GNU bash Environment Variable Command Injection
Exploit Database Note:The following is an excerpt from: “real” programming languages,...
View ArticleMetasploit: EMC AlphaStor Device Manager Opcode 0x75 Command Injection
require 'msf/core'class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp include Msf::Exploit::CmdStager def initialize(info = {})...
View ArticleMetasploit: Advantech WebAccess dvs.ocx GetColor Buffer Overflow
### This module requires Metasploit: http// Current source: 'msf/core'class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank =...
View ArticleQuick notes about the bash bug, its impact, and the fixes so far
We spent a good chunk of the day investigating the now-famous bash bug, so I had no time for too many jokes about it on Twitter - but I wanted to jot down several things that have been getting drowned...
View ArticleSE Leading Security Experts GmbH - LSE-2014-06-10 - Perl CORE - Deep...
=== LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH - Security Advisory LSE-2014-06-10 ===Perl CORE - Deep Recursion Stack Overflow-----------------------------------------Affected Versions=================Perl...
View ArticleSpoofMAC - Spoof your MAC address
For OS X, Windows, and Linux (most flavors)I made this because changing your MAC address in Mac OS X is harder than it should be. The biggest annoyance is that the Wi-Fi card (Airport) needs to be...
View ArticleOk, shits real. Its in the wild.
First in-wild attack to hit my sensors -Remote exploit vulnerability in bash CVE-2014-6271here............
View ArticleTwo SQL Injections in All In One WP Security WordPress plugin
Advisory ID: HTB23231Product: All In One WP Security WordPress pluginVendor: Tips and Tricks HQ, Peter, Ruhul, IvyVulnerable Version(s): 3.8.2 and probably priorTested Version: 3.8.2Advisory...
View ArticleZyXEL Prestig P-660HNU-T1v2 Credential Disclosure
#!/usr/bin/perl# Exploit Author: Sebastián Magof# Hardware: ZyXEL Prestig P-660HNU-T1# Vulnerable file: wzADSL.asp# location: http://gateway/cgi-bin/wzADSL.asp# Bug: ISP usr+pwd disclosure# Type:...
View ArticlePaper: Malware Propagation in Large-Scale Networks
Abstract—Malware is pervasive in networks, and poses a critical threat to network security. However, we have very limited understanding of malware behavior in networks to date. In this paper, we...
View ArticleHAKA Runtime
What is HAKAHaka is a collection of tool that allows capturing TCP/IP packets and filtering them based on Lua policy files.more here.............
View Articleshellshock-hunter
Search Bing and concurrently test each result for vulnerability to CVE-2014-6271: remote code execute bug in bash otherwise known as Shellshock.more...
View ArticleMSA-2014-02: Typo3 Extension dmmjobcontrol Multiple Vulnerabilities...
Mogwai Security Advisory MSA-2014-02----------------------------------------------------------------------Title: JobControl (dmmjobcontrol) Multiple VulnerabilitiesProduct:...
View ArticleA guide to RegRipper and the art of timeline building
I have often heard RegRipper mentioned on forums and websites and how it was supposed to make examining event logs, registry files and other similar files a breeze. RegRipper is developed and...
View ArticleNational Express print-at-home vulnerability
This is a fine example of developers being lazy and how not to implement "security".National Express are one of the biggest public transport companies in the UK with a huge fleet of coaches and...
View ArticleSmarterTools Smarter Track 6-10 - Information Disclosure Vulnerability
Document Title:===============SmarterTools Smarter Track 6-10 - Information Disclosure VulnerabilityReferences...
View ArticleOracle Corporation MyOracle - Persistent Vulnerability
Document Title:===============Oracle Corporation MyOracle - Persistent VulnerabilityReferences (Source):==================== Security ID...
View ArticleGS Foto Uebertraeger v3.0 iOS - File Include Vulnerability
Document Title:===============GS Foto Uebertraeger v3.0 iOS - File Include VulnerabilityReferences (Source):====================
View ArticlePaypal Inc Bug Bounty #16 - Persistent Mail Encoding Vulnerability
Document Title:===============Paypal Inc Bug Bounty #16 - Persistent Mail Encoding VulnerabilityReferences (Source):====================
View ArticleAttacks against Boletos
José is a very suspicious person. He never uses internet banking services or buys anything using a credit card. Indeed, he doesn't even have one. He doesn't trust any of these modern technologies in...
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