This is part 5 of a planned 24 part series. If you haven't read the prior parts I would highly recommend you do to understand how we got to this point!
Part 1 - Accessing an image and printing the partition table
Part 2 - Extracting a file from an image
Part 3 - Extracting a file from a live system
Part 4 - Turning a python script into a windows executable
In this post, before continuing on to accessing an E01 image which is a bit more complicated, let's make our lives a little bit easier. It's always a pain when you forget to open an administrative command prompt to run your script and in future posts when we get to GUIs its easy to forget to right click and run as administrator/sudo your script. So instead let's have our code do it for us. Now I can't take credit for this code like most good programmers I turn to Google for answers which most frequently will lead you to for answers. On stackoverflow I found a series of threads which offered solutions to the problem of elevating a python script and in testing I found the following thread to offer the best solution:
So let's look at what changes we need to make our DFIR Wizard program to do this.
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Part 1 - Accessing an image and printing the partition table
Part 2 - Extracting a file from an image
Part 3 - Extracting a file from a live system
Part 4 - Turning a python script into a windows executable
In this post, before continuing on to accessing an E01 image which is a bit more complicated, let's make our lives a little bit easier. It's always a pain when you forget to open an administrative command prompt to run your script and in future posts when we get to GUIs its easy to forget to right click and run as administrator/sudo your script. So instead let's have our code do it for us. Now I can't take credit for this code like most good programmers I turn to Google for answers which most frequently will lead you to for answers. On stackoverflow I found a series of threads which offered solutions to the problem of elevating a python script and in testing I found the following thread to offer the best solution:
So let's look at what changes we need to make our DFIR Wizard program to do this.
more here.......