The ntk_PowerDVD12.sys kernel driver distributed with CyberLing PowerDVD contains
an pool overflow vulnerability in the handling of IOCTL 0x9C402404.
Exploitation of this issue allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code
within the kernel.
An attacker would need local access to a vulnerable computer to exploit
this vulnerability.
2.Vulnerability details:
function at 0x0001906C is responsible for dispatching ioctl codes:
.text:0001906C ; int __stdcall ioctl_handler(int, PIRP Irp)
.text:0001906C ioctl_handler proc near ; DATA XREF: DriverEntry+CD o
.text:0001906C var_4FC = dword ptr -4FCh
.text:0001906C var_FC = byte ptr -0FCh
.text:0001906C var_84 = dword ptr -84h
.text:0001906C var_5C = byte ptr -5Ch
.text:0001906C var_3C = byte ptr -3Ch
.text:0001906C var_1C = dword ptr -1Ch
.text:0001906C var_18 = dword ptr -18h
.text:0001906C inbuff_mem = dword ptr -14h
.text:0001906C NumberOfBytes = dword ptr -10h
.text:0001906C BaseAddress = dword ptr -0Ch
.text:0001906C var_8 = dword ptr -8
.text:0001906C var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:0001906C Irp = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:0001906C push ebp
.text:0001906D mov ebp, esp
.text:0001906F sub esp, 4FCh
.text:00019075 push ebx
.text:00019076 push esi
.text:00019077 mov esi, [ebp+Irp]
.text:0001907A mov ebx, [esi+60h]
.text:0001907D mov ecx, [ebx+8]
.text:00019080 push edi
.text:00019081 xor edi, edi
.text:00019083 cmp ecx, edi
.text:00019085 mov [ebp+NumberOfBytes], ecx
.text:00019088 mov eax, [ebx+4]
.text:0001908B mov [ebp+var_1C], edi
.text:0001908E mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:00019091 jnz short loc_1909F
.text:00019093 mov [ebp+var_1C], 0C000000Dh
.text:0001909A jmp loc_19A03
.text:0001909F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0001909F loc_1909F: ; CODE XREF: ioctl_handler+25 j
.text:0001909F mov eax, [ebx+0Ch]
.text:000190A2 cmp eax, 9C402400h
.text:000190A7 jz loc_19852
.text:000190AD cmp eax, 9C402404h
.text:000190B2 jz loc_1982D
.text:0001982D mov edx, [ebp+Irp]
.text:00019830 mov eax, [edx+0Ch]
.text:00019833 push 8
.text:00019835 mov byte ptr [eax], 0
.text:00019838 lea edi, [eax+1]
.text:0001983B pop ecx
.text:0001983C mov esi, offset unk_23D20
.text:00019841 rep movsd <---- No check for inbuff size!!!
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