58 UTC] Zebr4: through fear or ideology
[12/26/2012 21:12:03 UTC] Tribec: Someone's toes are gonna get stepped on and those toes will be angry. Yet that's going to have to happen.
[12/26/2012 21:12:43 UTC] pathfinder: have you even heard of the people i mention? do you know the history of such things?
[12/26/2012 21:12:43 UTC] pathfinder: or what?
[12/26/2012 21:12:48 UTC] pathfinder: orove to me you arent just a schoolboy with an agenda, mentally speaking
[12/26/2012 21:12:48 UTC] pathfinder: prove*
[12/26/2012 21:12:48 UTC] Zebr4: So you encourage protest, but dislike the idea of disestablishing the government
[12/26/2012 21:12:48 UTC] pathfinder: no
[12/26/2012 21:12:48 UTC] Zebr4: Interesting, perhaps im misreading
[12/26/2012 21:12:48 UTC] pathfinder: all im saying is since such times
[12/26/2012 21:12:48 UTC] Zebr4: I think I am
[12/26/2012 21:12:49 UTC] pathfinder: noi people with your ideology ever achieve anything
[12/26/2012 21:12:50 UTC] Zebr4: Thats because we don't seek to acheive anything
[12/26/2012 21:13:00 UTC] Zebr4: We realize that any goal set for the ruling of humans will fail
[12/26/2012 21:13:05 UTC] Zebr4: Eventually or right away
[12/26/2012 21:13:05 UTC] pathfinder: so you admit you just like to sit and bitch about things
[12/26/2012 21:13:17 UTC] Zebr4: Action is futile up to a point
[12/26/2012 21:13:17 UTC] pathfinder: FINALLY
[12/26/2012 21:13:20 UTC] Zebr4: Not nesicarily
[12/26/2012 21:13:29 UTC] pathfinder: well that is what you have JUST said
[12/26/2012 21:13:31 UTC] pathfinder: in a nutshell
[12/26/2012 21:13:32 UTC] Zebr4: People of my agenda do many things
[12/26/2012 21:13:51 UTC] Cymma8: Hey path..remember, you are also sitting here bitching about things..
[12/26/2012 21:14:03 UTC] pathfinder: well, for one they sit and preach in IRC channels largely not relevant to the topic of said channel
[12/26/2012 21:14:04 UTC] Zebr4: Some act, others think. A group of people who have realized that no option will prove true, no policy will work. We realize the flaws in those who think they are right
[12/26/2012 21:14:06 UTC] pathfinder: what does that achieve?
[12/26/2012 21:14:29 UTC] Zebr4: For no one is ever right
[12/26/2012 21:14:31 UTC] pathfinder: yes but i just came in here because i heard there were a load of....welll.....people in here
[12/26/2012 21:14:33 UTC] Zebr4: Nothing is absolute
[12/26/2012 21:14:34 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 21:15:01 UTC] pathfinder: i just have fun pointing out the holes in peoples reasoning
[12/26/2012 21:15:10 UTC] Zebr4: As do I
[12/26/2012 21:15:19 UTC] pathfinder: i havent even gone into the logicall fallacies or cognitive biases that have been flying around
[12/26/2012 21:15:29 UTC] pathfinder: but that would be futile in such a crowd
[12/26/2012 21:15:35 UTC] Zebr4: Perhaps not
[12/26/2012 21:15:35 UTC] pathfinder: given what responses ive read
[12/26/2012 21:15:42 UTC] Zebr4: I enjoy hearing what people have to provide
[12/26/2012 21:15:46 UTC] Zebr4: Lets hear it
[12/26/2012 21:15:52 UTC] Zebr4: Don't tell us how you wont, act upon your thoughts.
[12/26/2012 21:15:59 UTC] Zebr4: You are the one preaching about acting
[12/26/2012 21:16:04 UTC] claire: how would you propose to keep people safe from corporations and business practices if you were to theoretically dissolve the need for policy in legistlative and executive branches
[12/26/2012 21:16:04 UTC] Zebr4: and getting things done, remember
[12/26/2012 21:16:16 UTC] pathfinder: hear what? i got you to admit that your actions would be doomed to fail, so all you do is sit and bitch
[12/26/2012 21:16:16 UTC] pathfinder: that was my goal
[12/26/2012 21:16:17 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 21:16:20 UTC] pathfinder: enogh said
[12/26/2012 21:16:31 UTC] spektre: actually in pathfinder defense, he is preaching against armchair hypocrites.
[12/26/2012 21:16:33 UTC] Zebr4: Thats an odd goal
[12/26/2012 21:16:46 UTC] Zebr4: Considering it is the basis of my whole reasoing
[12/26/2012 21:17:05 UTC] Zebr4: Your goal was for me to go to the root, which I already acknowledge
[12/26/2012 21:17:06 UTC] cymma8: you cant get anything done by just going it.. especially as large as a takes time..we can't read minds..It's not preaching its planning..
[12/26/2012 21:17:09 UTC] Zebr4: Arbitrary in its nature
[12/26/2012 21:17:12 UTC] cymma8: doing*
[12/26/2012 21:17:17 UTC] RawbA: his goal itself seems hyposrytical
[12/26/2012 21:17:53 UTC] Zebr4: All do
[12/26/2012 21:18:05 UTC] pathfinder: my goal was to get people in here either A) to actually do some fucking research for once and stop with the party line talk and armchair politics/leftist student angsty rhetoric speaking
[12/26/2012 21:18:18 UTC] Zebr4: You say leftist
[12/26/2012 21:18:25 UTC] Zebr4: as if you are using it correctly, like all do.
[12/26/2012 21:18:40 UTC] pathfinder: or B) get people to acknowledge that spouting their cliched unoriginal ideas achieves nothing
[12/26/2012 21:18:48 UTC] pathfinder: on e of those goals i have achieved
[12/26/2012 21:18:53 UTC] pathfinder: the first seems pointless
[12/26/2012 21:19:08 UTC] RawbA: so was the second, really
[12/26/2012 21:19:10 UTC] Zebr4: Would you propose an original idea then
[12/26/2012 21:19:18 UTC] Zebr4: Enlighten us.
[12/26/2012 21:19:42 UTC] cymma8: brb
[12/26/2012 21:19:44 UTC] Zebr4: Achieve something
[12/26/2012 21:20:06 UTC] pathfinder: wasnt my goal :P i merely want to show up how wholly ignorant and sheep like most of you are, just becuse you are anti govt doesnt mean you arent still sheep
[12/26/2012 21:20:20 UTC] Zebr4: And what would you be?
[12/26/2012 21:20:25 UTC] Zebr4: You follow another's ideology
[12/26/2012 21:20:28 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 21:20:31 UTC] Zebr4: Making you one of the herd
[12/26/2012 21:20:33 UTC] pathfinder: i dont follow any really
[12/26/2012 21:20:34 UTC] RawbA: cant disagree with that.. like the new age 'punk'
[12/26/2012 21:20:39 UTC] Anon: Im not anti government. I beliave people should have a non corrupted government or non at all
[12/26/2012 21:20:42 UTC] pathfinder: i realised such goals are meaningless
[12/26/2012 21:20:51 UTC] pathfinder: i just dont sit and bitch like you people
[12/26/2012 21:21:04 UTC] Zebr4: Which you somewhat are. And I have yet to offer a single complaint.
[12/26/2012 21:21:14 UTC] Zebr4: Insight =/= compaints
[12/26/2012 21:21:15 UTC] Anon: When the people fear the government their is tyrany, when the government fears the people their is librity.
[12/26/2012 21:21:18 UTC] pathfinder: im far more interested in scientific progression and debates on philosophy/religion than this bullshit youre laying out
[12/26/2012 21:21:29 UTC] Zebr4: So lets discuss science
[12/26/2012 21:21:33 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 21:21:39 UTC] pathfinder: be careful there
[12/26/2012 21:21:57 UTC] Zebr4: In what sense
[12/26/2012 21:21:58 UTC] hexahedron_: im down with science
[12/26/2012 21:21:58 UTC] Zebr4: Science has many branches
[12/26/2012 21:22:00 UTC] Zebr4: Many feilds
[12/26/2012 21:22:10 UTC] pathfinder: after my first job, i was an ecologist and lecturer for many years
[12/26/2012 21:22:13 UTC] Zebr4: and brings us enlightenment of a new age
[12/26/2012 21:22:14 UTC] hexahedron_: organic solar cells
[12/26/2012 21:22:16 UTC] hexahedron_: very cool
[12/26/2012 21:22:23 UTC] cymma8: You don't have to be anti-government to want change
[12/26/2012 21:22:35 UTC] Zebr4: @Hex, yes they are. @Path, interesting
[12/26/2012 21:22:56 UTC] pathfinder: if youre gonna get into any kind of sci debate, you had better know your facts because i wont stand for ignorance
[12/26/2012 21:23:06 UTC] spektre: Zebr4 protip: you can complete nicks with the tab key
[12/26/2012 21:23:48 UTC] pathfinder: and wandering into a sci debate with a retired professional research scientist without lots of facts and evidence is a very stupid idea
[12/26/2012 21:23:57 UTC] hexahedron_: what about an extra set of arms that are brain controlled from a simple metal plate held against your temple or base of your skull where the matrix plug went in
[12/26/2012 21:24:10 UTC] Zebr4: Pathfinder, again, assuming I am. When you know not what I possess.
[12/26/2012 21:24:35 UTC] hexahedron_: did you see the paralyzed lady who can control her mechanical arm with her brain to feed herself
[12/26/2012 21:25:00 UTC] pathfinder: Zebr4, okay, summarise your CV and we'll see what credentials you have
[12/26/2012 21:25:02 UTC] hexahedron_: spektre: this aint too bad a irc client
[12/26/2012 21:25:10 UTC] pathfinder: i'll start shall I?
[12/26/2012 21:25:14 UTC] Zebra: Sure
[12/26/2012 21:25:37 UTC] spektre: hexahedron_ lel
[12/26/2012 21:26:04 UTC] hexahedron_: AnonBig: did u get any friends on retroshare
[12/26/2012 21:26:20 UTC] AnonBig: No don't know how
[12/26/2012 21:26:35 UTC] AnonBig: other then adding peoples PGP keys
[12/26/2012 21:26:56 UTC] AnonBig: still trying to connect to tyler channel
[12/26/2012 21:26:58 UTC] cymma8: Im outta here..This went from ANON to who is smarter. Wait..Wasn't pathfinder the one who said that we always go off topic on IRC's..HA! Peace everyone. Take care!
[12/26/2012 21:27:23 UTC] AnonBig: but don't know how to find the channel publicly
[12/26/2012 21:27:34 UTC] pathfinder: BSc uni bristol, 1985, Officer academy passout, 1986 - Parachute Reg, medical discharge rank Captain, 2001, Pathfinder Platoon, PhD awarded, Cardiff university, 2005, Ecotoxicological post doc work then consulting until 2011, retired due to continued ill health
[12/26/2012 21:27:42 UTC] spektre: for those who do not IRC (like 99% of the chan)
[12/26/2012 21:27:44 UTC] spektre: do a /list
[12/26/2012 21:27:45 UTC] pathfinder: your turn sweetheart
[12/26/2012 21:27:51 UTC] spektre: and check the chans
[12/26/2012 21:27:58 UTC] spektre: that would be to your liking.
[12/26/2012 21:28:42 UTC] hexahedron_: this irc thing is new to me im just figuring out gopher
[12/26/2012 21:28:44 UTC] PabloDiablo420: sup :)
[12/26/2012 21:29:02 UTC] pathfinder: Zebr4: i await your response
[12/26/2012 21:29:28 UTC] Zebra: My credintials are: Well read in political phiolosphy, Current on research in many of the chemical feilds, and a lack of motivation to seek formalized education. Don't assume ignorance, as many do without a degree. A degree only proves so much. You should know that.
[12/26/2012 21:29:38 UTC] Zebra: Not impressive
[12/26/2012 21:29:44 UTC] hexahedron_: haha
[12/26/2012 21:29:48 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 21:29:51 UTC] Zebra: But get into conversation, you'll realize not all of us are idiots
[12/26/2012 21:29:53 UTC] hexahedron_: impressive resume
[12/26/2012 21:30:11 UTC] Zebra: Many contain knowledge similar to yours
[12/26/2012 21:30:12 UTC] spektre: that resume which means: "i read wikipedia"
[12/26/2012 21:30:19 UTC] Zebra: Not in the slightest
[12/26/2012 21:30:25 UTC] Zebra: The amount of false assumptions here is disheartening
[12/26/2012 21:30:38 UTC] hexahedron_: what about high school diplmoa
[12/26/2012 21:30:40 UTC] pathfinder: i would say a Degree in biology and a PhD in biochemical molecular processes of inter-cellular comms
[12/26/2012 21:30:47 UTC] pathfinder: proves a little at least
[12/26/2012 21:31:03 UTC] Zebra: IB Diploma, Ap classes out the ass, for lack of a better term
[12/26/2012 21:31:18 UTC] hexahedron_: there ya go
[12/26/2012 21:31:20 UTC] Zebra: It proves plenty
[12/26/2012 21:31:25 UTC] pathfinder: right then
[12/26/2012 21:31:28 UTC] Zebra: Don't assume that I don't respect your accomplishments
[12/26/2012 21:31:32 UTC] Zebra: they represent something
[12/26/2012 21:31:36 UTC] Zebra: But not everything
[12/26/2012 21:31:45 UTC] spektre: Zebra it proves you know what?
[12/26/2012 21:31:48 UTC] spektre: diddly
[12/26/2012 21:31:53 UTC] pathfinder: so if you are prepared for a sci debate and are content you have a fair theory or so, head on over th #debate any time
[12/26/2012 21:31:53 UTC] spektre: anons are not moralfags
[12/26/2012 21:31:56 UTC] pathfinder: i will be waiting
[12/26/2012 21:31:57 UTC] spektre: and do not stick to morals
[12/26/2012 21:32:09 UTC] spektre: at least morals you newfags try to impose
[12/26/2012 21:32:18 UTC] spektre: this is about LULZ
[12/26/2012 21:32:21 UTC] spektre: and just that
[12/26/2012 21:32:34 UTC] spektre: this is not a personal army
[12/26/2012 21:32:36 UTC] pathfinder: for anons (of which i am not one thereof but agree with), morality is transient
[12/26/2012 21:32:39 UTC] pathfinder: flexible even
[12/26/2012 21:32:41 UTC] spektre: that hacks for the benefit
[12/26/2012 21:32:48 UTC] pathfinder: so the moral question doesnt fly around here very well
[12/26/2012 21:32:49 UTC] spektre: pathfinder exactly
[12/26/2012 21:32:59 UTC] hexahedron_: lets get some lulz someone expose the precious metal manipulation already
[12/26/2012 21:33:25 UTC] spektre: each one of your causes is insignificant
[12/26/2012 21:33:36 UTC] spektre: that you sheeple try to shove down our collective throats
[12/26/2012 21:33:39 UTC] spektre: and we are fucking tired of it
[12/26/2012 21:33:57 UTC] Zebra: Somewhat relating to my earlier points.
[12/26/2012 21:34:11 UTC] spektre: somewhat unrelated to your faggotry
[12/26/2012 21:34:16 UTC] spektre: and imposing
[12/26/2012 21:34:19 UTC] spektre: of your ideals
[12/26/2012 21:34:22 UTC] spektre: and hypocrisy
[12/26/2012 21:34:31 UTC] spektre: and doing the right thing
[12/26/2012 21:34:34 UTC] jinx: disconnect for a couple of years=like forgetting a language
[12/26/2012 21:34:37 UTC] spektre: and what in basis of reality
[12/26/2012 21:34:43 UTC] Zebra: I not once imposed anyting, simply sharing ideas into the consciousness of humanity
[12/26/2012 21:34:44 UTC] spektre: is OTHERS DOING WHAT YOU THINK IS THE RIGHT THING
[12/26/2012 21:34:50 UTC] spektre: while you sit in front of your pc
[12/26/2012 21:35:02 UTC] spektre: just saying how important and great you are
[12/26/2012 21:35:02 UTC] jinx: spektre? what are morals
[12/26/2012 21:35:08 UTC] pathfinder: debating techniques itc (replace homosexuals/homosexiuality with the word 'government)
[12/26/2012 21:35:11 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 21:35:18 UTC] spektre: jinx i dont know but there is many a moralfag in here
[12/26/2012 21:35:31 UTC] jinx: sure and hypocrites too
[12/26/2012 21:36:18 UTC] jinx: I know the diversion from the lulz is a bitch
[12/26/2012 21:36:27 UTC] jinx: trust me i mem trolling was bitching
[12/26/2012 21:36:38 UTC] jinx: but its been watered down like rock music
[12/26/2012 21:36:46 UTC] jinx: by fags on youtube with no art
[12/26/2012 21:37:06 UTC] jinx: now the lulz is about pissing of the most powerful motherfuckers on the planet
[12/26/2012 21:37:18 UTC] jinx: who are insulated from everything but us
[12/26/2012 21:37:22 UTC] hexahedron_: what kind of music u guys like
[12/26/2012 21:37:27 UTC] hexahedron_: i like complextro
[12/26/2012 21:37:32 UTC] jinx: indie moslty
[12/26/2012 21:37:42 UTC] jinx: altish original rock
[12/26/2012 21:38:15 UTC] RawbA: indie = watered down rock js
[12/26/2012 21:38:29 UTC] Medicalanon: classical/rock/edm
[12/26/2012 21:38:55 UTC] hexahedron_: i like some indie white stripes modest mouse killers
[12/26/2012 21:38:57 UTC] hexahedron_: haha
[12/26/2012 21:39:03 UTC] hexahedron_: althought i doubt you would call that indie
[12/26/2012 21:39:11 UTC] pathfinder: indie = cunterculture sold to the counterculture without culture
[12/26/2012 21:39:13 UTC] SinNis: On topic: AnonFM radio just started today:
[12/26/2012 21:39:27 UTC] jinx: i agree pathfinder
[12/26/2012 21:39:35 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 21:39:36 UTC] jinx: but i like what i like when i like it
[12/26/2012 21:39:43 UTC] pathfinder: indeed
[12/26/2012 21:39:52 UTC] pathfinder: ive just never been fussed with indie really
[12/26/2012 21:40:03 UTC] pathfinder: it seems to lack passion/excitement
[12/26/2012 21:40:13 UTC] jinx: the first time i heard a Metric song, i looked up the album (Fantasies) and loved every song
[12/26/2012 21:40:16 UTC] pathfinder: fats != passion
[12/26/2012 21:40:18 UTC] pathfinder: or excitement
[12/26/2012 21:40:28 UTC] pathfinder: fast*
[12/26/2012 21:40:30 UTC] Chassie: Hey guys
[12/26/2012 21:40:37 UTC] jinx: I get that totally finder
[12/26/2012 21:40:52 UTC] jinx: thats why I hate alot of "real" rock
[12/26/2012 21:40:59 UTC] Cymma8: Sup everyone
[12/26/2012 21:41:01 UTC] jinx: two minute intro= fuck you
[12/26/2012 21:41:43 UTC] jinx: 1 min guitar solo= suck it prick
[12/26/2012 21:42:15 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 21:42:22 UTC] pathfinder: this is what indie in a nutshell is to me
[12/26/2012 21:42:25 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 21:42:28 UTC] RawbA: Jinx: rock comments backed
[12/26/2012 21:42:55 UTC] jinx: thanx
[12/26/2012 21:43:13 UTC] spektre: i can go all the way back to garbage, nirvana, sound garden and the such.... almost 20 years of music
[12/26/2012 21:43:17 UTC] spektre: not a shyte has changed
[12/26/2012 21:43:34 UTC] jinx: fuck> yeah> shopping with gf> cya
[12/26/2012 21:43:42 UTC] pathfinder: well im not a huge fan of grunge
[12/26/2012 21:44:02 UTC] spektre: its an example
[12/26/2012 21:44:10 UTC] pathfinder: but classic rock thatd decent (ie the musicians demonstrate high technical ability)
[12/26/2012 21:44:15 UTC] spektre: go to almost every genre
[12/26/2012 21:44:18 UTC] pathfinder: lots of everything in lots of genres
[12/26/2012 21:44:22 UTC] spektre: everything sounds the same
[12/26/2012 21:44:22 UTC] RawbA: was eaten up by mass med and ruined
[12/26/2012 21:44:26 UTC] spektre: you can go to classical rock
[12/26/2012 21:44:27 UTC] pathfinder: kiss != good rock music
[12/26/2012 21:44:30 UTC] spektre: and it actually sounds NEW
[12/26/2012 21:44:37 UTC] spektre: like cream and such
[12/26/2012 21:45:09 UTC] pathfinder: i mean some of the stuff on Led Zep albums are wildly different to what songs people know of them usually
[12/26/2012 21:45:18 UTC] spektre: ^
[12/26/2012 21:45:21 UTC] spektre: exactly
[12/26/2012 21:45:28 UTC] pathfinder: i mean who does a guitar effect to emulate bagpipes
[12/26/2012 21:45:43 UTC] RawbA: most people have only heard greatest hits albums
[12/26/2012 21:45:49 UTC] pathfinder: heres another indie song
[12/26/2012 21:45:56 UTC] pathfinder: lacklustre, are they trying or what?
[12/26/2012 21:45:57 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 21:46:01 UTC] spektre: for that matter... who else does guitar effect live to sound like bombing, machine gun fire and people screaming
[12/26/2012 21:46:24 UTC] pathfinder: apart from RATM you mean
[12/26/2012 21:46:33 UTC] spektre: apart from hendrix i meant
[12/26/2012 21:46:40 UTC] pathfinder: that is RIGHT UP the alleys of the people chanting earlier about govt
[12/26/2012 21:46:52 UTC] pathfinder: theyre basically idealised RATM fans
[12/26/2012 21:46:56 UTC] spektre: ^
[12/26/2012 21:47:08 UTC] pathfinder: and i love rage
[12/26/2012 21:47:10 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 21:47:24 UTC] pathfinder: but doesnt mean i buy the Che t-shirt and bleat about oppression
[12/26/2012 21:47:35 UTC] spektre: i was speaking actually about hendrix cover of the U.S. anthem during woodstock
[12/26/2012 21:47:47 UTC] pathfinder: yes
[12/26/2012 21:47:48 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 21:47:51 UTC] pathfinder: i remember
[12/26/2012 21:47:53 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 21:47:54 UTC] pathfinder: i remember the track
[12/26/2012 21:47:59 UTC] pathfinder: i wasnt THERE MAAAAANNN
[12/26/2012 21:48:09 UTC] spektre: ha
[12/26/2012 21:48:20 UTC] pathfinder: funny, his performance was largely ignored on the day
[12/26/2012 21:48:30 UTC] spektre: and actually frowned upon
[12/26/2012 21:48:32 UTC] spektre: S:
[12/26/2012 21:48:35 UTC] pathfinder: it being on eof the last sets of the festival in the middle of the day
[12/26/2012 21:48:45 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 21:49:23 UTC] pathfinder: i also love how the US claim him, yes hes american, the band 'the jimi hendrix experience' was formed in london, after he didnt do well in the US
[12/26/2012 21:49:38 UTC] pathfinder: american front man, british band
[12/26/2012 21:49:41 UTC] spektre: LOOOOL
[12/26/2012 21:49:42 UTC] pathfinder: they hate that
[12/26/2012 21:49:50 UTC] maxQ: naw dude the rest of the world knows where the hendrix experience made their name
[12/26/2012 21:49:54 UTC] maxQ: ;p
[12/26/2012 21:49:55 UTC] pathfinder: yes
[12/26/2012 21:50:00 UTC] pathfinder: US dont
[12/26/2012 21:50:35 UTC] pathfinder: i once heard some american on a news channel on a music segment say "well, your beatles are no match for our rolling stones"
[12/26/2012 21:50:42 UTC] maxQ: lol
[12/26/2012 21:50:57 UTC] pathfinder: anyway
[12/26/2012 21:51:13 UTC] pathfinder: i believe my work in this channel is done, we're down to me, maxQ and spektre
[12/26/2012 21:51:17 UTC] pathfinder: i call that successful
[12/26/2012 21:51:28 UTC] spektre: i call it
[12/26/2012 21:51:30 UTC] spektre: perfection
[12/26/2012 21:51:32 UTC] maxQ: yeah its actually been rather pleasant
[12/26/2012 21:52:33 UTC] pathfinder: mibs dont like it when you brute force their anus with logic, no matter how flawed the logic you use is, they dont see it anyway
[12/26/2012 21:56:04 UTC] spektre: exactly
[12/26/2012 21:56:10 UTC] spektre: they RQ'd en masse
[12/26/2012 22:14:15 UTC] Sage: Anyone know something about Project Mayhem?
[12/26/2012 22:14:34 UTC] smith: i herd it lieks mudkipz
[12/26/2012 22:17:46 UTC] Jabowakee: Project Mayhem. Secret operation carried out by the Fight Club.
[12/26/2012 22:26:01 UTC] north_jersey: anonymous theme song = 'Do You Hear the People Sing" from Les Mis
[12/26/2012 22:37:21 UTC] circuitdrowner: hello
[12/26/2012 22:37:28 UTC] Crypt0nymous: Intel agency probes bugs in #Turkish PMs office
[12/26/2012 22:44:18 UTC] b_d0l_: yan. yay.
[12/26/2012 22:52:38 UTC] mos6502: this channel is lookin more like #YAwN right now
[12/26/2012 23:08:25 UTC] Xexizy: hey
[12/26/2012 23:16:31 UTC] pixel: hey batcat you are awesome
[12/26/2012 23:16:52 UTC] Batcat: You are awesome too
[12/26/2012 23:38:39 UTC] Shaggy: hack the earth
[12/26/2012 23:38:46 UTC] Shaggy: Making headlines near you soon
[12/26/2012 23:40:06 UTC] pixel: oh perfect. i cant wait
[12/27/2012 00:01:09 UTC] hexahedron_: sounds like a lot of work
[12/27/2012 00:01:13 UTC] hexahedron_: i better get a diamond pickaxe
[12/27/2012 00:02:11 UTC] pixel: enchant it first.
[12/27/2012 00:06:23 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/27/2012 00:06:30 UTC] Shaggy: All we need to get to the core of the earth
[12/27/2012 00:06:44 UTC] Shaggy: It holds the answers we all need to stop the tyranny
[12/27/2012 00:07:22 UTC] Shaggy: DisruptionChaosUnity
[12/27/2012 00:16:53 UTC] AnonForecast_: back
[12/27/2012 00:17:12 UTC] l_: ya yoobloo leeteratooru
[12/27/2012 00:17:39 UTC] l_: can someone answer a programming related question?
[12/27/2012 00:22:34 UTC] Shaggy: bout time
[12/27/2012 00:22:42 UTC] Shaggy: Where's my FOIA?!
[12/27/2012 00:23:59 UTC] Tarzan: Aloha
[12/27/2012 00:24:58 UTC] M35HT3K: hey
[12/27/2012 00:25:44 UTC] l_: Yada ya heeee
[12/27/2012 00:26:10 UTC] Tarzan: Knock knock
[12/27/2012 00:48:09 UTC] Kiflu: Hi everybody
[12/27/2012 00:48:15 UTC] BigDaddyXL: Hey
[12/27/2012 00:49:14 UTC] Kiflu: I am on my mobil and I can't see everything. Lol
[12/27/2012 04:48:59 UTC] mos6502: ohshit
[12/27/2012 04:49:04 UTC] mos6502: its an xbot
[12/27/2012 04:49:34 UTC] x: Yeah
[12/27/2012 04:49:38 UTC] x: I've got it logging the chat 24/7
[12/27/2012 04:49:45 UTC] x: My VPS crashed earlier though and I forgot to start it back up
[12/27/2012 04:49:51 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/27/2012 04:49:52 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/27/2012 04:49:53 UTC] mos6502: fucking fedbot
[12/27/2012 04:49:55 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/27/2012 04:49:59 UTC] x: You know what?
[12/27/2012 04:50:01 UTC] x: I'll name it fedbot
[12/27/2012 04:50:04 UTC] x: One sec
[12/27/2012 04:50:36 UTC] mos6502: I have good lawyers
[12/27/2012 04:50:38 UTC] Shaggy: They support pedos -_-
[12/27/2012 04:50:40 UTC] mos6502: eat dick feds
[12/27/2012 04:51:22 UTC] x: LOL I have an idea
[12/27/2012 04:51:37 UTC] x: Just for shits and giggles
[12/27/2012 04:51:47 UTC] x: I should make it join as many channels as possible
[12/27/2012 04:51:49 UTC] x: Log all of them
[12/27/2012 04:51:55 UTC] x: And once a week, upload the logs to pastebin
[12/27/2012 04:52:03 UTC] x: Then email a link to those logs to the FBI's contact line thing
[12/27/2012 04:52:15 UTC] d3mn8_: pretty sure the "feds" dont give two fucks about this server
[12/27/2012 04:52:36 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/27/2012 04:52:40 UTC] Shaggy: x
[12/27/2012 04:52:42 UTC] x: I know, but I'm 100% sure it'd piss the stupider anons off to know that was being done
[12/27/2012 04:52:42 UTC] Shaggy: NIGGA
[12/27/2012 04:52:44 UTC] mos6502: feds do stupid shit like log these servers just to add that $$$ to their budget
[12/27/2012 04:52:44 UTC] Shaggy: PLEASE!
[12/27/2012 04:52:50 UTC] mos6502: thats how gov works
[12/27/2012 04:53:04 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/27/2012 04:53:10 UTC] Shaggy: Are they smart enough?
[12/27/2012 04:53:11 UTC] d3mn8_: and you know that for your endevouring career in a federal institution, mos6502 ?
[12/27/2012 04:53:45 UTC] mos6502: I know that because I have been around a LONG time and worked in several branched of gov
[12/27/2012 04:53:54 UTC] d3mn8_: kk lol
[12/27/2012 04:54:10 UTC] mos6502: they LOVE to find reasons to add to the budget
[12/27/2012 04:54:26 UTC] mos6502: because next year... and the years after they will have that $$$
[12/27/2012 04:54:33 UTC] mos6502: even if its squandered
[12/27/2012 04:54:41 UTC] d3mn8_: kk
[12/27/2012 04:55:18 UTC] Shaggy: Wh y is a fed bot in #FreeAnons?
[12/27/2012 04:55:24 UTC] Shaggy: -_-
[12/27/2012 04:55:24 UTC] x: That's mine
[12/27/2012 04:55:26 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/27/2012 04:55:34 UTC] Shaggy: !up
[12/27/2012 04:55:39 UTC] Shaggy: oh..
[12/27/2012 04:55:42 UTC] Shaggy: LOL
[12/27/2012 04:55:44 UTC] Shaggy: !down
[12/27/2012 04:55:52 UTC] Shaggy: But why?
[12/27/2012 04:55:58 UTC] mos6502: he is logging the ppl supporting the v& anons
[12/27/2012 04:55:59 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/27/2012 04:56:00 UTC] d3mn8_: because he will log it all and send it to the FBI
[12/27/2012 04:56:07 UTC] Shaggy: Yeah wtf
[12/27/2012 04:56:07 UTC] d3mn8_: thats so funny rofl ~~~xlolxzluzl
[12/27/2012 04:56:07 UTC] mos6502: for security reasons
[12/27/2012 04:56:13 UTC] Shaggy: V7' all supporters
[12/27/2012 04:56:16 UTC] Shaggy: great
[12/27/2012 04:56:48 UTC] Shaggy: well, then
[12/27/2012 04:57:01 UTC] Shaggy: I guess I have to troll the feds in there too
[12/27/2012 04:57:10 UTC] mos6502: I shot JR btw
[12/27/2012 04:57:13 UTC] mos6502: it was me
[12/27/2012 04:57:20 UTC] Shaggy: First anon snitch I come across, you'r getting v* bro!
[12/27/2012 04:57:24 UTC] mos6502: I also stole that thing that went missing in that place
[12/27/2012 04:57:25 UTC] Shaggy: *V8
[12/27/2012 04:57:34 UTC] x: I'm anon snitch van me pls
[12/27/2012 04:57:49 UTC] Shaggy: LOL
[12/27/2012 04:57:57 UTC] Shaggy: PsyOp
[12/27/2012 04:57:59 UTC] Shaggy: :P
[12/27/2012 04:58:20 UTC] mos6502: and I am the mastermind behind the plan to kidnap and fist congress.
[12/27/2012 04:58:34 UTC] mos6502: DRY
[12/27/2012 04:58:45 UTC] x: I helped shoot JFK
[12/27/2012 04:58:48 UTC] mos6502: #opfistcongress
[12/27/2012 04:59:01 UTC] Shaggy: So then your how old?
[12/27/2012 04:59:13 UTC] x: Old enough
[12/27/2012 04:59:13 UTC] mos6502: <- late 60's
[12/27/2012 04:59:30 UTC] Shaggy: lol x is lying
[12/27/2012 04:59:40 UTC] x: lol it wasn't a serious remark
[12/27/2012 04:59:47 UTC] Shaggy: I figured
[12/27/2012 04:59:50 UTC] Shaggy: :)
[12/27/2012 04:59:50 UTC] mos6502: fuck mine is
[12/27/2012 04:59:53 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/27/2012 04:59:56 UTC] Shaggy: He's being serious
[12/27/2012 04:59:59 UTC] mos6502: #opfistcongress is genius
[12/27/2012 05:00:05 UTC] mos6502: it could save lives
[12/27/2012 05:00:33 UTC] Shaggy: what happend to my girl stun??
[12/27/2012 05:00:36 UTC] Shaggy: Where'd she go?
[12/27/2012 05:00:43 UTC] mos6502: v&
[12/27/2012 05:00:48 UTC] x: v&
[12/27/2012 05:00:51 UTC] x: by me
[12/27/2012 05:00:53 UTC] Shaggy: What?
[12/27/2012 05:00:54 UTC] mos6502: I'll let her out later
[12/27/2012 05:00:55 UTC] d3mn8_: I think I made him cry for criticizing some posts on YAN
[12/27/2012 05:00:56 UTC] Shaggy: Srsly?
[12/27/2012 05:01:01 UTC] mos6502: no
[12/27/2012 05:01:08 UTC] x: Mhmm yes, hardcore v&
[12/27/2012 05:01:13 UTC] Shaggy: BB style?
[12/27/2012 05:01:29 UTC] mos6502: the ANAL van
[12/27/2012 05:01:48 UTC] mos6502: stun wuz here earlier
[12/27/2012 05:01:57 UTC] mos6502: couple hrs
[12/27/2012 05:02:52 UTC] Shaggy: M<aybe got the vibrator!
[12/27/2012 05:02:59 UTC] Shaggy: Merry christmas stun!
[12/27/2012 05:03:01 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/27/2012 05:03:01 UTC] mos6502: gas powered
[12/27/2012 05:03:14 UTC] LadyICE: so much for the environment
[12/27/2012 05:03:25 UTC] x: I know a girl who is into steampunk bullshit, I should make her a steam-powered vibrator
[12/27/2012 05:03:30 UTC] mos6502: 40hp
[12/27/2012 05:03:40 UTC] mos6502: shakes the block
[12/27/2012 05:03:50 UTC] mos6502: needs stitches after
[12/27/2012 05:03:55 UTC] mos6502: but DAMN
[12/27/2012 05:05:50 UTC] mos6502: noticed that LadyICE pops into the convo erry time it head in a sexual direction...
[12/27/2012 05:05:51 UTC] mos6502: :)
[12/27/2012 05:05:54 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/27/2012 05:06:08 UTC] NJanon: the anonymous anthem
[12/27/2012 05:06:23 UTC] NJanon: just saw les mis today it was awesome
[12/27/2012 05:06:44 UTC] mos6502: GAY
[12/27/2012 05:06:59 UTC] x: row row fight the power for anon anthem
[12/27/2012 05:07:00 UTC] Shaggy: Solar Powerd vibrator?
[12/27/2012 05:07:06 UTC] Shaggy: MAKE IT HAPPEN
[12/27/2012 05:07:11 UTC] Shaggy: Solar sex bots
[12/27/2012 05:07:13 UTC] mos6502: nuclear powered vibrator
[12/27/2012 05:07:29 UTC] x: hydroelectric vibrator
[12/27/2012 05:07:40 UTC] Shaggy: True mos
[12/27/2012 05:07:41 UTC] Shaggy: ;)
[12/27/2012 05:07:47 UTC] x: makes you wetter than the sink
[12/27/2012 05:07:51 UTC] Shaggy: Somenoe needs sex
[12/27/2012 05:07:53 UTC] Shaggy: and lot
[12/27/2012 05:07:54 UTC] Shaggy: s
[12/27/2012 05:08:58 UTC] mos6502: man
[12/27/2012 05:09:06 UTC] mos6502: todays farts: turkey
[12/27/2012 05:09:26 UTC] mos6502: ass fulla mustard gas
[12/27/2012 05:09:33 UTC] mos6502: I FOUND THE WMD'S!
[12/27/2012 05:13:01 UTC] x: Fedbot ftw
[12/27/2012 05:13:23 UTC] Shaggy: um, not
[12/27/2012 05:13:26 UTC] Shaggy: they support pedos
[12/27/2012 05:13:31 UTC] Shaggy: and steal our credit
[12/27/2012 05:13:34 UTC] Shaggy: FUCK FBI
[12/27/2012 05:13:46 UTC] Shaggy: KILL TEH FED BOT
[12/27/2012 05:13:51 UTC] Shaggy: !up
[12/27/2012 05:13:54 UTC] Shaggy: !k FEDBOT
[12/27/2012 05:15:32 UTC] boo: relax guise
[12/27/2012 05:15:58 UTC] Shaggy: I am relaxed
[12/27/2012 05:16:01 UTC] Shaggy: Just playing
[12/27/2012 05:16:05 UTC] Shaggy: BORED
[12/27/2012 05:20:31 UTC] Shaggy: Hi dedobear
[12/27/2012 05:20:41 UTC] Dedobear: eylo
[12/27/2012 05:20:51 UTC] Dedobear: lots of people here right now eh?
[12/27/2012 05:21:09 UTC] Shaggy: The whole world is watching!
[12/27/2012 05:21:20 UTC] Dedobear: lmfao
[12/27/2012 05:21:32 UTC] Dedobear: why what'd we do now?
[12/27/2012 05:22:36 UTC] Shaggy: Nothing
[12/27/2012 05:22:40 UTC] Shaggy: paranoid?
[12/27/2012 05:24:59 UTC] x: it only made it onto 16
[12/27/2012 05:25:00 UTC] x: Oh, there it is
[12/27/2012 05:25:11 UTC] d3mn8_: its the typical unrealircd limit
[12/27/2012 05:25:26 UTC] Dedobear: whoa what's going on with batcat
[12/27/2012 05:26:32 UTC] Dedobear: and anonforecast? wtf did i miss
[12/27/2012 05:26:39 UTC] Shaggy: wow x
[12/27/2012 05:26:45 UTC] x: Sup
[12/27/2012 05:26:51 UTC] Shaggy: your going to need a biggger hard drive soon
[12/27/2012 05:26:52 UTC] Shaggy: LOL
[12/27/2012 05:27:07 UTC] x: I doubt it, he's only accumulated like 300kb of logs in a day or two
[12/27/2012 05:27:08 UTC] x: Then again
[12/27/2012 05:27:13 UTC] x: He's in way more channels now
[12/27/2012 05:27:27 UTC] x: He used to only be in like 6, this time I just looked at the channel list and put him in every channel with more than 5 people LOL
[12/27/2012 05:28:05 UTC] Shaggy: put him in #kill
[12/27/2012 05:28:08 UTC] Shaggy: NOW!
[12/27/2012 05:28:34 UTC] x: What is #kill?
[12/27/2012 05:28:34 UTC] Shaggy: Most secret secret spot
[12/27/2012 05:28:34 UTC] Shaggy: EVER!
[12/27/2012 05:28:34 UTC] Shaggy: dark dark webz
[12/27/2012 05:28:34 UTC] LadyICE: ahahahahaha'
[12/27/2012 05:28:36 UTC] LadyICE: we have a #kill?
[12/27/2012 05:28:42 UTC] Shaggy: I'm hoping :P
[12/27/2012 05:28:48 UTC] d3mn8_: wut is that
[12/27/2012 05:28:51 UTC] x: Joined, there were 3 people in it
[12/27/2012 05:28:52 UTC] x: Left
[12/27/2012 05:29:00 UTC] LadyICE: :(
[12/27/2012 05:29:06 UTC] Shaggy: Yeah the bot isn't set up
[12/27/2012 05:29:07 UTC] Shaggy: :/
[12/27/2012 05:29:08 UTC] Shaggy: DAMNIT!
[12/27/2012 05:29:20 UTC] x: #kill is not worthy of FedBot's logging goodness
[12/27/2012 05:29:51 UTC] Dedobear: what happens if you pm fedbot?
[12/27/2012 05:29:58 UTC] x: Nothing
[12/27/2012 05:30:19 UTC] Shaggy: ***VERSION fedbot ***
[12/27/2012 05:30:26 UTC] Shaggy: LOL!
[12/27/2012 05:30:28 UTC] Shaggy: sorry
[12/27/2012 05:30:32 UTC] Shaggy: mass ctcp version
[12/27/2012 05:30:53 UTC] Dedobear: anon twitter is falling apart right now and im laughing
[12/27/2012 05:31:15 UTC] d3mn8_: x: your bot is vulnerable
[12/27/2012 05:31:19 UTC] Shaggy: yeah
[12/27/2012 05:31:24 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/27/2012 05:31:26 UTC] x: :0
[12/27/2012 05:31:28 UTC] x: Ruh roh
[12/27/2012 05:31:30 UTC] Dedobear: i leave for 4 hours, start working on a site, come back, and there's all sorts of "YO FUCK (X)SEC THEY CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH HURR DURRRR"
[12/27/2012 05:31:38 UTC] d3mn8_: one could make it crash in leses than 241 seconds
[12/27/2012 05:31:52 UTC] d3mn8_: less than*
[12/27/2012 05:31:53 UTC] Shaggy: LOLL!!
[12/27/2012 05:32:06 UTC] Shaggy: I'm so evil
[12/27/2012 05:32:06 UTC] Shaggy: :)
[12/27/2012 05:32:46 UTC] x: l33t h3ckz
[12/27/2012 05:33:48 UTC] Dedobear: not gonna lie. even though i know they're fake
[12/27/2012 05:34:09 UTC] Dedobear: seeing a "fedbot" or and .gov vhost really makes me go "oh fuck" for a second in my head
[12/27/2012 05:34:30 UTC] Shaggy: Ignorance is bliss
[12/27/2012 05:34:36 UTC] Shaggy: tl;dr
[12/27/2012 05:34:41 UTC] d3mn8_: yes because a vhost and a pr0t0bot is so scary
[12/27/2012 05:34:48 UTC] d3mn8_: HIT THE PROXIES
[12/27/2012 05:34:55 UTC] Shaggy: MAN THE SAIL!
[12/27/2012 05:35:16 UTC] Dedobear: it's like when you pass a cop on the highway, and you know you were kinda speeding, and if he wanted to be a dick he could pull you over. but you're pretty sure he wont and stop caring a few minutes later
[12/27/2012 05:35:41 UTC] NJanon: If a large group of people were to bring about revolution to the government, the government would fight back to protect its people from chaos and instability.
[12/27/2012 05:35:49 UTC] NJanon: But if the majority of the country were to make up this revolution, then would the government really be protecting the people's interest?
[12/27/2012 05:35:56 UTC] Dedobear: No
[12/27/2012 05:36:03 UTC] Shaggy: Real Talk Time
[12/27/2012 05:36:20 UTC] Dedobear: and most of the US military, wouldn't drop heavy artillery on their own people
[12/27/2012 05:36:30 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/27/2012 05:36:30 UTC] NJanon: unless the revolution was big enough
[12/27/2012 05:36:31 UTC] Dedobear: shooting if they're shot at, definitely
[12/27/2012 05:36:32 UTC] Shaggy: You sure?
[12/27/2012 05:36:49 UTC] Dedobear: no i mean they'll protect themselves, there's no doubt in my mind about that
[12/27/2012 05:36:49 UTC] Shaggy: LOL
[12/27/2012 05:37:01 UTC] Shaggy: Like someone who doesn;t know you cares if you die?
[12/27/2012 05:37:06 UTC] Shaggy: In the goverment world that is
[12/27/2012 05:37:22 UTC] NJanon: they would only be hastily trying to keep their dominance
[12/27/2012 05:37:34 UTC] NJanon: showing that they dont care about the people, they care about power
[12/27/2012 05:37:43 UTC] Dedobear: well, in theory, the national guard would be dispatched in their own states along with the army reserves and such. And national guard troops probably live close to where they'd be moved to
[12/27/2012 05:37:54 UTC] Dedobear: so they'd be shooting at people they really know
[12/27/2012 05:38:12 UTC] Dedobear: obviously the whole force wouldn't be the national guard, but part of it would be.
[12/27/2012 05:38:46 UTC] NJanon: well anonymous' goal is basically to have a revolution. eventually
[12/27/2012 05:38:46 UTC] NJanon: right?
[12/27/2012 05:38:50 UTC] Dedobear: OH HEY OFFICER DAN
[12/27/2012 05:38:52 UTC] Dedobear: LOOK AT THAT
[12/27/2012 05:39:00 UTC] NJanon: at least thats what they were broadcasting over a year ago
[12/27/2012 05:40:02 UTC] Dedobear: I'm no spokesperson for anonymous, and don't take what I'm saying as that. Fuck, don't even take it as anything other than my personal point of view.
[12/27/2012 05:40:30 UTC] Dedobear: When I was at occupy boston, and watched the pigs beat up vietnam vets, something occured to me, not about just occupy/anonymous, but about the world in general
[12/27/2012 05:40:33 UTC] jinx: Dedobear fuck I mssd it ? you way
[12/27/2012 05:40:45 UTC] jinx: ok go on
[12/27/2012 05:41:17 UTC] NJanon: yeah. the world is bad
[12/27/2012 05:41:21 UTC] Dedobear: There are lovers, and fighters in the world. Similarly, there are peaceful protestors and violent protestors. One kind not more important than the other.
[12/27/2012 05:41:40 UTC] Dedobear: It's up to those willing, able, and ready, to become violent, to protect the peaceful protestors
[12/27/2012 05:41:45 UTC] NJanon: i mean the US needs reform too though
[12/27/2012 05:41:54 UTC] NJanon: the US more than many many others
[12/27/2012 05:42:10 UTC] Dedobear: and it's up to the peaceful protestors, to deliver the message of whatever they're protesting.
[12/27/2012 05:42:15 UTC] NJanon: i mean yeah you look at N. korea, and china, and african countries
[12/27/2012 05:42:18 UTC] jinx: dedo - agree-ish but thats also like saying there's rich and poor and that's just the way it is
[12/27/2012 05:42:41 UTC] x: That's a bit too black and white
[12/27/2012 05:42:55 UTC] x: It's a complex issue, it can't be simplified into just 2 solid groups
[12/27/2012 05:42:56 UTC] jinx: the merit of a standard should constantly be reevaluated for change
[12/27/2012 05:42:58 UTC] NJanon: but you look at youtube comments, blogs, etc and all you see is europeans and asians trash talking america
[12/27/2012 05:43:02 UTC] Dedobear: I'm not saying people can't change and the peaceful can't get violent, that's not what im saying at all
[12/27/2012 05:43:03 UTC] NJanon: and its pretty justified
[12/27/2012 05:43:18 UTC] x: the US needs to get its nose out of other peoples' shit
[12/27/2012 05:43:24 UTC] Dedobear: im just saying, when faced with a choice, violent protest should go hand in hand with peaceful protest.
[12/27/2012 05:43:26 UTC] jinx: @NJanon - you should here my Canadian relatives
[12/27/2012 05:43:27 UTC] x: or at least stick its nose in a neighbor's shit, like Mexico
[12/27/2012 05:43:33 UTC] NJanon: peaceful protests bring a strong message
[12/27/2012 05:43:38 UTC] Dedobear: and violent protestors need to remember the message trying to be delivered.
[12/27/2012 05:43:38 UTC] NJanon: but us hardly cares about them
[12/27/2012 05:43:44 UTC] jinx: they never stfu about 'THE STATES'
[12/27/2012 05:43:46 UTC] x: All that cartel violence, that's what needs to be taken care
[12/27/2012 05:44:02 UTC] NJanon: the US only cares about the violent ones
[12/27/2012 05:44:07 UTC] Dedobear: Well, humanity has a bad habit of not giving a fuck about something until it's too late, or they're hit in the face with it
[12/27/2012 05:44:15 UTC] NJanon: that too
[12/27/2012 05:44:27 UTC] Dedobear: and sadly, violent protest is one of the ways of forcing it into someones face
[12/27/2012 05:44:29 UTC] x: I swear I would join the army right now if I thought we were fighting a fight worth fighting
[12/27/2012 05:44:34 UTC] Dedobear: me too
[12/27/2012 05:44:38 UTC] NJanon: thats what YAN is trying to stress with their environmental kick
[12/27/2012 05:44:39 UTC] x: Or at least fighting for people who WANT us
[12/27/2012 05:44:41 UTC] Dedobear: that was my plan out of highschool, marine core
[12/27/2012 05:44:49 UTC] jinx: Its not a coincidence that every major govt harvests an 'Us vs them' rhetoric
[12/27/2012 05:44:54 UTC] x: Like, the Mexican citizens would LOVE us to get down there and help them out
[12/27/2012 05:45:12 UTC] NJanon: but us doesnt want mexico
[12/27/2012 05:45:15 UTC] x: Meanwhile the dumbass sand niggers just want us to get out and let them be savages
[12/27/2012 05:45:19 UTC] NJanon: they want presence in other countries
[12/27/2012 05:45:29 UTC] NJanon: more useful to our economy
[12/27/2012 05:45:35 UTC] x: ^
[12/27/2012 05:45:41 UTC] x: That's such a terrible thing
[12/27/2012 05:46:03 UTC] NJanon: the economy is going to ruin the environment and the people themselves
[12/27/2012 05:46:04 UTC] x: That one persons' life can be prioritized over anothers' just because of where they live
[12/27/2012 05:46:08 UTC] jinx: more than 1/8 Chinese children say want to become hackers - want to target the US - why? we're not limiting their internet
[12/27/2012 05:46:29 UTC] x: Hey, interesting and somewhat relevant issue:
[12/27/2012 05:46:33 UTC] x: How do you all feel about nuclear arms
[12/27/2012 05:46:34 UTC] x: ?
[12/27/2012 05:46:41 UTC] NJanon: pointless
[12/27/2012 05:46:50 UTC] NJanon: nobody will use them
[12/27/2012 05:46:56 UTC] jinx: Canadians have 65% the same issue that we do, but they think we're the problem, not so much
[12/27/2012 05:47:01 UTC] x: I like them
[12/27/2012 05:47:06 UTC] NJanon: until one country screws up and uses them
[12/27/2012 05:47:13 UTC] NJanon: like N. korea will
[12/27/2012 05:47:24 UTC] NJanon: then everyone will be firing nukes across the globe
[12/27/2012 05:47:31 UTC] jinx: reps not rep their constituents, and the insolation of corporate raiders
[12/27/2012 05:47:33 UTC] NJanon: because of treaties etc
[12/27/2012 05:47:54 UTC] jinx: who incidentally don't give a fuck about their nation, or planet
[12/27/2012 05:48:10 UTC] jinx: but fund conservative fuckwads to promote utter BULLSHIT
[12/27/2012 05:48:17 UTC] x: I don't give a fuck about the planet
[12/27/2012 05:48:21 UTC] jinx: @Koch brothers
[12/27/2012 05:48:31 UTC] jinx: I"m no tree hugger
[12/27/2012 05:48:33 UTC] NJanon: why not?
[12/27/2012 05:48:33 UTC] x: Because I'll be dead by the time environmental issues start to truly have an affect on me
[12/27/2012 05:48:39 UTC] NJanon: true
[12/27/2012 05:48:43 UTC] jinx: if you like food
[12/27/2012 05:48:45 UTC] jinx: no it's now
[12/27/2012 05:49:00 UTC] NJanon: but if the generation before us or before them thought that
[12/27/2012 05:49:06 UTC] NJanon: we'd be in deep shit
[12/27/2012 05:49:21 UTC] jinx: lowest agricultural yield since the dust bowl
[12/27/2012 05:49:25 UTC] x: I'm pretty sure that, for the most part, they did think that
[12/27/2012 05:49:36 UTC] jinx: not just this season, falling over years
[12/27/2012 05:49:38 UTC] NJanon: well yeah i was gonna say that
[12/27/2012 05:49:39 UTC] x: They just didn't have technology that could destroy the environment so fast
[12/27/2012 05:49:48 UTC] NJanon: yeah. i mean its more critical now
[12/27/2012 05:49:53 UTC] jinx: nutrient density falling in crops
[12/27/2012 05:49:59 UTC] NJanon: just trying to put future generations into our perspective
[12/27/2012 05:50:29 UTC] jinx: nobody ever mentions the 'LAG' involved in complex systems
[12/27/2012 05:50:45 UTC] jinx: we stop fucking around now, things still get worse for a hundred years
[12/27/2012 05:50:48 UTC] jinx: that's fucke
[12/27/2012 05:50:50 UTC] NJanon: on argriculture
[12/27/2012 05:50:57 UTC] NJanon: US is very wheat/corn based
[12/27/2012 05:51:05 UTC] Jordanary: i missed the first part of this conversation, and now i'm just dissapointed.
[12/27/2012 05:51:06 UTC] NJanon: HUGEly wheat and corn
[12/27/2012 05:51:21 UTC] x: Jordanary, we're discussing how we all feel about people destroying the environment
[12/27/2012 05:51:27 UTC] jinx: true NJanon
[12/27/2012 05:51:36 UTC] NJanon: studies are showing now that wheat is terrible for your digestive systen
[12/27/2012 05:51:44 UTC] Dedobear: The other thing too is, violent protest, if/when it were to happen, CANNOT. ATTACK. PERSONAL. PROPERTY. STATE/GOVT/ASSHOLE 1%ers property only. Because the reason riots get drowned out/lose steam, is because it ends up effecting people just trying to make a living, so it loses any message it may have started out with. A violent protest stemming from a peaceful protest, that (for example) had a message of "fuck the corporations lobby congress, and fuck members of the
[12/27/2012 05:51:44 UTC] Dedobear: gov't that allow/take money from lobbyists, should target banks, wall street, governor's offices, etc. Not just break into random stores and loot shit (even though free shit is pretty sweet.)
[12/27/2012 05:51:59 UTC] Dedobear: fuck. you guys moved on already
[12/27/2012 05:52:00 UTC] Jordanary: in what instance x?
[12/27/2012 05:52:05 UTC] jinx: NJanon- for large numbers it's true
[12/27/2012 05:52:25 UTC] x: Like, the eventual death of the planet due to pollution caused by people not being responsible
[12/27/2012 05:52:36 UTC] NJanon: remember the food pyramids?
[12/27/2012 05:52:38 UTC] x: I for one don't care if the world dies as long as it dies after me
[12/27/2012 05:52:43 UTC] NJanon: like 11 servings of wheat/grain
[12/27/2012 05:52:44 UTC] Dedobear: ^
[12/27/2012 05:52:48 UTC] Jordanary: oh, like the marijuana farmers in cali right now sucking the life out of the local ecosystems?
[12/27/2012 05:53:08 UTC] jinx: so <x> you decided not to procreate? I did
[12/27/2012 05:53:26 UTC] jinx: Jordanary true man
[12/27/2012 05:53:34 UTC] NJanon: people believe now that wheat/great weaken your immune system because you dont digest it well enough and that it contributes to diseases
[12/27/2012 05:53:44 UTC] jinx: their return too high to give a fuck about sustainability
[12/27/2012 05:53:55 UTC] Jordanary: It's pitiful, people try so hard to get marijuana legalized and dickheads who don't know how to safely farm make everyone against it gain
[12/27/2012 05:54:09 UTC] Jordanary: again*
[12/27/2012 05:54:24 UTC] jinx: NJanon- leukocytosis (sure spelling fucked) from cooked or processed food
[12/27/2012 05:54:38 UTC] NJanon: ^
[12/27/2012 05:54:40 UTC] jinx: as long as 50% or more raw, it goes away
[12/27/2012 05:54:51 UTC] NJanon: the US diet is fucking with us
[12/27/2012 05:55:04 UTC] jinx: I hate healthy food, veganism all that shit
[12/27/2012 05:55:04 UTC] jinx: but I love science
[12/27/2012 05:55:04 UTC] jinx: so I'm a little fucked come dinnertime
[12/27/2012 05:55:15 UTC] NJanon: and Dedobear i like your plans for violent revoluntionary protest
[12/27/2012 05:55:17 UTC] Jordanary: Haha, try filter feeding, it might suit you
[12/27/2012 05:55:21 UTC] NJanon: thats how its gotta be done lol
[12/27/2012 05:55:46 UTC] jinx: filter feeding- funny-
[12/27/2012 05:55:51 UTC] Dedobear: thanks. im glad someone read it lmao
[12/27/2012 05:56:21 UTC] Dedobear: it's gotta be actually organized to a point
[12/27/2012 05:56:24 UTC] Jordanary: historically it's hard to gain supporters if you condone violence, unless you attain them by force
[12/27/2012 05:56:34 UTC] Jordanary: unless you're hitler
[12/27/2012 05:56:38 UTC] Dedobear: that's why im saying it'd have to stem from peaceful protest
[12/27/2012 05:56:47 UTC] NJanon: yeah'
[12/27/2012 05:56:57 UTC] NJanon: gotta be thoroughly planned
[12/27/2012 05:56:58 UTC] Jordanary: ah, gotcha, i actually haven't read it, link please?
[12/27/2012 05:57:07 UTC] x: I don't procreate
[12/27/2012 05:57:10 UTC] Dedobear: it can't just be a openly planned violent revolution. you'd be labelled as a terrorist group so fucking quick and no one would support it
[12/27/2012 05:57:17 UTC] NJanon: yeah
[12/27/2012 05:57:27 UTC] NJanon: start with a massive peaceful demonstration
[12/27/2012 05:57:34 UTC] NJanon: dont get violent until they do
[12/27/2012 05:57:53 UTC] Jordanary: worked for malcolm x
[12/27/2012 05:58:01 UTC] x: Fuck having kids, nothing about having kids sounds good at all
[12/27/2012 05:58:13 UTC] NJanon: but peaceful demonstrations havent changed anything in america since civil rights
[12/27/2012 05:58:30 UTC] Dedobear: but lets say, again STRICTLY as an example, because i think it was beautiful as it was, but as an example occupy. When cops started getting violent in NYC, if occupy had a small team of violent protesters that would PROTECT the peaceful ones, that could've gone a long way
[12/27/2012 05:58:32 UTC] Dedobear: because then it can be painted as self/group defense
[12/27/2012 05:58:39 UTC] Dedobear: which is better than terrorist group lmao
[12/27/2012 05:58:47 UTC] Jordanary: dedobear, please link your plans, or article or whatever
[12/27/2012 05:58:51 UTC] Dedobear: scroll up
[12/27/2012 05:58:54 UTC] jinx: I disagree @x, I always wanted kids, but if I can't guarantee a certain standard of health and education, I'm not gonna drop another poor sucker in this mess
[12/27/2012 05:58:56 UTC] Jordanary: oh
[12/27/2012 05:58:58 UTC] Jordanary: derp
[12/27/2012 05:58:59 UTC] NJanon: wasnt exactly plans
[12/27/2012 05:58:59 UTC] JAXAnonymous: mornin.....
[12/27/2012 05:59:17 UTC] x: I don't wanna have kids, but for different reasons than that
[12/27/2012 05:59:22 UTC] x: I see no benefit to having kids
[12/27/2012 05:59:26 UTC] NJanon: just insight on violent/nonviolent protest
[12/27/2012 05:59:42 UTC] x: Maybe I'm just being selfish but looking back at being a kid, even though I was a good kid, I was still a massive drain on my parents since day 1
[12/27/2012 05:59:43 UTC] Shaggy: You wouldn'y want a kid to raise???
[12/27/2012 05:59:59 UTC] NJanon: someone to pass down your legacy
[12/27/2012 06:00:19 UTC] Jordanary: x, do you like to change things? create and shape things? bring change to things?
[12/27/2012 06:00:46 UTC] jinx: @Dedobear= there's a line between violent and nonviolent that no-one discusses> Reactively violent> Like Gandhi with a mean mother-fucking cross jab
[12/27/2012 06:00:55 UTC] NJanon: yeah really. you teach your kid what you feel like you would have wanted to know.
[12/27/2012 06:00:55 UTC] jinx: that's what we need here in the states
[12/27/2012 06:01:05 UTC] Shaggy: I want to have baby anons :P
[12/27/2012 06:01:08 UTC] Shaggy: HELL YEAH
[12/27/2012 06:01:14 UTC] jinx: Me too Shaggy
[12/27/2012 06:01:22 UTC] Dedobear: exactly. and beyond that, it would/should escalate into larger forces
[12/27/2012 06:01:34 UTC] jinx: but I need to feel SECURE
[12/27/2012 06:01:34 UTC] Shaggy: Let's make anonbaies!
[12/27/2012 06:01:34 UTC] jinx: agreed dedobear
[12/27/2012 06:01:38 UTC] Shaggy: "secure" how?
[12/27/2012 06:02:07 UTC] NJanon: like plan everything out, but match what our opposition brings against us
[12/27/2012 06:02:07 UTC] Dedobear: start with that, but eventually a bigger force would have to join up. In which case the peaceful would start delivering the message, and the violent would be more of the muscle protecting the message
[12/27/2012 06:03:28 UTC] jinx: Dedobear> I'm in the south (pronounced racist and regressive as fuck) bible belt and I noticed that the "Tea Party" was total crap but worked largely because they were passionate (vaguely threatening)
[12/27/2012 06:04:39 UTC] Dedobear: And again, this is just from a...basic war tactics point of view, the (lets call them Anonymous Ground Forces) would have to to carry the message in every fight, know when to say enough is enough, and understand that a planned, violent opposition is no fucking joke
[12/27/2012 06:05:39 UTC] Dedobear: We don't want to kill, that should never be the goal, but be willing to stand up for our rights, and defend them when other forces are trying to infringe on them. *cough cough the police at occupy cough cough*
[12/27/2012 06:07:15 UTC] Shaggy: police are not the problem
[12/27/2012 06:07:16 UTC] Dedobear: the AGF would have to be peaceful, and understanding, until touched/pushed. Then let hell break loose
[12/27/2012 06:07:16 UTC] Shaggy: nevere was
[12/27/2012 06:07:20 UTC] Shaggy: they take commands
[12/27/2012 06:07:26 UTC] x: An army run via headless leadership
[12/27/2012 06:07:26 UTC] Shaggy: DHS is the problem for that fuckery
[12/27/2012 06:07:34 UTC] x: lol
[12/27/2012 06:07:58 UTC] Dedobear: that's what i mean when i say, the AGF would have to understand the message in it's entirety so they wouldn't make it look bad
[12/27/2012 06:08:50 UTC] x: They never would though
[12/27/2012 06:09:08 UTC] Dedobear: it couldn't be like some of the people at occupy that showed up having no idea what the message was until they got there. People would have to be willing to act, on the idea, to the best of their ability, without orders from any central head
[12/27/2012 06:09:22 UTC] x: A headless army would NEVER work
[12/27/2012 06:09:26 UTC] Dedobear: that's the really difficult, and really tricky part haha
[12/27/2012 06:09:52 UTC] Jordanary: x, i hope you're kidding, because by participating in this chat, you're part of one.
[12/27/2012 06:09:59 UTC] Shaggy: lololol
[12/27/2012 06:10:02 UTC] Shaggy: spo true
[12/27/2012 06:10:03 UTC] Dedobear: a headless army wouldn't work vs a headed army definitely
[12/27/2012 06:10:07 UTC] Shaggy: NEWBLOOD
[12/27/2012 06:10:10 UTC] Dedobear: no he's right, in the physical sense
[12/27/2012 06:10:31 UTC] Dedobear: even guerilla armies have leadership, even if it's hidden
[12/27/2012 06:10:39 UTC] x: Being here does not make me part of a headless army
[12/27/2012 06:10:47 UTC] Shaggy: Yes it does
[12/27/2012 06:10:49 UTC] Shaggy: say's our government
[12/27/2012 06:10:52 UTC] Dedobear: we're talking more headless than a guerilla force hahah
[12/27/2012 06:10:53 UTC] Shaggy: :s
[12/27/2012 06:11:24 UTC] x: If being here makes me part of a headless army being anywhere near a WBC protest makes you a crazy hate monger, even if you're there to protest the WBC
[12/27/2012 06:12:43 UTC] Shaggy: LOL
[12/27/2012 06:12:44 UTC] Shaggy: what?
[12/27/2012 06:12:50 UTC] Shaggy: Oh yeah thats right
[12/27/2012 06:12:58 UTC] Shaggy: I'm not a fed so I don't undersatnd
[12/27/2012 06:13:18 UTC] x: I'm fed
[12/27/2012 06:13:21 UTC] x: Im police
[12/27/2012 06:13:27 UTC] x: Im also FBI and CIA
[12/27/2012 06:13:57 UTC] Shaggy: Badge #?
[12/27/2012 06:14:05 UTC] Shaggy: because your log bot is badly coded
[12/27/2012 06:14:10 UTC] d3mn8_: "9001"
[12/27/2012 06:14:13 UTC] Shaggy: I want to comaplin to your supuriour
[12/27/2012 06:14:14 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/27/2012 06:14:18 UTC] d3mn8_: Shaggy: its a mere implementation of some bot available online
[12/27/2012 06:14:25 UTC] d3mn8_: lets crash it !
[12/27/2012 06:14:29 UTC] d3mn8_: shall we?
[12/27/2012 06:14:46 UTC] Shaggy: oh yeah
[12/27/2012 06:14:51 UTC] Shaggy: ANONS!?
[12/27/2012 06:14:56 UTC] Shaggy: GRAB YO BOOT LOADERS!
[12/27/2012 06:15:06 UTC] x: Lol it's not meant to be some sophisticated bot
[12/27/2012 06:15:15 UTC] jinx: FBI views Occupy as a terrorist org despite even other 'authorities'
[12/27/2012 06:15:17 UTC] d3mn8_: it should
[12/27/2012 06:15:18 UTC] jinx: that's fucked
[12/27/2012 06:15:20 UTC] x: It's pr0t0bot, some random python irc bot I found online
[12/27/2012 06:15:21 UTC] d3mn8_: logging is an important part of any ecosystem
[12/27/2012 06:15:22 UTC] Shaggy: I still wouldn't give the CIA and FBI a bad image lololl
[12/27/2012 06:15:48 UTC] x: Hello is this FBI
[12/27/2012 06:15:52 UTC] x: I would like you to arrest Shaggy pls
[12/27/2012 06:15:54 UTC] x: He's from the internet
[12/27/2012 06:16:13 UTC] jinx: hey dedo, where abouts are you? not to specific or anything just a corner?
[12/27/2012 06:16:14 UTC] x: He's involved in crime and Anon and other illegal internet hacks
[12/27/2012 06:16:41 UTC] Dedobear: The standard operating procedure for an AGF would have to be something to the effect of: You stay peaceful until attacked, or until the peaceful around you are attacked. But even that's a very loose, pretty unspecific SOP.
[12/27/2012 06:17:04 UTC] Dedobear: Northeast
[12/27/2012 06:17:04 UTC] jinx: agreed Dedobear
[12/27/2012 06:17:11 UTC] Shaggy: LOLOL
[12/27/2012 06:17:17 UTC] jinx: i've got tons of family in ct
[12/27/2012 06:17:17 UTC] Shaggy: I am legion
[12/27/2012 06:17:26 UTC] Shaggy: So I deserve to be V&d?
[12/27/2012 06:17:27 UTC] Dedobear: shaggy is THE legion
[12/27/2012 06:17:34 UTC] Dedobear: we aren't legion, just shaggy
[12/27/2012 06:17:43 UTC] x: Shaggy what part of me just fucking around in here are you missing
[12/27/2012 06:17:51 UTC] Shaggy: None of it :P
[12/27/2012 06:18:03 UTC] x: Just checking
[12/27/2012 06:18:31 UTC] jinx: I don't even think of myself as a 'hacker'..... I don't think denial attacks and basics really count
[12/27/2012 06:18:48 UTC] Shaggy: I support DDos
[12/27/2012 06:18:52 UTC] Shaggy: V& me!
[12/27/2012 06:18:59 UTC] Shaggy: Just don't NDAA me
[12/27/2012 06:19:01 UTC] Dedobear: And just like the Vhost idea i had for keeping cops out, AGF should write awful shit on their arms or something "niggers tonguepunch my fartbox" or something
[12/27/2012 06:19:16 UTC] Shaggy: No.
[12/27/2012 06:19:19 UTC] Shaggy: Dedobear
[12/27/2012 07:08:22 UTC] Dedobear: oh fuck hes back
[12/27/2012 07:09:34 UTC] d3mn8_: not for long ;)
[12/29/2012 05:34:40 UTC] LulzPirate: sup
[12/29/2012 05:36:01 UTC] pathfinder: !up
[12/29/2012 05:36:06 UTC] pathfinder: ghey
[12/29/2012 05:36:11 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/30/2012 06:56:27 UTC] Can: Comodo's what I found
[12/30/2012 06:57:59 UTC] Can: booooty calll
[12/30/2012 06:58:08 UTC] Shaggy: ,g comodo firewall of china
[12/30/2012 06:58:10 UTC] CharlieWong: Shaggy:
[12/30/2012 06:58:13 UTC] Shaggy: nah
[12/30/2012 06:58:16 UTC] Shaggy: your good
[12/30/2012 06:59:01 UTC] Can: what about china?
[12/30/2012 06:59:25 UTC] Can: chickity china, the chinese chicken?
[12/30/2012 06:59:53 UTC] Can: have a drumstick and your brain starts tickin
[12/30/2012 07:01:17 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/30/2012 07:01:22 UTC] Shaggy: are you CIA?
[12/30/2012 07:01:33 UTC] Shaggy: or new her?
[12/30/2012 07:01:39 UTC] Shaggy: *here
[12/30/2012 07:01:42 UTC] Can: muahauhaauhau likke id affiliate with those dinosaurs
[12/30/2012 07:02:11 UTC] Can: im sorta new here, ive been chattin for about 2 weeks now
[12/30/2012 07:02:21 UTC] Can: so i aint no og
[12/30/2012 07:02:23 UTC] Shaggy: Let me give you things to read
[12/30/2012 07:02:29 UTC] Can: but i been around the block
[12/30/2012 07:02:31 UTC] Shaggy: So I can see where you are at in our world
[12/30/2012 07:02:45 UTC] Can: alrightty then
[12/30/2012 07:03:39 UTC] Can: i find it funny how so many anons say 'lulz'
[12/30/2012 07:03:50 UTC] Can: tm*
[12/30/2012 07:04:05 UTC] LadyICE: lulz
[12/30/2012 07:04:30 UTC] Can: In August 2012 cnet published an Editor's Review that gave Comodo Internet Security its highest ranking, "Spectacular". They commented "Now Comodo has stepped up its game and upped the level of competition with Comodo Internet Security."
[12/30/2012 07:04:54 UTC] Can: a ranking of 'spectacular'!
[12/30/2012 07:06:01 UTC] Can: was on some party all night shit, this year im on some take charge of my life shit
[12/30/2012 07:07:09 UTC] battlecruiser: so whats going on guys?
[12/30/2012 07:07:24 UTC] Can: there's only 2 things i care about; love and rhythm.
[12/30/2012 07:07:52 UTC] battlecruiser: rhythm?
[12/30/2012 07:09:56 UTC] Can: Yo Shag, where dem reads at
[12/30/2012 07:10:20 UTC] Can: Yo, im trying to secure my ports, but im failing
[12/30/2012 07:10:21 UTC] Can: why?
[12/30/2012 07:10:32 UTC] battlecruiser: what are you doing to secure your ports?
[12/30/2012 07:10:42 UTC] Can: What should I be doing
[12/30/2012 07:11:11 UTC] battlecruiser: i dont know i want to know too
[12/31/2012 01:29:44 UTC] nereid: the KIDNAPPER!
[12/31/2012 01:29:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: second time he kidnaps
[12/31/2012 01:32:02 UTC] nereid: thats good. its a small world.
[12/31/2012 01:32:21 UTC] AnonPicasso: but i miss my home ;(
[12/31/2012 01:33:30 UTC] nereid: where is it ? not trying to be nosy...i just like talking about different places.
[12/31/2012 01:33:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: i was found in japan transfered to philipines lived in mexico for 45 years than deported to the U.S lived there for about im in looking for a pink elephant
[12/31/2012 01:33:42 UTC] AnonPicasso: lullzzzzz
[12/31/2012 01:34:28 UTC] nereid: sounds exciting!! :)
[12/31/2012 01:34:54 UTC] nereid: multilingual? lol
[12/31/2012 01:35:08 UTC] AnonPicasso: oh
[12/31/2012 01:35:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: anything goes lol
[12/31/2012 01:35:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: hahaha
[12/31/2012 01:35:41 UTC] AnonPicasso: multitoungual too
[12/31/2012 01:35:53 UTC] nimisus769: Ok I'm back...bored watching videos
[12/31/2012 01:36:10 UTC] AnonPicasso: wait i think i have a cookie in my pocket
[12/31/2012 01:36:12 UTC] AnonPicasso: ;)
[12/31/2012 01:36:28 UTC] nereid: oh really?!? lol
[12/31/2012 01:36:30 UTC] nimisus769: So what do Anons think of the Masons?
[12/31/2012 01:36:35 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:36:41 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/31/2012 01:36:47 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:37:13 UTC] AnonPicasso: hey nereid look up See where it says STATUS than YAN than my name click on it
[12/31/2012 01:37:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: its on this window
[12/31/2012 01:37:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: masons are bunch of fags
[12/31/2012 01:37:39 UTC] AnonPicasso: tell em i said that
[12/31/2012 01:38:07 UTC] nimisus769: Nah I'm a Mason but never really go...Just wondering
[12/31/2012 01:38:45 UTC] nimisus769: I look for answers so I joined to learn the secrets
[12/31/2012 01:38:54 UTC] AnonPicasso: oh pls
[12/31/2012 01:39:08 UTC] AnonPicasso: i didnt join
[12/31/2012 01:39:08 UTC] nimisus769: The secret is a bunch of old men looking for a plase to nap
[12/31/2012 01:39:12 UTC] AnonPicasso: i know their secrets
[12/31/2012 01:39:13 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:39:24 UTC] AnonPicasso: abraham lincoln liked to sleep with men
[12/31/2012 01:39:25 UTC] nimisus769: Well I thoght there might be more
[12/31/2012 01:39:26 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:39:29 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/31/2012 01:39:41 UTC] AnonPicasso: they dont teach that to the public
[12/31/2012 01:39:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: i am well informed
[12/31/2012 01:40:02 UTC] AnonPicasso: of whats going on
[12/31/2012 01:40:18 UTC] nimisus769: Guess I''m not welcome here then...sorry to be a bother
[12/31/2012 01:40:28 UTC] AnonPicasso: not that
[12/31/2012 01:40:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: u seem to not like the truth
[12/31/2012 01:40:36 UTC] AnonPicasso: my friend
[12/31/2012 01:40:43 UTC] Can: "with an estimated one in four hackers secretly informing on their peers, a Guardian investigation has established."
[12/31/2012 01:40:44 UTC] AnonPicasso: but the truth shall be told
[12/31/2012 01:40:48 UTC] Can: where the fuck do they get these stats
[12/31/2012 01:41:09 UTC] AnonPicasso: from Sabu
[12/31/2012 01:41:10 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:41:22 UTC] x: Maybe they're just horribly skewing real statistics
[12/31/2012 01:41:22 UTC] nimisus769: Bah I agree the truth needs to be told I have nothing against the truth...
[12/31/2012 01:41:25 UTC] x: E.g. if one person is a fed in here
[12/31/2012 01:41:29 UTC] x: And is logging everybody's messages
[12/31/2012 01:41:40 UTC] x: They consider it one informant for every person in the room?
[12/31/2012 01:41:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: ehh
[12/31/2012 01:42:01 UTC] Can: no that stat is saying
[12/31/2012 01:42:05 UTC] Can: if there 40 of us in here
[12/31/2012 01:42:09 UTC] Can: 10 are informanta
[12/31/2012 01:42:10 UTC] Can: hahaha
[12/31/2012 01:42:15 UTC] x: Seems like lots of statistics are getting horribly skewed these days, like that one where "instagram lost 25% of its users"
[12/31/2012 01:42:20 UTC] x: hahaha
[12/31/2012 01:42:24 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:42:28 UTC] nimisus769: Or potental informers if they were to crack
[12/31/2012 01:42:39 UTC] x: I wish there was a solid way to contact news sources and just tell them how shit really is
[12/31/2012 01:42:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: but news dont work that way
[12/31/2012 01:42:54 UTC] AnonPicasso: u and i know it
[12/31/2012 01:42:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: ;)
[12/31/2012 01:43:01 UTC] x: Unfortunately, there's not, and even if there was these stories are more entertaining like you said :P
[12/31/2012 01:43:37 UTC] x: People don't wanna hear about one major player getting busted every several months xD They wanna hear about informants everywhere, putting the naughty hackers behind bars where they belong
[12/31/2012 01:43:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: true bro
[12/31/2012 01:44:12 UTC] x: The whole infosec scene is polluted with idiots, it's shameful.
[12/31/2012 01:44:19 UTC] AnonPicasso: but u gotta understand something man
[12/31/2012 01:44:23 UTC] x: All of these *sec's pop up and decide they wanna be a big hake
[12/31/2012 01:44:24 UTC] AnonPicasso: iv done alot of work
[12/31/2012 01:44:26 UTC] AnonPicasso: on my own
[12/31/2012 01:44:30 UTC] AnonPicasso: occupy nyc
[12/31/2012 01:44:32 UTC] AnonPicasso: sandy
[12/31/2012 01:44:32 UTC] nimisus769: Well once I started following #YON on twitter I'm sure they know who I am now....weee
[12/31/2012 01:44:32 UTC] AnonPicasso: etc
[12/31/2012 01:44:42 UTC] AnonPicasso: i am hacktivist
[12/31/2012 01:44:44 UTC] AnonPicasso: as well
[12/31/2012 01:44:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: but id never go hack someone for
[12/31/2012 01:44:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: credit cards
[12/31/2012 01:45:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: etc not my gig
[12/31/2012 01:45:03 UTC] x: I'm not even talking about that
[12/31/2012 01:45:06 UTC] Shaggy: x we are onto the feds
[12/31/2012 01:45:10 UTC] Shaggy: and their dirty tricks
[12/31/2012 01:45:20 UTC] x: I'm talking about the people who go wreck up random sites in the name of security, when really all they want is attention
[12/31/2012 01:45:20 UTC] Shaggy: we are trying to gather enough intel to go public
[12/31/2012 01:45:21 UTC] Shaggy: ;)
[12/31/2012 01:45:26 UTC] nimisus769: I want to be but have no clue where to start anymore it's been years since I done any hacking.. :(
[12/31/2012 01:45:31 UTC] Shaggy: yeah we had a fame fag in here
[12/31/2012 01:45:36 UTC] Shaggy: defacing gov sites with his nick
[12/31/2012 01:45:38 UTC] Shaggy: what a faggt
[12/31/2012 01:45:41 UTC] x: I really hate that shit
[12/31/2012 01:45:45 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:45:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: yeah same here
[12/31/2012 01:45:59 UTC] Can: so much hatred Shag
[12/31/2012 01:46:01 UTC] Can: ;p
[12/31/2012 01:46:45 UTC] AnonPicasso: believe me many of these kids
[12/31/2012 01:46:56 UTC] AnonPicasso: dont know how this life works , prison etc
[12/31/2012 01:46:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: street life
[12/31/2012 01:46:59 UTC] x: nimisus you have a big tough biker beard, do you own a motorcycle? (I googled your username after you said you follow YON on twitter)
[12/31/2012 01:47:08 UTC] AnonPicasso: these are kids who grew up having alot of shit
[12/31/2012 01:47:13 UTC] Hmei7: lol
[12/31/2012 01:47:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: now they just want some fame on the net
[12/31/2012 01:47:22 UTC] CharlieWong: rofl
[12/31/2012 01:47:36 UTC] AnonPicasso: lollllllllllll
[12/31/2012 01:47:40 UTC] nimisus769: Yeah I have a bike...not a harley I have a Kawasaki ZRX 1200R
[12/31/2012 01:48:30 UTC] Hmei7: lol
[12/31/2012 01:48:49 UTC] nimisus769: No use trying to hide my name hell everyone could find out anyway
[12/31/2012 01:48:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: Hmei @officialHmei7 @YourAnonNews please follow me and DM me. I am the one who did that hack on Iran's government.
