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Inventionconcepts dot Com Breached Via SQLi (Leak)


As always this information is for educational purposes. We show these compromised systems so that you understand the current threat environment that surrounds us everyday and how significant it is to take the appropriate countermeasures to safeguard your critical data no matter what size your organization is as well as your individual data driven devices. Below is POC of the Exploit. Again as always be proactive not reactive in safeguarding your critical data and stay safe out there. Subsequently as you are aware this blog is provided to the public to offer education in the area of IT security, creating awareness and increasing collaboration so you can implement the appropriate countermeasures such as those described in ISO13335 to prevent yourselves from becoming victims in the current threat environment,

The Breach is provided below as I will continue to monitor the net to safeguard systems and individuals critical data as they should be made aware that their critical info has been leaked in order to protect themselves further. Additionally this information is provided to our readers as an addendum to the California Database Security Breach Act. Please do your part in helping to inform those who have been exploited as you would want others to notify you if your critical data had been compromised. Karma!

#0p3ng4t3 cr3w Leaked By > @ag3nt47 < @E299A5 @Exp3l_

| email                             | fname | ip            | level | lname    | message         | password | stamp               | uid                | url                         | username |

| toka@webbart.com                  | ken   | NULL          | 1     | carginan | NULL            | toka     | 2006-05-10 01:20:01 | USR1147245601-1143 | NULL                        | ken      |
| test@webbart.com                  | test  | NULL          | 1     | test     | NULL            | test     | 2006-05-10 01:47:18 | USR1147247238-5623 | NULL                        | test     |
| james@multimediums.com            | James | | 1     | Webb     | NULL            | icky12   | 2006-01-02 21:04:43 | USR1135075670-3309 | /user/index.php?pid=mr_kwan | james    |
| denis.ruzsa@inventionconcepts.com | Denis |   | 10    | Ruzsa    | Hello neighbor! | pardus   | 2006-01-03 05:28:39 | USR1136284119-3308 | /admin/                     | admin    |
| demo@user.com                     | Demo  |   | 1     | User     | NULL            | password | 2006-01-02 21:04:00 | USR1136253840-2237 | NULL                        | demo     |
NULL,james@multimediums.com,MSG1153696088-8421,test,444,test,2006-07-23 17:08:10
NULL,jmhd30@msn.com,MSG1150855549-6026,"I Have about 4 ideas that I want to put into reality and market and sell. I need informartion about your company and the protection and disclosures that you provide to protect my idea and myself and how it works to get these ideas started and produced. I would love to be able to make mtyself and a strong company money.
",Jonathan McKinney,New brand Concepts,2006-07-23 17:06:23
NULL,NULL,MSG1153698213-8332,NULL,bob,NULL,2006-07-23 17:43:36
NULL,NULL,MSG1153698288-8048,NULL,bob,NULL,2006-07-23 17:44:54
NULL,ooo,MSG1153703506-7428,kljlkj,bob,oooo,2006-07-23 19:11:55
NULL,kjh,MSG1153705142-5337,kjh,kjhkjh,kjh,2006-07-23 19:39:08
NULL,james@multimediums.com,MSG1153705519-8060,Checking the message response.,cat,Test,2006-07-23 19:45:47
NULL,james@multimediums.com,MSG1153705581-3650,Checking the message response.,cat,Test,2006-07-23 19:46:24
NULL,terry@inventionconcepts.com,MSG1153705652-8847,We need a new test subject for out latest diabolical plan.,Terry,Test subject,2006-07-23 19:48:04
NULL,james@multimediums.com,MSG1153705793-8519,Checking the message response.,cat,Test,2006-07-23 19:49:56
NULL,NULL,MSG1153705812-9327,NULL,NULL,NULL,2006-07-23 19:50:15

asfd",kkk,k,2006-07-23 19:51:48

asfd",kkk,k,2006-07-23 19:53:55
NULL,k,MSG1153706161-3619,NULL,kkk,k,2006-07-23 19:56:07
NULL,k,MSG1153706161-3619,NULL,kkk,k,2006-07-23 19:56:32
NULL,james.webb@gmail.com,MSG1153706955-3456,This is just a sample message.,James Webb,Test Subject for Contact form,2006-07-23 20:09:49
NULL,james.webb@gmail.com,MSG1153706955-3456,This is just a sample message.,James Webb,Test Subject for Contact form,2006-07-23 20:12:28
NULL,james.webb@gmail.com,MSG1153707249-3007,"Hi Denis...
This message was sent to you from your web site.  It did work before but had some problems, for example it wasn't sending you a notification email.  There is also a single message in the database that I don't think you received.  I will send it to you manually.",Mighty Joe Young,Test from contact form on inventionconcepts.com,2006-07-23 20:16:46
NULL,james.webb@gmail.com,MSG1153707462-9398,"Hi Denis...
This message was sent to you from your web site.  It did work before but had some problems, for example it wasn't sending you a notification email.  There is also a single message in the database that I don't think you received.  I will send it to you manually.",Mighty Joe Young,2nd Test from contact form on inventionconcepts.com,2006-07-23 20:17:53
NULL,james@multimediums.com,MSG1153715738-1565,"test for leaner code version
",james webb,test email,2006-07-23 22:37:02
NULL,ruzsakids@qwest.net,MSG1154548567-9926,I love the website!!!!! OH!! I typed in invention concepts on google and it was the first website to pop up!! Exciting!!,Hana,Cool website,2006-08-02 13:57:22
NULL,ruzsakids@qwest.net,MSG1154548694-2850,"i totally love your wedsite mister, I love the moonshine machine in the background!",Molly Johsifat Turdburger the third,this website rocks!,2006-08-02 14:00:31
NULL,ruzsakids@qwest.net,MSG1154549120-2912,"yea, most of the hyperlinks in the paragraphs don't work... however, the invention list link works in the paragraph but it doesn't work in the drop-down menu.....",Hana,errors papa,2006-08-02 14:06:38
NULL,james.webb@gmail.com,MSG1154601649-5655,"will be staying home from work tomorrow, will be working on IC and Solar Breeze.  talk to  you soon.",james,ic fixes,2006-08-03 04:41:41
NULL,bayngroup@yahoo.com,MSG1161295840-8440,We are interested in a licendimg of this invetion.,Baynuna Aviation Technlogies,Micro Reactive Armor,2006-10-19 16:12:48
NULL,mike.petrie@sympatico.ca,MSG1162617640-1685," WHERE IS YOUR LOCATION, ADDRESS, PHONE, STAFF, ETC AND HOW DO YOU GET PAID FOR YOUR SERVICES, HOW MUCH ,A % OF LICENSED INVENTION ?",mike petrie,INFO,2006-11-04 00:25:44
NULL,ruzsa@qwest.net,MSG1164634900-4692,i am in china,denis,chia,2006-11-27 08:42:46
NULL,PETEYMOSLEY@COMCAST.NET,MSG1164868752-3934,"Petey L. Mosley
905 Chaqueta Court
Smyrna, TN  37167
(615) 220-4991

I’m an inventor with many new improvement  ideals and concepts that I believe will launch your company  into that new  phase of  advancements.  I currently hold pattens on several items and would like to meet with you research and development team to impart some ideals that will prove beneficial  for all parts involved.

Look forward to meeting with you in the near further, thanks in advance. ",Petey L. Mosley,New Inventions Concepts and Ideals,2006-11-30 01:41:53
NULL,ruzsa@qwest.net,MSG1167689135-3782,NULL,Denis L Ruzsa,NULL,2007-01-01 17:06:20
NULL,fargo_beltings@yahoo.com,MSG1174385653-5519,"Dear Sir,
         We are interested in buying the Unvulcanized
         Rubber Scrap from you in any quantity.Please reply
         us soon about its availability,Waiting.
         Thanks & Regards
         Akhtar Shafi
         Fargo Belting Co.
         31 Badar centre 86 railway Road Lahore
         Tel: 92 42 7634500
         Fax: 92 42 7635536
         Mobile: 92 321 9422625
         Email : Fargo_beltings@yahoo.com
",Akhter Shafi,unvulcanized rubber compound,2007-03-20 05:17:09
NULL,burchfield.stephanie@gmail.com,MSG1174436978-3092,"I own a boutique public relations firm here in the Valley.  I saw an ad for your Solar-Breeze product and thought I would contact you.  If you are interested in expanding the marketing of your inventors' products or in starting a public relations program to get the word out, please give me a call at 480-460-4111.  I'm always interested in new products with media value, as the products I represent are primarily publicized, not advertised.
Best regards,
Stephanie Burchfield
Burchfield & Wolin Public Relations",Stephanie Burchfield,Public Relations,2007-03-20 19:34:09
NULL,Guy@tgpoolservices.com,MSG1175797939-6151,My wiffe and I have several inventions in mind that we have not set in motion.  We do have one being manufactured right now but we are not happy with the company we are wokring with. Can you please contact us at your earliest convenience? Guy at 602-290-5222 and Konstantina at 949-293-7229. Thank you.,GUY VAIASICCA,Inventions,2007-04-05 12:34:04
NULL,bradberrycorner@tds.net,MSG1176740674-7044,Where are you located? and what state are you in ?,NANCY SPANG,where are you located in what state?,2007-04-16 10:25:45
NULL,lgray99@sprintpcs.com,MSG1178045540-9700,cant login err=pw,lgray,password,2007-05-01 12:53:06
NULL,Castof5@aol.com,MSG1180625793-2991,"Yes I summited an Idea and wanted to know what your panals thoughts were it was called Infant Bath and Rinse Water by the Gal., let me know I summited through the Davison Inventegration group on5/28/07 i havent receied a response as of yet",Phillip Castorena,Summited invention,2007-05-31 09:40:26
NULL,brucemonforte@msn.com,MSG1180669982-7329,"we have a u. s. patient product need manufacture, distributor as quickly as possible this product will blow the doors off the market no doubt if interested contact me as soon as possible",BRUCE MONFORTE,invention,2007-05-31 21:56:14
NULL,ruzsakids@qwest.net,MSG1182675671-2805,oh poo!!!,autumn ruzsa,NULL,2007-06-24 03:02:17
NULL,ruzsakids@qwest.net,MSG1182675780-9099,oh poo!! why doesnt this work? ,me again,NULL,2007-06-24 03:09:53
NULL,brutus502001@yahoo.com,MSG1183871019-4746,My ex father-in-law and I have and invention that is already working and just waiting for the patent. We have it built and in a home and is something that every home will need. Please contact me and i will explain in more detail. Thanks Mark Blackwell,Mark Blackwell,Invention already built,2007-07-07 23:07:36
NULL,www.jsims22@norus.jnj.com,MSG1185833442-8245,"I would like more information about your company. I am an inventor that have a innovative invention, with working prototype and provisional patent. I would like to know how your company can help me market this product before companies.

