White House computer network is hacked, official says
A White House computer network was hit by hackers, resulting in a series of outages and connectivity issues, a White House official said Tuesday.more...
View ArticleThe worst of Windows "Police Locker" is also available on Android
One year ago, I blogged about a nasty evolution of Kovter using sick method to ensure people are shocked and in doubt enough to pay ransom.A week ago doing some Android browsing to check how would...
View ArticleThe deal with the FTDI driver scandal
The FTDI driver scandal is in the news, so I thought I'd write up some background, and show what a big deal this is.more...
View ArticleThreat Spotlight: Group 72, Opening the ZxShell
Recently, there was a blog post on the takedown of a botnet used by threat actor group known as Group 72 and their involvement in Operation SMN. This group is sophisticated, well funded, and...
View ArticleAttack of the Week: Unpicking PLAID
A few years ago I came across an amusing Slashdot story: 'Australian Gov't offers $560k Cryptographic Protocol for Free'. The story concerned a protocol developed by Australia's Centrelink, the...
View ArticleHide Javascript inside JPEG file
In the recent Hack.LU 2014 conference Saumil Shah from net-square gave a talk on “Hacking with Pictures”. The basic idea behind this talk is hiding Javascipt inside a JPEG file.more...
View ArticleCode obFU(N)scation mixing 32 and 64 bit mode instructions
This article is about a funny way to obfuscate code that takes advantage of the Windows 64bit capability to manage and run 32bit processesmore...
View ArticleIntroducing Reputation
One of the primary challenges when running a vulnerability coordination program is distinguishing signal from noise. Our former colleagues at Facebook evaluate over 20 invalid submissions for each...
View Articleapplepay_crypto_demo
Basic demo-quality implementation of Apple Pay In-App payment cryptomore here..........https://github.com/beatty/applepay_crypto_demo
View ArticleThe dangers of opening suspicious emails: Crowti ransomware
The Microsoft Malware Protection Center (MMPC) has seen a spike in number of detections for threats in the Win32/Crowti ransomware this month as the result of new malware campaigns. Crowti is a family...
View ArticleSEC Consult SA-20141029-0 :: Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Vizensoft...
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20141029-0 >======================================================================= title: Multiple critical vulnerabilities...
View ArticleSEC Consult SA-20141029-1 :: Persistent cross site scripting in Confluence...
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20141029-1 >======================================================================= title: Persistent cross site scripting...
View ArticleWal-Mart's Answer To Apple Pay Has Already Been Hacked
Here's a bad sign for CurrentC, the fledgling mobile payment system in development by a consortium of retailers.CurrentC is sending emails to people warning them "that unauthorized third parties...
View ArticleIncreased use of Intelligent, Adaptive DDoS Attack Techniques
Many equate DDoS with only one type of attack vector – volumetric. It is not surprising, as these high bandwidth consuming attacks seem to frequent the headlines most often. Volumetric DDoS attacks are...
View ArticleHackers Are Using Gmail Drafts to Update Their Malware and Steal Data
In his career-ending extramarital affair that came to light in 2012, General David Petraeus used a stealthy technique to communicate with his lover Paula Broadwell: the pair left messages for each...
View ArticleMS08-067 strikes again. Now ATM
Slides and demo Black Hat EU report on ATM security.http://scadastrangelove.blogspot.com/2014/10/different-type-of-scada.html
View ArticleRDP Replay
Here at Context we work hard to keep our clients safe. During routine client monitoring our analysts noticed some suspicious RDP traffic. It was suspicious for two reasons. Firstly the client was not...
View ArticleHow to leak sensitive data from an isolated computer (air-gap) to a near by...
Tomorrow at MALCON 2014, security researcher Mordechai Guri with guidance of Prof. Yuval Elovici from the cyber security labs at Ben-Gurion University in Israel will present a breakthrough method...
View ArticleExposing the Flash ‘EITest’ malware campaign
Security incidents seldom are unrelated. Connecting those dots can help us better understand the underlying architecture and groups involved in cyber-crime.Since early July, we have been tracking a...
View ArticleCVE-2014-6032 - XML External Entity Injection in F5 Networks Big-IP
Vulnerability title: XML External Entity Injection in F5 Networks Big-IPCVE: CVE-2014-6032Vendor: F5 NetworksProduct: Big-IPAffected version: version: N/AReported by: Oliver...
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