American Fuzzy Lop + Dyninst == AFL Fuzzing blackbox binaries
The tool has two parts. The instrumentation tool and the instrumentation
library. Instrumentation library has an initialization callback and basic
block callback functions which are designed to emulate what AFL is doing
with afl-gcc/afl-g++/afl-as.
Instrumentation tool (afl-dyninst) instruments the supplied binary by
inserting callbacks for each basic block and an initialization
callback either at _init or at specified entry point.
more here.........
The tool has two parts. The instrumentation tool and the instrumentation
library. Instrumentation library has an initialization callback and basic
block callback functions which are designed to emulate what AFL is doing
with afl-gcc/afl-g++/afl-as.
Instrumentation tool (afl-dyninst) instruments the supplied binary by
inserting callbacks for each basic block and an initialization
callback either at _init or at specified entry point.
more here.........