I want to inform you about multiple vulnerabilities in multiple plugins for
WordPress with jPlayer. These are Cross-Site Scripting and Content Spoofing
I've wrote about vulnerabilities in jPlayer earlier
(http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2013/Apr/192). jPlayer is used in
multiple web applications and particularly in multiple plugins for
WordPress. Google dork for jPlayer shows 32000 results and for WP plugins
with it shows 239000 (inurl:Jplayer.swf inurl:/wp-content/plugins/).
Among them are MP3-jPlayer, Haiku minimalist audio player, Background Music,
Jammer and WP jPlayer. These five plugins placed in WordPress plugins
catalog with tag "jplayer", But there are other vulnerable plugins for WP
with Jplayer.swf (which can be found with above-mentioned Google dork). All
developers of these plugins, the same as developers of all other web
applications with jPlayer, need to update it in their software.
Affected products:
MP3-jPlayer 1.8.3 and previous versions.
Haiku minimalist audio player 1.0.0 and previous versions.
Background Music 1.0 and previous versions.
Jammer 0.2 and previous versions.
WP jPlayer 0.1 and previous versions.
Vulnerabilities are in jPlayer versions before 2.2.23. Version 2.2.23 and
the last released version 2.3.0 are not vulnerable to mentioned XSS, except
CS via JS and XSS via JS callbacks. Also there are other bypass methods
which work in version 2.3.0, but the developers haven't fixed them besides
attack via alert. About that I've wrote to developers already in March and
reminded again. So wait for new version with fixing of these
Affected vendors:
Plugins' pages at WordPress plugins catalog:
Haiku minimalist audio player
Background Music
WP jPlayer
Cross-Site Scripting (WASC-08):
In different versions of jPlayer there are different XSS vulnerabilities
(see in the first advisory) and different WP plugins has different versions
of jPlayer.
Haiku minimalist audio player:
Background Music:
WP jPlayer:
Content Spoofing (WASC-12):
It's possible to conduct CS (inclusion of audio/video files from external
resources) via JS and XSS via JS callbacks. This requires HTML Injection
vulnerability at the site. The attack is similar to XSS attacks via
callbacks in JW Player (http://securityvulns.ru/docs28176.html).
Because this attack vector requires separate vulnerability at target site to
conduct CS and XSS attacks with using of jPlayer, the developers didn't do
anything to fix it. The same as developers JW Player. So protection from
this attack scenario lies solely on web sites owners.
2013.03.19 - informed developers of jPlayer.
2013.04.20 - developers released jPlayer 2.3.0
(http://www.jplayer.org/2.3.0/release-notes/) and informed me.
2013.04.21 - informed developers of MP3-jPlayer, Haiku minimalist audio
player and WP jPlayer (from five developers only these three had contact
Best wishes & regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site
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