A few days ago, I gave a presentation at Ruxcon about breaking international voicemail security. Whilst the crowd and conference were absolutely amazing - my overall research, I think has a much wider scope in the terms of whom it could affect. This blog post acts as a technical writeup and companion to my slides presented at Ruxcon.
TL;DR Briefly put, through researching the visual voicemail protocol, we were able to document a number of different vulnerabilities, including some which affected the third largest telco in Australia (30% market share) however the findings could affect a large number of other telco's internationally.
more here..........https://shubh.am/breaking-international-voicemail-security-via-vvm-exploitation/
TL;DR Briefly put, through researching the visual voicemail protocol, we were able to document a number of different vulnerabilities, including some which affected the third largest telco in Australia (30% market share) however the findings could affect a large number of other telco's internationally.
more here..........https://shubh.am/breaking-international-voicemail-security-via-vvm-exploitation/