Thanks, John Sims
(706) 207-5047",John Sims,Inventions,2007-07-30 16:12:58
NULL,james@ryley.com,MSG1186119643-3946,"I saw your page at http://inventionconcepts.com/ and wanted to suggest a resrouce to add: http://www.FreePatentsOnline.com.  This site allows free patent searching, free PDF downloading, free alerts, and more.  It is a good resource for IP attorneys, patent searchers, scientific researchers, students, and small businesses.",james ryley,free patent searching site,2007-08-02 23:41:27
NULL,snatr@msn.com,MSG1188971086-6347,"I had submitted an idea to your site a while back and have never recieved any kind of response.
The idea was for a remote control that automatically adjusted the volume on a television set.
I just wanted to make sure you guys were legit.
Thanks, Gary.",Gary Peters,idea submission,2007-09-04 23:47:56
NULL,www.jsims22@norus.jnj.com,MSG1189016088-8468,"I have submitted a video and provisional patent information about the E-Z Pedal invention. You can contact me at jsims22@norus.jnj.com or  call (706) 207-5047.

Thanks, John Sims",John Sims,E-Z Pedal,2007-09-05 12:18:05
NULL,jhgauche@yahoo.com,MSG1190274697-8268,NULL,Jokkie Gauché,Overhead traffic lane alarm and information layout,2007-09-20 01:53:48
NULL,jhgauche@yahoo.com,MSG1190275028-1016,"A plastic covered electric cord with a sticky surface on one or more sides, which is covered with a tape to protect the sticky surface from contact before application. The tape is removed to open up the sticky surface before the Sticky-tape is mounted into positiom",Jokkie Gauché,Sticky-cord,2007-09-20 02:03:12
NULL,jhgauche@yahoo.com,MSG1190275477-1810,"The invention use a sticky tape to hold the electric wires in the manufacturing prosses of electric harnesses for the automotive, aviation, electronic, machinery, boat and building industries.
I want to sell the patent.",Jokkie Gauché,Sticky-wire-tape-harness,2007-09-20 02:09:47
NULL,hr.traylor@hotmail.com,MSG1190853472-7003,"i have a working invention, i would like to get it patented, i would like you to help me either get it patented, OR  sell it outright to manufacturers who would do business with places like Home Depot-Lows-Ace Hrdware or any Home building centers that people go to, who want to make a giant expensive project easy for a self doer and inexpensive and quick, But! Would be as efficient and as strong as if a contractor had done it!!! i really would like to just sell it outright, i really dont want to patent it if possible, but i know it works, and everyone who sees it is using it, and its my invention, and its catching on, and i would like to do something before its to late!! can you help me ?  thankyou!!my tele no. is 707-464-2514  i would like to get about 500,000.00 for it and cut it loose to someone else!! thankyou!",mike,invention,2007-09-26 18:44:48
NULL,chad.nunez@gmail.com,MSG1197600476-5589,"Good morning.

Do you manufacture Printed Circuit Boards for small scale enterprises here in the Philippines?",Richard Nunez,PCB manufacturing in the Philippines,2007-12-13 20:50:59
NULL,david.prosser@flexcell.com,MSG1199719710-8186,"Attention Mr. Denis Ruzsa

Dear Sir,

I recently came across your Solar Breeze invention and seeing it to be powered by Solar Modules, I have contacted you to see
whether you would be interested in using our lightwheight flexible solar modules  in this invention.

If this could be of interest to you, please have a look at our website www.flexcell.com and if you have further interest, please contact me on the above e-mail.

Best regards,

David Prosser
Key Account Manager",David Prosser,Solar Panels for Solar Breeze,2008-01-07 09:34:56
NULL,jason.parkinson@cbsoutdoor.com,MSG1200068959-7869,"To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to see if there was someone that I could e mail a media kit to regarding advertising for your products. Thanks.

Jason Parkinson
CBS Outdoor",Jason Parkinson,Advertising,2008-01-11 10:30:11
NULL,wineandroses1@myway.com,MSG1200239754-2961,We have a patent and are would like to bring it to market at low cost.Maybe your company can assist.Thank You.,Tony Cece,sleep prevention device while driving,2008-01-13 09:59:55
NULL,danpopa@westusa.com,MSG1201204235-1261,"Hello Denis and Terry! My name is Dan Popa and I too live in NW Phoenix. I am writing to you to get the opportunity to present to you an invention that I have been trying to work on for the last couple of years. I have read your story about the Solar Breeze in the AZ Republic on Jan. 16. I believe with all my heart that the new invention that I will present to you has the potential to change an entire industry. I would like the opportunity to chat with you and show you what I have done so far. I have worked with Invent Help, but unlike their name, they haven’t helped too much. I would like to form a partnership with you and get it going, as the market is willing and waiting for a product of this kind. Please call me at 623-693-3392 or email me at danpopa@westusa.com. I already have sketches and all information to make you understand the success this product can bring. I am requesting your help due to your 30 year experience in the field. I need help! and i think that with your help, we can be extremely successful. I look forward to talking to you and meeting you soon. Please contact me ASAP.

Thank you, DAN POPA
",Dan Popa,new invention,2008-01-24 14:01:07
NULL,mikemasella@aol.com,MSG1201456952-5552,"If I already have the patents and I already have something made meaning I already paid expenses for first part but now I dont know where to market my idea is this something you can help with?
Please let me know

Thanks in advance

Mike Masella

3865892688",michael masella,Patent,2008-01-27 12:04:30
NULL,danpopa@westusa.com,MSG1201801650-5406,"To Denis and Terry. Hello guys, my name is Dan Popa and I have sent you a message last week. unfortuntely you have not had the chance to write back or call yet. I was inquiring about the opportunity to present you what will be a great productwithin a couple of years. Its market is 60% of american population. I live in n phoenix as well, on Union Hills and 99th ave. I would like to take 10 to 15 minutes of your time to show you what i have. I have great confidence in my product, but i need someones help to get it going. Target price would be around $150 per item, and we would have a huge market, 60% of american population. Im talking about a handheld electronic, which would help people with their eating habits.
Please dont wait to call me @ 623-693-3392 or email me at danpopa@westusa.com. Again i live close, and it would only take 10-15min. it could change all of our lives!!! Thanks, DAN",Dan Popa,product,2008-01-31 11:54:12
NULL,ovi12c6bv@yahoo.com,MSG1201801650-5406,"To Denis and Terry. Hello guys, my name is Dan Popa and I have sent you a message last week. unfortuntely you have not had the chance to write back or call yet. I was inquiring about the opportunity to present you what will be a great productwithin a couple of years. Its market is 60% of american population. I live in n phoenix as well, on Union Hills and 99th ave. I would like to take 10 to 15 minutes of your time to show you what i have. I have great confidence in my product, but i need someones help to get it going. Target price would be around $150 per item, and we would have a huge market, 60% of american population. Im talking about a handheld electronic, which would help people with their eating habits.
Please dont wait to call me @ 623-693-3392 or email me at danpopa@westusa.com. Again i live close, and it would only take 10-15min. it could change all of our lives!!! Thanks, DAN",Dan Popa,product,2008-01-31 11:56:02
NULL,Stone_concepts@verizon.net,MSG1205454766-2704,I have been thinking about inventions a lot some not so good but this one i think is a winner.  Can you please contact me and talk with me about how to pursue producing this and marketing this.  thanks,Nathan Stone,i have an invention,2008-03-13 18:34:41
NULL,sajjan.george@gmail.com,MSG1207171650-5042,"I;m coming up with a Theory shortly. Would like to know the details and procedures to protect it by patenting and copyright.
Please let me know how you can help.

