Dyre is a banking malware discovered in middle of 2014. It can intercept HTTPS traffic, using techniques documented in this Introduction to Dyreza.
In the context of our review of malware faced by customers, we need to rapidly respond and assess the risk. Dyre is malware found in such context, and we are releasing a Volatility plugin that we are using internally to dump configuration in memory for Dyre (Dyreza) samples.
more here........http://cybermashup.com/2015/02/11/volatility-plugin-for-dyre/
In the context of our review of malware faced by customers, we need to rapidly respond and assess the risk. Dyre is malware found in such context, and we are releasing a Volatility plugin that we are using internally to dump configuration in memory for Dyre (Dyreza) samples.
more here........http://cybermashup.com/2015/02/11/volatility-plugin-for-dyre/