Scammers Offer Up “Steam Wallet Codes”
Last week, we presented a list of online threats that users may encounter while on Steam and interacting with other gamers within the platform. As you may also know, there are threats that can be found...
View ArticleAndroid-InsecureBankv
This is a major update to one of my previous projects - "InsecureBank". This vulnerable Android application is named "InsecureBankv2" and is made for security enthusiasts and developers to learn the...
View ArticleFileless Infections from Exploit Kit: An Overview
The exploit kit landscape is constantly changing and forcing security researchers to up their game.There was a time when payloads were not even encrypted and web servers actually not lying.Unique...
View ArticleScript to decrypt des26 passwords used by ITS (Internet Transaction Server)
Decrypt des26 encrypted SAP ITS passwords here..............
View ArticleXSS Reflected vulnerabilities and CSRF in Exinda WAN Optimization Suite...
I. VULNERABILITY-------------------------XSS Reflected vulnerabilities and CSRF in Exinda WAN Optimization SuiteII. BACKGROUND-------------------------WAN Optimization Suite integrates...
View ArticlePillars of Application Security
The hardest part of any good building project is laying a foundation and understanding what that foundation means. If you lay a square foundation, but attempting to build a triangular building well...
View ArticleOpenfiler DoS via CSRF (CVE-2014-7190)
# Exploit author: @dolevff# Vendor homepage: Affected Software version: 2.99.1 (latest)# Alerted vendor: 7.5.14# CVE-2014-7190Software...
View ArticleShell Shock Exploitation Vectors
This is an incomplete catalog of potential exploitation vectors for CVE-2014-6721, or “Shell Shock”. I’m posting this hastily and will update it continuously with new findings. Please leave a comment...
View ArticleAre You an Entrepreneur Looking For Capital?
Besides being a info security enthusiast I also look for projects or businesses to infuse my personal capital into. Specifically for unique opportunities from determined hungry individuals and entities...
View ArticlePKCS#1 signature validation
On Wednesday, Chrome and Mozilla did coordinated updates to fix an RSA signature verification bug in NSS - the crypto library that handles SSL in Firefox and (currently) Chrome on most platforms. The...
View ArticleMalvertising on The Pirate Bay
The Pirate Bay is famous for its tumultuous relationship with copyright advocates and law enforcement. And yet, despite police raids and numerous trials, the torrent site is still going strong with a...
View ArticleBash bug: so, like, apply the unofficial patch now (CVE-2014-6277)
OK, rebuild bash and deploy Florian's unofficial patch now. If you're a distro maintainer, please consider doing the same.My previous post has more information about the original vulnerability...
View ArticleThinking outside the sandbox
Attacking the modern browser and its plug-ins is becoming harder as vendors employ numerousmitigation technologies to increase the cost of exploit development. An attacker is now forced touncover...
View ArticleSolving FireEye's Flare On Six via Side Channels
This summer FireEye put out a series of seven reverse engineering challenges called the Flare On Challenge. The challenges all have a malware theme to them as it was presumably an avenue of recruiting...
View ArticleMining Bitcoin with pencil and paper: 0.67 hashes per day
I decided to see how practical it would be to mine Bitcoin with pencil and paper. It turns out that the SHA-256 algorithm used for mining is pretty simple and can in fact be done by hand. Not...
View ArticleVolatility autoruns plugin
Finding persistence points (also called "Auto-Start Extensibility Points", or ASEPs) is a recurring task of any investigation potentially involving malware.To make an analyst's life a bit easier, I...
View ArticleSolving IOLI-crackme with Dynamic Binary Modification and GDB
I don't commonly see Dynamic Binary Modification (DBM) being used for reverse engineering and binary patching, which is a shame since it's quite a good tool for this sort of thing. Compared to regular...
View ArticlePredictive Research: Malware, You're Doing It Wrong
I sat down this weekend to document the inspiring thoughts behind a talk I gave at Next Generation Threats last week in Stockholm. The initial idea was to outline how today's threat detection systems...
A few days ago I got a message from a friend asking if I could investigate a message he had gotten by SMS about possibly having won 10 000 SEK at Swedish supermarket chain ICA. I said “sure, why not”...
View ArticleUpdate: XORSearch With Shellcode Detector
XORSearch allows you to search for strings and embedded PE-files brute-forcing different encodings. Now I added shellcode detection.This new version of XORSearch integrates Frank Boldewin’s shellcode...
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