Organised Crime Groups Exploiting Hidden Internet Online Criminal Service...
The 2014 iOCTA (Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment), published today by Europol's European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), describes an increased commercialisation of cybercrime.A service-based...
View ArticleReverse Engineering Wireless Pro Studio Lighting
At Zoetrope we always want to make sure our photos look as good as possible, this means ensuring the lighting is perfect for every shot. We currently use a number of Lencarta UltraPro 300 studio...
View ArticleSigned CryptoWall delivered via widespread
This evening, Barracuda Labs’ URL analysis system detected drive-by downloads originating from five Alexa top-ranked websites: hindustantimes[.]com, bollywoodhungama[.]com, one[.]co[.]il,...
View ArticleIntroducing Universal SSL
The team at CloudFlare is excited to announce the release of Universal SSL™. Beginning today, we will support SSL connections to every CloudFlare customer, including the 2 million sites that have...
View ArticlePaper: The SPEKE Protocol Revisited
In a forthcoming paper (to be presented at SSR’14), we (with Siamak Shahandashti) present some new attacks on SPEKE, an internationally standardized protocol. The idea originated from a causal chat...
View ArticleMicrosoft Exchange IIS HTTP Internal IP Address Disclosure
# Exploit Title: Microsoft Exchange IIS HTTP Internal IP Disclosure Vulnerability# Google Dork: NA# Date: 08/01/2014# Exploit Author: Nate Power# Vendor Homepage: Software Link: NA#...
View ArticleGeneric Keylogger Detection with Joe Sandbox X
In our last blog post we have demonstrated some of the features of our new product Joe Sandbox X by analyzing the recent malware "xslcmd" (MD5: 60242ad3e1b6c4d417d4dfeb8fb464a1). It has been...
View ArticleDisarming EMET v5.0
In our previous Disarming Emet 4.x blog post, we demonstrated how to disarm the ROP mitigations introduced in EMET 4.x by abusing a global variable in the .data section located at a static offset. A...
View ArticlePE Trick #1: A Codeless PE Binary File That Runs
One of the annoying things of my Windows Internals/Security research is when every single component and mechanism I’ve looked at in the last six months has ultimately resulted in me finding very...
View ArticlePrivate Photo Vault: Not So Private
One of the most popular App Store applications, Private Photo Vault (Ultimate Photo+Video Manager) claims over 3 million users, and that your photos are “100% private”. The application, however, stores...
View ArticleFirewall Evasion with ICMP (PingTunnel)
Most networks today use a network based access control system to permit certain traffic and deny others. Since the inception of firewalls and web filters users (and malware) working behind them have...
View ArticleRedpoint: Schneider/Modicon PLC Enumeration
Our Stephen Hilt released another Project Redpoint script as part of his DerbyCon presentation on Sunday. Modicon-info.nse will identify PLC’s and other Schneider Electric/Modicon devices on the...
View ArticleAES-256 Is Not Enough: Breaking a Bootloader
I'd been pushing hard trying to get a demo of how you can break an AES-256 bootloader. This type of bootloader is often used in products for protecting firmware updates and a good demonstration of why...
View ArticleAnalysis of code4HK
ToolsBaksmali: An assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvikDroidbox: A dynamic sandbox, to perform dynamic analysis of Android applicationsAndroid SDK: Android software development...
View ArticleAll In One Wordpress Firewall 3.8.3 - Persistent Vulnerability
Document Title:===============All In One Wordpress Firewall 3.8.3 - Persistent VulnerabilityReferences (Source):====================
View ArticlePayPal Inc Bug Bounty #71 PPM - Persistent Filter Vulnerability
Document Title:===============PayPal Inc Bug Bounty #71 PPM - Persistent Filter VulnerabilityReferences (Source):====================
View ArticlePayPal Inc Bug Bounty #59 - Persistent Mail Encoding Vulnerability
Document Title:===============PayPal Inc Bug Bounty #59 - Persistent Mail Encoding VulnerabilityReferences (Source):====================
View ArticleFive Anti-Analysis Tricks That Sometimes Fool Analysts
No malware author wants an analyst snooping around their code, so they employ tricks to inhibit analysis.Along with visualization technology like VMware, debuggers are also targeted by malware. This is...
View ArticleAdobe Flash copyPixelsToByteArray() Heap Overflow
/*<html><head> <title>CVE-2014-0556</title> </head><body><object id="swf" width="100%" height="100%" data="NewProject.swf"...
View ArticleA secure and private browser sandbox
A patchwork set of standards and rules is creating an unsafe web. Cross-site attacks are too common and privacy leaks have become the norm. There’s no reason it has to be like this. In this article I...
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