SmarterMail - Stored XSS in emails
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View ArticlePaper: Triathlon of Lightweight Block Ciphers for the Internet of Things
Abstract. In this paper we introduce an open framework for the benchmarking of lightweightblock ciphers on a multitude of embedded platforms. Our framework is able to evaluate executiontime, RAM...
View ArticleExfiltrate Data via DNS with Egress-Assess
DNS is a channel that can usually be utilized to exfiltrate data out over a network. Even in the event that a network you are operating in requires authenticating to a proxy for data to leave a...
View ArticleMobile App Wall of Shame: Quikr
Quikr is India's largest online and mobile classifieds portal. Like Craigslist, Quikr provides the users with a platform to help them buy, sell, rent and advertise across multiple categories like real...
View ArticleThe Importance of Good Labels in Security Datasets
Working as security researchers is common to create a new machine learning algorithm that we want to evaluate. It may be that we are trying to detect malware, identify attacks or analyze IDS logs, but...
View ArticleSaying goodbye to encrypted SMS/MMS
It’s 2015, and the end of the road for encrypted SMS/MMS in TextSecure.The TextSecure story started back in 2009, at the dawn of the smartphone era. Back then, TextSecure focused on securing the...
View ArticleRegistry Explorer released!
Lots of good changes in this version that you can view here.....
View ArticleGoogle OAuth Target URL and Domain Description Vulnerable to UI redress attack
Over last 3 years, I’ve participated in the Google Reward Program and found some relatively serious vulnerability. Google OAuth Target URL, Upload X.509 Cert and Domain Description Vulnerable to UI...
It’s no secret I am a big fan of many HackerOne bug reports and public penetration test reports authored by companies such as Cure53 and Least Authority.In fact, pretty much every week I spend some of...
View ArticleMentalJS DOM bypass
Ruben Ventura (@tr3w_) found a pretty cool bypass of MentalJS. He used insertBefore with a null second argument which allows you to insert a node into the dom and bypass my sandboxing restrictions.more...
View ArticleReferer Header Based Blind SQL Injection Explained With Example
Hello everyone, this post is third in series of posts that I will be doing on SQL injection. Earlier I explained Second Order SQL Injections with Example and Column Truncation SQL injection...
View ArticleMono TLS vulnerabilities
A TLS impersonation attack was discovered in Mono's TLS stack byresearchers at Inria. During checks on our TLS stack, we havediscovered two further issues which we have fixed - SSLv2 support,...
View ArticleRansomware Report: The Rise of BandarChor
This week, we have received a number of reports on yet another ransomware, BandarChor.This ransomware is not exactly fresh. The first infections that we've noticed related to this family came in...
View ArticleClassNameDeobfuscator
This is a simple script to parse through the .smali files produced by apktool and extract the .source annotation lines.Obfuscation can be a pain to deal with when reversing an app. However, some apps...
View ArticlePHP Reflect
PHP Reflect is a library that adds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, constants, namespaces and more.Additional info here....
View Articlekeysweeper
KeySweeper is a stealthy Arduino-based device, camouflaged as a functioning USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM) all keystrokes from any...
View ArticleVisa and Other Gift Card Transactions Exposed by GoWallet Vulnerability
I recently received a Visa Gift Card and decided to use GoWallet to manage it, as advertised on the card’s packaging. GoWallet offers the ability to manage most types of gift cards, allowing a user to...
View ArticleScope Injection in CFML
Here is an interesting vulnerability that I have come across several times in real CFML code during code reviews, I have spoken about it at conferences but have never written about it. Since it doesn't...
View ArticleVernamTunnel
Cross-platform multi-thread TCP tunnel with Vernam cipher encryption. You can use this software to enable remote access to your private services in your network.more...
View ArticleBlog on Section Based Code Injection and Its Detection (Inclusive tool to...
I wrote a small tool to detect a possible code injection even if it is done by only section APIs.A few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to analyze ransomware referred as Urausy. At a very initial stage...
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