I love me some tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists, nothing better than sparking up a lively conversation with a “Hey man, what was that helicopter doing over your house?” and you’re off to the races. Me, I just operate on the premise that everyone is out to get me and I’m good to go. For the more scientific amongst you, there’s always a Faraday option. What? You don’t have a Faraday Cage in your house? You’re going to need more tinfoil. :-)
more here.......http://holisticinfosec.blogspot.com/2015/03/toolsmith-faraday-ipe-when-tinfoil-wont.html
more here.......http://holisticinfosec.blogspot.com/2015/03/toolsmith-faraday-ipe-when-tinfoil-wont.html