Ten years ago to the day, we published an FAQ about a computer worm called Slammer.
If you were involved in IT back in 2003, whether you had anything to do with computer security or not, I'm sure you remember it.
W32/SQLSlam-A is a network worm which spreads entirely in memory. The worm infects the process space of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 by exploiting what is known as a buffer overflow. This allows W32/SQLSlam-A to begin running as part of your SQL server. Once running, the worm tries to send itself from your server to as many other internet sites as it can, until you stop it by shutting down your SQL server process. (The worm actually goes into what is known as an "infinite loop", so it will never stop spreading of its own accord.)
There are surprisingly many questions that we posed and answered back then in the FAQ which are still well worth bearing in mind today.
read more......http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/01/27/memories-of-the-slammer-worm/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_content=rss2&utm_campaign=Feed