[12/31/2012 01:48:55 UTC] AnonPicasso: lolll
[12/31/2012 01:49:01 UTC] AnonPicasso: fuck it bro
[12/31/2012 01:49:33 UTC] Shaggy: fame fag
[12/31/2012 01:49:37 UTC] Shaggy: you no hactivist
[12/31/2012 01:49:40 UTC] AnonPicasso: if i follow u follow back
[12/31/2012 01:49:40 UTC] Shaggy: pshh
[12/31/2012 01:49:42 UTC] AnonPicasso: wtf
[12/31/2012 01:49:55 UTC] Shaggy: I follow accounts that do news
[12/31/2012 01:49:56 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:50:02 UTC] AnonPicasso: not u
[12/31/2012 01:50:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: bruh
[12/31/2012 01:50:05 UTC] Shaggy: Because my twitter is linked to tweetedtimes
[12/31/2012 01:50:11 UTC] Shaggy: so if i add random fags
[12/31/2012 01:50:15 UTC] Shaggy: it'll screww up my paper
[12/31/2012 01:50:31 UTC] AnonPicasso: fags?
[12/31/2012 01:50:44 UTC] Hmei7: i only said that cus he took credit
[12/31/2012 01:50:47 UTC] Hmei7: so stfu shaggy
[12/31/2012 01:50:51 UTC] joseroshima: hello
[12/31/2012 01:50:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: dont use that with me man
[12/31/2012 01:50:54 UTC] AnonPicasso: im not a fag
[12/31/2012 01:50:54 UTC] Hmei7: u cant hack u cant code what can you do?
[12/31/2012 01:51:02 UTC] AnonPicasso: i got kids bruh
[12/31/2012 01:51:04 UTC] AnonPicasso: relaxxx
[12/31/2012 01:51:16 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:51:17 UTC] Hmei7: not u shaggy
[12/31/2012 01:51:28 UTC] joseroshima: What si the state of the collective?
[12/31/2012 01:52:02 UTC] x: Who Hmei7 let's just stay calm here
[12/31/2012 01:52:06 UTC] x: *Whoa
[12/31/2012 01:52:16 UTC] x: Just step away from the keyboard here for a minute everything will be alright
[12/31/2012 01:52:21 UTC] Hmei7: lol
[12/31/2012 01:52:52 UTC] joseroshima: what is the state of the collective?
[12/31/2012 01:53:02 UTC] Hmei7: shaggy ur a piece of shit
[12/31/2012 01:53:12 UTC] Hmei7: i hacked 400 sites today and say i cant do nothing?
[12/31/2012 01:53:24 UTC] Shaggy: I never said that
[12/31/2012 01:53:28 UTC] x: Hmei7
[12/31/2012 01:53:29 UTC] Hmei7: and ur the one linking this channel to LOIC?
[12/31/2012 01:53:30 UTC] SpikyTortoise: everybody should just chill the fuck out
[12/31/2012 01:53:32 UTC] Shaggy: I said you are wasting the talent
[12/31/2012 01:53:35 UTC] x: Show off your e-peen somewhere else
[12/31/2012 01:53:36 UTC] Shaggy: dont get offended
[12/31/2012 01:53:36 UTC] Hmei7: nah
[12/31/2012 01:53:40 UTC] Shaggy: listen to what i am saying
[12/31/2012 01:54:01 UTC] Hmei7: everytime i get in here: <shaggy> lol u cant hack hahaha
[12/31/2012 01:54:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: i want an apology too shaggy
[12/31/2012 01:54:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: cant be calling people fags
[12/31/2012 01:54:09 UTC] Hmei7: <shaggy> fag
[12/31/2012 01:54:16 UTC] Hmei7: <shaggy> just quit
[12/31/2012 01:54:16 UTC] Shaggy: I am a fag
[12/31/2012 01:54:17 UTC] x: Hmei7 you are a fag who cannot hack
[12/31/2012 01:54:18 UTC] Shaggy: so I can
[12/31/2012 01:54:19 UTC] Shaggy: :P
[12/31/2012 01:54:19 UTC] x: just quit
[12/31/2012 01:54:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: im 14 years older than u
[12/31/2012 01:54:22 UTC] Hmei7: lol i guess
[12/31/2012 01:54:23 UTC] Shaggy: lol x
[12/31/2012 01:54:26 UTC] x: hahaha
[12/31/2012 01:54:27 UTC] Can: <x> Show off your e-peen somewhere else <------ heed these words
[12/31/2012 01:54:40 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:54:44 UTC] Can: all of you
[12/31/2012 01:54:49 UTC] joseroshima: What is the state of the collective?
[12/31/2012 01:54:49 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/31/2012 01:54:49 UTC] Can: ;p
[12/31/2012 01:54:50 UTC] AnonPicasso: as for gay defaces
[12/31/2012 01:54:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:54:53 UTC] AnonPicasso: thats diff
[12/31/2012 01:54:54 UTC] AnonPicasso: lulz
[12/31/2012 01:55:06 UTC] Hmei7: i dont care lol i just hack cus i can
[12/31/2012 01:55:21 UTC] nimisus769: Is this the state of the collective?...How does anything get done??
[12/31/2012 01:55:22 UTC] Hmei7: either way the government doesnt care for the message you send
[12/31/2012 01:55:30 UTC] Hmei7: so whatever
[12/31/2012 01:55:48 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus
[12/31/2012 01:55:59 UTC] AnonPicasso: so u are a mason?
[12/31/2012 01:56:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: u said
[12/31/2012 01:56:03 UTC] joseroshima: I've been waiting for us to get back on our feet for 9 months
[12/31/2012 01:56:25 UTC] nimisus769: brb 5 year old wants me to play lego pirates of the carribean for him... Yeah I'm a mason..been one for 3 years
[12/31/2012 01:56:37 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/31/2012 01:56:41 UTC] mos6502: jokes
[12/31/2012 01:56:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: dontbesuprised
[12/31/2012 01:56:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:57:17 UTC] joseroshima: I've gone anarcho-capitalist over these past few months
[12/31/2012 01:57:35 UTC] Hmei7: anon is so skid'd out now
[12/31/2012 01:58:04 UTC] Can: skid'd out?
[12/31/2012 01:58:09 UTC] Can: it has more eyes on it then ever
[12/31/2012 01:58:16 UTC] Hmei7: not really
[12/31/2012 01:58:21 UTC] Hmei7: oh eyes yes
[12/31/2012 01:58:24 UTC] Can: Dude, The Real Roseanne is on board
[12/31/2012 01:58:27 UTC] Can: better recanize
[12/31/2012 01:58:36 UTC] Hmei7: real roseanne is just doing it for her gains bro
[12/31/2012 01:58:38 UTC] Can: haha
[12/31/2012 01:58:43 UTC] Hmei7: she is
[12/31/2012 01:58:53 UTC] joseroshima: it's become a commoditie in america unfortunatly
[12/31/2012 01:58:59 UTC] AnonPicasso: roseanne gaining nothing but weight
[12/31/2012 01:59:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: fool
[12/31/2012 01:59:01 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 01:59:07 UTC] Can: everyone has their own personal agenda, but we unite on common ground
[12/31/2012 01:59:29 UTC] Hmei7: hold up
[12/31/2012 01:59:38 UTC] Hmei7:
[12/31/2012 01:59:38 UTC] Hmei7: look
[12/31/2012 01:59:40 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Why is Roseanne Barr Aligning Herself with Anonymous and Calling Herself "Rononomous?" ]
[12/31/2012 01:59:45 UTC] joseroshima: Something I want to know from you guys, are we fighting for anarchy, or anarcho-capitalism?
[12/31/2012 02:00:02 UTC] Hmei7: shes just a piece of shit
[12/31/2012 02:00:05 UTC] nimisus769: Ok back
[12/31/2012 02:00:19 UTC] Hmei7: can
[12/31/2012 02:00:21 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Why is Roseanne Barr Aligning Herself with Anonymous and Calling Herself "Rononomous?" ]
[12/31/2012 02:00:22 UTC] Hmei7: read this
[12/31/2012 02:00:24 UTC] joseroshima: It feels like we may be heading down some sort of comunist road, bring down this government, but fear us now instead
[12/31/2012 02:00:50 UTC] AnonPicasso: joeroshima
[12/31/2012 02:00:54 UTC] AnonPicasso: ....
[12/31/2012 02:01:10 UTC] joseroshima: Idk, these revolution things dont set well with me anymore
[12/31/2012 02:01:25 UTC] joseroshima: *sit
[12/31/2012 02:01:30 UTC] Can: lol. this is evolution
[12/31/2012 02:01:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: cus u have bunch of fucking kids running around
[12/31/2012 02:01:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: cus u have bunch of fucking kids running around
[12/31/2012 02:01:39 UTC] AnonPicasso: man
[12/31/2012 02:01:39 UTC] AnonPicasso: man
[12/31/2012 02:01:42 UTC] Can: you have no choice
[12/31/2012 02:01:43 UTC] Can: you have no choice
[12/31/2012 02:02:17 UTC] joseroshima: I believe in evolution, but I fear we might just be going in circles if this happens too fast
[12/31/2012 02:02:17 UTC] joseroshima: I believe in evolution, but I fear we might just be going in circles if this happens too fast
[12/31/2012 02:02:21 UTC] Hmei7: hold up let me go hack some more governments
[12/31/2012 02:02:21 UTC] Hmei7: hold up let me go hack some more governments
[12/31/2012 02:02:28 UTC] Hmei7: hacked:
[12/31/2012 02:02:28 UTC] Hmei7: hacked:
[12/31/2012 02:02:35 UTC] joseroshima: I think marx said something abouta cycle in six stages
[12/31/2012 02:02:35 UTC] joseroshima: I think marx said something abouta cycle in six stages
[12/31/2012 02:02:53 UTC] x: Hmei7: again, nobody cares about you showing off your e-peen
[12/31/2012 02:02:53 UTC] x: Hmei7: again, nobody cares about you showing off your e-peen
[12/31/2012 02:03:03 UTC] Can: ;p
[12/31/2012 02:03:03 UTC] Can: ;p
[12/31/2012 02:03:03 UTC] joseroshima: the problem is the majority of the people who just fight to fight
[12/31/2012 02:03:03 UTC] joseroshima: the problem is the majority of the people who just fight to fight
[12/31/2012 02:03:19 UTC] SpikyTortoise: people need to fight for the good of the people
[12/31/2012 02:03:19 UTC] SpikyTortoise: people need to fight for the good of the people
[12/31/2012 02:03:28 UTC] mos6502: and for pussy!
[12/31/2012 02:03:28 UTC] mos6502: and for pussy!
[12/31/2012 02:03:35 UTC] joseroshima: "lets all have us a revolution, that ought to make tihngs interesting?"
[12/31/2012 02:03:35 UTC] joseroshima: "lets all have us a revolution, that ought to make tihngs interesting?"
[12/31/2012 02:03:42 UTC] Can: jose: this difference between now and before is that communiation between the masses is simple
[12/31/2012 02:03:42 UTC] Can: jose: this difference between now and before is that communiation between the masses is simple
[12/31/2012 02:03:49 UTC] joseroshima: People need to know what to fight for and why
[12/31/2012 02:03:49 UTC] joseroshima: People need to know what to fight for and why
[12/31/2012 02:04:29 UTC] Hmei7: x just one more time!!!!
[12/31/2012 02:04:29 UTC] Hmei7: x just one more time!!!!
[12/31/2012 02:04:31 UTC] AnonPicasso: sniffin glue is a mother fucka
[12/31/2012 02:04:31 UTC] AnonPicasso: sniffin glue is a mother fucka
[12/31/2012 02:04:59 UTC] SpikyTortoise: the thing is without a structural goverment everyone is own there own fighting for just themselves, but with our current officals all the politcans are greedy as fuck
[12/31/2012 02:04:59 UTC] SpikyTortoise: the thing is without a structural goverment everyone is own there own fighting for just themselves, but with our current officals all the politcans are greedy as fuck
[12/31/2012 02:05:08 UTC] joseroshima: people today think they deserve things, and when they dont recieve, they riot,
[12/31/2012 02:05:08 UTC] joseroshima: people today think they deserve things, and when they dont recieve, they riot,
[12/31/2012 02:05:21 UTC] joseroshima: the problem is that we think we need things, we think we deserve things
[12/31/2012 02:05:21 UTC] joseroshima: the problem is that we think we need things, we think we deserve things
[12/31/2012 02:05:29 UTC] Can: would you not agree that they deserve something\/
[12/31/2012 02:05:29 UTC] Can: would you not agree that they deserve something\/
[12/31/2012 02:05:30 UTC] Can: ?
[12/31/2012 02:05:30 UTC] Can: ?
[12/31/2012 02:05:46 UTC] Can: a world thats been raped for all its resources
[12/31/2012 02:05:46 UTC] Can: a world thats been raped for all its resources
[12/31/2012 02:05:51 UTC] joseroshima: we dont deserve what we take, all that is given to us is privilage
[12/31/2012 02:05:52 UTC] joseroshima: we dont deserve what we take, all that is given to us is privilage
[12/31/2012 02:05:53 UTC] Can: do you not agree we deserve some of this?
[12/31/2012 02:05:53 UTC] Can: do you not agree we deserve some of this?
[12/31/2012 02:05:54 UTC] Can: everyone
[12/31/2012 02:05:54 UTC] Can: everyone
[12/31/2012 02:06:08 UTC] AnonPicasso: theres much more than governement , governements are puppets bro
[12/31/2012 02:06:08 UTC] AnonPicasso: theres much more than governement , governements are puppets bro
[12/31/2012 02:06:11 UTC] SpikyTortoise: we all deserve the right to express ourselves obviously
[12/31/2012 02:06:12 UTC] SpikyTortoise: we all deserve the right to express ourselves obviously
[12/31/2012 02:06:14 UTC] AnonPicasso: people u dont hear of them
[12/31/2012 02:06:14 UTC] AnonPicasso: people u dont hear of them
[12/31/2012 02:06:16 UTC] AnonPicasso: they run shit
[12/31/2012 02:06:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: they run shit
[12/31/2012 02:06:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: not people u see
[12/31/2012 02:06:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: not people u see
[12/31/2012 02:06:21 UTC] joseroshima: we only deserve it if we choose to
[12/31/2012 02:06:22 UTC] joseroshima: we only deserve it if we choose to
[12/31/2012 02:06:36 UTC] Can: thats not true picasso
[12/31/2012 02:06:36 UTC] Can: thats not true picasso
[12/31/2012 02:06:37 UTC] joseroshima: it's clear there are "forces" manipulating and controlling us
[12/31/2012 02:06:37 UTC] joseroshima: it's clear there are "forces" manipulating and controlling us
[12/31/2012 02:06:44 UTC] Can: the masses make shit work
[12/31/2012 02:06:44 UTC] Can: the masses make shit work
[12/31/2012 02:06:49 UTC] AnonPicasso: oh please
[12/31/2012 02:06:49 UTC] AnonPicasso: oh please
[12/31/2012 02:06:50 UTC] Can: by compllying
[12/31/2012 02:06:50 UTC] Can: by compllying
[12/31/2012 02:06:50 UTC] AnonPicasso: bro
[12/31/2012 02:06:50 UTC] AnonPicasso: bro
[12/31/2012 02:06:51 UTC] joseroshima: not just governments, society
[12/31/2012 02:06:51 UTC] joseroshima: not just governments, society
[12/31/2012 02:07:04 UTC] joseroshima: from the day we are born, we watch disney movies telling us what right and wrong are
[12/31/2012 02:07:04 UTC] joseroshima: from the day we are born, we watch disney movies telling us what right and wrong are
[12/31/2012 02:07:11 UTC] joseroshima: we learn in school what is and isnt
[12/31/2012 02:07:11 UTC] joseroshima: we learn in school what is and isnt
[12/31/2012 02:07:15 UTC] nimisus769: Ok fill me in on the masons I've not seen anything is that because I'm a newbie?
[12/31/2012 02:07:15 UTC] nimisus769: Ok fill me in on the masons I've not seen anything is that because I'm a newbie?
[12/31/2012 02:07:22 UTC] SpikyTortoise: good point joser, and Anon are u taking about shit like they illuminati
[12/31/2012 02:07:22 UTC] SpikyTortoise: good point joser, and Anon are u taking about shit like they illuminati
[12/31/2012 02:07:23 UTC] AnonPicasso: u.s got alot of secrets bro
[12/31/2012 02:07:23 UTC] AnonPicasso: u.s got alot of secrets bro
[12/31/2012 02:07:28 UTC] Hmei7: hacked :D
[12/31/2012 02:07:28 UTC] Hmei7: hacked :D
[12/31/2012 02:07:34 UTC] CharlieWong: [ hacked by Hmei7 ]
[12/31/2012 02:07:34 UTC] CharlieWong: [ hacked by Hmei7 ]
[12/31/2012 02:07:35 UTC] joseroshima: the concept of illuminati
[12/31/2012 02:07:35 UTC] joseroshima: the concept of illuminati
[12/31/2012 02:07:45 UTC] joseroshima: if not them, something else, it's human nature
[12/31/2012 02:07:46 UTC] joseroshima: if not them, something else, it's human nature
[12/31/2012 02:07:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: u dont go to a war ( iraq) just cause u thought
[12/31/2012 02:07:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: u dont go to a war ( iraq) just cause u thought
[12/31/2012 02:07:57 UTC] joseroshima: there will be someone with power who wants control
[12/31/2012 02:07:57 UTC] joseroshima: there will be someone with power who wants control
[12/31/2012 02:08:02 UTC] AnonPicasso: that shit dont make sence to me man
[12/31/2012 02:08:02 UTC] AnonPicasso: that shit dont make sence to me man
[12/31/2012 02:08:05 UTC] SpikyTortoise: yes but Hmei7 what did the do wrong to diserve to be hackd
[12/31/2012 02:08:05 UTC] SpikyTortoise: yes but Hmei7 what did the do wrong to diserve to be hackd
[12/31/2012 02:08:14 UTC] nimisus769: I joined the masons cause I wanted to know thier secrets...
[12/31/2012 02:08:14 UTC] nimisus769: I joined the masons cause I wanted to know thier secrets...
[12/31/2012 02:08:19 UTC] x: Nothing, he just wants to show off :P At least that's how it looks to me
[12/31/2012 02:08:19 UTC] x: Nothing, he just wants to show off :P At least that's how it looks to me
[12/31/2012 02:08:28 UTC] Hmei7: they didnt fix my iphone
[12/31/2012 02:08:28 UTC] Hmei7: they didnt fix my iphone
[12/31/2012 02:08:37 UTC] joseroshima: how does one join the masons?
[12/31/2012 02:08:37 UTC] joseroshima: how does one join the masons?
[12/31/2012 02:08:46 UTC] SpikyTortoise: u are invited
[12/31/2012 02:08:46 UTC] SpikyTortoise: u are invited
[12/31/2012 02:08:56 UTC] joseroshima: I see
[12/31/2012 02:08:56 UTC] joseroshima: I see
[12/31/2012 02:08:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: thats right
[12/31/2012 02:08:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: thats right
[12/31/2012 02:09:00 UTC] SpikyTortoise: pretty sure u gotta be rich and white or some shit
[12/31/2012 02:09:00 UTC] SpikyTortoise: pretty sure u gotta be rich and white or some shit
[12/31/2012 02:09:03 UTC] Can: invited by a member
[12/31/2012 02:09:03 UTC] Can: invited by a member
[12/31/2012 02:09:05 UTC] nimisus769: You have to ask one to be one...
[12/31/2012 02:09:05 UTC] nimisus769: You have to ask one to be one...
[12/31/2012 02:09:06 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:09:06 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:09:10 UTC] joseroshima: I've seen plenty of black masons
[12/31/2012 02:09:10 UTC] joseroshima: I've seen plenty of black masons
[12/31/2012 02:09:13 UTC] Can: tortoise thats not true at all
[12/31/2012 02:09:13 UTC] Can: tortoise thats not true at all
[12/31/2012 02:09:15 UTC] Hmei7:
[12/31/2012 02:09:15 UTC] Hmei7:
[12/31/2012 02:09:16 UTC] nimisus769: I'm not rich...
[12/31/2012 02:09:16 UTC] nimisus769: I'm not rich...
[12/31/2012 02:09:19 UTC] Hmei7: hax0r3d!
[12/31/2012 02:09:19 UTC] Hmei7: hax0r3d!
[12/31/2012 02:09:21 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Hmei7 ]
[12/31/2012 02:09:21 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Hmei7 ]
[12/31/2012 02:09:29 UTC] nimisus769: I'm far from rich
[12/31/2012 02:09:29 UTC] nimisus769: I'm far from rich
[12/31/2012 02:09:33 UTC] SpikyTortoise: well sorry im just saying what ive heard
[12/31/2012 02:09:33 UTC] SpikyTortoise: well sorry im just saying what ive heard
[12/31/2012 02:09:40 UTC] Hmei7: i just want to get arrested :(
[12/31/2012 02:09:40 UTC] Hmei7: i just want to get arrested :(
[12/31/2012 02:09:44 UTC] Hmei7: hacked :
[12/31/2012 02:09:44 UTC] Hmei7: hacked :
[12/31/2012 02:09:46 UTC] x: LOL
[12/31/2012 02:09:46 UTC] x: LOL
[12/31/2012 02:09:46 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Hmei7 ]
[12/31/2012 02:09:47 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Hmei7 ]
[12/31/2012 02:09:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: the thing about masons thats really fucking disturbing is that they them selves hold secrets
[12/31/2012 02:09:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: the thing about masons thats really fucking disturbing is that they them selves hold secrets
[12/31/2012 02:09:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: like if ur mason of 3rd degree
[12/31/2012 02:09:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: like if ur mason of 3rd degree
[12/31/2012 02:10:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: u dono whats happening on 15th
[12/31/2012 02:10:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: u dono whats happening on 15th
[12/31/2012 02:10:07 UTC] Can: you dont have to be anything to become a mason, except friends with a mason ;p
[12/31/2012 02:10:08 UTC] Can: you dont have to be anything to become a mason, except friends with a mason ;p
[12/31/2012 02:10:10 UTC] AnonPicasso: example
[12/31/2012 02:10:10 UTC] AnonPicasso: example
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: the more u go up the more u see
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: the more u go up the more u see
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] nimisus769: Dude I'm a 32nd degree
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] nimisus769: Dude I'm a 32nd degree
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: o shit
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: o shit
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:10:39 UTC] nimisus769: I did the Scottish Rite and all
[12/31/2012 02:10:39 UTC] nimisus769: I did the Scottish Rite and all
[12/31/2012 02:10:40 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/31/2012 02:10:40 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/31/2012 02:10:51 UTC] joseroshima: how many degrees are there?
[12/31/2012 02:10:51 UTC] joseroshima: how many degrees are there?
[12/31/2012 02:10:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: so 33rd
[12/31/2012 02:10:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: so 33rd
[12/31/2012 02:11:02 UTC] AnonPicasso: u must go to washington
[12/31/2012 02:11:02 UTC] AnonPicasso: u must go to washington
[12/31/2012 02:11:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: right
[12/31/2012 02:11:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: right
[12/31/2012 02:11:04 UTC] AnonPicasso: ?
[12/31/2012 02:11:04 UTC] AnonPicasso: ?
[12/31/2012 02:11:05 UTC] nimisus769: Thats it...theres a 33rd but it's honary
[12/31/2012 02:11:05 UTC] nimisus769: Thats it...theres a 33rd but it's honary
[12/31/2012 02:11:07 UTC] SpikyTortoise: I dont know much about the masons what are they even about?
[12/31/2012 02:11:07 UTC] SpikyTortoise: I dont know much about the masons what are they even about?
[12/31/2012 02:11:19 UTC] joseroshima: some sort of society
[12/31/2012 02:11:19 UTC] joseroshima: some sort of society
[12/31/2012 02:11:21 UTC] joseroshima: somewhat secret
[12/31/2012 02:11:21 UTC] joseroshima: somewhat secret
[12/31/2012 02:11:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisis
[12/31/2012 02:11:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisis
[12/31/2012 02:11:28 UTC] AnonPicasso: correct
[12/31/2012 02:11:28 UTC] AnonPicasso: correct
[12/31/2012 02:11:29 UTC] AnonPicasso: ?
[12/31/2012 02:11:29 UTC] AnonPicasso: ?
[12/31/2012 02:11:29 UTC] Hmei7: im gonna hack many governments im gonna try to get arrested
[12/31/2012 02:11:29 UTC] Hmei7: im gonna hack many governments im gonna try to get arrested
[12/31/2012 02:11:30 UTC] joseroshima: get to wear suits and fancy rings
[12/31/2012 02:11:30 UTC] joseroshima: get to wear suits and fancy rings
[12/31/2012 02:11:34 UTC] nimisus769: They are suppose to make good men better...morally
[12/31/2012 02:11:34 UTC] nimisus769: They are suppose to make good men better...morally
[12/31/2012 02:11:40 UTC] Hmei7: Hacked:
[12/31/2012 02:11:40 UTC] Hmei7: Hacked:
[12/31/2012 02:11:48 UTC] Hmei7: Hacked:
[12/31/2012 02:11:48 UTC] Hmei7: Hacked:
[12/31/2012 02:11:49 UTC] AnonPicasso: but how come
[12/31/2012 02:11:49 UTC] AnonPicasso: but how come
[12/31/2012 02:11:56 UTC] AnonPicasso: they claim they are christians
[12/31/2012 02:11:56 UTC] AnonPicasso: they claim they are christians
[12/31/2012 02:11:58 UTC] Can: Mason said: We are not a secret society. We are a society of secrets."
[12/31/2012 02:11:58 UTC] Can: Mason said: We are not a secret society. We are a society of secrets."
[12/31/2012 02:12:09 UTC] AnonPicasso: but believe in opposite
[12/31/2012 02:12:09 UTC] AnonPicasso: but believe in opposite
[12/31/2012 02:12:11 UTC] joseroshima: something I want to know is are they religious based?
[12/31/2012 02:12:11 UTC] joseroshima: something I want to know is are they religious based?
[12/31/2012 02:12:18 UTC] SpikyTortoise: Becasuse ive heard of all this shit like they sacrifce goats
[12/31/2012 02:12:18 UTC] SpikyTortoise: Becasuse ive heard of all this shit like they sacrifce goats
[12/31/2012 02:12:18 UTC] nimisus769: Look around at the world bro.,..No morals any more
[12/31/2012 02:12:18 UTC] nimisus769: Look around at the world bro.,..No morals any more
[12/31/2012 02:12:30 UTC] joseroshima: do there need to be any?
[12/31/2012 02:12:30 UTC] joseroshima: do there need to be any?
[12/31/2012 02:12:32 UTC] nereid: the masons are a mixture.
[12/31/2012 02:12:32 UTC] nereid: the masons are a mixture.
[12/31/2012 02:12:32 UTC] *** Hmei7 slaps x around a bit with a large fishbot ***
[12/31/2012 02:12:32 UTC] *** Hmei7 slaps x around a bit with a large fishbot ***
[12/31/2012 02:12:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: theres good masons
[12/31/2012 02:12:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: theres good masons
[12/31/2012 02:12:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: but much of bad ones though
[12/31/2012 02:12:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: but much of bad ones though
[12/31/2012 02:12:52 UTC] nimisus769: No they believe in God...well the Great Architect
[12/31/2012 02:12:52 UTC] nimisus769: No they believe in God...well the Great Architect
[12/31/2012 02:12:56 UTC] AnonPicasso: im well informed of them
[12/31/2012 02:12:56 UTC] AnonPicasso: im well informed of them
[12/31/2012 02:13:18 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus
[12/31/2012 02:13:18 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus
[12/31/2012 02:13:18 UTC] Can: "Do what thou wilt shall be the rule of law."
[12/31/2012 02:13:18 UTC] Can: "Do what thou wilt shall be the rule of law."
[12/31/2012 02:13:19 UTC] SpikyTortoise: Joser morals are important they keep people from rapin and killin
[12/31/2012 02:13:20 UTC] SpikyTortoise: Joser morals are important they keep people from rapin and killin
[12/31/2012 02:13:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: u say they
[12/31/2012 02:13:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: u say they
[12/31/2012 02:13:23 UTC] AnonPicasso: as if ur a spy
[12/31/2012 02:13:23 UTC] AnonPicasso: as if ur a spy
[12/31/2012 02:13:26 UTC] nimisus769: I've studied and learned and went as far as I can go...
[12/31/2012 02:13:26 UTC] nimisus769: I've studied and learned and went as far as I can go...
[12/31/2012 02:13:26 UTC] AnonPicasso: lolll
[12/31/2012 02:13:26 UTC] AnonPicasso: lolll
[12/31/2012 02:13:37 UTC] nimisus769: Well....??....You know
[12/31/2012 02:13:37 UTC] nimisus769: Well....??....You know
[12/31/2012 02:13:39 UTC] nereid: do they have their foundations in knights templar?
[12/31/2012 02:13:39 UTC] nereid: do they have their foundations in knights templar?
[12/31/2012 02:13:43 UTC] nimisus769: Yes
[12/31/2012 02:13:44 UTC] nimisus769: Yes
[12/31/2012 02:14:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: do masons smoke weed thats all i wanna know man
[12/31/2012 02:14:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: do masons smoke weed thats all i wanna know man
[12/31/2012 02:14:08 UTC] AnonPicasso: loll
[12/31/2012 02:14:08 UTC] AnonPicasso: loll
[12/31/2012 02:14:19 UTC] nimisus769: Oh hell people if you sat in a Schottish Rite ceromony you'd shit yourself\
[12/31/2012 02:14:19 UTC] nimisus769: Oh hell people if you sat in a Schottish Rite ceromony you'd shit yourself\
[12/31/2012 02:14:24 UTC] joseroshima: idk if they'd care
[12/31/2012 02:14:24 UTC] joseroshima: idk if they'd care
[12/31/2012 02:14:40 UTC] SpikyTortoise: on the topic of drugs its bullshit with all the laws on drugs
[12/31/2012 02:14:40 UTC] SpikyTortoise: on the topic of drugs its bullshit with all the laws on drugs
[12/31/2012 02:14:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: ehh masons are evil doers now they are evil didders
[12/31/2012 02:14:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: ehh masons are evil doers now they are evil didders
[12/31/2012 02:14:46 UTC] AnonPicasso: lulzz
[12/31/2012 02:14:46 UTC] AnonPicasso: lulzz
[12/31/2012 02:14:59 UTC] nereid: the hospitals for kids are good though.
[12/31/2012 02:14:59 UTC] nereid: the hospitals for kids are good though.
[12/31/2012 02:15:09 UTC] nimisus769: Everyone I know are at least 70...
[12/31/2012 02:15:09 UTC] nimisus769: Everyone I know are at least 70...
[12/31/2012 02:15:16 UTC] joseroshima: lol
[12/31/2012 02:15:16 UTC] joseroshima: lol
[12/31/2012 02:15:19 UTC] nimisus769: They can't do much evil...
[12/31/2012 02:15:19 UTC] nimisus769: They can't do much evil...
[12/31/2012 02:15:26 UTC] AnonPicasso: oh they do evil
[12/31/2012 02:15:26 UTC] AnonPicasso: oh they do evil
[12/31/2012 02:15:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: trust me
[12/31/2012 02:15:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: trust me
[12/31/2012 02:15:39 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus im not bashing u
[12/31/2012 02:15:39 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus im not bashing u
[12/31/2012 02:15:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: but i did my studies
[12/31/2012 02:15:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: but i did my studies
[12/31/2012 02:15:47 UTC] nimisus769: I've yet to see it but I don't go to meetings much
[12/31/2012 02:15:47 UTC] nimisus769: I've yet to see it but I don't go to meetings much
[12/31/2012 02:15:48 UTC] joseroshima: on the note of drugs, we've really fucked ourselves over, they wouldnt be an inssue at all if we hadnt spent so many years making them look bad
[12/31/2012 02:15:48 UTC] joseroshima: on the note of drugs, we've really fucked ourselves over, they wouldnt be an inssue at all if we hadnt spent so many years making them look bad
[12/31/2012 02:16:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: they keep secrets on top of u
[12/31/2012 02:16:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: they keep secrets on top of u
[12/31/2012 02:16:05 UTC] AnonPicasso: and to those who are below u
[12/31/2012 02:16:05 UTC] AnonPicasso: and to those who are below u
[12/31/2012 02:16:09 UTC] nimisus769: I think they are building a secret army...For something...
[12/31/2012 02:16:09 UTC] nimisus769: I think they are building a secret army...For something...
[12/31/2012 02:16:29 UTC] SpikyTortoise: well some drugs are bad but if people choose to ruin there lives they should be allowed
[12/31/2012 02:16:30 UTC] SpikyTortoise: well some drugs are bad but if people choose to ruin there lives they should be allowed
[12/31/2012 02:16:41 UTC] joseroshima: I've heard rumors of illuminati infiltrating them
[12/31/2012 02:16:41 UTC] joseroshima: I've heard rumors of illuminati infiltrating them
[12/31/2012 02:16:47 UTC] AnonPicasso: spiky
[12/31/2012 02:16:47 UTC] AnonPicasso: spiky
[12/31/2012 02:16:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:16:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:01 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:01 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: half of the illuminati members
[12/31/2012 02:17:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: half of the illuminati members
[12/31/2012 02:17:05 UTC] AnonPicasso: are masons
[12/31/2012 02:17:05 UTC] AnonPicasso: are masons
[12/31/2012 02:17:06 UTC] nimisus769: Does the Illumanati even exist??
[12/31/2012 02:17:06 UTC] nimisus769: Does the Illumanati even exist??
[12/31/2012 02:17:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:08 UTC] Asders: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:08 UTC] Asders: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:10 UTC] AnonPicasso: oh man
[12/31/2012 02:17:10 UTC] AnonPicasso: oh man
[12/31/2012 02:17:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: tell me something i dont know please
[12/31/2012 02:17:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: tell me something i dont know please
[12/31/2012 02:17:18 UTC] AnonPicasso: vatican
[12/31/2012 02:17:18 UTC] AnonPicasso: vatican
[12/31/2012 02:17:18 UTC] joseroshima: something like them probably does
[12/31/2012 02:17:18 UTC] joseroshima: something like them probably does
[12/31/2012 02:17:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: killed their own
[12/31/2012 02:17:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: killed their own
[12/31/2012 02:17:26 UTC] Asders: masons and Illumaniti are like
[12/31/2012 02:17:26 UTC] Asders: masons and Illumaniti are like
[12/31/2012 02:17:29 UTC] AnonPicasso: wtf are we tlaking about
[12/31/2012 02:17:30 UTC] AnonPicasso: wtf are we tlaking about
[12/31/2012 02:17:30 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:30 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:30 UTC] Asders: brothers
[12/31/2012 02:17:31 UTC] Asders: brothers
[12/31/2012 02:17:35 UTC] nimisus769: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:35 UTC] nimisus769: lol
[12/31/2012 02:17:39 UTC] Can: search the Georgia Guidestones, Masons are fo sho in the 500million
[12/31/2012 02:17:39 UTC] Can: search the Georgia Guidestones, Masons are fo sho in the 500million
[12/31/2012 02:17:44 UTC] joseroshima: weather you want to call them lizard people or tampons, they probably do to some degree
[12/31/2012 02:17:44 UTC] joseroshima: weather you want to call them lizard people or tampons, they probably do to some degree
[12/31/2012 02:17:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus
[12/31/2012 02:17:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus
[12/31/2012 02:17:55 UTC] joseroshima: the bilderbergs do though
[12/31/2012 02:17:55 UTC] joseroshima: the bilderbergs do though
[12/31/2012 02:17:55 UTC] nimisus769: ?
[12/31/2012 02:17:55 UTC] nimisus769: ?
[12/31/2012 02:17:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: did u ever attend BOhemian Grove
[12/31/2012 02:17:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: did u ever attend BOhemian Grove
[12/31/2012 02:17:59 UTC] AnonPicasso: ?
[12/31/2012 02:17:59 UTC] AnonPicasso: ?
[12/31/2012 02:18:06 UTC] SpikyTortoise: wow this chat is going all over the place
[12/31/2012 02:18:06 UTC] SpikyTortoise: wow this chat is going all over the place
[12/31/2012 02:18:07 UTC] nimisus769: Nah I live in Ohio
[12/31/2012 02:18:07 UTC] nimisus769: Nah I live in Ohio
[12/31/2012 02:18:16 UTC] AnonPicasso: do u know what im talking about
[12/31/2012 02:18:16 UTC] AnonPicasso: do u know what im talking about
[12/31/2012 02:18:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: ?
[12/31/2012 02:18:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: ?
[12/31/2012 02:18:19 UTC] nimisus769: Yeah
[12/31/2012 02:18:19 UTC] nimisus769: Yeah
[12/31/2012 02:18:21 UTC] nereid: bohemian good.
[12/31/2012 02:18:21 UTC] nereid: bohemian good.
[12/31/2012 02:18:24 UTC] nimisus769: The great owl thing
[12/31/2012 02:18:24 UTC] nimisus769: The great owl thing
[12/31/2012 02:18:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: those guys
[12/31/2012 02:18:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: those guys
[12/31/2012 02:18:28 UTC] joseroshima: the bohemian grove is just some fancy bullshit that makes people feel fancy, probably controlled by something else
[12/31/2012 02:18:28 UTC] joseroshima: the bohemian grove is just some fancy bullshit that makes people feel fancy, probably controlled by something else
[12/31/2012 02:18:37 UTC] AnonPicasso: no
[12/31/2012 02:18:37 UTC] AnonPicasso: no
[12/31/2012 02:18:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: u see
[12/31/2012 02:18:39 UTC] AnonPicasso: u see
[12/31/2012 02:18:41 UTC] AnonPicasso: alot of our
[12/31/2012 02:18:41 UTC] AnonPicasso: alot of our
[12/31/2012 02:18:47 UTC] AnonPicasso: presidents attend
[12/31/2012 02:18:47 UTC] AnonPicasso: presidents attend
[12/31/2012 02:18:49 UTC] nimisus769: Hell if I was in that bunch I wouldn't be a poor sewer worker LOL
[12/31/2012 02:18:49 UTC] nimisus769: Hell if I was in that bunch I wouldn't be a poor sewer worker LOL
[12/31/2012 02:18:54 UTC] AnonPicasso: thats what gets me buzzin
[12/31/2012 02:18:54 UTC] AnonPicasso: thats what gets me buzzin
[12/31/2012 02:18:55 UTC] joseroshima: I know, i've watched the infowars doc on it
[12/31/2012 02:18:55 UTC] joseroshima: I know, i've watched the infowars doc on it
[12/31/2012 02:19:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: trust me i dont follow alex
[12/31/2012 02:19:07 UTC] AnonPicasso: trust me i dont follow alex
[12/31/2012 02:19:09 UTC] AnonPicasso: and all that shit
[12/31/2012 02:19:09 UTC] AnonPicasso: and all that shit
[12/31/2012 02:19:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: but i study on my own man
[12/31/2012 02:19:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: but i study on my own man
[12/31/2012 02:19:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:19:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:19:20 UTC] joseroshima: but the people there, while they probably think they are on top, are probably not, and it's just to make them feel good and special
[12/31/2012 02:19:20 UTC] joseroshima: but the people there, while they probably think they are on top, are probably not, and it's just to make them feel good and special
[12/31/2012 02:19:24 UTC] nimisus769: brb gotta window out a minute
[12/31/2012 02:19:24 UTC] nimisus769: brb gotta window out a minute
[12/31/2012 02:19:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: i went to shake michael bloomergs hand one time
[12/31/2012 02:19:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: i went to shake michael bloomergs hand one time
[12/31/2012 02:19:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: i had 10 guns
[12/31/2012 02:19:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: i had 10 guns
[12/31/2012 02:19:40 UTC] AnonPicasso: on me
[12/31/2012 02:19:40 UTC] AnonPicasso: on me
[12/31/2012 02:19:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:19:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:19:50 UTC] joseroshima: idk, the fact that's so ceremonial and all is what makes me think it
[12/31/2012 02:19:50 UTC] joseroshima: idk, the fact that's so ceremonial and all is what makes me think it
[12/31/2012 02:19:55 UTC] joseroshima: 's really just bullshit
[12/31/2012 02:19:55 UTC] joseroshima: 's really just bullshit
[12/31/2012 02:20:13 UTC] nimisus769: I joined because I wanted to know...Thats why I was a "hacker" in the old days...I don't like secrets...
[12/31/2012 02:20:13 UTC] nimisus769: I joined because I wanted to know...Thats why I was a "hacker" in the old days...I don't like secrets...
[12/31/2012 02:20:22 UTC] Can: they burn a baby in effigy
[12/31/2012 02:20:22 UTC] Can: they burn a baby in effigy
[12/31/2012 02:20:23 UTC] AnonPicasso: our country has been taken over by some old fucks who like to control things
[12/31/2012 02:20:24 UTC] AnonPicasso: our country has been taken over by some old fucks who like to control things
[12/31/2012 02:20:25 UTC] AnonPicasso: u know
[12/31/2012 02:20:25 UTC] AnonPicasso: u know
[12/31/2012 02:20:46 UTC] joseroshima: insecuirity, you dont feel good until you tihnk you have it all
[12/31/2012 02:20:46 UTC] joseroshima: insecuirity, you dont feel good until you tihnk you have it all
[12/31/2012 02:20:49 UTC] nimisus769: As Chaos I use to be a nightmare on the net...But that was a long time ago before kids and responsibilities
[12/31/2012 02:20:49 UTC] nimisus769: As Chaos I use to be a nightmare on the net...But that was a long time ago before kids and responsibilities
[12/31/2012 02:20:52 UTC] SpikyTortoise: true that Anon
[12/31/2012 02:20:52 UTC] SpikyTortoise: true that Anon
[12/31/2012 02:21:13 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus respect to you brother
[12/31/2012 02:21:13 UTC] AnonPicasso: nimisus respect to you brother
[12/31/2012 02:21:16 UTC] AnonPicasso: family is first
[12/31/2012 02:21:16 UTC] AnonPicasso: family is first
[12/31/2012 02:21:34 UTC] nereid: gotta head out...laterz. seeya picasso :)
[12/31/2012 02:21:34 UTC] nereid: gotta head out...laterz. seeya picasso :)
[12/31/2012 02:21:45 UTC] AnonPicasso: see u ;)
[12/31/2012 02:21:45 UTC] AnonPicasso: see u ;)
[12/31/2012 02:21:48 UTC] AnonPicasso: sexy lol
[12/31/2012 02:21:48 UTC] AnonPicasso: sexy lol
[12/31/2012 02:21:48 UTC] joseroshima: cya
[12/31/2012 02:21:48 UTC] joseroshima: cya
[12/31/2012 02:21:50 UTC] AnonPicasso: hehehehe
[12/31/2012 02:21:50 UTC] AnonPicasso: hehehehe
[12/31/2012 02:21:58 UTC] nimisus769: But now I read all the tweets by Anon and oh hell I want back in...I'm addicted again...Gotta relearn it all
[12/31/2012 02:21:58 UTC] nimisus769: But now I read all the tweets by Anon and oh hell I want back in...I'm addicted again...Gotta relearn it all
[12/31/2012 02:22:16 UTC] AnonPicasso: but i dont get it man
[12/31/2012 02:22:16 UTC] AnonPicasso: but i dont get it man
[12/31/2012 02:22:21 UTC] AnonPicasso: ur 32nd degree
[12/31/2012 02:22:21 UTC] AnonPicasso: ur 32nd degree
[12/31/2012 02:22:22 UTC] AnonPicasso: right
[12/31/2012 02:22:22 UTC] AnonPicasso: right
[12/31/2012 02:22:32 UTC] AnonPicasso: u should of have penetrated now
[12/31/2012 02:22:32 UTC] AnonPicasso: u should of have penetrated now
[12/31/2012 02:22:36 UTC] AnonPicasso: by*
[12/31/2012 02:22:36 UTC] AnonPicasso: by*
[12/31/2012 02:22:46 UTC] AnonPicasso: 33rd u must go to washington in the main lodge
[12/31/2012 02:22:46 UTC] AnonPicasso: 33rd u must go to washington in the main lodge
[12/31/2012 02:22:55 UTC] AnonPicasso: i really dont get it ..
[12/31/2012 02:22:55 UTC] AnonPicasso: i really dont get it ..
[12/31/2012 02:23:02 UTC] garden: they teach you how to levitate at 33 i heard ;)
[12/31/2012 02:23:02 UTC] garden: they teach you how to levitate at 33 i heard ;)
[12/31/2012 02:23:32 UTC] joseroshima: I doubt he would just ell us if he did
[12/31/2012 02:23:32 UTC] joseroshima: I doubt he would just ell us if he did
[12/31/2012 02:23:41 UTC] AnonPicasso: ^ lol
[12/31/2012 02:23:41 UTC] AnonPicasso: ^ lol
[12/31/2012 02:23:48 UTC] SpikyTortoise: well see ya praise allah or what ever u guys believe lol
[12/31/2012 02:23:48 UTC] SpikyTortoise: well see ya praise allah or what ever u guys believe lol
[12/31/2012 02:23:55 UTC] shwag: stun stun ?
[12/31/2012 02:23:55 UTC] shwag: stun stun ?
[12/31/2012 02:24:01 UTC] AnonPicasso: spiky ;)
[12/31/2012 02:24:01 UTC] AnonPicasso: spiky ;)
[12/31/2012 02:24:15 UTC] SpikyTortoise: ;)
[12/31/2012 02:24:15 UTC] SpikyTortoise: ;)
[12/31/2012 02:24:30 UTC] pirate: stun?
[12/31/2012 02:24:30 UTC] pirate: stun?
[12/31/2012 02:25:02 UTC] nimisus769: Give me a minute trying to find a book for my wife to read LOL
[12/31/2012 02:25:02 UTC] nimisus769: Give me a minute trying to find a book for my wife to read LOL
[12/31/2012 02:25:14 UTC] AnonPicasso: hmm
[12/31/2012 02:25:14 UTC] AnonPicasso: hmm
[12/31/2012 02:26:12 UTC] AnonPicasso: if 2pac was anonymous and spoke what he was speaking about
[12/31/2012 02:26:12 UTC] AnonPicasso: if 2pac was anonymous and spoke what he was speaking about
[12/31/2012 02:26:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: hed never get shut down
[12/31/2012 02:26:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: hed never get shut down
[12/31/2012 02:26:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:26:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:26:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: justt saying
[12/31/2012 02:26:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: justt saying
[12/31/2012 02:27:15 UTC] oddlaw: 2pac is alive
[12/31/2012 02:27:15 UTC] oddlaw: 2pac is alive
[12/31/2012 02:27:21 UTC] joseroshima: "cant have people tihnking now could we?"
[12/31/2012 02:27:21 UTC] joseroshima: "cant have people tihnking now could we?"
[12/31/2012 02:27:31 UTC] nimisus769: \Ok back sorry
[12/31/2012 02:27:31 UTC] nimisus769: \Ok back sorry
[12/31/2012 02:27:46 UTC] joseroshima: what are your guy's thughts on the holocaust and israel
[12/31/2012 02:27:46 UTC] joseroshima: what are your guy's thughts on the holocaust and israel
[12/31/2012 02:28:00 UTC] joseroshima: I've heard some crazy shit
[12/31/2012 02:28:00 UTC] joseroshima: I've heard some crazy shit
[12/31/2012 02:28:01 UTC] nimisus769: I believe in God....
[12/31/2012 02:28:01 UTC] nimisus769: I believe in God....
[12/31/2012 02:28:18 UTC] AnonPicasso: well ill tell u
[12/31/2012 02:28:18 UTC] AnonPicasso: well ill tell u
[12/31/2012 02:28:36 UTC] AnonPicasso: u see when salahadin
[12/31/2012 02:28:36 UTC] AnonPicasso: u see when salahadin
[12/31/2012 02:28:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: ruled
[12/31/2012 02:28:38 UTC] AnonPicasso: ruled
[12/31/2012 02:28:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: jeruselam
[12/31/2012 02:28:44 UTC] AnonPicasso: jeruselam
[12/31/2012 02:28:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol im high
[12/31/2012 02:28:57 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol im high
[12/31/2012 02:29:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: klol
[12/31/2012 02:29:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: klol
[12/31/2012 02:29:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: mna
[12/31/2012 02:29:00 UTC] AnonPicasso: mna
[12/31/2012 02:29:33 UTC] AnonPicasso: when salahadin ruled jer. right.... muslims and jews and christians lived peacefully amongst each other
[12/31/2012 02:29:33 UTC] AnonPicasso: when salahadin ruled jer. right.... muslims and jews and christians lived peacefully amongst each other
[12/31/2012 02:29:39 UTC] Can: why did Heim7 want me to read that useless article on Therealrosanne?
[12/31/2012 02:29:39 UTC] Can: why did Heim7 want me to read that useless article on Therealrosanne?
[12/31/2012 02:29:42 UTC] AnonPicasso: practiced religion
[12/31/2012 02:29:42 UTC] AnonPicasso: practiced religion
[12/31/2012 02:29:44 UTC] AnonPicasso: etc
[12/31/2012 02:29:44 UTC] AnonPicasso: etc
[12/31/2012 02:29:45 UTC] Can: no insight watsoever
[12/31/2012 02:29:45 UTC] Can: no insight watsoever
[12/31/2012 02:30:03 UTC] nimisus769: I'm a knights templer I was knighted and my ring was dipped in holy water and placed on my hand by a priest?...Some dude in a tall hat
[12/31/2012 02:30:03 UTC] nimisus769: I'm a knights templer I was knighted and my ring was dipped in holy water and placed on my hand by a priest?...Some dude in a tall hat
[12/31/2012 02:30:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: jews will own jerusalem 3 times
[12/31/2012 02:30:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: jews will own jerusalem 3 times
[12/31/2012 02:30:32 UTC] AnonPicasso: this is the 3rd time
[12/31/2012 02:30:32 UTC] AnonPicasso: this is the 3rd time
[12/31/2012 02:30:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: they know that... that is why they occupy by opression
[12/31/2012 02:30:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: they know that... that is why they occupy by opression
[12/31/2012 02:30:57 UTC] joseroshima: I dont know much about he templars other than they were just spread religion hostily like the other christian based religions of the time
[12/31/2012 02:30:57 UTC] joseroshima: I dont know much about he templars other than they were just spread religion hostily like the other christian based religions of the time
[12/31/2012 02:31:01 UTC] nimisus769: When they get the temple back it's all over
[12/31/2012 02:31:01 UTC] nimisus769: When they get the temple back it's all over
[12/31/2012 02:31:35 UTC] nimisus769: Well there are good and bad in everyone...I like to think I'm doing it for the right reasons...
[12/31/2012 02:31:35 UTC] nimisus769: Well there are good and bad in everyone...I like to think I'm doing it for the right reasons...
[12/31/2012 02:31:45 UTC] joseroshima: I hate to say this, but I think these large religious monuments should be destroyed
[12/31/2012 02:31:45 UTC] joseroshima: I hate to say this, but I think these large religious monuments should be destroyed
[12/31/2012 02:31:48 UTC] nimisus769: I don't think I'm a evil person...
[12/31/2012 02:31:48 UTC] nimisus769: I don't think I'm a evil person...
[12/31/2012 02:31:55 UTC] AnonPicasso: salahadin
[12/31/2012 02:31:55 UTC] AnonPicasso: salahadin
[12/31/2012 02:31:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: freed christians and jews
[12/31/2012 02:31:58 UTC] AnonPicasso: freed christians and jews
[12/31/2012 02:32:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: from them though
[12/31/2012 02:32:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: from them though
[12/31/2012 02:32:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:32:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:32:06 UTC] nimisus769: I use to go to church but the people ruined that for me
[12/31/2012 02:32:06 UTC] nimisus769: I use to go to church but the people ruined that for me
[12/31/2012 02:32:09 UTC] AnonPicasso: i know history kid
[12/31/2012 02:32:09 UTC] AnonPicasso: i know history kid
[12/31/2012 02:32:11 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:32:11 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol
[12/31/2012 02:32:11 UTC] joseroshima: that islam cube, the vadican, whatever the big jeish temple
[12/31/2012 02:32:11 UTC] joseroshima: that islam cube, the vadican, whatever the big jeish temple
[12/31/2012 02:32:35 UTC] AnonPicasso: islam cube which is called Kabbah
[12/31/2012 02:32:35 UTC] AnonPicasso: islam cube which is called Kabbah
[12/31/2012 02:32:37 UTC] AnonPicasso: was built
[12/31/2012 02:32:37 UTC] AnonPicasso: was built
[12/31/2012 02:32:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: by Abraham
[12/31/2012 02:32:43 UTC] AnonPicasso: by Abraham
[12/31/2012 02:32:50 UTC] AnonPicasso: a place to worship god
[12/31/2012 02:32:50 UTC] AnonPicasso: a place to worship god
[12/31/2012 02:32:55 UTC] AnonPicasso: before jesus
[12/31/2012 02:32:55 UTC] AnonPicasso: before jesus
[12/31/2012 02:32:59 UTC] AnonPicasso: muhammad etc..
[12/31/2012 02:32:59 UTC] AnonPicasso: muhammad etc..
[12/31/2012 02:33:03 UTC] nimisus769: God I hope you wasn't calling me kid I'm 43
[12/31/2012 02:33:03 UTC] nimisus769: God I hope you wasn't calling me kid I'm 43
[12/31/2012 02:33:03 UTC] Can: the kabbah is a stone
[12/31/2012 02:33:03 UTC] Can: the kabbah is a stone
[12/31/2012 02:33:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol nah man i speak like that
[12/31/2012 02:33:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: lol nah man i speak like that
[12/31/2012 02:33:18 UTC] mos6502: I wish someone would bomb that cube
[12/31/2012 02:33:18 UTC] mos6502: I wish someone would bomb that cube
[12/31/2012 02:33:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: no
[12/31/2012 02:33:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: no
[12/31/2012 02:33:22 UTC] mos6502: would be lulz
[12/31/2012 02:33:22 UTC] mos6502: would be lulz
[12/31/2012 02:33:29 UTC] mos6502: ppl would freak the fucj out
[12/31/2012 02:33:29 UTC] mos6502: ppl would freak the fucj out
[12/31/2012 02:33:32 UTC] AnonPicasso: mos
[12/31/2012 02:33:32 UTC] AnonPicasso: mos
[12/31/2012 02:33:32 UTC] joseroshima: I wish someone would destory that and the other two
[12/31/2012 02:33:32 UTC] joseroshima: I wish someone would destory that and the other two
[12/31/2012 02:33:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: not cool man
[12/31/2012 02:33:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: not cool man
[12/31/2012 02:33:38 UTC] mos6502: yeah it is
[12/31/2012 02:33:38 UTC] mos6502: yeah it is
[12/31/2012 02:33:44 UTC] AnonPicasso: i dont think so
[12/31/2012 02:33:44 UTC] AnonPicasso: i dont think so
[12/31/2012 02:33:49 UTC] AnonPicasso: those are innocent people
[12/31/2012 02:33:49 UTC] AnonPicasso: those are innocent people
[12/31/2012 02:33:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: you'r talkin about
[12/31/2012 02:33:52 UTC] AnonPicasso: you'r talkin about
[12/31/2012 02:33:53 UTC] mos6502: if I had drone control that shit would be in flames
[12/31/2012 02:33:53 UTC] mos6502: if I had drone control that shit would be in flames
[12/31/2012 02:33:59 UTC] mos6502: no they are idiots
[12/31/2012 02:33:59 UTC] mos6502: no they are idiots
[12/31/2012 02:34:02 UTC] nimisus769: There is suppose to be 2 phrophets appear at the temple
[12/31/2012 02:34:02 UTC] nimisus769: There is suppose to be 2 phrophets appear at the temple
[12/31/2012 02:34:08 UTC] mos6502: worshipping at a big cube
[12/31/2012 02:34:08 UTC] mos6502: worshipping at a big cube
[12/31/2012 02:34:16 UTC] mos6502: no one would miss em
[12/31/2012 02:34:16 UTC] mos6502: no one would miss em
[12/31/2012 02:34:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: they are not worshippuing it
[12/31/2012 02:34:17 UTC] AnonPicasso: they are not worshippuing it
[12/31/2012 02:34:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: thats the thing
[12/31/2012 02:34:20 UTC] AnonPicasso: thats the thing
[12/31/2012 02:34:25 UTC] AnonPicasso: u see ur not informed
[12/31/2012 02:34:25 UTC] AnonPicasso: u see ur not informed
[12/31/2012 02:34:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: but u speak
[12/31/2012 02:34:27 UTC] AnonPicasso: but u speak
[12/31/2012 02:34:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: making ur self look like an idiot
[12/31/2012 02:34:34 UTC] AnonPicasso: making ur self look like an idiot
[12/31/2012 02:34:36 UTC] AnonPicasso: right..
[12/31/2012 02:34:36 UTC] AnonPicasso: right..
[12/31/2012 02:34:36 UTC] mos6502: either way it would be funny as shit if someone targeted it
[12/31/2012 02:34:36 UTC] mos6502: either way it would be funny as shit if someone targeted it
[12/31/2012 02:34:36 UTC] joseroshima: I fear their influence has held the human race back greatly, and will only continue to do so as long as thet exist
[12/31/2012 02:34:36 UTC] joseroshima: I fear their influence has held the human race back greatly, and will only continue to do so as long as thet exist
[12/31/2012 02:34:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: dont speak like that man
[12/31/2012 02:34:51 UTC] AnonPicasso: dont speak like that man
[12/31/2012 02:34:58 UTC] joseroshima: not funny, but neccesary
[12/31/2012 02:34:58 UTC] joseroshima: not funny, but neccesary
[12/31/2012 02:35:02 UTC] mos6502: I give 0 fucks about the "innocent" lives
[12/31/2012 02:35:02 UTC] mos6502: I give 0 fucks about the "innocent" lives
[12/31/2012 02:35:07 UTC] mos6502: too m,any ppl anyays
[12/31/2012 02:35:07 UTC] mos6502: too m,any ppl anyays
[12/31/2012 02:35:14 UTC] mos6502: it would be funny
[12/31/2012 02:35:14 UTC] mos6502: it would be funny
[12/31/2012 02:35:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: so gtfo out this chatroom
[12/31/2012 02:35:15 UTC] AnonPicasso: so gtfo out this chatroom
[12/31/2012 02:35:18 UTC] AnonPicasso: fool
[12/31/2012 02:35:18 UTC] AnonPicasso: fool
[12/31/2012 02:35:32 UTC] joseroshima: I think it should be destoryed, but not liek that
[12/31/2012 02:35:32 UTC] joseroshima: I think it should be destoryed, but not liek that
[12/31/2012 02:35:34 UTC] joseroshima: *lkike
[12/31/2012 02:35:34 UTC] joseroshima: *lkike
[12/31/2012 02:35:37 UTC] joseroshima: *like
[12/31/2012 02:35:37 UTC] joseroshima: *like
[12/31/2012 02:35:44 UTC] nimisus769: The innocent needs to be protected....With all our power
[12/31/2012 02:35:44 UTC] nimisus769: The innocent needs to be protected....With all our power
[12/31/2012 02:35:45 UTC] AnonPicasso: so
[12/31/2012 02:35:45 UTC] AnonPicasso: so
[12/31/2012 02:35:48 UTC] garden: lol. trolljob. i score it a 2 out of 10.
[12/31/2012 02:35:48 UTC] garden: lol. trolljob. i score it a 2 out of 10.
[12/31/2012 02:35:48 UTC] mos6502: meh
[12/31/2012 02:35:48 UTC] mos6502: meh
[12/31/2012 02:35:56 UTC] mos6502: too many people
[12/31/2012 02:35:56 UTC] mos6502: too many people
[12/31/2012 02:35:57 UTC] joseroshima: more they just dont need to be involved
[12/31/2012 02:35:57 UTC] joseroshima: more they just dont need to be involved
[12/31/2012 02:36:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: u wanna kill innocent people
[12/31/2012 02:36:03 UTC] AnonPicasso: u wanna kill innocent people
[12/31/2012 02:36:05 UTC] AnonPicasso: u hear ur self
[12/31/2012 02:36:05 UTC] AnonPicasso: u hear ur self
[12/31/2012 02:36:09 UTC] mos6502: overpopulation is a problem
[12/31/2012 02:36:09 UTC] mos6502: overpopulation is a problem
[12/31/2012 02:36:13 UTC] AnonPicasso: u wanna bomb a holy place
[12/31/2012 02:36:13 UTC] AnonPicasso: u wanna bomb a holy place
[12/31/2012 02:36:17 UTC] mos6502: ever been to africa?
[12/31/2012 02:36:17 UTC] mos6502: ever been to africa?
[12/31/2012 02:36:22 UTC] AnonPicasso: where people wanna worship what theyh want freely
[12/31/2012 02:36:22 UTC] AnonPicasso: where people wanna worship what theyh want freely
[12/31/2012 02:36:22 UTC] mos6502: holy?
[12/31/2012 02:36:22 UTC] mos6502: holy?
[12/31/2012 02:36:24 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/31/2012 02:36:24 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/31/2012 02:36:27 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/31/2012 02:36:27 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/31/2012 02:36:27 UTC] mos6502: its BULLSHIT
[12/31/2012 02:36:27 UTC] mos6502: its BULLSHIT
[12/31/2012 02:36:30 UTC] mos6502: its not holy
[12/31/2012 02:36:30 UTC] mos6502: its not holy
[12/31/2012 02:36:33 UTC] nimisus769: I have an innocent 5 year old playing a game beside me that I would die for in a blink of an eye
[12/31/2012 02:36:33 UTC] nimisus769: I have an innocent 5 year old playing a game beside me that I would die for in a blink of an eye
[12/31/2012 02:36:35 UTC] AnonPicasso: muslims had helped africans
[12/31/2012 02:36:35 UTC] AnonPicasso: muslims had helped africans
[12/31/2012 02:36:40 UTC] AnonPicasso: more than any1 else
[12/31/2012 02:36:40 UTC] AnonPicasso: more than any1 else
[12/31/2012 02:36:45 UTC] AnonPicasso: wtf are u talking about
[12/31/2012 02:36:45 UTC] AnonPicasso: wtf are u talking about
[12/31/2012 02:36:46 UTC] mos6502: I was in africa
[12/31/2012 02:36:46 UTC] mos6502: I was in africa
[12/31/2012 02:36:53 UTC] AnonPicasso: ok gtfo ur a kid
[12/31/2012 02:36:53 UTC] AnonPicasso: ok gtfo ur a kid
[12/31/2012 02:36:57 UTC] mos6502: they would chop a kid up as soon as feed em
[12/31/2012 02:36:57 UTC] mos6502: they would chop a kid up as soon as feed em
# #anonplusradio
[12/27/2012 05:23:16 UTC] anon-p: i think is the best thing
[12/27/2012 05:24:04 UTC] Quetzalcoatl: I jump into the mash pit!
[12/27/2012 05:24:15 UTC] anon-p: ;P Dead kennedys long time i don't listen this :P
[12/27/2012 05:24:18 UTC] Quetzalcoatl: slaming around!
[12/27/2012 05:24:22 UTC] oddlaw: police truck
[12/27/2012 05:24:30 UTC] *** anon-p happy :P ***
[12/27/2012 05:25:19 UTC] anon-p: so have a good night everybody im still working in couples of hours :P
[12/27/2012 05:25:22 UTC] Quetzalcoatl: I throw miself into the crowed and begin to bady surf.
[12/27/2012 05:25:42 UTC] Quetzalcoatl: body surfing
[12/29/2012 05:35:01 UTC] Platanito: esto: ESTO
[12/29/2012 05:35:02 UTC] Platanito: ESTO
[12/29/2012 05:35:03 UTC] Platanito: NO ES BUENO
[12/29/2012 05:35:06 UTC] Platanito: nao e boa
[12/29/2012 05:35:46 UTC] oddlaw: dud
[12/29/2012 05:35:48 UTC] oddlaw: dude
[12/29/2012 05:35:57 UTC] Platanito: oddlaw: ?
[12/29/2012 05:36:03 UTC] oddlaw: wheres my car
[12/29/2012 05:36:05 UTC] oddlaw: HAHAHAAAHHAHA
[12/29/2012 05:36:11 UTC] Platanito: ...
[12/29/2012 05:36:12 UTC] Platanito: wow.
[12/29/2012 05:36:17 UTC] Platanito: thats a stupid movie
[12/29/2012 05:36:20 UTC] Platanito: I GOTTA WATCH HOW HIGH
[12/29/2012 05:36:23 UTC] Platanito: SHIT I JUST REMEMBER
[12/29/2012 05:40:24 UTC] oddlaw: watch a good stoner movie nig
[12/29/2012 05:40:34 UTC] Platanito: Gimme gimme
[12/29/2012 05:40:38 UTC] Platanito: ODDLAW
[12/29/2012 05:40:38 UTC] Platanito: GIMME
[12/29/2012 05:40:39 UTC] Platanito: NOW
[12/29/2012 05:40:41 UTC] Platanito: NAME
[12/29/2012 05:40:42 UTC] Platanito: I NEED
[12/29/2012 05:40:44 UTC] Platanito: NAOW
[12/29/2012 05:40:55 UTC] oddlaw: Enter the Void
[12/29/2012 05:41:08 UTC] oddlaw: u gota be really fucking high for that one though
[12/29/2012 05:41:27 UTC] Platanito: A drug-dealing teen is killed in Japan, after which he reappears as a ghost to watch over his sister.
[12/29/2012 05:41:32 UTC] Platanito: dude I'd trip the fuck out
[12/29/2012 05:41:36 UTC] Platanito: watching that high
[12/29/2012 05:41:57 UTC] oddlaw: theres a lot of visuals in it though
[12/29/2012 05:42:05 UTC] oddlaw: u can basically only enjoy it stoned
[12/29/2012 05:42:42 UTC] Platanito: man
[12/29/2012 05:42:46 UTC] Platanito: that's stupid
[12/29/2012 05:42:51 UTC] Platanito: gtfo
[12/29/2012 05:42:52 UTC] Platanito: now
[12/29/2012 05:42:53 UTC] Platanito: xD
[12/29/2012 05:42:53 UTC] Platanito: jk
[12/29/2012 05:42:55 UTC] Platanito: imma get it
[12/29/2012 05:43:29 UTC] oddlaw: if u want just a derp stoner movie
[12/29/2012 05:43:34 UTC] oddlaw: "smiley face" is pretty good
[12/29/2012 05:43:39 UTC] oddlaw: its on youtube full too
[12/29/2012 05:44:59 UTC] esto: Platanito: sorry, I'm here
[12/29/2012 05:45:18 UTC] Platanito: oddlaw: omgg
[12/29/2012 05:45:23 UTC] Platanito: I FUCKING HATED SMILY FACE
[12/29/2012 05:45:28 UTC] oddlaw: ya
[12/29/2012 05:45:31 UTC] Platanito: ITS THE ONE WITH THE STUPID POT HEAD GIRL ?
[12/29/2012 05:45:35 UTC] oddlaw: i suppsoe i was literally smoking bong the entire time
[12/29/2012 05:45:37 UTC] Platanito: esto: WHy you sorry?
[12/29/2012 05:45:45 UTC] oddlaw: i probably smoked about an eighth watching that film
[12/29/2012 05:45:55 UTC] esto: You were looking for me earlier?]
[12/29/2012 05:46:10 UTC] esto: (05:49:49 AM) Platanito: esto: ESTO
[12/29/2012 05:46:10 UTC] esto: (05:49:50 AM) Platanito: ESTO
[12/29/2012 05:46:11 UTC] Platanito: esto who are you?
[12/29/2012 05:46:14 UTC] Platanito: oh...
[12/29/2012 05:46:22 UTC] esto: Oh
[12/29/2012 05:46:23 UTC] Platanito: I was just spamming ur name
[12/29/2012 05:46:30 UTC] esto: I'm fedbot
[12/29/2012 05:46:32 UTC] Platanito: You know what it means in spanish right?
[12/29/2012 05:46:34 UTC] Platanito: oh..
[12/29/2012 05:46:35 UTC] Platanito: OH.
[12/29/2012 05:46:35 UTC] esto: Okay, it's cool
[12/29/2012 05:46:40 UTC] esto: no, I don't
[12/29/2012 05:46:42 UTC] Platanito: oddlaw: dude I watched it too
[12/29/2012 05:46:47 UTC] Platanito: esto means this
[12/29/2012 05:46:54 UTC] esto: O.o
[12/29/2012 05:46:55 UTC] Platanito: oddlaw: i hated it.
[12/29/2012 05:46:56 UTC] esto: ooooh
[12/29/2012 05:47:05 UTC] esto: Today now makes sense
[12/29/2012 05:47:13 UTC] oddlaw: yea
[12/29/2012 05:47:15 UTC] oddlaw: its pretty terrible
[12/29/2012 05:47:29 UTC] oddlaw: its a stoner movie for girls that are stupid like her
[12/29/2012 05:47:53 UTC] Platanito: ^
[12/29/2012 05:47:59 UTC] Platanito: My friend stopped gettng high
[12/29/2012 05:48:02 UTC] Platanito: becuse of that movie
[12/29/2012 05:48:23 UTC] oddlaw: probably a good career move
[12/29/2012 05:49:08 UTC] Platanito: ^
[12/29/2012 05:49:10 UTC] Platanito: yeah.
[12/29/2012 05:49:24 UTC] notfedbot: Kewl
[12/29/2012 05:50:01 UTC] notfedbot: Is fedbo/t a real bot though?
[12/29/2012 05:50:12 UTC] notfedbot: T,T
[12/29/2012 06:01:51 UTC] Platanito: lorax
[12/31/2012 01:40:05 UTC] evollove: I'm sorry for being a turd Venus! my apologies i do respect YOU!
[12/31/2012 01:40:20 UTC] evollove: :)
[12/31/2012 01:40:27 UTC] Rumi: lololol
[12/31/2012 01:40:43 UTC] evollove: GREAT INTERVIEW lorax!
[12/31/2012 01:41:15 UTC] evollove: :)
[12/31/2012 01:41:16 UTC] h: lol what happened
[12/31/2012 01:41:51 UTC] evollove: N.W.A.!
[12/31/2012 01:42:12 UTC] evollove: thatsa what happened!
[12/31/2012 01:43:01 UTC] evollove: I <3 ANON!
[12/31/2012 01:43:54 UTC] evollove: even if i'm not totally anon. this is a learning exp.!!!
[12/31/2012 01:44:10 UTC] h: yeah im downloading straight outta compton now
[12/31/2012 01:44:21 UTC] evollove: much love day by day !!!
[12/31/2012 01:44:31 UTC] evollove: NICE!!!!
[12/31/2012 01:45:18 UTC] evollove: i was in the race riots in cincy!
[12/31/2012 01:46:11 UTC] evollove: remeber the sound of bean bags and rubber bullets! whizzing past meh head!
[12/31/2012 01:46:40 UTC] evollove: as the pigs pounded their shields!!!
[12/31/2012 01:48:00 UTC] evollove: sorry it twas different times!!!
[12/31/2012 01:48:26 UTC] evollove: and god damn i'm white!!
[12/31/2012 01:51:36 UTC] evollove: 2001 race riots in cincy I was there fucked up shit!!!!
[12/31/2012 01:51:59 UTC] evollove: i lived in over the rhine!
[12/31/2012 01:52:03 UTC] fire: :O
[12/31/2012 01:53:37 UTC] h: over the rhine is the shiiit
[12/31/2012 01:53:51 UTC] h: yeah OTR and Clifton
[12/31/2012 01:54:28 UTC] fire: race st
[12/31/2012 01:54:32 UTC] fire: lolz
[12/31/2012 01:58:43 UTC] evollove: i miss living in clifton Bogart's
[12/31/2012 01:59:19 UTC] evollove: top cats's Daniels ! lol!!!
[12/31/2012 01:59:31 UTC] evollove: you know!!!
[12/31/2012 02:14:53 UTC] Venus: oh wow
[12/31/2012 02:14:53 UTC] Venus: oh wow
[12/31/2012 02:27:59 UTC] evollove: how are you Venus?
[12/31/2012 02:27:59 UTC] evollove: how are you Venus?
[12/31/2012 02:29:09 UTC] evollove: does my relationship w/ fire bother you Venus?
[12/31/2012 02:29:09 UTC] evollove: does my relationship w/ fire bother you Venus?
[12/31/2012 02:29:19 UTC] evollove: ???
[12/31/2012 02:29:19 UTC] evollove: ???
[12/31/2012 02:29:38 UTC] fire: LOL
[12/31/2012 02:29:38 UTC] fire: LOL
[12/31/2012 02:29:42 UTC] fire: venus is afk i think
[12/31/2012 02:29:42 UTC] fire: venus is afk i think
[12/31/2012 02:31:14 UTC] oddlaw: !find die antwoord
[12/31/2012 02:31:14 UTC] oddlaw: !find die antwoord
[12/31/2012 02:34:05 UTC] evollove: cause she is loving herself!!!
[12/31/2012 02:34:05 UTC] evollove: cause she is loving herself!!!
[12/31/2012 02:34:55 UTC] evollove: if she only knew me!!!
[12/31/2012 02:34:55 UTC] evollove: if she only knew me!!!
[12/31/2012 02:36:03 UTC] evollove: she wouldn't need to do that!
[12/31/2012 02:36:03 UTC] evollove: she wouldn't need to do that!
# #debate
[12/29/2012 05:29:40 UTC] pathfinder: FAK YOU FEDBOT
[12/29/2012 05:29:43 UTC] pathfinder: AAAARRRRGGGHHHH
[12/29/2012 05:29:52 UTC] pathfinder: LOG THIS, X, YOU MOTHERFUCKER
[12/29/2012 05:30:12 UTC] pathfinder: HAHAHAHARRRRR
[12/29/2012 05:30:17 UTC] pathfinder: goodbye
[12/29/2012 05:30:27 UTC] pathfinder: !kb FedBot
[12/29/2012 05:54:42 UTC] pathfinder: you cunt FedBot
[12/31/2012 01:56:15 UTC] pathfinder: !mute jfb112697
[12/31/2012 01:56:20 UTC] pathfinder: argh
[12/31/2012 01:56:23 UTC] pathfinder: damn you anna
[12/31/2012 01:56:57 UTC] pathfinder: oh wait
[12/31/2012 01:56:59 UTC] pathfinder: worked
[12/31/2012 01:57:24 UTC] pathfinder: !kb jfb112697
# #feds
[12/29/2012 05:16:25 UTC] ihazcandy: lol
[12/30/2012 07:09:24 UTC] Dingo: FedBot:
[12/30/2012 07:09:28 UTC] Dingo: you have a nice sense of humor
[12/30/2012 07:09:35 UTC] Dingo: i like that "Not fedbot in disguise" part
[12/30/2012 07:09:39 UTC] Dingo: shits funny
[12/30/2012 07:09:42 UTC] Dingo: :D
# #freeanons
[12/26/2012 05:02:42 UTC] Gatsby_: all*
[12/26/2012 05:02:47 UTC] Gatsby_: hatmann you're just a racist
[12/26/2012 05:02:48 UTC] Gatsby_: bigot
[12/26/2012 05:02:52 UTC] Hatmann: no im a realist.
[12/26/2012 05:02:57 UTC] Gatsby_: no ur not
[12/26/2012 05:02:57 UTC] Hatmann: nothing wrong with niggers.
[12/26/2012 05:03:05 UTC] Gatsby_: a realist wouldnt call niggers niggers
[12/26/2012 05:03:06 UTC] Hatmann: just most of them chose to be niggers rather than men.
[12/26/2012 05:03:11 UTC] Gatsby_: only an egocentrist
[12/26/2012 05:03:13 UTC] Gatsby_: would
[12/26/2012 05:03:14 UTC] Hatmann: ill call white people niggers too.
[12/26/2012 05:03:22 UTC] Gatsby_: egocentrist.
[12/26/2012 05:03:29 UTC] Gatsby_: you and you're conspiracy theories
[12/26/2012 05:03:29 UTC] Hatmann: malcom x ruined an entire race.
[12/26/2012 05:03:41 UTC] Gatsby_: That dosent even make sense
[12/26/2012 05:03:47 UTC] Hatmann: martin luther king jr. was moving the black people to becoming equal societally to whites.
[12/26/2012 05:03:54 UTC] Hatmann: they would have achieved equality.
[12/26/2012 05:04:13 UTC] Gatsby_: first millionaire woman was a black woman
[12/26/2012 05:04:19 UTC] Gatsby_: i think equality has been achieved.
[12/26/2012 05:04:24 UTC] Hatmann: no.
[12/26/2012 05:04:24 UTC] Hatmann: thats one person.
[12/26/2012 05:04:29 UTC] Hatmann: she was an uncle tom.
[12/26/2012 05:04:30 UTC] d3v11: your basing autism causation on coincidence
[12/26/2012 05:04:33 UTC] Gatsby_: ^
[12/26/2012 05:04:38 UTC] Gatsby_: Correlation is not causation
[12/26/2012 05:04:47 UTC] Gatsby_: retardation is the causation for your conspiracies
[12/26/2012 05:04:52 UTC] Hatmann: rap music, tv, and malcom x. totally fucking destroyed black culture.
[12/26/2012 05:04:58 UTC] Hatmann: leading to babies with no daddies.
[12/26/2012 05:05:05 UTC] Gatsby_: um
[12/26/2012 05:05:06 UTC] Hatmann: most blacks have no dads.
[12/26/2012 05:05:06 UTC] Gatsby_: actually
[12/26/2012 05:05:09 UTC] Hatmann: in america.
[12/26/2012 05:05:09 UTC] Gatsby_: more white people
[12/26/2012 05:05:10 UTC] Gatsby_: have bastards
[12/26/2012 05:05:13 UTC] Gatsby_: in america
[12/26/2012 05:05:27 UTC] Hatmann: just because your in some reasonable country doesnt mean that you can understand niggers.
[12/26/2012 05:06:32 UTC] rGatsby: you're full of shit
[12/26/2012 05:06:35 UTC] Hatmann: our blacks are not africans.
[12/26/2012 05:06:44 UTC] Hatmann: they are farmslave animals set free.
[12/26/2012 05:06:46 UTC] rGatsby: anyone have a gun around here?
[12/26/2012 05:06:54 UTC] rGatsby: i know my history more than you just because you watched roots
[12/26/2012 05:06:54 UTC] Hatmann: bred for working.
[12/26/2012 05:06:58 UTC] rGatsby: dosent meean you know anything
[12/26/2012 05:07:01 UTC] rGatsby: about blacks
[12/26/2012 05:07:07 UTC] rGatsby: you realize that blacks had white slaves
[12/26/2012 05:07:09 UTC] Hatmann: roots was a dumb nigger movie.
[12/26/2012 05:07:10 UTC] rGatsby: and black slaves
[12/26/2012 05:07:11 UTC] rGatsby: aswell?
