OSX/Pintsized Backdoor Additional Details
In complement to my blog post regarding Facebook, Twitter and Apple victims of a watering hole attacks, you will find here under some additional informations regarding OSX/Pintsized, the backdoor used to in these attacks.
OSX/Pintsized backdoor was initially described by Intego, the 19 February, with some details. At the time of Intego post, all of the C&C components were sinkholed to Shadowserver. The backdoor was composed of clear text reverse shell perl scripts, executed a regular interval, and by a forked version of OpenSSH named “cupsd“. A RSA key was embedded in the forked OpenSSH, reported domain name of C&C was “corp-aapl.com” and reported file names were:
cupsd (Mach-O binary)
F-Secure also reported, the 19 February, some additional C&C servers “cloudbox-storage.com” and “digitalinsight-ltd.com“. Symantec reported some additional details on the C&C domain names “cache.cloudbox-storage.com“, “img.digitalinsight-ltd.com” and “pop.digitalinsight-ltd.com“, and also reported the storage location of the forked version of OpenSSH “/Users/[USER NAME]/.cups/cupsd“.
By doing an analysis of OSX/Pintsized I can provide the following additional informations:
read more.........http://eromang.zataz.com/2013/03/24/osx-pintsized-backdoor-additional-details/