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Attacks On S American Entities Continue To Proliferate- Here Is The Latest Exploit of Brazilian Site Alcides Maya Technology Educational Institution (Leak)

A group calling themselves the Brazilian Army has continued to breach websites all over Brazil and in some cases other parts of South America. Since this is one of the few regions around the world that is actually seeing some decent economic growth many attackers find it ripe for exploitation. As always this information is for educational purposes. We show these compromised systems so that you understand the current threat environment that surrounds us everyday and how significant it is to take the appropriate countermeasures to safeguard your critical data no matter what size your organization is as well as your individual data driven devices. Below is POC of the  www.alcidesmaya.com.br Exploit .Again as always be proactive not reactive in safeguarding your critical data and stay safe out there. Subsequently as you are aware this blog is provided to the public to offer education in the area of IT security, creating awareness and increasing collaboration so you can implement the appropriate countermeasures such as those described in ISO13335 to prevent yourselves from becoming victims in the current threat environment,

The Breach is provided below as I will continue to monitor the net to safeguard systems and individuals critical data. Additionally this information is provided to our readers as an addendum to the California Database Security Breach Act. Please do your part in helping to inform those who have been exploited as you would want others to notify you if your critical data had been compromised. Karma!

# WebSite Hacked Brazilian Cyber Army
# https://twitter.com/TeamBCA

                       www.alcidesmaya.com.br Breached By Brazilian Cyber Army

Host: http://www.alcidesmaya.com.br/
Host IP:

### alcidesm_2010 ###

Table Name Columns

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Table Name Columns

######## alcidesm_atendimento ###########

Table Name Columns
atendimento id_atendimento nome email telefone cpf data operador situacao online onlineoperador ip
atendimentoconversa id_conversa atendimento datahora mensagem origem
operador id_operador nome usuario senha online ativo


Wp_users Dump



Operador ID , Name , Password , Login .

id_operador nome usuario senha ativo
1 Viviana Maria Kosloski kosloski f7ea712e1b55a90de175172101d86f20 S
2 Kelen Almeida Crispim kelen 5f6dd896bf30d7b1acb1c72c7ef63210 N
3 Shauana Demetrio Nold shauana 04e44d91821ae681e4519db5ae1f3e72 N
4 Maria Alice Cruz Martins maria_alice 5bbe28199d9c56e6fb2b1f79b7192e61 S
5 daniela_scott b3624e1868c06427155d7f1dc09c422f N
6 JULIANA CRISTINA DUARTE juliana_duarte 192309aaddc500140db28668e1bbd8b5 S
7 Deise silvana Oss-Emer Dal Ross deise 734feca82a1516ee4a5d9774576982c0 N
8 Luciana Franco lfranco ec8f44022ee0292f160fc55c0807c496 S
9 JULIANA CAMARATTA SANTOS juliana_camaratta e83e630774ff5a2d472b4fddbfa31343 N
10 Anderson Ceresa aceresa 3da3c5074acaca2dc460227a1bedcc13 S
11 evelyn_camara 63f212ca5d9787654ef31bc7f1cc3055 N
12 RITA DE CASSIA HAUSSEN rita_haussen e11fd1fac4febf388e9f517a59b8c3a9 N
13 FRANCIELLE PINTO BRITO francielle_brito 25d55ad283aa400af464c76d713c07ad N
14 NATASHA DE OLIVEIRA natasha_oliveira bc062b5ecbff1d6b6b2b291d0d8f83be N
15 MARIELLY COSTA DA CRUZ marielly_cruz 110eff7d40a3779f4513c1be6f8fffcf N
16 mari fe97e5296850c2dd9279b95644422b32 S
17 GRAZIELE FERNANDA BOITA graziele_boita 07825812126ddc5c31ecbac5854df209 N
18 BRUNA MAXWELL DA CONCEI bruna_conceicao 2a31104f022dc41c6f286a3676f727c3 S
19 GABRIELA SILVEIRA TAVARES gabriela_tavares 437b930db84b8079c2dd804a71936b5f S
20 CASSIA DE AVELLAR BERZAGUI cassia_berzagui 130c7d1ed3539a48996bcada0d468d5a S
21 ELIEZER VARGAS eliezer_vargas bd9e4cec79c2a736932d1d723a2c58f8 N
22 JENIFER ROLDAO COIRO jenifer_coiro 97949a1d71d765f34993ab5cebc96b9b S
23 JEOVANI OLIVEIRA DE SOUZA jeovani_souza 1078703742ff0577984f13c025cf2956 S
24 LETICIA LEIVAS MIRO leticia_miro 47114a3d1cd22455431eb5ff421b5d1d S


Others Vulnerability

Cross Site Scripting ( XSS )


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Contato ? brazilliancyberarmy@gmail.com

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