Sajjan George",Sajjan George,Pateting Idea/Theory/Journal,2008-04-02 15:33:06
NULL,murali_b_c@yahoo.com,MSG1209363433-2850,"Hi, I am Murali, Bangalore, India. Since i have seen these days the less living area and more peoples when compared,  in Bangalore. I have decide to do a Car Parking lift which does not use any Hydraulic nor Electrical power to Lift. I have a concept made with me. Can you asist me more technically through your valuable knowledge. I wanted to patent it before somebody steels this concept.
Murali",Murali,Adopting an Invented Invention,2008-04-28 00:23:04

We have some questions about the ELC.

is it possible to synchronize generators with the ELC

the problem is that different hydro generators must be synchronised

is this possible with 1 ELC of must we use 3 ELC (we have 3 generators of 160kVA)

thanks.",Maarten Rombaut,the ELC,2008-05-15 09:46:42

Dear  sir

with my best greeting

This is an idea of the invention of the work of mobile solar protection (umbrella)

If your desire to cooperate with me in the manufacture or sale the invention

You are kindly requested to respond and take advantage of the method of study benefit from the invention and converted into an area of practical and manufacturing Stratification
Eng. Mostafa ahmed

Objective of the invention
Action means protection from sun radiation, (umbrella)

Use and application
A - in the civil apply
-- The umbrella for protection from direct sunlight to the car and equipment
-- Tent
-- as a temporarily cover for any building

B - in the military Application

-- All acts of concealment and camouflage for vehicles and military  equipment
-- Temporary tent
-- as a umbrella for training in open areas

A - to provide protection from the sun
B - ease of installation and jaw
T - speed use
W - raw materials are easy pregnancy and Folding

The jaw & installation method
 Will be presented when your desire to participate and cooperate in the project
",Mostafa Ahmed Sadek Elhefnawi,invention,2008-06-06 13:09:47
NULL,cowsinsin@yahoo.com,MSG1212937439-9825,hurricane lantern info,mick,hurricane lantern,2008-06-08 09:04:47
NULL,jacqueline@corahdesigns.co.uk,MSG1217931319-1052,"I would like to speak to you about the product designs that I have created.
Please could you tell me who to speak to and their phone number.
Thank you
Jacqueline",Jacqueline Carol Corah,my product designs,2008-08-05 04:23:26
NULL,drei_113@yahoo.com,MSG1218534439-7992,hi! i am a student in manila and i am currently searching for a company that could possibly manufacture my own design of a trash can. this is for fulfillment of requirements in one of my subjects. pls. advice me if you could help me in any way. thanks!,andrei javier,product design manufacturing,2008-08-12 03:50:09
NULL,patents@21cn.com,MSG1220256709-6564,"Dear Sirs,

Lilon Consulting is a full service intellectual property firm. We offer patent/trademark searching & watching services (novelty/patentability, clearance, infringement, validity and right to use) .

US$30 word identical trademark search
US$60 word similarity trademark search
US$80 trademark availability search
US$300-$700 patent search
US$0.5 per patent application document

Yours faithfully,


William Tang
Lilon Co Ltd

Room 504,Building 40
Jing Tai Zhi Street
Guang Yuan Middle Road
Guangzhou 510405

Fax: +86 20 8768 4526
E-mail: patents@21cn.com
",William Tang,china patent search,2008-09-01 02:12:30
NULL,lbixler2@cox.net,MSG1222092424-8565,i was unable to find out how much the solar breeze costs.  do you have it for sale at retail sites or do I buy it directly from you?,lucy bixler,solar breeze,2008-09-22 08:07:56
NULL,mgreen@atomdesign.net,MSG1223326032-2465,"I work for ATOMdesign a Phoenix based product development company.  My question is do you outsource design or branding?

PS LOVE to Solar Breeze!  Great idea",Marshall Green,Design,2008-10-06 14:49:04
NULL,Alikam93@comcast.net,MSG1224115586-1023,"OK, I have discovered a revolutionary theory that just might astound all.
Please understand that this theory is very complicated but ground breaking so i can not explain in a message i would love to speak to one of your staff. PLEASE contact    (1510) -388-3560
or (1510) -594-8083. if you are thinking about just skipping this message and not caring about it (your making a terrible mistake)",austin myers,Please Respond Quickly,2008-10-15 18:13:48
NULL,Alikam93@comcast.net,MSG1224116062-6197,"OK, I have discovered a revolutionary theory that just might astound all.
Please understand that this theory is very complicated but ground breaking so I can not explain in a message. I would love to speak to one of your staff. PLEASE contact    (1510) -388-3560
or (1510) -594-8083. if you are thinking about just skipping this message and not caring about it (your making a terrible mistake)",austin myers,Please Respond Quickly,2008-10-15 18:14:38
NULL,tsozou@yahoo.com,MSG1224384384-9317,"sir i have 2patents in the uk that i need help investments yo take them to the market place i have NO idea how to go about it your fee is based on commition after a successful commercialization ot an upfront fee?
thank you",Takis Sozou,need help/funding for my invention,2008-10-18 20:49:58
NULL,Euwenuton@Yahoo.Com,MSG1224515725-8193,"I,am very mcuh in need of finding the right tools i need to creat my inventions.",Raheem E Banks,FInding the tools I need to make the product,2008-10-20 09:18:39
NULL,zxouri@xvblkz.com,MSG1224583759-4248,qsalkdswujndglncbhmiujfipdlcdm,zesfxv,gyyxqdwhmnuuvbuswtml,2008-10-21 04:09:20
NULL,albelehi@yahoo.com,MSG1226505225-8204,"Dear Mr.
We are a Zailai For Computer & Electronics, we are Saudi Arabia establishment, we have a system consist of electronic  circuits we have already designed the PCB, we needs a company to manufacturing the PCB and Assembly & soldering the components, the, the attachments are  the  PCBs information, and also we will need a plastic boxes  for the products after testing  ,Can you kindly tells us about your willingness, and send us a quotation include the cost of the PCB and Assembly & soldering the components  and also include  the prices of component
We will need a 50 sample for testing and then will start with 1000 pcs and increase it to 100000 pcs
Albelehy Sayed,
Technical Manager
Tel : +96673221025 ext 102
Fax : +96673221024
Mobile :+966507632716
",albelehi,we needs a company to manufacturing the PCB and Assembly,2008-11-12 09:54:15
NULL,whiplash_243@hotmail.com,MSG1226900884-4617,"I have a theory on the Origin Of Writing, and it is a complex geometrical shape that actually includes all numbers (0-9) and all letters (Upper and Lower case). It also includes many symbols, including all of the Zodiac signs, Roman Numerals, and letters from the Phoenician alphabet to name a few. Even if this is not the origin of writing, it could very well be a breakthrough in decoding languages and symbols. I know that this is not exactly what you would call an ""invention"" nor is it possible to get a patent on a ""shape"". I have written to many websites with few responses on this subject, and any time or response to help or at least acknowledge my situatuation I would be very grateful for. Any advice at all would be great. Thank you.",Lucas Anglin,Origin Of Writing,2008-11-17 00:00:04
NULL,p.lachal@orange.fr,MSG1228220648-6929,NULL,lachal,work with you/export your solar breeze to france,2008-12-02 06:27:19
NULL,ser.Jackson1995@who-got-mail.com,MSG1230453748-2702,NULL,MIKe Jackson,NULL,2008-12-28 02:43:04
NULL,johnn.sheron@gmail.com,MSG1230582539-3695,"i want to built Road bicycle with electric motor.
i did presentation that explain it.
want to know about the proces.",Johnn,elctric bike,2008-12-29 14:32:42
NULL,militarytalk@aol.com,MSG1230683998-4012,would like more info about invention concepts,Tom Graver,investment oppurtunities,2008-12-30 18:42:16
NULL,okechio@yahoo.com,MSG1235680765-6421,a looking for a strong electronic mosquitoe that have the capibility of repelling die hard tropical region mosquitoes,okechi Chinonso,Effective insect repeller,2009-02-26 13:41:06
NULL,albaldonasa@hotmail.com,MSG1235960810-3451,"hello how much does your services cost to evaluate an unpatented  invention idea and to test it if it works, i have an invention idea that i hope a knowledgeable engineer or physists able to rule out any nonworking parts and and able to determine a working posibility and move forward to a mini prototype, please help thank you and have a nice day.",alvir baldonasa,question,2009-03-01 19:31:14
NULL,fatherfathom@gmail.com,MSG1236367827-4060,i had my idea checked out by a guy that helps people start inventions he said my idea makes millions and decided not to help me how can u help what do you do for people on limited budget,jason faichuk,concept/,2009-03-06 12:32:28
NULL,marolenmimi21@mac.com,MSG1237263199-3117,"Most manufactures leave  about a 1/8 of liquids, liotions, ects. At the bottoms most containers.    In todays economies consumers
are looking for value. And like to retrive All of the merchandise -product that they paid for. With out going through extra effort to retrive last remaining application of product paid for.
 Appliction  can be used in ALL LIQUIDS,  PUMPING ACTIONS BOTTLES ects...ENDLESS.  Manufactured at very low coast, some-bio-degradable,  ",Henry Talley,Get the last drop ,2009-03-16 21:38:48
NULL,marolenmimi21@mac.com,MSG1237265917-5050,"Most manufactures leave about a 1/8 of liquids, liotions, ects. At the bottoms most containers. In todays economies consumers are looking for value. And like to retrive All of the merchandise -product that they paid for. With out going through extra effort to retrive last remaining application of product paid for. Appliction can be used in ALL LIQUIDS, PUMPING ACTIONS BOTTLES ects...ENDLESS. Manufactured at very low coast, some-bio-degra",Henry Talley,Get the last drop ,2009-03-16 22:03:06
NULL,sndolunkulu@yahoo.com,MSG1237502424-9244,Please contact by e-mail about my idea ASAP!,Shabaka M Ndolunkulu,Invention assistance,2009-03-19 15:41:36
NULL,controlledeng@rogers.com,MSG1239127423-3583,NULL,Paul,Inventions,2009-04-07 11:04:47
NULL,jimgonzalez09@gmail.com,MSG1241540426-1868,"We would like to get your website on first page of Google.
All of our processes use the most ethical ""white hat"" Search Engine Optimization techniques that will not get your website banned or penalized.
Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal.
",Jim Cramer,SEO,2009-05-05 09:22:27
NULL,ibrahimsmily11@hotmail.com,MSG1243198066-2049,"I have couple theories on topics such on the structure of atoms, cosmological differences and some others. I would prefer if you could send a viable information sheet that tells me how my ideas would be copyright protected and be patented. Thank you
Best regards,
Ibrahim Khawaja",Ibrahim Khawaja,science/math,2009-05-24 13:49:55
NULL,melodie374@gmail.com,MSG1244047545-6701,"Increase traffic to your website

We would like to get your website on first page of Google.

