Eleven days ago the Heartbleed vulnerability was publicly announced.
Last Friday, we issued the CloudFlare Challenge: Heartbleed and simultaneously started the process of revoking and reissuing all the SSL certificates that CloudFlare manages for our customers.
That process is now complete. We have revoked and reissued every single certificate we manage and all the certificates we use.
read more.....http://blog.cloudflare.com/the-heartbleed-aftermath-all-cloudflare-certificates-revoked-and-reissued
Last Friday, we issued the CloudFlare Challenge: Heartbleed and simultaneously started the process of revoking and reissuing all the SSL certificates that CloudFlare manages for our customers.
That process is now complete. We have revoked and reissued every single certificate we manage and all the certificates we use.
read more.....http://blog.cloudflare.com/the-heartbleed-aftermath-all-cloudflare-certificates-revoked-and-reissued