Few weeks back, I was playing with my mobile WiFi hotspot and powershell. Using powershell, I was listing the SSIDs created by the mobile hotspot, wondering if it could be exploited some way? It turned out to be a yes but with some help.
Behold, I give you Gupt (which means secret), a powershell backdoor which could execute commands and scripts on a target if a specially crafted SSID is brought into its proximity. Gupt is very small yet powerful !
more here..........http://www.labofapenetrationtester.com/2014/08/Introducing-Gupt.html
Behold, I give you Gupt (which means secret), a powershell backdoor which could execute commands and scripts on a target if a specially crafted SSID is brought into its proximity. Gupt is very small yet powerful !
more here..........http://www.labofapenetrationtester.com/2014/08/Introducing-Gupt.html