Next-Generation APT Intelligence
We are at war. There's no doubt about it.
Highly sophisticated cyber-attacks and cyber-conflicts are happening on a daily basis. Big corporations, news agencies and government agencies all around the world are getting hacked. A new threat is arising, more sophisticated, more resilient and way more scary.
0day vulnerabilities, undetectable malware and stealthy lateral movements make the attackers of 2013 an unprecedented adversary that traditional security products and tactics can't do anything against. Among us experts we commonly define this threat as APT and trust us, there's nothing you can do about it either. At this very moment, they are the number 1 threat to every organization and individual on the in-ter-net, as shown by the following graph:

Coming from our long experience dealing with malware, sandboxing and making your lives easier, we decided to apply our knowledge into a new cutting-edge product that will help you dealing with APT: identify it, block it and disrupt your adversary! As a result, we are thrilled to announce the release of Dragon Sandbox:
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