All of our processes use the most ethical ""white hat"" Search Engine Optimization techniques that will
not get your website banned or penalized.

Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal.
",Melodie Merle,Increase traffic to your website,2009-06-03 10:09:31
NULL,milton4526@gmail.com,MSG1245820447-1568,"Do you wish you could increase your online leads?  Getting a 1st page Google ranking is easier and more cost-effective than you might think.  We have helped a lot of businesses thrive in this market and we can help you!  Simply hit reply and I’ll share with you the cost and the benefits.
see you at the top!
",Milton Lake,1st Page Results Guaranteed ,2009-06-23 22:32:30
NULL,info@motionmetrics.org,MSG1245955160-8704,List of inventions for licensing www.motionmetrics.org ,Edward Romanoff,List of inventions for licensing www.motionmetrics.org ,2009-06-25 11:40:24
NULL,jack2316@gmail.com,MSG1247153929-8792,"Get leads and sales from your website

We would like to get your website on first page of Google.

All of our processes use the most ethical ""white hat"" Search Engine Optimization techniques that will not get your website banned or penalized.

Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal.
",Jack Walker,Get leads and sales from your website,2009-07-09 08:45:48
NULL,kenpelletier53@mac.com,MSG1247750297-5999,Cost - where do you buy it?,Kenneth Pelletier,Solar-Breeze,2009-07-16 06:19:03
NULL,miltonlake11@gmail.com,MSG1249297276-3134,"Do you wish you could increase your online leads?  Getting a 1st page Google ranking is easier and more cost-effective than you might think.  We have helped a lot of businesses thrive in this market and we can help you!  Simply hit reply and I’ll share with you the cost and the benefits.See you at the top!
“In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.” ",Milton Lake,Do you wish you could increase your online leads?  Getting a 1st page Google ranking is easier and more cost-effective than you might think.  We have helped a lot of businesses thrive in this market and we can help you!  Simply hit reply and I’ll share ,2009-08-03 04:02:34
NULL,ron23010@gmail.com,MSG1250638176-6430,"We would like to get your website on first page of Google. All of our processes use the most ethical ""white hat"" Search Engine Optimization techniques that will not get your website banned or penalized. Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal. In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.
",Ron Cheney,Internet Marketing Services,2009-08-18 16:32:54
NULL,ron23010@gmail.com,MSG1250638178-2965,"We would like to get your website on first page of Google. All of our processes use the most ethical ""white hat"" Search Engine Optimization techniques that will not get your website banned or penalized. Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal. In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.
",Ron Cheney,Internet Marketing Services,2009-08-18 16:32:59
NULL,kcroyster@cox.net,MSG1250733539-5227,Would like to know more about this invention (ie. stage of development). ,Karen C. Royster,driving alert (for sleepiness while driving),2009-08-19 19:01:54
NULL,NULL,MSG1251742683-1606,NULL,ancil ford,NULL,2009-08-31 11:18:49
NULL,biju.longhinos@gmail.com,MSG1254571501-5884,I would like to know more about Volcanic Magma Theory. How do you correlate your postulate with field evidences?,Biju Longhinos,Enquiry about Volcanic Magma Theory,2009-10-03 05:06:34
NULL,nr1@land.ru,MSG1255967286-5410,"Gentelmen, if you will find a recepient for my tech, you can obtain a good compencation. Site: http://vt-phone.my.ru
Contact me if you are interested.
Best regards, Ivan",Ivan,Invention,2009-10-19 08:55:06
NULL,joseph23005@gmail.com,MSG1256844744-8753,"We would like to get your website on first page of Google.

All of our processes use the most ethical ""white hat"" Search Engine Optimization techniques that will not get your website banned or penalized.

Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal.
In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.",Joseph Swanson,Search Engine Optimization,2009-10-29 13:17:16
NULL,paigeandkrisatsmom@gmail.com,MSG1257965068-9733,we are looking for help with our invention and this idea will make alot of money we need your help asap.,preston kathrine,help with my invention,2009-11-11 11:45:41
NULL,fredricklanexm@gmail.com,MSG1258128245-4730,"Do you wish you could increase your online leads?

Getting a GUARANTEED 1ST PAGE GOOGLE RANKING is easier and more cost-effective than you might think.
We have helped a lot of businesses thrive in this market and we can help you! Simply hit reply and I’ll share with you the cost and the benefits See you at the top!
In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and or phone number.",Frederick Lane,1st Page Results Guaranteed,2009-11-13 09:18:14
I was wondering where in the US you guys are located?

-mike",mike,Your location,2009-11-16 15:20:31
NULL,mwhite57@aol.com,MSG1259380999-7063,"Do you ever work on a percentage basis with no upfront fees?
",rose mason,RE: Your Services,2009-11-27 21:05:49
NULL,trishaabbott1@yahoo.com,MSG1259438997-2697,"We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.
",Trisha Abbott,Internet Marketing Services,2009-11-28 13:26:26
NULL,jamesinridgewood@gmail.com,MSG1259599093-4911,"I have 2 ideas  that I have drawn out and so far not on the market.
Never been able to do a patent, due to funds.
Do not know where to start and at the sametime, looking for a partnership.
Right now, unemployed.",James Misiora,invention ideas,2009-11-30 09:41:00
NULL,mwhite57@aol.com,MSG1260589637-4834,Does your company ever work with inventors on a percentage basis or royalty trade bases to commercialize and market inventions that do not have a patent or prototype?,rose mason,Re: Invention Development,2009-12-11 20:49:06
NULL,nikejustdoit40@hotmail.com,MSG1260614393-5826,"I was submitting the theory the website shows error well, my theory is

Thinking Theory "" Universe was created by God.""
It is my challenge that the Big Bang theory is completely wrong ",Abdul Rehman Nasim,Error,2009-12-12 03:42:28
NULL,Reza.Dadufalza@fco.gov.uk,MSG1260856704-8115,Hi! Do you design production lines?,Reza Dadufalza,Production lines,2009-12-14 23:47:33
NULL,wenyuhlin@hotmail.com,MSG1261713407-8767,"Dear Madam or SIrs,

We would like to propose a co-operation opportunity -- innovative design of “UNDER WATER OIL STORAGE METHOD & SYSTEM” to you. The said patent has approved by many countries and we have filed application in USA (application number 12/314863). If you are interested in this patent and would like to have further discussion, please feel free to contact me. We look for mutual benefit and a long term business partnership.

Awaiting your views.

Best Regards,
Jade Lin",Jade Lin,"patent ""UNDER WATER OIL STORAGE METHOD & SYSTEM""",2009-12-24 21:00:26
NULL,john_liang@gvlocalization.com,MSG1262747100-4850,"Dear Director,
My name is John Liang from Golden View Translations in Shenzhen, China. We are one of leading translation and localization service providers in China with over 13 years experience and more than 600 native translators. I believe our service can lead your market development. We mainly provide the following services:
Document translation: English into Chinese, Japanese, Korean and  other world main languages.
Website localization: special in Asian languages.
Multilingual DTP (Desktop Publishing): support more than 40 languages.
Multimedia localization: Voice-over, Subtitling, Flash engineering.
Interpreting: English<>Mandarin interpreting service available in most cities in China.

Best regards

John Liang
Sales Director
Tel:  +86755-23981348-677
Email: john_liang@gvlocalization.com ",John Liang,Translation/interpreting,2010-01-05 20:07:13
NULL,cbridges@sitehighway.com,MSG1264091656-8546,I am on able to submit to your theory page using three different browsers. There must be an issue...,Charles Bridges,Submit,2010-01-21 09:35:08
NULL,kamille@richsmithdev.com,MSG1264355633-7892,I have an idea for an invention that I know ill sell. I was wondering what steps I needed to take to get my product designed and engineered for a manufacturer.,Alexandra richardson,New Invention need help,2010-01-24 10:55:04
NULL,canugetsatish@gmail.com,MSG1264699293-8048,could u please some more information on the usage,satish,need info,2010-01-28 10:22:36
NULL,vslyke8@cox.net,MSG1266226577-5478,"I have a prototype ready to be shown(i believe). I excited about the idea/prototype I have and would like to know ""what next""!?
Thyank You
",Bradley J. Van Slyke,product idea,2010-02-15 02:39:41
NULL,josephswanson123@gmail.com,MSG1268413782-3324,"SEO Services

We Would like to get your website on first page of Google.

All of our processes use the most ethical ""white hat"" Search Engine Optimization techniques that will not get your website banned or penalized.
Please reply and I would be happy to send you a proposal.
",Joseph Swanson,SEO Services ,2010-03-12 10:24:10
NULL,home_of_praise@hotmail.com,MSG1269018304-3012,This cream would be filled with all the vitamins and natural herbs known to boost immune system. We could rub on our hands and into our system quickly. I need this cream now!,Livia Walker,"Cream immune strenghthMArch 19,2010 at 10:08 am",2010-03-19 10:10:47
NULL,martinbabcoak562@gmail.com,MSG1272258613-2635,"We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.

",Martin Babcock,SEO Services: Get free evaluation of your website,2010-04-25 22:39:12
NULL,ceceliamaloneyexe@gmail.com,MSG1272876563-7615,"We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.",Cecelia Maloney,SEO Services: Get free evaluation of your website,2010-05-03 02:00:07
NULL,mahendra.goyal.2009@gmail.com,MSG1274369814-2330,"I have pointed out a method to calculate divisibility rule for any Rational number (decimal, fractional or integers). My divisibility rules are similar as already known divisibility rules like 2,3,4,5,9,7,11.

