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5 Months old XSS vulnerability in AOL and DMoz still not fixed


An Indian Security Researcher , Suriya has discovered A reflected xss vulnerability in the AOL website, an American global brand company that develops, grows, and invests in brands and web sites.

Initially , the researcher discovered the xss vulnerability in Dmoz. After notifying the "In partnership with AOL search" text in the Dmoz website, he decided to test the AOL also for the vulnerability and got success.

According to Researcher, the vulnerability was discovered five months ago.  He immediately tried to contact the AOL Security team.

read more..............http://www.ehackingnews.com/2013/01/5-months-old-xss-vulnerability-in-aol.html?goback=%2Egmp_38412%2Egde_38412_member_208507291

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