[12/26/2012 05:07:15 UTC] rGatsby: roots was a series
[12/26/2012 05:07:17 UTC] Hatmann: not in america.
[12/26/2012 05:07:23 UTC] rGatsby: in america
[12/26/2012 05:07:24 UTC] rGatsby: only
[12/26/2012 05:07:39 UTC] Hatmann: blacks were not people in america until the emancipation proclaimation.
[12/26/2012 05:07:41 UTC] rGatsby: roots was invented to stop neo-nazi skinhead scum like
[12/26/2012 05:07:42 UTC] rGatsby: you
[12/26/2012 05:07:47 UTC] rGatsby: from being created
[12/26/2012 05:07:51 UTC] Hatmann: blacks drank from black fountains until the 1960s in america.
[12/26/2012 05:07:58 UTC] Hatmann: blacks had their own bathrooms until the 1960s.
[12/26/2012 05:07:58 UTC] rGatsby: want to know why?
[12/26/2012 05:08:04 UTC] rGatsby: because blacks supported
[12/26/2012 05:08:07 UTC] rGatsby: segregation
[12/26/2012 05:08:10 UTC] rGatsby: until Martin Luther King JR
[12/26/2012 05:08:35 UTC] rGatsby: whites tried to appeal segregation
[12/26/2012 05:08:37 UTC] rGatsby: in the 1960's
[12/26/2012 05:08:39 UTC] Hatmann: im done here.
[12/26/2012 05:08:53 UTC] rGatsby: only reason we were no longer segregated
[12/26/2012 05:08:59 UTC] rGatsby: when they asked school children
[12/26/2012 05:09:09 UTC] rGatsby: to decide whether they prefer the white or black doll
[12/26/2012 05:09:13 UTC] Hatmann: you dont know shit, your from europe, shut up.
[12/26/2012 05:09:14 UTC] rGatsby: they picked the white doll
[12/26/2012 05:09:17 UTC] rGatsby: you're*
[12/26/2012 05:09:27 UTC] rGatsby: It's funny how most people make fun of americans
[12/26/2012 05:09:29 UTC] rGatsby: for being idiotic
[12/26/2012 05:09:42 UTC] rGatsby: cretin
[12/26/2012 05:09:46 UTC] Hatmann: they are right.
[12/26/2012 05:09:59 UTC] rGatsby: yes
[12/26/2012 05:10:00 UTC] Hatmann: we are the most drugged society on earth.
[12/26/2012 05:10:02 UTC] rGatsby: just like yourself
[12/26/2012 05:10:12 UTC] Hatmann: no, you should visit america.
[12/26/2012 05:10:14 UTC] rGatsby: you are probablly smoking the opium pipe right now
[12/26/2012 05:10:21 UTC] Hatmann: you will find many dumber people than me.
[12/26/2012 05:10:21 UTC] rGatsby: i've been to america
[12/26/2012 05:10:22 UTC] rGatsby: plenty of times
[12/26/2012 05:10:27 UTC] Hatmann: good.
[12/26/2012 05:10:30 UTC] Shaggy: -_-
[12/26/2012 05:10:32 UTC] rGatsby: and you're by far the dumbest, most ignorant
[12/26/2012 05:10:36 UTC] rGatsby: person i've ever met
[12/26/2012 05:10:53 UTC] rGatsby: "Jews.Did.Wtc"
[12/26/2012 05:11:00 UTC] Shaggy: :(
[12/26/2012 05:11:02 UTC] rGatsby: should have ignored him
[12/26/2012 05:11:02 UTC] d3v11: lol ikr
[12/26/2012 05:11:03 UTC] rGatsby: when i first saw him
[12/26/2012 05:11:04 UTC] rGatsby: lol
[12/26/2012 05:11:12 UTC] rGatsby: if i saw that i would have
[12/26/2012 05:11:44 UTC] d3v11: i tried to scroll up to see which nick he uses also but i lost my backlog
[12/26/2012 05:11:55 UTC] rGatsby: ah
[12/26/2012 05:12:57 UTC] d3v11: irc kinda sucks ;-)
[12/26/2012 05:13:14 UTC] rGatsby: nah its still gud
[12/26/2012 05:13:15 UTC] rGatsby: lol
[12/26/2012 05:13:24 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/26/2012 05:13:32 UTC] rGatsby: wtf
[12/26/2012 05:13:36 UTC] rGatsby: you're not a bot
[12/26/2012 05:13:38 UTC] rGatsby: CharlieWong
[12/26/2012 05:13:41 UTC] d3v11: problem is much users will /nick some other but they forget change in user
[12/26/2012 05:13:51 UTC] rGatsby: yep lol
[12/26/2012 05:15:02 UTC] rGatsby: lol
[12/26/2012 05:15:13 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 05:16:03 UTC] d3v11: wb charlie :-)
[12/26/2012 05:17:11 UTC] pathfinder: hey CharlieWong
[12/26/2012 05:17:11 UTC] CharlieWong: Hello pathfinder
[12/26/2012 05:17:12 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder: How are you?
[12/26/2012 05:17:21 UTC] pathfinder: you a fag
[12/26/2012 05:17:21 UTC] Shaggy: I don't like fighting rGatsby
[12/26/2012 05:17:21 UTC] CharlieWong: no YOU da fag!
[12/26/2012 05:17:27 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:17:29 UTC] EnvieDunChinois: hy guys
[12/26/2012 05:17:49 UTC] pathfinder: CharlieWong: notbad man
[12/26/2012 05:17:51 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder: That's great to hear!
[12/26/2012 05:18:06 UTC] pathfinder: he lives
[12/26/2012 05:18:09 UTC] pathfinder: what have i done???
[12/26/2012 05:18:12 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:24:35 UTC] pathfinder: mama: some new features
[12/26/2012 05:24:50 UTC] pathfinder: now auto grabs page headers
[12/26/2012 05:25:06 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 05:25:09 UTC] CharlieWong: [ BBC News - Home ]
[12/26/2012 05:26:21 UTC] Shaggy: Hi :)
[12/26/2012 05:26:34 UTC] pathfinder: alright
[12/26/2012 05:26:36 UTC] rGatsby: are u the real charliewong
[12/26/2012 05:26:58 UTC] pathfinder: CharlieWong: say hi
[12/26/2012 05:27:05 UTC] pathfinder: CharlieWong: hi
[12/26/2012 05:27:05 UTC] rGatsby: oh the bot
[12/26/2012 05:27:07 UTC] rGatsby: agaain
[12/26/2012 05:27:08 UTC] rGatsby: lol
[12/26/2012 05:27:19 UTC] rGatsby: CHarlieWong: say hi for real
[12/26/2012 05:27:24 UTC] Shaggy:
[12/26/2012 05:27:25 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:27:28 UTC] rGatsby: CHarlieWong: hi for real
[12/26/2012 05:27:48 UTC] d3v11: 's/H/h/' ?
[12/26/2012 05:28:03 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 05:28:05 UTC] CharlieWong: [ ]
[12/26/2012 05:28:14 UTC] pathfinder: hmmm
[12/26/2012 05:28:19 UTC] rGatsby: s penis
[12/26/2012 05:28:23 UTC] Shaggy: Only.http
[12/26/2012 05:28:25 UTC] pathfinder: must add ifnot add in there
[12/26/2012 05:28:27 UTC] Shaggy: :/
[12/26/2012 05:28:32 UTC] rGatsby:
[12/26/2012 05:28:38 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Google ]
[12/26/2012 05:28:42 UTC] Shaggy: Yay
[12/26/2012 05:29:02 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Https://
[12/26/2012 05:29:09 UTC] d3v11: git://
[12/26/2012 05:29:22 UTC] d3v11: irc://
[12/26/2012 05:29:30 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:29:31 UTC] pathfinder: no work
[12/26/2012 05:29:34 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/26/2012 05:29:52 UTC] pathfinder: like i will allow anyone to be troublesome with him
[12/26/2012 05:29:53 UTC] Shaggy: Ftp://
[12/26/2012 05:29:56 UTC] d3v11: regexp or "memcmp" ?
[12/26/2012 05:30:12 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: lmao
[12/26/2012 05:30:16 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:30:33 UTC] pathfinder: he should talk more
[12/26/2012 05:30:57 UTC] d3v11: lol what?
[12/26/2012 05:31:08 UTC] pathfinder: what?
[12/26/2012 05:31:16 UTC] pathfinder: huh
[12/26/2012 05:31:16 UTC] d3v11: k
[12/26/2012 05:31:24 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Who?
[12/26/2012 05:31:25 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Where?
[12/26/2012 05:31:33 UTC] pathfinder: haha
[12/26/2012 05:31:37 UTC] d3v11:
[12/26/2012 05:31:48 UTC] d3v11:
[12/26/2012 05:31:50 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Google ]
[12/26/2012 05:31:51 UTC] d3v11:
[12/26/2012 05:31:55 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Google ]
[12/26/2012 05:32:07 UTC] d3v11: http://
[12/26/2012 05:32:26 UTC] d3v11:
[12/26/2012 05:32:29 UTC] d3v11:
[12/26/2012 05:32:55 UTC] pathfinder: nice try
[12/26/2012 05:32:57 UTC] rGatsby:
[12/26/2012 05:32:59 UTC] d3v11: http://localhost
[12/26/2012 05:33:01 UTC] CharlieWong: [ FBI — Homepage ]
[12/26/2012 05:33:10 UTC] d3v11: LOLOL
[12/26/2012 05:33:11 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: lmao
[12/26/2012 05:33:40 UTC] d3v11:
[12/26/2012 05:33:49 UTC] rGatsby: && /etc/passwd
[12/26/2012 05:34:00 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 05:34:06 UTC] rGatsby: && cat /etc/passwd
[12/26/2012 05:34:12 UTC] pathfinder: think im retarded here or what?
[12/26/2012 05:34:17 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:34:19 UTC] CharlieWong: rofl
[12/26/2012 05:34:29 UTC] pathfinder: hes on my side
[12/26/2012 05:34:47 UTC] Shaggy: Add eiliza to it!
[12/26/2012 05:35:00 UTC] Shaggy: And you got a bot that talks
[12/26/2012 05:35:05 UTC] Shaggy: :x
[12/26/2012 05:35:18 UTC] Shaggy: *eliza
[12/26/2012 05:35:40 UTC] d3v11: http://mkdopl6dniqykj2y.onion/
[12/26/2012 05:36:06 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 05:36:18 UTC] CharlieWong: [ - Buy Personal Lubricant, Condoms, and Adult Toys - Home ]
[12/26/2012 05:36:28 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Lmao
[12/26/2012 05:36:31 UTC] d3v11: interesting
[12/26/2012 05:36:45 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/26/2012 05:36:51 UTC] pathfinder: eliza is perl
[12/26/2012 05:36:54 UTC] pathfinder: just found it
[12/26/2012 05:37:11 UTC] CharlieWong: [ AnoNet2 Proxy ]
[12/26/2012 05:37:17 UTC] pathfinder: wong is not perl
[12/26/2012 05:37:29 UTC] d3v11: you are outbound through tor ;-)
[12/26/2012 05:37:39 UTC] pathfinder: charlie wong is yes
[12/26/2012 05:37:49 UTC] d3v11: :-)
[12/26/2012 05:38:06 UTC] Shaggy: Lol d3v11
[12/26/2012 05:38:22 UTC] pathfinder: thought that would come in handy, putting him through tor
[12/26/2012 05:38:33 UTC] pathfinder: resolves .onions
[12/26/2012 05:38:49 UTC] Shaggy: He hit hiz site to gran the IP
[12/26/2012 05:38:57 UTC] Shaggy: Clever devil
[12/26/2012 05:39:08 UTC] Shaggy: Grab
[12/26/2012 05:39:10 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:39:41 UTC] Shaggy: Whats charlie?
[12/26/2012 05:40:15 UTC] pathfinder: ,g you want buy dvd?
[12/26/2012 05:40:18 UTC] Shaggy: And I.think eliza is in different.code if you look.deeper
[12/26/2012 05:40:36 UTC] pathfinder: hmmm
[12/26/2012 05:40:38 UTC] pathfinder: ,g you want buy dvd
[12/26/2012 05:41:17 UTC] pathfinder: now then
[12/26/2012 05:41:25 UTC] pathfinder: why are you not working all of a sudden
[12/26/2012 05:41:27 UTC] pathfinder: ,g
[12/26/2012 05:41:37 UTC] pathfinder: ,tr joder
[12/26/2012 05:41:38 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder: "fuck" (es to en,
[12/26/2012 05:41:51 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Lmao
[12/26/2012 05:42:06 UTC] pathfinder: ,g charlie wong
[12/26/2012 05:42:31 UTC] pathfinder: ,google fuck you wong
[12/26/2012 05:42:43 UTC] pathfinder: ,duck wong
[12/26/2012 05:43:00 UTC] pathfinder: ,weather London
[12/26/2012 05:43:09 UTC] Shaggy: Laggy
[12/26/2012 05:43:12 UTC] CharlieWong: Cover Unknown, 5℃, 1006mb, N CD, Gentle breeze 8kt (↑) - EGLC, 05:50Z
[12/26/2012 05:43:24 UTC] pathfinder: tor innit
[12/26/2012 05:43:34 UTC] pathfinder: why the search module is not working i have no idea
[12/26/2012 05:43:43 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 05:44:09 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Alabama Brother, Sister Arrested for Incest ]
[12/26/2012 05:44:14 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: ,weather Hell
[12/26/2012 05:44:15 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:44:28 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 05:44:29 UTC] pathfinder: ,weather Hell, Michigan
[12/26/2012 05:44:30 UTC] CharlieWong: YBCV: no such ICAO code, or no NOAA data
[12/26/2012 05:44:47 UTC] CharlieWong: Overcast ☁, 32.0℉ (0℃), 30.24in (1021mb), Gentle breeze 10kt (↑) - KYIP 05:53Z
[12/26/2012 05:45:07 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Lmao there's a gentle breeze in hell!
[12/26/2012 05:45:41 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Damn...
[12/26/2012 05:46:48 UTC] pathfinder: ive not touched the search functions earlier
[12/26/2012 05:46:59 UTC] pathfinder: and they arent workin
[12/26/2012 05:47:08 UTC] pathfinder: ,g
[12/26/2012 05:47:22 UTC] pathfinder: ,w
[12/26/2012 05:47:23 UTC] CharlieWong: Perhaps you meant ".wik Zen"?
[12/26/2012 05:47:35 UTC] pathfinder: no
[12/26/2012 05:47:36 UTC] pathfinder: ,w obama
[12/26/2012 05:47:45 UTC] CharlieWong: "Barack Hussein Obama II (i|/bəˈrɑːk huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/; born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President of the United States." -
[12/26/2012 05:47:59 UTC] pathfinder: ,g fucking work you arsehole
[12/26/2012 05:49:03 UTC] pathfinder: now he will
[12/26/2012 05:49:11 UTC] pathfinder: last chance dickhead
[12/26/2012 05:49:19 UTC] pathfinder: ,g you want buy dvd?
[12/26/2012 05:49:24 UTC] Shaggy: Lol
[12/26/2012 05:49:35 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 05:49:38 UTC] pathfinder: yes
[12/26/2012 05:49:41 UTC] pathfinder: you fucker
[12/26/2012 05:49:43 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:50:05 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: lmao
[12/26/2012 05:50:43 UTC] d3v11: http://mkdopl6dniqykj2y.onion/do_it.php/http/www.srw.ano
[12/26/2012 05:51:17 UTC] CharlieWong: [ SomeRandomWiki ]
[12/26/2012 05:51:25 UTC] d3v11: :-)
[12/26/2012 05:51:52 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 05:51:59 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Man Dies In Bizarre Case Of Bestiality | News Archive | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News ]
[12/26/2012 05:52:48 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: You know you want to look lmao
[12/26/2012 05:52:49 UTC] d3v11: http://mkdopl6dniqykj2y.onion/do_it.php/http/www.d3v11.ano
[12/26/2012 05:53:36 UTC] d3v11: python :-)
[12/26/2012 05:54:18 UTC] d3v11: dunno much in "OpenAnything"
[12/26/2012 05:54:33 UTC] d3v11: usually i will prefer urllib2 + $http_proxy
[12/26/2012 05:58:31 UTC] pathfinder: he imports urllib2
[12/26/2012 05:58:38 UTC] pathfinder: proxy no need
[12/26/2012 06:01:30 UTC] d3v11: python uses env $http_proxy transparently
[12/26/2012 06:01:39 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:01:41 UTC] d3v11: at least with that module
[12/26/2012 06:01:48 UTC] CharlieWong: [ I take it in the ass - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 06:01:59 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 06:01:59 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Lmao
[12/26/2012 06:02:17 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: That's nice Charlie
[12/26/2012 06:02:27 UTC] pathfinder: d3v11: i may look at it
[12/26/2012 06:02:58 UTC] u: 05/voxanon/TehSmokeyOne 08 08> That's nice Charlie
[12/26/2012 06:03:08 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 06:04:08 UTC] d3v11: i'm wondering how srn created this replay bug
[12/26/2012 06:04:08 UTC] pathfinder: ,g charlie wong t-shirt
[12/26/2012 06:04:11 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 06:12:30 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:12:36 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Rosie O’Donnell Naked Pictures, Nude Photos, Nip Slip Scandals, Upskirts, Sex Tape Rumors, Celebrity Gossip – Today's Celebrity Gossip from Evil Beet Gossip ]
[12/26/2012 06:13:14 UTC] d3mn8_: who the fuck wants to see rosie o donnel naked
[12/26/2012 06:13:18 UTC] d3mn8_: jesus fuck
[12/26/2012 06:13:20 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Rofl
[12/26/2012 06:15:33 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 06:15:58 UTC] pathfinder: so many people on phones on this network
[12/26/2012 06:16:12 UTC] pathfinder: iPhone here, android there
[12/26/2012 06:16:17 UTC] pathfinder: tablet here
[12/26/2012 06:16:17 UTC] d3mn8_: so?
[12/26/2012 06:16:19 UTC] pathfinder: tablet there
[12/26/2012 06:16:46 UTC] pathfinder: kids to cool for proper boxees these days?
[12/26/2012 06:16:53 UTC] d3mn8_: i often connect from my nexus 7
[12/26/2012 06:16:55 UTC] d3mn8_: before sleeping
[12/26/2012 06:17:00 UTC] pathfinder: demn8_ we ll you arent
[12/26/2012 06:17:03 UTC] pathfinder: so dont worry
[12/26/2012 06:17:14 UTC] d3mn8_: thank god for BNCs
[12/26/2012 06:17:16 UTC] pathfinder: you arent using it now
[12/26/2012 06:17:20 UTC] d3mn8_: so I dont throttle all the time
[12/26/2012 06:17:34 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 06:17:58 UTC] Shaggy: So, no phones?
[12/26/2012 06:18:11 UTC] pathfinder: well you are
[12/26/2012 06:18:17 UTC] pathfinder: you can nowt wrong with it
[12/26/2012 06:18:20 UTC] pathfinder: just commenting
[12/26/2012 06:18:44 UTC] pathfinder: please tell me its not an iDevice though man
[12/26/2012 06:18:45 UTC] pathfinder: :p
[12/26/2012 06:19:06 UTC] d3mn8_: 01:32:*** Version for Shaggy is AndChat
[12/26/2012 06:19:08 UTC] d3mn8_: thats android
[12/26/2012 06:19:10 UTC] d3mn8_: I use that too
[12/26/2012 06:19:14 UTC] CharlieWong: [ - IRC Client for Android ]
[12/26/2012 06:20:14 UTC] pathfinder: well if using andchat i would hope youve configured Orbot
[12/26/2012 06:20:23 UTC] d3mn8_: whats that?
[12/26/2012 06:20:28 UTC] pathfinder: ah everyone uses andchat
[12/26/2012 06:20:32 UTC] d3v11: will fail
[12/26/2012 06:20:35 UTC] pathfinder: it would be foolish not to
[12/26/2012 06:20:40 UTC] d3mn8_: idk
[12/26/2012 06:20:42 UTC] d3mn8_: I like it
[12/26/2012 06:20:55 UTC] d3v11: or tor + andchat then necessary install linux + socat
[12/26/2012 06:20:55 UTC] d3mn8_: I got a few force closes on my nexus 7 tho, idk why
[12/26/2012 06:20:56 UTC] d3v11: 's/or/for/'
[12/26/2012 06:21:02 UTC] d3mn8_: I just bounce my connection from my raspberry pi
[12/26/2012 06:21:04 UTC] d3mn8_: which is anonymized
[12/26/2012 06:21:07 UTC] pathfinder: on which apps?
[12/26/2012 06:21:13 UTC] d3mn8_: on andchat
[12/26/2012 06:21:16 UTC] d3v11: 's/linux/gnu/'
[12/26/2012 06:21:16 UTC] pathfinder: you been putting cust roms on there
[12/26/2012 06:21:28 UTC] d3mn8_: I use cm10.1
[12/26/2012 06:21:36 UTC] pathfinder: d3v11, i have mageia 2 on a tablet, no need for android apart for phone
[12/26/2012 06:21:40 UTC] d3v11: 'd3mn8_> I just bounce my connection from my raspberry pi'
[12/26/2012 06:21:42 UTC] d3v11: also works :-)
[12/26/2012 06:21:45 UTC] pathfinder: dont use andchat anymore
[12/26/2012 06:22:38 UTC] pathfinder: i dont*
[12/26/2012 06:22:44 UTC] d3mn8_: what do you use?
[12/26/2012 06:22:51 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 06:22:56 UTC] pathfinder: if on the tablet, irssi
[12/26/2012 06:22:56 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 06:23:02 UTC] d3mn8_: ah theres irssi on the tab>
[12/26/2012 06:23:06 UTC] d3mn8_: ?*
[12/26/2012 06:23:06 UTC] d3v11: :-)
[12/26/2012 06:23:07 UTC] d3mn8_: or do you
[12/26/2012 06:23:14 UTC] d3mn8_: use ssh ?* sorry
[12/26/2012 06:23:22 UTC] pathfinder: if on the phone, dont use anything
[12/26/2012 06:23:25 UTC] pathfinder: used andchat when in hospital
[12/26/2012 06:23:33 UTC] pathfinder: theres irssi on linux distros yes
[12/26/2012 06:23:43 UTC] pathfinder: no android on my tablet anymore
[12/26/2012 06:24:12 UTC] d3mn8_: I used irssi before
[12/26/2012 06:24:25 UTC] d3mn8_: didnt like the scripting hassle so I dropped that
[12/26/2012 06:24:43 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:24:50 UTC] pathfinder: 1 x USB adapter, 1 x USB 4 port hub, 1 x wireless USB mouse
[12/26/2012 06:24:52 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Donald Trump Nude Pictures, Donald Trump Naked Clips - HunkyMaleStars.Com ]
[12/26/2012 06:24:57 UTC] pathfinder: mageia 2 distro
[12/26/2012 06:25:03 UTC] pathfinder: is my setup
[12/26/2012 06:25:09 UTC] d3mn8_: wat distro
[12/26/2012 06:25:18 UTC] pathfinder: mageia 2
[12/26/2012 06:25:23 UTC] d3mn8_: oh ok sorry
[12/26/2012 06:25:26 UTC] pathfinder: soon to be 3 when stable enough
[12/26/2012 06:25:26 UTC] d3mn8_: I have never heard of that
[12/26/2012 06:25:31 UTC] pathfinder: or may go openSUSE
[12/26/2012 06:25:47 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 06:25:54 UTC] pathfinder: at a guess
[12/26/2012 06:26:01 UTC] pathfinder: youve heard of
[12/26/2012 06:26:07 UTC] pathfinder: ubuntu and variants
[12/26/2012 06:26:09 UTC] pathfinder: fedora
[12/26/2012 06:26:13 UTC] pathfinder: debian
[12/26/2012 06:26:13 UTC] d3mn8_: sure I know them
[12/26/2012 06:26:19 UTC] d3mn8_: I used fedora for 2 years
[12/26/2012 06:26:25 UTC] pathfinder: maybe gentoo for the lulz
[12/26/2012 06:26:29 UTC] pathfinder: and backtrack
[12/26/2012 06:26:30 UTC] pathfinder: thats what most on here have heard of
[12/26/2012 06:26:35 UTC] d3mn8_: yep
[12/26/2012 06:26:49 UTC] pathfinder: lol @ backtrack
[12/26/2012 06:26:50 UTC] pathfinder: anyway
[12/26/2012 06:26:59 UTC] pathfinder: what about openSUSE?
[12/26/2012 06:27:03 UTC] d3mn8_: the latest release is pretty cool though
[12/26/2012 06:27:07 UTC] d3mn8_: I know opensuse, thats about it
[12/26/2012 06:27:27 UTC] pathfinder: you may have heard of mageia predecessor, mandriva
[12/26/2012 06:27:31 UTC] d3mn8_: backtrack is a solid tool if you're a sysadmin/sec sector
[12/26/2012 06:27:36 UTC] d3mn8_: ah yes
[12/26/2012 06:27:38 UTC] d3mn8_: the ffrench distro
[12/26/2012 06:27:39 UTC] pathfinder: what about red hat?
[12/26/2012 06:27:40 UTC] pathfinder: slackware?
[12/26/2012 06:27:45 UTC] d3mn8_: yes I know them
[12/26/2012 06:27:54 UTC] d3mn8_: I have a 10+ year old redhat mousepad
[12/26/2012 06:27:58 UTC] d3mn8_: so filthy by now... jesus
[12/26/2012 06:27:59 UTC] pathfinder: mageia forked from mandriva a while ago
[12/26/2012 06:28:18 UTC] pathfinder: is fairly awesome in its workarounds for annoying proprietary hardware
[12/26/2012 06:28:40 UTC] d3mn8_: right now I use win8 and ubuntu at school
[12/26/2012 06:28:43 UTC] pathfinder: is gay with my wireless card though
[12/26/2012 06:28:46 UTC] d3mn8_: gets job done
[12/26/2012 06:29:20 UTC] pathfinder: i have a windows driver wrapped and packaged to run it
[12/26/2012 06:29:28 UTC] pathfinder: otherwise it reg's as eth0 and fails
[12/26/2012 06:30:42 UTC] d3mn8_:
[12/26/2012 06:30:42 UTC] d3mn8_: lol
[12/26/2012 06:32:56 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:32:56 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Good shit
[12/26/2012 06:33:00 UTC] d3mn8_: lol
[12/26/2012 06:33:01 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Mark Zuckerberg's Sister Complains Of Facebook Privacy Breach ]
[12/26/2012 06:33:28 UTC] d3mn8_: do u got direct link to pics
[12/26/2012 06:35:07 UTC] d3mn8_: nvm,
[12/26/2012 06:35:17 UTC] d3mn8_: gee she fat as fuck
[12/26/2012 06:37:59 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Don't lie, you'd hit it
[12/26/2012 06:38:10 UTC] d3mn8_: rather see rosie odonnel naked
[12/26/2012 06:38:23 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Rofl Lucky you, scroll up!
[12/26/2012 06:38:30 UTC] d3mn8_: ntyyyyyyy
[12/26/2012 06:39:19 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Awe, fat girls need love too, they don't bite... Hard...4
[12/26/2012 06:43:04 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:43:25 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Mark Zuckerberg's Sister Complains Of Facebook Privacy Breach ]
[12/26/2012 06:43:45 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Damn wrong link
[12/26/2012 06:45:08 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:45:14 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Keep A Weiner - Storenvy ]
[12/26/2012 06:55:34 UTC] d3v11: bedtime roster
[12/26/2012 07:45:50 UTC] mama: hey :D
[12/26/2012 07:46:24 UTC] d3mn8_: HI
[12/26/2012 07:46:37 UTC] mama: :)
[12/26/2012 07:46:46 UTC] mama: how is life today?
[12/26/2012 07:46:52 UTC] d3mn8_: very well, yourself?
[12/26/2012 07:47:20 UTC] mama: yea! nice life and sweet XD
[12/26/2012 07:47:56 UTC] mama: ,tw FreeanonsInfo
[12/26/2012 07:47:56 UTC] CharlieWong: Dialogue between Anons IV" published (@FreeanonsInfo)
[12/26/2012 07:52:50 UTC] mama: k, back to sleep then :)
[12/26/2012 09:15:12 UTC] AnonDeath: hi all
[12/26/2012 09:15:14 UTC] u: 05/A666/AnonDeath 08 08> hi all
[12/26/2012 09:29:20 UTC] AnonDeath: proxy for piratebay for English brother ;)
[12/26/2012 11:31:18 UTC] Ayumi: morning all :)
[12/26/2012 11:31:40 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Good morning Ayumi.
[12/26/2012 11:32:11 UTC] Ayumi: hi hi :3
[12/26/2012 11:32:39 UTC] AnonymousJapan: <---crazy news
[12/26/2012 11:32:56 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Newspaper sparks outrage for publishing names, addresses of gun owners - ]
[12/26/2012 11:34:03 UTC] Ayumi: WTF o_O
[12/26/2012 11:34:50 UTC] maxQ: wooah
[12/26/2012 11:36:53 UTC] AnonymousJapan: That'ss what i said.
[12/26/2012 11:37:05 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I have a concealed carry pistol permit but not in that State.
[12/26/2012 11:37:29 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I'm in Asia anyway so I left the guns with someone I trust
[12/26/2012 11:37:29 UTC] maxQ: how can it be legal to publish someone elses name and address without permission
[12/26/2012 11:37:30 UTC] maxQ: :o
[12/26/2012 11:38:00 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Well, technically that's fine. (look at for example)
[12/26/2012 11:38:15 UTC] AnonymousJapan: It's posting the fact that they have a gun and permit that is wrong.
[12/26/2012 11:38:15 UTC] Ayumi: ^
[12/26/2012 11:38:38 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Now, anyone in that area who wants a gun knows exactly which homes to rob
[12/26/2012 11:38:56 UTC] maxQ: yeah, but i dont afree with peoplefinder either
[12/26/2012 11:38:57 UTC] maxQ: :S
[12/26/2012 11:39:30 UTC] maxQ: agree*
[12/26/2012 11:39:54 UTC] Ayumi: AnonymousJapan, yesh, You are right
[12/26/2012 11:40:03 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I don't either but that's one of the most often used tools for DOXing.
[12/26/2012 11:40:12 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Even though their info is highly unreliable
[12/26/2012 11:40:51 UTC] *** AnonymousJapan smells a BIG class action lawsuit in the winds. ***
[12/26/2012 11:41:14 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I think a wise lawyer should contact all of the victims and put together a class-action and make bank
[12/26/2012 11:42:23 UTC] maxQ: for sure
[12/26/2012 11:43:00 UTC] Ayumi: US is walking through dangerous way with all this stuff about guns...
[12/26/2012 11:45:16 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Agreed.
[12/26/2012 11:45:22 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Alternet has a good article on that
[12/26/2012 11:46:01 UTC] AnonymousJapan:
[12/26/2012 11:46:13 UTC] CharlieWong: [ The Real Rationale for the 2nd Amendment, That Right-Wingers Are Totally Ignorant About | Alternet ]
[12/26/2012 11:47:14 UTC] AnonymousJapan: It's funny. I'm a gun lover and owner but I laugh at those that say "Shit, I have all these guns so that when the US gubment want to come an take my weyapunz I can 'fend myself and pertekt mah 2nd 'mendment right".
[12/26/2012 11:47:49 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Those fuckers don't know that AR-15 won't protect them from the fucking drone silently flying above.
[12/26/2012 11:49:32 UTC] Ayumi: ^
[12/26/2012 12:22:40 UTC] anonskane: hiya all
[12/26/2012 12:24:09 UTC] *** Ayumi huggles anonskane ***
[12/26/2012 12:49:21 UTC] |anonskane|: //me huggles Ayumi back
[12/26/2012 12:53:17 UTC] anonskane: d3v11: i think how to do it now
[12/26/2012 12:53:25 UTC] anonskane: and i am sober allmost
[12/26/2012 13:07:26 UTC] guy_tolo: good afternoon
[12/26/2012 13:07:55 UTC] anonskane: good afternoon
[12/26/2012 13:15:12 UTC] anonskane: wb d3v11 and Ayumi
[12/26/2012 13:15:28 UTC] Ayumi: thx skane :3
[12/26/2012 13:15:34 UTC] anonskane: np
[12/26/2012 13:58:14 UTC] mama: good morning all :D
[12/26/2012 13:58:33 UTC] maxQ: mama :D
[12/26/2012 13:58:39 UTC] faust: hey mama :D
[12/26/2012 13:58:56 UTC] mama: Hi maxQ :)
[12/26/2012 13:58:56 UTC] maxQ: you sleep off all your christmas lunch? ;p
[12/26/2012 13:59:03 UTC] mama: Hello faust <3
[12/26/2012 13:59:17 UTC] mama: XD XD XD XD XD
[12/26/2012 13:59:28 UTC] Ayumi: mama, <3
[12/26/2012 13:59:36 UTC] Ayumi: hi hi :)
[12/26/2012 13:59:42 UTC] mama: Ayumi!! <3
[12/26/2012 14:00:00 UTC] maxQ: !down
[12/26/2012 14:02:05 UTC] mama: Hi DeadMellox :)
[12/26/2012 14:02:43 UTC] mama: i have no reply yet from the lawyer, did he send it to you?
[12/26/2012 14:06:16 UTC] mama: ,tw FreeanonsInfo
[12/26/2012 14:06:19 UTC] CharlieWong: Dialogue between Anons IV" published (@FreeanonsInfo)
[12/26/2012 14:07:21 UTC] mama: there is a new participation, dialogue still open for those who want add their opinion
[12/26/2012 14:07:47 UTC] Ayumi: cool mama :)
[12/26/2012 14:07:49 UTC] mama: please help tweeting the dialogue :)
[12/26/2012 14:08:09 UTC] mama: yep Ayumi i love these dialogues
[12/26/2012 14:08:24 UTC] Ayumi: yeah me too :)
[12/26/2012 14:11:56 UTC] mama: :)
[12/26/2012 15:01:16 UTC] mama:
[12/26/2012 15:01:28 UTC] mama: tweeted by YAN :)
[12/26/2012 15:01:31 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Twitter / YourAnonNews: Dialogue between Anons IV" ... ]
[12/26/2012 15:04:17 UTC] mama: by Shaggy :)
[12/26/2012 15:04:19 UTC] mama:
[12/26/2012 15:04:32 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Twitter / ShaggyTheAngel: Dialogue between Anons IV" ... ]
[12/26/2012 15:07:15 UTC] mama: thank you AnonDeath and bbn for the retweet :)
[12/26/2012 15:07:25 UTC] mama: and that is all :(
[12/26/2012 15:24:16 UTC] d3v11: k im awake now
[12/26/2012 15:25:00 UTC] mama: i think everyone here is happy learning that!
[12/26/2012 15:25:19 UTC] d3v11: thats okay
[12/26/2012 15:26:06 UTC] d3v11: i can handle the excitement
[12/26/2012 15:26:39 UTC] mama: this is sure, you prove it 100X
[12/26/2012 15:26:55 UTC] mama: :)
[12/26/2012 15:28:56 UTC] d3v11: Ayumi: lol
[12/26/2012 15:30:00 UTC] Ayumi: lolwat
[12/26/2012 15:30:10 UTC] Ayumi: what do you want now
[12/26/2012 15:30:13 UTC] d3v11: i can't say
[12/26/2012 15:30:28 UTC] Ayumi: ok
[12/26/2012 15:30:39 UTC] d3v11: i have to be a gentleman
[12/26/2012 15:30:54 UTC] Ayumi: with me? noway
[12/26/2012 15:30:56 UTC] Ayumi: dont worry
[12/26/2012 15:31:02 UTC] d3v11: nono
[12/26/2012 15:31:08 UTC] d3v11: you don't understand
[12/26/2012 15:31:19 UTC] Ayumi: I see
[12/26/2012 15:31:26 UTC] d3v11: :-) 04- |-<
[12/26/2012 15:31:34 UTC] d3v11: im wearing my necktie
[12/26/2012 15:31:42 UTC] d3v11: i have to be professional
[12/26/2012 15:31:45 UTC] Ayumi: oh god, here we go again
[12/26/2012 15:32:15 UTC] d3v11: but then later
[12/26/2012 15:32:21 UTC] d3v11: "ootz ootz ootz"
[12/26/2012 15:32:22 UTC] d3v11: ;-)
[12/26/2012 15:33:25 UTC] Ayumi: you are an awful troll :3
[12/26/2012 15:34:13 UTC] d3v11: i never troll
[12/26/2012 15:35:41 UTC] Ayumi: then you have mental issues
[12/26/2012 15:35:53 UTC] Ayumi: take care of yourself
[12/26/2012 15:36:13 UTC] d3v11: lol surely you jest
[12/26/2012 15:36:46 UTC] Ayumi: maybe
[12/26/2012 15:38:40 UTC] d3v11: i'm waiting for the city to fall asleep so i can slip out and buy whipping creame as stealthily as possible
[12/26/2012 15:38:51 UTC] d3v11: its this game i play
[12/26/2012 15:39:05 UTC] u: 05/A666/talamon 08 08> lol
[12/26/2012 15:39:06 UTC] Ayumi: cool
[12/26/2012 15:39:13 UTC] d3v11: oh hmm i need sugar as well
[12/26/2012 15:39:15 UTC] mama: i told you, Ayumi is very smart; i even didn't say to her that you have illness
[12/26/2012 15:39:17 UTC] Ayumi: congrats d3
[12/26/2012 15:40:33 UTC] d3v11: mama> i told you, Ayumi is very smart; i even didn't say to her that you have illness
[12/26/2012 15:40:46 UTC] d3v11: i just got over my cold, actually
[12/26/2012 15:41:58 UTC] mama: :)
[12/26/2012 15:42:21 UTC] mama: figli!! <3
[12/26/2012 15:46:43 UTC] mama: Ayumi: figli is a co-founder of #oppalestine, 2 years ago, and we re-found each other recently as well :)
[12/26/2012 15:46:49 UTC] mama: he is latino :)
[12/26/2012 15:47:15 UTC] mama: Ayumi: were you at #oppalestine?
[12/26/2012 15:50:36 UTC] Ayumi: yes mama
[12/26/2012 15:50:47 UTC] mama: :D
[12/26/2012 15:51:01 UTC] mama: so you know figli , yes?
[12/26/2012 15:51:01 UTC] Ayumi: :3
[12/26/2012 15:51:34 UTC] Ayumi: yes, but I never talk with him I think
[12/26/2012 15:51:53 UTC] mama: he don't talk much in public
[12/26/2012 15:52:10 UTC] mama: i miss Damnocles as hell!!!
[12/26/2012 15:52:32 UTC] mama: and prototype
[12/26/2012 15:53:29 UTC] Ayumi: yeah, I miss a lot of people this days
[12/26/2012 15:53:46 UTC] mama: we stayed alone for a long time and we were attacked daily by ppl saying we are anti-Semitic
[12/26/2012 15:54:02 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 15:54:02 UTC] mama: yea, that is why i hate nicks changes
[12/26/2012 15:54:04 UTC] Ayumi: lol
[12/26/2012 15:54:31 UTC] u: 05/A666/talamon 08 08> yes its called JIDF
[12/26/2012 15:54:39 UTC] mama: lol? when i joined anons, i was kicked every time i spoke on israel
[12/26/2012 15:55:08 UTC] mama: we got a real war when we opened #oppalestine
[12/26/2012 15:55:25 UTC] u: 05/voxanon/mama 08 08> lol? when i joined anons, i was kicked every time i spoke on israel
[12/26/2012 15:55:49 UTC] mama: that is why i have a big respect and love to ppl who resisted to this pressure, like figli
[12/26/2012 15:56:03 UTC] d3v11: figli is the strong silent type
[12/26/2012 15:56:26 UTC] mama: exactly d3v11 :)
[12/26/2012 15:56:29 UTC] d3v11: i made a bot like that once
[12/26/2012 15:56:36 UTC] mama: lol
[12/26/2012 15:56:49 UTC] mama: mine is not a bot :p
[12/26/2012 15:58:00 UTC] mama: he even will translate my essay on ddos in Portuguese :)
[12/26/2012 15:58:28 UTC] d3v11: how do you debug him if he doesn't respond?
[12/26/2012 16:00:58 UTC] Ayumi: mama, can i pm you? I have something for u :3
[12/26/2012 16:01:19 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 16:05:58 UTC] d3v11: we had a pretty heated discussion about autism yesterday
[12/26/2012 16:10:29 UTC] d3v11: hatmann was saying that poverty reduces your chances of being positive
[12/26/2012 16:38:21 UTC] mama: Ayumi: my pleasure :)
[12/26/2012 16:39:02 UTC] mama: i read some logs today when he discuss with Gatsby, Hatmenn seems to be really racist
[12/26/2012 16:39:07 UTC] d3v11: how was the girl talk?
[12/26/2012 16:39:45 UTC] mama: and racists have always weird position like poverty makes ppl less intelligent and so on
[12/26/2012 16:40:13 UTC] d3v11: lol hatmann is silly
[12/26/2012 16:44:00 UTC] d3v11: you know what might be funny though
[12/26/2012 16:44:46 UTC] mama: maybe we should insist on the fact that even ppl who deserve our trust can change under a big pressure, especially young activists without previous experience
[12/26/2012 16:44:52 UTC] mama: oh!
[12/26/2012 16:45:15 UTC] d3v11: we should get hatmann to start an op to smear jews so the jidf has to soak up their time and money
[12/26/2012 16:45:26 UTC] d3v11: he'd be good at it
[12/26/2012 16:46:27 UTC] mama: he hates jews?
[12/26/2012 16:46:45 UTC] d3v11: lol his username is ''
[12/26/2012 16:46:53 UTC] d3v11: i don't think that is a friendly gesture
[12/26/2012 16:46:57 UTC] d3v11: but i could be wrong
[12/26/2012 16:48:04 UTC] mama: lol racist tendency can touch every kind of population
[12/26/2012 16:48:32 UTC] d3v11: lol racists are silly
[12/26/2012 16:48:52 UTC] mama: btw d3v11 and all, we have #freepalestine here and we may do some ops there :)
[12/26/2012 16:49:16 UTC] d3v11: nationalism seems to be more pervasive however
[12/26/2012 16:49:26 UTC] d3v11: and more forgiveable
[12/26/2012 16:51:17 UTC] d3v11: mama> btw d3v11 and all, we have #freepalestine here and we may do some ops there :)
[12/26/2012 16:51:33 UTC] d3v11: don't worry i'm just waiting on figli to sound the charge
[12/26/2012 16:52:07 UTC] d3v11: hi venus :-)
[12/26/2012 16:52:17 UTC] mama: nationalism is the most big danger during economic crisis and it is becoming very invasive
[12/26/2012 16:52:40 UTC] Venus: hai d3v11 :)
[12/26/2012 16:52:42 UTC] Venus: mama <3
[12/26/2012 16:52:56 UTC] mama: i am surprised when some anons pretending being anarchists says "i love my country" :s
[12/26/2012 16:53:05 UTC] mama: Venus!! <3
[12/26/2012 16:53:07 UTC] d3v11: lol ikr ;-)
[12/26/2012 16:53:58 UTC] mama: i saw that recently :)
[12/26/2012 16:54:44 UTC] d3v11: Venus []
[12/26/2012 16:54:56 UTC] d3v11: relationships are interesting
[12/26/2012 16:55:19 UTC] Venus: lol
[12/26/2012 16:55:26 UTC] CharlieWong: rofl
[12/26/2012 16:56:28 UTC] mama: haha Venus is fierce :)
[12/26/2012 16:57:00 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 16:57:19 UTC] Venus: ima warrior! I am woman hear me rawr!
[12/26/2012 16:57:27 UTC] Venus: hehehe
[12/26/2012 16:57:58 UTC] mama: hahahahahahhahah
[12/26/2012 16:58:45 UTC] mama: interesting testimony to spread, I am adding it to our wiki and tweeting it
[12/26/2012 16:58:50 UTC] CharlieWong: [ In the last two years I've lost a lot of friends, great people that usually were - ]
[12/26/2012 16:59:10 UTC] mama: twitter users, please spread it! THANKS!
[12/26/2012 17:01:17 UTC] d3v11: testimonials, too?
[12/26/2012 17:01:23 UTC] d3v11: oh wow
[12/26/2012 17:02:39 UTC] mama: d3v11: i told you many times that our wiki is rich :p
[12/26/2012 17:03:11 UTC] d3v11: how am i supposed to get a chat date with this kind of propaganda?
[12/26/2012 17:03:49 UTC] mama: ??
[12/26/2012 17:04:12 UTC] d3v11: i can't say
[12/26/2012 17:04:23 UTC] d3v11: i'm wearing my necktie :-)
[12/26/2012 17:07:32 UTC] mama: d3v11: a chat date for what?
[12/26/2012 17:07:52 UTC] d3v11: i want chai tea
[12/26/2012 17:07:53 UTC] d3v11: brb
[12/26/2012 17:09:47 UTC] Venus: I got my gold
[12/26/2012 17:09:54 UTC] Venus: tis all I need
[12/26/2012 17:10:06 UTC] mama: gold?
[12/26/2012 17:10:11 UTC] Venus: now ima bury it
[12/26/2012 17:10:13 UTC] d3v11: you can't eat gold
[12/26/2012 17:10:25 UTC] d3v11: we covered this yesterday
[12/26/2012 17:11:45 UTC] Venus: no but u can buy food with it :)
[12/26/2012 17:12:21 UTC] d3v11: 'Hatmann> in 1970 everyone in america ate gold.'
[12/26/2012 17:12:29 UTC] d3v11: lol hatmann is silly
[12/26/2012 17:13:33 UTC] d3v11: Venus> no but u can buy food with it :)
[12/26/2012 17:13:45 UTC] d3v11: how do you propose to do that if the economy collapses?
[12/26/2012 17:13:51 UTC] ChocoCat: (:
[12/26/2012 17:14:03 UTC] d3v11: hi chococat (-:
[12/26/2012 17:14:05 UTC] *** ChocoCat huggles mama ***
[12/26/2012 17:14:24 UTC] Venus: ChocoCat! :D
[12/26/2012 17:14:26 UTC] Venus: <3
[12/26/2012 17:14:51 UTC] ChocoCat: <3 ohai everyone \o
[12/26/2012 17:21:12 UTC] AnonForecast_: good morning
[12/26/2012 17:57:21 UTC] mama: back; power cut :s
[12/26/2012 17:57:22 UTC] mama: if some one has talk to me, i couldn't read, i was afk :(
[12/26/2012 17:58:51 UTC] Ayumi: wb mama :3
[12/26/2012 17:59:07 UTC] t4ng0: heya :)))
[12/26/2012 17:59:07 UTC] Ayumi: hi t4ng0 :)
[12/26/2012 17:59:07 UTC] AnonDeath: mama ;)
[12/26/2012 17:59:08 UTC] t4ng0: :)
[12/26/2012 17:59:19 UTC] mama: ty Ayumi , pm please
[12/26/2012 17:59:21 UTC] AnonDeath: hello t4ng0
[12/26/2012 17:59:22 UTC] AnonForecast_: gm
[12/26/2012 17:59:30 UTC] mama: Hi AnonDeath :D
[12/26/2012 18:00:24 UTC] AnonDeath: mama: how are you?
[12/26/2012 18:00:26 UTC] mama: AnonDeath: i am fine :) thank you! and you?
[12/26/2012 18:00:39 UTC] AnonDeath: fine ;)
[12/26/2012 18:00:45 UTC] mama: gm AnonForecast_ :)
[12/26/2012 18:00:49 UTC] t4ng0: mama <3
[12/26/2012 18:01:23 UTC] t4ng0: never ending hangover
[12/26/2012 18:01:23 UTC] t4ng0: :)
[12/26/2012 18:02:13 UTC] mama: yay t4ng0, i hope you don't suffer because of it <3
[12/26/2012 18:03:09 UTC] mama: interesting testimony to read and spread :)
[12/26/2012 18:03:12 UTC] CharlieWong: [ In the last two years I've lost a lot of friends, great people that usually were - ]
[12/26/2012 18:07:59 UTC] Vosto: Hi , how are you folks?
[12/26/2012 18:08:35 UTC] t4ng0: hey brother Vosto :)
[12/26/2012 18:08:52 UTC] t4ng0: mama paste is really moving
[12/26/2012 18:09:06 UTC] Vosto: are you cooking pasta?
[12/26/2012 18:09:24 UTC] t4ng0: woot ? xD
[12/26/2012 18:09:29 UTC] t4ng0: paste as pastebin
[12/26/2012 18:09:31 UTC] t4ng0: xD
[12/26/2012 18:10:12 UTC] mama: yes, it moved me as well because i have lived the same :(
[12/26/2012 18:10:48 UTC] mama: Nico's testimony
[12/26/2012 18:10:51 UTC] CharlieWong: [ In the last two years I've lost a lot of friends, great people that usually were - ]
[12/26/2012 18:11:38 UTC] mama: added to "Useful Advices"
[12/26/2012 18:11:40 UTC] CharlieWong: [ useful advices ]
[12/26/2012 18:12:43 UTC] mama: this page needs to be enriched by you all, it is in studying our experiences that we can prevent more desasters
[12/26/2012 18:13:54 UTC] DeadMellox: mama
[12/26/2012 18:13:59 UTC] DeadMellox: can you help me get v&?
[12/26/2012 18:14:04 UTC] Vosto: sounds good, I think I shared with everyone where I am from, perfect!
[12/26/2012 18:14:21 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: why me?
[12/26/2012 18:14:52 UTC] DeadMellox: b.c. i can trust u
[12/26/2012 18:15:21 UTC] mama: ok, DeadMellox i am ready :p
[12/26/2012 18:15:28 UTC] DeadMellox: cool
[12/26/2012 18:15:32 UTC] CharlieWong: sweet
[12/26/2012 18:15:37 UTC] mama: :)
[12/26/2012 18:15:40 UTC] DeadMellox: any ideas on how to go about?
[12/26/2012 18:16:38 UTC] t4ng0: mama you saw this ? ;)
[12/26/2012 18:16:42 UTC] CharlieWong: [ HackeD BY Napst3r ]
[12/26/2012 18:16:45 UTC] d3v11: its about that time
[12/26/2012 18:17:42 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: simple, give me your details and i can ask some one to post them at anonops!
[12/26/2012 18:18:08 UTC] DeadMellox: but i dont want 12year olds knowin ma shit, i just want to get v&.
[12/26/2012 18:18:13 UTC] mama: <3 Napst3r
[12/26/2012 18:18:14 UTC] DeadMellox: help
[12/26/2012 18:18:45 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: so we give them to lulzcart and/or nix :)
[12/26/2012 18:19:01 UTC] DeadMellox: whai those people?
[12/26/2012 18:19:20 UTC] DeadMellox: vosto im not givin u shit
[12/26/2012 18:19:49 UTC] Vosto: trolololol
[12/26/2012 18:19:54 UTC] Vosto: I'm not lulzcart
[12/26/2012 18:20:18 UTC] mama: because one of them can sure contact feds of your country
[12/26/2012 18:20:30 UTC] DeadMellox: nix is from my country??
[12/26/2012 18:20:40 UTC] mama: i can confirm, Vosto is not lulzcart at all
[12/26/2012 18:21:15 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: maybe :p I am not supposed to know your country even i guess ;p
[12/26/2012 18:21:15 UTC] Vosto: I'd like to meet him and chat a thing or 2 though
[12/26/2012 18:21:25 UTC] DeadMellox: but u know?
[12/26/2012 18:21:57 UTC] DeadMellox: anyway...
[12/26/2012 18:22:06 UTC] DeadMellox: i might be better off tellin the media
[12/26/2012 18:22:18 UTC] mama: i guess, not sure
[12/26/2012 18:23:22 UTC] mama: LOL I am thinking to Winston who really wanted to get v&, saying that will help to spread our causes!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahhahaahahhaahha
[12/26/2012 18:23:47 UTC] mama: is it the same for you DeadMellox ?
[12/26/2012 18:24:09 UTC] DeadMellox: nah i just wanna get v&.
[12/26/2012 18:24:11 UTC] DeadMellox: am bored
[12/26/2012 18:24:35 UTC] mama: a sort of suicide tho :(
[12/26/2012 18:25:22 UTC] DeadMellox: its cool, i can just start over. all i gotta do is press 'new game'.
[12/26/2012 18:25:25 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: i need you, I love you! i can not live here without you! please stay safe :D <3
[12/26/2012 18:25:48 UTC] pathfinder: wa wa woo wa
[12/26/2012 18:25:55 UTC] pathfinder: declarations of love itc
[12/26/2012 18:25:59 UTC] DeadMellox: but i wanna get v&. :(
[12/26/2012 18:26:01 UTC] mama: haha pathfinder
[12/26/2012 18:26:25 UTC] tw0tw0nin3: hey
[12/26/2012 18:26:30 UTC] DeadMellox: hey
[12/26/2012 18:26:33 UTC] DeadMellox: wanna help me get v&?
[12/26/2012 18:26:41 UTC] pathfinder: hi
[12/26/2012 18:26:47 UTC] tw0tw0nin3: why not
[12/26/2012 18:26:53 UTC] Vosto: I cant live
[12/26/2012 18:26:53 UTC] Vosto: If living is without you
[12/26/2012 18:26:53 UTC] Vosto: I cant live
[12/26/2012 18:26:53 UTC] Vosto: I cant give anymore
[12/26/2012 18:26:53 UTC] Vosto: Cant live
[12/26/2012 18:26:53 UTC] Vosto: If living is without you
[12/26/2012 18:26:57 UTC] Vosto: cant give,
[12/26/2012 18:26:59 UTC] DeadMellox: awesomez
[12/26/2012 18:27:01 UTC] Vosto: I cant give anymore
[12/26/2012 18:27:01 UTC] DeadMellox: stfu
[12/26/2012 18:27:04 UTC] Vosto: trolololol
[12/26/2012 18:27:05 UTC] tw0tw0nin3: :D
[12/26/2012 18:27:23 UTC] DeadMellox: so can u herp me with
[12/26/2012 18:27:27 UTC] DeadMellox: wat
[12/26/2012 18:27:56 UTC] mama: not me DeadMellox :s
[12/26/2012 18:28:03 UTC] DeadMellox: plx
[12/26/2012 18:30:10 UTC] mama: if you trust me, so you know that i can not do such a thing :(
[12/26/2012 18:30:32 UTC] Vosto: But in you eyes your sorrow shows
[12/26/2012 18:30:33 UTC] Vosto: Yes it shows
[12/26/2012 18:30:42 UTC] Vosto: who wrote this stupid lyrics?
[12/26/2012 18:30:53 UTC] Vosto:
[12/26/2012 18:30:58 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Mariah Carey - I Can't Live (If Living Is Without You) Lyrics ]
[12/26/2012 18:31:14 UTC] Vosto: :)) rofl
[12/26/2012 18:32:57 UTC] d3v11: "tubgirl (or, as they say in Nazi circles, tubFRAULEIN!!!)"
[12/26/2012 18:33:01 UTC] d3v11: lolol
[12/26/2012 18:38:43 UTC] mama: btw pathfinder i can say the same to many ppl here, i really love activists anons and can not live without them :)
[12/26/2012 18:40:13 UTC] mama:
[12/26/2012 18:40:18 UTC] mama: :D
[12/26/2012 18:40:22 UTC] mama: LOLOLOL
[12/26/2012 18:40:36 UTC] CharlieWong: [ MARIAH CAREY :-: I CAN'T LIVE IF LIVING IS WITHOUT YOU LYRICS - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 18:41:29 UTC] d3v11: what that's not trance
[12/26/2012 18:42:01 UTC] pathfinder: oh you guys
[12/26/2012 18:42:09 UTC] pathfinder: you have nit seen this then
[12/26/2012 18:42:11 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 18:42:15 UTC] pathfinder: bulgarians man
[12/26/2012 18:42:27 UTC] pathfinder: watch it
[12/26/2012 18:42:27 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Bulgarian Music Idol 2 - Mariah Carey - Without You (Funny) - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 18:42:50 UTC] d3v11: i cant right now
[12/26/2012 18:42:55 UTC] d3v11: im in the zone
[12/26/2012 18:43:06 UTC] Vosto: I shall watch this
[12/26/2012 18:43:31 UTC] Vosto: wtf lol Ken Lee
[12/26/2012 18:45:19 UTC] d3mn8_: hi
[12/26/2012 18:45:39 UTC] pathfinder: by the way
[12/26/2012 18:45:46 UTC] pathfinder: HE = no
[12/26/2012 18:45:55 UTC] mama: hahahhahahah EPIC!!!!!!!!!!
[12/26/2012 18:48:21 UTC] mama: This page needs to be enriched, I think everyone here has something to add
[12/26/2012 18:48:26 UTC] CharlieWong: [ useful advices ]
[12/26/2012 18:49:27 UTC] pathfinder: how about DON'T LOIC IN PROTEST?
[12/26/2012 18:49:30 UTC] pathfinder: thats useful
[12/26/2012 18:50:00 UTC] mama: pathfinder: this page is yours, i never intervene on it
[12/26/2012 18:50:08 UTC] d3v11: i put beefstock in my porridge because i ran out of sugar
[12/26/2012 18:50:15 UTC] d3v11: lol it tastes like shit
[12/26/2012 18:50:35 UTC] d3v11: fuck i can't even eat this
[12/26/2012 18:50:47 UTC] d3v11: its like the meat they make at fast food places
[12/26/2012 18:51:34 UTC] d3v11: hold on brb i have to brush my teeth
[12/26/2012 18:54:13 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 18:56:42 UTC] DeadMellox: wait for the man to brush his teeth. ffs
[12/26/2012 18:58:55 UTC] mama: :)
[12/26/2012 19:00:03 UTC] mama: d3v11 is an interesting case, i am studying him since months and still feel the path long to understand
[12/26/2012 19:00:20 UTC] d3v11: i had to be thorough
[12/26/2012 19:05:52 UTC] tw0tw0nin3: party time
[12/26/2012 19:05:54 UTC] tw0tw0nin3: see you bitchs
[12/26/2012 19:06:13 UTC] mama: lol tw0tw0nin3 no bitches here :p
[12/26/2012 19:06:59 UTC] tw0tw0nin3: only feds?
[12/26/2012 19:07:05 UTC] DeadMellox: i wish
[12/26/2012 19:07:34 UTC] tw0tw0nin3: ok , im going ciaa
[12/26/2012 19:07:52 UTC] mama: tw0tw0nin3: feds are bitches, so no :p
[12/26/2012 19:09:08 UTC] mama: d3v11: work in progress ;)
[12/26/2012 19:11:45 UTC] d3v11: 'mama> d3v11: work in progress ;)'
[12/26/2012 19:11:45 UTC] d3v11: wiki?
[12/26/2012 19:12:50 UTC] mama: no, you :p
[12/26/2012 19:12:58 UTC] mama: haha
[12/26/2012 19:13:03 UTC] d3v11: yeah i have to shave later
[12/26/2012 19:13:17 UTC] mama: no don't shave
[12/26/2012 19:13:53 UTC] d3v11: with the sudden onset of that beef slime in my mouth i've accomplished part of my personal hygeine already
[12/26/2012 19:14:05 UTC] mama: let your body and its elements living their freedom
[12/26/2012 19:14:45 UTC] mama: maybe it is the way to accomplish yours :p
[12/26/2012 19:14:47 UTC] d3v11: lol that's crazy talk
[12/26/2012 19:15:12 UTC] mama: i am crazy, and you know it
[12/26/2012 19:15:28 UTC] d3v11: okay i won't argue
[12/26/2012 19:16:42 UTC] mama: haha
[12/26/2012 19:24:54 UTC] bbn: ohai :)
[12/26/2012 19:24:55 UTC] mama: bbn!!!!!!!!!!! <3
[12/26/2012 19:25:50 UTC] bbn: dear mama <3 <3 <3 how are u today ?
[12/26/2012 19:26:41 UTC] mama: i am cool haha!
[12/26/2012 19:26:50 UTC] mama: and you?
[12/26/2012 19:27:09 UTC] *** Ayumi hugs bbn ***
[12/26/2012 19:27:14 UTC] mama: till this moment
[12/26/2012 19:27:34 UTC] lulzcart:
[12/26/2012 19:27:37 UTC] lulzcart: ;)
[12/26/2012 19:27:56 UTC] Ayumi: stupid bitch
[12/26/2012 19:28:22 UTC] bbn: lol mama i see
[12/26/2012 19:28:27 UTC] mama: hahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
[12/26/2012 19:28:29 UTC] bbn: hi ayumi <3
[12/26/2012 19:28:33 UTC] mama: hahahahahahahahahahhahahaaahhaha
[12/26/2012 19:28:37 UTC] Ayumi: hi hi bbn :)
[12/26/2012 19:29:28 UTC] mama: he is afraid or what?
[12/26/2012 19:30:36 UTC] d3v11: lulzcart [lulzcart@voxanon-t9c.l6c.u702bh.IP] has joined #freeanons
[12/26/2012 19:30:57 UTC] d3v11: you guys should get one of those wwII bomb sirens
[12/26/2012 19:31:34 UTC] mama: no, i enjoy when lulzcart join :)
[12/26/2012 19:31:53 UTC] mama: i love to play with his emotions :)
[12/26/2012 19:31:56 UTC] pathfinder: raaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr
[12/26/2012 19:31:56 UTC] pathfinder: raaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr
[12/26/2012 19:31:56 UTC] FLX: Hi mama
[12/26/2012 19:31:56 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 19:32:01 UTC] pathfinder: good impression i think
[12/26/2012 19:32:03 UTC] pathfinder: ww2 siren
[12/26/2012 19:32:07 UTC] d3v11: i liked it
[12/26/2012 19:32:22 UTC] d3v11: made me feel like i was disc golfing in austria again
[12/26/2012 19:32:27 UTC] bbn: hi d3v11l :)
[12/26/2012 19:32:32 UTC] d3v11: hi
[12/26/2012 19:33:59 UTC] mama: Hi FLX :)
[12/26/2012 19:34:04 UTC] Vosto: yes
[12/26/2012 19:34:25 UTC] mama: ,tw FreeanonsInfo
[12/26/2012 19:34:33 UTC] CharlieWong: It is in studying our experiences that we can prevent more disasters #Anonymous (@FreeanonsInfo)
[12/26/2012 19:34:47 UTC] bbn: mama but he just came in to paste the link or he said something else ?
[12/26/2012 19:35:20 UTC] mama: just posted the link
[12/26/2012 19:35:31 UTC] mama: Please RT
[12/26/2012 19:35:37 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Twitter / FreeanonsInfo: It is in studying our experiences ... ]
[12/26/2012 19:35:40 UTC] d3v11: drive by linkings
[12/26/2012 19:35:43 UTC] d3v11: this is intense
[12/26/2012 19:36:05 UTC] mama: k, bbl
[12/26/2012 19:38:00 UTC] FLX: True to the pastebin post! Word!
[12/26/2012 19:43:40 UTC] pathfinder: ,tw FreeanonsInfo
[12/26/2012 19:43:47 UTC] CharlieWong: It is in studying our experiences that we can prevent more disasters #Anonymous (@FreeanonsInfo)
[12/26/2012 19:43:58 UTC] pathfinder: drive by tweets
[12/26/2012 19:44:04 UTC] pathfinder: dayum
[12/26/2012 19:44:41 UTC] d3v11: its okay i brought my helmet
[12/26/2012 19:45:03 UTC] bbn: retwitted
[12/26/2012 19:45:11 UTC] d3v11: >-|-(-:D
[12/26/2012 19:46:00 UTC] d3v11: hold on
[12/26/2012 19:46:35 UTC] pathfinder: bbn use ,tw plus handle to dump the tweet in here btw
[12/26/2012 19:46:37 UTC] d3v11: k
[12/26/2012 19:47:07 UTC] bbn: ok thx pathfinder
[12/26/2012 19:47:10 UTC] DeadMellox: come onnnnn guiseeeeee
[12/26/2012 19:47:14 UTC] DeadMellox: help me get v&
[12/26/2012 19:47:17 UTC] DeadMellox: plz
[12/26/2012 19:47:51 UTC] maxQ: barret brown!?
[12/26/2012 19:47:58 UTC] maxQ: ;p
[12/26/2012 19:48:06 UTC] DeadMellox: close enough
[12/26/2012 19:48:14 UTC] DeadMellox: but im not getting on tinychat ffs
[12/26/2012 19:48:23 UTC] maxQ: upload a vid
[12/26/2012 19:48:25 UTC] DeadMellox: dat shit cray
[12/26/2012 19:48:27 UTC] maxQ: threatening some fbi agents
[12/26/2012 19:48:29 UTC] maxQ: worked for bb
[12/26/2012 19:48:43 UTC] bbn: hi maxQ :)
[12/26/2012 19:48:49 UTC] DeadMellox: i hacked them wtf more do they want from me
[12/26/2012 19:48:57 UTC] maxQ: hay bbn :D
[12/26/2012 19:53:12 UTC] DeadMellox: this needs 2 be nr 1 top priority
[12/26/2012 19:53:19 UTC] DeadMellox: how to get me v&
[12/26/2012 20:00:51 UTC] maxQ: DeadMellox, i want some of the drugs you got for christmas
[12/26/2012 20:01:13 UTC] bbn: lol
[12/26/2012 20:02:31 UTC] DeadMellox: what has the world come to, if a guy cant get v& anymore.
[12/26/2012 20:05:03 UTC] bbn: but deadmellox why don't you ask it directly to the first cop you meet ?
[12/26/2012 20:06:43 UTC] DeadMellox: too awkward. i dont even know any cops.
[12/26/2012 20:07:09 UTC] DeadMellox: i thought about media whoring myself. that usually works for my self esteem.
[12/26/2012 20:07:38 UTC] bbn: :D
[12/26/2012 20:16:58 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: ok, i decided to make you v&, so please stop asking others and giving details; count on me :)
[12/26/2012 20:17:45 UTC] mama: bbn if you are at anonops tell lulzcart that he is invited here when he wants :D
[12/26/2012 20:19:00 UTC] DeadMellox: tell him i wanna get v& also.
[12/26/2012 20:19:10 UTC] mama: LOL no
[12/26/2012 20:19:20 UTC] bbn: ok mama i write it on anonops , lol deadmellox
[12/26/2012 20:19:43 UTC] DeadMellox: u gonna help m3 mama? awesmz
[12/26/2012 20:19:47 UTC] DeadMellox: :3
[12/26/2012 20:20:01 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: yes, yes, count on me
[12/26/2012 20:20:08 UTC] FLX: only lulzcat on annops
[12/26/2012 20:20:23 UTC] mama: but awaiting that, let's play with lulzcart :)
[12/26/2012 20:21:00 UTC] DeadMellox: hes not there mama
[12/26/2012 20:21:03 UTC] DeadMellox: prolly went to bed
[12/26/2012 20:21:18 UTC] FLX: or drunk
[12/26/2012 20:21:22 UTC] FLX: outside
[12/26/2012 20:21:25 UTC] mama: nah, he never sleeps nights
[12/26/2012 20:21:28 UTC] DeadMellox: his mommy wont let him after dark on irc
[12/26/2012 20:21:29 UTC] FLX: in the grass or snow
[12/26/2012 20:21:39 UTC] mama: LOL
[12/26/2012 20:22:17 UTC] mama: i feel you are all there as well haha
[12/26/2012 20:22:44 UTC] mama: Damn! i can not play there :s
[12/26/2012 20:22:51 UTC] bbn: he is inactive ... 00:52:03, do you want me to do it anywau mama ?
[12/26/2012 20:23:30 UTC] mama: O he will be back, you already posted the invitation, yes?
[12/26/2012 20:23:39 UTC] maxQ: yeah he is there, mama nah i idle on Anonops and the active people here are not active there
[12/26/2012 20:23:51 UTC] bbn: and all the chan is silent since 21.18
[12/26/2012 20:23:57 UTC] bbn: no i asked before
[12/26/2012 20:24:09 UTC] DeadMellox: ok cool
[12/26/2012 20:24:20 UTC] DeadMellox: tell him to bring some chinese noodles when he come over
[12/26/2012 20:24:23 UTC] DeadMellox: im hungry
[12/26/2012 20:24:27 UTC] bbn: lol
[12/26/2012 20:24:29 UTC] mama: i like that ppl see both chans and judge by themselves
[12/26/2012 20:24:29 UTC] DeadMellox: also i wanna get v&. btw
[12/26/2012 20:26:23 UTC] mama: haha, after our PR, they started talking to ppl for one week or so XD
[12/26/2012 20:26:40 UTC] mama: and got very active!
[12/26/2012 20:27:53 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: did you experienced jail before?
[12/26/2012 20:28:00 UTC] DeadMellox: no
[12/26/2012 20:28:09 UTC] DeadMellox: im white
[12/26/2012 20:28:15 UTC] maxinaQ: lol
[12/26/2012 20:28:34 UTC] pathfinder: ohh shi-
[12/26/2012 20:28:47 UTC] mama: LOLOLOLOL
[12/26/2012 20:29:35 UTC] mama: DeadMellox: jail is not pleasant at all, even for the basic human needs :(
[12/26/2012 20:29:52 UTC] DeadMellox: yeah i know, i dont think they have toilets over here
[12/26/2012 20:29:59 UTC] mama: it is not an hotel, even not an hospital
[12/26/2012 20:30:34 UTC] mama: yea, if you think to all these small details, you will change your mind
[12/26/2012 20:30:55 UTC] DeadMellox: not rly. when i set my mind to smth im gonna do it
[12/26/2012 20:32:03 UTC] mama: but if you didn't lose your mind, you can change its sets :s
[12/26/2012 20:32:14 UTC] mama: think to me :(
[12/26/2012 20:32:19 UTC] bbn: <lulzcart> thks but no
[12/26/2012 20:32:25 UTC] DeadMellox: fuck
[12/26/2012 20:32:28 UTC] mama: i will cry
[12/26/2012 20:32:29 UTC] DeadMellox: tell him about the noodles
[12/26/2012 20:33:05 UTC] mama: bbn tell him, it is because he was here before and DeadMellox would see him :D
[12/26/2012 20:33:08 UTC] d3v11: DeadMellox> also i wanna get v&. btw
[12/26/2012 20:33:14 UTC] d3v11: have you tried anonops?
[12/26/2012 20:33:18 UTC] DeadMellox: not yet
[12/26/2012 20:33:24 UTC] DeadMellox: im keepin it as a last resort
[12/26/2012 20:33:26 UTC] d3v11: i recommend :-)
[12/26/2012 20:33:33 UTC] DeadMellox: i dont wanna seem too desperate
[12/26/2012 20:33:42 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 20:33:54 UTC] DeadMellox: mama said would help though
[12/26/2012 20:33:57 UTC] DeadMellox: im counting on her
[12/26/2012 20:34:32 UTC] mama: yes, count on me
[12/26/2012 20:35:15 UTC] mama: i have only one condition, don't ask others
[12/26/2012 20:35:41 UTC] DeadMellox: i knew this hacker one time that got busted for cc and he tried to kill himself by hanging through his own shoelace in the cell.
[12/26/2012 20:35:50 UTC] DeadMellox: kk mama
[12/26/2012 20:35:54 UTC] DeadMellox: but why not?
[12/26/2012 20:36:18 UTC] mama: to be sure that it is me who helped you :D
[12/26/2012 20:36:26 UTC] DeadMellox: lol
[12/26/2012 20:36:27 UTC] mama: not others :D
[12/26/2012 20:36:49 UTC] DeadMellox: "to be sure that Interpol gets you and not the FBI..."
[12/26/2012 20:36:54 UTC] DeadMellox: ok
[12/26/2012 20:37:07 UTC] d3v11: lol what?
[12/26/2012 20:37:20 UTC] DeadMellox: exactly. shoelace
[12/26/2012 20:37:20 UTC] bbn: lulzcart> tell her to wear vinyl and i shall come... its the only way this is gonna be
[12/26/2012 20:37:38 UTC] DeadMellox: and u still didnt tell him to bring them noodles
[12/26/2012 20:42:22 UTC] mama: LOL bbn! did he don't know that all ladies here are in vinyl?? poor lulzcart!!
[12/26/2012 20:42:41 UTC] mama: i understand why he didn't join yet!
[12/26/2012 20:42:51 UTC] bbn: LOL mama
[12/26/2012 20:43:00 UTC] d3v11: is that part of the uniform?
[12/26/2012 20:43:29 UTC] maxQ: vinyl!?
[12/26/2012 20:43:33 UTC] maxQ: is that like latex?:P
[12/26/2012 20:43:45 UTC] d3v11: i think thats what they use in gimp suits
[12/26/2012 20:44:04 UTC] mama: yes d3v11!! even you, you don't know? damn!
[12/26/2012 20:44:45 UTC] d3v11: i wasn't given a dress code
[12/26/2012 20:45:21 UTC] mama: :)
[12/26/2012 20:45:27 UTC] d3v11: but i wore my necktie
[12/26/2012 20:45:37 UTC] d3v11: i like to be professional anyways
[12/26/2012 20:46:08 UTC] mama: k let's stop it
[12/26/2012 20:46:22 UTC] d3v11: the dress code?
[12/26/2012 20:47:25 UTC] mama: everything d3v11 :(
[12/26/2012 20:47:33 UTC] d3v11: im confused
[12/26/2012 20:56:10 UTC] mama: bbn: it was a joke, i am not personally intersted, it was because DeadMellox wanted to see lulzcart and was sad when he left
[12/26/2012 21:22:06 UTC] Shaggy: DRIVE BY HONEYPOT!!!
[12/26/2012 21:22:08 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/26/2012 21:22:13 UTC] Shaggy: Morning all <3
[12/26/2012 21:24:08 UTC] bbn: morning shaggy
[12/26/2012 21:30:05 UTC] Shaggy: need to shower
[12/26/2012 21:30:08 UTC] Shaggy: bbs
[12/26/2012 21:31:21 UTC] Ayumi: back
[12/26/2012 21:32:18 UTC] Ayumi: morning o whatever Shaggy
[12/26/2012 21:32:39 UTC] Ayumi: <3
[12/26/2012 21:34:51 UTC] hexahedron_: sweet now i can control hal9000
[12/26/2012 21:36:26 UTC] d3v11: Shaggy> need to shower
[12/26/2012 21:36:28 UTC] d3v11: i put it on the roster
[12/26/2012 22:06:13 UTC] Shaggy: loool
[12/26/2012 22:06:20 UTC] Shaggy: d3v11 <3
[12/26/2012 22:06:32 UTC] Shaggy: Ayumi <3
[12/26/2012 22:06:37 UTC] Shaggy: All og you <3
[12/26/2012 22:06:39 UTC] Shaggy: *of
[12/26/2012 22:06:52 UTC] Ayumi: <3
[12/26/2012 22:07:47 UTC] maxQ: mmmmister lova lova
[12/26/2012 22:07:48 UTC] maxQ: mmmm
[12/26/2012 22:08:02 UTC] maxQ: what i think everytime i see your nick ;p
[12/26/2012 22:13:14 UTC] Sage: Does anyone know about Project Mayhem?
[12/26/2012 22:16:59 UTC] pathfinder: it is a terrorist and lulzy orgaisation featured as part of the plot in the film "Fight Club"
[12/26/2012 22:17:13 UTC] pathfinder: organisation*
[12/26/2012 22:17:29 UTC] bbn: lol
[12/26/2012 22:19:24 UTC] lulzPrincess: Hello room!
[12/26/2012 22:19:54 UTC] bbn: hi lulzprincess :)
[12/26/2012 22:20:02 UTC] lulzPrincess: hi bbn :)
[12/26/2012 22:20:12 UTC] lulzPrincess: quiet in here
[12/26/2012 22:20:25 UTC] pathfinder: CharlieWong, be polite
[12/26/2012 22:20:31 UTC] pathfinder: say hello when someone enters
[12/26/2012 22:20:37 UTC] lulzPrincess: Hi pathfinder!
[12/26/2012 22:20:49 UTC] Shaggy: {PRINCESS!!
[12/26/2012 22:20:54 UTC] pathfinder: lol hi there
[12/26/2012 22:20:56 UTC] Shaggy: Been too long
[12/26/2012 22:21:34 UTC] lulzPrincess: Shaggy .. My true love <333
[12/26/2012 22:22:32 UTC] lulzPrincess: yes it is me the missing one herself
[12/26/2012 22:23:10 UTC] Shaggy: So I got a seriously butt her chick with a dick on my ass
[12/26/2012 22:23:10 UTC] mama: lulzPrincess: LOVE!!!
[12/26/2012 22:23:10 UTC] Shaggy: LOLOL
[12/26/2012 22:23:10 UTC] Shaggy: Asshurtmacfags
[12/26/2012 22:23:16 UTC] lulzPrincess: rofl
[12/26/2012 22:23:22 UTC] Shaggy: *butthurt
[12/26/2012 22:23:27 UTC] Shaggy: fuck keyboard
[12/26/2012 22:23:30 UTC] lulzPrincess: lol
[12/26/2012 22:23:47 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 22:23:54 UTC] Shaggy: Yes she is hella jealous of my hair
[12/26/2012 22:24:20 UTC] lulzPrincess: the locks
[12/26/2012 22:24:38 UTC] pathfinder: ,tw shaggytheangel
[12/26/2012 22:24:46 UTC] CharlieWong: ANON FAMILY VIRAL THIS HELP REUNITE A 5yo GIRL WITH HER MUM … … #OpFREEAishah #UNTILSHESHOME!!! (@shaggytheangel)
[12/26/2012 22:24:57 UTC] pathfinder: hmmmm
[12/26/2012 22:25:09 UTC] pathfinder: why u no TS tweet?
[12/26/2012 22:25:19 UTC] Shaggy: TS?
[12/26/2012 22:25:27 UTC] pathfinder: trans sexual
[12/26/2012 22:25:45 UTC] Shaggy: Still confused
[12/26/2012 22:26:01 UTC] lulzPrincess: TS ?? whats with the chat
[12/26/2012 22:26:22 UTC] pathfinder: @shaggy the angel = Damn tgirls jelly of my locks
[12/26/2012 22:26:37 UTC] pathfinder: then something like #Toni7Guy
[12/26/2012 22:27:09 UTC] Shaggy: ,tw celliottjones
[12/26/2012 22:27:17 UTC] pathfinder: just rambling
[12/26/2012 22:27:19 UTC] CharlieWong: There are some serious butt hurt feds on the internet... (@celliottjones)
[12/26/2012 22:27:25 UTC] Shaggy: loool
[12/26/2012 22:27:25 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 22:27:32 UTC] Shaggy: SHE RE TWEETED THAT!!!
[12/26/2012 22:27:35 UTC] pathfinder: ,tw nottjmiller
[12/26/2012 22:27:44 UTC] CharlieWong: “@CaptainWenbie: like to share picture my friend drew i think you'll appreciate” Really combines several (@nottjmiller)
[12/26/2012 22:28:28 UTC] Shaggy: inb4iGetHackedAgain
[12/26/2012 22:28:29 UTC] Shaggy: -_-
[12/26/2012 22:29:23 UTC] pathfinder: ,tw DougStanhope
[12/26/2012 22:29:31 UTC] CharlieWong: RT @ZenoPSU: " @DougStanhope mentioned u on the JRE that u helped him with his nut. thought it was cool to hear." Way cool. Love that guy (@DougStanhope)
[12/26/2012 22:29:46 UTC] pathfinder: hmmm
[12/26/2012 22:29:50 UTC] pathfinder: not so good this time
[12/26/2012 22:31:39 UTC] Shaggy: ah well, I gotta shut down for a second
[12/26/2012 22:31:51 UTC] Shaggy: Needs more observation
[12/26/2012 22:31:52 UTC] lulzPrincess: OK shaggy .. I have to run out for abit .. catch you soon <3
[12/26/2012 22:32:29 UTC] Shaggy: Come in here whenever
[12/26/2012 22:32:45 UTC] Shaggy: i'm trying to stay off twitter a bit for observations
[12/26/2012 22:32:45 UTC] lulzPrincess: next week I will "active" again.... justSayin
[12/26/2012 22:32:50 UTC] Shaggy: getting to konw my enemies :P
[12/26/2012 22:32:59 UTC] lulzPrincess: very nice
[12/26/2012 22:33:00 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 22:33:20 UTC] pathfinder: take it easy man
[12/26/2012 22:33:21 UTC] Shaggy: brb
[12/26/2012 22:33:25 UTC] bbn: nite all :)
[12/26/2012 22:33:36 UTC] pathfinder: night
[12/26/2012 22:33:37 UTC] *** lulzPrincess hugs Shaggy before he runs out of the room ***
[12/26/2012 22:33:43 UTC] Shaggy: <3
[12/26/2012 22:33:43 UTC] lulzPrincess: ciao all <333
[12/26/2012 22:43:02 UTC] LulzCat: What happened to Eto?
