Good morning.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is SR Doug.
In October 2013, I was hired by Dread Pirate Roberts a/k/a Blake Benthall as
lead programmer for Silk Road 2.0. From November 2013 up until the FBI seizure
in late 2014, I oversaw the website from behind the curtains and managed the
bulk of its servers. I was paid over 1,200 BTC for my service.
I have been sitting on a large database backup containing the usernames and
hashed passwords of 476,122 users, 51,490 deposit addresses, 7,756 plaintext
passwords, 13,280 product listings, 52,481 private messages, 145,493
transaction records and the entire Silk Road source code.
more here......
PS: Not sure of the validity of this poster but interesting never the less