Hack.lu's 2014 CTF took place on October 21-23. The event was organized by fluxfingers, and this year's challenges were really enjoyable, huge props to them. I played with my friends from TheGoonies - after winning the Brazilian CTF Pwn2Win we are now getting better organized to become more competitive. There are quite a few write ups around and I decided to post about a few tasks which we had a different solution from other teams.
Task: At Gunpoint (Reversing - 200)
more here.............http://w00tsec.blogspot.com/2014/10/hacklu-2014-ctf-write-up-at-gunpoint.html
Task: At Gunpoint (Reversing - 200)
more here.............http://w00tsec.blogspot.com/2014/10/hacklu-2014-ctf-write-up-at-gunpoint.html