[12/26/2012 22:43:03 UTC] LulzCat: :'(
[12/26/2012 22:43:18 UTC] LulzCat: Ohai Ayumi :3
[12/26/2012 22:43:49 UTC] mama: I killed him!
[12/26/2012 22:44:12 UTC] *** Ayumi huggles LulzCat ***
[12/26/2012 22:44:32 UTC] LulzCat: ^__^
[12/26/2012 22:44:39 UTC] *** LulzCat huggles Ayumi ***
[12/26/2012 22:44:43 UTC] Ayumi: sweeeet :3
[12/26/2012 22:44:51 UTC] trax: Morning all...
[12/26/2012 22:46:44 UTC] mama: Morning trax :)
[12/26/2012 22:47:09 UTC] LulzCat: Ohai trax
[12/26/2012 22:47:12 UTC] LulzCat: morning mama <3
[12/26/2012 22:47:31 UTC] trax: Hi mama, LulzCat, very warm here today...
[12/26/2012 22:47:34 UTC] *** LulzCat stares at trax. ***
[12/26/2012 22:47:41 UTC] LulzCat: trax: Are you aussie?
[12/26/2012 22:47:57 UTC] trax: Yes I am....
[12/26/2012 22:48:22 UTC] LulzCat: d0x confirmed.
[12/26/2012 22:49:59 UTC] mama: Morning LulzCat :D <3
[12/26/2012 22:50:20 UTC] LulzCat: mama: <3 <3
[12/26/2012 22:50:20 UTC] mama: LOLOL
[12/26/2012 22:50:35 UTC] trax: U dox me?
[12/26/2012 22:50:35 UTC] mama: <3 you LulzCat :)
[12/26/2012 22:50:45 UTC] trax: 8-P
[12/26/2012 22:50:47 UTC] *** LulzCat huggles mama. ***
[12/26/2012 22:51:24 UTC] *** mama huggles LulzCat back ***
[12/26/2012 22:51:32 UTC] LulzCat: Yes. :P
[12/26/2012 22:53:33 UTC] trax: Ok so what did u find out...
[12/26/2012 23:03:17 UTC] Sage: pathfinder : This project mayhem -> not fight club
[12/26/2012 23:03:23 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Exposing the lies and drama of secret societies - Project Mayhem ]
[12/26/2012 23:05:05 UTC] Sage: hey mama, you there?
[12/26/2012 23:05:41 UTC] pathfinder: oh, you mean that fail op from a few days ago?
[12/26/2012 23:06:09 UTC] mama: yes Sage
[12/26/2012 23:06:34 UTC] Sage: can i pm?
[12/26/2012 23:06:38 UTC] mama: reading the PR
[12/26/2012 23:06:42 UTC] pathfinder: the one where one of the project leaders released the software too early so compiling and beta testing hadnt been fully carried out? where all of the followers were dumping their access keys and IP addresses everywhere so there was 0 security left?
[12/26/2012 23:06:44 UTC] mama: sure Sage
[12/26/2012 23:06:47 UTC] pathfinder: you must mean that one
[12/26/2012 23:06:49 UTC] pathfinder: lulz
[12/26/2012 23:07:14 UTC] Sage: pathfinder, the op failed? Were did you get that info?
[12/26/2012 23:07:20 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 23:07:31 UTC] Sage: I've about 50 comments on the blog asking for more info, I dont know anything about it.
[12/26/2012 23:07:36 UTC] pathfinder: i was the one shouting at everyone in that IRC room for being so retarded
[12/26/2012 23:07:54 UTC] pathfinder: then i spoke to the software dev behind diskord and the retroshare framework build
[12/26/2012 23:07:54 UTC] Sage: What's the irc room for the op?
[12/26/2012 23:08:00 UTC] pathfinder: was retarded
[12/26/2012 23:08:08 UTC] pathfinder: well, it will be dropped soon
[12/26/2012 23:08:14 UTC] pathfinder: so i wouldnt bother going there
[12/26/2012 23:08:32 UTC] Sage: I want to answer all the people who want more information :)
[12/26/2012 23:08:49 UTC] Sage: It's what #AnonRelations do
[12/26/2012 23:08:54 UTC] d3v11: mama and i are discussing books
[12/26/2012 23:09:19 UTC] pathfinder: well, here's all the info you need = it is no longer a secure op, everyone has raped any security anonymity measures because the organisers didnt educate the masses who flooded this and other places
[12/26/2012 23:10:02 UTC] pathfinder: people put their PGP keys and their PORT FORWARDED IP ADDRESSES on fucking facebook
[12/26/2012 23:10:07 UTC] pathfinder: i woudl stay well clear of it
[12/26/2012 23:10:17 UTC] pathfinder: i am NOT your source in this
[12/26/2012 23:10:31 UTC] pathfinder: im tired of people saying i am 'anon' when i am not
[12/26/2012 23:10:40 UTC] pathfinder: i just sit back and laugh at the ineptitude
[12/26/2012 23:11:14 UTC] pathfinder: and shout at people who annoy me by being retarded
[12/26/2012 23:11:38 UTC] Sage: thanks for the monologue :p
[12/26/2012 23:11:44 UTC] Sage: I just asked what the IRC room was
[12/26/2012 23:11:49 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 23:11:51 UTC] pathfinder: feel free
[12/26/2012 23:12:02 UTC] pathfinder: how dangerous it is to be idling around there though
[12/26/2012 23:12:10 UTC] pathfinder: what with the huge amount of fail there is
[12/26/2012 23:12:18 UTC] pathfinder: #OpTyler
[12/26/2012 23:12:20 UTC] d3v11: lolol
[12/26/2012 23:12:20 UTC] Sage: thanks for the warning
[12/26/2012 23:12:23 UTC] pathfinder: knock yourself out
[12/26/2012 23:12:24 UTC] Hatmann: not dangerous.
[12/26/2012 23:12:31 UTC] Hatmann: unless d3v11 finds out who you are.
[12/26/2012 23:12:38 UTC] Hatmann: dont click links.
[12/26/2012 23:12:48 UTC] pathfinder: well, if feds float around, they have the idiots doxing themselves for them in there
[12/26/2012 23:12:51 UTC] d3v11: wb faust :-)
[12/26/2012 23:12:53 UTC] pathfinder: and on pastebin
[12/26/2012 23:13:20 UTC] pathfinder: fucking random anonymous operations, ruins it for us non-participants who like a good laugh
[12/26/2012 23:14:01 UTC] d3v11: pathfinder: were they using retroshare?
[12/26/2012 23:14:29 UTC] Hatmann: retroshare is not safe enough.
[12/26/2012 23:14:57 UTC] Hatmann: we need a hyperredundant hivebased webcloud.
[12/26/2012 23:14:58 UTC] Hatmann: every viewer is also a server.
[12/26/2012 23:14:58 UTC] Hatmann: it must be unstoppable.
[12/26/2012 23:15:13 UTC] pathfinder: d3v11: i heard something like that but i have no idea really
[12/26/2012 23:15:56 UTC] pathfinder: i stay out of 'anonymous' operations
[12/26/2012 23:15:56 UTC] d3v11: i recommend suggest other software ;-)
[12/26/2012 23:15:56 UTC] Hatmann: its not made yet d3.
[12/26/2012 23:15:56 UTC] pathfinder: i just idle here and spam against idiots wherever they are
[12/26/2012 23:15:57 UTC] d3v11: it's not made yet and it already has 15.2mb of bloatware?
[12/26/2012 23:15:57 UTC] mama: Hatmann: hi, i posted you yesterday a page that answer this need
[12/26/2012 23:16:03 UTC] d3v11: that's really bad
[12/26/2012 23:16:09 UTC] Hatmann: yes mama.
[12/26/2012 23:16:12 UTC] mama:
[12/26/2012 23:16:25 UTC] CharlieWong: [ contact-join ]
[12/26/2012 23:17:07 UTC] Hatmann: looks like a good chance of finding a good one there thanks :D
[12/26/2012 23:17:11 UTC] Hatmann: bookmarked gotta go.
[12/26/2012 23:17:28 UTC] d3v11: Hatmann> unless d3v11 finds out who you are.
[12/26/2012 23:17:34 UTC] d3v11: my coffee is actually quite pleasant
[12/26/2012 23:20:38 UTC] mama: Hatmann: d3v11 is a part of #anonet project and that is what exactly we need to preserve our anonymity and spread our ideas beyond some IRCs
[12/26/2012 23:21:44 UTC] Hatmann: regardless he has an obsession with seperating people and stopping discussion.
[12/26/2012 23:21:58 UTC] Hatmann: just becuase people are part of good groups doesnt mean they are not infiltrating them to disrupt.
[12/26/2012 23:22:20 UTC] Hatmann: however i dont know d3 well enough to know for sure.
[12/26/2012 23:22:25 UTC] Hatmann: he could have been drugged up or drunk.
[12/26/2012 23:23:58 UTC] mama: Hatmann: yes, he makes us suffering for his disorders, but he is very skilled and love to help
[12/26/2012 23:24:08 UTC] mama: loves*
[12/26/2012 23:24:25 UTC] pathfinder: well i have mental disorders
[12/26/2012 23:24:31 UTC] pathfinder: no one suffers from mine
[12/26/2012 23:24:36 UTC] pathfinder: no one on IRC nyway
[12/26/2012 23:24:48 UTC] pathfinder: except d3v11 who i was shouting at the other day
[12/26/2012 23:24:52 UTC] pathfinder: not linked however
[12/26/2012 23:25:14 UTC] pathfinder: whom*
[12/26/2012 23:25:42 UTC] mama: LOL disorders knocking disorders it was funny!!
[12/26/2012 23:25:45 UTC] mama: hahahahaha
[12/26/2012 23:25:54 UTC] d3v11: he's angry about gold
[12/26/2012 23:26:07 UTC] pathfinder: ?
[12/26/2012 23:26:10 UTC] pathfinder: gold?
[12/26/2012 23:26:14 UTC] pathfinder: wasnt me
[12/26/2012 23:27:40 UTC] d3v11: i understand. a lot of people are confused about the real value of gold or its practical applications
[12/26/2012 23:27:58 UTC] pathfinder: well, i wasnt debating gold as i remember
[12/26/2012 23:28:04 UTC] d3v11: religious people often experience difficulties with coming back to reality
[12/26/2012 23:28:10 UTC] d3v11: i mean faust
[12/26/2012 23:28:27 UTC] pathfinder: ohh
[12/26/2012 23:28:33 UTC] pathfinder: hge's religious?
[12/26/2012 23:28:33 UTC] d3v11: lol hey that was a double entendre
[12/26/2012 23:28:38 UTC] pathfinder: another disorder then
[12/26/2012 23:29:22 UTC] d3v11: possibly, maybe it fits into some of his other financial based pathology theories
[12/26/2012 23:29:34 UTC] pathfinder: hmmm
[12/26/2012 23:29:35 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 23:29:53 UTC] pathfinder: aspergers, ASPD, being religious
[12/26/2012 23:30:03 UTC] d3v11: lol what?
[12/26/2012 23:30:15 UTC] pathfinder: well actually religiousness is more a mental illness than a personality disorder
[12/26/2012 23:30:29 UTC] d3v11: i tend to agree
[12/26/2012 23:30:35 UTC] pathfinder: its kind of both really
[12/26/2012 23:30:54 UTC] pathfinder: depending on how dogmatic the religious are, they become like the people preaching on mounts
[12/26/2012 23:31:32 UTC] pathfinder: well mama said you have some disorder
[12/26/2012 23:31:35 UTC] pathfinder: as do I
[12/26/2012 23:31:40 UTC] pathfinder: and faust is religious
[12/26/2012 23:31:51 UTC] pathfinder: 3 un normal people who argue
[12/26/2012 23:31:51 UTC] pathfinder: sorry
[12/26/2012 23:31:52 UTC] pathfinder: debate
[12/26/2012 23:31:56 UTC] pathfinder: on IRC
[12/26/2012 23:32:24 UTC] mama: lol not faust d3v11, Hatmann :p
[12/26/2012 23:32:24 UTC] hexahedron_: im calling for gold manipulation leakz
[12/26/2012 23:32:35 UTC] d3v11: hatmann == faust
[12/26/2012 23:32:49 UTC] pathfinder: religion is normal aparently, but it should be seen not to be?
[12/26/2012 23:33:22 UTC] mama: no d3v11 not at all :p
[12/26/2012 23:33:30 UTC] d3v11: lol, k
[12/26/2012 23:33:48 UTC] hexahedron_: some aspects of religion are virtuous like morals and brotherhood
[12/26/2012 23:34:05 UTC] pathfinder: imagine, if you believe that muttering phrases in greek over cornflakes and they turn into elvis, well, people say "you're insane" but if you think muttering latin over a cracker turns it into the body of the son of a deity, they say "you're catholic"
[12/26/2012 23:35:24 UTC] hexahedron_: some things cannot be explained by science but are believed to be true so people make up imaginary reasons
[12/26/2012 23:35:36 UTC] d3v11: lololol
[12/26/2012 23:36:12 UTC] pathfinder: cannot be explained by science......yet
[12/26/2012 23:36:22 UTC] hexahedron_: anyone ever read the autobiography of a yogi
[12/26/2012 23:36:24 UTC] hexahedron_: its pretty wild
[12/26/2012 23:36:53 UTC] pathfinder: science is merely the study of phenomena that exist whether science has discovered its process yet or not
[12/26/2012 23:37:01 UTC] pathfinder: those things still exist
[12/26/2012 23:37:31 UTC] hexahedron_: true
[12/26/2012 23:37:48 UTC] pathfinder: Gravity still existed before its discovery
[12/26/2012 23:37:56 UTC] pathfinder: we just named it and tried to explain it
[12/26/2012 23:38:04 UTC] pathfinder: and that explanation improves over time
[12/26/2012 23:38:27 UTC] pathfinder: and funnily enough there will be a MASSIVE shift in the science community as to whats going on with gravity soon enough
[12/26/2012 23:38:34 UTC] pathfinder: i digress
[12/26/2012 23:38:38 UTC] hexahedron_: which was kind of my point where you have things like heaven hell karma sounds like bullshit but they could be actual locales in other dimensions and quantum phenomena
[12/26/2012 23:38:48 UTC] mama: hexahedron_: morals are not necessary human values, they could be the contrary of these universal values
[12/26/2012 23:39:12 UTC] hexahedron_: mama do you mean our morals are dictated by our laws?
[12/26/2012 23:39:16 UTC] pathfinder: well, morals = current view of society
[12/26/2012 23:39:25 UTC] hexahedron_: i wonder about that a lot
[12/26/2012 23:39:25 UTC] pathfinder: no universaql morality exists
[12/26/2012 23:39:37 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/26/2012 23:39:54 UTC] hexahedron_: like if i lived in some utopian society would i be appaled at the things i do that are selfish
[12/26/2012 23:40:06 UTC] hexahedron_: and vice versa if i was a barbarian would i be raping and shit
[12/26/2012 23:40:08 UTC] mama: i mean our morals are dictated by religious and power interests, yes
[12/26/2012 23:40:09 UTC] pathfinder: elvis wasnt arrested for paedophilia when he had priscilla move in at 14 years old, because there wasnt really any view on the subject too much
[12/26/2012 23:40:14 UTC] Shaggy: You guise trying to figure out the secrets to the universe?
[12/26/2012 23:40:44 UTC] pathfinder: it wasnt immoral to beat bonded workers on cotton farms in the 30s, way after the so called abolition of slavery
[12/26/2012 23:41:02 UTC] hexahedron_: pathfinder what is your theory on gravity
[12/26/2012 23:41:16 UTC] pathfinder: Shaggy, heres the secret: human existence is meaningless to the rest of the universe
[12/26/2012 23:41:20 UTC] pathfinder: no great mystery
[12/26/2012 23:41:22 UTC] hexahedron_: did you see the new type of magnetism discovered a couple weeks back
[12/26/2012 23:41:27 UTC] hexahedron_: MIT
[12/26/2012 23:41:30 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 23:41:36 UTC] pathfinder: wasnt MIT im on about
[12/26/2012 23:42:14 UTC] mama: hexahedron_: i mean our morals are dictated by religious and power interests, yes
[12/26/2012 23:42:15 UTC] Shaggy: no duh
[12/26/2012 23:42:15 UTC] pathfinder: there are suggestions from the physics world of electryicity playing a far bigger role in such theories than previously thought
[12/26/2012 23:42:21 UTC] pathfinder: my areas are bio and chem though
[12/26/2012 23:42:22 UTC] Shaggy: aliens are laughing at us guise
[12/26/2012 23:42:24 UTC] pathfinder: so dont ask me
[12/26/2012 23:42:25 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 23:42:32 UTC] Shaggy: Thats why they have bigger heads
[12/26/2012 23:43:08 UTC] hexahedron_: haha well id like to have a boxing match with an alien
[12/26/2012 23:43:22 UTC] Shaggy: It
[12/26/2012 23:43:23 UTC] Shaggy: s
[12/26/2012 23:43:24 UTC] pathfinder: the notion that humans are meaningful as a species, outside of their own individual meaning-subjected interactions
[12/26/2012 23:43:25 UTC] Shaggy: all
[12/26/2012 23:43:30 UTC] pathfinder: is ridiculous
[12/26/2012 23:43:30 UTC] pathfinder: and arrogant tbh
[12/26/2012 23:43:31 UTC] hexahedron_: 1st round KO nite nite grayboy
[12/26/2012 23:43:37 UTC] Shaggy: coming down to the basic of compassion and caring
[12/26/2012 23:43:45 UTC] Shaggy: loose that, human race will die
[12/26/2012 23:43:57 UTC] Shaggy: *basic's
[12/26/2012 23:44:04 UTC] pathfinder: you subject your meaning in your own life to give it meaning, but without that
[12/26/2012 23:44:04 UTC] Shaggy: Nothing else matters but emotion
[12/26/2012 23:44:07 UTC] Shaggy: what drives us
[12/26/2012 23:44:12 UTC] pathfinder: life is a meaningless random event
[12/26/2012 23:44:22 UTC] Shaggy:
[12/26/2012 23:44:24 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/26/2012 23:44:45 UTC] hexahedron_: i will say ive yet to hear of the buddhist mass shooter
[12/26/2012 23:44:53 UTC] pathfinder: and 4 billion years from now, when the andromeda galaxy crashes into ours (which it will), we will not be there to see it
[12/26/2012 23:45:07 UTC] hexahedron_: hell no ill be on tau ceti 4
[12/26/2012 23:45:19 UTC] Operateur: /join #vhost
[12/26/2012 23:45:20 UTC] pathfinder: we will be as extinct as 99.9% of species this planet has seen so far, already are
[12/26/2012 23:45:24 UTC] hexahedron_: actually i guess that wouldnt do much good
[12/26/2012 23:45:26 UTC] hexahedron_: lol
[12/26/2012 23:45:44 UTC] Shaggy: Sucks being us huh?
[12/26/2012 23:45:49 UTC] Shaggy: haha!
[12/26/2012 23:45:52 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/26/2012 23:45:52 UTC] pathfinder: well not really
[12/26/2012 23:45:55 UTC] hexahedron_: im making a beeline for orions belt
[12/26/2012 23:46:01 UTC] Shaggy: Born with no choice
[12/26/2012 23:46:28 UTC] pathfinder: i fucking love living, with my disabled body and 40^ eyesight left in one eye = its irrelevant
[12/26/2012 23:46:46 UTC] pathfinder: i see grandchildren in front of me, I have emotion and feeling
[12/26/2012 23:46:54 UTC] pathfinder: doesnt mean there is a universal meaning
[12/26/2012 23:46:55 UTC] pathfinder: but fuck it
[12/26/2012 23:47:00 UTC] pathfinder: doesnt bother me anymore
[12/26/2012 23:47:04 UTC] hexahedron_: pathfinder did you see the theory of starwater
[12/26/2012 23:47:07 UTC] hexahedron_: thougth that was interesting
[12/26/2012 23:47:17 UTC] pathfinder: no cant say i have
[12/26/2012 23:47:43 UTC] hexahedron_: instead of water coming from comets the theory is that it comes from the sun into the upper atmosphere of planets
[12/26/2012 23:47:57 UTC] pathfinder: hmmm
[12/26/2012 23:47:59 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 23:48:14 UTC] pathfinder: every single atom in our solar system came from the sun
[12/26/2012 23:48:20 UTC] Shaggy: starwater?
[12/26/2012 23:48:26 UTC] pathfinder: including every molecule of ever cell in your body
[12/26/2012 23:48:33 UTC] Shaggy: is that what the aliens are taking from the sun?
[12/26/2012 23:49:04 UTC] pathfinder: i dont somehow think water arrives in our atmosphere from outside our atmosphere
[12/26/2012 23:49:24 UTC] pathfinder: indeed research data doesnt sugest that at all historically
[12/26/2012 23:50:00 UTC] pathfinder: i mean we had no water en masse as it is known now until oxuygen suddenly increased in our atmosphere
[12/26/2012 23:50:10 UTC] pathfinder: long time ago
[12/26/2012 23:50:17 UTC] pathfinder: and at the time killing almost everything around lol
[12/26/2012 23:50:50 UTC] hexahedron_: the comet theory isnt holding water lol
[12/26/2012 23:51:01 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 23:51:03 UTC] pathfinder: it isnt
[12/26/2012 23:51:16 UTC] pathfinder: ,w the great oxygenation event
[12/26/2012 23:51:20 UTC] hexahedron_: especially since water is being found on almost every planetary body now
[12/26/2012 23:51:25 UTC] CharlieWong: "The Great Oxygenation Event (GOE), also called the Oxygen Catastrophe or Oxygen Crisis or Great Oxidation, was the biologically induced appearance of free oxygen (O2) in Earth's atmosphere." -
[12/26/2012 23:51:26 UTC] hexahedron_: mars moon pluto etc
[12/26/2012 23:51:54 UTC] pathfinder: before that, water wasnt that common
[12/26/2012 23:52:01 UTC] pathfinder: well there is hydrogen all over
[12/26/2012 23:52:17 UTC] Shaggy: ,tw shaggytheangel
[12/26/2012 23:52:19 UTC] pathfinder: if theres hydrogen and oxygen, there will be water under the right conditions
[12/26/2012 23:52:23 UTC] pathfinder: not a big deal really
[12/26/2012 23:52:30 UTC] CharlieWong: Free Shipping on all US orders through midnight tomorrow. Must use promo code AFTER at checkout. (@shaggytheangel)
[12/26/2012 23:53:36 UTC] pathfinder: one planetary body is covered in BURNING ICE
[12/26/2012 23:53:37 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 23:53:47 UTC] pathfinder: ,g Gliese 436
[12/26/2012 23:53:48 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 23:54:04 UTC] Shaggy: Atleast I fucking promote a a good cause
[12/26/2012 23:54:09 UTC] Shaggy: FREE SHIPPING!!
[12/26/2012 23:54:18 UTC] pathfinder: i dont know how ive rambled so far into this
[12/26/2012 23:54:20 UTC] Shaggy: COME ON CAN'T BEAT THAT!!
[12/26/2012 23:54:25 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 23:54:29 UTC] hexahedron_: oo
[12/26/2012 23:54:49 UTC] hexahedron_: shaggy what is the cause
[12/26/2012 23:54:55 UTC] pathfinder: ,g Gliese 436b
[12/26/2012 23:54:57 UTC] pathfinder: i mean
[12/26/2012 23:54:58 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 23:54:59 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 23:55:07 UTC] Shaggy: To Write Love On Her Arms
[12/26/2012 23:55:07 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/26/2012 23:55:51 UTC] hexahedron_: earth is very unique because of its long year
[12/26/2012 23:56:19 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 23:56:22 UTC] pathfinder: dont think so
[12/26/2012 23:56:28 UTC] hexahedron_: serious
[12/26/2012 23:56:29 UTC] pathfinder: plutos year is far longer
[12/26/2012 23:56:33 UTC] Shaggy: You all are going to need suicide prevention
[12/26/2012 23:56:34 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/26/2012 23:56:34 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/26/2012 23:56:36 UTC] pathfinder: and mars's
[12/26/2012 23:56:49 UTC] pathfinder: and every other planet further from the sun than ours
[12/26/2012 23:56:53 UTC] hexahedron_: ok ok
[12/26/2012 23:57:08 UTC] hexahedron_: you got me there but check the orbits of other exoplanets that arent in our system
[12/26/2012 23:57:14 UTC] hexahedron_: i guess i should have said our system is very unique
[12/26/2012 23:57:39 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 23:57:59 UTC] pathfinder: our system is the only as far as our eyes see so far that has life-allowing conditions
[12/26/2012 23:58:02 UTC] pathfinder: thats pretty cool
[12/26/2012 23:58:49 UTC] Shaggy: Whats your course of studies?
[12/27/2012 00:01:21 UTC] pathfinder: ??
[12/27/2012 00:01:25 UTC] pathfinder: course of studies?
[12/27/2012 00:01:30 UTC] pathfinder: havent studied for a while
[12/27/2012 00:01:32 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:02:16 UTC] pathfinder: i assume you mean my academic background/trainings
[12/27/2012 00:02:21 UTC] pathfinder: education even
[12/27/2012 00:02:22 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:02:32 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/27/2012 00:02:46 UTC] pathfinder: WONG get out of here
[12/27/2012 00:03:22 UTC] mama: Wong is funny :)
[12/27/2012 00:03:55 UTC] pathfinder: hey wong
[12/27/2012 00:03:57 UTC] pathfinder: argh
[12/27/2012 00:03:58 UTC] pathfinder: argh
[12/27/2012 00:04:03 UTC] pathfinder: argh
[12/27/2012 00:04:08 UTC] pathfinder: come on
[12/27/2012 00:04:18 UTC] pathfinder: rofl
[12/27/2012 00:05:31 UTC] mama: hey Wong
[12/27/2012 00:05:36 UTC] Shaggy: Yes
[12/27/2012 00:05:48 UTC] pathfinder: biology/chemistry
[12/27/2012 00:06:02 UTC] pathfinder: hey CharlieWong
[12/27/2012 00:06:04 UTC] CharlieWong: Hi pathfinder!
[12/27/2012 00:06:07 UTC] pathfinder: how are you?
[12/27/2012 00:06:23 UTC] pathfinder: CharlieWong: hoe are you?
[12/27/2012 00:06:39 UTC] pathfinder: CharlieWong: how are you
[12/27/2012 00:06:47 UTC] pathfinder: damn it
[12/27/2012 00:07:08 UTC] d3v11: CharlieWong: how are you?
[12/27/2012 00:07:21 UTC] d3v11: funny
[12/27/2012 00:07:52 UTC] pathfinder: he's moody
[12/27/2012 00:07:58 UTC] pathfinder: only answers now and then
[12/27/2012 00:08:10 UTC] d3v11: ah, randrange
[12/27/2012 00:08:17 UTC] pathfinder: yes
[12/27/2012 00:08:24 UTC] pathfinder: with a low limit
[12/27/2012 00:08:29 UTC] pathfinder: about 0.2
[12/27/2012 00:08:40 UTC] pathfinder: should increase it for lulz
[12/27/2012 00:08:50 UTC] pathfinder: and add lots more responses
[12/27/2012 00:09:06 UTC] mama: Ayumi: do you still in ploni's server on jabber?
[12/27/2012 00:09:24 UTC] d3v11: if the bot doesn't respond except when explicitly queried then it shouldn't matter the limit
[12/27/2012 00:10:12 UTC] Ayumi: mama, not now
[12/27/2012 00:10:40 UTC] mama: Ayumi: i can not connect there, can you just try?
[12/27/2012 00:10:52 UTC] Ayumi: yeah, give me a sec
[12/27/2012 00:10:57 UTC] Shaggy:
[12/27/2012 00:10:59 UTC] Shaggy: HLY SHIT
[12/27/2012 00:11:00 UTC] Shaggy: HOLY SHIT
[12/27/2012 00:11:02 UTC] Shaggy: HOLT SAFSFASOUF HDFS
[12/27/2012 00:11:02 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Anti Obama site hacked, defaced and data leaked ]
[12/27/2012 00:11:03 UTC] Shaggy: SHIIIIT!!!
[12/27/2012 00:11:04 UTC] mama: ty <3
[12/27/2012 00:11:05 UTC] Shaggy: THE US!
[12/27/2012 00:11:07 UTC] Shaggy: WTF
[12/27/2012 00:11:20 UTC] Shaggy: That GameOverVirus is a US operation
[12/27/2012 00:11:23 UTC] Shaggy: Gov most likely
[12/27/2012 00:11:30 UTC] Shaggy: WOW!
[12/27/2012 00:11:37 UTC] Shaggy: They ain't fucking around here
[12/27/2012 00:11:42 UTC] Ayumi: mama, I can't neither
[12/27/2012 00:12:12 UTC] mama: hmm, i lost a friend contact! damn!
[12/27/2012 00:12:27 UTC] mama: ty Ayumi <3
[12/27/2012 00:12:33 UTC] Ayumi: np <3
[12/27/2012 00:13:28 UTC] Ayumi: anyway I think that I can contact with Ploni If you need something
[12/27/2012 00:13:32 UTC] pathfinder: d3v11
[12/27/2012 00:13:36 UTC] d3v11: ?
[12/27/2012 00:13:36 UTC] pathfinder: yes i understand
[12/27/2012 00:13:47 UTC] pathfinder: but he has very few direcdt queries
[12/27/2012 00:14:04 UTC] pathfinder: most of it's talk is rand
[12/27/2012 00:14:14 UTC] pathfinder: response by limit to things like
[12/27/2012 00:14:15 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:14:17 UTC] pathfinder: lolwat
[12/27/2012 00:14:18 UTC] pathfinder: argh
[12/27/2012 00:14:21 UTC] CharlieWong: rofl
[12/27/2012 00:14:21 UTC] mama: Ayumi: i have a friend that my only contact with him was by jabber on ploni's server
[12/27/2012 00:14:26 UTC] pathfinder: see
[12/27/2012 00:14:27 UTC] mama: damn it!
[12/27/2012 00:14:40 UTC] d3v11: similar from old d3v11b0t
[12/27/2012 00:14:52 UTC] pathfinder: if limit was 1, then he would interject all of them
[12/27/2012 00:15:01 UTC] pathfinder: that was py?
[12/27/2012 00:15:04 UTC] Ayumi: mama, hmmm, ok
[12/27/2012 00:15:06 UTC] d3v11: right
[12/27/2012 00:15:22 UTC] pathfinder: there are some direct query response yes
[12/27/2012 00:15:22 UTC] d3v11: but d3v11b0t == udpmsg4 bot
[12/27/2012 00:15:24 UTC] pathfinder: but not enough
[12/27/2012 00:15:47 UTC] pathfinder: ah okay
[12/27/2012 00:16:06 UTC] pathfinder: hmmm
[12/27/2012 00:16:20 UTC] pathfinder: i tried poking around some premade and some frameworks
[12/27/2012 00:16:22 UTC] pathfinder: but no go
[12/27/2012 00:16:28 UTC] pathfinder: not what i wanted and not secure enough
[12/27/2012 00:16:37 UTC] d3v11: udpmsg4?
[12/27/2012 00:16:44 UTC] pathfinder: no just bots in general
[12/27/2012 00:16:51 UTC] d3v11: ah
[12/27/2012 00:17:03 UTC] pathfinder: i actually wrote a full bot out in PHP to begin with
[12/27/2012 00:17:13 UTC] pathfinder: db being sqlite where needed
[12/27/2012 00:17:40 UTC] pathfinder: i was v happy until i decided i just wasnt satisfied with the security enough
[12/27/2012 00:17:53 UTC] pathfinder: the more fully featured, the more risk with PHP
[12/27/2012 00:18:28 UTC] pathfinder: and i can see the implications all over, being an old time fan of sqli in whatever forms
[12/27/2012 00:18:53 UTC] pathfinder: i have the opsec of this bot pretty locked down pretty simply
[12/27/2012 00:19:14 UTC] d3v11: chroot + http_proxy?
[12/27/2012 00:19:31 UTC] pathfinder: no lol
[12/27/2012 00:19:56 UTC] pathfinder: merely run through tor, albeit strictrelays 1
[12/27/2012 00:20:15 UTC] pathfinder: i mean vuln problems mostly, actually
[12/27/2012 00:20:21 UTC] pathfinder: code inj
[12/27/2012 00:20:27 UTC] pathfinder: 'tricking' it
[12/27/2012 00:20:32 UTC] d3v11: os.chroot(os.getcwd()) :-)
[12/27/2012 00:20:52 UTC] pathfinder: lol whyy
[12/27/2012 00:21:32 UTC] pathfinder: its not even on my OS partition
[12/27/2012 00:21:38 UTC] pathfinder: and it has no uacces privs
[12/27/2012 00:21:45 UTC] pathfinder: uaccess*
[12/27/2012 00:22:11 UTC] d3v11: :-)
[12/27/2012 00:22:19 UTC] d3v11: not more simple chroot? ;-p
[12/27/2012 00:22:59 UTC] pathfinder: well the code is parameterised against any poking around on my box regardless
[12/27/2012 00:23:18 UTC] pathfinder: tbh though, once i get some cash i'll take away all risk and VPS it
[12/27/2012 00:23:36 UTC] pathfinder: and torify that as well
[12/27/2012 00:24:09 UTC] d3v11: :-)
[12/27/2012 00:24:54 UTC] pathfinder: any error message will kick out path like /media/disk/<path>
[12/27/2012 00:25:08 UTC] pathfinder: but theres no chance of interaction for that outside the py function
[12/27/2012 00:25:29 UTC] pathfinder: theres no command line interaction at all
[12/27/2012 00:25:30 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:26:01 UTC] pathfinder: as would be obv anyway
[12/27/2012 00:26:19 UTC] pathfinder: like you guys were trying yesterday
[12/27/2012 00:26:40 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/27/2012 00:26:51 UTC] pathfinder: etc etc
[12/27/2012 00:27:32 UTC] *** pathfinder knows d3v11 is in PM with CharlieWong right now trying to fuck with the bot ***
[12/27/2012 00:27:48 UTC] mama: O_O
[12/27/2012 00:27:48 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:30:19 UTC] d3v11: pathfinder> any error message will kick out path like /media/disk/<path>
[12/27/2012 00:30:24 UTC] d3v11: socket.gaierror
[12/27/2012 00:31:05 UTC] d3v11: hmm
[12/27/2012 00:31:28 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:31:34 UTC] pathfinder: find anything useful yet?
[12/27/2012 00:32:39 UTC] pathfinder: ah wait a minute
[12/27/2012 00:32:45 UTC] pathfinder: where did you see that error?
[12/27/2012 00:33:48 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:33:59 UTC] pathfinder: you tryin to resolve my IP are you
[12/27/2012 00:35:15 UTC] d3v11: file:/etc/tor/torrc
[12/27/2012 00:35:42 UTC] d3v11: urllib2 it will open files ;-)
[12/27/2012 00:39:23 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:39:27 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/27/2012 00:39:36 UTC] pathfinder: so you say youve opened my torrc file have you
[12/27/2012 00:39:43 UTC] d3v11: nono
[12/27/2012 00:39:50 UTC] mama: lol
[12/27/2012 00:40:15 UTC] pathfinder: ahh the *functionality* of urllib2 may allow it
[12/27/2012 00:40:16 UTC] mama: why CharlieWong don't say me haha
[12/27/2012 00:40:22 UTC] d3v11: :-)
[12/27/2012 00:40:45 UTC] pathfinder: if the coder isnt conscious of the dangers yeah
[12/27/2012 00:40:49 UTC] d3v11: if not sanitized then work file:/path/to/file
[12/27/2012 00:40:49 UTC] mama: CharlieWong: how are you?
[12/27/2012 00:40:51 UTC] pathfinder: there are risks everywhere
[12/27/2012 00:40:57 UTC] d3v11: 's/work/works/'
[12/27/2012 00:41:26 UTC] pathfinder: mama: it isnt written in there yet
[12/27/2012 00:41:35 UTC] pathfinder: try hey <nick> to him
[12/27/2012 00:41:45 UTC] mama: hey CharlieWong
[12/27/2012 00:41:46 UTC] CharlieWong: Hello mama!
[12/27/2012 00:41:50 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:42:00 UTC] mama: CharlieWong: how are you?
[12/27/2012 00:42:05 UTC] pathfinder: his direct responses ive not done much with
[12/27/2012 00:42:15 UTC] mama: ah k
[12/27/2012 00:42:19 UTC] pathfinder: just coded one example for ease later on
[12/27/2012 00:42:59 UTC] mama: i am slow minded, but always understand "finally" hahahahah
[12/27/2012 00:43:21 UTC] Ayumi: bed time
[12/27/2012 00:43:26 UTC] Ayumi: nite all :)
[12/27/2012 00:43:28 UTC] pathfinder: hey mama
[12/27/2012 00:43:33 UTC] *** Ayumi hugs mama ***
[12/27/2012 00:43:39 UTC] pathfinder: i feel i should troll for the fun of it
[12/27/2012 00:43:47 UTC] mama: nite sweet Ayumi <3
[12/27/2012 00:44:12 UTC] d3v11: lolol
[12/27/2012 00:44:12 UTC] Ayumi: <3
[12/27/2012 00:44:13 UTC] pathfinder: unless that would cause grief for you that is
[12/27/2012 00:44:13 UTC] mama: pathfinder: they would
[12/27/2012 00:44:23 UTC] mama: but i don't care their rumors
[12/27/2012 00:44:34 UTC] d3v11: :-)
[12/27/2012 00:44:46 UTC] pathfinder: as i understand, there has been drama all over the place between you guys
[12/27/2012 00:45:26 UTC] mama: when anyone ask them questions they don't want to answer, they say that i am behind the scene
[12/27/2012 00:45:43 UTC] mama: so they use me to avoid questions
[12/27/2012 00:46:04 UTC] pathfinder: well i dont want to descend into some serious argument
[12/27/2012 00:46:08 UTC] pathfinder: on either side
[12/27/2012 00:46:10 UTC] pathfinder: but some nice trolling could provide some laughs
[12/27/2012 00:46:33 UTC] pathfinder: i dont need to know the ins and outs
[12/27/2012 00:46:50 UTC] mama: pathfinder: i have write about all the drama to avoid talking on it
[12/27/2012 00:46:50 UTC] pathfinder: and who says what
[12/27/2012 00:46:54 UTC] pathfinder: i dont really wanna know tbh
[12/27/2012 00:47:06 UTC] mama: you are right
[12/27/2012 00:47:07 UTC] pathfinder: what ive seen is that, at face value, youre a pretty gentle soul
[12/27/2012 00:47:18 UTC] pathfinder: and some of those people seem bullying
[12/27/2012 00:47:25 UTC] pathfinder: i dont even care who is in the right
[12/27/2012 00:47:57 UTC] pathfinder: i just like trolling people who re likely to get butthurt easily
[12/27/2012 00:47:57 UTC] Shaggy: pathfinder> i feel i should troll for the fun of it
[12/27/2012 00:47:57 UTC] Shaggy: looool
[12/27/2012 00:48:09 UTC] Shaggy: They get enough shit as it is
[12/27/2012 00:48:09 UTC] Shaggy: IDK why
[12/27/2012 00:48:54 UTC] pathfinder: if i do troll them, and it is fruitfully trollsome, i shall certainly share the fun
[12/27/2012 04:55:00 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/29/2012 05:33:51 UTC] pathfinder: !kb FedBot
[12/29/2012 05:53:47 UTC] pathfinder: !kb FedBot
[12/29/2012 06:00:55 UTC] d3mn8: ah dat mo fuka
[12/29/2012 06:01:03 UTC] d3mn8: cant blieeeeev it
[12/29/2012 06:01:05 UTC] AnonForecast: ever seen excorsism of emily rose?
[12/29/2012 06:01:12 UTC] d3mn8: yea a while back
[12/29/2012 06:01:39 UTC] AnonForecast: you familiar with the Milgram Effect?
[12/29/2012 06:01:45 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/29/2012 06:01:49 UTC] CharlieWong: rofl
[12/29/2012 06:01:50 UTC] pathfinder: i didnt proper ban him then
[12/29/2012 06:01:58 UTC] AnonForecast: the Perils of Obedience to Authority that Dr Milgram proved cause Holocausts?
[12/29/2012 06:02:18 UTC] pathfinder: !kb FedBot
[12/30/2012 06:55:39 UTC] Shaggy: he died and his pc was trashed
[12/30/2012 06:55:41 UTC] Shaggy: mother gfucker
[12/30/2012 06:55:44 UTC] Shaggy: KEEP THAT SHIT!
[12/30/2012 06:55:50 UTC] Hatmann: who did he work for?
[12/30/2012 06:55:56 UTC] Shaggy: Navy
[12/30/2012 06:55:57 UTC] FuckCopyright: yeah, dedicad for allmotherfuckers
[12/30/2012 06:56:12 UTC] Hatmann: so he worked on DARPA net and not ARPA net.
[12/30/2012 06:56:21 UTC] Shaggy: prob
[12/30/2012 06:56:25 UTC] Hatmann: ARPA net was just colleges.
[12/30/2012 06:56:30 UTC] Shaggy: I know he worked on some fucking kinda of net
[12/30/2012 06:56:34 UTC] Hatmann: DARPA net was when ARPA added the military.
[12/30/2012 06:56:47 UTC] Shaggy: idk man
[12/30/2012 06:56:51 UTC] Shaggy: the fucking drugs I took
[12/30/2012 06:56:52 UTC] Hatmann: same thing, just renamed and with more shit added.
[12/30/2012 06:56:54 UTC] Shaggy: not illegal ones
[12/30/2012 06:56:58 UTC] Shaggy: the pharm drugs
[12/30/2012 06:57:00 UTC] Hatmann: yes.
[12/30/2012 06:57:01 UTC] Hatmann: which ones?
[12/30/2012 06:57:02 UTC] Shaggy: fucked with my memory
[12/30/2012 06:57:05 UTC] Hatmann: i know all about them.
[12/30/2012 06:57:12 UTC] Shaggy: ADHD meds
[12/30/2012 06:57:15 UTC] Shaggy: fucking school
[12/30/2012 06:57:16 UTC] Hatmann: which ones?
[12/30/2012 06:57:20 UTC] Shaggy: ritilin
[12/30/2012 06:57:24 UTC] Shaggy: stretera
[12/30/2012 06:57:26 UTC] Hatmann: im sorry :(
[12/30/2012 06:57:28 UTC] Hatmann: yea those are bad.
[12/30/2012 06:57:31 UTC] d3mn8: whats up with retroshare?
[12/30/2012 06:57:32 UTC] Hatmann: the good ones are amphetamine.
[12/30/2012 06:57:33 UTC] d3mn8: is it bad or what?
[12/30/2012 06:57:38 UTC] d3mn8: just read the wiki, looks interesting
[12/30/2012 06:57:39 UTC] Hatmann: its bad i think.
[12/30/2012 06:57:46 UTC] Hatmann: im a network engineer and i wont use retroshare.
[12/30/2012 06:57:50 UTC] d3v11: d3mn8> just read the wiki, looks interesting
[12/30/2012 06:57:53 UTC] d3mn8: facts please?
[12/30/2012 06:57:57 UTC] Hatmann: i code C and im a network engineer.
[12/30/2012 06:57:57 UTC] d3mn8: why, details
[12/30/2012 06:57:58 UTC] d3v11: no interesting conversations for weeks here man
[12/30/2012 06:58:02 UTC] Hatmann: code is not open source.
[12/30/2012 06:58:05 UTC] d3v11: but everyone else seems to know
[12/30/2012 06:58:08 UTC] d3mn8: Hatmann: that doesnt help me make an oppinion for shit
[12/30/2012 06:58:15 UTC] Hatmann: fuck you then.
[12/30/2012 06:58:19 UTC] d3v11: lol
[12/30/2012 06:58:22 UTC] d3v11: ^
[12/30/2012 06:58:22 UTC] d3mn8: wow ok
[12/30/2012 06:58:26 UTC] d3mn8: hi
[12/30/2012 06:58:28 UTC] d3mn8: im a engineer
[12/30/2012 06:58:32 UTC] Hatmann: ask me a question and ill answer.
[12/30/2012 06:58:33 UTC] d3mn8: pls base ur opinion on wut i say
[12/30/2012 06:58:38 UTC] d3mn8: you didnt answer
[12/30/2012 06:58:41 UTC] Hatmann: dont complain that im not doing a good job explaining to your dumb ass.
[12/30/2012 06:58:45 UTC] d3mn8: k stfu fagget
[12/30/2012 06:58:50 UTC] d3v11: that was a funny appeal to authority
[12/30/2012 06:59:06 UTC] Hatmann: you didnt ask a specific question.
[12/30/2012 06:59:10 UTC] Hatmann: dont get mad at me.
[12/30/2012 06:59:11 UTC] d3mn8: so fuckin official ending every single sentence with a period
[12/30/2012 06:59:18 UTC] Shaggy: I bet
[12/30/2012 06:59:21 UTC] Hatmann: if we are both mad, and im always mad, we cannot work together.
[12/30/2012 06:59:25 UTC] Shaggy: this si what my grandpa did alld ay
[12/30/2012 06:59:29 UTC] Shaggy: he was a pc geek
[12/30/2012 06:59:37 UTC] Hatmann: dont blame me for being mad please.
[12/30/2012 06:59:58 UTC] Shaggy: whoa
[12/30/2012 07:00:02 UTC] Shaggy: d3mn8
[12/30/2012 07:00:02 UTC] Shaggy: stop
[12/30/2012 07:00:04 UTC] Shaggy: chill
[12/30/2012 07:00:13 UTC] Shaggy: finish those FBI emails for meh
[12/30/2012 07:00:13 UTC] d3mn8: i will chill
[12/30/2012 07:00:18 UTC] d3mn8: still think his reponse was fuckin retarded
[12/30/2012 07:00:29 UTC] Vosto: Hatmann, I'm not an engineer but I know something is strange with retroshare
[12/30/2012 07:00:31 UTC] d3mn8: "is this software good" "no, i am a network engineer."
[12/30/2012 07:00:35 UTC] Hatmann: im sorry d3mn8 i dont have words that you will understand to describe this thing.
[12/30/2012 07:00:38 UTC] d3v11: hatmann is fun :-)
[12/30/2012 07:00:38 UTC] Vosto: I was hoping for an anonymous built interface
[12/30/2012 07:00:42 UTC] Shaggy: EVERYTHING is strange with retroshare
[12/30/2012 07:00:44 UTC] Hatmann: what is your knowledge base of terminology?
[12/30/2012 07:00:44 UTC] d3mn8: Hatmann: im a software engineer, try me
[12/30/2012 07:00:49 UTC] Vosto: and instead after all the waiting ...retroshare pfff
[12/30/2012 07:00:57 UTC] Shaggy: ,g retroshare open source?
[12/30/2012 07:00:58 UTC] Hatmann: its a peer to peer system, with preshared keys between each peer set.
[12/30/2012 07:00:59 UTC] CharlieWong: Shaggy:
[12/30/2012 07:01:12 UTC] Hatmann: its built from the ground up as un-anonymous as possible.
[12/30/2012 07:01:16 UTC] Hatmann: its fucking dangerous as shit.
[12/30/2012 07:01:31 UTC] Hatmann: under the guise of good passwords you have an open system for attackers to share with you.
[12/30/2012 07:01:37 UTC] Hatmann: or governments to trap you.
[12/30/2012 07:02:00 UTC] Hatmann: you share with the govt, and you have just written your own jail sentence.
[12/30/2012 07:02:05 UTC] Hatmann: you dont know who people are on the internet.
[12/30/2012 07:02:13 UTC] Hatmann: and you cannot do something which gives hard evidence to the enemy.
[12/30/2012 07:02:16 UTC] Hatmann: need more reason?
[12/30/2012 07:02:20 UTC] Hatmann: its not open source.
[12/30/2012 07:02:36 UTC] Hatmann: i tried to read the source, and its source for components of the program but not the whole source.
[12/30/2012 07:02:50 UTC] d3mn8: shouldve said that in the begining
[12/30/2012 07:02:55 UTC] Hatmann: im sorry.
[12/30/2012 07:03:01 UTC] Hatmann: ive just been really mad lately.
[12/30/2012 07:03:06 UTC] Hatmann: they are taking my country.
[12/30/2012 07:03:11 UTC] Hatmann: my family owns a lot of land.
[12/30/2012 07:03:13 UTC] Hatmann: i cannot leave.
[12/30/2012 07:03:14 UTC] d3mn8: what the fuck is up with the period with every sentence !!!!!
[12/30/2012 07:03:25 UTC] Hatmann: I am sorry that I am literate.
[12/30/2012 07:03:36 UTC] d3mn8: rofl
[12/30/2012 07:03:37 UTC] d3mn8: ok
[12/30/2012 07:03:48 UTC] Hatmann: I am sorry that I dont drink the fluoride and I am not on the level of the average person.
[12/30/2012 07:03:50 UTC] d3mn8: to me, a new line indicates the end of a sentence
[12/30/2012 07:04:08 UTC] d3v11: ^
[12/30/2012 07:04:54 UTC] Hatmann: Look back with me to a time, when men wrote messages to people in the future, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington. Read the things they wrote.
[12/30/2012 07:05:01 UTC] Hatmann: they were WAY fucking smarter than us.
[12/30/2012 07:05:09 UTC] Vosto: I trust Hatmann on his retroshare perspective.
[12/30/2012 07:05:12 UTC] Hatmann: you have to regain your health and your mind fast.
[12/30/2012 07:05:18 UTC] Hatmann: they are enslaving us.
[12/30/2012 07:05:24 UTC] Hatmann: we are supposed to be a lot fucking smarter.
[12/30/2012 07:05:56 UTC] Hatmann: Who do you know (including presidents and other leaders) that leaves messages to people 300 years in the future?
[12/30/2012 07:06:02 UTC] d3v11: i recommend training as hard as they do, if not harder
[12/30/2012 07:06:10 UTC] Vosto: I'm going now
[12/30/2012 07:06:15 UTC] Hatmann: see ya vosto.
[12/30/2012 07:06:19 UTC] d3v11: bye vosto :-)
[12/30/2012 07:06:26 UTC] Vosto: see you later guys and have a nice dday!XD
[12/30/2012 07:07:34 UTC] Hatmann: Listen d3mn8, all of society that we live in is engineered to work this way, we are designed by society, by schooling, by television, by propaganda to hate eachother, and to hate people dumber, hate people smarter, hate people different, hate people black, hate people white, hate people with different views.
[12/30/2012 07:07:40 UTC] Hatmann: you see how that shit works?
[12/30/2012 07:07:44 UTC] Hatmann: we must stop it.
[12/30/2012 07:07:52 UTC] d3mn8: i have no idae what the fuck you are blabbering about
[12/31/2012 01:28:58 UTC] mama: hmm
[12/31/2012 01:29:05 UTC] Tempest: shaggy: right. it's the other reason i removed a lot of it.
[12/31/2012 01:29:09 UTC] Shaggy: !k fed uhhh, no
[12/31/2012 01:31:18 UTC] Shaggy:
[12/31/2012 01:31:20 UTC] mama: i am fighting to get them XD
[12/31/2012 01:31:21 UTC] Shaggy: I like this one
[12/31/2012 01:31:23 UTC] CharlieWong: [ TETON Sports Trailrunner 2.0 Hydration Backpack w/ Bladder (16.5"x 10.5"x .7", Black): Sports & Outdoors ]
[12/31/2012 01:31:45 UTC] Tempest: mama: until we have a copy of them i think it's wiser to avoid going down that road.
[12/31/2012 01:32:00 UTC] mama: you are right
[12/31/2012 01:33:10 UTC] mama: but i feel a lack of arguments
[12/31/2012 01:33:49 UTC] Tempest: i think a good way to look at it is to assume that anyone who wants to see hammond in jail will punch a hole in our work wherever they can at the end. so the focus should be on their weaknesses which, at the moment, are relying on a convicted felon with a possible life sentence hanging over his head coupled with an unethical judge hearing the case. there aren't really any comebacks to that.
[12/31/2012 01:34:13 UTC] mama: like the interpretation of that sentence you have pointed
[12/31/2012 01:34:21 UTC] Tempest: mama: arguments haven't been expanded upon in the work i did yet. just trying to get a story down first.
[12/31/2012 01:34:40 UTC] mama: i see XD
[12/31/2012 01:35:27 UTC] Tempest: it's an early draft. i'm trying to get a story down which we can all expand upon with arguments and then tighten up in the end. that should make it quite forceful. but first we need to get the direction of the story smooth so we can inject pointed argument into it.
[12/31/2012 01:37:54 UTC] Tempest: it's a bit of a chore since it's a rather long story with some complex topics and we'll be dealing with a "tldr" crowd. ;-)
[12/31/2012 01:38:24 UTC] Shaggy: wtf IS tldr?
[12/31/2012 01:38:33 UTC] Shaggy: ,g tl;dr
[12/31/2012 01:38:34 UTC] CharlieWong: Shaggy:
[12/31/2012 01:38:35 UTC] Tempest: "too long. didn't read."
[12/31/2012 01:38:45 UTC] Shaggy: well
[12/31/2012 01:38:49 UTC] Shaggy: what about a short video?
[12/31/2012 01:38:54 UTC] Shaggy: with pictures and shit in it?
[12/31/2012 01:38:56 UTC] Shaggy: ;)
[12/31/2012 01:39:10 UTC] Tempest: that could work too. :-)
[12/31/2012 01:39:11 UTC] Shaggy: We can but subliminal messages in it too
[12/31/2012 01:39:15 UTC] Shaggy: *put
[12/31/2012 01:39:35 UTC] Shaggy: <-- knows something about brainwashing :P
[12/31/2012 01:40:03 UTC] Ayumi: lol
[12/31/2012 01:40:13 UTC] Tempest: on a side serious note, did we ever find out who CW-2 is? i can't remember.
[12/31/2012 01:40:51 UTC] Shaggy: No idea
[12/31/2012 01:44:28 UTC] Tempest: i'm looking through the complaint again. bad memory. i think i was confusing with cc-2
[12/31/2012 01:55:50 UTC] mama:
[12/31/2012 01:55:53 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Hammond, Jeremy Complaint ]
[12/31/2012 01:56:01 UTC] mama: reading it again
# #opfuckharper
[12/29/2012 05:14:38 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/29/2012 05:15:19 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/29/2012 05:15:27 UTC] mos6502: x is loggin yur channel
[12/29/2012 05:18:16 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/29/2012 05:20:04 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/29/2012 05:51:04 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/29/2012 05:52:11 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/30/2012 06:55:57 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, Magic!
[12/30/2012 07:09:21 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, FedBot!
[12/31/2012 01:29:17 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, Fed!
[12/31/2012 01:31:34 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, jfb112697!
[12/31/2012 01:32:13 UTC] Anon3734: gtfo fed kthxbai
[12/31/2012 02:01:12 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, lt3oMIwh!
[12/31/2012 02:01:12 UTC] Derpina: Welcome, lt3oMIwh!
# #opnewblood
[12/26/2012 05:02:43 UTC] mos6502: though tor is not without its problems
[12/26/2012 05:03:01 UTC] mos6502: so you must learn how it works to be safe
[12/26/2012 05:03:02 UTC] x: Yeah, there are some attacks that have been demonstrated upon tor
[12/26/2012 05:03:13 UTC] x: They're negligable in most cases though
[12/26/2012 05:03:16 UTC] mos6502: or else you could end up using fed exit node
[12/26/2012 05:03:54 UTC] x: Yeah, I suggest you don't log into anything if it doesn't use SSL or HTTPS with tor
[12/26/2012 05:04:06 UTC] x: Exit node operators can sniff unencrypted traffic
[12/26/2012 05:04:50 UTC] Can: so this is why people use both eh
[12/26/2012 05:04:52 UTC] mos6502: but thats all knowing opsec
[12/26/2012 05:04:54 UTC] mos6502: rlly
[12/26/2012 05:05:13 UTC] mos6502: unless you KNOW... don't do bad shit
[12/26/2012 05:05:23 UTC] Can: i just like my privacy
[12/26/2012 05:05:26 UTC] mos6502: or they may come knockin
[12/26/2012 05:06:54 UTC] mos6502: lol x droppin bots into yan
[12/26/2012 05:06:58 UTC] mos6502: lulz
[12/26/2012 05:07:35 UTC] x: I wanna log convos for weeks and release logs just to piss off all the log-fearing retards I've met on here
[12/26/2012 05:08:32 UTC] mos6502: not as if these chans aren't already logged by feds neway
[12/26/2012 05:08:33 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/26/2012 05:09:30 UTC] x: I know, but it's funny to share links to the logs and watch a handful of people go nuts at the knowledge that their convos were logged
[12/26/2012 05:10:43 UTC] Can: So just to clarify, using a tor and a vpn is only a good thing
[12/26/2012 05:11:00 UTC] x: Yep, they're both awesome privacy tools
[12/26/2012 05:11:05 UTC] x: Be careful with the VPN though
[12/26/2012 05:11:26 UTC] x: Make sure you do your research on which are good and which are bad so you don't get busted doin bad stuff
[12/26/2012 05:12:23 UTC] v0id: tor is really good
[12/26/2012 05:12:41 UTC] v0id: tor browser especially
[12/26/2012 05:13:06 UTC] x: v0id, tor browser (the default DL setup) isn't perfect and you shouldn't rely on it for full anonymity
[12/26/2012 05:13:32 UTC] v0id: not perfect but better than a lot of other things i've come across
[12/26/2012 05:13:36 UTC] v0id: but agreed
[12/26/2012 05:14:53 UTC] Can: been great help
[12/26/2012 05:30:29 UTC] Can: bahhh is dnsleaktest .com down for errbody?
[12/26/2012 05:30:49 UTC] Can: nvm haha
[12/26/2012 05:37:53 UTC] Can_: do Tor and Vpn work in cooperation
[12/26/2012 05:38:05 UTC] Can_: or could one be counteracting the efforts of theother
[12/26/2012 06:56:40 UTC] voxanon570: any pgp keys???? private message
[12/26/2012 06:57:56 UTC] *** pyHitler facepalms ***
[12/26/2012 06:58:07 UTC] pyHitler: you generate your own numbnutz
[12/26/2012 06:58:57 UTC] voxanon570: i no that duh you need to add a key to someone thats already on tyler so you can get there key
[12/26/2012 06:59:34 UTC] *** pyHitler facepalms ***
[12/26/2012 07:54:01 UTC] countrcultur: hey ppl
[12/26/2012 15:26:12 UTC] RedDragon: Is anyone actually on this channel?
[12/26/2012 15:39:02 UTC] maxQ: yup
[12/26/2012 15:39:20 UTC] maxQ: there are 30 people here who are not bots
[12/26/2012 15:41:51 UTC] RedDragon: ya but like no one is chatting or anything
[12/26/2012 15:44:40 UTC] maxQ: so?
[12/26/2012 15:44:40 UTC] maxQ: if there is something to sa
[12/26/2012 15:44:40 UTC] maxQ: y
[12/26/2012 15:44:42 UTC] maxQ: it will be said
[12/26/2012 15:44:49 UTC] maxQ: if you have a question, ask
[12/26/2012 15:46:11 UTC] RedDragon: well i was hoping someone would ask something i didn't know about so i would know i need to know it
[12/26/2012 15:46:52 UTC] maxQ: fair enough, but irc is not a 24/7 flow of people chatting
[12/26/2012 15:47:05 UTC] maxQ: we have shit to do, too, y'know
[12/26/2012 15:47:28 UTC] RedDragon: ok, i understand. well if anyone has any info on the whole pidgin and tor not working well together, i have open ears
[12/26/2012 15:47:54 UTC] maxQ: you tried it and its not working?
[12/26/2012 15:48:29 UTC] RedDragon: no, there's supposedly a security flaw when used together. but i can't find any specifics of what that flaw is.
[12/26/2012 15:48:42 UTC] maxQ: never heard of it, myself
[12/26/2012 15:49:26 UTC] RedDragon: oh. well i didn't want to take any risks, so i'm using the webchat. any recommendations for a irc client that might be better?
[12/26/2012 15:50:05 UTC] maxQ: windows --> hexchat, xchat, mirc, mibbit
[12/26/2012 15:50:08 UTC] maxQ: in order from good to shit
[12/26/2012 15:50:24 UTC] maxQ: hexchat is top because its free and xchat clone
[12/26/2012 15:50:28 UTC] maxQ: this is my opinion
[12/26/2012 15:50:29 UTC] RedDragon: ok i'll check those out! thanks
[12/26/2012 15:50:55 UTC] maxQ: i cant see why there would be a security flaw specifically in pidgin
[12/26/2012 15:51:02 UTC] maxQ: no more than using any app with tor
[12/26/2012 15:51:47 UTC] maxQ: pidgin is actually pretty nice, as it has an OTR encryption plugin as well
[12/26/2012 15:52:54 UTC] RedDragon: ya i really like pidgin, which is why i was sad when i heard that there was a flaw when tor was running at the same time
[12/26/2012 15:53:07 UTC] maxQ: whered you hear bout this?
[12/26/2012 15:53:38 UTC] maxQ: ive heard no such thing, only thing i can think of is if you dont proxy pidgin through your TOR port
[12/26/2012 15:53:43 UTC] maxQ: and your dns is leaking info
[12/26/2012 15:55:09 UTC] RedDragon: ya it seems that it just leaks dns info. the specifics of everything are really vague in the article i read, so idk if it's even legit
[12/26/2012 15:56:23 UTC] maxQ: its a fairly good idea to go by the assumption that nothing you use is 100% secure
[12/26/2012 15:57:30 UTC] maxQ: but as far as i have heard
[12/26/2012 15:58:14 UTC] maxQ: from guys who have been raided/investigated, feds dont know much about pidgin/otr
[12/26/2012 15:58:20 UTC] maxQ: but thatll change if it hasnt already
[12/26/2012 15:59:52 UTC] RedDragon: ya, but i still think it'd be better to assume the feds know way more than i do
[12/26/2012 16:00:58 UTC] maxQ: always a good idea, yea
[12/26/2012 16:01:11 UTC] maxQ: remember, their job is to fuck you, dont underestimate them
[12/26/2012 16:01:33 UTC] RedDragon: i just hope they wear a condom
[12/26/2012 16:01:46 UTC] maxQ: they get paid to do this 8 hours or more a day, while we do not
[12/26/2012 16:01:55 UTC] maxQ: well, i do not
[12/26/2012 19:37:47 UTC] Jeany: Is there any e-mail that is safe to stay anonymous?
[12/26/2012 19:38:26 UTC] maxQ: nah, use a vpn/tor and PGP/GPG and try not to say anything too incriminating
[12/26/2012 19:38:57 UTC] maxQ: dont use hushmail
[12/26/2012 19:39:04 UTC] maxQ: thats about all the advice i have on that
[12/26/2012 19:39:32 UTC] ANonYON3: Hey what's up maxQ haven't talked to you in a while whatch ya explaining ?
[12/26/2012 19:39:48 UTC] Jeany: ok thx
[12/26/2012 19:39:52 UTC] maxQ: hey ANonYON3 , Jeany was wondering if there is any e-mail service that is 100% anon
[12/26/2012 19:41:00 UTC] maxQ: its been quiet lately, hopefully 2013 sees an increase in people waking up :-)
[12/26/2012 19:42:42 UTC] maxQ: for e-mail i use safe-mail and tormail
[12/26/2012 19:42:50 UTC] maxQ: but you cant really say for sure any of them are safe
[12/26/2012 19:43:15 UTC] ANonYON3: Yeah iv just been busy with family shit for christmas so have been off forr a bit. And there really isnt. A 100% anon email best this to do is like you said tor and vpn's
[12/26/2012 19:43:41 UTC] ANonYON3: Yeah everything is watched theese days there isn't anygeting away from it
[12/26/2012 19:43:58 UTC] maxQ: tis understandable, its holiday time yeah people go away and stuff
[12/26/2012 19:44:00 UTC] ANonYON3: The only thing you can do is just stay out of the direct line of fire
[12/26/2012 19:44:01 UTC] maxQ: well those with lives ;[p
[12/26/2012 19:44:22 UTC] ANonYON3: Yeah haha
[12/26/2012 19:45:28 UTC] ANonYON3: So did you have a good christmas ? Anything eventfull happen ?
[12/26/2012 19:45:58 UTC] maxQ: most eventful thing that happened to me was food poisoning/stomach bug ;p
[12/26/2012 19:46:13 UTC] maxQ: but im here at my gran's place, seeing family so its good
[12/26/2012 19:46:15 UTC] maxQ: what about you?
[12/26/2012 19:49:55 UTC] ANonYON3: Sorry to hear that bro hope your better now. And when to grandparents ate a shit load of food pased out from food coma and got couple hundered buts for christmas from them. Lol fucking love grandparents lol.
[12/26/2012 19:50:24 UTC] maxQ: haha yeah shame, we need to see them as often as possible ey
[12/26/2012 19:52:09 UTC] ANonYON3: Yeah I try buut at the same time we have our own lifes to keep up with. But yes as often as possible most deffinatly.
[12/26/2012 20:04:38 UTC] ANonYON3: Are you from the northern parts maxQ ?
[12/26/2012 20:04:56 UTC] maxQ: nah i am very far south, and not in US
[12/26/2012 20:05:24 UTC] maxQ: ie. it doesnt snow here during christmas ;p
[12/26/2012 20:06:06 UTC] Rumi: puerto rico
[12/26/2012 20:06:20 UTC] maxQ: i wish
[12/26/2012 20:06:22 UTC] maxQ: bitches be hawt there
[12/26/2012 20:07:47 UTC] *** maxQ sniffs anonyops99 ***
[12/26/2012 20:08:24 UTC] anonyops99: what
[12/26/2012 20:08:38 UTC] anonyops99: whos heard of hoic and and in what process if someone not namely me or you know where to avoide aquireing it or something of that nature
[12/26/2012 20:09:07 UTC] Rumi: no
[12/26/2012 20:09:07 UTC] maxQ: i have literally no idea what you just said
[12/26/2012 20:09:08 UTC] maxQ: i know some of those words
[12/26/2012 20:09:19 UTC] Rumi: just say no
[12/26/2012 20:09:35 UTC] Rumi: no anonyops99
[12/26/2012 20:09:45 UTC] anonyops99: so you dont no what hoic is
[12/26/2012 20:09:48 UTC] maxQ: nah never heard of it, HOIC?
[12/26/2012 20:10:04 UTC] anonyops99: high orbit ion cannon
[12/26/2012 20:10:04 UTC] Rumi: ddos is bad
[12/26/2012 20:10:13 UTC] Rumi: ddos kills people
[12/26/2012 20:10:14 UTC] maxQ: high orbit... it is a NASA project?
[12/26/2012 20:10:52 UTC] Rumi: every day, 2 million africans die because of ddos.
[12/26/2012 20:10:57 UTC] maxQ: i heard of some laser the russians shot the space shuttle with
[12/26/2012 20:11:03 UTC] Rumi: say no to ddos
[12/26/2012 20:11:04 UTC] maxQ: could be that
[12/26/2012 20:11:06 UTC] anonyops99: *<-_->*
[12/26/2012 20:11:28 UTC] maxQ: anonyops99, hoic is like sooo last season
[12/26/2012 20:11:38 UTC] anonyops99: what then
[12/26/2012 20:11:53 UTC] maxQ: <Rumi> say no to ddos
[12/26/2012 20:12:00 UTC] maxQ: ddos is like the new heroin
[12/26/2012 20:12:06 UTC] anonyops99: true
[12/26/2012 20:12:16 UTC] anonyops99: hit me up
[12/26/2012 20:12:25 UTC] Rumi: ddos is worse than heroin
[12/26/2012 20:13:55 UTC] anonyops99: so
[12/26/2012 20:14:09 UTC] ANonYON3: Yeah I was just curiouse cuz you ended a sentance with ey before lulz.
[12/26/2012 20:15:32 UTC] maxQ: yeah i mix my accents
[12/26/2012 20:15:36 UTC] maxQ: to throw you off, innit
[12/26/2012 20:15:36 UTC] maxQ: ;p
[12/26/2012 20:15:53 UTC] anonyops99: rabbid in
[12/26/2012 20:15:54 UTC] ANonYON3: Good shit that's the way to do it haha
[12/26/2012 20:16:19 UTC] darkhorse: would anyone like a cup of tea
[12/26/2012 20:16:44 UTC] ANonYON3: Is it hot tea
[12/26/2012 20:16:53 UTC] ANonYON3: Lol
[12/26/2012 20:16:53 UTC] darkhorse: ri some Christmas pudding
[12/26/2012 20:17:20 UTC] darkhorse: its fairtrade tea
[12/26/2012 20:17:55 UTC] darkhorse: God Generation sex,
[12/26/2012 20:18:03 UTC] darkhorse: what happened to generation X
[12/26/2012 20:18:16 UTC] maxQ: im all for generation sex
[12/26/2012 20:18:30 UTC] darkhorse: its a bit over the top
[12/26/2012 20:18:46 UTC] darkhorse: sexting and all that shit
[12/26/2012 20:19:08 UTC] maxQ: yeah
[12/26/2012 20:19:23 UTC] maxQ: only thing im pissed about is that im not a teenager anymore
[12/26/2012 20:19:24 UTC] darkhorse: isn't it nicer to have a nice cup of tea and a bit of pud instead
[12/26/2012 20:19:31 UTC] maxQ: no one was sexting me at that age :(
[12/26/2012 20:19:37 UTC] darkhorse: lol
[12/26/2012 20:20:02 UTC] ANonYON3: Aha
[12/26/2012 20:20:16 UTC] ANonYON3: Must not have played the cards right lol
[12/26/2012 20:20:26 UTC] darkhorse: well, there is a lot more joy in a nice cup of tea at my age
[12/26/2012 20:20:27 UTC] darkhorse: lol
[12/26/2012 20:21:04 UTC] darkhorse: mabey missing the joker
[12/26/2012 20:21:41 UTC] maxQ: ag well there is always the next life
[12/26/2012 20:21:49 UTC] ANonYON3: Yeah I agree darkhore I find more joy in tea then fake sex.
[12/26/2012 20:22:13 UTC] darkhorse: soo true, a good ol cup of tea and a nice chat
[12/26/2012 20:22:17 UTC] darkhorse: does the heart good
[12/26/2012 20:22:22 UTC] maxQ: + tits
[12/26/2012 20:22:25 UTC] maxQ: and we're golden!
[12/26/2012 20:22:54 UTC] darkhorse: not golden
[12/26/2012 20:22:54 UTC] ANonYON3: Depends on the tits I sapose some ar quite raunchy aha
[12/26/2012 20:23:09 UTC] darkhorse: as long as there not fake tits
[12/26/2012 20:23:15 UTC] ANonYON3: Yes
[12/26/2012 20:23:15 UTC] darkhorse: feeling a bunch of silcone
[12/26/2012 20:23:19 UTC] darkhorse: shit
[12/26/2012 20:23:23 UTC] darkhorse: in your hand
[12/26/2012 20:23:24 UTC] darkhorse: ugg
[12/26/2012 20:23:33 UTC] ANonYON3: But must be priky no druping
[12/26/2012 20:23:41 UTC] ANonYON3: Pirky*
[12/26/2012 20:23:45 UTC] darkhorse: picky my arse
[12/26/2012 20:24:11 UTC] darkhorse: who gives a shit about tits anyway
[12/26/2012 20:24:12 UTC] ANonYON3: No on want some eggs hanging on a nail haha
[12/26/2012 20:24:24 UTC] maxQ: <-- cares about tits
[12/26/2012 20:24:26 UTC] ANonYON3: Secretsexbot lol
[12/26/2012 20:24:36 UTC] ANonYON3: And that guy haha
[12/26/2012 20:24:42 UTC] darkhorse: well i suppose if your a man
[12/26/2012 20:24:48 UTC] darkhorse: you care
[12/26/2012 20:24:58 UTC] ANonYON3: Darkhorse isn't a man o.0
[12/26/2012 20:25:08 UTC] darkhorse: darkhorse is a fucken horse
[12/26/2012 20:25:13 UTC] ANonYON3: Lol
[12/26/2012 20:25:13 UTC] maxQ: ^
[12/26/2012 20:25:41 UTC] ANonYON3: Sexy horse at that >.<
[12/26/2012 20:25:58 UTC] maxQ: there arent any girls on the internet
[12/26/2012 20:26:01 UTC] darkhorse: well if you find horses sexy, to each his own
[12/26/2012 20:26:33 UTC] ANonYON3: Hey anything can be sexy in a non sexual non creepy way
[12/26/2012 20:27:04 UTC] ANonYON3: I know maxQ and all the ones that are don't talk at all.
[12/26/2012 20:27:16 UTC] darkhorse: sexy means sexy, beautiful means beautiful, so lets say poms are beautiful
[12/26/2012 20:27:18 UTC] maxQ: well you cant talk if you cant exist :o
[12/26/2012 20:27:47 UTC] darkhorse: this is getting too deep for me
[12/26/2012 20:27:53 UTC] maxinaQ: there i am now girl
[12/26/2012 20:27:55 UTC] ANonYON3: Lol
[12/26/2012 20:28:52 UTC] darkhorse: hee haa
[12/26/2012 20:28:55 UTC] darkhorse: h
[12/26/2012 20:29:24 UTC] ANonYON3: Mmm what's up smexy lady > maxinaQ
[12/26/2012 20:29:31 UTC] ANonYON3: Lulz
[12/26/2012 20:29:35 UTC] maxinaQ: last time there was a girl on chat someone got v&
[12/26/2012 20:29:41 UTC] maxinaQ: so dont be so sure thats what you want
[12/26/2012 20:29:43 UTC] maxinaQ: :P
[12/26/2012 20:29:52 UTC] ANonYON3: Haha
[12/26/2012 20:30:13 UTC] ANonYON3: Never said I wanted or not just was saying hi aha
[12/26/2012 20:30:20 UTC] maxinaQ: ;p
[12/26/2012 20:30:21 UTC] maxinaQ: i keed
[12/26/2012 20:31:28 UTC] ANonYON3: Hey dudes back what he do with her .... I miss her she was intelegent lol
[12/26/2012 20:32:35 UTC] maxQ: who now?
[12/26/2012 20:32:56 UTC] darkhorse: who what when where
[12/26/2012 20:34:08 UTC] ANonYON3: Lol maxinaQ left lol it wasn't a well played joke I know I EPICLY FAIL I do that more often then not.
[12/26/2012 20:34:16 UTC] ANonYON3: But I'm ok with this
[12/26/2012 20:34:28 UTC] maxQ: oh lol
[12/26/2012 20:34:29 UTC] maxQ: i get it now
[12/26/2012 20:34:34 UTC] darkhorse: ahh sure dont worry, who gives a rats ass anyway
[12/26/2012 20:34:35 UTC] maxQ: jokes usually go over my head
[12/26/2012 20:34:39 UTC] maxQ: i dont blame you for that
[12/26/2012 20:34:57 UTC] darkhorse: here toeay gone tommaroow
[12/26/2012 20:35:05 UTC] darkhorse: a bit like christmas
[12/26/2012 20:35:15 UTC] ANonYON3: Most deff
[12/26/2012 20:35:30 UTC] darkhorse: a flash in the pan
[12/26/2012 20:35:43 UTC] maxQ: i can optimize the thermodynamic cycle of a large power plant, but i dont get jokes ;p
[12/26/2012 20:35:49 UTC] darkhorse: jasus everyone is quitting
[12/26/2012 20:36:08 UTC] maxQ: nah people are coming and going all day long
[12/26/2012 20:36:19 UTC] darkhorse: we all have different brains
[12/26/2012 20:37:03 UTC] darkhorse: some brains dont connect well to other brains
[12/26/2012 20:37:18 UTC] darkhorse: and some brains connect very well to each other
[12/26/2012 20:37:36 UTC] ANonYON3: Hey that's more than I can say. MaxQ your a BOSS.
[12/26/2012 20:37:54 UTC] maxQ: nein mein freund
[12/26/2012 20:37:58 UTC] maxQ: i am no boss
[12/26/2012 20:38:18 UTC] maxQ: my paycheque reflects that
[12/26/2012 20:38:20 UTC] maxQ: quite clearly
[12/26/2012 20:38:21 UTC] maxQ: ;p
[12/26/2012 20:39:56 UTC] ANonYON3: Pay doesn't mean dick about who and or what you are cappable of. You are a boss bro just not in the way that the gov. Says boss's are sapose to look talk act of get payed like.
[12/26/2012 20:40:11 UTC] ANonYON3: Your an individual witch is good
[12/26/2012 20:40:33 UTC] darkhorse: yeah, money talks
[12/26/2012 20:40:46 UTC] maxQ: aye well i do what i love
[12/26/2012 20:40:49 UTC] maxQ: im not after money
[12/26/2012 20:41:16 UTC] ANonYON3: But I and you and him and hher can talk more than a stupid peice of paper people are just to materialistic thees days.
[12/26/2012 20:41:31 UTC] darkhorse: their just sheep
[12/26/2012 20:41:35 UTC] darkhorse: with no shepard
[12/26/2012 20:41:58 UTC] darkhorse: or the shepard is a wolf more like
[12/26/2012 20:42:22 UTC] maxQ: ^
[12/26/2012 20:42:30 UTC] maxQ: like a farmer feeding those poor cows nice and fat
[12/26/2012 20:42:34 UTC] maxQ: and then slaughtering them for meat
[12/26/2012 20:42:40 UTC] ANonYON3: Yeah in resembalence to the gov. But little do people know its just an ant whearing a wolf costume herding the sheep
[12/26/2012 20:44:39 UTC] darkhorse: read the article about the woman who survived the nazi era and warned baa-merica about freedom being taken away, very good
[12/26/2012 20:45:02 UTC] darkhorse: history repeating itself
[12/26/2012 20:45:05 UTC] ANonYON3: Can you link me up ?
