Hi all, I'm ANTRAX from Argentina, and I'm owner of www.underc0de.org
Today, I going to share with you an XSS in blogger. This is a very
simple, but isn´t fixed yet..
This bug could be exploited by bloggers without administrator permissons.
Steps to reproduce the XSS:
1.- Create a new post in the blog and insert some script
[image: Imágenes integradas 1]
2.- When the administrator enter in the administration panel in "templates"
section, blogger automatically executed the script, because blogger have a
mini-preview in "Ahora en el blog", then execute the script
[image: Imágenes integradas 2]
3.- Ready! the script has been executed!
[image: Imágenes integradas 3]
Also, you can steal cookies!
[image: Imágenes integradas 4]
I reported to google about it, but they did not fix it yet.
Kind regards partners!
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