Observing the Havex RAT
It has, so far, been publicly reported that three ICS vendors have spread the Havex Remote-Access-Tool (RAT) as part of their official downloads. We've covered the six pieces of software from these...
View ArticleEvolution of Upatre Trojan Downloader
Upatre is a Trojan Downloader family that once installed, is responsible for stealing information and downloading additional malware on the victim machine. It typically arrives via spammed e-mail...
View ArticleOil Droplets and Your Banking Credentials
What does a droplet of oil have in common with the security of your banking credentials? Very little, you might think. However, there is research that came out a few months back, that confirms a theory...
View ArticleCloud Key Management vs. Hardware-Based Key Managers (HSMs)
Cloud security is a top concern for any organization migrating to the cloud. The threats are many.For example, the fact your data resides in a shared, multi-tenant environment is a threat that has...
View ArticleAutomating Man-in-the-Middle SSHv2 attacks
Recently during an internal penetration test, I was performing ARP spoofing and i discovered a SSH connection from the administrator computer to another box.That sounds like the correct way to access...
View ArticlePaper: Measuring the Leakage of Onion at the Root
“A measurement of Tor’s .onion pseudo-TLD in the global domain name system”The Tor project provides individuals with a mechanism of communicating anonymously on the Internet. Furthermore, Tor is...
View ArticleOnionDuke: APT Attacks Via the Tor Network
Recently, research was published identifying a Tor exit node, located in Russia, that was consistently and maliciously modifying any uncompressed Windows executables downloaded through it. Naturally...
View ArticleSimple guest to host VM escape for Parallels Desktop
This is a little story about exploiting guest to host VM escape not-a-vulnerability in Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac. Discovered attack is not about some serious hardcore stuff like hypervisor bugs or...
View ArticleGoogle DoubleClick.net(Advertising) System URL Redirection Vulnerabilities...
Google DoubleClick.net(Advertising) System URL Redirection VulnerabilitiesCan be Used by SpammersAlthough Google does not include Open Redirect vulnerabilities in its bugbounty program, its preventive...
View ArticleBypass Google Open Redirect Filter Based on Googleads.g.doubleclick.net
Bypass Google Open Redirect Filter Based on Googleads.g.doubleclick.net<http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/>-- Google Covert Redirect Vulnerability Based on...
View ArticleCVE-2014-7290 Atlas Systems Aeon XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Vulnerability
CVE-2014-7290 Atlas Systems Aeon XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) VulnerabilityExploit Title: Atlas Systems Aeon XSS VulnerabilityProduct: AeonVendor: Atlas SystemsVulnerable Versions: 3.6 3.5Tested...
View ArticleCVE-2014-8683 XSS in Gogs Markdown Renderer
XSS in Gogs Markdown Renderer=============================Researcher: Timo Schmid <tschmid@ernw.de>Description===========Gogs(Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git Service written inGo....
View ArticleCVE-2014-8682 Multiple Unauthenticated SQL Injections in Gogs
Unauthenticated SQL Injection in Gogs repository search=======================================================Researcher: Timo Schmid <tschmid@ernw.de>Description===========Gogs(Go Git Service)...
View ArticleCVE-2014-8681 Blind SQL Injection in Gogs label search
Blind SQL Injection in Gogs label search========================================Researcher: Timo Schmid <tschmid@ernw.de>Description===========Gogs(Go Git Service) is a painless self-hosted Git...
View ArticleXSS Reflected in Page visualization agents in Pandora FMS v5.1SP1 - Revisión...
I. VULNERABILITY-------------------------XSS Reflected in Page visualization agents in Pandora FMS v5.1SP1 -Revisión PC141031II. BACKGROUNDPandora FMS is the monitoring software chosen by several...
View Article81% of Tor users can be de-anonymised by analysing router information,...
Research undertaken between 2008 and 2014 suggests that more than 81% of Tor clients can be ‘de-anonymised’ – their originating IP addresses revealed – by exploiting the ‘Netflow’ technology that Cisco...
View ArticleCisco-SNMP-Slap
cisco-snmp-slap utilises IP address spoofing in order to bypass an ACLprotecting an SNMP service on a Cisco IOS device.Typically IP spoofing has limited use during real attacks outside DoS. Any...
View ArticleVita native hack: vitasploit released by Hykem
Native vita hack news keep coming for those of you who managed to keep their Vita in firmware 3.18 or under.Yesterday, developer Hykem released his own set of tools to leverage the Webkit exploit on...
View ArticleExploitation of Philips Smart TV
My Philips Smart TV is a Linux box standing there in my living room : that's a sufficient reason to try to get root.more here........http://www.fredericb.info/2014/11/exploitation-of-philips-smart-tv.html
View ArticleDigimarcPIN
You may be familiar with Digimarc for Images. It's a tool for watermarking photos to prove you own the copyright, in a way that doesn't ruin the photo like a traditional watermark. When you try to...
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