As many know, I’ve spent the last couple of years in the vulnerability management world- at least what we generally accept as “vulnerability management”. Although I think what we do at my “day job” (what a quaint concept, “day job”) is stellar, there is a hole in vulnerability management- vulnerability management for applications from a code review and process management perspective. Known and published application vulnerabilities are part of a mature vulnerability management programs, but what about the results of internal and external code review and testing- how do you manage disparate data sources on vulnerabilities in your organizations code? How do you share that information, and get the right information to the right people- in the format they want? How do you leverage the information as quickly and effectively as possible? For many people, I assume a kludge of ticketing and bugtracking tools are used, probably with a few spreadsheets tossed into connect dots that the tools don’t support.
Enter the good folks at Denim Group, they have created ThreadFix an Open Source “application vulnerability management platform”.
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