[12/26/2012 20:45:21 UTC] darkhorse: give me a few mins
[12/26/2012 20:45:27 UTC] ANonYON3: Np
[12/26/2012 20:46:27 UTC] ANonYON3: So maxQ how's maxina doing hurd you got her sick lol
[12/26/2012 20:47:01 UTC] maxQ: bitches be tripping, i had to let her go
[12/26/2012 20:47:15 UTC] ANonYON3: Haha
[12/26/2012 20:47:15 UTC] darkhorse:
[12/26/2012 20:47:18 UTC] ANonYON3: I herd that bro
[12/26/2012 20:49:02 UTC] darkhorse: i tell yeah, i have watched the world sink in the last 20 odd years and its no joke,
[12/26/2012 20:51:08 UTC] darkhorse: i sure am glad i got the fuck out of Baa-merica
[12/26/2012 20:51:21 UTC] maxQ: never been there
[12/26/2012 20:51:26 UTC] ANonYON3: Yeah same man maybe not 20 but close enough. Btw ima have to get off here for a bit batteries dead need to recharge
[12/26/2012 20:51:45 UTC] ANonYON3: I saved that link thoe so ill check it out soon
[12/26/2012 20:51:57 UTC] ANonYON3: Peace guys see ya l8ter
[12/26/2012 20:52:07 UTC] darkhorse: anyone every read alex jones news
[12/26/2012 20:52:15 UTC] maxQ: ciao ANonYON3
[12/26/2012 20:52:21 UTC] maxQ: nope darkhorse
[12/26/2012 20:52:37 UTC] darkhorse: should, quite an eye opener
[12/26/2012 20:52:46 UTC] maxQ: tbh i dont bother too much with us news
[12/26/2012 20:52:51 UTC] maxQ: unless it is forced on me :P
[12/26/2012 20:52:59 UTC] maxQ: got enough problems of our own
[12/26/2012 20:53:03 UTC] maxQ: heh
[12/26/2012 20:53:12 UTC] darkhorse: what effects Baa-meriaca affects the rest of the world
[12/26/2012 20:53:35 UTC] maxQ: ofc, i take note
[12/26/2012 20:53:44 UTC] maxQ: but not much we can do from here
[12/26/2012 20:53:47 UTC] darkhorse: if its a tornado there it is def gale force here
[12/26/2012 20:54:08 UTC] maxQ: nah our government does a fuckin good job of screwing our shit up
[12/26/2012 20:54:11 UTC] maxQ: without US influence
[12/26/2012 20:54:19 UTC] maxQ: more chinese and israeli influence here
[12/26/2012 20:54:20 UTC] darkhorse: true
[12/26/2012 20:54:24 UTC] maxQ: which is basically US
[12/26/2012 20:54:25 UTC] maxQ: so yeah
[12/26/2012 20:57:31 UTC] darkhorse: jaasus its 9.11 i better go
[12/26/2012 21:26:10 UTC] *** Poth3ad602_ pablodiablo420 ***
[12/26/2012 22:13:30 UTC] *** Jabowakee ***
[12/26/2012 23:28:33 UTC] Ganja_G0d: anybody up for a good old question
[12/26/2012 23:33:08 UTC] Ganja_G0d: im running invision 3.3 over mirc 7.27, and i cant figure where to put the halt code when in the remote tab under scripts editor
[12/26/2012 23:33:41 UTC] Ganja_G0d: should even bother messing with it or should i be running a different script and/or irc client?
[12/26/2012 23:39:54 UTC] Ganja_G0d: 11• 12maxQ 11• i found what tat RedDragon guy was talking about earlier with the dns leaks
[12/26/2012 23:40:21 UTC] maxQ: with pidgin?
[12/26/2012 23:40:42 UTC] maxQ: i'll have a look at your script in the morning if youd like, but really theres no need to be using invision scripts
[12/26/2012 23:40:43 UTC] Ganja_G0d: yea
[12/26/2012 23:41:10 UTC] Ganja_G0d: yea i figured i was just used to using this and excursionx back in the day and i couldnt find the latter
[12/26/2012 23:41:26 UTC] maxQ: but im going to bed now, so cant check at the mo
[12/26/2012 23:41:34 UTC] maxQ: if you got news on pidgin please share
[12/26/2012 23:41:35 UTC] Ganja_G0d: its cool, but for pdgin
[12/26/2012 23:41:45 UTC] Ganja_G0d: that wikibeaks link shows it
[12/26/2012 23:41:51 UTC] Ganja_G0d: in this chans topic
[12/26/2012 23:42:03 UTC] Ganja_G0d: link it goes to is blog post from 4/11
[12/26/2012 23:42:22 UTC] Ganja_G0d: 4/13/11
[12/26/2012 23:42:48 UTC] Ganja_G0d: thats prob what he was talking about
[12/26/2012 23:42:52 UTC] Ganja_G0d: at least i assume
[12/26/2012 23:43:08 UTC] maxQ: ah yes
[12/26/2012 23:43:11 UTC] maxQ: those nasty dns leaks
[12/26/2012 23:43:13 UTC] Ganja_G0d: it shouldve been patched by now yea
[12/26/2012 23:43:41 UTC] maxQ: will look into it a bit more tomorrow, thanks
[12/26/2012 23:43:43 UTC] maxQ: was not even aware
[12/26/2012 23:44:12 UTC] Ganja_G0d: ive just been reading trying to figure everything out here and came accross that so figured id let ya know
[12/26/2012 23:44:20 UTC] Ganja_G0d: but good night man
[12/26/2012 23:45:03 UTC] maxQ: hopefully someone else can chime in about that
[12/26/2012 23:45:06 UTC] maxQ: night dude
[12/26/2012 23:45:11 UTC] maxQ: bbl
[12/26/2012 23:53:56 UTC] Ganja_G0d:
[12/27/2012 00:00:15 UTC] maxQ: it would seem it suffers from the same dns leaks that most apps will suffer from
[12/27/2012 00:00:22 UTC] maxQ: if you use a vpn or tor
[12/27/2012 00:00:22 UTC] maxQ:
[12/27/2012 00:00:27 UTC] maxQ: has info on how to fix it
[12/27/2012 00:00:50 UTC] maxQ: there is an automatic script for windows/openvpn
[12/27/2012 00:01:01 UTC] maxQ: and manual info if youre using tor
[12/27/2012 00:01:50 UTC] mos6502: ty maxQ
[12/27/2012 00:04:22 UTC] Ganja_G0d: well thats problem down
[12/27/2012 00:04:25 UTC] Ganja_G0d: thank you sir
[12/27/2012 00:06:07 UTC] maxQ: well actually, im not sure if that solution is right for TOR
[12/27/2012 00:06:36 UTC] maxQ: google it and let me know if you find a way to plug dns leak while using TOR ;p
[12/27/2012 00:07:17 UTC] maxQ: god fuckin damnit i have to be up in 3 hours
[12/27/2012 00:07:18 UTC] maxQ: laterz
[12/27/2012 00:07:25 UTC] maxQ: forreal this time
[12/27/2012 00:07:34 UTC] Ganja_G0d: hahaha LATER
[12/30/2012 07:00:06 UTC] Can: New bloood!
[12/30/2012 07:04:28 UTC] pathfinder: productive and insightful input
[12/30/2012 07:04:30 UTC] pathfinder: merci
[12/30/2012 07:10:37 UTC] pathfinder: !ban FedBot!*@*
[12/30/2012 07:10:59 UTC] pathfinder: argh
[12/31/2012 01:58:26 UTC] pathfinder: !mute jfb112697
[12/31/2012 01:58:28 UTC] pathfinder: !kb jfb112697
[12/31/2012 01:58:44 UTC] pathfinder: argh onb
# #optyler
[12/26/2012 06:06:21 UTC] blaT: bjr
[12/26/2012 06:28:32 UTC] voxanon570: i need a pgp key for retro hlp ??
[12/26/2012 06:34:35 UTC] UnBorn: good day everyone
[12/26/2012 06:38:44 UTC] voxanon570: hello
[12/26/2012 06:39:01 UTC] voxanon570: hello OP TYLER
[12/26/2012 06:39:18 UTC] voxanon570: you have a pgp key????
[12/26/2012 06:39:34 UTC] oddlaw: :\
[12/26/2012 06:40:36 UTC] oddlaw: i dont have shit bro
[12/26/2012 06:40:52 UTC] oddlaw: its a bit rude to just pm people out of the blue btw
[12/26/2012 06:41:47 UTC] voxanon570: my bad bro just tryin to get this shit going
[12/26/2012 06:42:02 UTC] oddlaw: np just unfortunately i'm not involved with it lol just hangin out in here
[12/26/2012 06:43:52 UTC] Cronos: Getting a key is a bit difficult for some that dont know anyone else unfortunately
[12/26/2012 06:44:15 UTC] voxanon570: tell me about it ive been looking fucking everywhere
[12/26/2012 06:44:54 UTC] Cronos: Understandable
[12/26/2012 06:45:35 UTC] Cronos: they're like a golden ticket for the chocolate factory
[12/26/2012 06:45:56 UTC] oddlaw: lol there is a certain 'web of trust' element of this op it seems
[12/26/2012 06:45:57 UTC] oddlaw: so
[12/26/2012 06:47:44 UTC] Cronos: Yes, atm....
[12/26/2012 06:47:48 UTC] Cronos: but needed
[12/26/2012 06:48:35 UTC] voxanon570: definitly warrented
[12/26/2012 06:52:20 UTC] Cronos: tough for non-anon individuals to get a foot in on Tyler, but its early days atm
[12/26/2012 06:53:24 UTC] UnBorn: yes, makes it difficult to get info in
[12/26/2012 06:53:29 UTC] voxanon570: ya i no just really looking forward to this indo thats supposed to be crazy
[12/26/2012 06:55:29 UTC] Cronos: Yes
[12/26/2012 07:17:44 UTC] voxanon531: hello
[12/26/2012 07:17:51 UTC] voxanon531: anyone up????
[12/26/2012 07:18:34 UTC] Cronos: Hey, all quiet here lol
[12/26/2012 07:19:44 UTC] UnBorn: shhhhh
[12/26/2012 07:22:16 UTC] Cronos: enjoying the silence are we lol
[12/26/2012 07:23:00 UTC] oddlaw: no news is good news
[12/26/2012 07:24:09 UTC] voxanon894:
[12/26/2012 07:25:23 UTC] Cronos: ah yes true, all a matter of perspective
[12/26/2012 07:43:08 UTC] voxanon976: bonjours
[12/26/2012 07:44:19 UTC] voxanon976: y'a des personnes qui parle francais ici
[12/26/2012 07:45:07 UTC] oddlaw: there was a #francetylerchat but everyones gone atm
[12/26/2012 07:46:31 UTC] voxanon976: OK thank you I will iron(go back)
[12/26/2012 07:48:29 UTC] voxanon976: You knows not how we make to find TY............
[12/26/2012 07:51:18 UTC] voxanon976: Well I leave you goodbye
[12/26/2012 07:51:29 UTC] oddlaw: goodnight
[12/26/2012 07:51:35 UTC] voxanon976: ok
[12/26/2012 08:14:23 UTC] blaT: bonjour all, qui peut accepter ma clé, merci ;)
[12/26/2012 08:36:43 UTC] blaT: hello all, who can accept my key, thank you;)
[12/26/2012 10:10:09 UTC] Sartz: hey
[12/26/2012 10:11:12 UTC] Sartz: anyone can give me a retro share, pw?
[12/26/2012 10:15:46 UTC] Sartz: anyone can invite me for retroshare plz ?
[12/26/2012 10:39:20 UTC] voxanon070: bonjour quelqu'un parle francais?
[12/26/2012 10:41:40 UTC] voxanon070: personne!
[12/26/2012 10:42:48 UTC] voxanon070: good bye bonne journée
[12/26/2012 10:51:42 UTC] MoralFlag: will be interested to see how this thing works
[12/26/2012 11:09:03 UTC] MoralFlag: kinda confused
[12/26/2012 11:10:42 UTC] MoralFlag: so does one go and download retroshare then get patches through tyler?
[12/26/2012 11:11:23 UTC] MoralFlag: appypolilogies not an uber technosav
[12/26/2012 11:54:13 UTC] Winston:
[12/26/2012 12:25:12 UTC] CyberWitch: hy
[12/26/2012 12:46:12 UTC] CyberWitch: somebody has the link about code tyler, i loose it?
[12/26/2012 13:15:29 UTC] fructus34: apparently the Tyler channel on RS has spread quite well. But there's nothing on it.
[12/26/2012 13:15:47 UTC] Dusk: give it time
[12/26/2012 13:16:11 UTC] fructus34: is there anything posted on this channel?
[12/26/2012 13:21:29 UTC] Nokturnal: hi
[12/26/2012 13:21:35 UTC] fructus34: hi
[12/26/2012 13:23:01 UTC] Nokturnal: i have a question... where i can find the pgp key for the tyler channel?
[12/26/2012 13:27:18 UTC] Dusk: pgp is your key you share it your friends and put there pgp in yours
[12/26/2012 13:27:46 UTC] Dusk: when u click on add friend the top box is your key put theres in the bottom
[12/26/2012 13:30:59 UTC] Nokturnal: oh ok ok.. thanks.. so i must share the key in the pastebin
[12/26/2012 13:31:40 UTC] Nokturnal: not pastebin... i meant pad
[12/26/2012 13:51:45 UTC] Dusk: u catch on quick
[12/26/2012 14:04:52 UTC] kn0tsel: Greetings..
[12/26/2012 14:13:52 UTC] blAT: Can anyone accept me in RetroShare for access to Tyler please thanks
[12/26/2012 15:21:26 UTC] ami: congrats at reinventing i2p
[12/26/2012 15:21:57 UTC] ami: before everyone here gets their ass killed, please move EVERYTHING to i2p an actual anonymizer
[12/26/2012 15:22:13 UTC] ami: you can run retroshare on top of i2p if needed
[12/26/2012 15:22:16 UTC] ami: but PLEASE
[12/26/2012 15:22:21 UTC] ami: MOVE TO I2P NOW
[12/26/2012 15:22:40 UTC] ami: for your own safety
[12/26/2012 15:22:44 UTC] ami: safetey in numbers
[12/26/2012 15:22:48 UTC] ami: 17k already assembled
[12/26/2012 15:23:22 UTC] ami: i request you guys move your ass to the main swarm
[12/26/2012 15:23:28 UTC] voxanon164: hi i am a newbie, i want to upload files in the codenametyler, but i have an error message: Could not create directory "mwstore://local-backend/local-public/3/30"
[12/26/2012 15:23:34 UTC] ami: >.>
[12/26/2012 15:23:40 UTC] voxanon164: please help me ty
[12/26/2012 15:25:29 UTC] ami: speak
[12/26/2012 15:25:55 UTC] ami: using a non anoynmous f2f filesharing network to release sensitive documents is insanely dangerous
[12/26/2012 15:26:08 UTC] ami: i implore this move to i2p right now
[12/26/2012 15:27:00 UTC] ami: saftey in numbers
[12/26/2012 15:27:12 UTC] ami: were are the chanops?
[12/26/2012 15:28:11 UTC] Womble: your clearly an idiot
[12/26/2012 15:28:14 UTC] ami: how so?
[12/26/2012 15:28:19 UTC] ami: please elaborate?
[12/26/2012 15:28:42 UTC] ami: i'll explain over voice chat if needed
[12/26/2012 15:28:44 UTC] Womble: no
[12/26/2012 15:28:49 UTC] Womble: Tyler is on RS
[12/26/2012 15:28:58 UTC] ami: RS is NOT anonymous
[12/26/2012 15:29:01 UTC] Womble: start your own project elswhere
[12/26/2012 15:29:06 UTC] ami: you're asking to get your asses attacked
[12/26/2012 15:29:24 UTC] Womble: by who
[12/26/2012 15:29:25 UTC] ami: seriously, it's f2f not an anonymizer
[12/26/2012 15:29:36 UTC] ami: this is a mistake i am trying to help
[12/26/2012 15:29:37 UTC] Womble: Have you even used RS
[12/26/2012 15:29:41 UTC] ami: i have
[12/26/2012 15:29:43 UTC] ami: and it is neat
[12/26/2012 15:29:48 UTC] Womble: what settings
[12/26/2012 15:29:51 UTC] Womble: are you using
[12/26/2012 15:29:51 UTC] ami: but NOT for leaking classified docs
[12/26/2012 15:30:23 UTC] ami: i am using the defaults
[12/26/2012 15:30:36 UTC] Womble: then maybe that is why your anonymous
[12/26/2012 15:30:41 UTC] Womble: run it in darknet mode
[12/26/2012 15:30:48 UTC] Womble: remove port forwarding
[12/26/2012 15:31:48 UTC] Womble: stop spamming people with paranoia
[12/26/2012 15:32:13 UTC] ami: i am not spamming anyone with paranoia
[12/26/2012 15:32:18 UTC] ami: and stop blaming me
[12/26/2012 15:32:21 UTC] ami: this is serious
[12/26/2012 15:32:36 UTC] idaydream: sky = falling
[12/26/2012 15:32:37 UTC] ami: >.>
[12/26/2012 15:32:57 UTC] ami: you realize that there is a botnet on there right now right?
[12/26/2012 15:33:19 UTC] idaydream: on where?
[12/26/2012 15:33:34 UTC] ami: RS
[12/26/2012 15:33:45 UTC] ami: you understand what a sybil attack is right?
[12/26/2012 15:33:56 UTC] ami: well... metalgear just got an upgrade
[12/26/2012 15:33:59 UTC] ami: they tyler now
[12/26/2012 15:34:06 UTC] idaydream: No, I don't. Others in this chat probably do
[12/26/2012 15:34:08 UTC] ami: just letting you guys know
[12/26/2012 15:34:09 UTC] Womble: shut up
[12/26/2012 15:34:12 UTC] ami: oh go
[12/26/2012 15:34:15 UTC] ami: god*
[12/26/2012 15:34:30 UTC] Womble: go and spread your shit elswhere
[12/26/2012 15:34:31 UTC] ami: please can i do a calm voice chat with some one ?
[12/26/2012 15:34:36 UTC] idaydream: I am the one they call newfag
[12/26/2012 15:34:48 UTC] ami: I AM NOT trying to spread lies
[12/26/2012 15:35:09 UTC] ami: i am trying to explain a possible weakness
[12/26/2012 15:35:10 UTC] Womble: yes you are
[12/26/2012 15:35:20 UTC] ami: Womble: stop putting words in my mouth
[12/26/2012 15:35:25 UTC] ami: Womble: pm
[12/26/2012 15:35:35 UTC] Womble: stop telling people
[12/26/2012 15:35:36 UTC] idaydream: I was just setting my RS up, would you care to explain to me why I shouldn't?
[12/26/2012 15:35:39 UTC] Womble: there is a botnet on RS
[12/26/2012 15:35:53 UTC] ami: Womble: would you like "proof"?
[12/26/2012 15:36:01 UTC] Womble: of course
[12/26/2012 15:36:16 UTC] idaydream: lol fuck no, he'd like mountains of conjecture
[12/26/2012 15:36:21 UTC] idaydream: we all would!
[12/26/2012 15:36:55 UTC] ami: i'll be on skype please ding me asap
[12/26/2012 15:38:01 UTC] ami: i just want to help
[12/26/2012 15:38:14 UTC] ami: i have INFO!
[12/26/2012 15:38:19 UTC] ami: LET ME GIVE IT TO YOU!
[12/26/2012 15:38:34 UTC] ami: HEY
[12/26/2012 15:38:41 UTC] ami: LET ME GIVE YOU THE INFO
[12/26/2012 15:38:45 UTC] ami: PLEASE
[12/26/2012 15:39:13 UTC] idaydream: Oh hello Winston, I was just about to e-mail the address that shows up in the video my pgp key. Would that be in bad form or just very sloppy?
[12/26/2012 15:39:31 UTC] Winston: I really cannot be arsed
[12/26/2012 15:39:32 UTC] ami: this has become a matter of VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS
[12/26/2012 15:39:43 UTC] ami: can i PLEASE relay said info
[12/26/2012 15:40:48 UTC] ami: this is a platform for leaks right?
[12/26/2012 15:40:54 UTC] ami: let me FUCKING use it
[12/26/2012 15:40:58 UTC] idaydream: well
[12/26/2012 15:41:18 UTC] idaydream: you can tell me, ami. I cant guarantee i'll know what in the hell you're talking about immediately
[12/26/2012 15:41:21 UTC] ami: LET ME FUCKING SPEAK
[12/26/2012 15:41:29 UTC] ami: AND STOP KICKING ME
[12/26/2012 15:41:43 UTC] idaydream: relax guy, it's been 3 minutes
[12/26/2012 15:41:45 UTC] idaydream: 4
[12/26/2012 15:42:21 UTC] ami: who is tech lead?
[12/26/2012 15:42:36 UTC] idaydream: who?
[12/26/2012 15:42:47 UTC] ami: are you fucking serious?
[12/26/2012 15:42:52 UTC] ami: you have no technical lead"?
[12/26/2012 15:43:01 UTC] idaydream: lead?
[12/26/2012 15:43:14 UTC] ami: who "designed" the current setup?
[12/26/2012 15:43:39 UTC] ami: very important info comming through
[12/26/2012 15:43:51 UTC] ami: i am NOT going to drop it in the main channel
[12/26/2012 15:44:15 UTC] ami: >.>
[12/26/2012 15:44:18 UTC] idaydream: well
[12/26/2012 15:44:25 UTC] idaydream: why can't you fix it if you know what the problem is?
[12/26/2012 15:44:40 UTC] ami: you understand what a sybil attack is right?
[12/26/2012 15:45:06 UTC] idaydream: I already told you that I don't, I can look it up if you don't care to explain.
[12/26/2012 15:45:14 UTC] Winston: ami
[12/26/2012 15:45:19 UTC] ami: Winston: please pm
[12/26/2012 15:45:20 UTC] Winston: your clearly need medication
[12/26/2012 15:47:21 UTC] ami: Winston: clearly you should pick up a book on tcp/ip
[12/26/2012 15:47:22 UTC] ami: :3
[12/26/2012 15:47:44 UTC] Winston: you have provided no evidence to me
[12/26/2012 15:47:51 UTC] Winston: of anything you have said
[12/26/2012 15:47:53 UTC] ami: Winston: you want some?
[12/26/2012 15:50:03 UTC] Winston: Guys
[12/26/2012 15:50:18 UTC] Winston: WI got rid of the a first and major node
[12/26/2012 15:51:05 UTC] ami: Winston: pm'd you the info please take it into account
[12/26/2012 15:51:13 UTC] Winston: No
[12/26/2012 15:51:19 UTC] ami: you are a moron
[12/26/2012 15:51:28 UTC] ami: i am trying to give you fucking info
[12/26/2012 15:51:32 UTC] ami: and you say "no"
[12/26/2012 15:51:40 UTC] ami: this is how successful tyler is
[12/26/2012 15:52:25 UTC] ami: I want this to succeed, your guy's answer: "no"
[12/26/2012 15:52:41 UTC] ami: this is not a game anymore
[12/26/2012 15:52:56 UTC] ami: stop treating it like a joke
[12/26/2012 15:53:36 UTC] ami: Winston: you have my info at least right?
[12/26/2012 15:53:42 UTC] m00trix: ami what info?
[12/26/2012 15:53:58 UTC] ami: m00trix: i have leaked info that everyone seems to not care about
[12/26/2012 15:54:10 UTC] idaydream: where?
[12/26/2012 15:54:16 UTC] Thread: ^
[12/26/2012 15:54:25 UTC] ami: i DONT trust RS to send it as it is not an anonymous medium
[12/26/2012 15:54:33 UTC] Winston: Shut up
[12/26/2012 15:54:42 UTC] ami: k
[12/26/2012 15:54:43 UTC] ami: have fun
[12/26/2012 15:55:11 UTC] ami: you guys are in danger
[12/26/2012 15:55:14 UTC] ami: i am not trying to scare people
[12/26/2012 15:55:17 UTC] idaydream: Why should I get this i2p?
[12/26/2012 15:55:18 UTC] ami: i am trying to help people
[12/26/2012 15:55:23 UTC] Thread: what info?
[12/26/2012 15:55:29 UTC] idaydream: Help me, to help you. Use your words ami
[12/26/2012 15:55:30 UTC] ami: it's not about using i2p
[12/26/2012 15:55:37 UTC] ami: it's about RS
[12/26/2012 15:55:46 UTC] Winston: ami
[12/26/2012 15:56:00 UTC] idaydream: Where is this proof?
[12/26/2012 15:56:01 UTC] Winston: what type of pizza would you like me to buy for you
[12/26/2012 15:56:04 UTC] ami: idaydream: define proof
[12/26/2012 15:56:09 UTC] Winston: with your own money
[12/26/2012 15:56:13 UTC] ami: leaks are not proof until verified
[12/26/2012 15:56:14 UTC] idaydream: you offered it before
[12/26/2012 15:56:28 UTC] idaydream: why do i need to define it, did you give it?
[12/26/2012 15:56:33 UTC] ami: if you want to verify my claims please look at the numbers and i'll explain
[12/26/2012 15:56:41 UTC] ami: does anyone even know what bgp is?
[12/26/2012 15:56:54 UTC] idaydream: Which numbers?
[12/26/2012 15:57:01 UTC] ami: oh for fuck's ake
[12/26/2012 15:57:05 UTC] Thread: may we see the leak so we judge by ourself?
[12/26/2012 15:57:18 UTC] m00trix: ami yea routing
[12/26/2012 15:57:41 UTC] ami: i am starting to understand that this is going to fail a LOT harder than previously expected.....
[12/26/2012 15:57:44 UTC] idaydream: you bust in here all like "TAKE ME 2 UR LEADER" i don't know if you've explained yet
[12/26/2012 15:57:59 UTC] ami: i NEED to tell whoever made this thing what is going on
[12/26/2012 15:58:07 UTC] ami: so they can be informed
[12/26/2012 15:58:14 UTC] Winston: ami, what security firm do you work for
[12/26/2012 15:58:17 UTC] idaydream: so fuck us?
[12/26/2012 15:58:21 UTC] Thread: anonymous has no leader. If you got something to say just say it
[12/26/2012 15:58:26 UTC] ami: Winston: undisclosed
[12/26/2012 15:58:30 UTC] Winston: spread your misinformation somewhere else
[12/26/2012 15:58:39 UTC] ami: you wanted a leak here it is
[12/26/2012 15:58:41 UTC] idaydream: or at least spread it in public so we can point and laugh
[12/26/2012 15:58:46 UTC] ami: take it or leave it
[12/26/2012 15:59:04 UTC] idaydream: or be shocked and awed
[12/26/2012 15:59:08 UTC] Winston: you have not said anything credible
[12/26/2012 15:59:10 UTC] Winston: now piss off
[12/26/2012 15:59:13 UTC] Winston: I am really bussy
[12/26/2012 15:59:15 UTC] ami: i am too
[12/26/2012 15:59:20 UTC] m00trix: ami so fucking say it
[12/26/2012 15:59:22 UTC] m00trix: poser
[12/26/2012 15:59:25 UTC] m00trix: jesus
[12/26/2012 15:59:36 UTC] idaydream: you're such a tease ami
[12/26/2012 15:59:46 UTC] ami: STOP BEING FUCKIGN PARANOID
[12/26/2012 15:59:49 UTC] ami: this is REAL
[12/26/2012 15:59:53 UTC] Thread: ami post a link for us to see
[12/26/2012 15:59:59 UTC] idaydream: he's gonna say reptiles
[12/26/2012 16:00:07 UTC] ami: okay by
[12/26/2012 16:00:07 UTC] Thread: ami post a link for us to see
[12/26/2012 16:00:15 UTC] ami: have fun getting deanon'd
[12/26/2012 16:00:23 UTC] ami: just to let you know
[12/26/2012 16:00:32 UTC] ami: metalgear has tlyer abilities
[12/26/2012 16:00:37 UTC] ami: FUCKING LISTEN
[12/26/2012 16:00:58 UTC] ami: METALGEAR HAS TYLER CAPABILITES
[12/26/2012 16:01:03 UTC] ami: you are all under a sybil attack RIGHT NOW!
[12/26/2012 16:01:13 UTC] m00trix: wut
[12/26/2012 16:01:18 UTC] m00trix: ironman?
[12/26/2012 16:01:26 UTC] ami: HOLY FUCKING GOD ARE YOU GUYS AMATURES?
[12/26/2012 16:01:28 UTC] Winston: nope
[12/26/2012 16:01:46 UTC] Winston: I am under a "pain in the arse" attack
[12/26/2012 16:01:59 UTC] Thread: metalgear?
[12/26/2012 16:02:10 UTC] ami: oh for fuck's sake does no one remember hb gary?
[12/26/2012 16:02:20 UTC] Thread: I do
[12/26/2012 16:02:21 UTC] ami: does NO ONE HERE remember what was found?
[12/26/2012 16:02:26 UTC] ami: that software
[12/26/2012 16:02:34 UTC] ami: that sockpuppet framework
[12/26/2012 16:02:41 UTC] m00trix: !topic
[12/26/2012 16:02:51 UTC] Winston: Dear Anons, welcome to what I like to call, a Mental Fag, makes mad claims, never backs them up, speaks in riddles and behaves like a jerk
[12/26/2012 16:02:55 UTC] ami: Winston: the truth rains above all
[12/26/2012 16:02:59 UTC] ami: Winston: you will see
[12/26/2012 16:03:00 UTC] idaydream: I remember that
[12/26/2012 16:03:03 UTC] idaydream: claim
[12/26/2012 16:03:15 UTC] ami: THAT software is being used on tyler to find the "authors" RIGHT now
[12/26/2012 16:03:29 UTC] ami: and it's a very real software
[12/26/2012 16:03:31 UTC] idaydream: and?
[12/26/2012 16:03:36 UTC] ami: you won't be anonymous
[12/26/2012 16:03:42 UTC] idaydream: i'm not, really
[12/26/2012 16:03:43 UTC] ami: and you will probably be charged
[12/26/2012 16:03:51 UTC] ami: i don't know any more
[12/26/2012 16:03:52 UTC] idaydream: with what
[12/26/2012 16:03:53 UTC] ami: that is alll
[12/26/2012 16:04:00 UTC] Winston: Authors of what
[12/26/2012 16:04:16 UTC] Winston: ami, your clearly an idiot
[12/26/2012 16:04:16 UTC] ami: okay, how much do i have to break this down?
[12/26/2012 16:04:24 UTC] ami: Winston: why do you say that?
[12/26/2012 16:04:29 UTC] idaydream: as much as you feel it is important
[12/26/2012 16:04:30 UTC] Winston: This is too funny
[12/26/2012 16:04:33 UTC] ami: Winston: do you understand what RS even does?
[12/26/2012 16:04:33 UTC] idaydream: it is clearly very important to you
[12/26/2012 16:04:36 UTC] Winston: I am going to blog about this
[12/26/2012 16:04:45 UTC] idaydream: let it go this is OC
[12/26/2012 16:04:50 UTC] ami: >.>
[12/26/2012 16:04:58 UTC] idaydream: I would love to hear your story
[12/26/2012 16:05:03 UTC] ami: can i speak it?
[12/26/2012 16:05:08 UTC] ami: on skype?
[12/26/2012 16:05:08 UTC] Winston: Were you involved in the Mayan Prophecy?
[12/26/2012 16:05:12 UTC] ami: or something like that?
[12/26/2012 16:05:12 UTC] idaydream: skype?
[12/26/2012 16:05:17 UTC] Winston: Go fuck yourself
[12/26/2012 16:05:19 UTC] idaydream: the pinnacle of safety?
[12/26/2012 16:05:24 UTC] Thread: lol skype is not anonymous
[12/26/2012 16:05:25 UTC] ami: you have any other ways?
[12/26/2012 16:05:26 UTC] idaydream: and security?
[12/26/2012 16:05:33 UTC] ami: skype is suvralainve
[12/26/2012 16:05:40 UTC] idaydream: pastebin?
[12/26/2012 16:05:42 UTC] Winston: On a serious note
[12/26/2012 16:05:42 UTC] ami: is there a mubmler server?
[12/26/2012 16:05:49 UTC] Winston: Make sure your Networks are safe
[12/26/2012 16:05:55 UTC] ami: Winston: THAT
[12/26/2012 16:06:02 UTC] ami: make sure your networks are VERY safe
[12/26/2012 16:06:05 UTC] Winston: if you dont know people on your network run in Dark Net Mode
[12/26/2012 16:06:40 UTC] ami: i want someone to explain this to over some kind of spoken medium
[12/26/2012 16:06:48 UTC] ami: i suck at irc
[12/26/2012 16:07:56 UTC] ami: there are no anonymous audio transfer mechanisms at the moment
[12/26/2012 16:08:02 UTC] ami: at least ones that i know
[12/26/2012 16:08:03 UTC] idaydream: what?!
[12/26/2012 16:08:08 UTC] idaydream: RECORD YOURSELF
[12/26/2012 16:08:22 UTC] ami: i want dialog
[12/26/2012 16:08:35 UTC] idaydream: i thought you had telling to do?
[12/26/2012 16:08:42 UTC] ami: 2 way disucssion is better than me just ranting and sounding like a faggot
[12/26/2012 16:08:50 UTC] ami: i want to ensure that everything is clear
[12/26/2012 16:09:08 UTC] idaydream: engage us
[12/26/2012 16:09:18 UTC] ami: where?
[12/26/2012 16:09:33 UTC] Thread: ami: we're doing that just now
[12/26/2012 16:09:39 UTC] ami: all you guys are saying is "go screw yourself crazyhead"
[12/26/2012 16:09:45 UTC] ami: >.>
[12/26/2012 16:09:48 UTC] Winston: ^^^^^
[12/26/2012 16:09:51 UTC] ami: i'd like to join in
[12/26/2012 16:10:04 UTC] ami: where is this audio chat?
[12/26/2012 16:10:22 UTC] Thread: there's none, for the reason you said above: <ami> there are no anonymous audio transfer mechanisms at the moment
[12/26/2012 16:11:04 UTC] ami: i want to engage in a civil intellectually engaged convorstation about this situation
[12/26/2012 16:11:18 UTC] ami: and ensure you understand
[12/26/2012 16:11:33 UTC] ami: this is getting very politically bad
[12/26/2012 16:11:50 UTC] voxanon070: how can i solve the NAT problem in retroshare??
[12/26/2012 16:11:54 UTC] idaydream: DO IT
[12/26/2012 16:11:57 UTC] ami: voxanon070: port forwarding
[12/26/2012 16:12:04 UTC] ami: idaydream: where?
[12/26/2012 16:12:11 UTC] idaydream: right here
[12/26/2012 16:12:13 UTC] ami: i do better in audio
[12/26/2012 16:12:15 UTC] ami: i can't irc good
[12/26/2012 16:12:17 UTC] idaydream: we don't
[12/26/2012 16:12:20 UTC] idaydream: we know
[12/26/2012 16:12:36 UTC] ami: this is infuriatingly frustrating
[12/26/2012 16:12:43 UTC] idaydream: start from the beginning
[12/26/2012 16:12:44 UTC] Winston: This guy just wants to be heard
[12/26/2012 16:12:47 UTC] Winston: sigh
[12/26/2012 16:12:57 UTC] ami: Winston: no go fuckyourself faggot you are naive
[12/26/2012 16:13:03 UTC] ami: beginning:
[12/26/2012 16:13:05 UTC] idaydream: at the very least it will be lulz
[12/26/2012 16:13:06 UTC] Thread: lol, what needs to be known to speak in irc other than just type what you'd want to say?
[12/26/2012 16:13:20 UTC] ami: i work at $infosecfirm
[12/26/2012 16:13:42 UTC] idaydream: sounds legit
[12/26/2012 16:13:48 UTC] ami: i have obtained information that the technology know to the public as "metalgear" is diluting tyler
[12/26/2012 16:14:18 UTC] ami: this network dilution is meant to make it so they can observe the ENTIRE network and it's contents
[12/26/2012 16:14:24 UTC] ami: and possible deanonymize leakers
[12/26/2012 16:14:52 UTC] Thread: how?
[12/26/2012 16:15:00 UTC] ami: using the F2F non anonymous filesharing program no longer is a "suitable platform"
[12/26/2012 16:15:06 UTC] ami: Thread: you know what metalgear is?
[12/26/2012 16:15:20 UTC] Thread: tbh no
[12/26/2012 16:15:30 UTC] ami: "metalgear" was a technology made to generate and control "social botnets"
[12/26/2012 16:15:36 UTC] ami: aka sockputteting
[12/26/2012 16:15:46 UTC] idaydream: mhmm
[12/26/2012 16:15:46 UTC] ami: aka sybil attack
[12/26/2012 16:16:02 UTC] ami: RIGHT NOW, tyler + RS is about 40 to 70 % bots
[12/26/2012 16:16:18 UTC] Winston: I have your IP address
[12/26/2012 16:16:23 UTC] ami: Winston: idgaf
[12/26/2012 16:16:25 UTC] idaydream: That looks like conjecture to me ami
[12/26/2012 16:16:28 UTC] Winston: soon I will know what type of faggot you are
[12/26/2012 16:16:34 UTC] ami: Winston: please do
[12/26/2012 16:16:36 UTC] ami: @ampernand
[12/26/2012 16:16:37 UTC] ami: fuck you
[12/26/2012 16:16:48 UTC] ami: i am going to jail now
[12/26/2012 16:16:51 UTC] idaydream: quit popping off
[12/26/2012 16:17:01 UTC] ami: i blame your incompetance
[12/26/2012 16:17:01 UTC] idaydream: it's not helping you
[12/26/2012 16:17:07 UTC] Winston: you have said NOTHING, provided no evidence and asked to be allowed on radio
[12/26/2012 16:17:38 UTC] ami: Winston: if the word of an employee is not good enough nothing is
[12/26/2012 16:17:48 UTC] idaydream: it's not
[12/26/2012 16:18:00 UTC] Thread: ami, it would actually be nice to see some evidence
[12/26/2012 16:18:00 UTC] ami: this is fucking bullshit
[12/26/2012 16:18:02 UTC] idaydream: it's an appeal to employee
[12/26/2012 16:18:06 UTC] Thread: there are ways to upload documents anonymously
[12/26/2012 16:18:20 UTC] ami: Thread: yes there are
[12/26/2012 16:18:30 UTC] ami: but this is going down live
[12/26/2012 16:18:38 UTC] idaydream: as opposed to dead?
[12/26/2012 16:18:44 UTC] Winston: I2P enthusiast
[12/26/2012 16:18:49 UTC] ami: Winston: and?
[12/26/2012 16:19:02 UTC] ami: i just got a job at infosecland
[12/26/2012 16:19:13 UTC] idaydream: how do we know i2p isn't much more vulnerable to you all at infosecland
[12/26/2012 16:19:19 UTC] idaydream: i can come up with conjecture too
[12/26/2012 16:19:25 UTC] idaydream: i'm an employee of infosecworld
[12/26/2012 16:19:31 UTC] ami: this is bullshit
[12/26/2012 16:19:33 UTC] ami: i'm gone
[12/26/2012 16:19:36 UTC] idaydream: correct
[12/26/2012 16:19:38 UTC] Winston: thank god
[12/26/2012 16:19:52 UTC] ami: YOU ARE ALL fucking screwed by your own means
[12/26/2012 16:19:54 UTC] ami: congrats
[12/26/2012 16:20:02 UTC] Winston:
[12/26/2012 16:20:05 UTC] ami: Winston: yes
[12/26/2012 16:20:07 UTC] ami: correct
[12/26/2012 16:20:30 UTC] ami: fuck you
[12/26/2012 16:21:10 UTC] sasl: you guys failed
[12/26/2012 16:21:21 UTC] sasl: failed to protect infpo
[12/26/2012 16:22:38 UTC] sasl: this is insane
[12/26/2012 16:22:45 UTC] sasl: i leaked info and you shit on me
[12/26/2012 16:23:02 UTC] sasl: what is the point ?
[12/26/2012 16:23:36 UTC] sasl: what the hell
[12/26/2012 16:23:50 UTC] sasl: trolling
[12/26/2012 16:23:52 UTC] sasl: does not
[12/26/2012 16:23:57 UTC] sasl: help leaks
[12/26/2012 16:24:04 UTC] sasl: you are fagoots
[12/26/2012 16:24:04 UTC] Thread: sasl: please show us some evidence
[12/26/2012 16:24:25 UTC] sasl: Thread: like what? my ss no?
[12/26/2012 16:24:28 UTC] sasl: fuck that
[12/26/2012 16:24:45 UTC] sasl: this is fucking gay
[12/26/2012 16:24:55 UTC] sasl: "leaking info we approve of"
[12/26/2012 16:25:05 UTC] sasl: "leaking info we deem needed"
[12/26/2012 16:25:09 UTC] sasl: that is decentralized?
[12/26/2012 16:25:35 UTC] sasl: the ONLY "evidence" is "my word" but that is where trust comes in
[12/26/2012 16:25:46 UTC] Thread: info are always needed
[12/26/2012 16:25:46 UTC] Winston: the ONLY "evidence" is "my word" but that is where trust comes in
[12/26/2012 16:25:54 UTC] sasl: Winston: dont trust me
[12/26/2012 16:26:01 UTC] sasl: only take info as desired
[12/26/2012 16:26:09 UTC] sasl: i gave you info and you reject
[12/26/2012 16:26:12 UTC] sasl: that is YOUR choice
[12/26/2012 16:26:18 UTC] sasl: accept the consequence
[12/26/2012 16:27:31 UTC] sasl: i think this shows how illequiped this whole thing is
[12/26/2012 16:28:02 UTC] Thread: the point is, you didn't give us any info, just your word. Do you realize anybody can here and say anything, right? Would you believe them without proofs?
[12/26/2012 16:28:17 UTC] sasl: Thread: i am aware of that
[12/26/2012 16:28:32 UTC] sasl: and from that i didn't expect anyone to believe me from the start
[12/26/2012 16:28:51 UTC] sasl: i was hoping someone would listen
[12/26/2012 16:28:54 UTC] sasl: no one did
[12/26/2012 16:29:00 UTC] sasl: you guys suck at this
[12/26/2012 16:29:45 UTC] sasl: you understand what is going on right?
[12/26/2012 16:30:01 UTC] sasl: regardless of you believing me or npot
[12/26/2012 16:30:13 UTC] sasl: your f2f network is diluted with bots
[12/26/2012 16:30:27 UTC] sasl: does ANYONE understand the implications?
[12/26/2012 16:30:58 UTC] Winston: Dont worry
[12/26/2012 16:31:05 UTC] sasl: i do
[12/26/2012 16:31:08 UTC] Winston: you call tell everyone now on twitter
[12/26/2012 16:31:12 UTC] sasl: because i am not a fucking moron
[12/26/2012 16:31:44 UTC] sasl: Winston: how about you take this seriously for a change
[12/26/2012 16:34:55 UTC] Lulzop: Guys
[12/26/2012 16:35:02 UTC] Lulzop: The video is remover
[12/26/2012 16:40:29 UTC] sasl: make sure to spread more hate and rumors about me
[12/26/2012 16:40:44 UTC] sasl: that only shows how credible you guys are with leaking info
[12/26/2012 17:21:18 UTC] AnonForecast_: good morning
[12/26/2012 17:27:41 UTC] voxanon833: bonsoir quelqu'un parle francais?
[12/26/2012 17:28:35 UTC] voxanon833: hello do you speck french?
[12/26/2012 17:31:36 UTC] voxanon833: Good evening I need help to find TY.... AnonUKIre told me to come here who can help me?
[12/26/2012 17:36:19 UTC] Winston: Hey
[12/26/2012 17:36:36 UTC] Winston:
[12/26/2012 17:37:16 UTC] Winston: Sorry wrong link:
[12/26/2012 17:39:24 UTC] voxanon833: ok thank
[12/26/2012 17:40:36 UTC] radLabo412: svp pouvons nous echanger nos clé svp ?
[12/26/2012 17:41:24 UTC] radLabo412:
[12/26/2012 17:42:22 UTC] Winston: Done
[12/26/2012 17:43:14 UTC] radLabo412: can i have your key now please ?
[12/26/2012 17:43:17 UTC] Winston: No
[12/26/2012 17:43:24 UTC] Winston: I have no idea who you are
[12/26/2012 17:43:53 UTC] Winston: You have been invited to some chat rooms
[12/26/2012 17:44:02 UTC] Winston: but I will not share my key with a stranger
[12/26/2012 17:44:37 UTC] radLabo412: i have reinstall retroshare, yesterday you already give your key to me
[12/26/2012 17:45:30 UTC] radLabo412: @winston ??
[12/26/2012 17:49:03 UTC] radLabo412: anybody can exchange his key with me please, for joining tyler channel ?
[12/26/2012 17:50:47 UTC] radLabo412: I need a retroshare key please ...
[12/26/2012 17:52:37 UTC] Winston: There are lots of french anons
[12/26/2012 17:52:39 UTC] Winston: on tyler
[12/26/2012 17:52:45 UTC] Winston: you should know
[12/26/2012 17:53:58 UTC] radLabo412: ok, je recherche une clé retroshare pour pouvoir me conecter au salon tyler ...
[12/26/2012 17:54:15 UTC] radLabo412:
[12/26/2012 17:58:51 UTC] radLabo412: @Anonymous_x_ can you give me your retroshare key please ?
[12/26/2012 17:59:07 UTC] AnonForecast_: non e bonsoir toute le monde
[12/26/2012 18:00:24 UTC] radLabo412: vous êtee
[12/26/2012 18:00:24 UTC] radLabo412: vous etes pas fun les gars ...
[12/26/2012 18:01:42 UTC] radLabo412: since this morning i try to find a key ...
[12/26/2012 18:03:09 UTC] Anonymous_X_: por favor, lea el tema, no piden las llaves en la sala de chat pública. Sólo en mensajes privados.
[12/26/2012 18:10:39 UTC] voxanon833: je compren rien pas moyen de trouver tyler????
[12/26/2012 18:23:07 UTC] radLabo412: add me --->
[12/26/2012 18:23:41 UTC] voxanon383: tyler cert?? -i be lost
[12/26/2012 18:23:50 UTC] radLabo412: yes
[12/26/2012 18:25:03 UTC] voxanon383: think i need ;frient?/cert to get retroShare up&op
[12/26/2012 18:25:25 UTC] radLabo412: yes
[12/26/2012 18:29:16 UTC] voxanon383: gotit
[12/26/2012 18:29:34 UTC] radLabo412: can we exchange our keys now ?
[12/26/2012 18:30:00 UTC] voxanon383: ??
[12/26/2012 18:31:08 UTC] radLabo412: <----- mine
[12/26/2012 18:31:45 UTC] radLabo412: create a new paste with your key
[12/26/2012 18:31:53 UTC] Xexizy: hey, i have only recently found out about this op, i think i understand it but could i ask one of you guys if i have everything right?
[12/26/2012 18:31:56 UTC] voxanon383: me
[12/26/2012 18:47:04 UTC] mrod: Sup guys
[12/26/2012 18:48:03 UTC] mrod: is there is anyone using retroshare ?
[12/26/2012 18:52:07 UTC] AnonForecast_: idk but i heard good things about it
[12/26/2012 18:52:09 UTC] AnonForecast_: joepie loves it
[12/26/2012 18:52:44 UTC] Nokturnal:
[12/26/2012 18:52:44 UTC] mrod: I can't access anything in it
[12/26/2012 18:53:11 UTC] mrod: address: retroshare://channel?name=Tyler&id=d476279eb9ffa11906f8562052472f21
[12/26/2012 18:53:47 UTC] radLabo412: the same
[12/26/2012 18:55:25 UTC] mrod: :S
[12/26/2012 18:55:35 UTC] mrod: radlabo421
[12/26/2012 18:55:47 UTC] mrod: is it not working ?
[12/26/2012 18:55:56 UTC] radLabo412: exact
[12/26/2012 18:56:41 UTC] mrod: can u send me ur certificate !
[12/26/2012 19:02:26 UTC] anonyops99: west boro baptist Shirley's cell phone is 785-272-8559 as of 12/16/12. Call her all day and night, address 3701 SW 12st, Topeka Kansas. Fred Phelps cell 785-272-4135. Fred Plelps Jr. 785-273-0549. Ben Phelps 785-273-0277 & 785-273-1080. Charles Hockenbargar 785-232-2485 also 3636 Huntoon St, Topeka for Benjamin Phelps.
[12/26/2012 19:03:23 UTC] Nokturnal: hahaha nice d0x
[12/26/2012 19:03:35 UTC] anonyops99: lulz
[12/26/2012 19:06:19 UTC] _V_: Merry xmas to all ;)
[12/26/2012 19:14:33 UTC] voxanon840: What is TYLERS purpose?
[12/26/2012 19:16:07 UTC] wintermute: yo, anyone careto exchange keys?
[12/26/2012 19:19:32 UTC] _V_: any good exploiters around? smf and or cpanel?
[12/26/2012 19:20:16 UTC] wintermute: Is the cpanel up to date?
[12/26/2012 19:20:35 UTC] mrod: anyone got the PGP for Tyler?
[12/26/2012 19:20:53 UTC] _V_: not 100% sure I dont think so, the smf isnt
[12/26/2012 19:21:02 UTC] _V_: got the cpanel username just not pass
[12/26/2012 19:21:40 UTC] wintermute: mrod: looking to link up aswell, let me know when you get something I will return in kind ;)
[12/26/2012 19:21:40 UTC] mrod: Lets exchange PGP
[12/26/2012 19:21:54 UTC] mrod: Good
[12/26/2012 19:21:56 UTC] wintermute: _V_: Well you could fuzz it with hydra
[12/26/2012 19:22:11 UTC] wintermute: afaik cpanel doesn't have login limits or anything
[12/26/2012 19:22:47 UTC] _V_: is it something you may be able to help with? I can trade you something cool ;)
[12/26/2012 19:22:55 UTC] mrod: PM me if you want to add me
[12/26/2012 19:24:03 UTC] voxanonXxX: Key?
[12/26/2012 19:38:15 UTC] anonyops99: some one gime a better tool than loic
[12/26/2012 19:38:18 UTC] wintermute: Anyone on Tyler care to exchange keys?
[12/26/2012 19:38:56 UTC] anonyops99: my lazyness knows no bounds
[12/26/2012 19:42:57 UTC] mrod: hoic
[12/26/2012 19:46:12 UTC] mrod: PM to exchange PGP
[12/26/2012 19:56:16 UTC] mrod: :p
[12/26/2012 20:09:12 UTC] wintermute: soooo anyone on Tyler that wants to exchange keys?
[12/26/2012 20:09:22 UTC] voxanon894:
[12/26/2012 20:10:49 UTC] wintermute: ok voxanon, is he in IRC?
[12/26/2012 20:14:27 UTC] Bongod_: So Tyler was just a plain lie
[12/26/2012 20:15:45 UTC] voxanon894: every so often someone comes in and sames the same thing, its no ones reponsibility to get you to pay attention to whats going on
[12/26/2012 20:29:24 UTC] voxanon894: I find it noob friendly but not retart friendly
[12/26/2012 20:30:58 UTC] mrod: PM If you want to add me (PGP)
[12/26/2012 20:31:22 UTC] voxanon894: anybody have sauce on that song
[12/26/2012 20:32:08 UTC] mrod: what song?
[12/26/2012 20:32:30 UTC] voxanon894:
[12/26/2012 20:37:30 UTC] voxanon475: hello anyone around
[12/26/2012 20:39:03 UTC] mrod: Fuck you guys !
[12/26/2012 20:39:06 UTC] mrod: I found it
[12/26/2012 20:39:16 UTC] voxanon475: lookinf for pgp key the one i had isn't workin
[12/26/2012 20:41:19 UTC] voxanon475: whaT U FIND BRO\
[12/26/2012 20:45:19 UTC] mrod:
[12/26/2012 20:45:26 UTC] mrod: Pass is: tyler
[12/26/2012 20:47:22 UTC] mrod: you got it guys?
[12/26/2012 20:49:28 UTC] voxanon475: thaks
[12/26/2012 21:09:56 UTC] mrod: u'r welcome
[12/26/2012 21:21:00 UTC] mrod:
[12/26/2012 21:33:28 UTC] AnonBig: Who here is able to connect to tyler now that I have Retroshare connected
[12/26/2012 21:37:34 UTC] d33ds: ive been starin at it for days, + postin
[12/26/2012 21:37:58 UTC] AnonBig: would you be willing to connect with me
[12/26/2012 21:43:57 UTC] mrod_: back again
[12/26/2012 21:46:07 UTC] mrod_: PM if you want to add me.
[12/26/2012 21:48:01 UTC] mrod_:
[12/26/2012 21:48:05 UTC] mrod_: Pass is: tyler
[12/26/2012 21:52:15 UTC] mrod_: Don't post PGP keys in main chat. It defeats the purpose of anonymity and is a security issue.
[12/26/2012 21:53:32 UTC] AnonBig: I am writing an article on this but I haven't figured out how to tell anons how to publicly access #Tyler
[12/26/2012 22:00:41 UTC] mrod_: PM me for Tyler's PGP
[12/26/2012 22:04:10 UTC] mrod_: PM me for tyler's PGP
[12/26/2012 22:07:30 UTC] oddlaw: wtf
[12/26/2012 22:07:34 UTC] oddlaw: O_o
[12/26/2012 22:12:25 UTC] AnonBig: what about what
[12/26/2012 22:12:43 UTC] achile: Can someone send me Tyler's PGP
[12/26/2012 22:12:49 UTC] mrod_: pm me
[12/26/2012 22:13:33 UTC] mrod_: Don't post PGP keys in main chat. It defeats the purpose of anonymity and is a security issue. Spread The Message!!
[12/26/2012 22:17:26 UTC] mrod_: achile PM me
[12/26/2012 22:18:14 UTC] alpha_punk: the youtube vid in the topic has been removed
[12/26/2012 22:18:32 UTC] AnonBig: Yes i know
[12/26/2012 22:18:40 UTC] AnonBig: I was looking for it this morning
[12/26/2012 22:19:00 UTC] d33ds: if we can get another link to it. and ill reup
[12/26/2012 22:19:09 UTC] alpha_punk: k
[12/26/2012 22:19:12 UTC] alpha_punk: have everything up-- cant find the channel
[12/26/2012 22:19:25 UTC] alpha_punk: was going to go through the howto vid :<
[12/26/2012 22:19:28 UTC] AnonBig: I don't even know how to find the chan
[12/26/2012 22:19:36 UTC] d33ds: theres a chunk of vids at
[12/26/2012 22:19:42 UTC] d33ds: listed anyhow
[12/26/2012 22:20:04 UTC] d33ds: my pgp (as well as many others) are listed at galatorg forums
[12/26/2012 22:20:22 UTC] AnonBig: looking
[12/26/2012 22:20:24 UTC] d33ds: deeds is my Rshare username. ill likely be adding everyone who joins the cluster
[12/26/2012 22:20:33 UTC] wintermute: Well I got NAT and DHT working but I still can't connect to anyone
[12/26/2012 22:20:52 UTC] AnonBig: link please
[12/26/2012 22:20:56 UTC] d33ds: I just posted a cover photo of #PM2020 Retroshare at that same facebook
[12/26/2012 22:20:58 UTC] AnonBig: to the places for pgp
[12/26/2012 22:21:08 UTC] d33ds: again, fedbook page
[12/26/2012 22:21:17 UTC] alpha_punk: ??
[12/26/2012 22:21:18 UTC] d33ds: 2 secs ill find it
[12/26/2012 22:21:21 UTC] d33ds:
[12/26/2012 22:21:24 UTC] alpha_punk: 404
[12/26/2012 22:21:38 UTC] d33ds: lol fedbook, facebook, whatever his name was henry paulson (;
[12/26/2012 22:22:28 UTC] AnonBig: thank god codename tyler is back up
[12/26/2012 22:22:33 UTC] d33ds: ill find the galatorg page, comps just maaaad slow
[12/26/2012 22:22:40 UTC] voxanon421: HY
[12/26/2012 22:22:43 UTC] d33ds: .. wasnt down, it was just the mainpage that was defaced
[12/26/2012 22:22:47 UTC] AnonBig: there is no redirect
[12/26/2012 22:23:10 UTC] AnonBig: when you enter the site
[12/26/2012 22:23:10 UTC] AnonBig: just goes to that
[12/26/2012 22:23:10 UTC] d33ds: there has been a constant signup list going when you view the recent changes just had to add index.html or whatever
[12/26/2012 22:23:11 UTC] AnonBig:
[12/26/2012 22:23:49 UTC] mrod:
[12/26/2012 22:23:54 UTC] d33ds: ye
[12/26/2012 22:23:55 UTC] alpha_punk: ok i am connected to you d33ds
[12/26/2012 22:24:03 UTC] d33ds: wikkid alpha punk
[12/26/2012 22:24:06 UTC] AnonBig: so where are these PGPs
[12/26/2012 22:24:20 UTC] d33ds: once you get 5+ users added, and about a half hour of headscratching happens --- then the communities and forums will start listing
[12/26/2012 22:24:21 UTC] AnonBig: and how come I can't connect to PM2012
[12/26/2012 22:24:29 UTC] AnonBig: with the PGP
[12/26/2012 22:24:38 UTC] AnonBig: online I mean
[12/26/2012 22:24:59 UTC] alpha_punk: so d33ds i should add some more firends-- i have you and ctag so far
[12/26/2012 22:25:23 UTC] d33ds: There is RA2012, XOnox, and the other members of PM2012-2020 on the forums, im just,, laggingggg harddddd ill find link 23 secs
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: Status
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: Photo / Video
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: Event, Milestone +
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: Tell people what you're busy with today...
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: 35
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: Friends
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: Like ∞ Project Mayhem 2020 ∞
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: +26
[12/26/2012 22:25:44 UTC] d33ds: ∞ Project Mayhem 2020 ∞ shared a link via Project Tyler.
[12/26/2012 22:25:45 UTC] d33ds: 4 hours ago
[12/26/2012 22:25:45 UTC] d33ds: The website is still up. Just need to think it through. (;
[12/26/2012 22:25:45 UTC] d33ds: -Deeds
[12/26/2012 22:25:45 UTC] d33ds:
[12/26/2012 22:25:47 UTC] d33ds: Codename: Tyler
[12/26/2012 22:25:47 UTC] d33ds:
[12/26/2012 22:25:48 UTC] d33ds: Unlike · · Share
[12/26/2012 22:25:49 UTC] d33ds: ∞ Project Mayhem 2020 ∞ and Elisa Boo like this.
[12/26/2012 22:25:50 UTC] d33ds: Write a comment...
[12/26/2012 22:25:51 UTC] d33ds: Promote
[12/26/2012 22:25:52 UTC] d33ds: 25 people saw this post
[12/26/2012 22:26:12 UTC] AnonBig: I have a question now that I know tyler is up where do the leaks go
[12/26/2012 22:28:08 UTC] d33ds: i am so. so. so sorry
[12/26/2012 22:28:13 UTC] d33ds: ill shuttup now.
[12/26/2012 22:28:14 UTC] AnonBig: I have a question now that I know tyler is up where do the leaks go
[12/26/2012 22:28:38 UTC] AnonBig: Its an auto kick
[12/26/2012 22:28:39 UTC] AnonBig: don't worry about it
[12/26/2012 22:28:45 UTC] AnonBig: too many post at once
[12/26/2012 22:29:02 UTC] d33ds: copy/paste did a lot more than i thought it copied
[12/26/2012 22:29:13 UTC] d33ds: rather than post the list of pgps here, pm me and ill post the forum links (Anyone is welcome to)
[12/26/2012 22:29:18 UTC] AnonBig: think you can have so many lines
[12/26/2012 22:29:28 UTC] alpha_punk: so it is not unusual my #tyler channel is empty?
[12/26/2012 22:29:32 UTC] d33ds: nope
[12/26/2012 22:29:35 UTC] alpha_punk: kk
[12/26/2012 22:29:41 UTC] d33ds: everyone went through it (: its a patience test (;
[12/26/2012 22:29:47 UTC] alpha_punk: gah
[12/26/2012 22:29:56 UTC] d33ds: 3 friends, 3 spliffs, 3 coffees and your in.
[12/26/2012 22:29:58 UTC] alpha_punk: if i had patience I would be a windows SA
[12/26/2012 22:30:01 UTC] d33ds: ha
[12/26/2012 22:30:03 UTC] alpha_punk: i dont.
[12/26/2012 22:30:16 UTC] alpha_punk: :)
[12/26/2012 22:30:26 UTC] mrod: PM me for tyler's PGP
[12/26/2012 22:31:06 UTC] alpha_punk: huh?
[12/26/2012 22:31:12 UTC] alpha_punk: is there a specific tyler pgp key?
[12/26/2012 22:31:20 UTC] alpha_punk: i thought it was just the keys of the users in the channel
[12/26/2012 22:31:22 UTC] mrod: pm2012
[12/26/2012 22:38:32 UTC] d33ds: 'Tylers PGP" keeps throwing me off, because my name is Tyler
[12/26/2012 22:38:38 UTC] d33ds: lol ill give out my pgp to anyone who asks
[12/26/2012 22:38:46 UTC] d33ds: im adding everyone whose willing to have a conversation with me
[12/26/2012 22:41:19 UTC] mrod: PM for tyler's PGP
[12/26/2012 22:43:20 UTC] wintermute: aanyone want to exchange keys for retroshare?
[12/26/2012 22:45:52 UTC] mrod: anyone want to exchange PGP , just PM me !
[12/26/2012 22:46:00 UTC] mrod: PM me for tyler's PGP
[12/26/2012 22:47:57 UTC] fructus34: Apparently files leak in the channel just as they should ;-)
[12/26/2012 22:50:40 UTC] mrod: PM for PGP
[12/26/2012 22:51:10 UTC] wintermute: fructus34: Can we exchange keys to get intothe network?
[12/26/2012 22:51:23 UTC] mrod: PM me for tyler's PGP
[12/26/2012 22:51:44 UTC] Architect: mrod: will do
[12/26/2012 22:52:05 UTC] wintermute: If anyone else wants to exchange keys PM me pls
[12/26/2012 22:52:15 UTC] mrod: me 2
[12/26/2012 22:52:18 UTC] mrod: :p
[12/26/2012 22:53:50 UTC] mrod: PM for tyler's PGP
[12/26/2012 22:54:00 UTC] mrod: to exchange PGP, please PN me
[12/26/2012 22:55:11 UTC] fructus34: sorry, I can't give my key here. I'm not using a VPN
[12/26/2012 22:56:13 UTC] fructus34: I got somehow connected to the rest of the network through my old friends.
[12/26/2012 22:57:00 UTC] mrod: PM for PGP
[12/26/2012 22:58:17 UTC] _V_: any anons up for some loic on a forum currently attacking the disabled?
[12/26/2012 22:59:16 UTC] mrod: am in ▲
[12/26/2012 23:00:19 UTC] oddlaw: mrod who are you and why do you keep offering your key for anyone that joins this chan
[12/26/2012 23:00:19 UTC] oddlaw: lol
[12/26/2012 23:00:30 UTC] mrod: not my key
[12/26/2012 23:00:35 UTC] mrod: tyler's
[12/26/2012 23:00:40 UTC] _V_: pm me
[12/26/2012 23:00:59 UTC] _V_: V on Tyler also ;)
[12/26/2012 23:01:15 UTC] mrod: and oddlaw
[12/26/2012 23:01:15 UTC] mrod: nvm
[12/26/2012 23:01:29 UTC] oddlaw: huh
[12/26/2012 23:01:41 UTC] Hatmann:
[12/26/2012 23:01:41 UTC] mrod: I just can't wait for the TOR integration in RetroShare
[12/26/2012 23:02:44 UTC] mrod: hatmann : I can tell you that this video is in a play list !
[12/26/2012 23:03:15 UTC] mrod: hatmann : this is better
[12/26/2012 23:06:07 UTC] alpha_punk: think my work is blocking me
[12/26/2012 23:06:58 UTC] alpha_punk: nat and dht solid red
[12/26/2012 23:07:06 UTC] mrod: Ever heard of anonymoux ?
[12/26/2012 23:07:10 UTC] alpha_punk: although it appears i could add in friends- they are all offline?
[12/26/2012 23:08:02 UTC] alpha_punk: the tyler channel is still empty
[12/26/2012 23:08:57 UTC] oddlaw: natty dreads
[12/26/2012 23:10:13 UTC] wintermute: oddlaw: trying to exchange keys?
[12/26/2012 23:12:25 UTC] wintermute: PMme ifyou are interested in exchanging keys
[12/26/2012 23:12:45 UTC] oddlaw: hell naw
[12/26/2012 23:13:12 UTC] Xexizy: hey, can anyone tell me about this? i read the link but i just want to make sure i understand everything
[12/26/2012 23:13:18 UTC] Sage: hey lads
[12/26/2012 23:13:24 UTC] Sage: how you doing?
[12/26/2012 23:15:56 UTC] Sage: hey guys, we released a PR for you project on our website
[12/26/2012 23:15:57 UTC] Sage: We have lots of questions from people, about 50 comments
[12/26/2012 23:16:25 UTC] Sage: Everyone is asking us for more info, what should I tell them?
[12/26/2012 23:16:42 UTC] Xexizy: a basic overview of what this op is, what it does, what the program does and how people use it
[12/26/2012 23:16:48 UTC] Xexizy: that would be a good start
[12/26/2012 23:17:32 UTC] Win: Hey
[12/26/2012 23:18:51 UTC] Winston: Hi
[12/26/2012 23:18:58 UTC] Winston: I will be inviting people on the master node for Tyler tomorrow
[12/26/2012 23:19:06 UTC] oddlaw: whatup winnie
[12/26/2012 23:19:23 UTC] Winston: It will be run in darknet mode
[12/26/2012 23:19:32 UTC] Winston: so people cannot see other Anons
[12/26/2012 23:19:33 UTC] Sage: Xexizy, can anyone write about it? I have no clues what this project is about.
[12/26/2012 23:19:40 UTC] Winston: but they can be invited to forums
[12/26/2012 23:19:57 UTC] Xexizy: anyone can write about who knows what to write about
[12/26/2012 23:20:23 UTC] Xexizy: that was a horrible sentance
[12/26/2012 23:20:25 UTC] Winston:
[12/26/2012 23:20:30 UTC] Xexizy: let me have another go at that
[12/26/2012 23:20:44 UTC] Xexizy: anyone who knows what their are writing about can
[12/26/2012 23:20:46 UTC] Xexizy: there
[12/26/2012 23:20:49 UTC] Xexizy: thats better
[12/26/2012 23:21:43 UTC] Sage: I'll add the forums on the PR
[12/26/2012 23:25:59 UTC] Winston: Developers interest in tyler please contact me
[12/26/2012 23:26:12 UTC] alpha_punk: i gotta wait until i am off work
[12/26/2012 23:26:15 UTC] alpha_punk: being firewalled
[12/26/2012 23:26:30 UTC] alpha_punk: i could go around it- just worried that will throw up too many flags at corporate
[12/26/2012 23:27:25 UTC] alpha_punk: now i want to go home and play with my (fairly) secure systems
[12/26/2012 23:27:39 UTC] alpha_punk: 6hrs to go :<
[12/26/2012 23:30:13 UTC] hexahedron_: winston is there anything i need to change in my retroshare settings like relay options to 0?
[12/26/2012 23:30:28 UTC] Winston: just make sure its in darknet mode
[12/26/2012 23:30:48 UTC] Winston:
[12/26/2012 23:30:58 UTC] Winston: Tyler wiki starting tomorrow
[12/26/2012 23:31:07 UTC] Winston: source code for tyler to go on wiki
[12/26/2012 23:35:58 UTC] Sage: ok cool!
[12/26/2012 23:36:10 UTC] Sage: I just added all the articles about the project to our blog post
[12/26/2012 23:36:16 UTC] Sage: I'll be able to answer all the comments now :)
[12/26/2012 23:36:26 UTC] Architect: wait so is retroshare TYLER or is TYLER retroshare?
[12/26/2012 23:37:21 UTC] Sage: hey Architect :)
[12/26/2012 23:37:30 UTC] Sage: Thanks Winston
[12/26/2012 23:38:12 UTC] Winston: tyler is the network
[12/26/2012 23:38:20 UTC] Winston: retroshare is the interface to tyler
[12/26/2012 23:40:28 UTC] Architect: what exactly is different and what is the same?
[12/26/2012 23:42:51 UTC] alpha_punk: hey Winston ... ty :D
[12/26/2012 23:43:39 UTC] Architect: "Although the intermediary friends cannot determine the original source or ultimate destination they can see the contents of the data that passes through them"
[12/26/2012 23:43:46 UTC] Architect: dafuq
[12/26/2012 23:44:40 UTC] mrod_: o.O
[12/26/2012 23:44:40 UTC] alpha_punk: i have red dht and nat . dead in water until i get home.
[12/26/2012 23:45:08 UTC] mrod_: move the cursor over the nat and tell me what it tells
[12/26/2012 23:45:29 UTC] Architect: that means you A) cannot necesarily determine the source or dest of any file or its contents, and B) anybody connected on the same network can read the contents without anybody knowing
[12/26/2012 23:45:34 UTC] alpha_punk: dht disabled and firewalled
[12/26/2012 23:45:35 UTC] Architect: hi, Im a huge red flag, nice to meet you
[12/26/2012 23:55:53 UTC] oddlaw: lol
[12/26/2012 23:55:55 UTC] Architect: well, basically all you have to do to intercept any kind of data is make a few friends and start packet logging
[12/26/2012 23:56:09 UTC] Architect: SSL 101: The Basics of MITM
[12/26/2012 23:56:10 UTC] oddlaw: smart guy
[12/26/2012 23:56:34 UTC] Architect: k apt-get purge coming on
[12/27/2012 00:03:58 UTC] wintermute: hiya architect
[12/27/2012 00:04:08 UTC] wintermute: are you telling me there is no encryption in transit?
[12/27/2012 00:04:18 UTC] wintermute: that is, no encryption
[12/27/2012 00:04:30 UTC] Architect: its direct SSL connections allow for easy man in the middle
[12/27/2012 00:04:40 UTC] Architect: all a fed has to do is fire up wireshark
[12/27/2012 00:04:43 UTC] Architect: and start a log
[12/27/2012 00:04:47 UTC] Architect: make a few friends
[12/27/2012 00:05:02 UTC] Architect: and there goes everybody's "plausible deniability"
[12/27/2012 00:05:04 UTC] wintermute: ah so if I msg you on retroshare, it isn't point to point
[12/27/2012 00:05:14 UTC] wintermute: its peer to peer SSL
[12/27/2012 00:05:24 UTC] wintermute: but peers get to watch traffic in the clear?
[12/27/2012 00:06:41 UTC] Architect: I thought the GPG keys were for encryption (eg end-to-end) but in fact its straight up SSL and anybody with backtrack, retroshare, a decent wireless card and a sense of direction, can MITM anybody on the TYLER net
[12/27/2012 00:07:24 UTC] wintermute: umm sounds like a project ;)
[12/27/2012 00:08:19 UTC] wintermute: You got some reading material on the transport of data in retroshare?
[12/27/2012 00:08:50 UTC] oddlaw: damn heckers
[12/27/2012 00:10:20 UTC] mrod_: architect are you sure?
[12/27/2012 00:10:39 UTC] Architect: yes I am positive
[12/27/2012 00:10:57 UTC] mrod_: oh God
[12/27/2012 00:11:37 UTC] Architect: Friends of friends can not directly connect with each other. However, the possibility exists of anonymously sharing files with friends of friends, if enabled by the user. Search, access, and uploading and downloading of these files is made by "routing" through a series of friends. This means that communications between the source of data (the uploader) and the destination of the data (the downloader) is indirect through mutual friends.
[12/27/2012 00:11:45 UTC] Architect: . Although the intermediary friends cannot determine the original source or ultimate destination they can see the contents of the data that passes through them.
[12/27/2012 00:12:52 UTC] wintermute: Architect: It looks like this is for shared resources only
[12/27/2012 00:13:10 UTC] wintermute: so shared chat rooms can be seen only by members ofthe room
[12/27/2012 00:13:20 UTC] wintermute: direct chat's are encrypted end-end
[12/27/2012 00:13:22 UTC] mrod_: architect , then retroshare is not p2p in first place !
[12/27/2012 00:13:59 UTC] _V_: mrod_ check messages ;)
[12/27/2012 00:14:15 UTC] Architect: it is fundamentally flawed
[12/27/2012 00:14:32 UTC] wintermute: This would actually make somesensesince you can'tend-end encrypt a resource that is shared. Each peer connection is end-end encrypted and if they are communicating directly than good
[12/27/2012 00:14:36 UTC] mrod_:
[12/27/2012 00:14:47 UTC] alpha_punk: why wasnt i2p used?
[12/27/2012 00:14:51 UTC] alpha_punk: i guess that is moot
[12/27/2012 00:15:21 UTC] Architect: alpha_punk: i2p would have been better but not many people understand how to use it
[12/27/2012 00:15:34 UTC] wintermute: well yeah, i2p is baller, it always has been. It just isn't that user friendly
[12/27/2012 00:15:46 UTC] wintermute: i2pbote, is the shiznit
[12/27/2012 00:15:46 UTC] alpha_punk: righto
[12/27/2012 00:15:50 UTC] alpha_punk: classic problem
[12/27/2012 00:16:05 UTC] wintermute: The classic problem isthat security is hard
[12/27/2012 00:16:15 UTC] wintermute: there are no 'easy' solutions
[12/27/2012 00:16:37 UTC] alpha_punk: yep. and you can put in great systems... but people can still be engineered
[12/27/2012 00:16:59 UTC] alpha_punk: i once got a hold of an entire cities police and fireman email usernames and passwords
[12/27/2012 00:17:24 UTC] alpha_punk: just by asking for a low-level employee to send over /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
[12/27/2012 00:17:44 UTC] wintermute: I think retroshare is a good solution, however, then issue Architect outlines regarding shared resources not being secured in transit seems to be not that big of a deal, since it is built on the premise of a Web of Trust for said resource
[12/27/2012 00:18:32 UTC] wintermute: alpha_punk: ROFL
[12/27/2012 00:19:15 UTC] wintermute: bottom line for me is that if this creates a network for distributing leaks, i.e. an alternative to wikileaks than fing great
[12/27/2012 00:19:42 UTC] mrod_: Retroshare connects when you R-Click on your friend and click on connect, and the other person should do the same
[12/27/2012 00:21:06 UTC] alpha_punk: wintermute: well it was legit- I was the contractor migrating their email.. but the person on the other end of the phone did not know that. I could have easily been lying
[12/27/2012 00:21:23 UTC] alpha_punk: plus I did not need that level of access
[12/27/2012 00:21:32 UTC] Architect: its not that its not end to end, its that its not secure en transit, and the fact that anybody with a decent knowledge of algos can figure out how to break this whole system wide open
[12/27/2012 00:21:49 UTC] alpha_punk: is there a tutorial on using RS through tor?
[12/27/2012 00:23:01 UTC] wintermute: Architect: I am going to be cautiosly skeptical of that claim untill I can work up a proof-of-concept, but I don't reallythink the security has been fully explored. The lack of documentation would lead me to beleive that
[12/27/2012 00:23:22 UTC] Architect: wintermute: the lack of devs in here right now is enough for me to believe that somebody got lazy
[12/27/2012 00:24:05 UTC] Architect: pure SSL connections, coupled with a fundamentally flawed P2P system, is not very secure, and is imo hardly worthy of being called TYLER
[12/27/2012 00:24:25 UTC] Architect: but I am not a dev and I am sure somebody will provide a proof of concept for you all soon enough
[12/27/2012 00:24:51 UTC] mrod_: add me in PM
[12/27/2012 00:24:55 UTC] francaishelpme: hello je suis francais est se que une personne s'ai comment aller a tyler ?
[12/27/2012 00:25:03 UTC] mrod_: Moi
[12/27/2012 00:25:23 UTC] mrod_: query moi s'il vous plais
[12/27/2012 00:31:48 UTC] mrod_: add me in PM
[12/27/2012 00:35:03 UTC] Architect: mrod_: me?
[12/27/2012 00:35:14 UTC] Architect: are you talking to me or the Frenchie
[12/27/2012 00:38:24 UTC] mrod_: .
[12/27/2012 00:38:38 UTC] mrod_: Everyone
[12/27/2012 00:38:44 UTC] mrod_: to the Legion
[12/27/2012 00:38:47 UTC] mrod_: Lulz
[12/27/2012 00:39:52 UTC] alpha_punk: dear frenchie bastards:
[12/27/2012 00:39:58 UTC] alpha_punk: how to start a letter off to a french person
[12/27/2012 00:41:08 UTC] oddlaw: drinks and pool at the legion
[12/27/2012 00:43:07 UTC] positronics: theres a pool?
[12/27/2012 00:43:41 UTC] mrod_: attention monsieur
[12/27/2012 00:47:19 UTC] hexahedron_: so what is the tyler wiki source
[12/27/2012 00:50:01 UTC] mrod_:
[12/27/2012 00:51:30 UTC] mickaelhelp: mrod c francaishelpme
[12/27/2012 00:51:35 UTC] mickaelhelp: g bug go chat
[12/27/2012 00:54:09 UTC] francaishelpme: mrod go chat prv stp je c positronics s comment on g
[12/27/2012 00:54:19 UTC] francaishelpme: fait
[12/27/2012 00:55:49 UTC] mrod_: ok
[12/27/2012 04:51:45 UTC] voxanon434: aNYONE HERE
[12/27/2012 04:52:39 UTC] voxanon434: I thought this project was going to be something great and it seems to be an epic failure
[12/27/2012 04:54:20 UTC] Shaggy: @ShaggyTheAngel
[12/27/2012 04:54:24 UTC] Shaggy: ADD ME!! <3
[12/27/2012 05:47:23 UTC] lyght1: how do i get pgp to get retro share working ? and How do I add the channel retroshare://channel?name=Tyler&id=d476279eb9ffa11906f8562052472f21
[12/27/2012 05:48:48 UTC] lyght1: please forgive my derp
[12/27/2012 05:49:06 UTC] voxanon434: Man this think seems dead I havent got any answers yet either
[12/27/2012 06:03:19 UTC] positronix_: you guys want to have tyler upload?
[12/27/2012 06:14:03 UTC] voxanon434: ya
[12/27/2012 06:15:02 UTC] voxanon434: I added my key to Patebin was hoping somone could share/invote me what ever its called
[12/27/2012 06:15:33 UTC] hexahedron: are you guys on vpn
# #paranoia
[12/26/2012 05:23:06 UTC] cURL: hi elChe
[12/26/2012 05:23:09 UTC] cURL: u there?
[12/26/2012 05:58:48 UTC] the_Beast: my place
[12/26/2012 05:59:14 UTC] oddlaw: no
[12/26/2012 05:59:18 UTC] oddlaw: our place
[12/26/2012 05:59:38 UTC] the_Beast: thank you
[12/26/2012 06:00:23 UTC] the_Beast: you are doin a great job
[12/26/2012 06:01:28 UTC] the_Beast: doing
[12/26/2012 08:22:29 UTC] Comador_84: Aye Matees
[12/26/2012 11:32:49 UTC] AnonymousJapan:
[12/26/2012 11:47:25 UTC] webmu80: on the xbox typing this.
[12/26/2012 11:48:20 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Anyone tried that on PS3?
[12/26/2012 11:48:21 UTC] maxQ: no you lie!
[12/26/2012 11:48:30 UTC] webmu80: anyone here use anonym.OS?
[12/26/2012 11:48:44 UTC] AnonymousJapan: nope
[12/26/2012 11:48:47 UTC] AnonymousJapan: dunno what it is
[12/26/2012 11:49:17 UTC] webmu80: os made by anonymous
[12/26/2012 11:49:32 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I would be hesitant to do that anyway
[12/26/2012 11:49:45 UTC] Dingo: AnonymousJapan:
[12/26/2012 11:49:48 UTC] Dingo: it was this os that came out
[12/26/2012 11:49:49 UTC] Dingo: and
[12/26/2012 11:49:53 UTC] Dingo: sourceforge removed it
[12/26/2012 11:49:55 UTC] webmu80: i think its cool
[12/26/2012 11:49:59 UTC] Dingo: because ppl found it suspicious
[12/26/2012 11:50:07 UTC] Dingo: and a few ppl reported that it was back doored
[12/26/2012 11:50:09 UTC] Dingo: but nobody confirmed
[12/26/2012 11:50:18 UTC] Dingo: it was deemed in general that only complete idiots would use it
[12/26/2012 11:50:33 UTC] Ayumi: ^
[12/26/2012 11:50:33 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Actually I just read up on it and it sounds OK provided it was open source.
[12/26/2012 11:50:41 UTC] webmu80: no its still up got it from there today
[12/26/2012 11:50:44 UTC] Dingo: AnonymousJapan: it wasnt.
[12/26/2012 11:50:53 UTC] Dingo: webmu80: it was probably re-uploaded
[12/26/2012 11:50:56 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Then yeah, you'd have to be daft to use it.
[12/26/2012 11:51:16 UTC] Dingo: an oper here sandboxed it
[12/26/2012 11:51:16 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Besides "The project was discontinued after the release of Beta 4."