Using my method anybody can calculate algorithm for divisibility rule for any rational number by just holding a calculator in his hand. This method not only gives answer that a particular number is divisible by other number but also give remainder after division. Most importantly this method is work in any base system.

            And next thing which I have pointed out is Midy’s theorem and Midy’s Extended theorem is not only applicable to Prime number but for some particular type of numbers.

I have around 50 pages theory on that. May I submit that theory at www.inventionconcepts.com ?
Email : mahendra.goyal.2009@gmail.com
",Mahendra Goyal,Universal Divisibilty Rule,2010-05-20 08:46:44
NULL,roncheny04@gmail.com,MSG1277846601-4043,"We are Internet Marketing experts who can help you answer these questions, drive mass traffic to your site, and dramatically increase sales.
",Ruth Early,Want more customers?,2010-06-29 14:36:40
NULL,rachelle2311@gmail.com,MSG1279967159-5328,"Search Engine Marketing will increase your company’s online presence through comprehensive online marketing campaigns, targeted search engine optimization, and highly managed internet marketing promotions. A search engine marketing campaign will encompass several procedures and factors to make it successful. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Randall Tuttle,Message for marketing department,2010-07-24 04:45:59
NULL,kentcornwall3333@gmail.com,MSG1281011881-9945,"As a leading provider of internet search solutions including: Link Building, SEO and Internet Marketing. We offer a high quality service and best value for money, with proven results. Please contact us if you are interested.
",Keith Madison,SEO Consultants,2010-08-05 05:50:19
NULL,info@oxyvent.com,MSG1281379061-9337,"I have seen your web site and I hope you may be able to assist me.  I have a full Patent on The Oxyvent Tank which is a product suited to new and existing heating systems worldwide and it reduces fuel bills by 30% plus increasing the comfort factor by 30% and basically totally enhanches any heating system to which it is installed. It has been independently tested by Trinity College Dublin and we have carried out R. & D.  on the product for the last 10 years and it is only now ready for the global market.  Details of The Oxyvent Tank are available on www.oxyvent.com
    I am from Ireland and as the financial situation here at present is pretty dim, I am seeking assistance elsewhere as this product has huge potential and would need people with experience and ability to allow it expand globally.
I look forward to hearing from you.
",Tim Cremin,New Invention,2010-08-09 11:42:07
NULL,heatherschmidt1990@yahoo.com,MSG1281395567-1380,"I have a smartphone holder that holds the phone in the car, on a desk, or even as a camera stand for the phone.  It is simple, compact and is a much more practical solution then any other competing gadget on the market.  ",Heather Schmidt,Smartphone Gadget,2010-08-09 16:15:08
NULL,kequansun@suncles.com,MSG1281578669-5091," Dear Sir or Madam,

I have learnt your company details via your homepage.You are possibly interested in precision CNC machining,Die casting or Injection mold building and molding services from China. Also we supply rapid prototype making services.

Suncles Industry Limited, a professional parts manufacturer who specializes in CNC machining,tooling building and plastic injection molding etc. You will get more details via our website www.suncles.com.

Welcome your enquiry  : )

Yours sincerely,

Kequan Sun
General Manager
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Strictly Commercial-in-confidentiality to your all contents

Suncles Industry Limited

HQ-Add: 601,Peony office building,Garden road,Haidian district,Beijing, China, 100083
D-Tel&Fax:+86-10-8208 7585
E-mail: kequansun@suncles.com
Website: www.suncles.com
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------",Kequan Sun,Produce custom plastic and metal parts,2010-08-11 19:05:52
NULL,kzaimi@yahoo.com,MSG1282310926-7586,Please inform if any costs that have to be born on the acceptance of an invention idea.,K. Zaimi,Invention submissions,2010-08-20 06:30:22
NULL,jackwalker74@gmail.com,MSG1283232017-2751,"We noticed that you are not at the top of the search engines for a number of your key terms. We have helped companies similar to yours to achieve top organic rankings. Please reply to this message and we will prepare a special proposal for you, to show you how we can achieve similar results for you.
",Jaime Jack,Marketing suggestion for your website,2010-08-30 22:41:20
NULL,ceceliamaloney22@gmail.com,MSG1283954763-1971,"Want more clients and customers? We will help them find you by putting you on the 1st page of Google. Email us back to get a full proposal
",Carrie Cain,Marketing suggestion for your website,2010-09-08 07:08:52
NULL,kentcornwall002@gmail.com,MSG1284456570-9207,"As a leading provider of internet search solutions including: Link Building, SEO and Internet Marketing. We offer a high quality service and best value for money, with proven results. Please contact us if you are interested.
",Keith Madison,SEO Consultants,2010-09-14 03:04:12
NULL,lauranowacki72@gmail.com,MSG1285144896-4635,"Want to get your business to appear in search engine results for your local area? We can help cheaply and inexpensively:
Want to get your business to appear in search engine results for your local area? We can help cheaply and inexpensively:
If you are interest in reaching local consumers, then simply reply to this message and we will gladly send you a proposal.
",Laura Nowacki,Get First Page Rank on Local Search Map,2010-09-22 02:09:57
NULL,lagoldsberry@gmail.com,MSG1286146437-6965,NULL,lawrence goldsberry,Needed,2010-10-03 15:55:54
NULL,patriciaelaine55@gmail.com,MSG1286599043-9880,"Video Promotion is what Search Engine Optimization was a few years ago. In fact according to eMarketer it is 52% easier to get a first page ranking through video than via any other optimization strategy?
We are the leaders in Video Optimizatin and can help you with all aspects of your Video Promotion needs, from production to promotion.
Please reply to this email and we will be happy to send you more details.
",Patricia Elaine,Video Search Engine Optimization,2010-10-08 21:56:10
NULL,RachelleHolloway01@gmail.com,MSG1287510848-5014,"We noticed that you are not at the top of the search engines for a number of your key terms. We have helped companies similar to yours to achieve top organic rankings. Please reply to this message and we will prepare a special proposal for you, to show you how we can achieve similar results for you.
",Randall Tuttle,Marketing suggestion for your website,2010-10-19 11:09:39
NULL,miltonlake654@gmail.com,MSG1288027995-4595,"Search Engine Marketing will increase your company’s online presence through comprehensive online marketing campaigns, targeted search engine optimization, and highly managed internet marketing promotions. A search engine marketing campaign will encompass several procedures and factors to make it successful. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Marvin Maloney,See you at the top,2010-10-25 10:50:16
NULL,laurcstl@aol.com,MSG1288800128-2282,"  i need to know  more about  company . and what  you did  before , you see  i an  looking to get  my product  market. you con reach  me at 917 -921 -1728",laurel  castillo,happy,2010-11-03 09:20:12
NULL,jhpokc@aol.com,MSG1290200634-1770,"I have spoken with you a couple of times regarding an earlier version or your pool skimmer with which I was never satisfied in its performance.  I was told I would be contacted when the ""new & improved"" version is available.  I have yet to hear from anyone and would appreciate an email response.  Thank you in advance.  JHP",Dr Joseph H Phillips,Solar powered pool skimmer.,2010-11-19 14:08:02
NULL,johnlasner008@gmail.com,MSG1292302436-5528,"Hello guys i am John Lasner from USA. I inamorata to carouse music, flip internet, act out of doors games. My life is actually online measure offline so i registered to this forum to pass my epoch happly. May we maintain a good time.

John Lasner",Saistinethigh,Hi from United States Of America,2010-12-13 21:53:57
NULL,kumar@clovetech.com,MSG1292335716-8643,"We are one of the leading Patent illustration companies in Hyderabad, India. Our prices are not only the most competitive around the world, but we also deliver services with a rapid turnaround time and high quality.

We specialize in both UTILITY and DESIGN PATENTS, TRADEMARKS and LOGOS,. We have an experience of more than 7 years in catering to clients across the world in countries like USA, UK, Australia, Japan and Singapore.

We work 24/6 and provide with excellent support and online communication to the clients.

We understand the value of projects for the customers and promise utmost confidentiality of all projects. We are more than happy to provide Non-Disclosure Agreements and also Document Destruction Certificate on a regular basis, to ensure complete compliance of the confidentiality aspect.

We welcome inputs for the patent illustration in any formats ranging from hand-drawn sketches to photographs, videos, Design drawings in 2D and other 3D formats, or even physical models. We process the projects as per USPTO, European, and any or all other countries’ standards as per your requirement.

A standard delivery schedule is 2 to 3 days from receipt of the project of a medium size. However, RUSH jobs are also welcome!

Turnarounds as fast as same-day delivery of rush jobs is possible because of the versatile and experienced professionals working to ensure that your projects are filed in time, every time.

We provide output files to you in the format you want, in the template you specify and as per your instructions, to ensure that they are all PRINT and FILE ready!

We request you to give us an opportunity to showcase our services, by giving us a PILOT PROJECT. We are more than happy to process a couple of sheets FREE OF COST, to give you an idea of our quality, and turnaround.
We assure you that your decision to try us will be a good one for a mutually beneficial business relationship in the long run.
Please have a look at our samples: - http://www.clovetech.com/cadpatentsamples.asp

Looking forward for your reply.

Thanks & Regards,

Clove Technologies (P) Ltd.
# 1227 | Road No. 62A | Jubilee Hills | Hyderabad 500033 | Andhra Pradesh | India.
Phone    :  91- 40 - 2360 7228
Fax          :  91- 40 - 2360 7229
Mobile   :  91- 8008 143 921
Email       :  kumar@clovetech.com
Web       :  www.clovetech.com

Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?
",Vijaya Kumar Jayananda,Patent Drafting & Illustration Services - Clovetech - India,2010-12-14 07:09:07
NULL,kumar@clovetech.com,MSG1292335716-8643,"We are one of the leading Patent illustration companies in Hyderabad, India. Our prices are not only the most competitive around the world, but we also deliver services with a rapid turnaround time and high quality.

