In my previous post I went over analyzing Hyper-V saved state files in Volatility using a tool call vm2dmp. I mentioned some limits of the tool for VM’s on 2012 and later Hyper-V host systems. Another major downside was a limit of 4GB RAM size on the VM, which would cause the tool itself to crash out. However the biggest downside was having to actually pause a running VM to obtain the data with no live acquisition option for anyone who can’t just take a server down in the middle of the day.
Using a tool called LiveKd we now can analyze Windows virtual machines on both the 2012 and 2012 R2 platforms including VM’s with RAM sizes larger than 4GB.
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Using a tool called LiveKd we now can analyze Windows virtual machines on both the 2012 and 2012 R2 platforms including VM’s with RAM sizes larger than 4GB.
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