[12/26/2012 11:51:21 UTC] Dingo: and said it was doing some shady shit
[12/26/2012 11:51:24 UTC] Dingo: so
[12/26/2012 11:51:26 UTC] Dingo: meh
[12/26/2012 11:51:29 UTC] Dingo: im fine with the os i have
[12/26/2012 11:51:34 UTC] AnonymousJapan: That'd be like still running WIN98
[12/26/2012 11:51:42 UTC] Dingo: and im not gonna dl some fancy OS to try and pretend to be a hipster anon
[12/26/2012 11:51:51 UTC] Dingo: thats just idiotic
[12/26/2012 11:51:51 UTC] Ayumi: lol
[12/26/2012 11:51:55 UTC] webmu80: i have quad boooting so its cool with me
[12/26/2012 11:52:05 UTC] Dingo: look out guys
[12/26/2012 11:52:08 UTC] Dingo: we got a pro webchatter here
[12/26/2012 11:52:11 UTC] Dingo: who quad boots
[12/26/2012 11:52:16 UTC] webmu80: naw
[12/26/2012 11:52:17 UTC] Dingo: some one get this guy his cape and mask
[12/26/2012 11:52:22 UTC] AlanShore: eh.. good way to get pwned. j/s.
[12/26/2012 11:52:43 UTC] Dingo: quad booting + anonymous OS = 4 os's fucked.
[12/26/2012 11:52:45 UTC] Dingo: lol
[12/26/2012 11:52:49 UTC] webmu80: wtf? just sayin
[12/26/2012 11:52:53 UTC] Dingo: quadruple the fuckery
[12/26/2012 11:52:55 UTC] Dingo: all at once
[12/26/2012 11:53:09 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I've never heard of anyone quad booting. Tri-booting on a Mac, I've heard of but quad?!
[12/26/2012 11:53:23 UTC] Dingo: thats almost like using 4 mirc premium gold lisences at once
[12/26/2012 11:53:34 UTC] AnonymousJapan: LOL!
[12/26/2012 11:53:40 UTC] AlanShore: why anyone would install an unaudited OS except for is beyond me
[12/26/2012 11:53:46 UTC] webmu80: modding and lots of it
[12/26/2012 11:55:17 UTC] webmu80: what languages yall know
[12/26/2012 11:55:27 UTC] Dingo: english
[12/26/2012 11:55:28 UTC] Dingo: some spanish
[12/26/2012 11:55:40 UTC] Dingo: i think AlanShore knows russian
[12/26/2012 11:56:22 UTC] AlanShore: Native Welsh and Chinese
[12/26/2012 11:56:23 UTC] webmu80: ow .net c++ and c#
[12/26/2012 11:56:39 UTC] DeadMellox: lolololololl
[12/26/2012 11:56:51 UTC] AnonymousJapan: English, some Spanish but I'm rusty, and my Japanese is OK.
[12/26/2012 11:57:09 UTC] AnonymousJapan: ;D
[12/26/2012 11:57:13 UTC] webmu80: wooooooow
[12/26/2012 11:57:59 UTC] DeadMellox: hey, so i got a question
[12/26/2012 11:57:59 UTC] webmu80: noobies i see
[12/26/2012 11:58:03 UTC] DeadMellox: hope no one minds
[12/26/2012 11:58:05 UTC] AnonymousJapan: HTML, some PERL, a bit of Java, C++, Vis Basic, QBasic, some Pascal and Fortran, some PHP, and some mySQL
[12/26/2012 11:58:18 UTC] DeadMellox: Dingo, how come im not v& yet
[12/26/2012 11:58:27 UTC] AnonymousJapan: webmu80 , you've known me long enought to know I'm not noobie.
[12/26/2012 11:58:32 UTC] webmu80: cool
[12/26/2012 11:58:34 UTC] AnonymousJapan: DeadMellox thanks for asking
[12/26/2012 11:58:48 UTC] webmu80: lol
[12/26/2012 11:58:52 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I wanted to ask you a question because I saw your name in the media a while back.
[12/26/2012 11:58:59 UTC] Dingo: DeadMellox: because nobody cares
[12/26/2012 11:59:04 UTC] DeadMellox: ffffff
[12/26/2012 11:59:08 UTC] Dingo: <webmu80> noobies i see
[12/26/2012 11:59:09 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Actually on a pastebin saying you didn't exist until they created you.
[12/26/2012 11:59:11 UTC] Dingo: i think he meant boobies
[12/26/2012 11:59:17 UTC] Dingo: also
[12/26/2012 11:59:20 UTC] Dingo: webchatters
[12/26/2012 11:59:21 UTC] AlanShore: i see your Fortran and and counter with Algol 60 & dBase.
[12/26/2012 11:59:21 UTC] Dingo: are boring
[12/26/2012 11:59:35 UTC] AnonymousJapan: AlanShore just owned me
[12/26/2012 11:59:49 UTC] AnonymousJapan: But hang on I have a link for you. Even Japan is VERY interested in tracing you bro
[12/26/2012 11:59:56 UTC] AlanShore: have to admit that i have forgotten about anything about Algol, though.
[12/26/2012 11:59:57 UTC] DeadMellox: -.-
[12/26/2012 12:00:08 UTC] webmu80: lol
[12/26/2012 12:00:10 UTC] DeadMellox: gimme them links. nom nom nom
[12/26/2012 12:00:35 UTC] DeadMellox: but srly though, wtf. im not even hiding.
[12/26/2012 12:00:46 UTC] AnonymousJapan: DeadMellox
[12/26/2012 12:01:07 UTC] webmu80: typing on xbox is hard as hell
[12/26/2012 12:01:29 UTC] AlanShore: get keyboard?
[12/26/2012 12:01:41 UTC] webmu80: nope
[12/26/2012 12:01:59 UTC] AnonymousJapan: DeadMellox they got you dated all the way back to 2008
[12/26/2012 12:02:11 UTC] DeadMellox: meh. you should look for a new interview next year in japan. i did smth a week ago under the public radar, but it should be good when they release it. lol
[12/26/2012 12:02:32 UTC] AlanShore: AnonymousJapan: lol nice diagram :D
[12/26/2012 12:02:48 UTC] webmu80: gtg yall...blessed be.
[12/26/2012 12:03:19 UTC] AlanShore: the secret twitter war room!
[12/26/2012 12:03:28 UTC] AnonymousJapan: AlanShore I know, RIGHT?
[12/26/2012 12:03:48 UTC] Ayumi: lol
[12/26/2012 12:03:55 UTC] AnonymousJapan: To be fair though, they did a lot of research on compiling the hack timeline.
[12/26/2012 12:04:09 UTC] Dingo: AlanShore:
[12/26/2012 12:04:11 UTC] DeadMellox: i dont even know how they got as far as 2008 though
[12/26/2012 12:04:12 UTC] Dingo: the xbox comes with
[12/26/2012 12:04:18 UTC] Dingo: a xbox live pack
[12/26/2012 12:04:20 UTC] Dingo: which has a keyboard
[12/26/2012 12:04:22 UTC] Dingo: for the controller
[12/26/2012 12:04:31 UTC] Dingo: also any usb keyboard can be plugged in to an xbox
[12/26/2012 12:04:32 UTC] Dingo: and used
[12/26/2012 12:04:33 UTC] Dingo: so
[12/26/2012 12:04:34 UTC] AnonymousJapan: DeadMellox that's what I'm saying
[12/26/2012 12:04:38 UTC] Dingo: he is mising some brain cells
[12/26/2012 12:04:39 UTC] Dingo: obv.
[12/26/2012 12:04:59 UTC] DeadMellox: does it say in that article or?
[12/26/2012 12:05:29 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I could ask a top brass guy at the Global ICT Strategy Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan if ya want. ;-p
[12/26/2012 12:05:40 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Lemme check
[12/26/2012 12:06:34 UTC] DeadMellox: i already got in touch with a few ministries from japan and some cyber security personnel regarding some issues, but they never told me i was still hunted. lol
[12/26/2012 12:06:36 UTC] AnonymousJapan: says GhostShell twitter account was created 2008年9月1日
[12/26/2012 12:06:46 UTC] DeadMellox: aaah. lol
[12/26/2012 12:06:49 UTC] DeadMellox: priceless
[12/26/2012 12:07:38 UTC] AnonymousJapan: also says TGS is teamed up with "group" antisec
[12/26/2012 12:08:01 UTC] DeadMellox: someone also said im with the Illuminati.
[12/26/2012 12:08:04 UTC] AnonymousJapan: but tbh the gov prolly has better intel. This is just a blog I sent you
[12/26/2012 12:08:05 UTC] DeadMellox: obv
[12/26/2012 12:08:11 UTC] AnonymousJapan: LOL
[12/26/2012 12:08:12 UTC] AlanShore: nobody really knows who antisec is.. so i'm always amused when reading such things
[12/26/2012 12:08:20 UTC] DeadMellox: yeah
[12/26/2012 12:08:27 UTC] DeadMellox: speculating fgts
[12/26/2012 12:08:52 UTC] AlanShore: oh my god, what the lol
[12/26/2012 12:08:55 UTC] AlanShore: "The response to dbDOS. has been overwhelming and one of the main requests we receive is "Can we buy dBASE V for DOS?". Until now, the answer was yes only if you purchase an upgrade or full product of dBASE 2.8 along with CD since the product only came on that media. The problem with that was if our customer did not need dBASE Plus 2.8, the cost may have been prohibitive. So now we have repackaged it and are now making it available to ...
[12/26/2012 12:08:58 UTC] *** AnonymousJapan is also amused by that shit ***
[12/26/2012 12:09:01 UTC] AlanShore: ... everyone for the introductory price of just $99.00 USD"
[12/26/2012 12:09:18 UTC] AlanShore: These dudes actually repacked a 20 year old DOS program and have the audacity to sell it for 100 bucks
[12/26/2012 12:09:29 UTC] AnonymousJapan: LOL!
[12/26/2012 12:09:38 UTC] AlanShore:
[12/26/2012 12:09:59 UTC] DeadMellox: classic. its even in the title. lol
[12/26/2012 12:10:11 UTC] AlanShore: check the screenshot lol
[12/26/2012 12:10:15 UTC] AlanShore: it's 1:1 apparently
[12/26/2012 12:10:23 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I used to run Precursor GUI on DOS (fuck was it version 4?). QBasic was the shit. Always did prefer cmd line over the GUI
[12/26/2012 12:11:06 UTC] AnonymousJapan: FUCK I had FORGOTTEN ALL about that.
[12/26/2012 12:11:11 UTC] AnonymousJapan: I used to run that shit too.
[12/26/2012 12:13:39 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Finished working so it's time for me to grab some whisky (-1C here atm) and catch the train home for dinner. Gonna clean desk and put shit away and then sign off but I'll be around for a few more minutes.
[12/26/2012 12:13:51 UTC] DeadMellox: c ya
[12/26/2012 12:13:55 UTC] AlanShore: cheers
[12/26/2012 12:13:59 UTC] AnonymousJapan: So, DeadMellox if ya want anymore of those juicy links I can post when I get back
[12/26/2012 12:14:09 UTC] DeadMellox: sure. looking forward
[12/26/2012 12:14:12 UTC] DeadMellox: later!
[12/26/2012 12:14:25 UTC] AnonymousJapan: Later peeps.
[12/26/2012 12:14:46 UTC] DeadMellox: now i gotta figure out how to get v&.
[12/26/2012 15:34:06 UTC] webmu01: hy to averyone
[12/26/2012 15:34:50 UTC] *** webmu01 slaps ParAnoIA around a bit with a large fishbot ***
[12/26/2012 15:38:06 UTC] webmu01: @paranoia
[12/26/2012 15:38:33 UTC] *** webmu01 slaps anonskane around a bit with a large fishbot ***
[12/26/2012 15:40:15 UTC] *** Dingo slaps webmu01 around a bit with a large stfu already ***
[12/26/2012 15:40:32 UTC] webmu01: hy dingo
[12/26/2012 15:41:52 UTC] webmu64: is anyone who talk?
[12/26/2012 15:42:31 UTC] Dingo: no
[12/26/2012 15:45:20 UTC] webmu64: hy dingo
[12/26/2012 15:45:33 UTC] webmu64: u re talking with me
[12/26/2012 15:45:58 UTC] webmu64: u konw a program "layershell"
[12/26/2012 15:46:20 UTC] DeadMellox: shell this shell that
[12/26/2012 15:46:43 UTC] DeadMellox: all day erryday shell
[12/26/2012 15:46:43 UTC] Dingo: feels like a troll in here
[12/26/2012 15:46:48 UTC] Dingo: and not DeadMellox for once
[12/26/2012 15:46:49 UTC] Dingo: :/
[12/26/2012 15:46:54 UTC] DeadMellox: gee
[12/26/2012 15:46:55 UTC] DeadMellox: thx
[12/26/2012 15:47:34 UTC] webmu64: sorry i'm italian i don't understand that u re talking me
[12/26/2012 15:47:57 UTC] DeadMellox: uh oh spaghettio
[12/26/2012 15:48:07 UTC] webmu64: right
[12/26/2012 15:48:15 UTC] *** Dingo jumps in to a box ***
[12/26/2012 15:48:17 UTC] webmu64: but without guns
[12/26/2012 15:48:19 UTC] *** Dingo recieves gold coins ***
[12/26/2012 15:48:34 UTC] *** Dingo shoots fireballs ***
[12/26/2012 15:48:50 UTC] *** Dingo jumps down pipe in to underground dungeon ***
[12/26/2012 15:48:52 UTC] webmu64: so can u help me?
[12/26/2012 15:48:53 UTC] *** Dingo jumps over lava pits ***
[12/26/2012 15:48:58 UTC] DeadMellox: i find that highly exaggerated and very offensive.
[12/26/2012 15:48:58 UTC] *** Dingo jumps on to flag ***
[12/26/2012 15:49:00 UTC] *** Dingo wins ***
[12/26/2012 15:49:37 UTC] DeadMellox: webmu i can help you
[12/26/2012 15:49:44 UTC] webmu64: thk
[12/26/2012 15:49:48 UTC] DeadMellox: with preparing lasagna
[12/26/2012 15:49:59 UTC] DeadMellox: np
[12/26/2012 15:50:08 UTC] DeadMellox: im here to help. always
[12/26/2012 15:50:35 UTC] webmu64: i'm finding for a program tell "LayerShell"
[12/26/2012 15:50:49 UTC] DeadMellox: ok
[12/26/2012 15:50:57 UTC] DeadMellox: so, first you wanna do
[12/26/2012 15:51:00 UTC] webmu64: i prepare for u lasagna if u help me in finding
[12/26/2012 15:51:02 UTC] DeadMellox: ,g LayerShell
[12/26/2012 15:51:36 UTC] webmu64: yes LayerShell
[12/26/2012 15:51:50 UTC] DeadMellox: shit. bot's broken. ok back to lasagna
[12/26/2012 15:51:57 UTC] DeadMellox: just google it dood
[12/26/2012 15:52:00 UTC] webmu64: is a program that is used by cops
[12/26/2012 15:52:16 UTC] webmu64: google didn't find anything
[12/26/2012 15:52:38 UTC] webmu64: is very pretty
[12/26/2012 15:53:28 UTC] DeadMellox: hmm, thats strange. google usually has everything. even japanese girls on dildo motorcycles.
[12/26/2012 15:53:45 UTC] webmu64: ;-)
[12/26/2012 15:54:24 UTC] webmu64: i've the explication of this program but is in italian
[12/26/2012 15:54:36 UTC] webmu64: i tell u that isvery pretty
[12/26/2012 15:54:52 UTC] webmu64: antivirus don't recognise it
[12/26/2012 15:55:23 UTC] DeadMellox: wat does it do
[12/26/2012 15:55:29 UTC] webmu64: u can include the agent on-fly in every .exe
[12/26/2012 15:56:08 UTC] webmu64: it's intended for telematic interceptions
[12/26/2012 15:56:41 UTC] DeadMellox: i find a program similar to that
[12/26/2012 15:56:45 UTC] DeadMellox: have*
[12/26/2012 15:56:58 UTC] webmu64: u can hear skype
[12/26/2012 15:57:09 UTC] webmu64: u can see photograms of webcams
[12/26/2012 15:57:18 UTC] webmu64: a keylogger
[12/26/2012 15:57:26 UTC] webmu64: a password recovery
[12/26/2012 15:57:59 UTC] webmu64: which kind u've find?
[12/26/2012 15:59:11 UTC] DeadMellox: similar but its not a toolkit, which you just described
[12/26/2012 15:59:22 UTC] webmu64: if u what read about program
[12/26/2012 15:59:27 UTC] DeadMellox: its just for the first thing on your list.
[12/26/2012 15:59:44 UTC] DeadMellox: mostly used in phreaking
[12/26/2012 16:00:12 UTC] webmu64: ok but i dont want to make phreaking
[12/26/2012 16:00:22 UTC] webmu64: read the link above
[12/26/2012 16:00:58 UTC] DeadMellox: ill pass
[12/26/2012 16:01:13 UTC] webmu64: :-(
[12/26/2012 16:01:23 UTC] DeadMellox: y do u want it anyway?
[12/26/2012 16:02:08 UTC] webmu64: no thk i'd like this program LayerShell...i'd like to find it
[12/26/2012 16:02:22 UTC] DeadMellox: why?
[12/26/2012 16:02:51 UTC] webmu64: it's cool...u can do all do u want
[12/26/2012 16:03:32 UTC] webmu64: if u read that it too want this
[12/26/2012 16:05:46 UTC] DeadMellox: meh
[12/26/2012 17:08:14 UTC] the_Beast: i am not stupid
[12/26/2012 17:08:31 UTC] the_Beast: i know how to install a video camera
[12/26/2012 17:09:08 UTC] the_Beast: for gods skate you would better stfu
[12/26/2012 17:09:46 UTC] the_Beast: i dont think you realize who you are talking
[12/26/2012 17:10:28 UTC] the_Beast: i am the_Beast the most incredible human being upon earth
[12/26/2012 17:16:20 UTC] DeadMellox: do you even lift bro?
[12/26/2012 18:48:26 UTC] gaishan:
[12/26/2012 18:52:22 UTC] AnonForecast_: o lord
[12/26/2012 18:52:57 UTC] AnonForecast_: these Police State Politicians need to stop fucking profiting off of the newtown tragedy
[12/26/2012 18:53:37 UTC] AnonForecast_: pushing their agendas to nullify the 2nd amendment likes its not fuckingn obvious why. i dont understnad why drones arent enough to nullify the 2nd amendment anyway
[12/26/2012 19:16:32 UTC] DeadMellox: ill pay whoever can help me get v&, 1 mil. $
[12/26/2012 19:24:56 UTC] DeadMellox: srly? not even 1 person?
[12/26/2012 19:25:00 UTC] DeadMellox: you guys suck
[12/26/2012 19:25:34 UTC] DeadMellox: fine
[12/26/2012 19:25:44 UTC] DeadMellox: keepin the money and v& myself
[12/26/2012 19:25:46 UTC] gaishan: one million?
[12/26/2012 19:25:46 UTC] LadyICE: DeadMellox, pm me your info
[12/26/2012 19:25:51 UTC] LadyICE: oi
[12/26/2012 19:25:54 UTC] gaishan: lol
[12/26/2012 21:18:26 UTC] webmu82: hey focks
[12/26/2012 21:22:15 UTC] *** webmu82 slaps Matrix around a bit with a large fishbot ***
[12/26/2012 22:04:09 UTC] smith: lrn2update/motd
[12/26/2012 22:08:29 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/26/2012 22:08:52 UTC] maxQ: i like tha banana
[12/27/2012 00:48:54 UTC] AnonBig: Is LadyICE or AlinShore on
[12/27/2012 00:49:15 UTC] Psuedonymous: AlinShore is... I think...
[12/27/2012 00:49:26 UTC] Psuedonymous: At the top of the list.
[12/27/2012 00:49:33 UTC] AnonBig: Ok need him to message me have a message for him
[12/27/2012 00:49:33 UTC] Psuedonymous: They both are
[12/27/2012 00:49:46 UTC] *** Psuedonymous slaps AlanShore around a bit with a large fishbot ***
[12/27/2012 00:52:20 UTC] Psuedonymous: Does anyone here know of any good Dox-ing sites that I could use to gather info on EyeSee?
[12/27/2012 00:52:35 UTC] pathfinder: my son used to watch a show called "Allen Strange"
[12/27/2012 00:52:56 UTC] pathfinder: spokeo, pipl, googl;e
[12/27/2012 00:52:57 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:53:16 UTC] pathfinder: these are the sites people use to dox with usually
[12/27/2012 00:54:07 UTC] Psuedonymous: thanks.
[12/27/2012 00:55:47 UTC] AnonBig: we need more people managing Paranoia leaks just sayin lolol
[12/27/2012 00:56:01 UTC] AnonBig: Tyler sucks
[12/27/2012 00:56:12 UTC] Shaggy: I hear tyloir leaks ips
[12/27/2012 00:56:16 UTC] *** Shaggy shrugs ***
[12/27/2012 00:56:18 UTC] Shaggy: p2p huh?
[12/27/2012 00:56:24 UTC] Shaggy: FBI p2p network
[12/27/2012 00:56:27 UTC] Shaggy: LOL!
[12/27/2012 00:56:35 UTC] AnonBig: pretty much
[12/27/2012 00:56:37 UTC] Shaggy: Now we are just getting our ass' kicked
[12/27/2012 00:56:43 UTC] Shaggy: wtf
[12/27/2012 00:56:47 UTC] AnonBig: so we are back to the drawing board
[12/27/2012 00:57:15 UTC] Shaggy: Field Tests
[12/27/2012 00:57:18 UTC] Shaggy: hehe
[12/27/2012 00:58:18 UTC] oddlaw: omg
[12/27/2012 00:58:18 UTC] oddlaw: it's an ascii drawing of ruby
[12/27/2012 00:59:12 UTC] Architect: Shaggy: did you see the shit i have in #optyler
[12/27/2012 00:59:27 UTC] Shaggy: i'm not even in there anymore haha
[12/27/2012 00:59:36 UTC] Architect: lol I was bout to /part
[12/27/2012 00:59:39 UTC] Shaggy: the french
[12/27/2012 00:59:41 UTC] *** Shaggy hides ***
[12/27/2012 00:59:48 UTC] Architect: lmao
[12/27/2012 05:24:48 UTC] oddlaw: FedBot
[12/27/2012 05:27:22 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/27/2012 05:27:25 UTC] Shaggy: that guys is lame
[12/27/2012 05:27:31 UTC] Shaggy: wanna be fed
[12/27/2012 05:27:32 UTC] Shaggy: LOOL!
[12/27/2012 05:27:36 UTC] oddlaw: man
[12/27/2012 05:27:40 UTC] oddlaw: i would so fail the fed test
[12/27/2012 05:27:44 UTC] Shaggy: LOLOLOL!
[12/27/2012 05:27:49 UTC] oddlaw: i've sold drugs
[12/27/2012 05:27:53 UTC] oddlaw: and taken way too many drugs
[12/27/2012 05:28:34 UTC] oddlaw: good times
[12/27/2012 05:35:40 UTC] webf66: hello all
[12/27/2012 05:52:31 UTC] Isra: hi
[12/31/2012 01:32:35 UTC] mos6502: maybe he just ate
[12/31/2012 01:41:14 UTC] AnonForecast: Rononymous, seriously?
[12/31/2012 01:42:23 UTC] Dingo: AnonForecast: plz dont feed the trolls
[12/31/2012 01:42:26 UTC] Dingo: they get cranky
[12/31/2012 01:42:42 UTC] AnonForecast: did you see the warning i sent roseanne?
[12/31/2012 01:42:47 UTC] Dingo: no
[12/31/2012 01:42:48 UTC] Dingo: lol
[12/31/2012 01:42:50 UTC] Dingo: and
[12/31/2012 01:42:51 UTC] Dingo: i wont
[12/31/2012 01:42:53 UTC] Dingo: coz idc
[12/31/2012 01:43:12 UTC] cacahuatl: Who the fuck is Roseanne? And why should we care?
[12/31/2012 01:43:26 UTC] Dingo: cacahuatl: webchatter
[12/31/2012 01:43:27 UTC] Dingo: ssh
[12/31/2012 01:43:28 UTC] Dingo: plz
[12/31/2012 01:43:32 UTC] Dingo: the grown ups are talking
[12/31/2012 01:44:07 UTC] cacahuatl: lol'd
[12/31/2012 01:46:07 UTC] gaishan: cacahuatl: rosanne is a former 90s sitcom star from the US.
[12/31/2012 01:49:37 UTC] cacahuatl: Oh, right, so we shouldn't care, gotcha.
[12/31/2012 01:50:54 UTC] mos6502: leader of the green party, former broke-ass comedian who learned that fame and money are not all that
[12/31/2012 01:51:39 UTC] mos6502: she may be slightly annoying, but she is not your typical holly wood type
[12/31/2012 01:51:57 UTC] Dingo: mos6502: feminazi
[12/31/2012 01:51:58 UTC] Dingo: fat fuck
[12/31/2012 01:52:06 UTC] Dingo: are the 3 words id use to describe her
[12/31/2012 01:53:51 UTC] cacahuatl: That's not really a condemnation in my books
[12/31/2012 01:55:37 UTC] mos6502: she reminds me of my mother
[12/31/2012 01:58:55 UTC] cacahuatl: So a politiic
[12/31/2012 01:59:09 UTC] cacahuatl: *politician trying to get the anon vote?
[12/31/2012 02:00:33 UTC] pathfinder: by the way, jfb112697 is the new FedBot
[12/31/2012 02:02:32 UTC] cacahuatl: There's always a fedbot :P
[12/31/2012 02:02:32 UTC] cacahuatl: There's always a fedbot :P
[12/31/2012 02:03:51 UTC] pathfinder: is not real fedbot
[12/31/2012 02:03:51 UTC] pathfinder: is not real fedbot
[12/31/2012 02:03:55 UTC] pathfinder: is 'x'
[12/31/2012 02:03:55 UTC] pathfinder: is 'x'
[12/31/2012 02:04:11 UTC] pathfinder: he once got fisted by an admin and is eternally buttfrustrated
[12/31/2012 02:04:11 UTC] pathfinder: he once got fisted by an admin and is eternally buttfrustrated
[12/31/2012 02:08:01 UTC] AnonForecast:
[12/31/2012 02:08:01 UTC] AnonForecast:
[12/31/2012 02:08:28 UTC] AnonForecast: I actually like roseanne
[12/31/2012 02:08:28 UTC] AnonForecast: I actually like roseanne
[12/31/2012 02:08:31 UTC] AnonForecast: thats why I warned her to stop
[12/31/2012 02:08:31 UTC] AnonForecast: thats why I warned her to stop
[12/31/2012 02:08:40 UTC] mos6502: yeah, like I said reminds me of my mom
[12/31/2012 02:08:40 UTC] mos6502: yeah, like I said reminds me of my mom
[12/31/2012 02:08:46 UTC] mos6502: I have watched her learn
[12/31/2012 02:08:46 UTC] mos6502: I have watched her learn
[12/31/2012 02:08:48 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/31/2012 02:08:48 UTC] mos6502: lol
[12/31/2012 02:08:57 UTC] mos6502: she actually DOES learn
[12/31/2012 02:08:57 UTC] mos6502: she actually DOES learn
[12/31/2012 02:09:32 UTC] mos6502: but... she is very hard headed and will likely end up butting head with more than she ever reaches
[12/31/2012 02:09:32 UTC] mos6502: but... she is very hard headed and will likely end up butting head with more than she ever reaches
[12/31/2012 02:09:50 UTC] Rononymous: AnonForecast: to be honest, i had no idea she even used that on her twitter till i got here today and someone told me.
[12/31/2012 02:09:50 UTC] Rononymous: AnonForecast: to be honest, i had no idea she even used that on her twitter till i got here today and someone told me.
[12/31/2012 02:10:07 UTC] Rononymous: total coincidence.
[12/31/2012 02:10:07 UTC] Rononymous: total coincidence.
[12/31/2012 02:14:59 UTC] cacahuatl: Clearly a newfag
[12/31/2012 02:14:59 UTC] cacahuatl: Clearly a newfag
[12/31/2012 02:15:08 UTC] cacahuatl: "Not your personal army" one of the oldest rules in the book.
[12/31/2012 02:15:08 UTC] cacahuatl: "Not your personal army" one of the oldest rules in the book.
[12/31/2012 02:15:23 UTC] AnonForecast: well
[12/31/2012 02:15:23 UTC] AnonForecast: well
[12/31/2012 02:15:24 UTC] Dingo: cacahuatl: webchatters dont get to call people newfags.
[12/31/2012 02:15:24 UTC] Dingo: cacahuatl: webchatters dont get to call people newfags.
[12/31/2012 02:15:28 UTC] AnonForecast: i was same way
[12/31/2012 02:15:28 UTC] AnonForecast: i was same way
[12/31/2012 02:15:30 UTC] AnonForecast: if shes legit
[12/31/2012 02:15:30 UTC] AnonForecast: if shes legit
[12/31/2012 02:15:32 UTC] AnonForecast: she will learn
[12/31/2012 02:15:32 UTC] AnonForecast: she will learn
[12/31/2012 02:15:39 UTC] AnonForecast: and learn why legion is the way it is
[12/31/2012 02:15:39 UTC] AnonForecast: and learn why legion is the way it is
[12/31/2012 02:15:42 UTC] AnonForecast: it turns out
[12/31/2012 02:15:42 UTC] AnonForecast: it turns out
[12/31/2012 02:15:49 UTC] AnonForecast: those rules acutally have hidden value
[12/31/2012 02:15:49 UTC] AnonForecast: those rules acutally have hidden value
[12/31/2012 02:15:57 UTC] cacahuatl: Dingo: Ever considered trying to troll harder?
[12/31/2012 02:15:57 UTC] cacahuatl: Dingo: Ever considered trying to troll harder?
[12/31/2012 02:16:04 UTC] cacahuatl: You're not doing so well.
[12/31/2012 02:16:04 UTC] cacahuatl: You're not doing so well.
[12/31/2012 02:16:11 UTC] Dingo: >implying i was trolling
[12/31/2012 02:16:11 UTC] Dingo: >implying i was trolling
[12/31/2012 02:16:21 UTC] Dingo: >webchatter cant tell between trolling and criticizm
[12/31/2012 02:16:21 UTC] Dingo: >webchatter cant tell between trolling and criticizm
[12/31/2012 02:16:26 UTC] Dingo: >webchatter fails to troll dingo
[12/31/2012 02:16:26 UTC] Dingo: >webchatter fails to troll dingo
[12/31/2012 02:16:26 UTC] cacahuatl: You're trolling or not very bright :P
[12/31/2012 02:16:26 UTC] cacahuatl: You're trolling or not very bright :P
[12/31/2012 02:16:28 UTC] cacahuatl: You pick
[12/31/2012 02:16:28 UTC] cacahuatl: You pick
[12/31/2012 02:16:30 UTC] Dingo: pick
[12/31/2012 02:16:30 UTC] Dingo: pick
[12/31/2012 02:16:31 UTC] Dingo: lel
[12/31/2012 02:16:31 UTC] Dingo: lel
[12/31/2012 02:16:34 UTC] Dingo: i think i got him mad
[12/31/2012 02:16:34 UTC] Dingo: i think i got him mad
[12/31/2012 02:16:36 UTC] Dingo: he cant spell now
[12/31/2012 02:16:36 UTC] Dingo: he cant spell now
[12/31/2012 02:16:36 UTC] Dingo: :<
[12/31/2012 02:16:36 UTC] Dingo: :<
[12/31/2012 02:16:42 UTC] cacahuatl: ...Fail
[12/31/2012 02:16:42 UTC] cacahuatl: ...Fail
[12/31/2012 02:16:43 UTC] AnonForecast: I dont think trolls intended make correct rules. in fact, most of the things anons do is mostly instinctual, they just happen to have good instincts imo
[12/31/2012 02:16:43 UTC] AnonForecast: I dont think trolls intended make correct rules. in fact, most of the things anons do is mostly instinctual, they just happen to have good instincts imo
[12/31/2012 02:16:44 UTC] cacahuatl: You can't read
[12/31/2012 02:16:44 UTC] cacahuatl: You can't read
[12/31/2012 02:16:48 UTC] cacahuatl: Hahaha, fucking moron :D
[12/31/2012 02:16:48 UTC] cacahuatl: Hahaha, fucking moron :D
[12/31/2012 02:16:51 UTC] AnonForecast: y u mad?
[12/31/2012 02:16:51 UTC] AnonForecast: y u mad?
[12/31/2012 02:16:52 UTC] Dingo: o no
[12/31/2012 02:16:52 UTC] Dingo: o no
[12/31/2012 02:16:54 UTC] Dingo: he callin me names
[12/31/2012 02:16:54 UTC] Dingo: he callin me names
[12/31/2012 02:16:56 UTC] Dingo: i musta hit a nerve
[12/31/2012 02:16:56 UTC] Dingo: i musta hit a nerve
[12/31/2012 02:16:57 UTC] Dingo: :D
[12/31/2012 02:16:57 UTC] Dingo: :D
[12/31/2012 02:17:06 UTC] gaishan: Paranoia is NOT a place for trolling. Please take this shit elsewhere. Thank you.
[12/31/2012 02:17:06 UTC] gaishan: Paranoia is NOT a place for trolling. Please take this shit elsewhere. Thank you.
[12/31/2012 02:17:12 UTC] AnonForecast: how you gonna name-call something that is anonymous?
[12/31/2012 02:17:12 UTC] AnonForecast: how you gonna name-call something that is anonymous?
[12/31/2012 02:17:33 UTC] AnonForecast: oops. sorry gaishan. ya guys respect chan rules
[12/31/2012 02:17:33 UTC] AnonForecast: oops. sorry gaishan. ya guys respect chan rules
[12/31/2012 02:18:08 UTC] AnonForecast: wtf? #voxanon and #freeanons are Anti-Troll too
[12/31/2012 02:18:08 UTC] AnonForecast: wtf? #voxanon and #freeanons are Anti-Troll too
[12/31/2012 02:18:37 UTC] gaishan: #batcave is where you want to go for trolling.
[12/31/2012 02:18:37 UTC] gaishan: #batcave is where you want to go for trolling.
[12/31/2012 02:18:40 UTC] Dingo: AnonForecast: #voxanon is a privately run channel not endorsed by staff
[12/31/2012 02:18:40 UTC] Dingo: AnonForecast: #voxanon is a privately run channel not endorsed by staff
[12/31/2012 02:18:41 UTC] Dingo: so
[12/31/2012 02:18:41 UTC] Dingo: so
[12/31/2012 02:18:45 UTC] Dingo: they can dod whatever they want
[12/31/2012 02:18:45 UTC] Dingo: they can dod whatever they want
[12/31/2012 02:18:48 UTC] Dingo: and yes
[12/31/2012 02:18:48 UTC] Dingo: and yes
[12/31/2012 02:18:53 UTC] Dingo: #batcave is where trolls be
[12/31/2012 02:18:53 UTC] Dingo: #batcave is where trolls be
[12/31/2012 02:18:53 UTC] lolno: u can troll #voxanon as much as u like for all i care so gtfo here thx
[12/31/2012 02:18:53 UTC] lolno: u can troll #voxanon as much as u like for all i care so gtfo here thx
[12/31/2012 02:19:38 UTC] AnonForecast: uh
[12/31/2012 02:19:39 UTC] AnonForecast: uh
[12/31/2012 02:19:41 UTC] AnonForecast: since when?
[12/31/2012 02:19:41 UTC] AnonForecast: since when?
[12/31/2012 02:19:47 UTC] Dingo: since we closed it
[12/31/2012 02:19:47 UTC] Dingo: since we closed it
[12/31/2012 02:19:48 UTC] Dingo: and then
[12/31/2012 02:19:48 UTC] Dingo: and then
[12/31/2012 02:19:52 UTC] Dingo: some person wanted it back
[12/31/2012 02:19:52 UTC] Dingo: some person wanted it back
[12/31/2012 02:19:52 UTC] Dingo: so
[12/31/2012 02:19:52 UTC] Dingo: so
[12/31/2012 02:19:54 UTC] Dingo: he begged
[12/31/2012 02:19:54 UTC] Dingo: he begged
[12/31/2012 02:19:57 UTC] Dingo: and sucked a lot of balls
[12/31/2012 02:19:57 UTC] Dingo: and sucked a lot of balls
[12/31/2012 02:19:59 UTC] AnonForecast: all IRCs have a main channel named after server name
[12/31/2012 02:19:59 UTC] AnonForecast: all IRCs have a main channel named after server name
[12/31/2012 02:20:00 UTC] Dingo: then got it
[12/31/2012 02:20:00 UTC] Dingo: then got it
[12/31/2012 02:20:04 UTC] AnonForecast: its a social norm
[12/31/2012 02:20:05 UTC] AnonForecast: its a social norm
[12/31/2012 02:20:05 UTC] lolno: Dingo: wrl
[12/31/2012 02:20:06 UTC] lolno: Dingo: wrl
[12/31/2012 02:20:07 UTC] lolno: wrong
[12/31/2012 02:20:07 UTC] lolno: wrong
[12/31/2012 02:20:07 UTC] Dingo: AnonForecast: "all ircs?"
[12/31/2012 02:20:08 UTC] Dingo: AnonForecast: "all ircs?"
[12/31/2012 02:20:09 UTC] Dingo: what
[12/31/2012 02:20:09 UTC] Dingo: what
[12/31/2012 02:20:11 UTC] gaishan: not this one anymore
[12/31/2012 02:20:11 UTC] gaishan: not this one anymore
[12/31/2012 02:20:11 UTC] AnonForecast: yes
[12/31/2012 02:20:11 UTC] AnonForecast: yes
[12/31/2012 02:20:19 UTC] Dingo: theres a #efnet?
[12/31/2012 02:20:19 UTC] Dingo: theres a #efnet?
[12/31/2012 02:20:21 UTC] AnonForecast: this is the ONLY irc that would be violating that social norm
[12/31/2012 02:20:21 UTC] AnonForecast: this is the ONLY irc that would be violating that social norm
[12/31/2012 02:20:25 UTC] AnonForecast: a what?
[12/31/2012 02:20:25 UTC] AnonForecast: a what?
[12/31/2012 02:20:26 UTC] lolno: i threatened to kick all of u ,network staffers (except gaishan)
[12/31/2012 02:20:26 UTC] lolno: i threatened to kick all of u ,network staffers (except gaishan)
[12/31/2012 02:20:30 UTC] Dingo: i was pretty sure major irc networks dont have a network sponsored channel
[12/31/2012 02:20:30 UTC] Dingo: i was pretty sure major irc networks dont have a network sponsored channel
[12/31/2012 02:20:35 UTC] lolno: then u gave it to me and begged for mercy
[12/31/2012 02:20:35 UTC] lolno: then u gave it to me and begged for mercy
[12/31/2012 02:20:39 UTC] AnonForecast: who the f is efnet
[12/31/2012 02:20:39 UTC] AnonForecast: who the f is efnet
[12/31/2012 02:20:42 UTC] Dingo: god
[12/31/2012 02:20:42 UTC] Dingo: god
[12/31/2012 02:20:50 UTC] gaishan: #voxanon was completely closed for a bit
[12/31/2012 02:20:50 UTC] gaishan: #voxanon was completely closed for a bit
[12/31/2012 02:21:08 UTC] lolno: now its up and better than ever
[12/31/2012 02:21:08 UTC] lolno: now its up and better than ever
[12/31/2012 02:21:08 UTC] gaishan: yes. #voxanon is now lolno's baby
[12/31/2012 02:21:09 UTC] gaishan: yes. #voxanon is now lolno's baby
[12/31/2012 02:21:12 UTC] lolno: just because im there
[12/31/2012 02:21:12 UTC] lolno: just because im there
[12/31/2012 02:21:16 UTC] lolno: once every few weeks
[12/31/2012 02:21:16 UTC] lolno: once every few weeks
[12/31/2012 02:21:32 UTC] AnonForecast: bvvtch i am leejun! i dunno no efnets. i only know AnonOps, Vox, AnonNet, Cryto, Telecomix, AnonPlus and couple crazy suspicous new ones
[12/31/2012 02:21:32 UTC] AnonForecast: bvvtch i am leejun! i dunno no efnets. i only know AnonOps, Vox, AnonNet, Cryto, Telecomix, AnonPlus and couple crazy suspicous new ones
[12/31/2012 02:21:57 UTC] lolno: telecomix lieks trolls
[12/31/2012 02:21:57 UTC] lolno: telecomix lieks trolls
[12/31/2012 02:22:00 UTC] AnonForecast: all of which have a main channel with same name as server
[12/31/2012 02:22:00 UTC] AnonForecast: all of which have a main channel with same name as server
[12/31/2012 02:22:05 UTC] lolno: they ban on ident sio u can troll with diff nick
[12/31/2012 02:22:05 UTC] lolno: they ban on ident sio u can troll with diff nick
[12/31/2012 02:22:09 UTC] AnonForecast: no doesnt, it likes peace in themiddle east
[12/31/2012 02:22:09 UTC] AnonForecast: no doesnt, it likes peace in themiddle east
[12/31/2012 02:23:40 UTC] cacahuatl: Telecomix take themselves too seriously.
[12/31/2012 02:23:40 UTC] cacahuatl: Telecomix take themselves too seriously.
[12/31/2012 02:27:09 UTC] pathfinder: so wait, you are saying EVERY IRC network out there has a network main channel with the same name as the network?
[12/31/2012 02:27:09 UTC] pathfinder: so wait, you are saying EVERY IRC network out there has a network main channel with the same name as the network?
[12/31/2012 02:27:46 UTC] pathfinder: and yet show that you dont even know the names of some of the biggest, let alone whether or not there are network mains on there?
[12/31/2012 02:27:46 UTC] pathfinder: and yet show that you dont even know the names of some of the biggest, let alone whether or not there are network mains on there?
[12/31/2012 02:27:50 UTC] pathfinder: hmm
[12/31/2012 02:27:50 UTC] pathfinder: hmm
[12/31/2012 02:28:10 UTC] pathfinder: as full of holes as a collander, that argument
[12/31/2012 02:28:10 UTC] pathfinder: as full of holes as a collander, that argument
[12/31/2012 02:30:40 UTC] AnonForecast: biggest?
[12/31/2012 02:30:40 UTC] AnonForecast: biggest?
[12/31/2012 02:30:49 UTC] AnonForecast: like
[12/31/2012 02:30:49 UTC] AnonForecast: like
[12/31/2012 02:30:53 UTC] AnonForecast: who would even use efnet?
[12/31/2012 02:30:53 UTC] AnonForecast: who would even use efnet?
[12/31/2012 02:31:03 UTC] AnonForecast: anons only use irc to avoid fbi
[12/31/2012 02:31:03 UTC] AnonForecast: anons only use irc to avoid fbi
[12/31/2012 02:31:09 UTC] pathfinder: no, why would anyone use the ORIGINAL IRC ntwork
[12/31/2012 02:31:09 UTC] pathfinder: no, why would anyone use the ORIGINAL IRC ntwork
[12/31/2012 02:31:12 UTC] Dingo: o_o
[12/31/2012 02:31:12 UTC] Dingo: o_o
[12/31/2012 02:31:15 UTC] pathfinder: the first with the biggest userbase
[12/31/2012 02:31:15 UTC] pathfinder: the first with the biggest userbase
[12/31/2012 02:31:19 UTC] AnonForecast: uh
[12/31/2012 02:31:19 UTC] AnonForecast: uh
[12/31/2012 02:31:22 UTC] AnonForecast: Facebook doesnt care
[12/31/2012 02:31:22 UTC] AnonForecast: Facebook doesnt care
[12/31/2012 02:31:24 UTC] AnonForecast: u mad bro?
[12/31/2012 02:31:24 UTC] AnonForecast: u mad bro?
[12/31/2012 02:31:27 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/31/2012 02:31:27 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/31/2012 02:31:42 UTC] pathfinder: oh, you're a facebook generation individual
[12/31/2012 02:31:43 UTC] pathfinder: oh, you're a facebook generation individual
[12/31/2012 02:31:48 UTC] AnonForecast: srslytho, why use efnet over twitter, g+ or fb?
[12/31/2012 02:31:48 UTC] AnonForecast: srslytho, why use efnet over twitter, g+ or fb?
[12/31/2012 02:31:57 UTC] pathfinder: it's okay, carry on, i won't bother you anymore man, seriously
[12/31/2012 02:31:57 UTC] pathfinder: it's okay, carry on, i won't bother you anymore man, seriously
[12/31/2012 02:31:59 UTC] AnonForecast: is that it? its only the really old dudes?
[12/31/2012 02:31:59 UTC] AnonForecast: is that it? its only the really old dudes?
[12/31/2012 02:32:03 UTC] mos6502: I am actually mad. And I will kill you all
[12/31/2012 02:32:03 UTC] mos6502: I am actually mad. And I will kill you all
[12/31/2012 02:32:06 UTC] mos6502: with my cock
[12/31/2012 02:32:06 UTC] mos6502: with my cock
[12/31/2012 02:32:10 UTC] AnonForecast: tahts a good dubstep song
[12/31/2012 02:32:10 UTC] AnonForecast: tahts a good dubstep song
[12/31/2012 02:32:22 UTC] pathfinder: i don't argue with children, it's mean and they can't be reasoned with, most of them
[12/31/2012 02:32:22 UTC] pathfinder: i don't argue with children, it's mean and they can't be reasoned with, most of them
[12/31/2012 02:32:26 UTC] AnonForecast:
[12/31/2012 02:32:26 UTC] AnonForecast:
[12/31/2012 02:32:34 UTC] AnonForecast: Rule14?
[12/31/2012 02:32:34 UTC] AnonForecast: Rule14?
[12/31/2012 02:32:39 UTC] mos6502: fuck rules
[12/31/2012 02:32:39 UTC] mos6502: fuck rules
[12/31/2012 02:32:44 UTC] mos6502: cockdeath for all
[12/31/2012 02:32:44 UTC] mos6502: cockdeath for all
[12/31/2012 02:32:59 UTC] pathfinder: go back to facebook and "like" your friend's farm
[12/31/2012 02:32:59 UTC] pathfinder: go back to facebook and "like" your friend's farm
[12/31/2012 02:33:05 UTC] pathfinder: thats what the kids do right? i dunno
[12/31/2012 02:33:05 UTC] pathfinder: thats what the kids do right? i dunno
[12/31/2012 02:33:40 UTC] Dingo: i click <like> on bewbs
[12/31/2012 02:33:40 UTC] Dingo: i click <like> on bewbs
[12/31/2012 02:33:42 UTC] Dingo: tbh
[12/31/2012 02:33:42 UTC] Dingo: tbh
[12/31/2012 02:34:59 UTC] lolno: DID SOMEONE SAY BEWBS
[12/31/2012 02:34:59 UTC] lolno: DID SOMEONE SAY BEWBS
[12/31/2012 02:35:01 UTC] pathfinder: or yes, use twitter, that good ol' state surveillance program run voluntarily by gullible idiots?
[12/31/2012 02:35:01 UTC] pathfinder: or yes, use twitter, that good ol' state surveillance program run voluntarily by gullible idiots?
[12/31/2012 02:35:23 UTC] pathfinder: or instagram, where your images become the property of instagram and you waiver all rights of ownership
[12/31/2012 02:35:23 UTC] pathfinder: or instagram, where your images become the property of instagram and you waiver all rights of ownership
[12/31/2012 02:35:30 UTC] pathfinder: oky
[12/31/2012 02:35:30 UTC] pathfinder: oky
[12/31/2012 02:35:33 UTC] pathfinder: i'll stop
[12/31/2012 02:35:33 UTC] pathfinder: i'll stop
[12/31/2012 02:35:55 UTC] lolno: youre all bad catholics jesus didnt learn us these ways
[12/31/2012 02:35:55 UTC] lolno: youre all bad catholics jesus didnt learn us these ways
[12/31/2012 02:36:05 UTC] lolno: stop trolling speak with respect
[12/31/2012 02:36:05 UTC] lolno: stop trolling speak with respect
[12/31/2012 02:36:14 UTC] lolno: and the lord will allow you into heaven
[12/31/2012 02:36:14 UTC] lolno: and the lord will allow you into heaven
[12/31/2012 02:36:23 UTC] lolno: PRAISE TO THE LORD
[12/31/2012 02:36:23 UTC] lolno: PRAISE TO THE LORD
[12/31/2012 02:36:40 UTC] lolno: oops
[12/31/2012 02:36:40 UTC] lolno: oops
[12/31/2012 02:36:42 UTC] lolno: goddamn
[12/31/2012 02:36:42 UTC] lolno: goddamn
[12/31/2012 02:36:45 UTC] lolno: wrong channel
[12/31/2012 02:36:45 UTC] lolno: wrong channel
[12/31/2012 02:36:54 UTC] lolno: we need to haver thios discussion
[12/31/2012 02:36:54 UTC] lolno: we need to haver thios discussion
[12/31/2012 02:36:57 UTC] lolno: in #voxanon
[12/31/2012 02:36:57 UTC] lolno: in #voxanon
# #voxanon
[12/26/2012 05:22:33 UTC] pathfinder: hey CharlieWong
[12/26/2012 05:22:33 UTC] CharlieWong: Hello pathfinder!
[12/26/2012 05:22:42 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 05:22:54 UTC] pathfinder: behave yourself, bot
[12/26/2012 05:31:34 UTC] oddlaw: i love you CharlieWong
[12/26/2012 05:32:18 UTC] pathfinder: ?
[12/26/2012 05:32:31 UTC] pathfinder: want me to put that in there?
[12/26/2012 05:32:44 UTC] oddlaw: lmao
[12/26/2012 05:32:50 UTC] oddlaw: CharlieWong is no Eto..
[12/26/2012 05:35:03 UTC] pathfinder: no lol
[12/26/2012 05:39:34 UTC] voxanon472: hey need a pgp key help plez\
[12/26/2012 05:41:00 UTC] pathfinder: !topic
[12/26/2012 05:42:01 UTC] oddlaw: Y U NO
[12/26/2012 06:02:48 UTC] pyHitler: sup bishes
[12/26/2012 06:04:11 UTC] x: murry chrsmus
[12/26/2012 06:04:28 UTC] pyHitler: meh
[12/26/2012 06:04:36 UTC] oddlaw: lol wuut
[12/26/2012 06:04:41 UTC] oddlaw: where tha fuck u been
[12/26/2012 06:05:02 UTC] pyHitler: ed zachery
[12/26/2012 06:05:12 UTC] pyHitler: life calls
[12/26/2012 06:05:19 UTC] pyHitler: sometimes shit gets busy
[12/26/2012 06:05:19 UTC] pyHitler: lol
[12/26/2012 06:05:32 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/26/2012 06:05:49 UTC] pyHitler: ./me does a lot of volunteer shiz
[12/26/2012 06:06:01 UTC] oddlaw: good man
[12/26/2012 06:06:08 UTC] oddlaw: better man than me
[12/26/2012 06:06:10 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 06:06:12 UTC] pyHitler: making good men better
[12/26/2012 06:06:16 UTC] pyHitler: :|
[12/26/2012 06:07:46 UTC] pyHitler: so oddlaw you havin fun
[12/26/2012 06:08:26 UTC] pyHitler: last saw you a couple weeks ago, you became a big hecker yet?
[12/26/2012 06:08:30 UTC] pathfinder: he is now THE hecker
[12/26/2012 06:08:51 UTC] oddlaw: lmao
[12/26/2012 06:08:52 UTC] pyHitler: yush
[12/26/2012 06:08:52 UTC] oddlaw: i dont do shit
[12/26/2012 06:08:52 UTC] pyHitler: man your guts must be crampin
[12/26/2012 06:08:59 UTC] pyHitler: they got pills for that
[12/26/2012 06:09:01 UTC] oddlaw: hey
[12/26/2012 06:09:05 UTC] oddlaw: i get outside
[12/26/2012 06:09:07 UTC] oddlaw: i run like 5k every day
[12/26/2012 06:09:12 UTC] pyHitler: hahah yeah right
[12/26/2012 06:09:13 UTC] oddlaw: but other than that ive been depressed and unmotivated
[12/26/2012 06:09:20 UTC] pyHitler: yeah?
[12/26/2012 06:09:20 UTC] oddlaw: you ass
[12/26/2012 06:09:46 UTC] pyHitler: why depressed
[12/26/2012 06:09:46 UTC] oddlaw: first love lost, etc.
[12/26/2012 06:09:50 UTC] pyHitler: meh fuckitall
[12/26/2012 06:09:52 UTC] Hatmann: go get it back.
[12/26/2012 06:09:56 UTC] oddlaw: impossible
[12/26/2012 06:10:02 UTC] pyHitler: you know the best way to get over a woman?
[12/26/2012 06:10:07 UTC] oddlaw: go fuck another woman
[12/26/2012 06:10:13 UTC] pyHitler: get under a new one
[12/26/2012 06:10:25 UTC] pyHitler: you got it
[12/26/2012 06:10:25 UTC] oddlaw: lol
[12/26/2012 06:10:30 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/26/2012 06:10:30 UTC] pyHitler: fuck that bish
[12/26/2012 06:10:42 UTC] oddlaw: ye
[12/26/2012 06:10:47 UTC] oddlaw: school starts jan 7th
[12/26/2012 06:10:47 UTC] pyHitler: ride em hard and hang em to dry
[12/26/2012 06:10:53 UTC] pyHitler: w00t
[12/26/2012 06:10:53 UTC] oddlaw: so hopefully some better times ahead
[12/26/2012 06:10:57 UTC] pyHitler: fresh poon
[12/26/2012 06:11:00 UTC] x: l0l school
[12/26/2012 06:11:04 UTC] pyHitler: ikr
[12/26/2012 06:11:10 UTC] oddlaw: yo
[12/26/2012 06:11:16 UTC] oddlaw: u gotta start somewhere rite
[12/26/2012 06:11:17 UTC] pyHitler: ./me did that shit ages ago
[12/26/2012 06:11:33 UTC] x: Somehow I feel like I would be surprised, but simultaneously not surprised at how many high schoolers there are on this network at any given time
[12/26/2012 06:11:45 UTC] oddlaw: dont flatter yourself
[12/26/2012 06:11:47 UTC] oddlaw: post-secondary
[12/26/2012 06:11:58 UTC] oddlaw: i just took a semester off and changed program
[12/26/2012 06:12:14 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Nah, smoke a bowl and fuck her sister
[12/26/2012 06:12:14 UTC] Hatmann: dude never stop going to highschool man.
[12/26/2012 06:12:15 UTC] pyHitler: and ya know I was programming in C when I was 9
[12/26/2012 06:12:16 UTC] Hatmann: never stop!
[12/26/2012 06:12:23 UTC] oddlaw: TehSmokeyOne yea
[12/26/2012 06:12:25 UTC] oddlaw: but
[12/26/2012 06:12:31 UTC] oddlaw: i was smoking 4 grams a day
[12/26/2012 06:12:36 UTC] pyHitler: so nothing wrong with high schoolers if they arent lame ass gamer nerds ragin on sony
[12/26/2012 06:12:36 UTC] oddlaw: and she is an only child
[12/26/2012 06:12:36 UTC] Hatmann: trust me go to highschool until your 30.
[12/26/2012 06:12:45 UTC] Hatmann: best pussy is there.
[12/26/2012 06:12:50 UTC] Anony_Ops[00]: OBAMA SUCKS ASS
[12/26/2012 06:12:57 UTC] oddlaw: lol this guy
[12/26/2012 06:12:59 UTC] Hatmann: obama best dictator.
[12/26/2012 06:13:18 UTC] pyHitler: yush
[12/26/2012 06:13:18 UTC] Hatmann: obama best NSDAP candidate.
[12/26/2012 06:13:31 UTC] pyHitler: I misread that, thought it said Obama fucks ass
[12/26/2012 06:13:36 UTC] pyHitler: I was bout to lube up
[12/26/2012 06:13:50 UTC] Hatmann: obama even better NSDAP party member than bush was.
[12/26/2012 06:13:51 UTC] x: all them high school girls look up to 30-year-old me because i have a car awwwwwyeah
[12/26/2012 06:13:55 UTC] pyHitler: love the NSM
[12/26/2012 06:14:05 UTC] pyHitler: i mean NSDAP or whatevs
[12/26/2012 06:14:07 UTC] x: not really im a lonely 30 year old basement dweller, fuck going outside
[12/26/2012 06:14:18 UTC] oddlaw: lol
[12/26/2012 06:14:24 UTC] oddlaw: and i was told my gut was crampin
[12/26/2012 06:14:24 UTC] Hatmann: national socialist workers party.
[12/26/2012 06:14:25 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: ,weather london
[12/26/2012 06:14:27 UTC] pyHitler: I prefer aspiring hobbit
[12/26/2012 06:14:29 UTC] Hatmann: NSDAP.
[12/26/2012 06:14:31 UTC] pyHitler: but whatever
[12/26/2012 06:14:36 UTC] CharlieWong: Clear ☼, 5℃, 1006mb, Gentle breeze 7kt (↑) - EGLC 06:20Z
[12/26/2012 06:14:51 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:14:56 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Rosie O’Donnell Naked Pictures, Nude Photos, Nip Slip Scandals, Upskirts, Sex Tape Rumors, Celebrity Gossip – Today's Celebrity Gossip from Evil Beet Gossip ]
[12/26/2012 06:15:07 UTC] Hatmann: i wish that i could give every obama and romney voter a history book.
[12/26/2012 06:15:10 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: There you, get you in a better mood
[12/26/2012 06:16:00 UTC] oddlaw: im chillin on some africkan beats
[12/26/2012 06:16:17 UTC] pyHitler: odd wanna hear me spin some wax?
[12/26/2012 06:16:40 UTC] oddlaw: not sure :\ wut ur talking about lol
[12/26/2012 06:16:47 UTC] pyHitler: wax nigga
[12/26/2012 06:16:52 UTC] pyHitler: DJ
[12/26/2012 06:17:08 UTC] oddlaw: sure y not
[12/26/2012 06:17:11 UTC] oddlaw: im alwaze down
[12/26/2012 06:17:26 UTC] pyHitler: lemme hook up my shit
[12/26/2012 06:17:38 UTC] voxanon074: hey tryin to acrivat my retro share any specifics for op tyler???
[12/26/2012 06:17:44 UTC] oddlaw: listenin to some dj algoriddim now
[12/26/2012 06:17:44 UTC] oddlaw:
[12/26/2012 06:17:54 UTC] CharlieWong: [ DJ Algoriddim: Is It Because I'm Black (Syl Johnson, Ken Boothe, Delroy Wilson) - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 06:18:37 UTC] voxanon872: tryin to set up retroshare for op tyler what i need to do
[12/26/2012 06:19:01 UTC] pathfinder: loool
[12/26/2012 06:19:04 UTC] pathfinder: it works
[12/26/2012 06:19:07 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Read the message at the top of the chat for starters
[12/26/2012 06:19:09 UTC] pathfinder: fuckers
[12/26/2012 06:19:17 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Woot lmao
[12/26/2012 06:19:30 UTC] pathfinder: nah ty-ler and P-GP are autokick words now
[12/26/2012 06:19:36 UTC] oddlaw: hey guys, my name is tyler
[12/26/2012 06:19:42 UTC] oddlaw: solid
[12/26/2012 06:19:43 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: lmao
[12/26/2012 06:19:52 UTC] oddlaw: i hate ppl named tyler
[12/26/2012 06:19:55 UTC] oddlaw: fuck
[12/26/2012 06:19:58 UTC] oddlaw: i didnt mean it that time
[12/26/2012 06:20:07 UTC] x: nigger
[12/26/2012 06:20:10 UTC] pyHitler: we have a tile-er at my lodge
[12/26/2012 06:20:11 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: Fuck that Ty1er guy
[12/26/2012 06:20:21 UTC] x: lol it kicks for tyl3r but not nigger
[12/26/2012 06:20:33 UTC] oddlaw: nigger is encouraged here
[12/26/2012 06:20:38 UTC] pyHitler: hey at least it aint #Kill
[12/26/2012 06:21:34 UTC] pyHitler:
[12/26/2012 06:21:38 UTC] Hatmann: dont encourage the niggers.
[12/26/2012 06:21:41 UTC] CharlieWong: [ source - SHOUTcast server from - ]
[12/26/2012 06:22:11 UTC] pyHitler: there ya go odd
[12/26/2012 06:22:47 UTC] oddlaw: sounds like a pardi
[12/26/2012 06:23:00 UTC] pyHitler: always is in my house lol
[12/26/2012 06:23:21 UTC] pyHitler: ill scrath like a bitch with crabs in a few
[12/26/2012 06:24:08 UTC] TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:24:18 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Donald Trump Nude Pictures, Donald Trump Naked Clips - HunkyMaleStars.Com ]
[12/26/2012 06:25:18 UTC] oddlaw: gotta stop hanging around hindu girls that don't put out at college
[12/26/2012 06:25:20 UTC] oddlaw: that was mistake #1
[12/26/2012 06:25:36 UTC] pyHitler: find the ones that know kama sutra
[12/26/2012 06:25:44 UTC] pyHitler: there freaks
[12/26/2012 06:26:12 UTC] oddlaw: this sounds familiar
[12/26/2012 06:26:19 UTC] oddlaw: although the volume did go down significantly
[12/26/2012 06:26:33 UTC] oddlaw: oh wait
[12/26/2012 06:26:46 UTC] oddlaw: nvm those are just my headphones i found in a fucking barn
[12/26/2012 06:26:48 UTC] Hatmann: volleyball irls man
[12/26/2012 06:26:55 UTC] Hatmann: girls*
[12/26/2012 06:27:06 UTC] oddlaw: i never attracted the athletic type
[12/26/2012 06:27:16 UTC] oddlaw: i always attracted the drug using type
[12/26/2012 06:27:24 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: lmao but they don't give the lulz
[12/26/2012 06:27:47 UTC] oddlaw: which reminds me
[12/26/2012 06:27:50 UTC] oddlaw: this music makes me wanna do mdma
[12/26/2012 06:28:01 UTC] oddlaw: which would be a terrible idea
[12/26/2012 06:28:23 UTC] oddlaw: nice segue
[12/26/2012 06:31:13 UTC] pyHitler: just a few new tracks I bought
[12/26/2012 06:31:19 UTC] pyHitler: working them into a set now
[12/26/2012 06:32:56 UTC] voxanon570: hey i need help cant't find a pgp for retro anywhere message with ONE PLEASE
[12/26/2012 06:33:31 UTC] pyHitler: heh
[12/26/2012 06:33:33 UTC] oddlaw: what are u talking about?
[12/26/2012 06:33:41 UTC] CharlieWong: hm
[12/26/2012 06:33:55 UTC] oddlaw: voxanon570: ?
[12/26/2012 06:34:13 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: ,g uranus
[12/26/2012 06:34:20 UTC] CharlieWong: TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:35:03 UTC] TehSmokeyOne: ,g your anus
[12/26/2012 06:35:08 UTC] oddlaw: yea
[12/26/2012 06:35:11 UTC] oddlaw: ur on time there
[12/26/2012 06:35:15 UTC] CharlieWong: TehSmokeyOne:
[12/26/2012 06:37:37 UTC] pyHitler: ok odd you mentioned african beats
[12/26/2012 06:37:50 UTC] pyHitler: I got some santeria stuff
[12/26/2012 06:37:53 UTC] oddlaw: africka
[12/26/2012 06:37:55 UTC] oddlaw: afro
[12/26/2012 06:37:58 UTC] oddlaw: afro cuban etc
[12/26/2012 06:38:03 UTC] pyHitler: yurp
[12/26/2012 06:38:12 UTC] pyHitler: <- ish afro cuban
[12/26/2012 06:38:21 UTC] oddlaw: ye
[12/26/2012 06:38:28 UTC] oddlaw: been playing drums forever therefore i love dem beats
[12/26/2012 06:38:37 UTC] pyHitler: at bembes?
[12/26/2012 06:39:12 UTC] oddlaw: lol nah man
[12/26/2012 06:39:16 UTC] oddlaw: im canadian and shit
[12/26/2012 06:39:18 UTC] pyHitler: :(
[12/26/2012 06:39:27 UTC] oddlaw: i live in a white people town
[12/26/2012 06:39:34 UTC] pyHitler: meh, we have Orisha communities there too
[12/26/2012 06:40:25 UTC] pyHitler: ok imma play a couple by these santero guys, it aint gonna be a pretty transition though just to warn ya LOL
[12/26/2012 06:40:38 UTC] pyHitler: going from 130 to about 85 bpm
[12/26/2012 06:42:55 UTC] oddlaw: dam
[12/26/2012 06:43:00 UTC] oddlaw: thats sick
[12/26/2012 06:43:06 UTC] oddlaw: i wouldnt fuck wit those guys
[12/26/2012 06:43:34 UTC] pyHitler: I love their stuff
[12/26/2012 06:43:42 UTC] pyHitler: ill throw on a santeria prayer in a sec
[12/26/2012 06:43:45 UTC] pyHitler: pretty hot
[12/26/2012 06:50:51 UTC] oddlaw: this 1 sounds intense
[12/26/2012 06:51:20 UTC] pyHitler: its gypsy + arab
[12/26/2012 06:51:33 UTC] pyHitler: with dumbek
[12/26/2012 06:51:34 UTC] pyHitler: :)
[12/26/2012 06:51:51 UTC] pyHitler: or darbuka as they call it in arab states
[12/26/2012 06:52:09 UTC] voxanon570: join #opnewblood
[12/26/2012 06:52:18 UTC] pyHitler: join #kill
[12/26/2012 06:53:12 UTC] pyHitler: peep this next one law lol
[12/26/2012 06:53:22 UTC] pyHitler: these same guys doin hotel california
[12/26/2012 06:55:07 UTC] oddlaw: solid
[12/26/2012 06:55:10 UTC] pyHitler: word
[12/26/2012 06:55:29 UTC] pyHitler: in ways I like it more than the eagles version
[12/26/2012 06:56:09 UTC] pyHitler: but back to the good shit after this
[12/26/2012 06:56:23 UTC] pyHitler: im in a skratch mood
[12/26/2012 06:59:53 UTC] oddlaw: his sample choices are fuckin great
[12/26/2012 06:59:59 UTC] oddlaw: nas and big l
[12/26/2012 07:00:15 UTC] pyHitler: word
[12/26/2012 07:00:18 UTC] pyHitler: hes the master
[12/26/2012 07:02:12 UTC] oddlaw: hahahaha
[12/26/2012 07:02:58 UTC] oddlaw: yo im loadin up an episode of dexter
[12/26/2012 07:03:06 UTC] pyHitler: that jewish shit was annoying
[12/26/2012 07:03:34 UTC] oddlaw: gimme a good conclusion song
[12/26/2012 07:04:11 UTC] pyHitler: aight
[12/26/2012 07:04:17 UTC] pyHitler: lemme grab a decent one
[12/26/2012 07:04:36 UTC] oddlaw: ever hear of theivery corporation btw?
[12/26/2012 07:04:40 UTC] oddlaw: seems like some shit ud be into
[12/26/2012 07:05:23 UTC] pyHitler: hell yeah
[12/26/2012 07:05:36 UTC] oddlaw: nice
[12/26/2012 07:05:40 UTC] oddlaw: i hear epic brass
[12/26/2012 07:05:43 UTC] pyHitler: word
[12/26/2012 07:05:49 UTC] oddlaw: holy shit
[12/26/2012 07:05:58 UTC] oddlaw: who knew brass and dnb could blend so well
[12/26/2012 07:06:06 UTC] oddlaw: or at least a dnb style beat
[12/26/2012 07:07:23 UTC] pyHitler: well aphrodite is the man
[12/26/2012 07:07:31 UTC] pyHitler: made it hawt
[12/26/2012 07:08:07 UTC] oddlaw: lol
[12/26/2012 07:08:30 UTC] oddlaw: canada sucks for music
[12/26/2012 07:08:34 UTC] oddlaw: well, in some cases
[12/26/2012 07:08:44 UTC] pyHitler: well canada sucks....
[12/26/2012 07:08:46 UTC] pyHitler: lol
[12/26/2012 07:08:51 UTC] oddlaw: yeah
[12/26/2012 07:08:51 UTC] oddlaw: fuck
[12/26/2012 07:08:54 UTC] oddlaw: i gotta get out of here
[12/26/2012 07:09:02 UTC] pyHitler: move to NYC
[12/26/2012 07:09:08 UTC] oddlaw: ehh
[12/26/2012 07:09:14 UTC] oddlaw: i wanna GTFO north america to be honest
[12/26/2012 07:09:28 UTC] pyHitler: cuba mofo
[12/26/2012 07:09:51 UTC] oddlaw: i loved jamaica when i went there
[12/26/2012 07:10:16 UTC] oddlaw: that was solid
[12/26/2012 07:10:30 UTC] pyHitler: shanks
[12/26/2012 07:10:47 UTC] pyHitler: now get some tables and bang out with meh
[12/26/2012 07:11:17 UTC] oddlaw: ...bang crack rocks?
[12/26/2012 07:11:27 UTC] pyHitler: ohmai
[12/26/2012 07:11:30 UTC] pyHitler: nou
[12/26/2012 07:11:43 UTC] oddlaw: lmfao
[12/26/2012 07:12:04 UTC] pyHitler: might go troll anons on anonops
[12/26/2012 07:12:10 UTC] pyHitler: thats always phun
[12/26/2012 07:12:21 UTC] oddlaw: add em to ur honeypot or some shit :p
[12/26/2012 07:12:54 UTC] pyHitler: ed zachery
[12/26/2012 07:13:45 UTC] oddlaw: is he cool
[12/26/2012 07:14:01 UTC] pyHitler: ed?
[12/26/2012 07:14:05 UTC] pyHitler: hell yeah
[12/26/2012 07:14:53 UTC] pyHitler: ok im out for now
[12/26/2012 07:14:59 UTC] oddlaw: until next time
[12/26/2012 07:15:00 UTC] pyHitler: more tunes tomorrow
[12/26/2012 07:17:37 UTC] voxanon531: nothing goin on??????
[12/26/2012 08:03:08 UTC] HoHoHo: Mewwy Kwissmuss maneggazzz
[12/26/2012 08:06:19 UTC] HoHoHo: sup LulzCat
[12/26/2012 08:06:32 UTC] LulzCat: O.o
[12/26/2012 08:06:39 UTC] *** LulzCat stares at HoHoHo. ***
[12/26/2012 08:06:48 UTC] LulzCat: Do I know you?
[12/26/2012 08:07:06 UTC] HoHoHo: ...
[12/26/2012 08:10:07 UTC] LulzCat: Lol.
[12/26/2012 08:10:11 UTC] LulzCat: Just say yes or no. :P
[12/26/2012 08:10:25 UTC] HoHoHo: LulzCat: I really wish I knew.
[12/26/2012 08:10:27 UTC] HoHoHo: Does it matter?
[12/26/2012 08:10:40 UTC] HoHoHo: Does petting count as getting to know you, kitty?
[12/26/2012 08:10:54 UTC] LulzCat: Nope. Not really. It's just that you might be someone else using another nick. :3
[12/26/2012 08:11:14 UTC] HoHoHo: I'm always using different nicks.
[12/26/2012 08:11:30 UTC] HoHoHo: Did not know of the existence of #opcannabis.
[12/26/2012 08:12:29 UTC] LulzCat: O.O
[12/26/2012 08:13:05 UTC] lorax: opcannibis?
[12/26/2012 08:13:15 UTC] lorax: wtf has drugs got to do with anon
[12/26/2012 08:13:15 UTC] HoHoHo: Yessir.
[12/26/2012 08:13:16 UTC] lorax: lol
[12/26/2012 08:13:26 UTC] HoHoHo: lorax: what doesn't have to do with anon? lol
[12/26/2012 08:13:35 UTC] lorax: umm everything
[12/26/2012 08:14:07 UTC] LulzCat: OpCannabis is Derpina's work. D:
[12/26/2012 08:14:21 UTC] rabbitpinch: morning
[12/26/2012 08:14:30 UTC] LulzCat: Ohai rabbitpinch. O_O
[12/26/2012 08:15:11 UTC] HoHoHo: She here right meow?
[12/26/2012 08:15:38 UTC] HoHoHo: It seems I pretty much have her whole op done for her already.
[12/26/2012 08:16:11 UTC] lorax: lol iam in #voxanon i didnt even know this chan was re open
[12/26/2012 08:16:38 UTC] LulzCat: lorax: Same. I think it's supposed to be closed. Where's touya? D:
[12/26/2012 08:18:51 UTC] rabbitpinch: how do i list chans?
[12/26/2012 08:19:33 UTC] LulzCat: /list
[12/26/2012 08:19:37 UTC] LulzCat: ._.
[12/26/2012 08:19:47 UTC] *** LulzCat stares at rabbitpinch ***
[12/26/2012 08:19:51 UTC] rabbitpinch: it shoows me nothing
[12/26/2012 08:20:00 UTC] LulzCat: O-o
[12/26/2012 08:20:05 UTC] LulzCat: Should be in your status window.
[12/26/2012 08:20:12 UTC] LulzCat: Or Server Status window..
[12/26/2012 08:20:20 UTC] LulzCat: Or it depends on your client.
[12/26/2012 08:20:54 UTC] LulzCat: O-o Idk about xchat though.
[12/26/2012 08:21:01 UTC] rabbitpinch: ty
[12/26/2012 08:21:22 UTC] rabbitpinch: ah now it works
[12/26/2012 08:22:14 UTC] HoHoHo: K. Send Derpina my regards.
[12/26/2012 08:22:15 UTC] HoHoHo: Kirk out.
[12/26/2012 08:24:58 UTC] rabbitpinch: bbl
[12/26/2012 08:35:20 UTC] Comador_84: sweet pool is open!!
[12/26/2012 08:52:12 UTC] Comador_84: niggas be lurking heavy today
[12/26/2012 08:56:18 UTC] m00trix: morning all
[12/26/2012 08:57:16 UTC] Comador_84: sup m00trix
[12/26/2012 08:57:42 UTC] m00trix: not much, just following up on OpWestboro :)
[12/26/2012 08:57:54 UTC] m00trix: what about you homie
[12/26/2012 08:58:22 UTC] m00trix: and Tyler
[12/26/2012 08:58:30 UTC] m00trix: :o
[12/26/2012 08:58:32 UTC] Comador_84: killin time niggas be lurking hard
[12/26/2012 08:58:34 UTC] m00trix: cant say that :D
[12/26/2012 08:58:37 UTC] Comador_84: today
[12/26/2012 08:58:41 UTC] m00trix: hehe
[12/26/2012 08:59:47 UTC] Comador_84: mmKay
[12/26/2012 09:00:52 UTC] Comador_84: how was christmas?
[12/26/2012 09:01:43 UTC] LulzCat: Very rude
[12/26/2012 09:02:00 UTC] m00trix: hehe
[12/26/2012 09:02:03 UTC] m00trix: was good here :)
[12/26/2012 09:02:08 UTC] LulzCat: D:
[12/26/2012 09:02:12 UTC] m00trix: but is looking forward to hacking today
[12/26/2012 09:02:14 UTC] LulzCat: Nobody gave me a Raspberry Pi.
[12/26/2012 09:02:16 UTC] LulzCat: VERY RUDE
[12/26/2012 09:02:18 UTC] m00trix: all this xmas can get to much
[12/26/2012 09:02:18 UTC] m00trix: :D
[12/26/2012 09:02:35 UTC] m00trix: so i'm chilling with some Jays and beer now and just scanning sites :)
[12/26/2012 09:02:42 UTC] m00trix: its like the best day ever ;)
[12/26/2012 09:02:46 UTC] LulzCat: How bout we DDOS catholic sites as a christmas gift?
[12/26/2012 09:02:53 UTC] m00trix: sure
[12/26/2012 09:02:53 UTC] Comador_84: nice
[12/26/2012 09:02:59 UTC] m00trix: my HULK is strong LulzCat ^^
[12/26/2012 09:03:03 UTC] LulzCat: Lol.
[12/26/2012 09:03:14 UTC] LulzCat: D: A hulk.
[12/26/2012 09:03:19 UTC] m00trix: :P
[12/26/2012 09:03:38 UTC] m00trix: LulzCat -
[12/26/2012 09:03:39 UTC] m00trix: see :)
[12/26/2012 09:03:42 UTC] oddlaw: LulzCat how dare u highlight me
[12/26/2012 09:03:46 UTC] m00trix: | Text | Unable to connect to the server |
[12/26/2012 09:03:47 UTC] m00trix: | Errno | 1040 |
[12/26/2012 09:03:47 UTC] m00trix: | Error | Too many connections
[12/26/2012 09:03:51 UTC] m00trix: ^^
[12/26/2012 09:03:53 UTC] LulzCat: oddlaw: RAWR!
[12/26/2012 09:03:59 UTC] LulzCat: lol m00trix
[12/26/2012 09:04:29 UTC] m00trix: a mac is really good @ running python ^^
[12/26/2012 09:04:40 UTC] m00trix: this macbook air does a really good joob at that
[12/26/2012 09:05:01 UTC] LulzCat: torshammer?
[12/26/2012 09:05:28 UTC] m00trix: :D
[12/26/2012 09:05:49 UTC] Comador_84: arRR matee
[12/26/2012 09:06:05 UTC] LulzCat: Comador_84: Very rude. D:
[12/26/2012 09:06:38 UTC] Silicunt: herro
[12/26/2012 09:08:30 UTC] Silicunt: hey Comador_84
[12/26/2012 09:08:32 UTC] Silicunt: Codek:
[12/26/2012 09:08:43 UTC] Codek: yes
[12/26/2012 09:08:55 UTC] m00trix: in for the lulz
[12/26/2012 09:08:58 UTC] m00trix: with LulzCat
[12/26/2012 09:09:45 UTC] Comador_84: Admiral Sili
[12/26/2012 09:10:18 UTC] Silicunt: :)
[12/26/2012 09:10:25 UTC] Silicunt: Qué paso?
[12/26/2012 09:12:39 UTC] Comador_84: How goes the world in your hemisphere?
[12/26/2012 09:13:35 UTC] Silicunt: Amazing, as usual.
[12/26/2012 09:13:40 UTC] Silicunt: Colorful and psychedelic.
[12/26/2012 09:13:45 UTC] Silicunt: I live in a tesseract, for the record.
[12/26/2012 09:13:47 UTC] Silicunt: What about you?
[12/26/2012 09:13:57 UTC] LulzCat: Boring.
[12/26/2012 09:13:59 UTC] LulzCat: Quiet.
[12/26/2012 09:14:06 UTC] LulzCat: Like any usual day.
[12/26/2012 09:15:01 UTC] Silicunt: Shitty.
[12/26/2012 09:15:12 UTC] Silicunt: That's where missions come into play.
[12/26/2012 09:15:19 UTC] Silicunt: Anyone have any missions for a bored anon?
[12/26/2012 09:24:51 UTC] LulzCat: oddlaw: HEPL D:
[12/26/2012 09:24:54 UTC] LulzCat: oddlaw: HELP! D:
[12/26/2012 09:25:14 UTC] LulzCat: oddlaw: Nevermind. I thought I banned myself.
[12/26/2012 09:25:29 UTC] m00trix: lol
[12/26/2012 09:25:39 UTC] m00trix: in for the motherfucking lulz
[12/26/2012 09:25:41 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/26/2012 09:26:48 UTC] LulzCat: D:
[12/26/2012 09:26:51 UTC] *** LulzCat is stupid. Lol. ***
[12/26/2012 09:27:34 UTC] m00trix: wild hogs :D
[12/26/2012 09:34:18 UTC] Silicunt: leaving
[12/26/2012 09:34:20 UTC] Silicunt: baiiiiiiiiiiiii
[12/26/2012 09:38:33 UTC] oddlaw: sorry
[12/26/2012 09:38:36 UTC] oddlaw: was busy watching x-files
[12/26/2012 09:40:39 UTC] pathfinder: i love that show
[12/26/2012 09:40:47 UTC] pathfinder: "may the force be with you!"