We specialize in both UTILITY and DESIGN PATENTS, TRADEMARKS and LOGOS,. We have an experience of more than 7 years in catering to clients across the world in countries like USA, UK, Australia, Japan and Singapore.

We work 24/6 and provide with excellent support and online communication to the clients.

We understand the value of projects for the customers and promise utmost confidentiality of all projects. We are more than happy to provide Non-Disclosure Agreements and also Document Destruction Certificate on a regular basis, to ensure complete compliance of the confidentiality aspect.

We welcome inputs for the patent illustration in any formats ranging from hand-drawn sketches to photographs, videos, Design drawings in 2D and other 3D formats, or even physical models. We process the projects as per USPTO, European, and any or all other countries’ standards as per your requirement.

A standard delivery schedule is 2 to 3 days from receipt of the project of a medium size. However, RUSH jobs are also welcome!

Turnarounds as fast as same-day delivery of rush jobs is possible because of the versatile and experienced professionals working to ensure that your projects are filed in time, every time.

We provide output files to you in the format you want, in the template you specify and as per your instructions, to ensure that they are all PRINT and FILE ready!

We request you to give us an opportunity to showcase our services, by giving us a PILOT PROJECT. We are more than happy to process a couple of sheets FREE OF COST, to give you an idea of our quality, and turnaround.
We assure you that your decision to try us will be a good one for a mutually beneficial business relationship in the long run.
Please have a look at our samples: - http://www.clovetech.com/cadpatentsamples.asp

Looking forward for your reply.

Thanks & Regards,

Clove Technologies (P) Ltd.
# 1227 | Road No. 62A | Jubilee Hills | Hyderabad 500033 | Andhra Pradesh | India.
Phone    :  91- 40 - 2360 7228
Fax          :  91- 40 - 2360 7229
Mobile   :  91- 8008 143 921
Email       :  kumar@clovetech.com
Web       :  www.clovetech.com

Please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?
",Vijaya Kumar Jayananda,Patent Drafting & Illustration Services - Clovetech - India,2010-12-14 07:09:08
NULL,miltonlake654@gmail.com,MSG1294160406-4687,"Search Engine Marketing will increase your company’s online presence through comprehensive online marketing campaigns, targeted search engine optimization, and highly managed internet marketing promotions. A search engine marketing campaign will encompass several procedures and factors to make it successful. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Marvin Maloney,See you at the top,2011-01-04 10:20:24
NULL,bellagarza24@gmail.com,MSG1295433750-3583,"We strongly believe that we have an excellent opportunity to increase the number of visitors to your website through our white-hat SEO services. Please simply reply to this message and we will be delighted to send you further information.
",Brooke Babcock,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-01-19 03:50:05
NULL,haroldellis4444@gmail.com,MSG1299169662-8903,"We are Internet Marketing experts who can help you answer these questions, drive mass traffic to your site, and dramatically increase sales.",Henry Hagan,Idea for your website,2011-03-03 09:41:54
NULL,i cant say,MSG1300566318-1113,"These were the usernames and password extracted from your database...

admin : pardus
james : icky12
and some usernames and passwords...
Good Luck !",0x00 is my name ,You have a SQL injection flaw in your website,2011-03-19 13:25:32
NULL,fokoleta@aol.com,MSG1300731118-1981,Would like more information please,Fokoleta Fokoleta,"Concrete, high surface strength",2011-03-21 11:15:04
NULL,fokoleta@aol.com,MSG1300731118-1981,more information please,Fokoleta Fokoleta,NULL,2011-03-21 11:18:19
NULL,fokoleta@aol.com,MSG1300731118-1981,Please need more information regarding this concept,Fokoleta Fokoleta,Light weight concrete,2011-03-21 11:21:25
NULL,fokoleta@aol.com,MSG1300731118-1981,Please send me more information on this invention,Fokoleta Fokoleta,Textured Concrete,2011-03-21 11:27:08
NULL,bellagarza0444@gmail.com,MSG1301915900-2414,We strongly believe that we have an excellent opportunity to increase the number of visitors to your website through our white-hat SEO services. Please simply reply to this message and we will be delighted to send you further information.,Brooke Babcock,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-04-04 04:22:56
NULL,derekjohnson.321@gmail.com,MSG1303455022-4402,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Darian Lewis,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-04-22 00:02:18
NULL, javierptg@gmail.com,MSG1303880375-9682,"Hello,

I have a new technology for stain removing.I have already filed a patent application in USA and Europe, and we just developed a market ready prototype.
If you think you might be interested on this type of invention, you can contact me or Javier Jr. He is currently located in Chicago,IL.

His contact info:

For more information, please visit www.strema.us.

Best regards,

Javier Perez-Toril
", javier perez ,patent application in USA and Europe,2011-04-26 22:02:32
NULL,rodney@stanthorpe.net,MSG1305013115-8851,"I tried to send you a 5,000 word theory. When I clicked Submit, all I could get was some incomprehensible message which makes me think submission obviously failed. You can find my submission at http://philpapers.org/archive/BAR-18.3.pdf
",Rodney Bartlett,could not send article,2011-05-10 00:51:26
NULL,lisaalderman.132@gmail.com,MSG1305524612-6297,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.
",Larina sara,Want more customers?,2011-05-15 23:14:54
NULL,markdavis124@comcast.net,MSG1307468056-8407,"My name is Mark Davis DDS. I am a dentist in the state of Wa.
I have been working on a dental devise and currently I am in the patent phase. The  firm that is helping me with my patent has finished the search and currently getting ready to have me in a patent pending period. I am interested in going to the next step and build a prototype model. It will be made entirely out of plastic.
I found you on a google search and currently looking at a few options to start the prototype.
Please instruct if you can help me with this project.
Thank you,
Mark Davis",mark davis,manufactor invention,2011-06-07 10:41:14
Thanks.....& Act Very Fast...
Tel. +234 80 36 8088 16",WALE OLABODE,CRUDE OIL,2011-06-28 04:14:12
NULL,lisaalderman.132@gmail.com,MSG1309769649-2321,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Larina sara,Want more customers?,2011-07-04 02:35:02
NULL,acint1@aol.com,MSG1310571973-5635,"I tried to submit an invention on July 11, 2011, but the submission did not go through.  I received the following note upon submission ""There has been a mail error sending to . . .  Please send an email to the webmaster.""",Denise,"""Submit an invention:",2011-07-13 08:49:53
NULL,whg363@verizon.net,MSG1310927280-9491,"You are overlooking something. The blocks do not need to be transported by barges through lochs. They could be hauled up the side of the pyramid by water filled boxes as counterweights. Picture a limestone block, maybe two feet thick and 8 feet wide with a channel in it that is one foot deep and 6 feet wide. Picture three of those blocks placed side by side. Then picture that arrangement stacked up the pyramid. The channels could be greased. A sled with the block to be lifted could travel in the middle channel and the counterweights could travel in the channels to the sides of it. The ropes from the block would go up to rollers at the top of the run, as proposed by Loehner, and then down to the counterweights. To lift a block one would merely need to siphon water from the pond at the top into the boxes. Then when they reached the bottom a stopper at the bottom could be released.This way one could have all three operations going on simultaneously on each face of the pyramid. A line chain pot pumps could work right alongside the tracks for the counterweight/lifting operation. The Egyptian boat cranes could then help maneuver the blocks at the top. The limestone tracks could be held in place by knobs that are left protruding from the facing stones. Those knobs could be taken off when the operation is completed.The stones, the facing stones anyway, could also be delivered very close to their final destination. This would enable a much quicker construction as you would not need to have all of the blocks come up through one series of lochs. Building the series of lochs on the sides of the pyramid would also no doubt have presented a series of difficult problems .One such weakness is that the whole operation would be shut down if a block came lose from its flotation. This would be a much more effective use of water power than the lochs. In fact, one could halve the use of water by putting workers on the counterweights to ride down. or eliminate the use of water for counterweights all together and just use the workers body weights, which after all, are mostly water anyway. A ladder could also be carved into the outer side of each counterweight track. The whole system of tracks could just be removed when they reach a height where they intersect the edge of the Pyramid and are then no longer useful.

One question, what would power the ""automatic"" chained water jug pump that would run up the side of the pyramid.",Willard gage,another way the construction process  of the great pyramid could have been configured,2011-07-17 11:31:02
NULL,whg363@verizon.net,MSG1310936418-3698,"Some have put forward that the ""solar boats"" that were found buried at the base of the pyramid were used as cranes. This they say required that they be used in a flooded space. Perhaps though they could be used on a dry space and it was not necessary to flood the construction site as it progressed all the way up to the top. We know that the first few layers of blocks are the largest. Perhaps the point where they started using smaller blocks is a point where they stopped flooding the site. If the boats HELD water, on dry land, that would act as a ballast as well as a counterweight as the boat was tipped. If a counterweight was placed on the deck of the boat at one end, it would make the boat tip, the water would shift in that direction as well. Would not that weight of the shifting water be added to the counterweight? The solar boats have a completely flat keel that looks like it could be 3 to 5 feet wide. The boat is like a rocker. When they wanted to reposition it they could let the water out and carry it to another area.",Willard Gage,The boats some say were used as cranes,2011-07-17 14:09:25
NULL,derekjohnson0123@gmail.com,MSG1311335117-8881,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Darian Lewis,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-07-22 04:59:12
NULL,lisaalderman.321@gmail.com,MSG1312375931-8750,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Larina sara,Want more customers?,2011-08-03 05:59:40
NULL,roam2311@yahoo.com,MSG1312627592-5842,"Many people wear spectacles and face problem when coming out of aieconditioned place to the normal or hot atmosphere----the glasses are full of moisture, making them unavailable to see thru. They also face difficulty during rainy days. Anybody thought of inventing HUMIDITY RESISTANT SPECTACLES?",ROMA SACHDEVA,HUMIDITY RESISTANT SPECTACLES,2011-08-06 03:53:33
NULL,roam2311@yahoo.com,MSG1312627592-5842,"Many people wear spectacles and face problem when coming out of airconditioned place to the normal or hot atmosphere----the glasses are full of moisture, making them unavailable to see thru. They also face difficulty during rainy days. Anybody thought of inventing HUMIDITY RESISTANT SPECTACLES?",ROMA SACHDEVA,HUMIDITY RESISTANT SPECTACLES,2011-08-06 03:54:07
NULL,roam23sachdeva@gmail.com,MSG1312627592-5842,"Many people wear spectacles and face problem when coming out of airconditioned place to the normal or hot atmosphere----the glasses are full of moisture, making them unable to see thru. They also face difficulty during rainy days. Anybody thought of inventing HUMIDITY RESISTANT SPECTACLES?",ROMA SACHDEVA,HUMIDITY RESISTANT SPECTACLES,2011-08-06 03:55:43
NULL,albertcollins321@gmail.com,MSG1312881043-7167,We have an attractive franchise opportunity of a respectable business. Please reply for more details.,Albert Collins,Franchise of IT enabled services,2011-08-09 02:21:39

