autopwn is supposed to make a pentester's life easier by allowing them to specify tools they would like to run against targets, without having to type them all the time or write some dodgy script. This tool will also be useful during certain exams I suspect..
Core concepts of this project are:
Quickness - Specify targets and run pre-defined assessments against them
Easiness - Tool should be easy to use and write tool and assessment configurations for
Recon - This tool should be considered for recon purposes only. I wouldn't rely on this script to automatically identify and exploit issues (even though the tool name sort of implies such skiddy concepts)
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Core concepts of this project are:
Quickness - Specify targets and run pre-defined assessments against them
Easiness - Tool should be easy to use and write tool and assessment configurations for
Recon - This tool should be considered for recon purposes only. I wouldn't rely on this script to automatically identify and exploit issues (even though the tool name sort of implies such skiddy concepts)
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