[12/26/2012 09:40:56 UTC] pathfinder: great stuff
[12/26/2012 09:41:05 UTC] oddlaw: yeah
[12/26/2012 09:41:10 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 09:41:13 UTC] oddlaw: "beam me up scotty!"
[12/26/2012 09:41:21 UTC] m00trix: lol
[12/26/2012 09:41:25 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/26/2012 09:41:39 UTC] oddlaw: thoughts on babylon 5, anyone?
[12/26/2012 09:42:10 UTC] pathfinder: oh no no
[12/26/2012 09:42:17 UTC] pathfinder: this conversation
[12/26/2012 09:42:19 UTC] pathfinder: si not for me
[12/26/2012 09:42:31 UTC] oddlaw: yay or nay
[12/26/2012 09:42:36 UTC] oddlaw: on the b5
[12/26/2012 10:17:31 UTC] voxanon976: hey anyone can invite me for retroshare ?
[12/26/2012 10:26:28 UTC] Fujiwarano: bleh
[12/26/2012 10:26:43 UTC] lastonestanding: hey fujiwaro
[12/26/2012 10:27:15 UTC] lastonestanding: hows it going
[12/26/2012 10:27:57 UTC] Fujiwarano: good, but pissed i cant complete a mission with Hitman game.
[12/26/2012 10:28:01 UTC] Fujiwarano: bit*
[12/26/2012 10:28:30 UTC] Fujiwarano: err
[12/26/2012 10:28:37 UTC] Fujiwarano: am i awake?
[12/26/2012 10:28:38 UTC] lastonestanding: awwww . I'm sorry.
[12/26/2012 10:28:53 UTC] lastonestanding: how was your Christmas
[12/26/2012 10:29:02 UTC] Fujiwarano: i dont do xmas
[12/26/2012 10:29:12 UTC] lastonestanding: yeah
[12/26/2012 10:29:26 UTC] Fujiwarano: just another day for me really
[12/26/2012 10:29:29 UTC] lastonestanding: how was your day off
[12/26/2012 10:29:48 UTC] Fujiwarano: i got a whole week off, that is nice though
[12/26/2012 10:29:59 UTC] lastonestanding: cool
[12/26/2012 10:30:25 UTC] lastonestanding: see Christmas is good for something
[12/26/2012 10:30:28 UTC] StormWave: Yo
[12/26/2012 10:30:31 UTC] Fujiwarano: haha yeea
[12/26/2012 10:30:35 UTC] Fujiwarano: hi
[12/26/2012 10:30:55 UTC] lastonestanding: :)
[12/26/2012 10:31:20 UTC] StormWave: Is it weird for two guys to watch porn together?
[12/26/2012 10:31:27 UTC] Fujiwarano: yes
[12/26/2012 10:31:54 UTC] Fujiwarano: it means both of you life in shame.
[12/26/2012 10:32:57 UTC] StormWave: Ah okay
[12/26/2012 10:33:16 UTC] lastonestanding: depends what kind of porn it was the proximity between you two
[12/26/2012 10:34:08 UTC] Dojii: oh hai
[12/26/2012 10:34:15 UTC] lastonestanding: where limbs where etc
[12/26/2012 10:35:05 UTC] lastonestanding: lulzcat
[12/26/2012 10:35:11 UTC] StormWave: Lesbian and not touching
[12/26/2012 10:35:19 UTC] lastonestanding: wakie wakie
[12/26/2012 10:35:47 UTC] lastonestanding: how close where you to each other
[12/26/2012 10:37:16 UTC] Dojii: nice 2 see anonvox back up
[12/26/2012 10:37:25 UTC] Dojii: eto still here ???
[12/26/2012 10:37:39 UTC] lastonestanding: no
[12/26/2012 10:37:44 UTC] lastonestanding: :(
[12/26/2012 10:37:53 UTC] Fujiwarano: wonder where Akira is
[12/26/2012 10:38:10 UTC] lastonestanding: i dunno
[12/26/2012 10:38:39 UTC] spektre: he is around somewhere on the server lol
[12/26/2012 10:38:41 UTC] StormWave: Like a foot apart but it was on a phone
[12/26/2012 10:39:10 UTC] lastonestanding: thats gay
[12/26/2012 10:39:25 UTC] lastonestanding: sorry but it is what it is
[12/26/2012 10:39:57 UTC] lastonestanding: hey spekter
[12/26/2012 10:40:10 UTC] spektre: hey...
[12/26/2012 10:40:25 UTC] lastonestanding: sorry about spelling
[12/26/2012 10:40:32 UTC] StormWave: Anyway, what up
[12/26/2012 10:40:35 UTC] lastonestanding: just got a tablet
[12/26/2012 10:40:44 UTC] lastonestanding: still getting used to it
[12/26/2012 10:41:21 UTC] StormWave: If you don't want it I'll take it
[12/26/2012 10:41:38 UTC] lastonestanding: hell no
[12/26/2012 10:41:44 UTC] lastonestanding: im in love
[12/26/2012 10:42:08 UTC] lastonestanding: :3
[12/26/2012 10:42:14 UTC] MoralFlag: with a stripper?
[12/26/2012 10:42:20 UTC] lastonestanding: no
[12/26/2012 10:42:23 UTC] lastonestanding: with
[12/26/2012 10:42:28 UTC] lastonestanding: my
[12/26/2012 10:42:31 UTC] MoralFlag: sorry couldnt resist
[12/26/2012 10:42:33 UTC] lastonestanding: tablet
[12/26/2012 10:42:48 UTC] lastonestanding: >_>
[12/26/2012 10:42:54 UTC] lastonestanding: ™™™™™™
[12/26/2012 10:42:54 UTC] spektre: yeah figures... touchscreen typing so slow
[12/26/2012 10:43:11 UTC] lastonestanding: not really
[12/26/2012 10:43:16 UTC] Fujiwarano: "Insert brain here"
[12/26/2012 10:43:33 UTC] StormWave: I have to tell you something lastonestanding
[12/26/2012 10:43:33 UTC] lastonestanding: I'm just in an awkward position
[12/26/2012 10:43:38 UTC] lastonestanding: atm
[12/26/2012 10:43:50 UTC] lastonestanding: yes stormwave?
[12/26/2012 10:44:04 UTC] StormWave: Your tablet is cheating on you
[12/26/2012 10:44:23 UTC] lastonestanding: lol no
[12/26/2012 10:44:57 UTC] StormWave: I saw it flirting with a laptop
[12/26/2012 10:45:10 UTC] lastonestanding: it love
[12/26/2012 10:45:20 UTC] lastonestanding: hell no
[12/26/2012 10:45:25 UTC] StormWave: Then
[12/26/2012 10:45:42 UTC] lastonestanding: my laptop is on time out in my computer bag
[12/26/2012 10:46:07 UTC] lastonestanding: so there is no hanky panky going on
[12/26/2012 10:46:28 UTC] StormWave: Did you leave the wifi on?
[12/26/2012 10:46:52 UTC] lastonestanding: nope
[12/26/2012 10:47:41 UTC] lastonestanding: she knows better than to be a hussy
[12/26/2012 10:47:50 UTC] lastonestanding: with my tablet
[12/26/2012 10:48:15 UTC] StormWave: Dude your tablet just got fcked by a usb drive
[12/26/2012 10:48:15 UTC] lastonestanding: i don't even know what I'm saying anymore
[12/26/2012 10:48:34 UTC] lastonestanding: it's got no usb ports
[12/26/2012 10:48:47 UTC] lastonestanding: im not a dude tho.
[12/26/2012 10:48:55 UTC] lastonestanding: ima chick
[12/26/2012 10:48:58 UTC] LadyICE: lol
[12/26/2012 10:49:03 UTC] CharlieWong: LadyICE: 03:23Z <pathfinder> tell LadyICE : it must be tiring, the male attention you must get around IRC
[12/26/2012 10:49:05 UTC] StormWave: That's what it wants you to think
[12/26/2012 10:49:16 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/26/2012 10:49:16 UTC] lastonestanding: hey ice
[12/26/2012 10:49:29 UTC] lastonestanding: guess whose sleeping next to me?
[12/26/2012 10:49:41 UTC] LadyICE: do I care?
[12/26/2012 10:49:50 UTC] lastonestanding: i dont know
[12/26/2012 10:49:51 UTC] StormWave: Jennifer Lopez?
[12/26/2012 10:50:00 UTC] lastonestanding: judt though id let you know
[12/26/2012 10:50:09 UTC] LadyICE: who is sleeping next to you
[12/26/2012 10:50:09 UTC] lastonestanding: i finaly meet lonestarr
[12/26/2012 10:50:11 UTC] LadyICE: ?
[12/26/2012 10:50:15 UTC] LadyICE: nice
[12/26/2012 10:50:19 UTC] LadyICE: tell him I said hi
[12/26/2012 10:50:39 UTC] lastonestanding: and to answer a question you asked once
[12/26/2012 10:50:57 UTC] lastonestanding: he rocks my world in the sack
[12/26/2012 10:50:59 UTC] lastonestanding: lol
[12/26/2012 10:51:02 UTC] LadyICE: cool
[12/26/2012 10:51:11 UTC] LadyICE: glad
[12/26/2012 10:51:14 UTC] lastonestanding: and stormwave
[12/26/2012 10:51:17 UTC] lastonestanding: no
[12/26/2012 10:51:47 UTC] lastonestanding: my electronic s know better than to cross me
[12/26/2012 10:52:15 UTC] lastonestanding: moralfag go diaf
[12/26/2012 10:53:15 UTC] LadyICE: hello evilworks
[12/26/2012 10:53:40 UTC] MoralFlag: an hero
[12/26/2012 10:53:50 UTC] MoralFlag: muah
[12/26/2012 10:54:33 UTC] lastonestanding: shut up fag
[12/26/2012 10:54:42 UTC] lastonestanding: :3
[12/26/2012 10:56:43 UTC] MoralFlag: ok
[12/26/2012 10:57:37 UTC] MoralFlag: =-----(
[12/26/2012 11:05:29 UTC] Anony_Ops[69]: 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하
[12/26/2012 11:05:45 UTC] Anony_Ops[69]: 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하
[12/26/2012 11:05:46 UTC] Anony_Ops[69]: 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하
[12/26/2012 11:05:47 UTC] Anony_Ops[69]: 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하
[12/26/2012 11:05:47 UTC] Anony_Ops[69]: 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하
[12/26/2012 11:05:48 UTC] Anony_Ops[69]: 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하
[12/26/2012 11:05:48 UTC] Anony_Ops[69]: 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하
[12/26/2012 11:05:49 UTC] Anony_Ops[69]: 가나다라마바사아자차카타파하
[12/26/2012 11:07:37 UTC] MoralFlag: was that korean?
[12/26/2012 11:22:06 UTC] lastonestanding: yup
[12/26/2012 12:31:55 UTC] Voxer: hi motherfuckers !
[12/26/2012 13:03:06 UTC] Anony_Ops[86]: the lulzsec asia leader at here yo...what up
[12/26/2012 13:03:37 UTC] Anony_Ops[86]: yo
[12/26/2012 13:20:41 UTC] Tylor: ohai
[12/26/2012 13:23:22 UTC] Voxer: hi bitches
[12/26/2012 13:24:10 UTC] Dusk: gday tylor
[12/26/2012 13:37:57 UTC] *** LulzCat stares at Shaggy. ***
[12/26/2012 13:54:53 UTC] voxanon339: slt il y a des fr ici ?
[12/26/2012 13:59:32 UTC] murlac: ouiii
[12/26/2012 14:05:06 UTC] voxanon059: hey guys how about getting tyler
[12/26/2012 14:18:40 UTC] Derpina: O RLY
[12/26/2012 14:20:38 UTC] Wuya: Yarly
[12/26/2012 14:21:04 UTC] Derpina: Havent been on in awhile, last time i was here #VoxAnon was closed
[12/26/2012 14:21:14 UTC] Wuya: It's my first time here :P
[12/26/2012 14:21:44 UTC] Wuya: Someone from anonplus suggested I snoop around in here rather than anonops.
[12/26/2012 14:22:06 UTC] Derpina: yea this network is far superior to AnonOps in many wayw
[12/26/2012 14:22:10 UTC] maxQ: Derpina, yeah dunno, seems opers removed ban on #vox and now here we are
[12/26/2012 14:22:15 UTC] Derpina: *ways
[12/26/2012 14:22:18 UTC] maxQ: ;D
[12/26/2012 14:22:35 UTC] maxQ: but its been back to the same old reason it was shut down in the first place
[12/26/2012 14:22:38 UTC] maxQ: lots of french people
[12/26/2012 14:22:48 UTC] Wuya: Ew
[12/26/2012 14:22:52 UTC] Wuya: French. ;Pp
[12/26/2012 14:22:57 UTC] maxQ: ;p
[12/26/2012 14:23:14 UTC] Wuya: Except minus the extra p. No idea where that came from.
[12/26/2012 14:23:25 UTC] maxQ: alien/moray eel smiley
[12/26/2012 14:23:31 UTC] maxQ: with extra jaw
[12/26/2012 14:23:42 UTC] Wuya: Mutant smiley D:
[12/26/2012 15:06:16 UTC] Derpina: Anonymous @Crypt0nymous
[12/26/2012 15:06:16 UTC] Derpina: #BREAKING: #Syria military police chief defects to rebels
[12/26/2012 15:06:33 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Syria military police chief defects to rebels | World news | ]
[12/26/2012 16:15:06 UTC] Anony_Ops[50]: Hey
[12/26/2012 16:17:45 UTC] Anonymous937383: hello
[12/26/2012 16:18:14 UTC] Anonymous937383: is anyone here?
[12/26/2012 16:18:46 UTC] Wuya: Nope.avi
[12/26/2012 16:22:05 UTC] Anony_Ops[79]: Hey
[12/26/2012 16:22:06 UTC] Fujiwarano: nope1080p.mkv
[12/26/2012 16:22:44 UTC] Anony_Ops[79]: Hey
[12/26/2012 16:23:03 UTC] Anony_Ops[79]: e
[12/26/2012 16:23:29 UTC] Wuya: lol
[12/26/2012 16:23:29 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/26/2012 16:23:32 UTC] Wuya: People are so impatient nowadays. *headshake*
[12/26/2012 16:24:12 UTC] Wuya: Damn kids
[12/26/2012 16:26:51 UTC] maxQ: webchatters :S
[12/26/2012 16:29:11 UTC] Wuya: yep
[12/26/2012 16:30:16 UTC] DeadMellox: wuya
[12/26/2012 16:30:19 UTC] DeadMellox: r u a wizard?
[12/26/2012 16:30:48 UTC] Wuya: I don't think so
[12/26/2012 16:30:58 UTC] Wuya: I wasn't last time I checked anyway
[12/26/2012 16:31:08 UTC] DeadMellox: hmm. alright. just checkin
[12/26/2012 16:31:17 UTC] constantine: hi
[12/26/2012 16:31:24 UTC] constantine: please need help
[12/26/2012 16:31:28 UTC] Wuya: 'sup?
[12/26/2012 16:31:51 UTC] constantine: ...
[12/26/2012 16:32:14 UTC] Wuya: okay…
[12/26/2012 16:32:24 UTC] DeadMellox: .......
[12/26/2012 16:32:37 UTC] DeadMellox: i have more dots so i win
[12/26/2012 16:32:39 UTC] Wuya: … - - - …
[12/26/2012 16:32:42 UTC] constantine: someone can say to me how to find info from tyler
[12/26/2012 16:32:46 UTC] DeadMellox: now thats just cheating
[12/26/2012 16:32:59 UTC] Wuya: :D
[12/26/2012 16:33:16 UTC] DeadMellox: !topic
[12/26/2012 16:33:25 UTC] constantine: why kick i just need help !!!
[12/26/2012 16:33:36 UTC] Wuya: What do you need help with? ;P
[12/26/2012 16:33:42 UTC] DeadMellox: lolololololl
[12/26/2012 16:33:49 UTC] DeadMellox: dont bait him
[12/26/2012 16:33:56 UTC] spektre: Topic. Read.
[12/26/2012 16:34:11 UTC] constantine: hi i just need how to see information on tyler
[12/26/2012 16:34:18 UTC] spektre: LEL
[12/26/2012 16:34:21 UTC] pyHitler: * facepalms
[12/26/2012 16:34:23 UTC] Wuya: Haha, oh god.
[12/26/2012 16:34:26 UTC] DeadMellox: kinda boss
[12/26/2012 16:34:27 UTC] pyHitler: summerfags
[12/26/2012 16:34:38 UTC] Wuya: Tylol.
[12/26/2012 16:34:39 UTC] pyHitler: so derpy
[12/26/2012 16:35:10 UTC] pyHitler: I was tiler at my lodge last year
[12/26/2012 16:35:13 UTC] pyHitler: pretty boring
[12/26/2012 16:36:17 UTC] Wuya: I'm not surprised o:
[12/26/2012 16:37:24 UTC] DeadMellox: wuya how odl r u
[12/26/2012 16:37:39 UTC] DeadMellox: cuz u said earlier
[12/26/2012 16:37:41 UTC] pyHitler: yeah how adl are you?
[12/26/2012 16:37:43 UTC] DeadMellox: 'damn kids'
[12/26/2012 16:38:16 UTC] Wuya: I'll pass thanks. ;P
[12/26/2012 16:38:21 UTC] DeadMellox: so imma be leik dayum wuya must be over 12
[12/26/2012 16:38:24 UTC] DeadMellox: awww
[12/26/2012 16:38:27 UTC] DeadMellox: c'om on
[12/26/2012 16:38:31 UTC] Wuya: I'm over 18, if that helps~
[12/26/2012 16:38:37 UTC] DeadMellox: it helps
[12/26/2012 16:38:39 UTC] Wuya: But under 30
[12/26/2012 16:38:49 UTC] Wuya: s'all I'm saying. :3
[12/26/2012 16:38:58 UTC] DeadMellox: so i guess ure not a wizard yet.
[12/26/2012 16:39:12 UTC] DeadMellox: usually virgins after 30 get to become one
[12/26/2012 16:39:30 UTC] DeadMellox: thats how the myth goes
[12/26/2012 16:39:33 UTC] Wuya: Hah xD
[12/26/2012 16:39:35 UTC] Wuya: 'kept I'm not a virgin. ;P
[12/26/2012 16:39:38 UTC] Wuya: * 'cept
[12/26/2012 16:39:45 UTC] DeadMellox: ur word against mine
[12/26/2012 16:39:55 UTC] pyHitler: under 30 == newb:
[12/26/2012 16:40:21 UTC] Wuya: Oh, yeah. I'll admit to being a newb. I'm not gonna lie xD
[12/26/2012 16:40:45 UTC] pyHitler: its all good
[12/26/2012 16:40:55 UTC] pyHitler: Nemesis was anewb one time too
[12/26/2012 16:41:52 UTC] DeadMellox: wuya
[12/26/2012 16:42:00 UTC] Wuya: Yuh?
[12/26/2012 16:42:04 UTC] DeadMellox: if youre on a mac
[12/26/2012 16:42:06 UTC] DeadMellox: does that mean you have a vagina?
[12/26/2012 16:42:38 UTC] Wuya: Last time I checked, I had balls :3
[12/26/2012 16:42:46 UTC] DeadMellox: k
[12/26/2012 16:43:02 UTC] pyHitler: lul @ Mac
[12/26/2012 16:43:05 UTC] DeadMellox: sausage party up in dis bitch
[12/26/2012 16:43:10 UTC] Wuya: Totally
[12/26/2012 16:43:11 UTC] pyHitler: pieces of shit imo
[12/26/2012 16:43:30 UTC] Wuya: Don't worry, I have a linux machine too :P
[12/26/2012 16:43:35 UTC] DeadMellox: <3
[12/26/2012 16:43:41 UTC] DeadMellox: for zeh haxx00ring
[12/26/2012 16:43:44 UTC] DeadMellox: amirite
[12/26/2012 16:43:44 UTC] Wuya: An acer something-or-other
[12/26/2012 16:43:48 UTC] DeadMellox: naice
[12/26/2012 16:43:51 UTC] Wuya: I can't hack for shit. xD
[12/26/2012 16:43:56 UTC] DeadMellox: then whai da machine
[12/26/2012 16:44:02 UTC] DeadMellox: illegal porn0?
[12/26/2012 16:44:28 UTC] Wuya: For when I can be arsed to learn to hack :P
[12/26/2012 16:44:33 UTC] DeadMellox: pfffsshhhhaww
[12/26/2012 16:44:45 UTC] DeadMellox: ^my reaction
[12/26/2012 16:44:52 UTC] DeadMellox: learn now
[12/26/2012 16:45:04 UTC] pyHitler: start on windows
[12/26/2012 16:45:09 UTC] DeadMellox: lolno
[12/26/2012 16:45:12 UTC] pyHitler: much easier to understand for a nub
[12/26/2012 16:45:21 UTC] DeadMellox: nah linux is as nub as it gets
[12/26/2012 16:45:30 UTC] pyHitler: hahaha
[12/26/2012 16:45:45 UTC] pyHitler: sure, now your all leet cause you can use synaptic
[12/26/2012 16:45:47 UTC] m00trix: looking for a hooker
[12/26/2012 16:45:52 UTC] m00trix: wtf they are expensive
[12/26/2012 16:45:55 UTC] Wuya: I'll rather use linux and it be more difficult, than Windows. xD
[12/26/2012 16:45:59 UTC] m00trix: and all want condom
[12/26/2012 16:46:04 UTC] DeadMellox: wuya <3
[12/26/2012 16:46:07 UTC] pyHitler: newb probably has Ubuntu, or BT or some other lame shit
[12/26/2012 16:46:31 UTC] Wuya: I have CentOS and Lubuntu
[12/26/2012 16:46:32 UTC] DeadMellox: m00trix, i think pyhitler is available
[12/26/2012 16:46:37 UTC] m00trix: nice :D
[12/26/2012 16:46:39 UTC] Wuya: (it's a shitty netbook, lol)
[12/26/2012 16:46:43 UTC] m00trix: pyHitler u tight?
[12/26/2012 16:46:46 UTC] DeadMellox: ^
[12/26/2012 16:46:51 UTC] m00trix: ^^
[12/26/2012 16:46:54 UTC] DeadMellox: ^^
[12/26/2012 16:46:59 UTC] pyHitler: netbook
[12/26/2012 16:46:59 UTC] Ganja_G0d: is it possible to dual boot windows 8 and linux on a uefi based machine?
[12/26/2012 16:47:00 UTC] pyHitler: heh
[12/26/2012 16:47:09 UTC] pyHitler: yes Ganja_G0d
[12/26/2012 16:47:22 UTC] m00trix:
[12/26/2012 16:47:23 UTC] m00trix: :D
[12/26/2012 16:47:26 UTC] CharlieWong: [ I Just Had Sex (feat. Akon) - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 16:47:28 UTC] m00trix: I Just Had Sex (feat. Akon)
[12/26/2012 16:47:45 UTC] pyHitler: ^^ proof your a 12yr old nigger
[12/26/2012 16:47:45 UTC] DeadMellox: imaareal proud of ya daqg
[12/26/2012 16:47:46 UTC] pyHitler: kthnx
[12/26/2012 16:47:54 UTC] m00trix: wut
[12/26/2012 16:48:03 UTC] m00trix: im a 31 year old dane
[12/26/2012 16:48:03 UTC] m00trix: :D
[12/26/2012 16:48:08 UTC] m00trix: dont call me a nigger, nigger :D
[12/26/2012 16:48:24 UTC] m00trix: ^^
[12/26/2012 16:48:27 UTC] DeadMellox: yer all indo-euro-asians
[12/26/2012 16:48:27 UTC] pyHitler: whatever nigger
[12/26/2012 16:48:46 UTC] pyHitler: niggers listen to nigger music
[12/26/2012 16:48:47 UTC] m00trix: pyHitler u just crying beacuse you dont want a nigger cock up your star
[12/26/2012 16:48:47 UTC] pyHitler: tru fact
[12/26/2012 16:48:55 UTC] DeadMellox: ^
[12/26/2012 16:49:01 UTC] DeadMellox: so u agree
[12/26/2012 16:49:09 UTC] pyHitler: yeah that troll shit dont work on me
[12/26/2012 16:49:13 UTC] m00trix: :D
[12/26/2012 16:49:18 UTC] pyHitler: have fun tryin though
[12/26/2012 16:49:26 UTC] m00trix: we have :D
[12/26/2012 16:49:28 UTC] pyHitler: obviously
[12/26/2012 16:49:35 UTC] pyHitler: and failed
[12/26/2012 16:49:50 UTC] m00trix: nooo
[12/26/2012 16:49:53 UTC] DeadMellox: awww shit. u gonna stand there and take it m00trix?
[12/26/2012 16:49:56 UTC] m00trix: its fun :D
[12/26/2012 16:50:12 UTC] pyHitler: no its fuckin immature skidster shit
[12/26/2012 16:50:14 UTC] m00trix: pyHitler u dont use condoms right?
[12/26/2012 16:50:30 UTC] m00trix: couse i want to fill you up
[12/26/2012 16:50:35 UTC] pyHitler: now go find a DDoS tool you can point and click and call yourself a hecker
[12/26/2012 16:50:50 UTC] DeadMellox: lolololol m00trix's gonna get someone prego 2night
[12/26/2012 16:51:03 UTC] pyHitler: m00trix, your English is pitiful
[12/26/2012 16:51:03 UTC] m00trix: ohhhh prefo :D nice
[12/26/2012 16:51:07 UTC] DeadMellox: <3
[12/26/2012 16:51:12 UTC] pyHitler: doesnt even make sense
[12/26/2012 16:51:31 UTC] DeadMellox: nazi grammar used as last resort. omfg
[12/26/2012 16:51:34 UTC] m00trix: pyHitler i think its pretty good
[12/26/2012 16:51:35 UTC] m00trix: :D
[12/26/2012 16:52:14 UTC] m00trix: DeadMellox homie that is my goal :)
[12/26/2012 16:52:19 UTC] m00trix: to get a random slut prego
[12/26/2012 16:52:30 UTC] pyHitler: just go into your nigger ghettos
[12/26/2012 16:52:37 UTC] pyHitler: plenty of willing ape women
[12/26/2012 16:52:42 UTC] DeadMellox: ROFL
[12/26/2012 16:52:46 UTC] m00trix: there you go with the nigger thing again
[12/26/2012 16:52:54 UTC] m00trix: there are no niggers here homie :)
[12/26/2012 16:53:02 UTC] pyHitler: homie=niggerLingo
[12/26/2012 16:53:09 UTC] tyler: salut , ou trouver les piece de l'op tyler svp
[12/26/2012 16:53:15 UTC] pyHitler: talk like a white man or stfu
[12/26/2012 16:53:16 UTC] m00trix: pyHitler are you a jew?
[12/26/2012 16:53:21 UTC] pyHitler: yup
[12/26/2012 16:53:24 UTC] m00trix: damn
[12/26/2012 16:53:30 UTC] pyHitler: and your a nigger?
[12/26/2012 16:53:35 UTC] m00trix: so you got no cock?
[12/26/2012 16:53:47 UTC] pyHitler: nope
[12/26/2012 16:53:47 UTC] m00trix: just a little pee pe
[12/26/2012 16:53:48 UTC] pyHitler: actually its a cunt
[12/26/2012 16:53:50 UTC] pyHitler: why
[12/26/2012 16:53:59 UTC] m00trix: what a nasty jew cunt then :D
[12/26/2012 16:54:01 UTC] DeadMellox: time 2 prego
[12/26/2012 16:54:03 UTC] m00trix: :D
[12/26/2012 16:54:13 UTC] m00trix: DeadMellox pyHitler dont got the lulz in him ^^
[12/26/2012 16:54:20 UTC] m00trix: hes dead serious
[12/26/2012 16:54:23 UTC] pyHitler: cant get someone pregnant on the internet retard
[12/26/2012 16:54:35 UTC] pyHitler: always
[12/26/2012 16:54:46 UTC] m00trix: pyHitler please dont make children
[12/26/2012 16:54:51 UTC] DeadMellox: u can if you inject right
[12/26/2012 16:54:59 UTC] pyHitler: us old farts dont get impressed by point and clickers like yourself
[12/26/2012 16:55:08 UTC] m00trix: im a old fart homie
[12/26/2012 16:55:13 UTC] pyHitler: cant make childre by swallowing loads
[12/26/2012 16:55:22 UTC] m00trix: homie is used by us DK anons
[12/26/2012 16:55:26 UTC] m00trix: for friend
[12/26/2012 16:55:30 UTC] pyHitler: go back to 4th grade take sex ed, you obviously failed
[12/26/2012 16:55:31 UTC] m00trix: and im not a nigget :)
[12/26/2012 16:55:36 UTC] m00trix: nigger
[12/26/2012 16:55:38 UTC] pyHitler: whatevs nigger
[12/26/2012 16:55:42 UTC] m00trix: hehe :D
[12/26/2012 16:56:05 UTC] m00trix: negro
[12/26/2012 16:56:12 UTC] pyHitler: nah too PC
[12/26/2012 16:56:18 UTC] pyHitler: I prefer niggers
[12/26/2012 16:56:26 UTC] pyHitler: or ape men
[12/26/2012 16:56:32 UTC] pyHitler: whatever comes out first
[12/26/2012 16:56:55 UTC] m00trix: haha :D
[12/26/2012 16:57:06 UTC] m00trix: "ape men" ill remember that :D
[12/26/2012 16:58:38 UTC] m00trix: pyHitler btw
[12/26/2012 16:58:42 UTC] m00trix: are you tight?
[12/26/2012 16:58:55 UTC] pyHitler: nope
[12/26/2012 16:59:07 UTC] pyHitler: like throwin a hot dog down a hallway
[12/26/2012 16:59:12 UTC] pyHitler: I prefer anal fisting
[12/26/2012 16:59:45 UTC] pyHitler: lols at little dicks who need a tight snatch LOL
[12/26/2012 17:00:48 UTC] pyHitler: the bigger the dick the tighter the whole
[12/26/2012 17:00:55 UTC] m00trix: lol :D
[12/26/2012 17:01:08 UTC] m00trix: i want to foot fist you pyHitler
[12/26/2012 17:01:12 UTC] pyHitler: have at it
[12/26/2012 17:02:10 UTC] m00trix: nice
[12/26/2012 17:02:13 UTC] m00trix: please dont bleed
[12/26/2012 17:02:31 UTC] pyHitler: ok
[12/26/2012 17:02:40 UTC] Wuya: o.o
[12/26/2012 17:04:07 UTC] m00trix: ^^
[12/26/2012 17:12:04 UTC] Wuya: Hm. I'm tempted to get a Raspberry Pi.
[12/26/2012 17:12:22 UTC] Wuya: they any good?
[12/26/2012 17:13:44 UTC] maxQ: i got one and the motherufking post office sent it back because i didnt pick it up within a month
[12/26/2012 17:14:53 UTC] DeadMellox: ive been waiting for a man of your caliber.
[12/26/2012 17:15:15 UTC] Wuya: You're a victim of Royal Fail / Parcel Farce, maxQ?
[12/26/2012 17:15:35 UTC] maxQ: i dunno what you mean, there is no royal anything here
[12/26/2012 17:15:39 UTC] maxQ: but our post office is a fuckin joke yeah
[12/26/2012 17:15:44 UTC] Wuya: oh xD
[12/26/2012 17:16:12 UTC] maxQ: instead of phoning the number on the box to let someone know their package is there
[12/26/2012 17:16:12 UTC] maxQ: they just fuckin send it back
[12/26/2012 17:16:13 UTC] maxQ: :S
[12/26/2012 17:16:17 UTC] pyHitler: well they held it for a month
[12/26/2012 17:16:21 UTC] Wuya: We have Royal Mail here, it's more like Royal Fail though.
[12/26/2012 17:16:46 UTC] maxQ: if i got a notification that the package had arrived
[12/26/2012 17:16:49 UTC] maxQ: it wouldnt have been there a month
[12/26/2012 17:17:57 UTC] pyHitler: so you ordered it online and the place didnt send you an email with a tracking number?
[12/26/2012 17:18:00 UTC] pyHitler: shitty
[12/26/2012 17:18:13 UTC] DeadMellox: ok ok lets not get mad over bakery
[12/26/2012 17:18:19 UTC] DeadMellox: ffs
[12/26/2012 17:18:31 UTC] maxQ: pyHitler, i ordered it back in April
[12/26/2012 17:18:36 UTC] maxQ: there was a waiting period of like 3 months
[12/26/2012 17:18:39 UTC] maxQ: then the waiting period was extended
[12/26/2012 17:18:47 UTC] maxQ: then one day they said they shipped it but it would take like another month
[12/26/2012 17:18:50 UTC] maxQ: then i never heard anything again
[12/26/2012 17:18:56 UTC] pyHitler: yeah, newfag stuff always takes a while
[12/26/2012 17:19:09 UTC] pyHitler: thats why you dont order it till the trendfags have all died down
[12/26/2012 17:19:15 UTC] maxQ: and by then i forgot about the cunt thing
[12/26/2012 17:19:16 UTC] maxQ: strue
[12/26/2012 17:19:17 UTC] maxQ: i wont do it again
[12/26/2012 17:19:24 UTC] pyHitler: good panda
[12/26/2012 17:19:52 UTC] DeadMellox: pastry is srs bsnz
[12/26/2012 17:20:19 UTC] maxQ: errybody wanted a slice of that pi
[12/26/2012 17:20:44 UTC] LulzCat: O-o
[12/26/2012 17:20:54 UTC] LulzCat: I miss pi. (wait waht?)
[12/26/2012 17:24:54 UTC] DeadMellox: E--/...[(|(d^,...,^b)|])...\--E
[12/26/2012 17:27:52 UTC] spektre: all i read was something about madness and bakeries
[12/26/2012 17:27:55 UTC] spektre: interesting.
[12/26/2012 17:32:25 UTC] LulzCat: Also Cocks. D:
[12/26/2012 17:32:34 UTC] LulzCat: DeadMellox: Very Rude Emoticon. D:
[12/26/2012 17:32:57 UTC] DeadMellox: plz don say it leik dat, it makes me feel dirty :(
[12/26/2012 17:35:55 UTC] pyHitler: mmm bagette fuckin
[12/26/2012 17:38:57 UTC] LulzCat: Lol
[12/26/2012 18:03:55 UTC] Anonymamama_Ops: malditos perros hijos de puta malparidos bastardos miembros del fbi
[12/26/2012 18:05:15 UTC] spektre: what was that all about
[12/26/2012 18:05:17 UTC] spektre: lol
[12/26/2012 18:06:23 UTC] Setru: join #optyler
[12/26/2012 18:08:30 UTC] pyHitler: how dare you talk about stuff in here
[12/26/2012 18:08:34 UTC] pyHitler: moar lurking
[12/26/2012 18:08:48 UTC] spektre: huh?
[12/26/2012 18:09:27 UTC] pyHitler: wut?
[12/26/2012 18:09:33 UTC] spektre: ...
[12/26/2012 18:09:48 UTC] pyHitler: __init__
[12/26/2012 18:10:32 UTC] LadyICE: lol
[12/26/2012 18:10:49 UTC] spektre: ohai LadyICE (=
[12/26/2012 18:10:50 UTC] pyHitler: ma zeh, meshugan
[12/26/2012 18:10:52 UTC] AnonSemtex: meh
[12/26/2012 18:10:52 UTC] LadyICE: ohai
[12/26/2012 18:10:53 UTC] pyHitler: :P
[12/26/2012 18:12:18 UTC] LadyICE: oh lovely
[12/26/2012 18:12:39 UTC] LadyICE: I just looked out the window and one of my trees fell over in my yard
[12/26/2012 18:12:44 UTC] spektre: D:
[12/26/2012 18:12:51 UTC] DeadMellox: ITS THE END OF THE WORLD
[12/26/2012 18:12:54 UTC] DeadMellox: I TOLD U GUYS
[12/26/2012 18:12:55 UTC] LadyICE: chainsaw time
[12/26/2012 18:13:06 UTC] pyHitler: yupp
[12/26/2012 18:13:09 UTC] spektre: i would love to see a pic of LadyICE with a chainsaw...
[12/26/2012 18:13:13 UTC] pyHitler: chainsaw massacre?
[12/26/2012 18:13:14 UTC] LadyICE: it is not the end of the world as we know it
[12/26/2012 18:13:24 UTC] LadyICE: lol, spektre
[12/26/2012 18:13:27 UTC] pyHitler: thats ok, I feel fine
[12/26/2012 18:13:43 UTC] LadyICE: I'll if I can get a neighbor to take a pic for you
[12/26/2012 18:13:53 UTC] pyHitler: topless?
[12/26/2012 18:14:03 UTC] spektre: LadyICE that would be nice <3
[12/26/2012 18:14:07 UTC] spektre: pyHitler pushing it
[12/26/2012 18:14:11 UTC] LadyICE: wait...if I can get a neighbor to take a pic of me with the chainsaw, maybe I could get him to cut the tree for me
[12/26/2012 18:14:17 UTC] pyHitler: eh a man can hope right
[12/26/2012 18:14:28 UTC] pyHitler: LadyICE, +100
[12/26/2012 18:14:40 UTC] LadyICE: pyHitler, seen one set of boobs, you seen em all
[12/26/2012 18:14:56 UTC] LadyICE: cocks are much more interesting looking
[12/26/2012 18:14:57 UTC] pyHitler: you cut this tree and in return I will pose with said chainsaw for some pics
[12/26/2012 18:14:59 UTC] pyHitler: kthnx
[12/26/2012 18:15:14 UTC] LadyICE: hahahaha
[12/26/2012 18:15:15 UTC] pyHitler: :|
[12/26/2012 18:15:15 UTC] spektre: LadyICE <3 thats awesome strategy
[12/26/2012 18:15:21 UTC] LadyICE: I think so
[12/26/2012 18:15:43 UTC] spektre: btw first images of the consequences of the end of the world:
[12/26/2012 18:15:47 UTC] LadyICE: actually, then he would expect something from me
[12/26/2012 18:15:47 UTC] pyHitler: you seen that bish that smashes watermelons with her tit
[12/26/2012 18:15:51 UTC] pyHitler: now thats awesome
[12/26/2012 18:15:51 UTC] AnonSemtex: all boobs are different
[12/26/2012 18:16:33 UTC] LadyICE: AnonSemtex, yes, I guess you're right. since I'm heterosexual, I don't pay too much attention to other boobs
[12/26/2012 18:18:45 UTC] LadyICE: (don't worry, the conversation will pick back up in a few)
[12/26/2012 18:18:46 UTC] AnonSemtex: I am right, it's a pain that never ends
[12/26/2012 18:18:53 UTC] Wuya: Om nom nom, Christmas pudding :D
[12/26/2012 18:19:32 UTC] voxanon997: what is tyler?
[12/26/2012 18:19:44 UTC] DeadMellox: goodnight sweet prince
[12/26/2012 18:20:11 UTC] AnonSemtex: lol
[12/26/2012 18:20:24 UTC] AnonSemtex: well it depends what there is to talk about
[12/26/2012 18:22:40 UTC] spektre: 29 minutes left
[12/26/2012 18:22:47 UTC] Wuya: until? o.o
[12/26/2012 18:23:08 UTC] DeadMellox: chinese christmas
[12/26/2012 18:23:23 UTC] spektre: power out
[12/26/2012 18:23:25 UTC] spektre: lel
[12/26/2012 18:23:39 UTC] DeadMellox: lil
[12/26/2012 18:23:46 UTC] DeadMellox: i lil so hard bro
[12/26/2012 18:23:55 UTC] spektre: well its beats lal
[12/26/2012 18:23:56 UTC] spektre: you know
[12/26/2012 18:24:06 UTC] spektre: oh and that dreadful lul
[12/26/2012 18:24:19 UTC] DeadMellox: tru tru
[12/26/2012 18:28:12 UTC] spektre: oh scratch that power came back
[12/26/2012 18:28:27 UTC] DeadMellox: power rangers is back on ?!?!?!
[12/26/2012 18:29:16 UTC] DeadMellox: some1 just pmed me abut power rangers
[12/26/2012 18:29:20 UTC] Wuya: o.o
[12/26/2012 18:29:23 UTC] Fujiwarano: new?
[12/26/2012 18:29:23 UTC] DeadMellox: dont pm me bro, i dont know anythin
[12/26/2012 18:29:25 UTC] tw0tw0nin3: power rangersssssssss
[12/26/2012 18:29:35 UTC] Wuya: Robots in disguise~
[12/26/2012 18:29:38 UTC] Wuya: Wait, wrong one.
[12/26/2012 18:29:43 UTC] spektre: DeadMellox talking about powerrangers
[12/26/2012 18:29:53 UTC] DeadMellox: kinda liek how spiderman had a giant mecha back in the 70's.
[12/26/2012 18:29:54 UTC] spektre: that trailer for pacific rim (job) with the power rangers intro song
[12/26/2012 18:29:56 UTC] spektre: EPIC
[12/26/2012 18:30:03 UTC] DeadMellox: dun dun dun spidahmaaan
[12/26/2012 18:30:22 UTC] DeadMellox: carryin a giant robotz around
[12/26/2012 18:30:22 UTC] DeadMellox: WTF
[12/26/2012 18:30:36 UTC] DeadMellox: it was japanese spiderman
[12/26/2012 18:30:38 UTC] pathfinder: wat
[12/26/2012 18:30:40 UTC] DeadMellox: so it explains a lot
[12/26/2012 18:30:50 UTC] DeadMellox: look on youtube
[12/26/2012 18:31:14 UTC] CharlieWong: I don't get it either.
[12/26/2012 18:31:21 UTC] DeadMellox: wong you slut
[12/26/2012 18:31:30 UTC] pathfinder: did he gain strength by raping cephalopods then?
[12/26/2012 18:31:49 UTC] DeadMellox: idk but it was awesomez
[12/26/2012 18:31:53 UTC] DeadMellox: ill look it up now
[12/26/2012 18:31:54 UTC] pathfinder: if its japanese i mean
[12/26/2012 18:32:05 UTC] pathfinder: squids, octopi
[12/26/2012 18:32:06 UTC] pathfinder: etc
[12/26/2012 18:32:13 UTC] pathfinder: cephalopods
[12/26/2012 18:32:43 UTC] pathfinder: well look at this, wong thinks hes lurked enough to talk now
[12/26/2012 18:32:51 UTC] pathfinder: hey CharlieWong
[12/26/2012 18:32:52 UTC] CharlieWong: Hey pathfinder!
[12/26/2012 18:32:56 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 18:33:05 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/26/2012 18:33:05 UTC] pathfinder: idiot
[12/26/2012 18:33:05 UTC] DeadMellox: he knows ur name. RUN!!!
[12/26/2012 18:35:51 UTC] DeadMellox: OK GUISE
[12/26/2012 18:36:04 UTC] DeadMellox: found it
[12/26/2012 18:36:06 UTC] DeadMellox:
[12/26/2012 18:36:18 UTC] DeadMellox: The Amazing Supaidaman
[12/26/2012 18:36:23 UTC] CharlieWong: [ The Amazing Supaidāman [Japanese Spiderman-60s Spiderman style] - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 18:37:44 UTC] Wuya: dat theme tune.
[12/26/2012 18:37:56 UTC] DeadMellox: LOOK OUT!!!! here cums da supaidaman!!!
[12/26/2012 18:38:21 UTC] DeadMellox: with his giant power rangers mecha giant robot with golden sword!!!
[12/26/2012 18:39:28 UTC] pathfinder: izumy oyama i shall track down
[12/26/2012 18:39:37 UTC] pathfinder: she is mine!!!
[12/26/2012 18:39:41 UTC] DeadMellox: im starting to think that back in the '60s more than half the population was legitimately retarded.
[12/26/2012 18:39:45 UTC] pathfinder: izumi*
[12/26/2012 18:39:51 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 18:40:01 UTC] pathfinder: they didnt have michael bay did they
[12/26/2012 18:40:11 UTC] DeadMellox: no, but still.
[12/26/2012 18:40:23 UTC] pathfinder: imagine if bay was tryin to make films back then
[12/26/2012 18:40:32 UTC] pathfinder: would have been nuts with what he had to work with
[12/26/2012 18:40:32 UTC] DeadMellox: i dont wanna imagine
[12/26/2012 18:40:57 UTC] pathfinder: i dont think i actually can imagine what that w0ould be like
[12/26/2012 18:41:39 UTC] DeadMellox: well tbh. they did say this was the japanese spydaman, so...yeah. but ya know this one cannot shot web b.c. if you look closely it shots ropes instead.
[12/26/2012 18:41:43 UTC] DeadMellox: not very legit imo
[12/26/2012 18:42:34 UTC] DeadMellox: and at 0:38 he shoots a machinegun for some reason
[12/26/2012 18:42:57 UTC] DeadMellox: supaidaman has a machine gun.
[12/26/2012 18:43:15 UTC] pathfinder: and im not impressed with the lack of squid intercourse that is customary for japanese heroes to gain their powers from
[12/26/2012 18:43:48 UTC] DeadMellox: no no this was the '60s. tentacle porn came afterwards
[12/26/2012 18:43:54 UTC] DeadMellox: i think it went viral in the 70s
[12/26/2012 18:44:39 UTC] DeadMellox: at 1:05 the chick holds a giant joint.
[12/26/2012 18:44:45 UTC] DeadMellox: and has a wtf look on her
[12/26/2012 18:44:56 UTC] DeadMellox: LOL
[12/26/2012 18:45:30 UTC] DeadMellox: she discovered supaidamans secret stahs. uh oh
[12/26/2012 18:46:06 UTC] pathfinder: wai
[12/26/2012 18:46:11 UTC] pathfinder: lolwat
[12/26/2012 18:46:19 UTC] pathfinder: i will rewatch
[12/26/2012 18:46:25 UTC] DeadMellox: in the video at 1:05.
[12/26/2012 18:46:36 UTC] DeadMellox: and make sure to see supaidaman machine gun at 0:38
[12/26/2012 18:47:19 UTC] DeadMellox:
[12/26/2012 18:47:28 UTC] CharlieWong: [ The Amazing Supaidāman [Japanese Spiderman-60s Spiderman style] - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 18:48:02 UTC] pathfinder: i see it
[12/26/2012 18:48:03 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 18:48:04 UTC] DeadMellox: hahaha
[12/26/2012 18:48:15 UTC] DeadMellox: told ya
[12/26/2012 18:48:17 UTC] pathfinder: whoever joint girl was
[12/26/2012 18:48:25 UTC] pathfinder: she had it goin on like brett
[12/26/2012 18:48:27 UTC] DeadMellox: random japanese joint girl imo
[12/26/2012 18:48:45 UTC] pathfinder: better than izumi, will search for her instead
[12/26/2012 18:52:13 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 18:52:15 UTC] pathfinder: amazing
[12/26/2012 18:52:19 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Spiderman Strikes Back 1977 tv movie part 11 - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 18:52:32 UTC] pathfinder: complete with young catherine zeta jones lookalike
[12/26/2012 18:52:40 UTC] DeadMellox: doooooooooooooddddd
[12/26/2012 18:52:44 UTC] pathfinder: and judging by the confusion, mark wahlberg playing spiderman
[12/26/2012 18:52:44 UTC] DeadMellox: thats deep
[12/26/2012 18:53:07 UTC] DeadMellox: lol u clicked the first video in the suggestions box
[12/26/2012 18:53:18 UTC] pathfinder: yes i did
[12/26/2012 18:53:19 UTC] pathfinder: after the featured
[12/26/2012 18:53:22 UTC] DeadMellox: yup
[12/26/2012 18:53:52 UTC] pathfinder: i preferred that to the malnourished emo chick tryin to bump her views with a spiderman costume
[12/26/2012 18:55:25 UTC] pathfinder: reckon everyone goes around with BUILDING MAINTENANCE viewable from aerial shots on their backs bback then?
[12/26/2012 18:55:31 UTC] DeadMellox: the redheaded chick?
[12/26/2012 18:55:36 UTC] pathfinder: yeah
[12/26/2012 18:55:36 UTC] DeadMellox: yeah she weirdd
[12/26/2012 18:55:51 UTC] DeadMellox: kinda hot though. looks underaged a bit
[12/26/2012 18:55:57 UTC] DeadMellox: 2 scared to view it
[12/26/2012 18:57:35 UTC] AnonSemtex: really?
[12/26/2012 18:58:38 UTC] DeadMellox: i guess
[12/26/2012 19:01:52 UTC] pathfinder: changin up the videos here
[12/26/2012 19:01:58 UTC] pathfinder: hmmm
[12/26/2012 19:02:04 UTC] pathfinder: dont know whether or not to share this
[12/26/2012 19:02:08 UTC] pathfinder: as festive comedy
[12/26/2012 19:02:39 UTC] pathfinder: a man describing how, hallucinating and druni, he vomits into first the mouth, then the gaping anus of christ
[12/26/2012 19:03:06 UTC] pathfinder: probably takin it too far for general viewing audiences
[12/26/2012 19:04:57 UTC] pathfinder: try this instead
[12/26/2012 19:05:04 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 19:05:18 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Stewart Lee- Buying False Breasts - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 19:06:23 UTC] tinkerbell: Sup
[12/26/2012 19:06:49 UTC] anonyops99: west boro Shirley's cell phone is 785-272-8559 as of 12/16/12. Call her all day and night, address 3701 SW 12st, Topeka Kansas. Fred Phelps cell 785-272-4135. Fred Plelps Jr. 785-273-0549. Ben Phelps 785-273-0277 & 785-273-1080. Charles Hockenbargar 785-232-2485 also 3636 Huntoon St, Topeka for Benjamin Phelps.
[12/26/2012 19:07:12 UTC] tinkerbell: Lulz
[12/26/2012 19:07:33 UTC] pathfinder: OLD NEWS
[12/26/2012 19:07:36 UTC] pathfinder: also
[12/26/2012 19:07:43 UTC] pathfinder: !topic
[12/26/2012 19:07:45 UTC] pathfinder: fools
[12/26/2012 19:07:51 UTC] DeadMellox: i need to buy me some fake breasts.
[12/26/2012 19:07:52 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/26/2012 19:07:53 UTC] pathfinder: shite
[12/26/2012 19:07:58 UTC] pathfinder: not changed it
[12/26/2012 19:08:01 UTC] tinkerbell: Bewbz
[12/26/2012 19:08:22 UTC] pathfinder: argh fucking irssi
[12/26/2012 19:08:35 UTC] spektre: pathfinder love the end of the topic
[12/26/2012 19:08:35 UTC] tinkerbell: Lol
[12/26/2012 19:08:36 UTC] DeadMellox: taylah?!?!?
[12/26/2012 19:08:38 UTC] spektre: a flat
[12/26/2012 19:08:39 UTC] spektre: No.
[12/26/2012 19:08:57 UTC] tinkerbell: No
[12/26/2012 19:09:14 UTC] spektre: very groucho marx
[12/26/2012 19:09:23 UTC] spektre: "whatever you say, im already against it"
[12/26/2012 19:09:24 UTC] spektre: fashion
[12/26/2012 19:09:37 UTC] pathfinder: well now you paste without posting instantly
[12/26/2012 19:09:38 UTC] pathfinder: cunting irssi
[12/26/2012 19:09:46 UTC] spektre: lel
[12/26/2012 19:09:55 UTC] tinkerbell: Where do I hire trained killaz here?
[12/26/2012 19:09:59 UTC] spektre: i'd prefer the flat: "No." but that works also
[12/26/2012 19:10:12 UTC] DeadMellox: tinkerbell, try on .onion address sites
[12/26/2012 19:10:17 UTC] DeadMellox: where all the professional killers hang out
[12/26/2012 19:10:20 UTC] tinkerbell: Tried
[12/26/2012 19:10:32 UTC] pathfinder: tinkerbell: if you had £8000 and the target was an adult male
[12/26/2012 19:10:35 UTC] DeadMellox: #ironingSoHard
[12/26/2012 19:10:40 UTC] pathfinder: im youre guy
[12/26/2012 19:10:41 UTC] pathfinder: your*
[12/26/2012 19:10:45 UTC] tinkerbell: Two fake ones
[12/26/2012 19:11:10 UTC] tinkerbell: How about a high profile bloke?
[12/26/2012 19:11:17 UTC] DeadMellox: if the target was a gender-bender, would they charge double?
[12/26/2012 19:11:21 UTC] pathfinder: note to feds: JOKING RETARDS NO CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT HERE JUST JOKING
[12/26/2012 19:11:21 UTC] DeadMellox: idk man
[12/26/2012 19:11:22 UTC] tinkerbell: And his lady
[12/26/2012 19:11:41 UTC] pathfinder: gender choice irrelevnt
[12/26/2012 19:11:41 UTC] DeadMellox: fed left
[12/26/2012 19:11:45 UTC] DeadMellox: ok u can talk naw
[12/26/2012 19:11:46 UTC] pathfinder: adult male thats it
[12/26/2012 19:11:57 UTC] tinkerbell: But I ain't joking >_>
[12/26/2012 19:12:04 UTC] spektre: pathfinder trying to avoid a barrett brown-ish situation i see
[12/26/2012 19:12:08 UTC] pathfinder: not killing a woman unless she swhoots at me
[12/26/2012 19:12:25 UTC] DeadMellox: tinker u tryin to kill ur grandmother for givin u a shitty Xmass present?
[12/26/2012 19:12:25 UTC] pathfinder: well we're all being Hypothetical here
[12/26/2012 19:12:30 UTC] tinkerbell: Fuck Barrett brown, save nerdy
[12/26/2012 19:12:40 UTC] pathfinder: how high profile, and why are you interested in killing high profile
[12/26/2012 19:13:03 UTC] tinkerbell: No I'm killing my uncle for not giving me a present :3
[12/26/2012 19:13:06 UTC] pathfinder: ah we arent gonna play top trumps with 'which anon needs saving more'
[12/26/2012 19:13:43 UTC] tinkerbell: Cus I have beefs with high profile assholes
[12/26/2012 19:14:08 UTC] pathfinder: well, if youre talking mugabe, realistic and yes
[12/26/2012 19:14:32 UTC] pathfinder: but high profile westerners, you have to be dreaming you cant hire 1 guy without a network behind hum
[12/26/2012 19:14:39 UTC] pathfinder: him*
[12/26/2012 19:15:00 UTC] tinkerbell: You can hire a russian
[12/26/2012 19:15:15 UTC] tinkerbell: Or chinese
[12/26/2012 19:15:18 UTC] pathfinder: yeah and they'll fuck it up like they ALWAYS do in these matters
[12/26/2012 19:15:21 UTC] pathfinder: seriously
[12/26/2012 19:15:29 UTC] pathfinder: dont even bother with them
[12/26/2012 19:15:32 UTC] voxanon259: where get PGP to Tyler
[12/26/2012 19:15:38 UTC] pathfinder: they cant even kill off their own without the world knowing a day later
[12/26/2012 19:15:47 UTC] anonyops99: that because they tell to many people
[12/26/2012 19:15:52 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 19:15:58 UTC] pathfinder: no
[12/26/2012 19:16:04 UTC] pathfinder: its becauuse theyre fucking useless
[12/26/2012 19:16:11 UTC] pathfinder: lazy
[12/26/2012 19:16:14 UTC] tinkerbell: Anyone wanna kill lolita city again?
[12/26/2012 19:16:15 UTC] pathfinder: dont cover tracks
[12/26/2012 19:16:27 UTC] pathfinder: too obvious in all areas
[12/26/2012 19:16:37 UTC] pathfinder: ,g litvinenko
[12/26/2012 19:16:40 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 19:16:44 UTC] pathfinder: for a known example publically
[12/26/2012 19:16:58 UTC] tinkerbell: Well hiring a local killer was pretty easy for me
[12/26/2012 19:17:28 UTC] anonyops99: it needs to be direct and fast planing weopens ect one man one target
[12/26/2012 19:17:43 UTC] tinkerbell: And he didn't have tracks to leave ;)
[12/26/2012 19:17:49 UTC] pathfinder: anonyops99
[12/26/2012 19:17:49 UTC] pathfinder: you watch too many films
[12/26/2012 19:17:57 UTC] anonyops99: lol
[12/26/2012 19:18:01 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/26/2012 19:18:11 UTC] pathfinder: hollywood doesnt know what it talks about
[12/26/2012 19:18:22 UTC] anonyops99: i technically know a hitman in directly
[12/26/2012 19:18:33 UTC] pathfinder: lol do you now
[12/26/2012 19:18:42 UTC] tinkerbell: Exactly only Brazilian films are realistic....sexually
[12/26/2012 19:18:44 UTC] anonyops99: yeah
[12/26/2012 19:19:17 UTC] anonyops99: a rebel hitman
[12/26/2012 19:19:17 UTC] pathfinder: well, anyone can be paid to kill someone and earn the name
[12/26/2012 19:19:27 UTC] pathfinder: doesnt mean they are good/skilled/successful
[12/26/2012 19:19:30 UTC] tinkerbell: I know a few thugs not hitmen
[12/26/2012 19:19:50 UTC] pathfinder: ive never been paid as a hitman but ive killed a fair few people
[12/26/2012 19:19:54 UTC] pathfinder: some quite personally
[12/26/2012 19:19:59 UTC] pathfinder: it doesnt do to rush things
[12/26/2012 19:20:02 UTC] pathfinder: speed is a no no
[12/26/2012 19:20:23 UTC] tinkerbell: Hm
[12/26/2012 19:20:27 UTC] pathfinder: your average 'hitman' is a thug
[12/26/2012 19:20:33 UTC] anonyops99: the longer you wait the more flaws appear but your right not to rush it
[12/26/2012 19:20:58 UTC] pathfinder: and your average skilled assassin irl is not, he is usually part of a military unit and not alone
[12/26/2012 19:21:13 UTC] pathfinder: there are far less assassins for hire running around in the world than people think
[12/26/2012 19:21:14 UTC] pathfinder: thanks to films
[12/26/2012 19:21:16 UTC] pathfinder: mostly bullshit
[12/26/2012 19:21:34 UTC] DeadMellox: more than u think
[12/26/2012 19:21:54 UTC] anonyops99: but not impossible
[12/26/2012 19:22:23 UTC] pathfinder: i dont know, out of all the open-secret assassinations ove heard of, they were state sponsored with personnel
[12/26/2012 19:22:29 UTC] pathfinder: not loine gunmen for hire
[12/26/2012 19:22:39 UTC] pathfinder: those types usually are not highly trained at all
[12/26/2012 19:22:49 UTC] anonyops99: spose so
[12/26/2012 19:22:53 UTC] pathfinder: sure they are all over, but anyone with a giun can kill someone
[12/26/2012 19:23:05 UTC] anonyops99: yeah
[12/26/2012 19:23:17 UTC] pathfinder: the israeli hit on the guy in euro last year
[12/26/2012 19:23:29 UTC] pathfinder: obv state sponsired with shin bet lads
[12/26/2012 19:24:18 UTC] pathfinder: afaik, the nuclear scientists last year, in the end, sounded more like russians than anyone
[12/26/2012 19:24:33 UTC] pathfinder: thats just hearsay though
[12/26/2012 19:24:43 UTC] pathfinder: not in the loop any more properly
[12/26/2012 19:25:11 UTC] pathfinder: Bashir Bilam last week
[12/26/2012 19:25:16 UTC] pathfinder: someone big funded it
[12/26/2012 19:25:35 UTC] pathfinder: whoever was the point on it, someone big somewhere else funded it
[12/26/2012 19:25:48 UTC] pathfinder: they just lets the local idealists do the dirty work
[12/26/2012 19:26:41 UTC] pathfinder: oh dear lol
[12/26/2012 19:26:47 UTC] pathfinder: bashir bilour
[12/26/2012 19:26:51 UTC] pathfinder: not bilam
[12/26/2012 19:27:52 UTC] anonyops99: none theless its pretty petty if i wont some one dead id do it mydelff
[12/26/2012 19:27:59 UTC] pathfinder: probably not russians this time, on account of how much of a customer pakistan is to them
[12/26/2012 19:28:15 UTC] pathfinder: well therein lies the problem
[12/26/2012 19:28:16 UTC] anonyops99: myself sorry
[12/26/2012 19:28:24 UTC] voxanon986: hghkjjk
[12/26/2012 19:28:32 UTC] pathfinder: you kill someone you know, you're more likely to be caught
[12/26/2012 19:28:33 UTC] pathfinder: far more
[12/26/2012 19:28:36 UTC] voxanon986: whats the latest
[12/26/2012 19:28:52 UTC] anonyops99: true
[12/26/2012 19:28:54 UTC] pathfinder: if you say ty-ler, you get kicked
[12/26/2012 19:29:04 UTC] DeadMellox: who
[12/26/2012 19:29:07 UTC] pathfinder: thats to you 986
[12/26/2012 19:29:11 UTC] DeadMellox: taylah?
[12/26/2012 19:29:15 UTC] DeadMellox: teylah?
[12/26/2012 19:29:22 UTC] DeadMellox: taileh?
[12/26/2012 19:29:32 UTC] DeadMellox: tyleh?
[12/26/2012 19:29:37 UTC] pathfinder: taliban
[12/26/2012 19:29:41 UTC] voxanon986: what?
[12/26/2012 19:29:42 UTC] pathfinder: oh shit
[12/26/2012 19:29:52 UTC] DeadMellox: well you did mention his name
[12/26/2012 19:29:53 UTC] pathfinder: op ty-ler is really OPTALIBAN
[12/26/2012 19:30:06 UTC] pathfinder: anonymous infiltrated by militant extremist forces
[12/26/2012 19:30:11 UTC] pathfinder: somebody tell stun quick!
[12/26/2012 19:30:21 UTC] DeadMellox: why her
[12/26/2012 19:30:37 UTC] pathfinder: well, YAN seems to run anything atm right?
[12/26/2012 19:30:48 UTC] anonyops99: who cares there sand niggers and plastic badge faags
[12/26/2012 19:30:54 UTC] DeadMellox: yan's run by the chinese mafia
[12/26/2012 19:30:56 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/26/2012 19:30:57 UTC] DeadMellox: i called it first
[12/26/2012 19:31:04 UTC] pathfinder: triads you mean
[12/26/2012 19:31:09 UTC] pathfinder: tricky lads them
[12/26/2012 19:31:09 UTC] DeadMellox: yeh yeh
[12/26/2012 19:31:29 UTC] DeadMellox: golden thai noodles squad
[12/26/2012 19:31:30 UTC] voxanon986: pathfinder what u sayin
[12/26/2012 19:31:36 UTC] anonyops99: lulz
[12/26/2012 19:32:25 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/26/2012 19:32:32 UTC] voxanon986: ...?
[12/26/2012 19:32:34 UTC] pathfinder: i prefer the ballsack noodle
[12/26/2012 19:32:43 UTC] anonyops99: me show shally me rihcky eata fried lice
[12/26/2012 19:32:45 UTC] DeadMellox: he's sayin taliban runs this shit
[12/26/2012 19:32:49 UTC] DeadMellox: 986
[12/26/2012 19:32:58 UTC] DeadMellox: global conspiracy etc itc
[12/26/2012 19:33:06 UTC] anonyops99: tally dont run shit
[12/26/2012 19:33:07 UTC] DeadMellox: astronauts r not wat they seem 2 be
[12/26/2012 19:33:12 UTC] DeadMellox: noodles r a lie
[12/26/2012 19:33:13 UTC] DeadMellox: etc
[12/26/2012 19:33:18 UTC] voxanon986: ahh
[12/26/2012 19:33:20 UTC] voxanon986: i see
[12/26/2012 19:33:21 UTC] DeadMellox: THE NOODLES ARE A LIE!!!
[12/26/2012 19:33:28 UTC] DeadMellox: wake up ppl
[12/26/2012 19:33:35 UTC] pathfinder: taliban runs project mayhem 2012
[12/26/2012 19:33:37 UTC] DeadMellox: #FreePuertoRico
[12/26/2012 19:33:41 UTC] anonyops99: boooooooooooooooosac noodle
[12/26/2012 19:33:54 UTC] pathfinder: ^^
[12/26/2012 19:33:57 UTC] pathfinder: he gets it
[12/26/2012 19:34:04 UTC] spektre: breaking news on YAN at this hour: Devastating gamma rays found to have links with murdoch press publication "The Sun", a full inquiriy is expected
[12/26/2012 19:34:10 UTC] spektre: (told you i'd log it)
[12/26/2012 19:34:11 UTC] pathfinder: #FreeRiceWithEveryOrder
[12/26/2012 19:34:18 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/26/2012 19:34:19 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 19:34:21 UTC] pathfinder: forgot that
[12/26/2012 19:34:26 UTC] DeadMellox: shit, that op is legit
[12/26/2012 19:34:35 UTC] anonyops99: here we go op inchydugong
[12/26/2012 19:34:37 UTC] voxanon986: so what should we do about this noodle shit
[12/26/2012 19:34:46 UTC] spektre: its well
[12/26/2012 19:34:49 UTC] spektre: a noodle incident
[12/26/2012 19:34:50 UTC] anonyops99: whos in
[12/26/2012 19:34:51 UTC] DeadMellox: codename: thin noodles
[12/26/2012 19:34:51 UTC] spektre: so it seems
[12/26/2012 19:34:54 UTC] pathfinder: well i say we dry them out
[12/26/2012 19:35:00 UTC] pathfinder: thyat will get them to talk
[12/26/2012 19:35:12 UTC] DeadMellox: ^
[12/26/2012 19:35:19 UTC] DeadMellox: sacret codes discussed in here atm
[12/26/2012 19:35:22 UTC] pathfinder: UDON mess with my NOODLES fool
[12/26/2012 19:35:43 UTC] spektre: the NOODLE is a bit soft
[12/26/2012 19:35:47 UTC] anonyops99: i like beef
[12/26/2012 19:35:55 UTC] DeadMellox: pork chops is code red
[12/26/2012 19:36:17 UTC] spektre: lamb chos in code...infra red
[12/26/2012 19:36:18 UTC] spektre: (?)
[12/26/2012 19:36:24 UTC] DeadMellox: so when i say, imma have some pork chops with em noodles, u guise will kno that shit just went down
[12/26/2012 19:36:37 UTC] anonyops99: lulz
[12/26/2012 19:37:07 UTC] jj524: ..
[12/26/2012 19:37:18 UTC] spektre: hmm interesting a leaf is malfunctioning
[12/26/2012 19:37:30 UTC] DeadMellox: must be the russians
[12/26/2012 19:37:51 UTC] jj524: bla bla bla
[12/26/2012 19:38:02 UTC] DeadMellox: and then i say yada yada yada
[12/26/2012 19:38:14 UTC] DeadMellox: and then we know that OpPorkChops comes next
[12/26/2012 19:38:21 UTC] DeadMellox: thats the signal
[12/26/2012 19:38:48 UTC] jj524: good stuff
[12/26/2012 19:38:54 UTC] DeadMellox: yup
[12/26/2012 19:39:11 UTC] spektre: meh
[12/26/2012 19:39:19 UTC] pathfinder: hory shet
[12/26/2012 19:39:22 UTC] spektre: Op diarreah makes you fart.
[12/26/2012 19:39:22 UTC] pathfinder: it ison
[12/26/2012 19:39:36 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 19:39:42 UTC] pathfinder: link unrelated
[12/26/2012 19:40:00 UTC] anonyops99: hahaha crack me dah fuk up
[12/26/2012 19:40:33 UTC] anonyops99: ownage pranks gay asian hotline
[12/26/2012 19:40:39 UTC] anonyops99: lol
[12/26/2012 19:40:40 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Ownage Pranks - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 19:42:08 UTC] pathfinder: sooo usury is lye wahn pehsun per boo sak rye?
[12/26/2012 19:42:11 UTC] voxanon883: alguém aê
[12/26/2012 19:42:40 UTC] pathfinder: watch this guy mention brad pitts character
[12/26/2012 19:43:21 UTC] anonyops99: im acttually feel tu mirnat nurdls
[12/26/2012 19:43:38 UTC] DeadMellox: did u just...did u just make a bunch of words up and that other guy itc understood them?
[12/26/2012 19:44:18 UTC] pathfinder: yes
[12/26/2012 19:44:19 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 19:44:23 UTC] pathfinder: is a language
[12/26/2012 19:44:25 UTC] anonyops99: lol
[12/26/2012 19:44:26 UTC] CharlieWong: haha
[12/26/2012 19:45:02 UTC] pathfinder: hur my fee rin rye nao
[12/26/2012 19:45:15 UTC] DeadMellox: aww. he left
[12/26/2012 19:45:18 UTC] DeadMellox: kickass nonetheless
[12/26/2012 19:45:50 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 19:46:44 UTC] anonyops99: man tv has some shit shows on it
[12/26/2012 19:47:58 UTC] pathfinder: im rewatchin old news analysis again, which is now very topical in the UK
[12/26/2012 19:48:15 UTC] pathfinder: by the way, has operation yewtree been heard of abroad yet?
[12/26/2012 19:48:31 UTC] pathfinder: massive paedo investigation after huge names in TV have been rumbled
[12/26/2012 19:48:52 UTC] pathfinder: anyone heard of the band Lost Prophets?
[12/26/2012 19:48:57 UTC] anonyops99: no
[12/26/2012 19:49:05 UTC] pathfinder: no probs not
[12/26/2012 19:49:09 UTC] DeadMellox: yes
[12/26/2012 19:49:09 UTC] DeadMellox: its awesome
[12/26/2012 19:49:10 UTC] anonyops99: to yew tree
[12/26/2012 19:49:10 UTC] pathfinder: how about Rolf Harris
[12/26/2012 19:49:18 UTC] DeadMellox: on the rooftop is good
[12/26/2012 19:49:19 UTC] anonyops99: yes
[12/26/2012 19:49:22 UTC] pathfinder: wellll
[12/26/2012 19:49:38 UTC] pathfinder: lead siger of them is in court for trying to rape a 1 year old riught now
[12/26/2012 19:49:53 UTC] DeadMellox: did u just say
[12/26/2012 19:49:56 UTC] DeadMellox: 1 year old
[12/26/2012 19:49:57 UTC] pathfinder: yes
[12/26/2012 19:49:57 UTC] DeadMellox: ?
[12/26/2012 19:49:57 UTC] pathfinder: i id
[12/26/2012 19:50:01 UTC] pathfinder: did*
[12/26/2012 19:50:01 UTC] DeadMellox: what
[12/26/2012 19:50:03 UTC] DeadMellox: the
[12/26/2012 19:50:04 UTC] anonyops99: fuck is there no justice
[12/26/2012 19:50:04 UTC] DeadMellox: fuck
[12/26/2012 19:50:15 UTC] DeadMellox: wait...what do u mean he tried
[12/26/2012 19:50:19 UTC] DeadMellox: wtfffffffff
[12/26/2012 19:50:19 UTC] pathfinder: big names gettin rumbled in my country all ovetr the place
[12/26/2012 19:50:22 UTC] pathfinder: some you wont know
[12/26/2012 19:50:30 UTC] pathfinder: Jimmy saville is a household name here
[12/26/2012 19:50:30 UTC] anonyops99: torture the fuck
[12/26/2012 19:50:42 UTC] pathfinder: he died before anyone foun dout
[12/26/2012 19:50:54 UTC] maxQ: haha they been calling out Saville for yeeaaars though
[12/26/2012 19:50:55 UTC] anonyops99: oh
[12/26/2012 19:50:56 UTC] pathfinder: ,g ian watkins charges
[12/26/2012 19:51:00 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 19:51:12 UTC] DeadMellox: idk man that shit wacked
[12/26/2012 19:51:14 UTC] pathfinder: yes they have
[12/26/2012 19:51:31 UTC] pathfinder: rolf harris has been questioned, another household name here
[12/26/2012 19:51:50 UTC] pathfinder: not necessstrily a paedo no, but may have heard things
[12/26/2012 19:52:09 UTC] DeadMellox: whens justin bieber gonna be jailed for sexually abusing older gentlemen
[12/26/2012 19:52:13 UTC] pathfinder: ive seen watkins around cardiff a few months ago
[12/26/2012 19:52:18 UTC] DeadMellox: theres no justice in the world
[12/26/2012 19:52:21 UTC] pathfinder: looked so mesed up
[12/26/2012 19:52:36 UTC] pathfinder: proper heroin-chic
[12/26/2012 19:52:42 UTC] pathfinder: looked out of it constantly
[12/26/2012 19:52:55 UTC] pathfinder: then months down the road this all happens
[12/26/2012 19:53:33 UTC] maxQ: hoooly shit
[12/26/2012 19:53:39 UTC] maxQ: lost prophets
[12/26/2012 19:53:54 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/26/2012 19:53:58 UTC] pathfinder: the singer and his cunt girlfriend yes
[12/26/2012 19:54:17 UTC] maxQ: i check
[12/26/2012 19:54:26 UTC] anonyops99: cut his fucking head off
[12/26/2012 19:54:36 UTC] maxQ: well yeah, with the amount of people in the world who defend pedo's publically
[12/26/2012 19:54:43 UTC] maxQ: im not surprised there are many who are under cover
[12/26/2012 19:56:19 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 19:56:26 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Eighth man arrested in Savile sex abuse inquiry | UK news | ]
[12/26/2012 19:56:54 UTC] pathfinder: fucking freddie starr as well
[12/26/2012 19:57:06 UTC] pathfinder: gary glitter has been known about for years
[12/26/2012 19:57:10 UTC] pathfinder: he was in a thai prison for the same deal
[12/26/2012 19:57:29 UTC] anonyops99: how do you pm people stupid question
[12/26/2012 19:58:05 UTC] pathfinder: type
[12/26/2012 19:58:33 UTC] pathfinder: type /msg <nick> < message>
[12/26/2012 19:58:50 UTC] pathfinder: or in some clients /q <nick
[12/26/2012 19:58:56 UTC] pathfinder: or /query <nick>
[12/26/2012 19:59:43 UTC] pathfinder: maybe you should wander to #OpNewBlood, they can help with such things
[12/26/2012 19:59:52 UTC] pathfinder: if they are feeling generous
[12/26/2012 20:04:23 UTC] anonyops99: whos heard of hoic and and in what process if someone not namely me or you know where to avoide aquireing it or something of that nature
[12/26/2012 20:05:17 UTC] spektre: anonyops99 go to #opnewblood (you can click on that word)
[12/26/2012 20:05:29 UTC] spektre: this is not the chan about those things
[12/26/2012 20:05:39 UTC] anonyops99: ok sorry
[12/26/2012 20:07:04 UTC] spektre: can one be kicked from a tactic?
[12/26/2012 20:08:10 UTC] anonyops99: exactly
[12/26/2012 20:09:51 UTC] pathfinder: hmmm
[12/26/2012 20:10:04 UTC] pathfinder: paedophilia is serious
[12/26/2012 20:10:04 UTC] pathfinder: !topic
[12/26/2012 20:10:17 UTC] DeadMellox: OpPorkChops underway
[12/26/2012 20:11:09 UTC] anon949578: ....What is this for then
[12/26/2012 20:11:25 UTC] DeadMellox: ya know
[12/26/2012 20:11:42 UTC] DeadMellox: anon takin over asian restaurants with a vengeance
[12/26/2012 20:11:45 UTC] spektre: flowers, pottery, knitting
[12/26/2012 20:11:51 UTC] spektre: and those shits
[12/26/2012 20:11:53 UTC] anon949578: lulz
[12/26/2012 20:12:18 UTC] DeadMellox: "the noodles have dropped hard" will be the go command.
[12/26/2012 20:12:38 UTC] spektre: HAAAAAAA
[12/26/2012 20:12:48 UTC] anon949578: <-- DYIING
[12/26/2012 20:12:49 UTC] spektre: IT'S TOO MUCH... HAHAHAHAHAHA
[12/26/2012 20:12:55 UTC] spektre: NOODLES. DROPPING.
[12/26/2012 20:12:57 UTC] spektre: hahahahaha
[12/26/2012 20:13:09 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 20:13:14 UTC] pathfinder: watch just 5 mins
[12/26/2012 20:13:33 UTC] pathfinder: maybe a tad insensitive at this point in time
[12/26/2012 20:13:45 UTC] pathfinder: most complained about broadcast in UK history
[12/26/2012 20:14:18 UTC] pathfinder: they even get celebs to read stuff out like it is real news
[12/26/2012 20:14:24 UTC] pathfinder: dont realise its all BS
[12/26/2012 20:17:06 UTC] pathfinder: "Paedophiles have more genes in common with crabs than us! And that is scientific fact! theres no real evidence for it but its fact"
[12/26/2012 20:17:58 UTC] DeadMellox: how did we go from noodles to pedophiles.
[12/26/2012 20:18:25 UTC] anonyops99: opnew blood act like koreans
[12/26/2012 20:18:36 UTC] DeadMellox: prolly koreans to begin with
[12/26/2012 20:19:10 UTC] pathfinder: "they don't need punhshment, they need GUNISHMENT!"
[12/26/2012 20:19:56 UTC] pathfinder: "next on channel 4, paedo island! 100 children are left on an island with registered sex offenders....whats going to happen?"
[12/26/2012 20:20:22 UTC] anonyops99: yeah no probably torturnish if that makes sense
[12/26/2012 20:20:34 UTC] maxQ: <anonyops99> opnew blood act like koreans <-- lmfao
[12/26/2012 20:20:37 UTC] DeadMellox: call Wong's place and order some damn noodles, they good, foo'
[12/26/2012 20:20:48 UTC] anonyops99: loll
[12/26/2012 20:21:05 UTC] maxQ: north korea best korea
[12/26/2012 20:22:31 UTC] pathfinder: "riots after a paedophile flew in a microlite ttempting an overhead perversion, but luckily police helicopters chased him down and he crashed into some pylons and died, screaming, like a pig in a war"
[12/26/2012 20:22:58 UTC] pathfinder: ahh i did call Wongs place
[12/26/2012 20:23:03 UTC] pathfinder: he flipped out
[12/26/2012 20:23:03 UTC] DeadMellox: did u kno that in n korea they recently learned about the two finger peace sign? before they thought ppl were just giving them the finger, but instead of one, two.
[12/26/2012 20:23:17 UTC] DeadMellox: true story
[12/26/2012 20:23:20 UTC] pathfinder: duoble-fuck you n korea
[12/26/2012 20:23:21 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 20:23:29 UTC] pathfinder: double*
[12/26/2012 20:24:10 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 20:24:25 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Angry Asian Restaurant Prank Call (ANIMATED) - Ownage Pranks - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 20:24:53 UTC] DeadMellox: oh i know that one
[12/26/2012 20:24:56 UTC] DeadMellox: pretty good.
[12/26/2012 20:25:01 UTC] pathfinder: yeah
[12/26/2012 20:25:11 UTC] pathfinder: theres a new one out yesterday for christmas
[12/26/2012 20:25:11 UTC] anonyops99: its awesome
[12/26/2012 20:25:16 UTC] DeadMellox: you should hear the one with the indian
[12/26/2012 20:25:36 UTC] pathfinder: tattoo christmas tree on tootsie roll
[12/26/2012 20:25:47 UTC] DeadMellox: "what sort of drinks do you have?" ..."we hav flute juice......cock..."
[12/26/2012 20:26:07 UTC] pathfinder: the one where he wants to return a turkey to walmart because someone shat in it is pretty funny too
[12/26/2012 20:26:22 UTC] DeadMellox: lol
[12/26/2012 20:26:29 UTC] pathfinder: o0o0o0o hahahahaha yes very funny, rye, das a gud wahn
[12/26/2012 20:26:53 UTC] pathfinder: de pek tai noodre
[12/26/2012 20:27:00 UTC] pathfinder: ah buk lau is great
[12/26/2012 20:27:16 UTC] pathfinder: my vietnamese neighbour is no where near as much fun
[12/26/2012 20:27:24 UTC] pathfinder: he just gets stoned daily
[12/26/2012 20:27:24 UTC] spektre: ugh i have to hold my tongue
[12/26/2012 20:27:25 UTC] spektre: S:
[12/26/2012 20:27:28 UTC] spektre: (or my fingers)
[12/26/2012 20:27:35 UTC] pathfinder: ?
