We began monitoring the development of a mysterious
malware that first emerged in early April 2014 when we
noticed some intriguing features in the threat’s technical
aspects. Further analysis revealed a close link to an old
threat known as Srizbi, which infected machines and used
them to send out spam email messages (in other words, a
spambot). The new threat has the same general purpose
- to infect a machine, download the necessary data from a
command and control (C&C) server to create spam email
messages, and then send the spam out using the machine
- but the methods it uses differ notably.
more here..............http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/labs_global/whitepapers/technical
malware that first emerged in early April 2014 when we
noticed some intriguing features in the threat’s technical
aspects. Further analysis revealed a close link to an old
threat known as Srizbi, which infected machines and used
them to send out spam email messages (in other words, a
spambot). The new threat has the same general purpose
- to infect a machine, download the necessary data from a
command and control (C&C) server to create spam email
messages, and then send the spam out using the machine
- but the methods it uses differ notably.
more here..............http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/labs_global/whitepapers/technical