For years iPhone jailbreaking has been a very controversial topic. Considered illegal by some including the vendor, customers had to fight in court to get a DCMA exception that finally ruled iPhone jailbreaking legal. However jailbreaking is still considered shady and many believe that the primary purpose of jailbreaking is to install pirated software copies. At the same time the jailbreaking community is trying hard to fight this stigma and jailbreak release groups like The iPhone Dev Team, Chronic-dev teams and finally the evad3rs tried their best to provide jailbreaking software that was clean from 3rd party code that would infringe on other people's copyright.
This all changed about five months ago, when a team of Chinese called PanguTeam released a shady jailbreak that relied on enterprise code-signing certificates, used vulnerabilities that were shared with them in the confidence that they would not be leaked and installed the 25pp app store that allegedly supports software piracy. But not only that they also took our code, incorporated it into their untether and distributed it to millions of iDevices without having a license that would allow this.
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This all changed about five months ago, when a team of Chinese called PanguTeam released a shady jailbreak that relied on enterprise code-signing certificates, used vulnerabilities that were shared with them in the confidence that they would not be leaked and installed the 25pp app store that allegedly supports software piracy. But not only that they also took our code, incorporated it into their untether and distributed it to millions of iDevices without having a license that would allow this.
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