[12/26/2012 20:27:49 UTC] spektre: i want to shove mibs
[12/26/2012 20:27:53 UTC] spektre: but can't
[12/26/2012 20:28:16 UTC] pathfinder: where are they
[12/26/2012 20:28:20 UTC] pathfinder: ?
[12/26/2012 20:28:43 UTC] spektre: on yan
[12/26/2012 20:35:30 UTC] anonyops99_: can ru do mah tootsie rohl prease
[12/26/2012 20:38:47 UTC] DeadMellox: dude
[12/26/2012 20:38:53 UTC] DeadMellox: thats some voodoo shit rit there
[12/26/2012 20:39:11 UTC] spektre: who do you voodoo...
[12/26/2012 20:39:19 UTC] spektre: ...bitch
[12/26/2012 20:39:41 UTC] pathfinder: derailed
[12/26/2012 20:39:46 UTC] anonyops99_: who know s about voodoo zombie masters
[12/26/2012 20:40:11 UTC] DeadMellox: i dont even
[12/26/2012 20:40:31 UTC] pathfinder: ,g baron samedi
[12/26/2012 20:40:35 UTC] CharlieWong: pathfinder:
[12/26/2012 20:40:41 UTC] pathfinder: ^^^^
[12/26/2012 20:40:46 UTC] pathfinder: he a zombie voodoo master
[12/26/2012 20:41:20 UTC] DeadMellox: prove it
[12/26/2012 20:41:31 UTC] DeadMellox: pics or it did happen
[12/26/2012 20:41:59 UTC] hexahedron: haha "he speaks in a nasally voice"
[12/26/2012 20:42:08 UTC] hexahedron: probably because he has tissues shoved up his nostrils
[12/26/2012 20:42:25 UTC] spektre: i'd prefer a hexaflexagon
[12/26/2012 20:42:27 UTC] spektre: but thats just me
[12/26/2012 20:43:00 UTC] anonyops99_: you use puffa fish poison it just parcially erases memory or completely and are forced into sex slavery or remedial slave labor cant remembera damn thing
[12/26/2012 20:43:32 UTC] DeadMellox: ure scaring me
[12/26/2012 20:43:40 UTC] anonyops99_: think toad poison is used to
[12/26/2012 20:44:06 UTC] anonyops99_: just makin convo with a few facts
[12/26/2012 20:49:21 UTC] hexahedron: hexaflexagon pretty cool
[12/26/2012 20:49:26 UTC] hexahedron: especially the many sided one
[12/26/2012 20:49:41 UTC] spektre: hexaflexagon taco wins
[12/26/2012 20:49:45 UTC] spektre: every. fucking. time.
[12/26/2012 20:52:45 UTC] pathfinder: spektre: you see this? you see how hard im working to derail that channel
[12/26/2012 20:52:54 UTC] spektre: hahahaha
[12/26/2012 20:52:55 UTC] spektre: yeah
[12/26/2012 20:52:57 UTC] spektre: im seeing it
[12/26/2012 20:52:59 UTC] spektre: and grinning
[12/26/2012 20:54:40 UTC] hexahedron_: now i want tacos
[12/26/2012 21:01:07 UTC] anonyops99:
[12/26/2012 21:01:34 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Ultimate End of The World Prank (ft. Billy and Chris) -Ownage Pranks - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 21:07:44 UTC] DeadMellox: chicken fried rice
[12/26/2012 21:07:53 UTC] DeadMellox: thats all im gonna say
[12/26/2012 21:09:23 UTC] anonyops99: iim thinkin a fat kebab wit homus garlic sauce aww yeh
[12/26/2012 21:09:50 UTC] DeadMellox: dude nothing beats roasted duck dumplings
[12/26/2012 21:10:12 UTC] DeadMellox: actually, nothing beats chinese roasted duck dumplings
[12/26/2012 21:10:22 UTC] DeadMellox: see, it's the chinese part that makes it truly legit
[12/26/2012 21:11:31 UTC] anonyops99: nie
[12/26/2012 21:11:53 UTC] anonyops99: nice
[12/26/2012 21:12:44 UTC] DeadMellox:
[12/26/2012 21:12:48 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Peking Duck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ]
[12/26/2012 21:12:49 UTC] DeadMellox: u come to Beijing i give u roasted duck dumplings fo free
[12/26/2012 21:13:01 UTC] DeadMellox: CharlieWong's got my back on this.
[12/26/2012 21:13:55 UTC] spektre: D: D:
[12/26/2012 21:13:59 UTC] spektre: all you can eat
[12/26/2012 21:14:03 UTC] spektre: i will run
[12/26/2012 21:14:09 UTC] spektre: china unto bankrupcy
[12/26/2012 21:14:30 UTC] DeadMellox: only sweet bean sauce fo u
[12/26/2012 21:14:55 UTC] DeadMellox:
[12/26/2012 21:15:02 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Tianmianjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ]
[12/26/2012 21:15:12 UTC] spektre: duck sauch
[12/26/2012 21:16:10 UTC] DeadMellox: this is how a peking duck looks like
[12/26/2012 21:16:16 UTC] DeadMellox:
[12/26/2012 21:16:17 UTC] DeadMellox: dont let it fool you
[12/26/2012 21:16:22 UTC] CharlieWong: [ File:Hausente.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ]
[12/26/2012 21:16:22 UTC] DeadMellox: it may look cute now
[12/26/2012 21:16:27 UTC] DeadMellox: but when it turns into a zombie
[12/26/2012 21:16:32 UTC] DeadMellox: itll eat all yer toes
[12/26/2012 21:16:49 UTC] spektre: hhahahahah
[12/26/2012 21:16:51 UTC] anonyops99: mmm
[12/26/2012 21:18:37 UTC] anonyops99:
[12/26/2012 21:18:57 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Shady Asian Massage Parlor Prank -Ownage Pranks - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 21:37:05 UTC] DeadMellox:
[12/26/2012 21:37:14 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Limp Bizkit - My Generation - YouTube ]
[12/26/2012 21:37:15 UTC] DeadMellox: ~Faaabioooooo~
[12/26/2012 21:37:23 UTC] DeadMellox: IF ONLY WE COULD FLYYYYYYYYYY
[12/26/2012 21:37:29 UTC] DeadMellox: lol @ beginning
[12/26/2012 21:38:08 UTC] spektre: boom boom
[12/26/2012 21:38:18 UTC] spektre: limp bizkit style
[12/26/2012 21:38:19 UTC] spektre: yamato
[12/26/2012 21:38:24 UTC] spektre: take it to the mathews bridge
[12/26/2012 21:38:36 UTC] spektre: -epic drums cue-
[12/26/2012 21:38:43 UTC] DeadMellox: yeh
[12/26/2012 21:39:14 UTC] spektre: wow
[12/26/2012 21:39:20 UTC] spektre: i was 15/16 in those times
[12/26/2012 21:39:30 UTC] spektre: time flies
[12/26/2012 21:39:33 UTC] DeadMellox: epic flashbacks amirite
[12/26/2012 21:39:37 UTC] DeadMellox: ikr
[12/26/2012 21:39:54 UTC] spektre: DeadMellox doinitriot
[12/26/2012 21:40:10 UTC] DeadMellox: <3
[12/26/2012 21:40:21 UTC] spektre: <3
[12/26/2012 21:40:29 UTC] spektre: dats teh shit rigt there
[12/26/2012 21:40:31 UTC] spektre: epic flashbacks
[12/26/2012 21:47:10 UTC] anonyops99: i have a question can some one try this website or me
[12/26/2012 21:47:54 UTC] anonyops99: ....
[12/26/2012 21:48:19 UTC] anonyops99: hello
[12/26/2012 21:49:10 UTC] anonyops99: oh shit
[12/26/2012 21:53:23 UTC] pathfinder: ,ping
[12/26/2012 21:53:29 UTC] CharlieWong: [ God Still Hates Fags ]
[12/26/2012 21:53:33 UTC] pathfinder: theyre up
[12/26/2012 21:53:37 UTC] pathfinder: it seems
[12/26/2012 21:53:49 UTC] maxQ: "still" lol
[12/26/2012 21:54:00 UTC] maxQ: those westboro guys
[12/26/2012 21:54:02 UTC] maxQ: are trolling us all so heavily
[12/26/2012 21:54:13 UTC] pathfinder: well, the version they read from, god hates women as well
[12/26/2012 21:54:20 UTC] maxQ: they are havin a massive laugh, im sure
[12/26/2012 21:54:21 UTC] pathfinder: but their congregation ignores that
[12/26/2012 21:54:36 UTC] anonyops99: in about a few mnutes they wont be
[12/26/2012 21:54:42 UTC] pathfinder: o0o0o0o0o
[12/26/2012 21:54:52 UTC] maxQ: you can be sure they looove all the attention theyre getting
[12/26/2012 21:54:54 UTC] pathfinder: we gawt6 a badass up in this here channel
[12/26/2012 21:55:18 UTC] pathfinder: someone is LOICing their socks off right about now
[12/26/2012 21:55:22 UTC] pathfinder: the funk so brother
[12/26/2012 21:55:29 UTC] anonyops99: lol
[12/26/2012 21:55:38 UTC] pathfinder: NO OPERATIONS CHATS IN HERE
[12/26/2012 21:55:41 UTC] pathfinder: just saying
[12/26/2012 21:55:44 UTC] pathfinder: !topic
[12/26/2012 21:55:52 UTC] anonyops99: dont know what u talkin bout
[12/26/2012 21:56:17 UTC] pathfinder: well, i'm guessing theres some opWBC
[12/26/2012 21:56:42 UTC] pathfinder: i know what it would be called without finding out
[12/26/2012 21:56:44 UTC] pathfinder: pretty obv
[12/26/2012 21:56:52 UTC] pathfinder: heres what anonnabes do
[12/26/2012 21:56:59 UTC] pathfinder: 1. get butthurt
[12/26/2012 21:57:14 UTC] pathfinder: 2. create cool haxor tream name
[12/26/2012 21:57:20 UTC] pathfinder: DragonSec
[12/26/2012 21:57:25 UTC] pathfinder: fuck yeah
[12/26/2012 21:57:46 UTC] pathfinder: #DRAGONSEC guise! ready for #OpWBC
[12/26/2012 21:57:53 UTC] pathfinder: oops
[12/26/2012 21:58:00 UTC] spektre: ha
[12/26/2012 21:58:01 UTC] pathfinder: 3. was create op name
[12/26/2012 21:58:03 UTC] spektre: hahahahah
[12/26/2012 21:58:05 UTC] pathfinder: acronymsa re good
[12/26/2012 21:58:37 UTC] pathfinder: 4. twitter and facebook walls of text with ASCII art
[12/26/2012 21:58:44 UTC] spektre: and dont forget
[12/26/2012 21:58:47 UTC] spektre: those texts about
[12/26/2012 21:58:59 UTC] pathfinder: 5. nmap a domain and pastebin it 20 times
[12/26/2012 21:59:09 UTC] spektre: "this is a private thing, no fed letter soups allowed here by this and that law"
[12/26/2012 22:00:06 UTC] pathfinder: which deflates the actual work by people (small number of people i stress) who do have some team name and do cause lulz still
[12/26/2012 22:00:13 UTC] pathfinder: they are drowned upt by
[12/26/2012 22:01:04 UTC] pathfinder: AcidOnTehGovtSEC is ready for #OpCHEAPERDEALSATDAIRYQUEENORGETSQLMAPPEDYOUCUNTS
[12/26/2012 22:01:17 UTC] spektre: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^666
[12/26/2012 22:01:19 UTC] spektre: hahahahhaha
[12/26/2012 22:01:42 UTC] pathfinder: Anon Revolutions has a new team name and Op every week
[12/26/2012 22:01:49 UTC] pathfinder: shhh
[12/26/2012 22:01:52 UTC] pathfinder: he may be lurking
[12/26/2012 22:01:56 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 22:02:02 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/26/2012 22:02:14 UTC] spektre: LOOOOOOOOL
[12/26/2012 22:02:15 UTC] spektre: hahahahaha
[12/26/2012 22:02:31 UTC] spektre: lel also on vox, me thinks we are a dying bread
[12/26/2012 22:02:39 UTC] spektre: we know the server admins
[12/26/2012 22:03:09 UTC] spektre: until tis faggotry drove them to their chans
[12/26/2012 22:03:37 UTC] spektre: any how
[12/26/2012 22:03:38 UTC] spektre: im gone
[12/26/2012 22:03:46 UTC] anonyops99: toya and them
[12/26/2012 22:03:52 UTC] pathfinder: whoa
[12/26/2012 22:09:45 UTC] Shaggy: Yeah
[12/26/2012 22:09:49 UTC] Shaggy: They are watching
[12/26/2012 22:09:51 UTC] Shaggy: lame -__
[12/26/2012 22:09:56 UTC] Shaggy: -_-
[12/26/2012 22:10:14 UTC] DeadMellox: ,g au waka site
[12/26/2012 22:10:24 UTC] CharlieWong: DeadMellox:
[12/26/2012 22:10:39 UTC] DeadMellox: thanks for nothing Wong, you piece of shit
[12/26/2012 22:10:58 UTC] Shaggy: ,g POS
[12/26/2012 22:11:00 UTC] CharlieWong: Shaggy:
[12/26/2012 22:11:04 UTC] Shaggy: LOL
[12/26/2012 22:12:48 UTC] Sage: Anyone one know who work on Project Mayhem?
[12/26/2012 22:13:01 UTC] pathfinder: "Here is evidence of a boy being interviewed by a penis-shaped sound wave generated by an online paedophile"
[12/26/2012 22:13:15 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Exposing the lies and drama of secret societies - Project Mayhem ]
[12/26/2012 22:13:24 UTC] pathfinder: !topic
[12/26/2012 22:13:37 UTC] pathfinder: ahh shiieeett
[12/26/2012 22:15:54 UTC] pathfinder: there we go
[12/26/2012 22:17:05 UTC] smith: paedophilia is not important
[12/26/2012 22:17:24 UTC] smith: child abuse is kinda important, but you probably aren't going to be able to do much about it
[12/26/2012 22:17:31 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 22:17:34 UTC] pathfinder: click the link then
[12/26/2012 22:17:35 UTC] smith: basically it's just a big self-gratifying distraction
[12/26/2012 22:17:59 UTC] pathfinder: see how serious the 'report' is
[12/26/2012 22:18:03 UTC] smith: no, it annoys me. people get emotive and stupid about the subject invariably
[12/26/2012 22:18:10 UTC] smith: oh, is joek?
[12/26/2012 22:18:12 UTC] pathfinder: yes
[12/26/2012 22:18:14 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 22:18:18 UTC] pathfinder: spoof news special report
[12/26/2012 22:18:20 UTC] smith: i apologize
[12/26/2012 22:18:30 UTC] smith: *bows in dishonour*
[12/26/2012 22:18:35 UTC] smith: yes
[12/26/2012 22:18:35 UTC] pathfinder: check out like at least the first 5 mins
[12/26/2012 22:18:40 UTC] smith: that is exactly the right sentiment
[12/26/2012 22:18:45 UTC] smith: no need, i have the entire script burnt into my memory
[12/26/2012 22:18:49 UTC] smith: for the last 10 years
[12/26/2012 22:18:53 UTC] smith: :)
[12/26/2012 22:19:00 UTC] pathfinder: is brass eye
[12/26/2012 22:19:12 UTC] smith: will watch anyway because it universal solution to everything
[12/26/2012 22:19:34 UTC] pathfinder: god damn i love brass eye
[12/26/2012 22:19:38 UTC] smith: word
[12/26/2012 22:19:41 UTC] pathfinder: well anythibg chris morris has done
[12/26/2012 22:19:50 UTC] pathfinder: the day today
[12/26/2012 22:19:51 UTC] smith: chris morris is basically god
[12/26/2012 22:19:54 UTC] pathfinder: even jaaaaaaam
[12/26/2012 22:20:01 UTC] pathfinder: which is way off the spectrum
[12/26/2012 22:20:24 UTC] smith: there's a rare clip of him interviewing someone from CERN about the LHC
[12/26/2012 22:20:32 UTC] smith: he's actually quite scientifically literate
[12/26/2012 22:20:37 UTC] smith: and also fucking hilarious
[12/26/2012 22:21:02 UTC] smith: hey hary, why so cloney?
[12/26/2012 22:21:26 UTC] pathfinder: yes he knows his stuff
[12/26/2012 22:30:41 UTC] voxanon871: salut tt le monde
[12/26/2012 22:42:32 UTC] LulzCat: Why is eto not here.
[12/26/2012 22:42:37 UTC] LulzCat: THIS IS BLASPHEMY. D:
[12/26/2012 22:44:11 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/26/2012 22:44:17 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/26/2012 22:44:19 UTC] pathfinder: Eto's gone abroad
[12/26/2012 22:46:33 UTC] LulzCat: :'(
[12/26/2012 22:52:06 UTC] INST1NCT: HELLO?
[12/26/2012 22:56:19 UTC] pathfinder: bonjour
[12/26/2012 22:56:28 UTC] pathfinder: ca va
[12/26/2012 22:57:00 UTC] pathfinder: ici, c'est seulement pour les gens francophones
[12/26/2012 22:57:00 UTC] pathfinder: dans cet Canal
[12/26/2012 22:57:15 UTC] pathfinder: est-ce que vous n'avez pas le memo?
[12/26/2012 22:57:49 UTC] pathfinder: le <<memo>>, desole
[12/26/2012 22:58:33 UTC] pathfinder: xxyyxx: lot of chromosomes you have there
[12/26/2012 22:58:50 UTC] pathfinder: thats like downs to the power of 4
[12/26/2012 22:59:16 UTC] voxanon159: #optyler
[12/26/2012 22:59:42 UTC] pathfinder: loool
[12/26/2012 23:00:17 UTC] pathfinder: le systeme marche
[12/26/2012 23:00:19 UTC] pathfinder: le systeme, il marche*
[12/26/2012 23:00:24 UTC] pathfinder: evening lorax
[12/26/2012 23:00:30 UTC] lorax: h
[12/26/2012 23:01:02 UTC] pathfinder: someone has some competition (edit: not likely)
[12/26/2012 23:01:15 UTC] pathfinder: AnonFM :p
[12/26/2012 23:01:41 UTC] pathfinder: tbh i always thought LulzFM was a good name
[12/26/2012 23:01:42 UTC] Hatmann:
[12/26/2012 23:01:56 UTC] CharlieWong: [ MUST SHARE -- The Virus of Freedom -- HD (December 2012) MUST SEE - YouTube ]
[12/27/2012 00:23:24 UTC] Francaisbesoina: #optyler
[12/27/2012 00:24:03 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 00:24:10 UTC] pathfinder: they try
[12/27/2012 00:44:13 UTC] francaishelp: #optyler
[12/27/2012 04:48:58 UTC] pathfinder: you spelled xbox wrong
[12/27/2012 04:49:10 UTC] oddlaw: lmao
[12/27/2012 04:49:43 UTC] pathfinder: well, thanks to your pigs comment
[12/27/2012 04:49:47 UTC] pathfinder: no one talks now
[12/27/2012 04:49:53 UTC] voxanon434: No one is responding on the Op channel so how can we get a follow?
[12/27/2012 04:49:56 UTC] Kitt3y: shenanigans.
[12/27/2012 04:49:56 UTC] pathfinder: boo ruined my fun
[12/27/2012 04:50:37 UTC] voxanon434: Haha nope but thats the language they used
[12/27/2012 04:50:49 UTC] pathfinder: for twitter
[12/27/2012 04:50:53 UTC] pathfinder: this aint twitter
[12/27/2012 04:50:56 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: im sorry i was talking with my gf shes about to go to sleep and im about to get off and go to bed. i got work in the morning sorry guys brb
[12/27/2012 04:51:07 UTC] pathfinder: alright
[12/27/2012 04:51:20 UTC] Kitt3y: you don't have a gf. it's your ex
[12/27/2012 04:51:21 UTC] voxanon434: Right so no Keys here?
[12/27/2012 04:51:22 UTC] Kitt3y: don't lie to us
[12/27/2012 04:51:23 UTC] Shaggy: Give her a good rubbing
[12/27/2012 04:51:29 UTC] Shaggy: LOOL!
[12/27/2012 04:51:31 UTC] Shaggy: Kicked
[12/27/2012 04:51:48 UTC] pathfinder: bam
[12/27/2012 04:51:58 UTC] Kitt3y: watch your language guys.
[12/27/2012 04:51:58 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: lol fine she is my ex but im still living with her lol
[12/27/2012 04:51:59 UTC] pathfinder: that guy ive been trying to get for like 10 mins now
[12/27/2012 04:52:07 UTC] Kitt3y: You live with her? lololol
[12/27/2012 04:52:22 UTC] Kitt3y: I didn't know this.
[12/27/2012 04:52:23 UTC] pathfinder: its the recession guys
[12/27/2012 04:52:35 UTC] pathfinder: wait, you two know each other?
[12/27/2012 04:52:38 UTC] Kitt3y: yeah
[12/27/2012 04:52:44 UTC] pathfinder: kitt3y and Anony_Ops[53]?
[12/27/2012 04:52:49 UTC] pathfinder: IRL?
[12/27/2012 04:52:53 UTC] Kitt3y: yessir.
[12/27/2012 04:52:55 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: yes we do childhood friends
[12/27/2012 04:53:06 UTC] pathfinder: you do childhood friends?
[12/27/2012 04:53:11 UTC] Kitt3y: childhood friends?
[12/27/2012 04:53:12 UTC] oddlaw: yeah
[12/27/2012 04:53:16 UTC] oddlaw: i fuck my childhood friends
[12/27/2012 04:53:16 UTC] Kitt3y: I met you like... um.
[12/27/2012 04:53:17 UTC] oddlaw: no biggie
[12/27/2012 04:53:19 UTC] positronix: ped0
[12/27/2012 04:53:21 UTC] pathfinder: so they have a mental scar together for life i assume
[12/27/2012 04:53:23 UTC] pathfinder: very dark
[12/27/2012 04:53:24 UTC] Kitt3y: 3 years ago.
[12/27/2012 04:53:24 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: well im 20 so im still young as a kid people say haha
[12/27/2012 04:53:25 UTC] pathfinder: i like it
[12/27/2012 04:53:47 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: lol
[12/27/2012 04:53:47 UTC] oddlaw: act like a kid ppl will treat you like a kid
[12/27/2012 04:54:14 UTC] pathfinder: sees kids
[12/27/2012 04:54:16 UTC] Kitt3y: true oddlaw
[12/27/2012 04:54:29 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: i dont act like a kid. they just go o your not old enough to drink. or you still street race your still a kid
[12/27/2012 04:54:34 UTC] pathfinder: "hey are you two best friends? cool! suck my nuts together"
[12/27/2012 04:54:35 UTC] Kitt3y: I met him 3 years ago at an atreyu concert. Hardly childhood friends.
[12/27/2012 04:54:41 UTC] pathfinder: "get in there good you cheeky vixens"
[12/27/2012 04:54:46 UTC] oddlaw: lol
[12/27/2012 04:54:50 UTC] pathfinder: "your tears lubricate so well"
[12/27/2012 04:54:51 UTC] oddlaw: street racing and atreyu
[12/27/2012 04:55:01 UTC] oddlaw: c00l
[12/27/2012 04:55:08 UTC] Kitt3y: lol
[12/27/2012 04:55:21 UTC] oddlaw: im going back to my beautiful place out in the country
[12/27/2012 04:55:29 UTC] pathfinder: well kitty
[12/27/2012 04:55:36 UTC] pathfinder: he sounds like a real bad boy
[12/27/2012 04:55:42 UTC] pathfinder: better watch yourself
[12/27/2012 04:55:49 UTC] pathfinder: street racer
[12/27/2012 04:55:53 UTC] Kitt3y: don't worry about me
[12/27/2012 04:55:54 UTC] pathfinder: atreyu fan
[12/27/2012 04:55:54 UTC] Kitt3y: hahaha
[12/27/2012 04:56:05 UTC] pathfinder: AND his ex wants some more
[12/27/2012 04:56:17 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: na u can have her lol
[12/27/2012 04:56:22 UTC] pathfinder: cause im an OUTLAW (yeah yeah yeah)
[12/27/2012 04:56:32 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: lol
[12/27/2012 04:56:36 UTC] oddlaw: i fucking hate cats
[12/27/2012 04:56:37 UTC] pathfinder: I live by my own rules (yeah oh yeah)
[12/27/2012 04:56:42 UTC] Kitt3y: who can have who now?
[12/27/2012 04:56:48 UTC] Kitt3y: how can you hate cats.
[12/27/2012 04:56:50 UTC] Kitt3y: what even
[12/27/2012 04:56:54 UTC] Kitt3y: how are you a person.
[12/27/2012 04:57:03 UTC] oddlaw: cats are like
[12/27/2012 04:57:06 UTC] oddlaw: the worst pet
[12/27/2012 04:57:16 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: cats r like omg so hairy
[12/27/2012 04:57:17 UTC] Kitt3y: I have two dogs.
[12/27/2012 04:57:19 UTC] Kitt3y: And no cat..
[12/27/2012 04:57:21 UTC] pathfinder: a dead budgie is the worst pet
[12/27/2012 04:57:25 UTC] oddlaw: lol
[12/27/2012 04:57:25 UTC] pathfinder: trust me, i know
[12/27/2012 04:57:27 UTC] oddlaw: pretty bird pretty bird
[12/27/2012 04:57:28 UTC] Kitt3y: lol
[12/27/2012 04:57:33 UTC] pathfinder: exactly
[12/27/2012 04:57:43 UTC] oddlaw: only unstable people confide in cats
[12/27/2012 04:57:48 UTC] oddlaw: FACT
[12/27/2012 04:57:53 UTC] Kitt3y: I have dogs.
[12/27/2012 04:58:04 UTC] Kitt3y: Honestly I've never had a pet cat.
[12/27/2012 04:58:12 UTC] Kitt3y: But they're cute..
[12/27/2012 04:58:15 UTC] pathfinder: anyway
[12/27/2012 04:58:21 UTC] pathfinder: this has been nice and all
[12/27/2012 04:58:23 UTC] pathfinder: but srs
[12/27/2012 04:58:25 UTC] oddlaw: ya
[12/27/2012 04:58:31 UTC] pathfinder: we need to talk about keys up in this
[12/27/2012 04:58:34 UTC] pathfinder: who has them
[12/27/2012 04:58:36 UTC] oddlaw: i have some serials
[12/27/2012 04:58:51 UTC] oddlaw: i got sum fullz
[12/27/2012 04:59:15 UTC] pathfinder: !axx add oddlaw 3
[12/27/2012 04:59:41 UTC] oddlaw: o fuck i just became cannon fodder
[12/27/2012 04:59:48 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 05:00:07 UTC] pathfinder: dont worry
[12/27/2012 05:00:15 UTC] pathfinder: we are super secretive in this channel
[12/27/2012 05:00:26 UTC] pathfinder: botu our super l33t mega operations
[12/27/2012 05:00:30 UTC] oddlaw: so itz cool if i run my FSERVE in here
[12/27/2012 05:00:50 UTC] oddlaw: and treat this bitch like #cc-trading
[12/27/2012 05:01:02 UTC] pathfinder: like #OpWhyDoMcDonaldsVouchersOnlyLastFor,Like......2Weeks
[12/27/2012 05:01:35 UTC] Kitt3y: lol
[12/27/2012 05:01:40 UTC] pathfinder: join my team @DeadlyPredatorSEC
[12/27/2012 05:01:48 UTC] oddlaw: o shi
[12/27/2012 05:01:55 UTC] oddlaw: that sounds like some Sr. Anon shit
[12/27/2012 05:01:56 UTC] pathfinder: wait
[12/27/2012 05:02:01 UTC] pathfinder: i have other teamz as well
[12/27/2012 05:02:23 UTC] pathfinder: @President.....
[12/27/2012 05:02:34 UTC] pathfinder: ......oftheunderworldSEC
[12/27/2012 05:02:36 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/27/2012 05:02:47 UTC] pathfinder: didnt think id come through there
[12/27/2012 05:02:50 UTC] pathfinder: BUT I DID
[12/27/2012 05:02:58 UTC] pathfinder: cool as fuck
[12/27/2012 05:03:08 UTC] pathfinder: @CoolAsFuckSEC
[12/27/2012 05:03:35 UTC] pathfinder: BITCHEZ DONT KNOW BOUT MY LEET sec TEAMS
[12/27/2012 05:03:38 UTC] oddlaw: damn i hurd they got their hands into everything
[12/27/2012 05:03:43 UTC] oddlaw: gunz, bitchez, money, drugz
[12/27/2012 05:04:29 UTC] Shaggy: @HighEveryDaySec
[12/27/2012 05:04:41 UTC] Shaggy: Don't steal theat bro
[12/27/2012 05:04:50 UTC] Shaggy: no wjhat do
[12/27/2012 05:05:02 UTC] Shaggy: go after anti cannabis
[12/27/2012 05:05:04 UTC] Shaggy: asshats
[12/27/2012 05:05:15 UTC] Shaggy: att day defacing
[12/27/2012 05:05:18 UTC] oddlaw: yah
[12/27/2012 05:05:18 UTC] Shaggy: *all
[12/27/2012 05:05:21 UTC] oddlaw: fuck cannabis
[12/27/2012 05:05:26 UTC] Shaggy: lol what?
[12/27/2012 05:05:28 UTC] oddlaw: mind control
[12/27/2012 05:05:42 UTC] oddlaw: just tryna sedate u and control ur mind bro
[12/27/2012 05:05:58 UTC] Shaggy: My minds can't be sedated
[12/27/2012 05:06:02 UTC] Shaggy: lol minds
[12/27/2012 05:06:09 UTC] Shaggy: I got 3 brains
[12/27/2012 05:06:09 UTC] Shaggy: :P
[12/27/2012 05:06:14 UTC] pathfinder: !levels list
[12/27/2012 05:06:16 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: hey forgot is youtube involved recently?
[12/27/2012 05:06:30 UTC] pathfinder: what?
[12/27/2012 05:06:48 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: is youtube being cracked recently?
[12/27/2012 05:06:49 UTC] pathfinder: what have youtube done?
[12/27/2012 05:07:00 UTC] pathfinder: they doin that for tyler
[12/27/2012 05:07:16 UTC] pathfinder: youtube is one of the orgs people have been watching
[12/27/2012 05:07:19 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: just wondering because its been acting up recently on me and alot of people i know
[12/27/2012 05:07:42 UTC] oddlaw: youtube is like a virgin
[12/27/2012 05:07:49 UTC] oddlaw: almost impossible to penetrate with my size of cock
[12/27/2012 05:07:56 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: i know they have been watching it but im just curious because its been asking me to type codes in everytime i wanna watch a cvideo
[12/27/2012 05:07:58 UTC] oddlaw: does that answer your question
[12/27/2012 05:08:01 UTC] Kitt3y: sounds messy oddlaw
[12/27/2012 05:08:14 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: hahaha odddlaw
[12/27/2012 05:08:16 UTC] oddlaw: my name is Terry Hyman
[12/27/2012 05:08:23 UTC] Kitt3y: hahahaha
[12/27/2012 05:09:20 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: people and thier shitty internet
[12/27/2012 05:09:30 UTC] oddlaw: yo fuck the internet
[12/27/2012 05:09:37 UTC] oddlaw: dont need that shit
[12/27/2012 05:09:56 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: haha
[12/27/2012 05:10:04 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: we do need it lol
[12/27/2012 05:10:15 UTC] Shaggy: We need it wtf?
[12/27/2012 05:10:15 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: but alot of sites we dont thier pointless
[12/27/2012 05:10:25 UTC] oddlaw: obviously someone doesn't know how to farm
[12/27/2012 05:10:54 UTC] Kitt3y: what's the internet?
[12/27/2012 05:11:18 UTC] oddlaw: Shaggy: have you ever smoked so much your BO smells dank like kush
[12/27/2012 05:11:21 UTC] pathfinder: what's "the"
[12/27/2012 05:11:28 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: ok guys im getting off work in 5 hours fml
[12/27/2012 05:11:32 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: ill be on tomorrow
[12/27/2012 05:11:38 UTC] oddlaw: goodnight soldier
[12/27/2012 05:11:40 UTC] pathfinder: do that man
[12/27/2012 05:11:43 UTC] pathfinder: TYLER FTW
[12/27/2012 05:11:45 UTC] Shaggy: First time I got arrest and went to jail
[12/27/2012 05:11:52 UTC] Shaggy: next 3 days smelled like weed in my cell
[12/27/2012 05:11:56 UTC] oddlaw: ya
[12/27/2012 05:11:58 UTC] Kitt3y: night dude
[12/27/2012 05:11:59 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 05:12:00 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: pathfinder whats ur deal just wondering ur not the fed r u?
[12/27/2012 05:12:08 UTC] pathfinder: no
[12/27/2012 05:12:16 UTC] Shaggy: lol
[12/27/2012 05:12:18 UTC] pathfinder: i just thought by your nick you were an anon player
[12/27/2012 05:12:18 UTC] Shaggy: FEDS!
[12/27/2012 05:12:22 UTC] pathfinder: and knew about the op
[12/27/2012 05:12:29 UTC] pathfinder: sorry if i was mistaken
[12/27/2012 05:12:31 UTC] oddlaw: i quit smoking like 2 months ago and i still smell dank
[12/27/2012 05:12:38 UTC] oddlaw: i was smoking like ~4g per day though
[12/27/2012 05:12:40 UTC] pathfinder: im just an ignorant irc guy
[12/27/2012 05:12:52 UTC] oddlaw: still trying to sweat it out of my system i guess
[12/27/2012 05:13:06 UTC] Kitt3y: oddlaw it's all about the eighth a day life.
[12/27/2012 05:13:14 UTC] oddlaw: fuck
[12/27/2012 05:13:24 UTC] Kitt3y: well it was
[12/27/2012 05:13:27 UTC] Kitt3y: back in the day
[12/27/2012 05:13:30 UTC] oddlaw: that shit is fucked
[12/27/2012 05:13:34 UTC] oddlaw: especially when it's chronic weed
[12/27/2012 05:13:49 UTC] oddlaw: like by the end of the day ur basically as coherent as a challenged person
[12/27/2012 05:13:50 UTC] Kitt3y: real talk
[12/27/2012 05:13:51 UTC] Anony_Ops[53]: ok man. im sorry just seemed u were being cocky seemed shady to me calling me a fed when i mentioned shit lol my bad man
[12/27/2012 05:14:11 UTC] Kitt3y: This is why I don't smoke anymore.
[12/27/2012 05:14:14 UTC] pathfinder: Anony_Ops[53]: i called YOU a fed?
[12/27/2012 05:14:17 UTC] pathfinder: when was that?
[12/27/2012 05:14:19 UTC] LadyICE: Anony_Ops[53] I thought you were going to sleep?
[12/27/2012 05:14:25 UTC] LadyICE: cuz you were tired
[12/27/2012 05:14:30 UTC] Kitt3y: lol.
[12/27/2012 05:14:31 UTC] LadyICE: extremely tired
[12/27/2012 05:15:07 UTC] Shaggy: Who's trolliing??
[12/27/2012 05:15:11 UTC] Shaggy: awh fuck
[12/27/2012 05:15:18 UTC] Shaggy: get it the fuck utta here
[12/27/2012 05:15:23 UTC] pathfinder: see
[12/27/2012 05:15:31 UTC] pathfinder: feds in here put fed in the nick
[12/27/2012 05:15:36 UTC] pathfinder: so we know which ones they are
[12/27/2012 05:15:39 UTC] oddlaw: 53 is a good man
[12/27/2012 05:15:39 UTC] pathfinder: theyre good like that
[12/27/2012 05:15:41 UTC] oddlaw: a working man
[12/27/2012 05:15:50 UTC] oddlaw: a burly lumberjack canadian if i ever saw one
[12/27/2012 05:15:59 UTC] Kitt3y: he is pretty burly not gonna lie
[12/27/2012 05:16:06 UTC] Kitt3y: he works in construction
[12/27/2012 05:16:14 UTC] pathfinder: Anony_Ops[53]: so you really arent involved in the op then?
[12/27/2012 05:16:18 UTC] pathfinder: no one else is in here
[12/27/2012 05:16:21 UTC] pathfinder: theyre all trolls
[12/27/2012 05:16:24 UTC] pathfinder: and i wanted help
[12/27/2012 05:16:40 UTC] Shaggy: wtf
[12/27/2012 05:16:46 UTC] Shaggy: kitt3y
[12/27/2012 05:16:58 UTC] pathfinder: theres a channel somewhere but i cant find it
[12/27/2012 05:17:10 UTC] pathfinder: whats the command for /list ?
[12/27/2012 05:17:20 UTC] Shaggy: !list
[12/27/2012 05:17:23 UTC] Shaggy: ?
[12/27/2012 05:17:30 UTC] pyHitler: ya derp
[12/27/2012 05:17:30 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 05:17:32 UTC] pathfinder: grow up
[12/27/2012 05:17:33 UTC] Shaggy: /list
[12/27/2012 05:17:45 UTC] pathfinder: RUIN MY FUN
[12/27/2012 05:17:49 UTC] oddlaw: heil hitler
[12/27/2012 05:17:49 UTC] pathfinder: shaggy damn it
[12/27/2012 05:17:55 UTC] Shaggy: o/
[12/27/2012 05:17:57 UTC] LadyICE: !access
[12/27/2012 05:17:58 UTC] Shaggy: Winning
[12/27/2012 05:18:03 UTC] pyHitler: seig heil
[12/27/2012 05:18:06 UTC] LadyICE: !access list
[12/27/2012 05:18:08 UTC] Shaggy: <3
[12/27/2012 05:18:19 UTC] pathfinder: not being nazi
[12/27/2012 05:18:42 UTC] pathfinder: but picky
[12/27/2012 05:18:42 UTC] pathfinder: it would be sieg*
[12/27/2012 05:18:42 UTC] Shaggy: ^ true
[12/27/2012 05:18:42 UTC] Shaggy: :P
[12/27/2012 05:18:42 UTC] pyHitler: oh really?
[12/27/2012 05:18:42 UTC] pathfinder: !access list
[12/27/2012 05:18:42 UTC] Kitt3y: haha
[12/27/2012 05:18:44 UTC] pyHitler: <-- aint nazi so wouldnt know
[12/27/2012 05:18:58 UTC] oddlaw: dude that's like
[12/27/2012 05:19:00 UTC] oddlaw: false advertising
[12/27/2012 05:19:09 UTC] Shaggy: Huh odd?
[12/27/2012 05:19:16 UTC] pathfinder: well, im not a nazi either
[12/27/2012 05:19:21 UTC] Shaggy: Used to be
[12/27/2012 05:19:23 UTC] pathfinder: but i do speak german
[12/27/2012 05:19:29 UTC] pyHitler: same
[12/27/2012 05:19:37 UTC] pyHitler: lies
[12/27/2012 05:19:45 UTC] pyHitler: all german speakers are nazis
[12/27/2012 05:19:56 UTC] pathfinder: nicht richtig
[12/27/2012 05:19:59 UTC] Kitt3y: I'm german
[12/27/2012 05:20:02 UTC] Kitt3y: but I'm jewish
[12/27/2012 05:20:03 UTC] Kitt3y: so
[12/27/2012 05:20:08 UTC] Kitt3y: am I still a nazi?
[12/27/2012 05:20:12 UTC] pyHitler: yeah well hakuna matata to you too
[12/27/2012 05:20:27 UTC] pyHitler: at medaberet ivrit Kitt3y
[12/27/2012 05:20:33 UTC] oddlaw: you better be a nazi
[12/27/2012 05:20:37 UTC] Kitt3y: I never said I speak german.
[12/27/2012 05:20:43 UTC] oddlaw: who else's side will you take in prison
[12/27/2012 05:20:49 UTC] Kitt3y: um
[12/27/2012 05:20:58 UTC] Kitt3y: I don't know. I'll keep that in mind oddlaw
[12/27/2012 05:21:11 UTC] pyHitler: lol
[12/27/2012 05:21:16 UTC] oddlaw: and you should probably get some tattoos
[12/27/2012 05:21:18 UTC] pathfinder: Die meistens der Deutschen hasse Nazis
[12/27/2012 05:21:23 UTC] pyHitler: doesnt work that way in womens prison
[12/27/2012 05:21:30 UTC] pathfinder: hmm
[12/27/2012 05:21:36 UTC] Kitt3y: I
[12/27/2012 05:21:37 UTC] oddlaw: do they lift in woman prison
[12/27/2012 05:21:39 UTC] pyHitler: pathfinder: you speakin in tongues bro?
[12/27/2012 05:21:42 UTC] Kitt3y: I've never been to prison
[12/27/2012 05:21:45 UTC] Kitt3y: wouldn't know.
[12/27/2012 05:21:51 UTC] Shaggy: Obvious
[12/27/2012 05:21:52 UTC] pathfinder: so speaking german having tattoos and spending time in prison = nazi now huh?
[12/27/2012 05:21:56 UTC] Shaggy: Don't know, your fucked
[12/27/2012 05:21:57 UTC] pyHitler: jews dont go to prison
[12/27/2012 05:22:01 UTC] pyHitler: that whole zog thing
[12/27/2012 05:22:16 UTC] pyHitler: pathfinder: yupp
[12/27/2012 05:22:16 UTC] pyHitler: sad aint it
[12/27/2012 05:22:30 UTC] pathfinder: well i hate nazis but i fit 2 out of three there
[12/27/2012 05:22:37 UTC] Kitt3y: The economy would crash if jews went to prison amirite?
[12/27/2012 05:25:37 UTC] Kitt3y: so sure of.
[12/27/2012 05:27:39 UTC] Kitt3y: Alright well I'm out. Later guys.
[12/27/2012 05:28:00 UTC] oddlaw: ya?
[12/27/2012 05:28:04 UTC] oddlaw: peace
[12/27/2012 05:29:15 UTC] positronix_: hey hey hey
[12/27/2012 05:30:24 UTC] positronix_: "and like everybody knows... fun rules!"
[12/27/2012 05:33:49 UTC] LadyICE: bad!
[12/27/2012 05:33:54 UTC] positronix_: DMT anyone?
[12/27/2012 05:33:58 UTC] oddlaw: yeah
[12/27/2012 05:33:58 UTC] LadyICE: mmmm
[12/27/2012 05:33:59 UTC] oddlaw: ill take a toke
[12/27/2012 05:34:43 UTC] pathfinder: i prefer dextro
[12/27/2012 05:34:59 UTC] oddlaw: ..amphetamine
[12/27/2012 05:35:00 UTC] oddlaw: ?
[12/27/2012 05:35:04 UTC] positronix_:
[12/27/2012 05:35:07 UTC] pathfinder: i like to meet the devil and fight him as he tries to pull my heart out through my kneecaps
[12/27/2012 05:35:12 UTC] pathfinder: he never wins
[12/27/2012 05:35:37 UTC] pathfinder: wong !
[12/27/2012 05:35:40 UTC] pathfinder: wake up
[12/27/2012 05:36:12 UTC] positronix_: the drug war is the source of drugs
[12/27/2012 05:36:21 UTC] positronix_: the dealers keep you away from it
[12/27/2012 05:36:24 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/27/2012 05:36:29 UTC] oddlaw: i like how the last picture is some dude jumping off a building
[12/27/2012 05:36:30 UTC] pathfinder: nature is the source of drugs
[12/27/2012 05:36:39 UTC] positronix_: +1
[12/27/2012 05:36:40 UTC] positronix_: tru
[12/27/2012 05:36:52 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/27/2012 05:36:58 UTC] pathfinder: wong!!!!
[12/27/2012 05:37:06 UTC] oddlaw: hello
[12/27/2012 05:37:08 UTC] oddlaw: lol
[12/27/2012 05:37:29 UTC] pathfinder: what is wrong with him
[12/27/2012 05:37:33 UTC] pathfinder: hi spektre
[12/27/2012 05:37:48 UTC] spektre: oh herro
[12/27/2012 05:37:55 UTC] pathfinder: hey CharlieWong
[12/27/2012 05:37:55 UTC] CharlieWong: Hi pathfinder
[12/27/2012 05:38:02 UTC] pathfinder: whore you are wong
[12/27/2012 05:38:05 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/27/2012 05:38:22 UTC] positronix_: i can pick up that can
[12/27/2012 05:38:31 UTC] positronix_: but wat u mean br0
[12/27/2012 05:38:40 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/27/2012 05:38:57 UTC] positronix_: is bad?
[12/27/2012 05:38:57 UTC] pathfinder: he's broken
[12/27/2012 05:38:59 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Erowid ]
[12/27/2012 05:39:04 UTC] pathfinder: ahhhh
[12/27/2012 05:39:13 UTC] pathfinder: finalemente
[12/27/2012 05:39:24 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/27/2012 05:39:34 UTC] spektre: D:
[12/27/2012 05:40:03 UTC] oddlaw: canada fucking sucks
[12/27/2012 05:40:12 UTC] positronix_: : )
[12/27/2012 05:40:27 UTC] positronix_: we got teh quantem steath bro
[12/27/2012 05:41:00 UTC] positronix_: well... photoshop and some kinf of military brag if you ask me
[12/27/2012 05:41:15 UTC] oddlaw: :\
[12/27/2012 05:41:45 UTC] oddlaw: no culture
[12/27/2012 05:41:51 UTC] positronix_:
[12/27/2012 05:41:52 UTC] positronix_: also
[12/27/2012 05:41:55 UTC] positronix_: the robot arm
[12/27/2012 05:42:04 UTC] positronix_: on your non military space thingy
[12/27/2012 05:42:05 UTC] CharlieWong: [ Quantum Stealth; The Invisible Military Becomes A Reality ]
[12/27/2012 05:42:11 UTC] oddlaw: canadarm
[12/27/2012 05:42:13 UTC] pathfinder: oh
[12/27/2012 05:42:14 UTC] pathfinder: OH
[12/27/2012 05:42:29 UTC] oddlaw: IT'S AN INVISIBILITY CLOAK, HARRY
[12/27/2012 05:42:36 UTC] pathfinder: you resolve other peoples titles then
[12/27/2012 05:42:59 UTC] pathfinder: you have ideas above your station Wong
[12/27/2012 05:43:09 UTC] pathfinder: stepping on the people who nurtureyou
[12/27/2012 05:43:57 UTC] positronix_: ya usa drops nasa, then declares secret space navy
[12/27/2012 05:44:01 UTC] positronix_: asswholes
[12/27/2012 05:44:27 UTC] pathfinder: mudda ass hoes
[12/27/2012 05:45:55 UTC] positronix_: also... all of the worlds racism AND black people come from the states
[12/27/2012 05:47:04 UTC] positronix_: its tyme we all made a bunch of monotone videos
[12/27/2012 05:47:24 UTC] pathfinder: not sure if trolling....
[12/27/2012 05:47:33 UTC] positronix_: or just fry
[12/27/2012 05:47:54 UTC] oddlaw: fried as fuck apparently
[12/27/2012 05:48:10 UTC] pathfinder: lets deconstruct that
[12/27/2012 05:48:31 UTC] pathfinder: ALL of the worlds racism AND BLACK PEOPLE come from US
[12/27/2012 05:48:40 UTC] pathfinder: ALL RACISM AND BLACK PEOPLE
[12/27/2012 05:48:45 UTC] oddlaw: all the king's horses and all teh king's men
[12/27/2012 05:48:45 UTC] pathfinder: come from america
[12/27/2012 05:48:49 UTC] pathfinder: now then
[12/27/2012 05:49:02 UTC] pathfinder: does that need a slight revision to it?
[12/27/2012 05:49:39 UTC] pathfinder: i dont think that is correct
[12/27/2012 05:49:42 UTC] pathfinder: somehow
[12/27/2012 05:49:46 UTC] pathfinder: call it a hunch
[12/27/2012 05:49:52 UTC] positronix_: well I mean, it is factually incorrect,- but all of the black peopke who inspire US racism come from the states as far as canadian media is concerned
[12/27/2012 05:50:31 UTC] pathfinder: so you mean all of the people that white us people abuse verbally, are also from the same place as them?
[12/27/2012 05:50:45 UTC] positronix_: only on tv
[12/27/2012 05:50:50 UTC] pathfinder: that is *slightly* different a claim
[12/27/2012 05:51:15 UTC] positronix_: ill admit to that
[12/27/2012 05:51:49 UTC] positronix_: but ill never concde to the predictable hated of the common racist troll
[12/27/2012 05:51:59 UTC] pathfinder: all the people who live in one area, that are abused by people from the same area, live in the same area as that areas area and the people in that area are also the same?
[12/27/2012 05:51:59 UTC] pathfinder: is that it?
[12/27/2012 05:52:00 UTC] positronix_: not spearhead a single point
[12/27/2012 05:52:21 UTC] pathfinder: ah well, all racists are retarded
[12/27/2012 05:52:24 UTC] pathfinder: end of story
[12/27/2012 05:52:32 UTC] positronix_: ill concede
[12/27/2012 05:52:37 UTC] pathfinder: not disputing the extreme stupidity of racisms
[12/27/2012 05:52:50 UTC] x: Interesting racism viewpoint:
[12/27/2012 05:53:02 UTC] pathfinder: i am prejudiced against racists
[12/27/2012 05:53:06 UTC] pathfinder: i admit it!
[12/27/2012 05:53:08 UTC] x: So, it's a literal fact that some dogs are born smarter than others (even if they've got the same sized brain), some are faster, stronger, etc
[12/27/2012 05:53:10 UTC] positronix_: haha
[12/27/2012 05:53:14 UTC] x: That's not up for debate
[12/27/2012 05:53:29 UTC] x: Races aren't dissimilar to different breeds of dog
[12/27/2012 05:53:34 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 05:53:44 UTC] pathfinder: someone is perverting biology there
[12/27/2012 05:53:47 UTC] Shaggy: Racism comes from the gov's
[12/27/2012 05:53:49 UTC] positronix_: what we debate is sociological equality, not racial equality
[12/27/2012 05:53:49 UTC] x: The differences aren't as big, of course
[12/27/2012 05:53:55 UTC] Shaggy: Who started the naiz's?
[12/27/2012 05:53:58 UTC] positronix_: if races where equal, there would be no races
[12/27/2012 05:54:05 UTC] pathfinder: no
[12/27/2012 05:54:08 UTC] x: So, if that can be true for dogs, why not people?
[12/27/2012 05:54:20 UTC] positronix_: dogs dont vote
[12/27/2012 05:54:22 UTC] x: Is it really so far out to think that what happens in nature all the time could happen to people?
[12/27/2012 05:54:27 UTC] pathfinder: because you are extremely ignorant of how such things work, obviously
[12/27/2012 05:55:04 UTC] pathfinder: if you had any concept of biological knowledge, you would see your argument as being flawed
[12/27/2012 05:55:08 UTC] positronix_: clarify
[12/27/2012 05:55:18 UTC] x: Pathfinder, I'm not saying the differences are huge, but how could there be no differences between races like there are between breeds of a certain animal?
[12/27/2012 05:55:23 UTC] pathfinder: not nearly how the ranging in morphology between different breeds of dog IS WILDLY LARGER than the differences between races
[12/27/2012 05:55:33 UTC] x: <x> The differences aren't as big, of course
[12/27/2012 05:55:34 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/27/2012 05:55:39 UTC] pathfinder: i'll make it easy for you
[12/27/2012 05:55:42 UTC] pathfinder: brain size
[12/27/2012 05:55:43 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 05:56:01 UTC] x: Even dogs of similar size can have differing intelligence based on breed
[12/27/2012 05:56:03 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/27/2012 05:56:11 UTC] pathfinder: the brain sizes between differenyt races are not large enough in difference to quantify an overall difference in intelligence
[12/27/2012 05:56:12 UTC] Shaggy: fucked it up
[12/27/2012 05:56:15 UTC] pathfinder: that is all
[12/27/2012 05:56:16 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 05:56:18 UTC] positronix_: us are the guys who evolve the brain
[12/27/2012 05:56:30 UTC] positronix_: duuur
[12/27/2012 05:57:00 UTC] pathfinder: whereas the brain sizes between diff dog breeds ARE different enough to wuantify intelligence differences
[12/27/2012 05:57:29 UTC] positronix_: einstien has yet to agree brains have survival value
[12/27/2012 05:57:34 UTC] positronix_: but we can BRING HIM BACK
[12/27/2012 05:58:00 UTC] pathfinder: now then, any outdated 60s research that states that diff races have diff intelligences hased on genetic principles, have been largely quashed as the shit they are
[12/27/2012 05:58:16 UTC] pathfinder: if you were actually well-read in such things, you would know this however
[12/27/2012 05:58:35 UTC] x: Pathfinder, there's really no need to be so condescending
[12/27/2012 05:58:52 UTC] positronix_: i agree, pathfinder is cool, but that was a weak stab
[12/27/2012 05:59:01 UTC] pathfinder: there is if i encounter the same args that so many use when they dont do ANY research into it properly
[12/27/2012 05:59:10 UTC] pathfinder: and form ignorant opinions
[12/27/2012 05:59:13 UTC] pathfinder: no fact checks done
[12/27/2012 05:59:27 UTC] pathfinder: that should be laughed at, as indeed it is in the scientific community
[12/27/2012 05:59:37 UTC] pathfinder: i HATE it
[12/27/2012 06:00:12 UTC] pathfinder: be offended, my (deceased) wife was mixed race, and she lived her ENTIRE life listening to such bullshit
[12/27/2012 06:00:28 UTC] pathfinder: so yeah i get angry and make people feel bad about their lack of research
[12/27/2012 06:00:37 UTC] positronix_: the scientific community is riddled with a need to provide the media with a source
[12/27/2012 06:00:54 UTC] pathfinder: all articles that are peer reviewed and accepted
[12/27/2012 06:00:58 UTC] pathfinder: are open to anyone
[12/27/2012 06:01:34 UTC] positronix_: scientists discover god! .... (partice)
[12/27/2012 06:01:35 UTC] pathfinder: what should happen is, media says "x" and instead of taking it on face value, one should say well, let me check that
[12/27/2012 06:01:43 UTC] pathfinder: oh hang on, its not accurate
[12/27/2012 06:01:55 UTC] positronix_: true
[12/27/2012 06:02:09 UTC] positronix_: the public does not uphold its intellegence
[12/27/2012 06:02:49 UTC] pathfinder: i wont apologise for someone who has some kind of theory, especially on race, who CLEARLY hasnt read ANYTHING scientific on the subject, and comes out with an analogy as misguided and disgrafeully illogical as breeds of dog
[12/27/2012 06:03:22 UTC] x_: Pathfinder, honestly, who shoved a stick up your ass
[12/27/2012 06:03:30 UTC] pathfinder: racists did
[12/27/2012 06:03:32 UTC] pathfinder: for years
[12/27/2012 06:03:52 UTC] pathfinder: and ad hominem arguments don't work with me
[12/27/2012 06:04:14 UTC] pathfinder: logical fallacies will be called out as they are seen
[12/27/2012 06:04:46 UTC] positronix_: equallity is long over due
[12/27/2012 06:04:55 UTC] positronix_: lets fuck the diffeence away
[12/27/2012 06:05:10 UTC] Shaggy: hehe
[12/27/2012 06:05:14 UTC] positronix_: then spaceships
[12/27/2012 06:05:50 UTC] x: Pathfinder, your dirty nigger ancestors sucked white dick to avoid getting whipped to death
[12/27/2012 06:05:54 UTC] x: How's that for racism
[12/27/2012 06:06:03 UTC] positronix_: trolling
[12/27/2012 06:06:10 UTC] x: ^
[12/27/2012 06:06:13 UTC] oddlaw: kay
[12/27/2012 06:06:15 UTC] oddlaw: let's all just chilld
[12/27/2012 06:06:18 UTC] oddlaw: chilld out
[12/27/2012 06:06:21 UTC] oddlaw: chill out
[12/27/2012 06:06:25 UTC] Shaggy: ^
[12/27/2012 06:06:25 UTC] Shaggy: .
[12/27/2012 06:06:29 UTC] oddlaw: listen to some massive attack
[12/27/2012 06:06:34 UTC] oddlaw: and stfu
[12/27/2012 06:08:38 UTC] positronix_: mmmmmm
[12/27/2012 06:09:10 UTC] positronix_: nigga wat.
[12/27/2012 06:09:19 UTC] pathfinder: x: never said i was black
[12/27/2012 06:09:23 UTC] pathfinder: i just said my wife was
[12/27/2012 06:09:47 UTC] pathfinder: and youve just removed yourself from ever being considered a level reasonable human being
[12/27/2012 06:09:48 UTC] x: *Pathfinder, your wife's dirty nigger ancestors sucked white dick to avoid getting whipped to death
[12/27/2012 06:09:50 UTC] positronix_: respect for equality knows no race
[12/27/2012 06:09:50 UTC] x: fixed
[12/27/2012 06:10:01 UTC] pathfinder: ive been out of the chanel collating sci research papers in a lift
[12/27/2012 06:10:15 UTC] pathfinder: in order of how hard they rape your theory into oblivion
[12/27/2012 06:10:15 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/27/2012 06:10:32 UTC] pathfinder: in a list*
[12/27/2012 06:10:59 UTC] pathfinder: havent finished yet
[12/27/2012 06:11:07 UTC] pathfinder: theres loads here for you to self educate with
[12/27/2012 06:11:21 UTC] pathfinder: no need to be rude and insulting
[12/27/2012 06:13:44 UTC] pathfinder: this is my fave though
[12/27/2012 06:13:57 UTC] pathfinder: i'll give you the link first
[12/27/2012 06:13:57 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/27/2012 06:14:42 UTC] CharlieWong: [ 302 Found ]
[12/27/2012 06:15:14 UTC] pathfinder: Race Differences in Intelligence: a Global Perspective
[12/27/2012 06:15:14 UTC] pathfinder: Richard Lynn
[12/27/2012 06:15:14 UTC] pathfinder: University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland
[12/27/2012 06:15:14 UTC] pathfinder: THE MANKIND QUARTERLY, V31:3, Spring 1991, 255-296.
[12/27/2012 06:15:19 UTC] pathfinder: thats another
[12/27/2012 06:16:01 UTC] Kryyptyk: whos good with law
[12/27/2012 06:16:22 UTC] oddlaw: which law
[12/27/2012 06:16:30 UTC] Kryyptyk: US
[12/27/2012 06:16:51 UTC] pathfinder: x: heres my FAVE QUOTE from one of the papers
[12/27/2012 06:16:56 UTC] pathfinder: No gene has yet been conclusively linked to intelligence, so attempts to provide a compelling genetic link of race to intelligence are not feasible at this time. The authors also show that heritability, a behaviorgenetic concept, is inadequate in regard to providing such a link.
[12/27/2012 06:17:18 UTC] pathfinder:
[12/27/2012 06:17:24 UTC] pathfinder: thats the link for that paper
[12/27/2012 06:17:38 UTC] oddlaw: all i know is US law sucks
[12/27/2012 06:17:47 UTC] Kryyptyk: lolz
[12/27/2012 06:18:22 UTC] CharlieWong: [ 302 Found ]
[12/27/2012 06:18:27 UTC] Kryyptyk: have serious problem here tho
[12/27/2012 07:08:17 UTC] oddlaw: eh
[12/27/2012 07:08:30 UTC] oddlaw: what op u talkin bout facebook
[12/27/2012 07:09:24 UTC] facebook: you guys have anything worth talking about? I dont feel like dropping key words.
[12/29/2012 05:15:13 UTC] mos6502: aussi: pénis
[12/29/2012 05:15:58 UTC] Derpina: FedBot on #anondk #nippon #projectpm #help #OpIsrael #opnewblood #paranoia #anonplus #feds #OpTrapWire +#opdeclaration &#Batcave #AntiSec #freeanons #media #globalrevolution #debate #optyler #OpAnonRevival #malsec #anonet +#opfreeassange #ChilloutLounge #anonplusradio #opfuckharper #opwcit @#francophone #PLF #code
[12/29/2012 05:16:13 UTC] voxanon357: I awaited the famous tyler, nobody knows nobody knows, damage
[12/29/2012 05:21:25 UTC] Anony_Ops[65]: yo I need some computer help,
[12/29/2012 05:21:32 UTC] pathfinder: !mute FedBot
[12/29/2012 05:21:44 UTC] pathfinder: oops
[12/29/2012 05:21:47 UTC] pathfinder: sorry fedbot
[12/29/2012 05:23:02 UTC] pathfinder: anony_ops
[12/29/2012 05:23:10 UTC] pathfinder: this is not microsoft help pages
[12/29/2012 05:23:25 UTC] pathfinder: !unban FedBot
[12/29/2012 05:23:33 UTC] pathfinder: lets see if he returns
[12/29/2012 05:23:37 UTC] Anony_Ops[65]: Yea I know but I was just asking for help
[12/29/2012 05:23:42 UTC] Derpina: uhh hes already here
[12/29/2012 05:23:50 UTC] Derpina: * FedBot (FedBot@voxanon-l03.gd7.lsbihs.IP) has joined #voxanon
[12/29/2012 05:24:00 UTC] pathfinder: ohoho
[12/29/2012 05:24:06 UTC] pathfinder: didnt notice he was back
[12/29/2012 05:24:18 UTC] Derpina: !up
[12/29/2012 05:24:20 UTC] Anony_Ops[65]: thanks anyway
[12/29/2012 05:24:25 UTC] pathfinder: !kb FedBot
[12/30/2012 06:56:19 UTC] Derpina: It was mostly staffed by current/former CIA
[12/30/2012 06:56:20 UTC] pathfinder: as in
[12/30/2012 06:56:24 UTC] pathfinder: yes thats what ive read
[12/30/2012 06:56:37 UTC] Derpina: ok so not 'miltiary' officially
[12/30/2012 06:56:38 UTC] __A: heh, nothing new there but think about that for a mo
[12/30/2012 06:56:43 UTC] Derpina: but gov run nonetheless
[12/30/2012 06:56:43 UTC] pathfinder: so i should have written it wasn't?
[12/30/2012 06:56:49 UTC] __A: what does the cia have abundance of?
[12/30/2012 06:56:56 UTC] pathfinder: butthurt
[12/30/2012 06:57:05 UTC] Derpina: cocaine
[12/30/2012 06:57:10 UTC] __A: =)
[12/30/2012 06:57:12 UTC] __A: like it
[12/30/2012 06:57:14 UTC] __A: yep
[12/30/2012 06:57:24 UTC] __A: top tech
[12/30/2012 06:57:39 UTC] pathfinder: Cocaine Insufflation: Authorised
[12/30/2012 06:57:41 UTC] __A: black projects live in the academic world, ask the profs
[12/30/2012 06:57:47 UTC] Derpina: then generally have stealthier shit then the military
[12/30/2012 06:57:54 UTC] Derpina: like heart attack darts
[12/30/2012 06:58:02 UTC] Derpina: or briefcase machineguns
[12/30/2012 06:59:43 UTC] Derpina: As a result of a successful, DHS-funded pilot deployment to sites in Washington, DC and Seattle, TrapWire received SAFETY Act designation in January 2012 from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The TrapWire Surveillance Detection and Threat Analysis System has been designated a Qualified Anti-Terrorism Technology (QATT).
[12/30/2012 07:00:07 UTC] __A: yeah, good good but look at the dates
[12/30/2012 07:00:10 UTC] Derpina: Now that people know about it they are certiftying it out the ass
[12/30/2012 07:00:17 UTC] __A: now look at what was possible in 1986
[12/30/2012 07:00:24 UTC] __A: or 1970 for that matter
[12/30/2012 07:00:48 UTC] __A: you only have to look at the banking systems to see the complexity of the algorythm they were using back then. is that not ai
[12/30/2012 07:01:00 UTC] Derpina: We didnt have video conferencing or the encryption algos we have now in 1970
[12/30/2012 07:01:17 UTC] __A: we did
[12/30/2012 07:01:46 UTC] __A: Des is as old as i am
[12/30/2012 07:01:48 UTC] Derpina: We didnt even have public networks in 1970
[12/30/2012 07:02:01 UTC] __A: nah we didn't but they did
[12/30/2012 07:02:21 UTC] Derpina: all were a rarity
[12/30/2012 07:02:21 UTC] __A: early days of the cold war my friend
[12/30/2012 07:02:35 UTC] __A: for people like me and you yes
[12/30/2012 07:02:47 UTC] Derpina: well its us they are trying to monitor the fuck out of
[12/30/2012 07:03:04 UTC] Derpina: if your serving a militray, i expect people to be curious to wtf you are doing
[12/30/2012 07:03:13 UTC] Derpina: and rightfully so
[12/30/2012 07:03:45 UTC] __A: goes with the territory methinks
[12/30/2012 07:04:17 UTC] __A: I mean, in europe hey have that HTS system
[12/30/2012 07:04:33 UTC] __A: they*
[12/30/2012 07:04:54 UTC] __A: I can predict bad behavious somewhat
[12/30/2012 07:04:57 UTC] __A: it*
[12/30/2012 07:05:11 UTC] __A: sorry, my typings shit
[12/30/2012 07:05:33 UTC] stabwound: i recently had this massive bleeding abscess removed from my infectious colon
[12/30/2012 07:05:54 UTC] Ionesco: :S
[12/30/2012 07:06:15 UTC] anondash: !staff
[12/31/2012 01:32:11 UTC] WhskyTangoFox_: not the right approach for negotations
[12/31/2012 01:35:08 UTC] galaxylulz: h <3
[12/31/2012 01:36:12 UTC] h: :)
[12/31/2012 01:36:56 UTC] lolno: ops or ddos
[12/31/2012 01:37:20 UTC] galaxylulz: blunt has been rolled
[12/31/2012 01:37:22 UTC] galaxylulz: fire up
[12/31/2012 01:37:55 UTC] cacahuatl: ddos of the brain.
[12/31/2012 01:38:40 UTC] h: ddos of the vagina
[12/31/2012 01:38:48 UTC] h: several packets of semen
[12/31/2012 01:39:26 UTC] h: lol
[12/31/2012 01:39:34 UTC] lolyes: galaxylulz: so jelly right meow
[12/31/2012 01:39:40 UTC] lolyes: but my opis be kicking in so less and less every second
[12/31/2012 01:41:37 UTC] galaxylulz: lolyes: I have molly and lean on deck
[12/31/2012 01:41:43 UTC] galaxylulz: its just to early
[12/31/2012 01:46:46 UTC] h: lol yes
[12/31/2012 01:47:17 UTC] lolyes: galaxylulz: i be feelin good nao
[12/31/2012 01:47:26 UTC] pathfinder: x: fuck off with your bots, there nothing even discussed in #debate and only your incarnations of that logbot turns up
[12/31/2012 01:47:42 UTC] pathfinder: and i shall ban it every time i see it
[12/31/2012 01:47:50 UTC] pathfinder: in here and any other room i see it in
[12/31/2012 01:47:53 UTC] x: lmao
[12/31/2012 01:47:58 UTC] pathfinder: for teh lulz more than anything else
[12/31/2012 01:48:04 UTC] x: the whole point of the bot being here is just to fuck with people
[12/31/2012 01:48:24 UTC] x: I think you may've missed that point
[12/31/2012 01:48:27 UTC] pathfinder: to fuck with 20 odd rooms
[12/31/2012 01:48:29 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/31/2012 01:48:30 UTC] pathfinder: really
[12/31/2012 01:48:33 UTC] CharlieWong: lol
[12/31/2012 01:49:16 UTC] pathfinder: what made you think it was worth /whois 'ing me and finding that room?
[12/31/2012 01:49:25 UTC] x: I didn't whois you
[12/31/2012 01:49:32 UTC] x: Server shows a list of channels
[12/31/2012 01:49:33 UTC] pathfinder: how did you find #debate then?
[12/31/2012 01:49:38 UTC] pathfinder: yes
[12/31/2012 01:49:42 UTC] pathfinder: but why pick debate
[12/31/2012 01:49:46 UTC] pathfinder: theres no one in there
[12/31/2012 01:49:56 UTC] x: I basically just put it in any room with more than 5 people
[12/31/2012 01:49:58 UTC] pathfinder: you didnt put fedbot in all channels did you
[12/31/2012 01:50:01 UTC] pathfinder: why that one?
[12/31/2012 01:50:15 UTC] x: <x> I basically just put it in any room with more than 5 people
[12/31/2012 01:50:23 UTC] pathfinder: well then
[12/31/2012 01:50:33 UTC] pathfinder: considering this isnt an official network channel
[12/31/2012 01:50:38 UTC] pathfinder: i am free to fuck with you back
[12/31/2012 01:50:40 UTC] pathfinder: and your bot
[12/31/2012 01:50:55 UTC] x: lmao
[12/31/2012 01:51:23 UTC] x: The bot is only even here to fuck with people like you
[12/31/2012 01:51:29 UTC] pathfinder: being butthurt because someone pissed you off isnt my fault
[12/31/2012 01:51:41 UTC] pathfinder: but if you run around logging and pasting
[12/31/2012 01:51:42 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/31/2012 01:51:47 UTC] pathfinder: not around me you wont
[12/31/2012 01:52:17 UTC] pathfinder: i happily ban it with indifference in any room i can do so in
[12/31/2012 01:52:28 UTC] x: Hahaha
[12/31/2012 01:52:31 UTC] h: pathfinder keeping fuckers in their place lol
[12/31/2012 01:52:48 UTC] h: +1
[12/31/2012 01:52:57 UTC] x: Lol, I'm gonna make an auto uploader now, just for you pathfinder
[12/31/2012 01:52:58 UTC] h: i smell +b
[12/31/2012 01:52:58 UTC] x: Hahaha
[12/31/2012 01:53:01 UTC] pathfinder: !kb x!*@*
[12/31/2012 01:53:13 UTC] pathfinder: argh
[12/31/2012 01:53:15 UTC] pathfinder: damn it all
[12/31/2012 01:53:20 UTC] pathfinder: two diff commands in one
[12/31/2012 01:53:22 UTC] mos6502: srry that was pending from friday
[12/31/2012 01:54:14 UTC] h: yeah i tried that with my bot
[12/31/2012 01:54:31 UTC] lolyes: lol did those niggas just kick me outa #chilloutlounge?
[12/31/2012 01:54:45 UTC] h: lol
[12/31/2012 01:54:57 UTC] lolyes: lol
[12/31/2012 01:55:02 UTC] lolyes: what the fucking fuck anon
[12/31/2012 01:55:23 UTC] bunnychicken: lulz
[12/31/2012 01:55:25 UTC] h: butt is hurting
[12/31/2012 01:56:04 UTC] bunnychicken: were you not idling?
[12/31/2012 02:07:28 UTC] lolno: btw
[12/31/2012 02:07:28 UTC] lolno: btw
[12/31/2012 02:07:32 UTC] lolno: WHO CHANGED TOPIC :(
[12/31/2012 02:07:32 UTC] lolno: WHO CHANGED TOPIC :(
[12/31/2012 02:07:38 UTC] lolno: i was doing a poll
[12/31/2012 02:07:38 UTC] lolno: i was doing a poll
[12/31/2012 02:07:44 UTC] lolno: on gay ppl
[12/31/2012 02:07:44 UTC] lolno: on gay ppl
[12/31/2012 02:07:47 UTC] lolno: and if its ok to be gay
[12/31/2012 02:07:47 UTC] lolno: and if its ok to be gay
[12/31/2012 02:07:56 UTC] lolno: we obv know its ok to be gay if ur a girl
[12/31/2012 02:07:56 UTC] lolno: we obv know its ok to be gay if ur a girl
[12/31/2012 02:08:03 UTC] lolno: but ........
[12/31/2012 02:08:04 UTC] lolno: but ........
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] anoun: lolno: i wonder what wbc would answer on that poll
[12/31/2012 02:10:38 UTC] anoun: lolno: i wonder what wbc would answer on that poll
[12/31/2012 02:10:58 UTC] lolno: they would say: its only okay to be gay if ur screwing jesus
[12/31/2012 02:10:58 UTC] lolno: they would say: its only okay to be gay if ur screwing jesus
[12/31/2012 02:13:39 UTC] pathfinder: getting gay for jesus
[12/31/2012 02:13:39 UTC] pathfinder: getting gay for jesus
[12/31/2012 02:17:42 UTC] galaxylulz: why bang h when you can bang jesus?
[12/31/2012 02:17:42 UTC] galaxylulz: why bang h when you can bang jesus?
[12/31/2012 02:18:25 UTC] cacahuatl: Jesus has 4 extra holes to bang too, and they're tight!
[12/31/2012 02:18:25 UTC] cacahuatl: Jesus has 4 extra holes to bang too, and they're tight!
[12/31/2012 02:21:07 UTC] pathfinder: lolno: it's okay to be gay, unless you are brainwashed into thinking otherwise by the ignorant or bigoted
[12/31/2012 02:21:07 UTC] pathfinder: lolno: it's okay to be gay, unless you are brainwashed into thinking otherwise by the ignorant or bigoted
[12/31/2012 02:21:11 UTC] pathfinder: thats the poll findings
[12/31/2012 02:21:11 UTC] pathfinder: thats the poll findings
[12/31/2012 02:21:26 UTC] lolno: wrong
[12/31/2012 02:21:26 UTC] lolno: wrong
[12/31/2012 02:21:28 UTC] pathfinder: so to not be okay with being gay is to admit to ignorance or bigotry
[12/31/2012 02:21:28 UTC] pathfinder: so to not be okay with being gay is to admit to ignorance or bigotry
[12/31/2012 02:21:29 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/31/2012 02:21:29 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/31/2012 02:21:34 UTC] lolno: its ok to be gay unless ur male
[12/31/2012 02:21:34 UTC] lolno: its ok to be gay unless ur male
[12/31/2012 02:21:49 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/31/2012 02:21:49 UTC] pathfinder: well
[12/31/2012 02:22:00 UTC] mos6502: I'm not gay but I WILL let you suck my cock
[12/31/2012 02:22:00 UTC] mos6502: I'm not gay but I WILL let you suck my cock
[12/31/2012 02:22:03 UTC] pathfinder: no balls are touching in here
[12/31/2012 02:22:03 UTC] pathfinder: no balls are touching in here
[12/31/2012 02:22:17 UTC] pathfinder: a mouth is a mouth do you say?
[12/31/2012 02:22:17 UTC] pathfinder: a mouth is a mouth do you say?
[12/31/2012 02:22:38 UTC] lolno: female + female is approved
[12/31/2012 02:22:38 UTC] lolno: female + female is approved
[12/31/2012 02:22:47 UTC] lolno: male + male is SICK
[12/31/2012 02:22:47 UTC] lolno: male + male is SICK
[12/31/2012 02:23:07 UTC] gaishan: ............
[12/31/2012 02:23:07 UTC] gaishan: ............
[12/31/2012 02:23:16 UTC] mos6502: meh
[12/31/2012 02:23:17 UTC] mos6502: meh
[12/31/2012 02:23:25 UTC] mos6502: I ain't afraid of cocks
[12/31/2012 02:23:25 UTC] mos6502: I ain't afraid of cocks
[12/31/2012 02:23:46 UTC] lolno: gaishan: its trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[12/31/2012 02:23:46 UTC] lolno: gaishan: its trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[12/31/2012 02:23:47 UTC] lolno: :(
[12/31/2012 02:23:47 UTC] lolno: :(
[12/31/2012 02:23:49 UTC] lolno: and u know it
[12/31/2012 02:23:49 UTC] lolno: and u know it
[12/31/2012 02:23:51 UTC] pathfinder: hwat about male/female TS + Female/male TS?
[12/31/2012 02:23:51 UTC] pathfinder: hwat about male/female TS + Female/male TS?
[12/31/2012 02:23:56 UTC] gaishan: i got no problem with it
[12/31/2012 02:23:56 UTC] gaishan: i got no problem with it
[12/31/2012 02:24:13 UTC] lolno: god has
[12/31/2012 02:24:13 UTC] lolno: god has
[12/31/2012 02:24:15 UTC] lolno: he told me
[12/31/2012 02:24:15 UTC] lolno: he told me
[12/31/2012 02:24:23 UTC] pathfinder: theres both forms of homosexuality AND heterosexuality in that equation
[12/31/2012 02:24:23 UTC] pathfinder: theres both forms of homosexuality AND heterosexuality in that equation
[12/31/2012 02:24:26 UTC] pathfinder: bam
[12/31/2012 02:24:26 UTC] pathfinder: bam
[12/31/2012 02:24:31 UTC] pathfinder: broke your paradigm
[12/31/2012 02:24:31 UTC] pathfinder: broke your paradigm
[12/31/2012 02:24:53 UTC] lolno: your point is invalid
[12/31/2012 02:24:53 UTC] lolno: your point is invalid
[12/31/2012 02:24:57 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/31/2012 02:24:57 UTC] pathfinder: lol
[12/31/2012 02:25:01 UTC] mos6502: as long as I get my penis touched...
[12/31/2012 02:25:01 UTC] mos6502: as long as I get my penis touched...
[12/31/2012 02:25:06 UTC] mos6502: it is all good
[12/31/2012 02:25:06 UTC] mos6502: it is all good
[12/31/2012 02:25:30 UTC] lolno: so what would u do if for example bill o'reilly wanted to touch ur penis ?
[12/31/2012 02:25:30 UTC] lolno: so what would u do if for example bill o'reilly wanted to touch ur penis ?
[12/31/2012 02:25:35 UTC] lolno: u'd let him ?
[12/31/2012 02:25:35 UTC] lolno: u'd let him ?
[12/31/2012 02:25:35 UTC] pathfinder: so wait, who doesn't know about EFnet in here?
[12/31/2012 02:25:35 UTC] pathfinder: so wait, who doesn't know about EFnet in here?
[12/31/2012 02:25:40 UTC] mos6502: I would break that shit off in his ass
[12/31/2012 02:25:41 UTC] mos6502: I would break that shit off in his ass
[12/31/2012 02:25:46 UTC] lolno: whats efnet ? some pornonetwork ?
[12/31/2012 02:25:46 UTC] lolno: whats efnet ? some pornonetwork ?
[12/31/2012 02:25:58 UTC] mos6502: and sell the sextape
[12/31/2012 02:25:58 UTC] mos6502: and sell the sextape
[12/31/2012 02:26:05 UTC] pathfinder: and who is crying about the #voxanon not being OFFICIAL CHANNEL?
[12/31/2012 02:26:05 UTC] pathfinder: and who is crying about the #voxanon not being OFFICIAL CHANNEL?
[12/31/2012 02:26:19 UTC] lolno: tards obv
[12/31/2012 02:26:19 UTC] lolno: tards obv
[12/31/2012 02:26:25 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/31/2012 02:26:25 UTC] pathfinder: ahh
[12/31/2012 02:26:27 UTC] pathfinder: wrong room
[12/31/2012 02:26:27 UTC] pathfinder: wrong room
[12/31/2012 02:28:02 UTC] voxanon023: LOL
[12/31/2012 02:28:02 UTC] voxanon023: LOL
[12/31/2012 02:28:59 UTC] voxanon023: ?
[12/31/2012 02:28:59 UTC] voxanon023: ?
[12/31/2012 02:30:44 UTC] voxanon023: Talk things interesting: D
[12/31/2012 02:30:44 UTC] voxanon023: Talk things interesting: D
[12/31/2012 02:34:17 UTC] galaxylulz: swag
[12/31/2012 02:34:17 UTC] galaxylulz: swag
[12/31/2012 02:34:19 UTC] galaxylulz: is pretty
[12/31/2012 02:34:19 UTC] galaxylulz: is pretty
[12/31/2012 02:34:27 UTC] galaxylulz: interesting
[12/31/2012 02:34:27 UTC] galaxylulz: interesting
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