With a strong commitment to helping thousands of its customers in the world’s top law enforcement, military, government and corporate organizations recover data from a broad range of Internet-related communications, Magnet Forensics (formerly JADsoftware) has unveiled v5.8 of its industry-leading forensic software, INTERNET EVIDENCE FINDER™ (IEF) – including several forensic firsts!
New features in this release include:
1.Dropbox decryption – a forensics first!*
2.Web Video Recovery – another forensics first!
3.Google Maps Tiles & Geo-Location Visualization
4.Support for NewsGroup Messages (yEncoded File Support)
5.New Artifact Support Added
*Dropbox decryption is currently available with IEF TRIAGE only
read more.........http://www.forensicfocus.com/News/article/sid=1982/