Dyreza (or Dyre) is one of the newer banking trojans on the scene, targeting major online banking services – dire indeed for unprotected customers of those institutions. Dyre uses browser hooking – a technique that allows the trojan to intercept sensitive web traffic prior to encryption – to perform a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, circumventing SSL and harvesting banking credentials.
Delivered mainly through spam campaigns, the primary targets at this time appear to be customers of specific banks in the UK and US.
more here.............http://h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/HP-Security-Research-Blog/Dyre-times-for-online-banking-customers/ba-p/6549880#.U8-ZzfldWSo
Delivered mainly through spam campaigns, the primary targets at this time appear to be customers of specific banks in the UK and US.
more here.............http://h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/HP-Security-Research-Blog/Dyre-times-for-online-banking-customers/ba-p/6549880#.U8-ZzfldWSo