I represent a value added reseller, TSymmetry Inc., we work with the Federal Government to provide specialized solutions.  Based on our client needs, we are creating a division that will be selling Robotics Systems to our clients.  I have identified Invention Concepts as a potential Robot Company partner, whose products and/or services we could provide to our clients.

If you can guide me to the right individual in your organization who would be able to answer a few questions.  Also is there a package you can mail or email  that includes all the information regarding Partner Dealer program?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you

Tousif Tazamal
Sales Coordinator
TSymmetry, Inc.
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 850
Washington, D.C. 20004
(O) (202) 480-2008
(F) (202) 480-2021
",Tousif Tazamal,Partner Dealer Program with Invention Concepts Information Request ,2011-08-09 11:49:48

I am just following up on potential partner/dealer with Invention Concepts.  I have a few questions for Robotics Group.

1.Who handles the partner dealer program for your company? (Name, title, location, cell/phone)
2.Is there a dept. or does one individual handle the program?
3.Are there any other folks for me to call for me to get more info on the product line?
4.Can any firm become a dealer?
5.Are there specific requirements a firm needs to fulfill?  Details?
6.What are your top 3 selling products in order of popularity?  How many units do you sell a year?
7.Is there a package you can mail or email with details?  What components does the package consist of? Pricing? Dealer Agreements?  Credit form?  When do we need to pay?

Federal sales:
1.Is there a person/dept. that handles sales to the US federal government? (Name, title, location, address, cell/direct dial)
2.Does your company have a GSA schedule or do you sell through partners? Does your firm have any interest finding a partner (like Tsym) with GSA schedule who can sell directly to the US federal government?

Additional Resources:
1.Size of your company (small or big) (public vs. Private (or number of people or revenues)?
2.How does technical support work?  Would we need robotic or technical experts in house to fix breakdowns at the client site?  Can we train our technical team?  Do you provide a level of phone support?
3.What type services do you provide for repairs and warranties?  If we use our own technician to service units what type of training or background do you recommend? Any certifications?
4.Do you offer direct shipping to the client?  If need for a rapid shipping, can you accelerate the shipping process?
5.How much lead time do you need for small (1-20 pieces), medium (20-100) and large (100+) orders?
6.Are the dealers required or requested to buy and warehouse inventory? If yes how much inventory?
7.Do you provide volume discounts?  ?  What are the break points for volume discounts?  Are they based on annual or monthly volume?
8.What types of other discounts are available?  Would you consider a discount specifically for the federal government?  Do you have discount for VAR’s who are assembling a solution.

Miscellaneous Information:

I look forward to your reply.

Thank you for your time,

Tousif Tazamal
Sales Coordinator
TSymmetry, Inc.
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 850
Washington, D.C. 20004
(O) (202) 480-2008
(F) (202) 480-2021
",Tousif Tazamal,Partner Dealer Program with Invention Concepts Information Request,2011-08-15 06:43:56
NULL,derekjohnson.321@gmail.com,MSG1313485844-5343,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Darian Lewis,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-08-16 02:22:25
NULL,lisaalderman.321@gmail.com,MSG1314009543-8363,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Larina sara,Want more customers?,2011-08-22 03:52:59
NULL,ceceliamaloney.22@gmail.com,MSG1314599147-6917,"We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.",Cecelia Maloney,Free SEO Proposal,2011-08-28 23:46:50
NULL,ceceliamaloney.001@gmail.com,MSG1314860831-4919,"We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.",Cecelia Maloney,Free SEO Proposal,2011-09-01 00:33:28
NULL,ceceliamaloney.005@gmail.com,MSG1315368654-7208,"We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.",Cecelia Maloney,Free SEO Proposal,2011-09-06 21:30:25
NULL,lisaalderman.123@gmail.com,MSG1316256490-9599,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Larina sara,Want more customers?,2011-09-17 03:58:20
NULL,beckyjack12345@gmail.com,MSG1316496915-8007,Do you wish you could increase your online leads?  We have helped a lot of businesses thrive in this market and we can help you!  Simply hit reply and I’ll share with you the cost and the benefits.,Brett Babb,Thought regarding your website,2011-09-19 22:37:13
NULL,scotservais2@gmail.com,MSG1316590731-2845,"We will optimize your site to increase its rankings with major search engines. This will drive targeted online users to your site, as well as attract new users through the use of relevant keywords and phrases. Not only will we help you gain those higher rankings, but maintain your status through continual management and support. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Stan Thornton,See you at the top,2011-09-21 00:39:40
NULL,lisaalderman.321@gmail.com,MSG1317290730-1803,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Larina sara,Want more customers?,2011-09-29 03:11:44
I have submitted a invention concept about Refrigerator Open Door Switch but my submission was not confirmed because there was an error. I was instructed to inform webmaster@inventionconcepts.com but there was a failure of delivery notice I received from MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com.

Thanks! I hope you can enlighten me on this matter.


Mariano Tagayun
",Mariano Tagayun,No confirmation of My Submission,2011-09-29 19:52:28
NULL,ceceliamaloney22@gmail.com,MSG1317440828-8038,"We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.",Cecelia Maloney,Free SEO Proposal,2011-09-30 21:00:37
NULL,ceceliamaloney.001@gmail.com,MSG1318070553-9119,"We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.",Cecelia Maloney,Free SEO Proposal,2011-10-08 03:51:09
NULL,lisaalderman.123@gmail.com,MSG1318596903-5366,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Larina sara,Want more customers?,2011-10-14 05:58:52
NULL,backyjack27@gmail.com,MSG1318834781-3630,Do you wish you could increase your online leads?  We have helped a lot of businesses thrive in this market and we can help you!  Simply hit reply and I’ll share with you the cost and the benefits.,Brett Babb,Thought regarding your website,2011-10-17 00:14:29
NULL,michaelmedlock@ymail.com,MSG1318860160-2908,if i submit a product will i have to pay up front before you will manufacture the product,Michael Medlock,fee,2011-10-17 07:05:03
NULL,phillipbabb369@gmail.com,MSG1319192390-2684,"Do you want to grow your business?  Do you have serious, defined sales goals?",Phyllis Palacios,Want more customers?,2011-10-21 03:42:24
NULL,miltonlake456@gmail.com,MSG1319885371-6608,"Search Engine Marketing will increase your company’s online presence through comprehensive online marketing campaigns, targeted search engine optimization, and highly managed internet marketing promotions. A search engine marketing campaign will encompass several procedures and factors to make it successful. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Marvin Maloney,See you at the top,2011-10-29 04:01:20

I have a patent-pending innovation that I am looking to license. However, I am based in India.

I was wondering if I can submit my idea on your site. Or if you would be interested to help it licensed.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards
Wilson  ",wilson,Innovation submission inquiry,2011-11-02 17:09:37
NULL,derekjohnson04123@gmail.com,MSG1320319317-2926,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Darian Lewis,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-11-03 05:07:13
NULL,lisaalderman.123@gmail.com,MSG1320638476-6904,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Larina sara,Want more customers?,2011-11-06 21:08:00
NULL,anthonyburgess002@gmail.com,MSG1320826735-7463,We provide a complete range of internet marketing solutions to our clients. Our focus is to provide businesses across the world with world class web based solutions to enhance and compliment business needs. Let us know if you would like to increase sales.,Arturo Abel,White Hat SEO,2011-11-09 01:42:50
NULL,bellagarza0444@gmail.com,MSG1321257318-1261,We strongly believe that we have an excellent opportunity to increase the number of visitors to your website through our white-hat SEO services. Please simply reply to this message and we will be delighted to send you further information.,Brooke Babcock,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-11-14 01:14:34
NULL,derekjohnson.321@gmail.com,MSG1321261169-9658,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Darian Lewis,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-11-14 02:55:52
NULL,bellagarza0444@gmail.com,MSG1321359106-5522,We strongly believe that we have an excellent opportunity to increase the number of visitors to your website through our white-hat SEO services. Please simply reply to this message and we will be delighted to send you further information.,Brooke Babcock,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-11-15 05:29:36
NULL,derekjohnson.04123@gmail.com,MSG1321597767-5498,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Darian Lewis,Up to ten times your targeted traffic,2011-11-18 00:03:10
I would like to read more about your invention because it seems quite amazing! I hope you can get it patented one day for all of us to use.
Thanks!",Sara,Amazing!,2011-11-20 06:37:59
NULL,choco_hala@hotmail.com,MSG1321796495-6005,"Please send me more information about this invention!
Thank you!",Sara,Interesting ,2011-11-20 06:42:42
NULL,choco_hala@hotmail.com,MSG1321796631-1765,"This seems quite useful, please send me more information about this invention!
Thanks :)",Sara,Hello again!,2011-11-20 06:45:26
NULL,frankizzo589@yahoo.com,MSG1322121863-4810,intrusted in this idea please email me,Frank Iss,bottles ,2011-11-24 01:04:59
NULL,ramonelliot331@gmail.com,MSG1322800785-1559,"You know how important it is to be visible.  You know you need to use the internet better.  But you also need to take care of your business.  You can’t do both.  Well, you take care of your business… we’ll take care of the internet for you.  Our expert staff understands how to make search engines your friend.  Email us and we’ll get started. ",Ramon Elliot ,Dominate Your Business Category,2011-12-01 21:46:16

I wold like to know more about what it is you do and where you are located I have a number of ideas that are into the prototype stage and need help developing them further.

