Tracking & Preventing Software Downloads on Mobile Devices Also a Concern; BYOD Still Does Not Have Widespread Adoption

Canton, OH (PRWEB) January 29, 2013
IT security and data protection are the top ranked challenges faced by many mobile IT asset managers, followed closely by lost and misplaced mobile devices, according to a recent survey on mobile asset management by the International Association of IT Asset Managers (IAITAM).Tracking software downloaded on devices and preventing software downloads by employees rank number three and four, respectively.
How do organizations handle mobility and security?
- 55% access the enterprise from a remote location during off hours, but only 60% of organizations track how, how long or who is accessing remotely.
- There is a nearly 50-50 split on how employees access the enterprise remotely with 51% using a secure key or digital pass and 49% using a log in name and password on a secure site.
- A little more than half (53%) of organizations surveyed have an intrusion protection system for deployed mobile units.
- Nearly 55% can access enterprise information from any device (without it being a company issued mobile device).
Nearly 90% of respondents have a mobile device policy and process in place for lost, misplaced or stolen mobile devices. However, little more than a quarter have real-time location system tracking on any/all mobile devices, but 56% are able to do a remote wipe of all data. Less than half (43%) will automatically replace a lost, misplaced or stolen device within a 24 to 48 hour period. Eighty-four percent of companies have a firm policy that employees leaving the company must surrender their mobile device(s).
Mobile asset tracking & software licensing
Tracking software downloaded on devices and preventing software downloads came in third and fourth most challenging, respectively. Nearly 60% believe that they are managing mobile security adequately, but nearly 75% surveyed felt that licensing and management of mobile device assets is a challenge. More than half (52%) track their assets using an automated tool, while 36% still use spreadsheets. Another 12% are not tracking mobile assets at all.
Tracking software downloaded on devices and preventing software downloads came in third and fourth most challenging, respectively. Nearly 60% believe that they are managing mobile security adequately, but nearly 75% surveyed felt that licensing and management of mobile device assets is a challenge. More than half (52%) track their assets using an automated tool, while 36% still use spreadsheets. Another 12% are not tracking mobile assets at all.
Not surprisingly, the main software programs accessed through a laptop or netbook are:
- Microsoft (97%)
- Adobe (62%)
- Google (47%)
- Symantec (36%)
- Oracle (32%)
Main software programs accessed through a mobile handheld device or Smartphone are Microsoft (85%), Google (52%) and Adobe (26%). Many of these same software publishers aggressively protect their intellectual property through software audits.
A little more than half (51%) of organizations surveyed had a Bring Your Own Device or Bring Your Own Technology program that allows employees to use their personal mobile devices for work purposes. Surprisingly, the vast majority (60%) who took advantage of a BYOD program only accounted for 25% or less of employees who brought in their personal devices.
A little more than half (51%) of organizations surveyed had a Bring Your Own Device or Bring Your Own Technology program that allows employees to use their personal mobile devices for work purposes. Surprisingly, the vast majority (60%) who took advantage of a BYOD program only accounted for 25% or less of employees who brought in their personal devices.
More than three-quarters (77%) allow their employees to use their mobile devices for personal use and 55% allow downloading of apps at the discretion of each employee without monitoring.
“A whopping 96% think that organizations will be forced to alter the way they manage their mobile assets as more and more types of devices are added to the mobile ecosystem,” said Barbara Rembiesa, CEO, IAITAM. “Mobile asset management hasn’t reached maturity yet and many organizations need to implement best practice strategies. While we see that there great strides made to manage mobile assets and mobile workers, there are still many implementation and policy gaps.”
Nearly three-quarters of companies have implemented a mobile device policy across their organization with more than half (53%) of employees believing that they are “in compliance” with their mobile device, but that leaves 47%, a huge percentage within the enterprise who don’t feel that they are “in compliance.”
A total of 254 IT asset managers participated in this electronic survey over a period of six months. IAITAM collected data from its membership comprised of IT asset managers from Global 100 companies to mid-sized enterprises worldwide.
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