CHARLES BRENNERT  ",Charles Brennert,more info,2011-12-05 11:14:14
NULL,abernathysylvia8@gmail.com,MSG1323351618-8553,We found your weblisting on one of the back pages of Google.  Wouldn’t you rather be up front?  Our experts in Search Engine Optimization can help you become more visible and more productive.  A quick email will get you details.,Sylvia Abernathy,Powerful Internet Marketing,2011-12-08 06:50:32
NULL,Ivan.lvanballard@gmail.com,MSG1324896377-3039,"The web is getting more crowded all the time.  If you’d rather not get lost in the crowd, we can help you be a whole lot more visible.  The system is easy:  Search Engine Optimization is the key.  Help us help you get more business.",Ivan Ballard,Beat your competitors,2011-12-26 04:08:25
NULL,sfair6921@gmail.com,MSG1326101087-9854,"It’s a fact:  more people find out about your business on Facebook or Twitter than on search engines.  Making these sites work maybe tricky for you, but it’s business as usual for us.  Let us improve your visibility and enhance your image.  It’s part of our complete  Internet Marketing package.  We’ll be more than your friends --- we’ll be your partners.",Stella Fair,Complete Marketing Plan,2012-01-09 02:27:15
NULL,dragonfyrebreath@aol.com,MSG1326908690-7852,"this  theory  makes no sense ,more importantly should be why were they  built?",eddie,pyramid invention theory 1,2012-01-18 10:47:59
NULL,donnagabriel78@gmail.com,MSG1327306518-9006,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Donna Gabriel,Internet Marketing Company,2012-01-23 01:40:39
NULL,donnagabriel75@gmail.com,MSG1329728491-2458,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Donna Gabriel,Internet Marketing Company,2012-02-20 02:25:19
NULL,dgabriel980@gmail.com,MSG1329886725-4608,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Donna Gabriel,Internet Marketing Company,2012-02-21 22:12:36
NULL,ramonelliot438@gmail.com,MSG1333340444-5633,"You know how important it is to be visible.  You know you need to use the internet better.  But you also need to take care of your business.  You can’t do both.  Well, you take care of your business… we’ll take care of the internet for you.  Our expert staff understands how to make search engines your friend.  Email us and we’ll get started.",Ramon Elliot,Dominate Your Business Category,2012-04-01 21:28:39
NULL,Yknsfootballplayer@att.net,MSG1337016427-3729,"I have a Ladder Stabilizer that I patented years back that has gotten nothing but positive feedback from customers, but I need help getting it into the big marketplace. If you can help that would be greatly appreciated!",Scott Walker,Invention,2012-05-14 10:30:39
NULL,philip.english@robotcenter.co.uk,MSG1340706708-7191,"Hi Invention Concepts,

I am emailing from a UK based robot re-seller and enquiring if you  have any distributors in the UK, to purchase your pool skimmer from?

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Many Thanks
",Philip English,Distribution in UK,2012-06-26 03:35:46
NULL,ivan.iballardivan@gmail.com,MSG1341577642-8283,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Ivan Ballard,Beat your competitors,2012-07-06 05:37:46
NULL,sydney.gumbi@hotmail.com,MSG1343373042-6789,NULL,sydney,wheelbarow improvements,2012-07-27 00:12:17
NULL,donnagabriel480@gmail.com,MSG1343723340-9036,We can increase rankings of your website in search engines. Please reply back for more details.,Donna Gabriel,Internet Marketing Company,2012-07-31 01:40:57
NULL,vastsc@gmail.com,MSG1344432477-4875,"Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Tushar Verma (Online SEO Consultant).

          We do search engine optimization (onpage and offpage, one way themed text links, social bookmarking, blog submissions, directory submissions, article writing and postings etc.). It helps the webmasters to increase their website search engine visibility.

          Search engines give us real traffic. Any website gets maximum number of visitors only if it is listed on first page of a search engine for a particular keyword search. Getting onto the first gives you maximum traffic & so more business.

          In simple words less traffic means less business & no traffic means no business.

          We analyzed your website, you made a very good website, but its visibility in search engines not very good. It is not in top search in search engines.

          If you want to increase traffic & your website visibility in search engine then contact us at vastsc@gmail.com .
We can optimize your website to be visible in top search for your main keywords.

          Our dedicated seo team is always ready to help you to grow your business. Get top 10 ranking and maintain it with us.

Ethical SEO -> Better Traffic -> Higher Sales

Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services Provided By Us:
1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
2. Link Building
3. Press Release
4. Article Submission/Article Writing
5. Blog Submissions/Writing
6. Directory Submission
7. Social Media Optimization much more.

SEO Services is done for:
1. Increase Page Rank.
2. Increase the Rankings in all search engines.
3. To increase Traffic to the Site

Guaranteed Google Top 10 ranking and maintenance

Take advantage of our highly successful internet marketing service at very affordable price.

Thanks & Regards
Tushar Verma

Note: We are not spammers and are against spamming of any kind. If you are not interested then you can reply with a simple ""NO”, we will never contact you again",Tushar Verma,Affordable SEO & Link Building Services with affordable Rate,2012-08-08 06:29:53
NULL,pkgaur98@gmail.com,MSG1345183157-2674,please give info about new topics in it field.,Prakash,new topic,2012-08-16 23:02:40
NULL,ramonelliot9@gmail.com,MSG1346048473-2934,"You know how important it is to be visible.  You know you need to use the internet better.  But you also need to take care of your business.  You can’t do both.  Well, you take care of your business… we’ll take care of the internet for you.  Our expert staff understands how to make search engines your friend.  Email us and we’ll get started.",Ramon Elliot,Dominate Your Business Category,2012-08-26 23:35:51
NULL,baazigames@yahoo.com,MSG1348070139-1153,"Hi There,
My name is Amir and I’m a freelance product developer | industrial designer, I design anything from kitchen appliances to toys.
Besides, I have lots of good ideas for new products. These cool ideas for everybody, kids, adults and family, for home, office, lawn, pool, school and so on. You just name it and I will prove you!
I would like to propose my expertise for your company.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards
Amir Khan

My Professional Skills
Graphic Design, Print, Presentation, Web & Multimedia
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustration, Adobe Flash, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Acrobat Pro, AdobeAudition or Soundbooth, Adobe Encore, HTML, MS FrontPage, Adobe FreeHand (Old), Coral Draw, Corel Painter, Quark Xpress, PageMaker, Inkscape, AKVIS, Final Cut Pro (Mac), Nitro PDF Pro, FL Studio 10, Sony Vegas Pro, MS Power Point, MS office Visio and etc.
2D & 3D Skills (Modeling, Rendering and Animation), 3D Presentation, 3D Convertor
AutoCad Mechanical, AutoCad Electrical, AutoCad Architecture, AutoCad Civil 3D, Autodesk Alias Studio Tools, (Design, Automotive & Surface), Autodesk 3D Max Design, Autodesk Inventor Pro, Autodesk Maya, Autodesk Mudbox, Autodesk Showcase, Autodesk Sketchbook Designer, Autodesk Revit Architecture, Autodesk Revit Structure, Autodesk Revit MEP, Zbrush 4R4, Catia R5,  Aurora 3D Animation and Presentation Suite, Blender, Poser Pro, Rhino 3D, IronCad Suite, SolidWorks, Moldflow, RealFlow 2012, Draftsight, Aiseesoft 3D Convertor and etc.
Physical Prototype
Hands on prototype development, model making and part fabrication.
",Amir Khan,New Inventions | Ideas!!!,2012-09-19 08:59:23
NULL,baazigames@yahoo.com,MSG1348070441-7601,"Hi There,
My name is Amir and I’m a freelance product developer | industrial designer, I design anything from kitchen appliances to toys.
Besides, I have lots of good ideas for new products. These cool ideas for everybody, kids, adults and family, for home, office, lawn, pool, school and so on. You just name it and I will prove you!
I would like to propose my expertise for your company.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards",Amir Khan,New Inventions!,2012-09-19 09:01:31
NULL,mahmoud_husam@hotmail.com,MSG1348324038-3079,im interested to know about the air foil design that as you claim increases lift and decrease drag.,mahmoud zarif,interested ,2012-09-22 07:28:14
NULL,ballardivan9@gmail.com,MSG1356433471-1653,"We offer quality Search Engine Optimization / SEO Services and Internet Marketing Solutions. Our dedicated team of SEO Professionals ensures Top 10 search engine rankings. Our SEO Processes are designed in view of the SEO guidelines, and white hat SEO techniques are strictly followed to ensure that our clients from world over get the best SEO services. Please reply to this email so we can send you more details.",Ivan Ballard,Beat your competitors in 2013,2012-12-25 04:09:04

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